__ THE MICHIGAN DAILY owner, and competition among the states for their patronage, competition which might vir- tually negate the principle of regulation-be- cause of these various reasons, we believe that there is a vital necessity for a national treat- ment of the problem of regulation of minimum wages, maximum hours and prices, and that there is but one way to achieve this end-through amendment. THE FORUM I s R Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVRTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK N.Y. CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.................ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel . Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spller, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Gerstacker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .....,JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS /ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers J. Cameron Hall. Accounts Manager; Richard Crou shore, National Advertising and Circulation Manage; Don J. Wilsher' Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WEEKS NAo Man's Land.. OTH THE BATTLE over Presi- dent Roosevelt's proposed court reforms and the not unrelated awakening of labor call attention, directly and indirectly, to the nature and extent of the authority of the states, especially their legislative authority. Several of the most important Supreme Court nullifications of New Deal laws have been based upon the interpretation that what Congress was attempting could not be construed as being among those powers delegated to Congress. In- validation of the NRA, the Guffey Coal Act, the AAA, the Railroad Retirement Act, and the Mu- nicipal Bankruptcy Act fall within this category. It is not safe to say that the powers denied to Congress by these decisions rest with the State legislatures. The New Deal has had no more real complaint thanthe one which followed nullification of the New York State minimum wage law last year-that the question of wages and working conditions lay in a "no-man's" land, beyond the jurisdiction of both State and Fed- eral legislative authority. The denial of this authority, the Court main- tained, lay in the Fourteenth Amendment, which was designed ostensibly to protect Negro rights, but which also prohibited the State from de- priving its citizens of their right to work long hours at low wages under poor conditions. That is, it guaranteed this right until the Court, or, rather, Justice Roberts reversed himself last Monday to uphold the Washington minimum wage law. To predict that Monday's minimum wage de- cision heralds a new era of State power to deal with social and economic matters would be to disregard Court history, which records frequent reversals of previous decisions, contradictions, and inconsistencies. A state legislature which undertakes a program of reforms similar in nature to those attempted under the NRA, the AAA, the Guffey Coal Act and other Federal measures may be told by the Court in 1938 that the Fourteenth Amendment possesses other meanings with which their progressive legis- lation is incompatible. Secondly, the shift, since 1789, from an agri- cultural to an industrial predominance, and from small industry to huge corporate mass- production enterprise, a single unit of which may spread through seveiral states, is rapidly making it more and more difficult for the indi- vidual, uncorrelated action of the states to pro- vide satisfactory social legislation. Furthermore, political reality gives the state legislative and judicial bodies scant recognition as representatives of the popular will. Few per- sons are able even to name their state office holders. The apparent permanence of this con- dition undoubtedly is a major factor in President Roosevelt's effort to make the national legis- lature more effective through readjustment of the Supreme Court. Because, therefore, it is impossible to deter- mvinrl~ '1rlrriwha t the nVwur. of the Sto~to ovr Stamped To the Editor:. Stamps . . . stamps . . . precancels . . . bureaus Robert E. Lee ... Jim Farley ... stamps stamps . . . All I hear, all I see, all that lives for some people . . . is stamps! The world may be held in the throes of bloody war. Labor may arise, and stretch its mighty arms, and test its power. The inherent freedom of the seer for knowledge, may be impaired or destroyed. Unknown forces may seize the government, and oppress an ignorant people. AND THEY GO ON COLLECTING STAMPS! Would that these individuals would open their eyes to the oppression and misery of the world. Would that they, in all their glory and scarce Spanish stamps, could comprehend the horrible gore of Spain. The Spanish war, to them, means only a probable new issue of stamps, and meek little spinsters spend hours contemplating new issues and new colors. Theirs is not the viewpoint of the reactionary; theirs is not the viewpoint of the too-liberal-liberal; theirs is no viewpoint at all! These enlightened, blind ostriches of the new civilization spend no time on rational thoughts of our civilization. Working conditions, corrupt government, exploitation of the great mass of humanity; all these things carry' no weight in what remains of the featherweight minds of stamp-collectors. They are indeed . . . minus perscnalities, collectors of dead useless ashes .. . in reality social parasites. Day by day, month by month, year after year they go on gathering that which some wise postmaster has banished from intelligent living. That goes on, and one can reconcile oneself to