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April 07, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-07

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Of The DAY

Dancer And Joe Louis Shoot It Out

Judge People
By 10 Words,
Funk Advises

Fire Razes Atlantic City H ptel

Cancer Is Likened
To F'emnae Sex Cell
(Contirnued from Page 1)

(By The Azaociated Press)
4 Fliers Die As Bombers
Collide Off San Pedro
SAN DIEGO, Calif, April 6.-(IP)-
Naval air station sources here re-
ported today four navy fliers were
bomber from tdhe aicrf carrier
Lexington 40 miles off San Pedro.
Word received at the air station
said both planes sank after the col-
The victims were named as: Junior
Grade Lieut. Ludwig R. Pickett, Cor-
onado, Calif.; Junior Grade Lieut.
Joseph J. Lbughlin, Wilmington, N.
C.; Chief Machinist's Mate Harry M.
Bradley, San Diego; and Aviation
Machinist's Mate John Joseph Car-
ney, East St. Louis, Ill.
Tomlinson 7'Elected Head
Of Missouri Pacific
CLEVELAND, April 6. -(IP) --
George A. Tomlinson, 68-year-old
shipper and a prominent figure in
the railroad empire amassed by the
Van Sweringen brothers, was elect-
ed chairman of the Missouri Pacific
Railroa.d today to succeed the late
0. P. Van Sweringen.
Tomlinson was also named chair-
man of the board of the Gulf Coast
Lines, a subsidiary of Missouri Pa-
cific, which also was headed by 0.
P. Van Sweringen until his death last
Tear Gas Ousts Workers
From Governor's' Office
SANTA FE, N. M., April 6.-(.')-
Two shots of tear gas stampeded
more than 30 members of a workers'
group from Gov. Clyde Tingley's re-
ception roomn shortly after 3 :30 p.m.
today, ending a seven-hour sit-down
seige to present relief demands.
Governor Tingley, who had re-
turned from Hot Springs, N.M., a few
minutes previously, ordered the dele-
gation evacuated from his offices, af-
ter a stormy scene in which he told
Federico Arrellano and four other
members of a committee he woulq) see
them at 9 a.m. Wednesday.
'We' Vanish-;
NQ Fear Felt
Over Absence
LONDON, April 6. --P)-Col. and
Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh appeared
tonight to have accomplished another
vanishing act.
Their whe~reabouts was unreported
up to a late hour tonight after their
departure this forenoon with a small
supply of fuel from Zagreb, Yugo-
There was no uneasiness over their
disappearance, however, as it was
recalled how they were "lost" nearly
24 hours after their departure 'in
February from England-only to turn
up in Pisa, Italy-and that they were
"#misslng" in India later for several
An official at a British airport
which had been notified to expect
them declared:
"Don't worry. They've just landed
in some out of the way place in
Europe for the night."

