THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 4, THE MICHIGAN DAILY a]' * ~4l~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . SAN FRANCSCO LOB ANGELES -TPORTLAND SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Gerstacker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie. Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodic Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers J. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service -Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S SILVERMAN Students AndTheCIO... A MAJOR, if not the major, prob- lem now confronting unions affil- iated with the Committee for Industrial Organi- zation is the, serious lack of effective and intel- ligent leadership. Man-power the &IO has in abundance, brain-power the CIO needs in abun- dance. John L. Lewis, head of the CIO, has expressed publicly and often his concern over this problem. Consider the United Automobile Workers Un- ion. Last summer it was almost embryonic, now it is almost full-grown. Demands for men capable of bargaining effectively with employers derive from many strike-bound auto plants, from many businesses not even connected with the auto industry. To conserve its gains the union must institute a comprehensive program of work- ers' education, research in labor problems and publicity-in addition to its routine of organiza- tional activities. College graduates are in a most favorable posi- tion to assist in education; research, publicity and bargaining. Are college students aware of these opportunities, their urgency and their im- portance? Are they willing? Six students recently have interviewed Prof. William Haber of the economics department, ap- pointed member of Governor Murphy's commis- sion on law and order, in respect to these oppor- tunities, have inquired what is to be done, what they might do. There are undoubtedly more stu- dents in the University who have considered, weighed evidence, balanced missionary zeal against conservative, doubts. They ask, "What would enlistment in the labor movement mean to me?" Most importantly, it would mean a sacrifice or compromising of liberal detachment. College students interested mostly profess to an objec- tive regard for truth. The CIO basicly is not liberal. It is a cause which works with on facet of truth; it progresses by emotional in- spiration and propaganda, and much of its rea- soning is subservient to its desires. If there is a least common denominator of CIO unions, it is the non-liberal belief that the interests of employers and employees are funda- mentally opposed, that progress is to be achieved by competition more than by cooperation. The present strength of the UAW originated, not last fall, when the union began seriously to organize in Chrysler plants, not two years ago, when the union was formed, but just a year ago, at its convention in South Bend. There the union resolved unanimously "to reject the past harmful and futile policy (conciliation, ne- gotiation), and to adopt such a militant policy based upon strike action if necessary in order to enforce the granting of the right of collective bargaining in defense of wages and conditions of the workers, which will build and strengthen our Union." The college student must reject, or shelve, the education, research, fact- and news-dissemina- tion, bargaining. The CIO unions need leaders who can enter into its policies, at the same time preserving lib- eral ideals, who can compromise the present to work for-the future. Indeed, they must have such leaders, if they are ever to achieve perma- nent success. And who, more than college students, are capable of fulfilling this need? I TH EFORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Negroes: Another Southerner To the Editor: It was with deep regret that I read the letter in the forum by WBO relating to the Negro question in the South. However, in spite of the fact that I disagree heartily with most of what the letter has to say, I am glad of the opportunity to express my views as a defense of the more forward parts of the South. In the first place, let me say that I am from what I would term the heart of the most progres- sive section of the South, Birmingham. I am not therefore one who would see the question entirely from the point of view of a person who has not faced the race problem. My views coincide in major respects with liberal thinkers, not radicals nor northerners in the South. Should we assume for the sake of argument that WBO is right in his analysis of the question -that is that the South has found the right solution, to the problem-even then we could not admit that the same solution would be the right one for the North. A glance at the population figures of typical sections of the two proves this. Alabama has a total population of 2,646,248 according to the 1930 census figures. Of this figure, 1,700,775 are white, 944,834 black In the largest county