The Weath L , t.ig au Ar :43attg Editorials Clear and warmer today, with fresh northwestern winds No Man's Land,.. VOL. XLVII No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Peace Council Meets Tomght ToTakeAction OnResolutions H. C. Anderson To Outline Plan Objections Group Protests Decision Classes Dismissed For Demonstration Prof. Henry C. Anderson will ex- plain to a special open meeting of the Peace Council at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union his objections to the passage ofresolutions at the Apra 22 peace demonstration. Permission for the demonstration has been granted by the University, but objections were raised to the use of the library steps and the passage of resolutions at the meeting. Classes will be dismissed at 11 a.m., the time of the demonstration, for an hour. The Peace Council appealed the decision on resolutions and Profes- sor Anderson agreed to lay before the campus his objections. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman and Ju- lian Orr, '37, president of the Peace Council, are the other two members of the committee of three appointed by President Rutilven to handle ne- gotiations with the Peace Council. They have expressed their approval of the regional petition which was submitted to the University early last week. The proposed resolutions state: "I. We, here assembled disapprove of military and naval expenditures in excess of the requirements of national defense and we recommend the ap- pointment of a joint civilian and mil- itary committee to determine the needs of national defense. "2,. We, here assemDled, approve the extension of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, as a means of fur- thering international amity through the establishment of sound trade re-I lations. "3. We, here assembled, approve the Nye-Kvale bill for the abolition Of' cOmpulsory military training 'in land grant'colleges. "4. We, here assembled, disapprove of any participation by the United States in any extra-territorial con- flict. "5. We, here assembled, consider the Hill-Sheppard bill as an inade- quate means of taking the profits out of war and deplore it as a menace to civil liberties. "6. We, here assembled, desire that a telegram be sent to President Roosevelt expressing our support of administration efforts circulated to further the cause of peace through these indicated means." .F In the meantime Gov. Frank Murphy replied to a Peace Council invitation to address the demonstra- tion, declaring that he was already scheduled for another engagement. Other possible speakers, including Heywood Broun, noted newspaper columnist, were being contacted last night by telephone. President Ruthven has tentatively consented to preside at the peace demonstration which will be held be- tween the architecture college and the University High School. Democrats Say Local Election Was 'Not Fair Pittsfield township Democrats were claiming yesterday that their local election Monday had been unfair be- cause the Republican slate had been placed in the first column of the local ballot instead of the Democratic slate. The claim was based upon the State law that says the party that won the previous election should have the first column in the State ballot. The democrats said that the Re- publican victory in that township was partially because of this fact since the leaders of the former party had instructed their constituents to put a mark at the top of the first column if they wanted to vote for the local Democratic ticket. If the Democrats were successful in getting the Pittsfield township bal- lots for the local offices thrown out. it would make no difference for all township officers were reelected, and it is the state election law that, in case a ballot is thrown out, the per- sons serving at the time of the elec- tion shall hold their office until thel Two New Regents Both Graduated With Law Degrees From Michigan Elected New Regent JOHN D. LYNCH Two Professors Clinch Election To CityOffices' Sadler Secures Mayoralty; Young To Head Council; Lynch, Shields Regents Complete returns from the city's eight precincts yesterday definitely placed two University professors at the head of the Republican city gov- ernment. Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the Col-I lege of Engineering increased his margin of victory in the race for mayor against Arthur C. Lehman, Democrat, to 810 votes when the re- sults were turned in yesterday morn- ing. The final vote was 3,784 for Professor Sadler and 2,974 for Mr. Lehman. Prof. Leigh J. Young of the forestry school, who was unopposed for presi- dent of the city council, the office which Professor Sadler. now .holds,, polled 4,331 votes. The final results in the other city offices, all of which went Republican, were: City clerk: Reed C. Perry, Repub- lican incumbent, 3,910; Harry H. Atwell, Democrat, 2,768. Assessor: Herbert W. Crippen, 12- time Republican winner of the of- fice, 4,352;' William Gerstner, Dem- ocrat, 2,264. Justice of the peace: Jay H. Payne, Republican incumbent, 4,224; Hu- bert Thompson, Democrat, 2,543. The Republican candidates carried the contests for alderman,hsupervisor and constable in all but the fourth and fifth wards and the supervisor post in the sixth ward. Henry T. Winchester, Jr., Republi- can, sticker candidate for the latter office, polled 102 votes. Prof. George C. S. Benson, of the University Bu- reau of Government led with 267 votes on thevDemocratic ticket. Mr. Winchester entered the race with the backing of the young Re- publican's Club after Alec Jaffee, chairman of the club, had charged that an agreement had been made between party leaders in the ward which would result in the 'selling out" of the normally Republican district. George J. Smith said Saturday that he had been intimidated by T. Reardon Peirsol, chairman of the Sixth Ward Republican Committee, into withdrawing his nominating pe- tition as Republican candidate for the office. Shields Served As Regent In '33; Lynch Has Been Attorney 25 Years Both Edmund C. Shields and John D. Lynch, newly elected Democratic' members of the Board of Regents, are graduates of the literary college and the Law School of the Univer- sity. Mr. Shields, who served as Regent in 1933 when he was appointed by former Gov. William A. Comstock, entered the University in 1890 and was graduated with his literary de- gree four years later. In 1906 he received his law degree. Mr. Lynch received his A.B.ndegree in 1910 and his law degree in'1912. Mr. Shields was born at Howell, Mich., in 1871 and now lives in Lan-' sing. During his six years in col- lege he was active in major sports. In 1909, after four years as Living- ston county prosecutor., he was elect- ed chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee and continued in that position until 1916. He success-, fully directed the campaigns of Gov.I Woodbridge N. Ferris in 1912 and 1914. Last year he was named member of the Democratic National Committee for Michigan and is generally regard- ed, along with Governor Murphy, as Michigan's leading Democrat. Mr. Lynch, a resident of Detroit, was born there in 1800. He grad- uated from Eastern High School in' Detroit at the age of 15. He has actively practiced law since his grad- I uation from the Law School in 1912. Regents James O. Murfin and Richard R. Smith, who were defeat-' ed for reelection, have been members of the Board of Regents since 1917 and 1931, respectively. Student Entries. For Hopwoods DueApril 21 Awards Totalling $2,000 Given For Poetry, Essay Drama And Fiction S tien iter Poinge obmity Ean- uscripts for consideration in the Avery and Jule Hopwood Contests for student creative writing have only two weeks in which to prepare their Imanusoripts, according to the Hop- wood Bulletin. The deadline for the contests is 4:30 p.m., April 21, by which time all papers should be left in the English Office, Room 3221 An- gell Hall. The Hopwood Contests, established y in 1931 according to the terms of the bequest of the late Avery Hopwood, provide for prizes for four types of writing: essay, fiction, drama and poetry. Major awards, not to exceed $2,000 each, are offered in each field, as well as minor awards of $250 each. In the major contests, division of 1 the prize money is left to the dis- cretion of the judges, and may be divided by them as the quality of the material warrants, according to the Bulletin. The major awards are open to the competition of properly qual- ified undergraduates. Undergraduates regularly enrolled for both semesters of 1936-37 with at least 12 hours of work, with no mark below C, including a course in com- position in the English or journalism departments, may enter the contests. The same regulations apply to stu- dents not candidates for a degree, while degree candidates are subject to slightly different rules. In order to compete, a student must also be doing satisfactory work in the second semester, a B grade being con- sidered satisfactory for a graduate student and a C grade for an under- graduate. Chry sler Giving For M lurphy Hails Industrial Treaty With Smile As Prediction Comes True Governor. raised By Miss Perkins 'Rule Of Reason' Wins, Wire From Secretary Of Labor Says LANSING, April 6.