these blind bats of civilization, as long as they remain off the path of progress. But when one of this insectiverous breed holds up post office routine by hours, by demanding the center stamp in a huge block . . . then, I maintain these misers of cancelled uselessness be exterminated, as all insects should be. With a prayer of pity for their negative souls, I am ,-Harassed. Strike Against War To the Editor: At 11 a.m. on the morning of April 22 last, more than 500,000 American high, school and col- lege students temporarily interrupted their nor- mal routine and declared their solidarity for peace in the most dramatic and forceful anti- war strike in the history of our country. All over the land, from New York to San Francisco, from Minneapolis to Miami, students and teach- ers and even college administrations joined to- gether and demanded a halt to the huge arma- ment appropriations of our government and its extensive war preparations. Furthermore, the anti-war strike, marked almost uniformly by a deep seriousness, solidarity, and determination to prevent war by direct and lawful peace action, served notice upon the war makers and war pro- fiteers that American youth has higher ambi- tions in life than a soldier's grave in a false cause. For these 500,000 students had rid them- selves of the deadly cynicism which accepts a second world war as an unfortunate inevitability. The realities of the situation seemed clear: the huge and ever-growing military budget of the United States government, together with its pol- icy of isolation from the world peace movements, pointed to a repetition of the American tragedy of 1917-1918. In a highly correlated and highly dependent world, like our own, peace is indi- ,visible, and prolonged war in any country can- not be localized. Witness the present struggle in Spain. The correct path seems clear. Instead of pursuing a suicidal isolationist path, which acutely intensifies the war danger, the United States should change its policy and cooperate with all the peace movements of the world to prevent war wherever it threatens. It was to further this philosophy of peace that 500,000 American students struck against war. Yet, there were tens of thousands of other students who realized the war danger just as clearly and who desired peace just as passion- ately, but who did not strike. Why? The failure of all American students to wield their most effective single weapon in the imme- diate struggle for peace was due to a failure to understand the nature, methods, and accom- plishments of the anti-war strike. The strike against war is not a strike against school or classes, and it is not a strike against constituted authority. Strikes are of many kinds; the anti-war strike differs from an in- dustrial working-men's strike. It, is a strike against war and the forces leading to war. It is a dress rehearsal for the critical moment when American young men and women will need the greatest solidarity and discipline. It is no picnic and no circus. The anti-war strike is utilized because it builds the individual strength and determination to resist war when a real war situation arrives. This is its function in the most momentous struggle of our times- the struggle for peace and the opportunity to realize normal ambitions in life. In this broad sense, the anti-war strike is a declaration of the right to education in a peaceful world. The anti-war strike seeks and attains the approval and cooperation of teachers and ad- ministrations. It is broad and militant. It is nottat n fivof mi-b-, '2 rt ,mnil nn ctit BENEATH **** #, ~ iuBy Bonth Williams - BOB NORTHWAY, medico and enthusiastic Nu Sigma Nu celebrant stopped me the other day to impart a funny story about his roomate, Dick Shoupe. Shoupe, it appears, had overheard plans of his closest friends to throw him in the shower of a certain dark and stormy night. Not without some resource himself, Dick hung a pail of water on the door and contentedly went off to sleep. The brothers gave up the whole plot due to certain extenuating circumstances, however, and when Shoupe, his brain clogged with sleep and thoughts of an eight o'clock, dashed madly for the bathroom in the early morning, he was almost put away for keeps by the heavy object which tunked him on the noggin and then soused him from head to foot. Tears ran down Northway's cheeks as he de- scribed the rampant mirth that ran through the house as the bedraggled Shoupe, attempting to master all his dignity, picked himself up and padded down the hall in his sodden Dr. Den- ton's. "It was just a typical Shoupe trick, wasn't it," the loyal roommate roared. * * * * O THE STORY might have ended, but the next day I bumped into Shoupe himself. Before I could get in a word he was off on a tale of his own. The Nu Sigs were hitting it up one night, so the story ran, and Lilac Northway was getting dressed. Herbie Baker, over for dinner, sat in an adjoining room drinking milk through a straw when Northway came in and asked to be intro- duced. "Why," said one of the jokers present, "this is Al Baker." Back in his own room, Northway cornered Shoupe and asked excitedly, "Sa'y isn't that the guy whose wife, you know Betty Baker, the murder business?" "Sure," Shoupe replied. "The fellas asked him up tonight to try and get his mind off things. He's a swell guy, you ought to know him." So Lilac went back and as the evening pro- gressed got on better and better terms with Herbie (alias Al) Baker. They talked about life and death and sex and Northway found out just how it felt to be the