Your education, charm and per- I
~onality can be measured by the fre- 3
quency with which you use the 10 *. ....
"most overworked" words, according
to Wilfred J. Funk, dictionary mak-d i
er, magazine editor, book publisher
and pet Funk has picked thesef 1
them according to the classes by
whom they are most used according
to a report from the Daily Iowan.
None of Funk's word were used as
a class by college 'students. If you
use "okay" you are apt to be con-
sidered a child or a shopglrl, where-
as the use of the word "impact" will
definitely label you as a columnist
* or a commentator, he said.
The next time you take your girl
.~ out if you hear the words "terrific"
~ and "lousy" she's been to Hollywood
or maybe she has been reading too
many movie magazines, but if she
says "definitely" she's the real Mc-
Coy. Only society uses that word,
according to lexicographer Funk. The once-fashionable Grand Atlant
Interior decorators used the word City's famous board walk, is shown
''swell'' more than any other group siaebyatrtesa 2,0
I a while stock brokers prefer to say , tmtdbyatoiis t$5,0
"honey," he discovered. Advertising was empty when the fire broke out
workers play favorites with "con- the 200 guests in the adjoining I
-ssociated Press Map tact," Funk said, using it both as a threatened to spread.
Bill Robinson, voteran stage and screen star, had a wide margin over verb and a noun, and tradesmen of
Joe Louis (r-ight), Detroit's Brown Bomber, as they squared away i~n a all classes speak the same atag PRINCE VISITS NEW YORK
"tnitle of guns" wvhiles the heavyweight contender was visiting in Holly- when they say "racket." But no ma - NE YRKArl-()Fakd
'Wood. Louis will sorn .go into training for his championship fight with Iter what your trade, class', or position1 NWYRArl-(P-ane
Jim raddck n Chcago I f you say "gal" you frecjuent New by an elaborate police guard and es-
_______________________________________________________York's "Milky way," according to corted by a group of silk-hatted Jap-
Funk. anese dignitaries, Prince Chichibu,
Guthe tiontends Thiat Arelheology taken fo whatyou ar~en''or ifyo younger brother of Emperor Hiro-
do, choose your words with care be- hito, went on a sightseeing tour after
Is Cl sely Rela ed T Ilitor, caus alhouh it's "definitely" his arrival with his consort from
s C ose y e a ed o istokay" 0"t yu itnay not be so Montreal today axnd tonight was hon-
______"_err__fi_"____hthat "swell" "gal" you ored at a reception given by Am-
"terrfic"withbassador Hirosi Saito and Mrs. Saito.
Archaeology which is, ambiguously who created them, he explained. It have just "contacted."_______
defined by Mr.. Webster 'as "the sci- is only when they can be related to
enc o atiuites i s clsey e-human experience that they have real Senate Bill Hits
enc ofantquiies isso losly e-archaeological significance. This task
lated to history that "it is difficult to Imight be compared to the historian's 1Ile a1 a o ACts
tell where one begins and the other duty of translating old maiuscriptsLa o
ends,"' according to Dr. Carl E. into current worjs and thought." He
Gutedirctr o te Uivrsiy u-also showed that the collections of WASHINGTON, April 6.-G'P)-
Gutedirctr o te Uivrsiy u-arrowheads and pottery and similar Senate leaders drafted today a
seums. materials may be likened to a library strongly-worded condemnation of
"The only real difference between of letters. sit-down strikes and a denunciation
history and archaeology is that the Iof illegal labor practices by employ-
first is primarily concerned with in- NYA Checks Ready ""rditn its speedy passage, they
tentional records, while the second agreed to put the resolution to a vote
concentrates upon the unintentionial For Workers Today tomorrow.
onies, Dr. Guthe said. It is a differ- ____Senator Borah (Rep., Ida.) immed-
ence in kind, but not in character, NYA paychecks for March totalling iately provided an opposition rally-
between these two great groups of $1115 ilb vial oaigpitb nonig
evidence that has made necessary "I~~2wilb vilbetdy in mpont anncaiyg: mit
the development of two methods of Harold C. Anderson, cost accountant tIa vtn orth neessaily ceomittedn.,
study which are basically very sim- of the building and grounds depart- "I am not disposed myself to con-
ilar." ment, announced yesterday. demn illegal practices of labor in its
The historian, he pointed out, con- The checks will go to 1,420 stu- fight with capital, alsoE emiploying
fines himself largely to a study of dents, mostly undergraduates, Mr. illegal methods, so long as these il-
documentary evidence. "Yet the Anderson said. The figures are legal methods do not involve the
documents themselves are intrinsical- slightly higher than last month when taking of human life," he added.
ly mere fragments of material upon $20,089.86 were paid to 1,387 students. "I do not propose to single labor
which curious marks have been made. 'NYVA rk r vi yg ' rcvit,~1r1'nao~ ~
Ie1 L.VV~~'L. i 1t d dI1IUU ~ out andt A~,IA condem i ts 0i at'& c Lt t n

animals. The small crystal which
'tarted the process will be fouind in
the center of the tumor and the
scrapings show no trace of the com-
ponProfessor BSachmann said,
s andl this seems to indicate that the
ha nsome way started the chain.
ha nither strogly basic of acidic
A properties, have no irritating e~gcts
on the flesh and are comparitively
nrtchemically. Why, then they
known, accelerate the disease is not
x knownhe said.
Fi actical difficulties in conducting
the experiments are great for the
amcntsinvolved are small and the
compundsare extremely insoluble.
Professor Bachimann has succeeded
in synthesising 'soluble forms of
these compounds which can now be
introduced into the blood stream. It
is not yet known if the carthogepic
e properties are still retained.
Research is being planned towards
preventing the formatlion 'of tumors
-Ass res Nse Pto in the same way that a cure for
ic hotel, a half Ulcek from Atlantic sy'phillis was accomplished, by dis-
ias flames destroyed it at a loss covering the substance that will de-
0. The five-story frame structure stroy it, he said. So far, it has been
but it was nec'essary to evacuate deiiey shown that mustard gas
R.oyal Palms Hotel as the .flames will prevent cancer from forming mn
animals inoculated with carthogenic
_________________________ tompounds. Mustard gas however, is
poisonous, he explained.
AMES ESCAPES TIGHT FIX These compounds have other in-
LOS ANGELES, April 6.-(IP)- teresting properties, for they all flour-
Film Actress Adrienne Ames divorced ish under ultra violet light and the
Bruce Cabot, actor, today for the sec- men who handle them c~n prevent
ond time in eight months. infection by checking their hands
_____________-under a sun lamp, he said.
sition of a large interest in the Reo Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, directoi of
Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich., by the Health Service, will speak Locjay
Eastern capitalists set Wall Street in Cleveland, 0., at the Eighth An-
wondering today .nual Institute for Child Health