-(IP)-Tense drama marked Gov. Murphy's terse announcement tonight, "Gentlemen, the strike has ended." He was the onlydcalm person in the room, filled with newspaper re- porters waiting to flash the word. A reporter broke in: "Governor.' where will the agreement be signed." Murphy smiled calmly and tapped his desk with a long pencil in reply.' His announcement bore out a pre- diction made earlier in the day that "when the end comes, it will come quickly." It had been reported as late as five o'clock this afternoon that "both sides were stubbornly re- sisting the enunciation of a single principle." Shortly after the settlement, Sec- retary of Labor Perkins sent the fol- lowing telegram to Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan: "Congratulations upon accomplish- ing another fine job in the public interest and for the benefit of wage earners and employers. "Your successful negotiations in the dispute between workers and the Chrysler Corporation was another victory for the rule of reason and the conference method of settling indus- trial - disputes. "It has again been proven that when representatives of workers and employers agree to get together in conference to discuss the differences across the table, fair and reasonable agreement can be reached to their mutual advantage and in the interest of better labor relations for many years to come. "Mr. Lewis and Mr. Chrysler are likewise to be congratulated for the very fine cooperation with you in bringing about an adjustment of dif- ferences. "Such a spirit of give and take in the interest of the parties concerned and the general public speaks well for the future of labor relations in the auto industry." 7 Scholarships Are Awarded ByPublications Four Fron Daily, Three From Ensian Receive $50 Stipend Seven scholarships of $50 each were awarded yesterday by the Board of Control of Student Publications to qualifying members of student pub- lications who have had B averages or better for four consecutive semes- ters. The average must be main- tained for the whole period and not individual semesters. The recipients of the scholarships are Franklin T. Dannemiller, '37, 'En- sian; Betty Gatward, '38, 'Ensian; George S. Quick, '38, 'Ensian; Ralph W. Hurd, '37, Daily; Elsie A. Pierce, '37, Daily; Richard G. Hershey, '37, Daily and William Shackleton, '38E, Daily. The scholarships are open to any member of a student publication who has served at leastfour consecutive semesters on any student publication and has a B average or better. After winning a scholarship prize, a stu- dent may be awarded another the following year if he has met the re- quirements for the two additional se- mesters. Those receiving the scho- larship for the second time are Dan- nemiller, Hershey, Hurd and Miss Pierce. U. S. Excells In Defense Of Air, Nazi Admits BERLIN, April 6.-(P)-The United States is best equipped among na- tions to defend itself against air at- tack, Major Herhudt Von Rohden sets forth in a survey of world aerial Refusal Of Sole Bargaining Led SUnion To Call Chrysler Strike Concern Will Not Promote Any Other Labor Group; Terms End March, '38 Union Intimidation At Peak Strike Involved j 65,000 Chrysler Menj And 20,000_Othets A summary of the sit-down strike settled last night follows: The union called the strike which closed Chrysler's eight Detroit plants, -leading to other shutdowns and curtailments-while it and company officials were discussing demands submitted by the UAWA. The corporation rejected the union's demand for recognition as the sole bargaining agency for the Chrysler employes, and a code sig- nal, "My hand is up," caused the workers to sit down. The strike involved at its peak ap- proximately 65,000 Chrysler workers and 20,000 employes of concerns de- pendent upon Chrysler Corporation. The men remained in the plants after the corporation obtained an in- junction against them. Governor Murphy called together Qhrysler and Lewis in his office here on March 23, and the next day the conferees reached a preliminary truce which provided for evacuation of the strikers. The unionists vacated the factories March 25. Chrysler was the second of the ma- Search Party Heads For Lost Doldas Liner jor automobile producers to be beset O Men by labor troubles this year. The first Of Forbidden was General Motors, which at one time during a 44-day sit-down strike in January and February