the proportion is 263,475 to 167,957. In Michigan, 4,650,171 are white and 169,453 are Negro. In Wayne County alone there are 131,747 of the total negro population. It is my belief that the lack of adjustment or the lack of solution to the racial problem is the major contributing factor to the South's eco- nomic backwardness. In my analysis of the situation, the fundamen- tal cause of friction between the two races is a decided difference in tempeirament not the difference in color. Dr. Moton, former president of Tuskegee Institute, one of the outstanding colleges for colored people, has said that he be- lieves the answer to the problem is complete or near complete segregation of the two races. It is not my belief that this is the solution although I do believe that the final results will be a voluntary separation. Most persons who have looked at the question from both sides will, I believe, agree with the preceding hypothesis. The question now be- comes: by what method shall the South and other parts of the country that have the problem accomplish voluntary separation and at the same time establish a plane of living which is the same for both? Certainly in the South it is not the best plan to establish military super- vision to dictate action. Neither can it be ac- complished by crusaders from other parts of the country going into the states of the South and attempting to run the government. The change must come gradually and tactfully. It must be bred into the coming generations of Southerners. Now that we have established our object, it be- comes necessary to find a method of approach. In the first place, the average Negro in the South today is not equal to the average white person. I, myself, would hate to be classed along with some negroes in the South. However, those negroes who have been educated, I feel are certainly entitled to an equal ranking with me or any other southerner. The thing to do then is to educate the Southern negro; raise his standard of living, consequently; and actually see that he gets justice in law courts. The South is on its way to that feeling. John Temple Graves III of the Birmingham Age-Herald comes out frankly in his personal column supporting Negro rights. He has not yet been lynched nor has he been threatened for his views. Coopera- tion in his opinion is the thing that will even- tually solve the problem. James Saxon Childers, literature professor" at Birmingham-Southern College has presented the picture of Southern liberals versus race hatred in his book, "In the Deep South." An actual example of the trend toward complete justice for negroes is seen in a recent action of the Birmingham police. A negro was arrested on an assault charge and almost universally believed to be guilty. The chief of police however instead of jumping to this conclusion sent two detectives out to prove him innocent and two others to prove him guilty with the result that the Negro was found to be innocent. This tendency is reflected throughout the South. As has been previously stated, the South re- sents interference and justly so. I resent inter- ference in Southern affairs without knowledge or understanding of the true facts. To use the slogan of the Scripps-Howard newspapers, "Give light and the people will find their own way." -William Roy Sizemore, '39F&C. From Hot To Cold To Hot To the Editor: That the showers at the Union pool have been on the blink for several semesters is no secret. The question is, why do they continue to spout alternate ice and fire approximately every thirty seconds in spite of the profane yells WEEK IN REVIEW NATIONAL Roberts Inspires A RenaissanceI THE DIZZY ORBITS of labor and court re- form swept closer together last week under the attraction of the most important judicial de- cision of recent months. With Justice Owen Roberts reversing the stand he took in invali- dating the New York minimum wage law last year, the Court overturned one of its favorite idols-Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1922)-to uphold the Washington State minimum wage law. Immediately representatives of eight states whose minimum wage laws had become moribund met to discuss their resurrection. President Roosevelt indicated that he would seek a na- tional minimum wage law, protecting men as well as women. New York State legislators shied away from the inclusion of men, fearful that what the Court termed "reasonable" in the case of women would be unreasonable when applied to men. * * * * ALTHOUGH they dropped considerable ballast on the way, the United Mine Workers were satisfied that their two-year agreement signed yesterday with coal operators was not too distant from their original goal. A basic daily wage of $6 in the North 'and $5.60 in the South (a 50- cent increase), and time and a half for overtime were secured. The demands for a 30-hour week, 200 guaranteed work days a year, and vacations with pay were dropped. * * Sit-Down