husband of a woman in prison for murder. He certainly had to admit that Al Baker was one swell guy. And just as Lilac was in the middle of a com- pasionate speech of understanding the brothers stopped him and told him the truth. Great gulps of rollicking guffaws swept up and down the corridors as the brothers rolled on the floor and Herbie's blond head rocked with mirth. "Northway was so mad he walked right up- stairs and went to bed," Shoupe grinned as he concluded the tale. "Have you ever seen anybody as gullible as Bob?" the other loyal roommate roared.. * * * *1 BENEATH IT ALL: The Theta Delts still don't know that they told all to the Sorosis lassies a night or so ago when those young ladies, posing as The Daily, explained that they were conduct- ing a survey to determine what kinds of pajamas the average fraternity man wears . . . The Chi Phi's, particularly Ben Bechtel; would like to know who walked off with their overcoats at the conclusion of their Friday night stomp . . . Bob Dailey, senior engineer, has accepted a position with an Akron rubber concern, mainly because as Bob says, you get raised from $125-150 as soon as you snag a bride ... I hope the i'ea of conking columnists on the head, a la Dizzy Dean and Columnist Jack Miley, will not spread like the sit-down strike .. .The Alpha Chi Omega House has the strictest House rules on the Campus ac- cording to frequenters there. No smoking and no smooching, in the kitchen . Typical co-ed shot: "I wish I were still in high school cause then I could dream about clege" . . . My pal Ed Slezak, writes in to say that even a homing pigeon would get lost following me . . . but not Swr;kipq hours Ed . quences. Indeed, the recognized leaders of the peace movement in the United States recognize this almost unanimously. For instance, Senator Gerald P. Nye exclaimed in 1935 that the anti- war strike was the strongest and most important single factor in the United States for keeping America out of war and war out of the world. The peace strike is effective also in introducing new people into the day-to-day struggle for peace. The strike does not supplement the day- to-day work. By no means. The causes of war lie deep in economic realities and must be fought in a continuous manner. But the strike serves as a rallying point for peace activities, and as a living political force, it is a reflection of this work. The anti-war strike has grown tremendously sihce its birth in 1934. In 1934, 25,000 college students participated. The following year, in 1935 the base was broadened and 150,000 col- lege and high school youth took part. Last year the strike was called by the powerful Amer- ican Student Union and rallied more than 500,- 000 students and teachers. This year, the srtike is being sponsored by a very broad united peace committee. The follow- ing national organizations are included: The Student Section of the American League Against War and Fascism, the American Student Union, American Youth Congress, Committee on Mili- tarism in Education, Emergency Peace Council, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Student Depart- ment of the Foreign Policy Association, Joint Committee on United Christian Youth Move- ment, League of Nations Association, National Council of Methodist Youth, National Intercol- legiate Christian Council, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., National Student Federation of America, and the Walr Resisters Le~aiio THEATRE -Der Gruene Kakadu- Produced by the Deutscher Verein By KARL LITZENBERG (Of The English Department) THE DRAMATIC VALUE of Schnit- zler's The Green Cockatoo lies in its overwhelming irony-irony so subtly constructed that neither the audience in Prospere's Green Cock- atoo Inn, nor the audience in the theatre knows whether murder is play-acting, or play-acting is mur- der. The dialogue is pure Schnitzler: witty, audacious, flippant; but its undercurrent of seriousness is con- stantly felt because of the heavy background before which the dia- logue is played. During the storming of the Bastille a group of wastrel aristocrats while away the tedium of life and love by attending the 'per- formances' at M. Prospere's 'theatre.' Here they engage in small talk that turns, before they know it, into BIG TALK; here they laugh at Henri's marvelously theatrical story of how he 'murdered' his wife's lover-one of their number, the Duc de Cadigan: and here they see a real murder enacted before their jaded eyes: a murder which symbolizes the fall of their class. But like Chekov's cherry- orcharders who wander around aim- lessly while the axes pound out thei knell; and like the woman in Europ who asks for a bunch of roses during the cataclysm, Schnitzler's aristo- crats are content to think that they are living in a dream. The Bastille has fallen; the Duke has seen De- launay's head carried past him or a pole; but Severine, carried away by something she little understands, car only cry out with the citizens: "Er lebe-Die Freiheit! "-the same lib- erty which will take from her all that makes her glittering life pre- cious to her. The function of the foregoing re- marks is to indicate that there is considerable subtlety, nuance, admix- ture of feeling-and difficulty-in- volved in putting Der Gruene Kakadu on the stage. When allowances for the foreign language, the inexperi- ence of the actors, and the trouble- some stage - problems of the play are made, one can always say of a Deutscher Verein or a Cercle Fran- cais production that it was quite acceptable." Professor Graf, through his efforts toward