had135,000 Will Resume Negotiations employes idle. To Iron Out Remaining Only last week-end the first UAWA sit-down was called in a M tr ac M t plant of the Ford Motor Company at Kansas City. It was the last of LANSING, April 6. - (A0) - Gov. the large motor car manufacturers Frank Murphy announced tonight to encounter labor troubles. The that an agreement has been reached strike was settled within a short ending the Chrysler automotive time. strikes and that it provides for recog- nition by the corporation of the Unit- SAnno unce Final 1ed Automobile Workers of America as the collective bargaining agency Exanms Earlier of its members employed by the firm. EE The union, claiming that 59,000 of the 67,000 Chrysler Corporation em- Than Schedule ployes were members, had asked for f__sole bargaining rights and called the LAW Sign Agreement Union Bargaining Rights embers In Ten-Point Pact Group And Lost Climbs Mt. Baldy Comes Upon Plane Since Saturday SPRINGERVILLE, Ariz., April 6. -(A)--A ground party led by Sheriff John Nun plodded up the snow- clogged slopes of Mount Baldy late today toward the tangled wreckage of a huge skyliner sighted several hours earlier from a searching plane. Major A. D. Smith, Albuquerque, from whose plane the wreckage first was seen sprawled lifeless against the mountainside,- expressed belief it was the 21-passenger Douglas air- liner which vanished Saturday with six men and two women aboard. The search party, about 35 in num- ber, began its hazardous ascent at Greer, 20 miles south of here. The wreckage was an estimated 10 miles from there and about 7,000 feet up the 10,500 foot peak. As the hours passed with no word from the ground searchers it was feared they might not return from their mission until tomorrow. Sheriff Nun said before he set out that the task might take several days but Jack Buzard, state highway patrol- man, said it might be done in "four or five hours" despite deep snows. "Lost Douglas plane found by me at an altitude of 8,500 feet," Smith radioed. "Deep snow and scattered timber in this area, with no trail or road within approximately seven miles." Deans Agreed To Revised Date To Help Centennial Accommodations Second-semester final examina- tions will end the afternoon of Sat- urday, June 12, two and one-half days earlier than was announced in7 the University general catalogue, Prof. Harry C. Carver of the mathe- matics department revealed last night. Professor Carver said the decision had been reached atsameeting of the deans a week ago because of the necessity of providing rooming ac- commodations for University Cen- tennial visitors by June 14, the open- ing day of the celebration. Profes- sor Carver supervises University schedules. He said that classes would end Thursday, June 3, and examinations begin the following morning. Orig- inally classes were to have met through Friday. Approval of the change by the Board of Regents is not necessary, he said, inasmuch as the Regents allow the University administration freedom in arranging the University year within the prescribed days se- mesters begin and end. Rebels Advance on Bilbao, Lose Cordoba Towns (By The Associated Press) Insurgent troops battled fiercely Tuesday night in their drive on Bil- bao, in northern Spain, leaving many Loyalists dead on one rainswept Basque field while government mil- itiamen claimed important advances in Cordoba province, in southern' Spain. The insurgents, within sight of strategic Durango, 16 miles from Bilbao, called for "immediate sur-' render" by residents of Vizcaya prov- ince. The alternative, insurgent General Emilio Mola said, would be "literal- destruction."' strike March 8 when this demand was rejected. Provisions Given Provisions follow: 1. The Chrysler Corporation rec- ognizes the United Automobile Work- ers of America as the collective bar- gaining agency of its members who are employed by the firm, promises to "not interfere" with employes joining the union nor discriminate against members. The corporation will not aid, pro- mote or finance any labor group or organization which purports to en- gage in collective bargainingsor make any agreement with any such group or organization for the purpose ot undermining the union. No Intimidation 2. The union agrees that neither the union nor its members vill n- timidate or coerce employees, and also not to solicit membership on cor.poration time or plant property. 3. It is mutually agreed that the term "employee" for the purpose of this agreement shall not include fore- men, assistant foremen, timekeepers, plant protection employees or con- fidential salaried employees. 