They become useful in the study of
man's experiences only when they
enable the historian to find the hu-
man thought behind t~he document."
In drawing the parallel Dr. Guthe
noted that, while the archaeologist
uses remnants of material things such
as arrowheads, broken pottery and
ruins of buildings, he is studying the
historical problems in essentially the
same way.
"Here, as in the case of old docu-
ments, the actual intrinsic value of
the items is small and the objects
in1 themselves tell little of the people

terday by Mr. Anderson that they
must put in their full time during
April, despite the week of vacation.

leave capital free to pursue its il-
legal methods. If that be treason,
make the most of it."


Cla ssifled Directory J

Advertisingv Depatent. Phone 2-21
The classified columns close at five
o'clook previous to cld of i nedrtion.
extra dharge.
Cash in advance 11c per reading line
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line)
Minimum three lines per insertion.
fTelephone atre - ns er oreading line"
three -lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
LOST: Theta Xi fraternity pin. Re-
ward. Phone 2-1517.
LOST: Brownish-red set from ring.
Probably in reading room of Main
Library. Call 308 Mosher. 453

old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS
musical Instruments. Phone Sam.
8304. 78x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
WANTED: We wish to rent canoes
for April 24 and 25. Call 4121, ex-
tension 307. A Kuesel after 7:30
p.m. 452
EXPERIENCED waiters for spring
vacation. Bright Spot. 802 Packard.

CKLW-1030 Kilocycles
6 :00--"Magic Island.
6 :15-News and Sports.
I6:30-Vincent York's Orch.
6:5-ane1a1 Prst Enemble.
7:30-Sweeteralmer' Music.
8 :00-symphonic Strings.
8:30-Mercy Hall.
9:00-Gabriel Heatter
10 :30-Cab Galloway.
11:0-Canain Club Reporter.
11 :3&-Kay Kyser.
2:30-Michael Zarin's Orch,.
1 :00--Dick Stabile's Orch.
2 0-eather Forecast.
WJR-750 Kilocycles
6:00-Stevenson News.
6 :15-Rubinoff.
6:45-Pretty Kitty Kelly.
7:00-Poetic Melodies.-
7:15-Jer Cooper.
7 :45-Boake Carter.
8 :00-Cavalcade of America.
8:30-Burns and Allen with Henry King's
Orch. and Tony Martin.
9:00-Andre Kostelanetz's Orch. with
Nino Martini and Chorus.
9:30-Palmolive Beauty Theatre-Jessica
rDragonette-Al Goodman's Orch.
10:00-Gang Busters.
10:5-at CahIapin.
11:00-Headline News.
11:15-To Be Announced.
11:5-RoePryors Orch.
Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch.

WWJ-920 Kifocycles
6:00-IT Tyson's Sots.
6:10-Dinner Music.
6:45-Musical Moments.
7:00Amos 'n' Andy
7:30-Death Fighters.
8:00-One Man's Family.
8 :30.-Wayne King.
11:00-Webster Hall Orch.
Mdnigt-Northwu~od Inn Pickup.
'12 :30--Weather.
WXYZ- -24O Kilocycles
~i1-Fact Findedds
6:30-Day In Review.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:00-Baseball Extra.
7:15-Doris Hare.
7:30-Lone Ranger.
8:00-Broadway Merry-Go-Round.
'J:15-Professional Parade.
9:30-Les Arquette's Orch.
iu:l-Lowrey Clark's Music.

Promptly ahd neatly done by experi-
enced operators at moderate prices.
314 South State Street





NOW Sunday
PLAYING ! till 2 p.m. ______________________
- 25c - ___________________________________
A Jolly Treasure Hunt!

after 2 p.m.
- 35c -

Abounds in new and delightful novelties.
You'll surely want one. To make sure of

'. .'


your getting one, order it now.

Of last

1 ~year's 'Ensian not a single copy remains./


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