overcoming lan- guage, cast, and theatrical problems, has made this easy to say of Der Gruene Kakadu. One does not have to strain a point to make such allow- ances. The acting honors seemed' to this reviewer to fall to Mrs. Graf, who has given faculty audiences so many charming characterizations in Nell Gwyn Society plays; and to Arthur Klein. Mrs. Graf was very effective as Severine; and Mr. Klein gave to the part of Henri a startlingly real imitation of fake theatricality. The highest compliment that can be paid to Mrs. Graf is that one would have liked to choke her; the highest com- pliment that can be paid to Mr. Klein is that he was every inch a ham actor. In each case the actors played ftheir parts as Schnitzler ' intended. It is not very flattering to try to make people sneer at you; but it takes some art to bring forth the sneers. Others who stood out in the play were Israel Warheit, as Pros- pere; Robert J. Taylor, as Rollin; and Carl Schachtstick as Francois. The play was well attended, and applaud- ed vociferously by an enthusiastic au- dience made up largely of students. -New York Season- By JAMES DOLL IN SOME WAYS it is better to do the New York theatres during Spring Vacation than at Christmas. Fewer plays are running now but the proportion of important shows often seems to be higher. Anyway there are enough to keep one busy every eve- ning and matinee. High Tor, the third play of Max- well Anderson's to be produced this DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the university. Copy received at the offe. of the Assitan.t to the President - unti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1937 Deadline for Hopwood Manu- VOL. XLVII No. 137 . scripts: Students planning to com- -pete in the Hopwood Contests are urged to read the Hopwood bulletin President and Mrs. Ruthven will carefully. The date for the close of be at home to students today from the contest is on page 7. 4 to 6 p.m. R. W. Cowden. To the Members of the University The Automobile Regulation will be Council: The next meeting of the lifted for the Spring Vacation period Council will be held on Monday, April from 12 noon on Friday, April 9, 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell until Monday morning, April 19, at 8 Hall. a.m. Louis A. Hopkins, Secy. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. College of Architecture, Midsemes- ter Reports: Instructors are request- 2d to report any student whose work is unsatisfactory. Cards for this pur-1 ?ose may be obtained from the Of- L'ice of the College of Architecture, -oom 207 Arch.. or from the Regis- trar's Office, Room 4, U.H. These :ards should be filled in and returned ;o the Office of the College of Archi- tecture not later than April 7. School of Music, Midsemester Re- ;orts: Instructors are requested to! report any student whose work is un- The George Davis Bivin Founda- tion Prizes in The Mental Hygiene of Childhood: The University of Michi- gan announces the establishment, through a gift of the George Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc., of several prizes for graduates and undergrad- uate students for the encouragement of research and study on problems concerned with the mental hygiene of childhood. Awards of $20, $10 and $5 are of- fered for papers submitted by ad- vanced undergraduate students. A prize of $50 is offered to graduate stu- - 7atisfactory. Cards for this purpose dents for a master's or doctor's thesis nay be obtained from the Office of or a comparable special study. ;he School of Music, 108 S.M., or The following conditions govern rom the Registrar's Office, Room 4 the awards: J.H. These cards should be filled 1. In order to be considered for n and returned to the Office of the the award for the current year, pa- School of Music not later than April pers must reach the chairman of the 7. committee, 2509 University Elemen- tary School, not later than 4 p.m., School of Forestry and Conserva- June 10, 1937. tion, Midsemester Reports: Instruc-{ 2. Copies of all prize-winning pa- tors are requested to report any stu- pers are to be sent to the Secretary lent whose work is unsatisfactory. of the Foundation. All rights to the Cards for this purpose may be ob- manuscript, however, remain with tained from the Office of the School the writer. >f Forestry and Conservation, 2048 3. Awards may be withheld if, in N.S., or from the Registrar's Office, the judgment of the committee, no Room 4 U.H. These cards should be papers of sufficient merit are con- filled in and returned to the Office of tributed. The committee also re- the School of Forestry and Conser- vation not later than April 7. serves the right to adjust the amounts when papers of equal merit are sub- Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- mitted or if such division will better Qnce and the Arts: Cards for mid- serve the purposes of the grant. semester reports have been sent to 4. The following committee has departmental offices. Midsemester re- been designated by the Graduate ports are due not later than Friday, School to administer the award: Pro- April 9. More cards may be had at fessor Martha Guernsey Colby, Pro- ms off ice. fessor Howard Yale McClusky, and These reports should name those Professor Willard C. Olson (chair- students, freshman and upperclass, man) whose standing at midsemester time C. S. Yoakum, Dean of Graduate is D or E, not merely those who re- School, ceive D or E in so-called midsemes-- ter examinations. Academic Notices Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges History 12: Lecture Groups