T.THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 6,1 937 ; Strikers Evacuate Ford Plant Following Promise Of Jobs Political Court It's Swell, Says Called Reform Co-ed Hostess Bill Possibility' Of CoffeeHou Aigler Sees Judicial Threat' In Roosevelt Act; Fuller Says Court Is Political Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School told the Union Forum Sundayl that the President's proposal to re- i form the Supreme Court constituted; a threat to make the court a political' body. "Let us grant," he said, "that good' will result, in the near future, if thel President can make up the Court as he wishes. But are we willing to pay She said it was swell. "She" was Kate L. Landrum, '37, formerly president of the Women's Athletic Association; "it" was the Union Coffee Hour; and the occa- sion: the first time an undergraduate woman poured. "I think it's an excellent plan, in fact, I wish women on campus had something like it. Its informality is striking-the fellows just go over to a table and introduce themselves." "We were afraid that some of the men would object to this invasion of the sanctity of the coffee hour," Frederick V. Geib," '38, Union com- mitteeman in charge, said, n "Some thought it would m ake the whnl the price for the risk we run in mak- thing too formal, but I'm sure that ing the judiciary political in charac- Miss Landrum's attendance here to- ter?" I li - assoclatea PFess Photo Jubilant sit-down strikers are shown marching out of the Ferd plant at Kansas City and parading across the recreation grounds after holding possessi-n mere than 24 hours. Ed Hall, vine-president of the union, said Ford officials had agreed, irrespective of seniority, to lay off no union man in the reduction that$ precipitated the strike. IT-1 Hammond Plane Brings Flying 41nizationl Closer To All, SpringerA Claims f Ord _Ae Aid I y To which, Richard C. Fuller of the sociology department answered, "We have a political judiciary now." Mr. Fuller emphasized that a case, of strict versus loose construction was not involved. Rather, he said, there was a serious conflict of economic philosophies. "It has been demonstrated," he added, "by the Conservatives, that the way in which Roosevelt proceeds does not appeal to the Conservative bloc. What it amounts to is that the conservative majority is .conducting a sitdown strike against the presi- dential policies." Arguing that the bill would, in ef- feet, not pack the Court, Mr. Fuller said that "President Roosevelt does hope to appoint an open-minded ju- diciary. If that is packing the Court, I'm for it." Criticizing the impatience of the American people, Professor Aigler de- clared that if there were any wave3 favoring an amendment, s u c h amendment could be put through in; .j I I day upsets all these predictions." ' Asked whether co-eds would re- spond to an invitation, Miss Landrum i eplied, "I believe so, though so few of them know about the affair and about the Union. The traditional re- strictions on women in the Union mightieven keep them away." "The cof ee hours," Geib explained, "were instituted at about the begin- ning of the semester, in order to im- prove social relations between the students and faculty members. Dur- ing that time, there has been an in- crease in daily attendance from an average of 25 daily to 70." He announced that this would be the last week in the series. Other undergraduate women who will pour during the remainder of the week, are Elsie A. Pierce, '37, managing editor of The Daily, today; Harriet Shackleton, '38, new president of the Panhellenic Association, tomorrow; and Hope Hartwig, '38, new presi- dent of the Michigan League, Thurs- day. BAN SUNDAY HUNTING BAD AXE, April 5.-UP)-Huron County voted today to prohibit Sun- day hunting in a close vote. With the development of the Ham- process of getting this experience. mond foolproof ship, aviation took a Hammond, who is in the main re- long stride towards making flying sponsible for the new ship, graduated possible for everyone, Burdell L. from the University of Michigan in Springer of the aeronautical engi- 1931 with a degree in aeronautical. neering department, who collaborat- engineering. He learned to fly at! ed with Dean B. Hammond in design- the Ann Arbor airport, and his first' ing the new plane, declared yester- attempts at airplane designing were day. made in a little factory outside of "Despite