Merry-Go-Round LIKE A STRING OF FIRECRACKERS new General Motors strikes started popping Thursday. Disputes over the mechanics of shop representation and alleged discharge of men for union activity, led to the closing of Chev- rolet, Fisher Body, and Yellow Truck units in Flint and Pontiac. The first strike in a Ford plant came Friday with the two-weeks-old union in the Kansas City assembly plant demanding higher wages, better conditions, and recognition. S * * *I The sit-down met an unexpected attack the day after it found an unusually outspoken friend. On Thursday Sen. Robert Wagner of New York, mentioning Chrysler and General Motors by name, charged that "ruthless tactics of a few great corporations" have provoked the sit-down. His thrusts were aimed partially at the Admin- istration for failing to resist pre-strike court in- junctions which emasculated the National Labor Relations Act and led to industrial warfare. The - next day, with the Senate ready to pass the Guffey-Vinson Coal Bill, Senator Byrnes of South Carolina offered a surprise amendment declaring that the public policy was opposed to sit-down strikes. After a vigorous effort to side- track the rider, Majority Leader Robinson yield- ed to the demand for a vote, which will come this week. Next Thursday the House will vote on the demand of Rep. Martin Dies of Texas for an investigation of sit-down strikes. * * * * Minor Rebellion THE ROOSEVELT ADMINISTRATION suf- fered the first major defeat of the session when the House Agricultural Committee struck from the Farm Tenancy Bill the section appro- priating $50,000,000 to help tenants to become owners. Eleven of the 13 representatives who killed the measure are from the North, and seven are Democrats. FOREIGN Another Smashing Victory VICTORIES scored by Spanish government troops on the Cordoba front in Southern Spain last week were second in importance only to those scored in the Guadalajara sector the week before. On Tuesday Loyalist advances had made safe their rich mercury and lead mines in the Almaden region and had endangered copper and coal mines in fascist territory. Fifteen thousand fascists, mostly Italian, were reported trapped Friday as the government army neared Cordoba. Uprisings in insurgent-held Tetuan (Morocco), Malaga, Algeciras and other Spanish towns on the Mediterranean coast were confirmed in Lon- don and in French Morocco. Disillusionment among Italian troops at finding themselves in Spain after thinking they were going to Ethiopia, profound disturbance at meeting Italians in the "Communist" ranks, and Spanish uneasiness at growing Italian influence were believed to be the causes of the outbreaks. Showing unexpected vigor, the government fleet bombarded Malaga, Motril, and Melilla, and the next day shelled insurgent bases on the Bal- earic Islands. Government strength in the air halted day-time bombing of Madrid. Both sides were attacking in the 'North, with the government thrusting southward toward Burgos, and the fascists, further east, aiming at the coastal city of Bilbao. The Masses-Russia And India READJUSTMENT of political relations in har- mony with the new Soviet Constitution were noted in Russia last week. "Omit flowers," the Communist Party said in hinting that Stalin was no longer a necessary political symbol. Stalin urged more intensive political education, and warned party leaders against Intolerance toward the people and toward rank-and-file party mem- bers. "We must listen attentively to the voice of the masses," and see things "from below" to arrive at correct solution of problems, he said. ** * * s I*Britain hoped her Indian worries would be RAD1IO By TUURE TENANDER YESTERDAY'S broadcast of "Das Rheingold," by Wagner, from the Boston Opera House was a welcome sound to the followers of the Metro-- politan programs, for it was the first in a series that are to be broadcast. from the Beantown. Although the regular opera series was scheduled to end a week ago with the termina- tion of the New York City season, NBC decided to broadcast the Metro- politan's spring season in Boston. "Cavalleria Rusticana," Mascagni, and "Hansel and Gretel" Humper- dinck, will be on the air next Satur- day. * * * The General Motors Concert will be on the NBC-WXYZ chain at 8 p.m. today for the first in a new "Promenade" series. Erno Rapee will continue in his role of conductor, with Lily Pons, coloratura soprano, and John Brownlee, baritone, as tonight's guest stars. Dusolina Giannini, so- prano; will be the featured artist on the Ford program an hour later over CBS. *, *' * Hot On The 'Woodpile' IT'S TOO BAD that Red Norvo left the Blackhawk, for his excellent sustaining broadcasts will be missed. Otherwise, however, we probably wouldn't have had the opportunity of hearing him in person here on the campus. Norvo certainly did a fine job at the engineers melee the other night. Herbie Haymer, tenor man, played his aged-looking horn in a manner that