I, II of the University should be reported and III. A make-up examination for to the school or college in which they the midsemester in all sections of are registered. History 12 will be given at 4 p.m., W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean today in Room B, Haven Hall. June Graduates in L. S. & A.: Architecture, Education, Forestry and Concerts Music should fill out 'grade report Graduation Recital: Albert Zbin- cards in 4 U.H. April 5-6-7. These den, pianist, will play an interesting grade report - cards will insure an ,program in graduation recital at the early report from your instructors in June. June seniors failing to fill in these cards will run the risk of hav- ing their grades reported too late forl graduation. Combined curriculum] students do not fill in these cards. Students, School of Education: Courses dropped after Friday, April 9, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary cir- cumstances. No course is considred officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Regis- trar, Room 4, University Hall. Students, The final College of Engineering: day for the'removal of in- completes will be Saturday, April 10. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts who have not received their five-week progress reports may obtain them in Room 102, Mason Hall, from 8 to 11:30 season has just been awarded the a.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. according to prize of the Drama Critic's Circle for the following schedule: - the best new play of the season. This Surnames beginning R through Z, was the second annual award of the Monday, April 5. Circle. Last year it went to Mr. Surnames beginning G through Q,j Anderson's Winterset. The prize was Tuesday, April 6. instituted to express the critics' dis- Surnames beginning A through F, satisfaction with several of the more Wednesday, April 7. recent Pulitzer Prizes. This year's prize play is a fantasy in verse, with Juniors in the College of Literature, a background of Hudson River folk- Science, and the Arts: April 20 is the lore, but like his other two plays of, final date on which to make applica- this season, The Masque of Kings and tion for admission to any of the The Wingless Victory, it might be de- Combined Curricula. Applications scribed as a kind of parable related should be filed before Spring Vaca- to important problems of the world tion, on blanks which may be ob- today. The leading parts are played tained in Room 1210 Angell Hall. It by Burgess Meredith and the English should be remembered that this is actress, Peggy Ashcroft. It was pro- a separate application, not to be duced by Guthrie McClintic with set- confused with the application for tings by Jo Meilzinger. Martin Beck candidacy to a degree. Theatre; matinee Wednesday and Pre-medical students should bear Saturday. in mind that application for admis- The Masque of Kings, was produced sion to the Medical School doesnot by the Theatre Guild with Henry constitute application for admission Hull, Margo, Pauline Frederick, and to the Combined Curriculum. Dudley Digges. It deals with the problem of monarchy as seen by The University Bureau of Appoint- Prince Rudolph the son of the Em- ments and Occupational Information peror Franz Joseph. Shubert Theatre, has been notified of openings for matinees Thursday and Saturday. college men and women to work on The Wingless Victory closes this boats for the summer, young wom- week but Katherine Cornell will con- en for waiting on tables and young tinue for at least three weeks more men for work in the commissaries. with Shaw's Candida which she re- It is required that they have some vived for alternate performances with talent for entertainment of the the Anderson play. Shaw himself- guests. The final date for accepting School of Music Auditorium, today at 8:15 o'clock, to which the general public is invited. Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday afternoon, April 8, at 4:15 >'clock. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Professor of Ornithology in Cornell University, and Ornitholo- gist in the New York State Experi- ment Station, will lecture on "Hunt- ing with a Microphone" on Tues- day, April 20, in Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. The. lecture will be illustrated with sound films. The public is cor- dially invited. Professor Preston W. Slosson Lec- ture on Current Events, Wednesday, April 7, 1937 at 4:15, Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Events Today Luncheon for Graduate Students today at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Build- ing. Prof. Howard S. Ellis of the Economics Department will speak in- formally on "The Present Political Situation in Austria." This will be the last meeting of the year. Chemistry Colloquium will' meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chem- istry Building. Prof. Frederick F. Blicke and Prof. Hobart H. Willard will speak on "The Preparation, Structure, and Analytical Applica- tions of Tetraphenylarsonium Com- pounds." Students of the School of Dentis- try: An assembly will be held at 4:15 today in the Dental School Amphi- theater. The address will be given by Mr. H. V. Barbour of the firm of Douglas, Barbour, Desenberg and Purdy, attorneys and counselors, in Detroit. The subject of the address will be "Dental Jurisprudence." A.S.C.E. Members: The annual Spring Banquet will be held tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Profes- soe Ralph Aigler of the Law School will discuss the Supreme Court. All membrs agre rvo'd bto attnd