4. The union will not cause or permit its members to cause, nor will any member of the union take part in, any sit-down or, stay-in strike or other stoppage in any of the plants of the corporation during the term of this agreement. 5. Negotiations will be resumed in Detroit between representatives of the corporation and representatives of the union on the remaining mat- ters on April 6, 1937, for the purpose of entering into a supplemental agreement covering those matters. 6. The union agrees immediately to terminate the present strike against the corporation. Plants To Resume Work 7. The corporation agrees that its plants closed as a result of the strike will resume operations as soon as possible. The corporation agrees to re-em- ploy as rapidly as possible its em- ployees now on strike at their usual work without discrimination against them for participating in the strike, and in accordance with the seniority rules of the corporation now in ef- fect. 9. The cor.poration and the union' agree to take proper proceedings to obtain leave of the court to dismiss- ing the corporation's bill for an in- junction and the union's answer and crossbill. 10. This agreement and said agree- ment supplemental hereto shall re- main in full. force and effect until March 31, 1938, inclusive. Cancer Growths Are Called Similar To Female Sex Cells By Bachmann Centennial Cake Sans Candles, Because Of Dispute Over Age By JACK DAVIS That the rapid cell growth charac. terizing both female sexual activity and cancer may spring from the same cause has been suggested as a possible explanation for the high cancer rate among women, according to Prof Werner E. Bachmann of the chemis. try department. Professor Bachmann demonstrated that one compound may cause both growths. "We have succeeded in producin malignant tumors by inoculating with a coal tar product that Dr. Cook of the Royal Cancer Hospital in Lon- don has shown to closely resemble the female sex hormone oestrin,' Professor Bachmann said. Ovariectimised rats iniected with cation. Similarly small amounts will produce malignant tumors, he said. Since so small a quantity is re- quired to produce cancer, it has been suggested that modification of the natural sex hormone may be re- sponsible for the large amounts of cancer occuring in women after the change in life. A considerable number of other By IRVING SILVERMAN There will be no birthday cake at the University's June celebrotion because of the heated controversy over the number of candles to place on the cake. Three dates have been advanced as the only birthday of the Univer- sity of Michigan, but the opposition forces strongly object to any pref- erence, accorded any one. The va- rious dates uncompromisingly set forth are 1817, 1837 and 1841. The June celebration, therefore, to appease all factions, will officially be called "The 1937 Celebration of the Establishment of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.,, The earliest origins of the Univer-f city ro tohp fninnd in fthe 'Nn,+h_ In 1817 a plan for the educational system of Michigan was approved by the government and the judges of the Territory. It was in that year that the "Catholepistemiad" or "Univer- sity of Universal Studies" was estab- lished in Detroit. It was also known as the "University of Michigania." This educational institution pos- sessed two faculty members with al) subjects listed in Latin. The sub- jects were divided for instruction be- tween the Rev. Fr. Gabriel Richard, a French Sulpician priest ,and Johr Monteith the first Protestant mis- sionary in Detroit, a'young graduate of Princeton University. The building which housed this early university was built with the $5,000 donated through subscrip- cancer producing compounds have t 1 _i 1 S n Strikers Cause Grave Problem In Cemetery NORTH ARLINGTON, N.J., April 6.-(P)-A sit-down strike in a cem- etery halted burials today as 45 grave diggers laid aside shovels and refused to prepare graves. Six funeral processions entered the 210-acre Holy Cross (Roman Cath- olic) cemetery during the day while the strikers pitched horse shoes; slept, or played cards among the tomb- stones. Mourners found graves undug and been produced, an attempt being glade to attack cancer from a chem- ical standpoint, Professor BachmannI explained, by varying the molecular' produce the disease and observing the structure of compounds known to produce the disease and observe the effect. Experiments seem to indicate