almost made us forget Bud Freeman and Stew Pletcher shook off the dignity given him by a most respectable looking pair of spectacles and turned out some mar- velous choruses. Red himself played the woodpile in a relaxed and effort- less style with plenty of polish, prov- ing that a xylophone can be played hot. The clarinet man, the drummer and the pianist all performed ac- cording to Hoyle. Mildred Bailey sang some fine vocals but she wasn't given a chance to really show off her in- imitable style. All in all, Red Norvo has, in our opinion, the best band that has visited the campus this year, with the possible exception of 01 Fletcher Henderson. Perhaps ' he'll come back to Chicago. I Edgar Guest, the Free Press pride and joy, will be feaured on the same spot as his "Welcome Valley" pro- gram occupied. Guest himself will be featured again by the same spon- sor but the name of the series will be changed to "It Can Be Done." It certainly can, son, if you'll just do your best, not wincing when you have to take one on the chin. "It takes a heap of livin' to make a house a home." The first in the series of these success stories will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday over NBC-WXYZ. Byrd Speaks For Peace V'UESDAY marks the 20th anni- versary of the United States en- trance into the war. On that day the Emergency Peace Campaign will sponsor a half-hour broadcast over NBC-WXYZ at 10:30 p.m. Included on the program will be Mrs. Roose- velt, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, hon- orary chairman of the No-Foreign- War Crusade, and Dr. Harry E. Fos- dick, chairman of the Emergency Peace Campaign. Admiral Byrd will broadcast from the White House. Clark Gable, who got the Irish really mad at him for his refusal to wear a real honest-to-goodness beard for his role as Parnell, will make one of his rather rare radio appearances tomorrow night when he will be cast in the role of Frederick Henry in an airway adaptation of Ernest Heming- way's "Farewell To Arms." CBS at 9 p.m. Secretary of State Cordell Hull will be heard at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow dur- ing the broadcast of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation dinner. NBC- WXYZ. Convict Black Legionnaires For Conspiring DETROIT, April 3.-(,P)-A Re- corder's Court jury convicted two al- leged Black Legionnaires today of conspiring to kill William W. Voisine, village president of suburban Ecorse, increasing to 46 the number of con- victions since the terrorist society was unmasked 10 months ago. The men convicted today were Lawrence Madden and Jesse Petti- john, Ecorse township clerk, former Ecorse councilman and political rival of Voisine. Judge John J. Maher said he would sentence the pair April 10. The max- imum penalty is five years imprison- ment and a $1,000 fine. Nine Black Legionnaires convicted recently of conspiring to kill a Highland Park newspaper publisher were sentenced to serve 'from one to five years in prison. Defense Attorney John J. O'Hara, former auditor general of Michigan, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Vniversity. Copy received at the office t the Assxtant to t3 Presidet until 3:30; 11:00 sin. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) Reservations may be League (Dial 23251) the midsemester in all sections - of evening April 6 made at the until Tuesday History 12 will be given at 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 7, in Room B, Haven Hall.d Concertsa School of Music Concert: *The University Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore, conductor; assisted by Was- sily Besekirsky, violinist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist; a n d Joseph Brinkman, pianist, of the School of1 Music faculty; and John Krell, flu- tist and Karl Farr, clarinetist, both F students; will give a concert in Hill Auditorium Sunday afternoon, April! 4, at 4:15 p.m., to which the generalt public, with the exception of smallI children, is invited. C University Symphony Orchestrae Members: There will be a rehearsal p of the University Symphony Or-' chestra in Hill Auditorium, Sunday morning, from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. LecturesI University Lecture: Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Professor of Ornithology in Cornell University, and Ornitholo- gist in the New York State Experi-I ment Station, will lecture on "Hunt-I ing with a Microphone" on Tues day, April 20, in Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. The lecture will be illustrated with sound films. The public is cor- dially invited. Events Today Varsity Glee Club: All men whoseI name appeared in the list shown in-' the D.O.B. yesterday morning as prospects for the spring tour are to report for rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. to- day in the Glee Clubs rooms. The regular meeting of Druids will be held this afternoon at 4:30 p.m.w Important