a few flaws, the Ham- Ann Arbor. Since then the Ham- mond plane accomplishes its main mend Aircraft Company has moved objective," Springer said. "It proves to California. that an airplane can be safe, easy -- - to handle and foolproof. It takesI flying out of the range of supermenPUb eatio Date and makes it feasible for ordinaryi people. It should increase the num- e ber of fliers, since it will increase l Ea the safety and cut the time and money necessary to learn flying." Is Still Distant Landing Great Improvement The development of the three- wheeled landing gear is the impor- 400 Manuscripts Lacking tant contribution of the new ship, and is expected to be taken over by In Collection Of 500 On military aircraft. It introduces an university History entirely new technique into landing. One merely flies the plane into the ground. This development is in- Having collected only 100 of the valabl, sncelaningis ow heestimated 500 manuscripts for the ; valuable, since landing is now the University 5f Michigan encyclopedia,! most difficult part of flying. Mainly responsible for the new Winifred B. Shaw, director of alumni .ease in flying is the simplification relations, predicted that it would be of the controls. All movements of one or two years before publication, the ship are now controlled by two of the University dictionary. instruments. The elevators control Amassing the hittory of the Univer-3 the verticle motion of the ship and sity, covering all the phases of the the rudder steers the plane. The University since its earliest incep-1 third control, the ailerons, have been tion, became the task of Mr. Shaw, eliminated. early this year at the suggestion ofI Useful For Training President Ruthven. The feature which has been most The 500 articles, entailing the la- publicized by the Department of bors of more than 200 members of Commerce, sponsoring the new in- the faculty and many alumni and vention,. is the speed with which be- student members, are now being pre- ginners have been taught to fly. pared to be subsequently edited by Many experiments have shown that Mr. Shaw and his associates, Dr. Eg- it can safely be flown and landed bert Isbell of the Law School, form- the first time aloft. er associate editor of the "Law Re- The Hammond, Springer indicated, view." should be considered, however, as a The material in the dictionary will ! training ship for pilots, and men include, under its general headings: who have learned on is are not fin- academic organization and curricu- ished fliers, for flying is dependent lum, alumni, athletics, faculty, stu-1 to a great extent upon experience. dents, general organization, history It should simplify and shorten the and buildings. In conjunction with the prepara- War Within 10 Years tion of the encyclopedia, biographi- cal sketches of every professor and I Predilcted By 1OSlosso associate professor, living and dead, (Continued from Page i)___who has at some time been asso- for fear of undermining their pres- Iciated with the University, are also7 tige, are practically forced into pur- being prepared in the various depart- suing aggressive foreign policies. ments of the University in which Laying the blame for wars on the these professors taught. When the, munitions makers, though a conven- work was begun upon the biograph- tional practice, is "psychologically ical sketches it was believed that they' unsound," Professor Slosson declared. would be included in the encyclo- The munitions makers, he said, mere- pedia, but because of the massiveness ly profit by unhealthy conditions of the sketches, they may be pub- which are already in existence; they lished in a separate volume. Efforts toward state-wide reorgan- ization of old-age assistance bureaus are reflected in the activities in the offices of the county welfare as-I sociation, where a regional office to administer for five counties of this! region is now being set up. a reasonable length of time. } Records of the bureau are being, The scare of fascism, which manyt put in shape so that the regional of- believe would result on adopting thet fice may be set up. Records which bill, was cast aside by Mr. Fuller, were previously kept at Lansing for who emphasized that dicatorships Washtenaw and other counties, arise only in unrest, and "the best in- Lenawee, Livingston, .Monroe and surance against that unrest would be Hillsdale, now to be included in the liberalizing the Supreme Court." regional office, are being transferred Professor Aigler answered chargps here. As soon as this ltter is com- that the Court is thwarting the will plcted, the bureau will open its own of the people by pointing to the fact offices in the Tuomy building at 120 that in the 148 years of the existence N. Fourth Ave., in the space formerly of the court, fewer than 80 acts of occupied by Prosecutor Albert J. Congress were declared unconstitu- Rapp. tional and of these, more than one- Though the regional office will be half were decided by unanimous opin- used as a center for the five counties, ions." Although in 48 years, 10 pres- other local offices will be set up in idents have vetoed more than 700 acts the county seats of each county. Miss of Congress, that hasn't been called Ruth Rosevelt will have the assis- lack of consideration for the people." tance of four other persons in main- taining these offices and an addi- tional staff of 10 "visitors," or wel- MOTORBIKE RACES AT LANSING fare workers, v ho will study individ- LANSING, April 5.-(P)-Lansing ual cases. Two of these "visitors" and vicinity drew four of the prin- have been assigned to Washtenaw cipal events scheduled for the com- county, whereas formerly only one ing season by the Michigan district work of this group will be coordinated of the American Motorcycle Associa- through the central regional bureau tion, which met here yesterday in llere r n1- - n - I- x' 1 1 i r, 3 !t .. an1 all-Cay session. i EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS i r CKLW-1030 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-"Magic Island." 6:1 5-News and Sports. 6 :30-Lane Prescott's Ensemble. 6:45-Enoch Light's Music. 7:00-Shadows on the Clock. 7:15-Michael Zarin's Orch. 7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins. 7:35--Freddy Berrens' Orch. 7:45-Howard Lanin's Orch. 8:00-Romance in Rhythms. 8:30-Rick Roberts' Revellers. 9:00-Hugo Mariani's Orch. 9:15-Console and Keyboard. 9:30-Echoes of the Stage. 10:00--Wa1lenstein's Sinfonietta. 10:30-"Poe's Tales." 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-String Ensemble. 11:30--Freddy Martin's Orch. Midnight-HoraceHeidt's Orch. 12:30-Red Norvo's Orch. 1:00-Hugo Mariani's Orch. 1:30---Weather Forecast. WJR--750 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00--Stevenson News. 6:15-Envoys of Melody. 6 :45-Pretty Kitty Kelly.1 7:00-Poetic Melodies. 7.15-Diamond City News. 7 :30-Alexander Woollcott. 7:45--Boake Carter. 8:00--Hammerstein's Music Hall. 3:30- -Al Jolson-Sid Silvers-Martha Raye with Victor Young's Orch. 9 :00---A1 Pearce and His Gang. 9 :30-JackOakie'sCollege-with Benny Goodman's Band--George stol's Orch. 10:30-Musical. 10:45-Americana. ii1:00-Headline News. 11:15-Peaceful Valley. 11:45-Wismer Sports. 1 1:50-George Olson's Orch. idnight-Ma rvin Frederic's Orch. 12:30-Bob McGrew's Orch. WWJ 920 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00--Ty Tyson's Sport Talk. 6 :10-Dinner Hour. 6 :30-Bradcast. 6:40-Odd Facts 6:45-C. Herbert Peterson. 7:00-Amos 'n' Andy. 7:15-Dramatic Moments. 7:20-Evening Melodies. 7:30-Dudley Brothers. 7:45-Piano Duo. 8:00-Leo Reisman's Orch. 8:30-Wayne King. 9:00--Vox Pop. 9:30-Fred Astaire. 10:30-Jimmy Fidler. 10 :45-Soloist. 11:00-Tonight's Hockey. 11 :05-Northwood Inn Club. 11:30-Dreams of Long Ago. Midnight-Webster Hall Orch. 12:30-Weather. WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles P.M. 7:00-Easy Aces. 7:15--The Original Jesters. 7:30--The Green Hornet. 8:00-Log Cabin Dude Ranch. 8:30--Sweet Music. 9:00-Ben Bernie. 9:30-Husbands and Wives. 10:00-To Be Announced. 10:30-Ray Shields' Revue. 11:00-Paul Ash's Orch. 11 :30-Frankie Masters Orch. Midnight-Morrey Brennan's Orch. -& I- MUSICAL COMEDY UPHOLD HOLO NEW YORK, April 5.-(-A)-Con. stitutionality of the Home Owners Loan Act was upheld today by the United States Circuit Court of Ap- peals. The ruling affirmed the va lidity of appropriations, administra- tion and penalties assessed oy th( 1 : r 1 - . i f t _ ..;.. Terrace Garden Dancing Studio instructions i n a 11 forms. Classical, social, dancing. Ph. 9695. 2nd Floor Wuerth Theatre Bldg. I l E I i. LAST DAY FOR SPECIAL BUS RESERVATIONS t-- CHICAGO ...X7.55 . .0 . $5.65 rh - fi w _ for two or more insertions. Minimum I 6304. 78X three lines per insertion.-, IL A sm ILA N Vk AV AL -ftkI0 I 11 I I