business is to be discussed in regard to the Michigras. Pleaset note the change in time of meeting.7 Graduate Outing Club: Trip to Camp Newkirk in Dexter is planned for Sunday afternoon. Group leaves Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. There will be, baseball, soccer, and hiking followed by a campfire program in the eve- ning. Refreshments will be served. All graduate students are cordially invited. Coming Events Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, April ', at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Prof. Howard S. Ellis of the Economics De- partment will speak informally on "The Present Political Situation in Austria." This will be the last meet- ing of the year. Women's Research Club will meet at 7:30 pin. Monday evening, April 5, in Room 3024, Museums Building. Sister Frances Xavier will speak on the topic, "Some side lights on the study of blood cells." The Romance Club will meet on Tuesday, April 6 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 108 R.L. The program will be as follows: Professor del Toro, National Edu- cation Association, A report of the Foreign Language group meeting in New Orleans. Mr. Gravit, Peiresc and Early Sa- maritan and Coptic Studies. Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, April 6, 7:30 p.m. 1139 N.S. The program will be in the charge of Prof. H. H. Bartlett, and will consist of reviews by Mrs. A. H. Smith, Miss Mary E. Wharton, Mr. Carl O. Grassl, and Mr. Herman W. Dunham. Mathematics Club: The regular meeting will be held Tuesday, April 6, at 8 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. Claytor will speak on' "Peanian continua embedable in a spherical surface." Adelphi House of Representatives meets in the Adelphi room Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The new men will be initiated. We shall also have the pleasure of seeing the perform- ance of a playlet by two of our "bet- ter" members. All members are ex- pected to be present. Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual meeting of the Alpha Chapter in Michigan will be held on Tuesday, April 6, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2203 Angell Hall. At this meeting the business of the year will be trans- acted. It is hoped that as many members as possible. will be in at- tendance. Lutheran Student Club: The Bible Study Class will be resumed on Tues- day, April 6 at 7:15 p.m. The meet- ing will be held at the Michigan League and the room will be posted on the bulletin board. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. The class is one hour long. Faculty Women's Club: The Tues- I lil j, StV .1 V The Peace Council will meet Mon- day, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Final decisions about the speakers and the program for the April 22 meeting must be made. Churches Stalker Hall, Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Student Class under the leadership of Prof. George Carroth- ers, on the theme: "Certain Shifts in Religious Emphasis." 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Dr. Guy Inman will speak on "Chris- tianity and Peace in Latin America." Dr. Inman is on the Committee' of Cooperation with Latin America and was a member of the Peace Confer- ence at Buenos Aires. Fellowship hour following the meeting. First Methodist Church, Sunday: Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. Guy Inman will preach on "Christ in Latin America." First Presbyterian Church, Sunday: Meeting at the Masonic Temple. At 10:45 a.m. "The Romance of Religion" is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will preach at the morning worship service. Music by the stu- dent choir and double quartette. At 6:30 p.m. Prof. Preston W. Slos- son will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Westminster Guild. He will speak on Current Events. A supper and social hour will precede the meeting at 5:30 p.m. All students are invited. First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Rev. R. Edward Sayles will speak on "Abiding Satisfaction." The Church School meets at 9:30 a.m. High School Group, Rosemarie Chatterton, president, will meet at 7 p.m. with church and student groups for an evening with Dr. and Mrs. Tompkins. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday: At noon at Guild House, Dr. C. E. Tompkins, 1900 Med., of Sui-fu, China, will speak on "The Supremacy of Christ." 7 p.m. The Guild meet- ing will be held in church parlors, with members of church and con- gregation invited. Dr. and Mrs. Tompkins, soon to leave Ann Arbor, will be special guests. Each will talk of their work in China. Special so- cial period to follow at 8 p.m. when 'refreshments will be served by the Guild Committee. First Congregational Church, Sun- day: 10:45 a.m., service of worship. Ser- mon by Rev. Frank J. Day. His sub- ject will be "The Supreme Need of Our Times." 6 p.m., Student Fellowship will meet for a fellowship hour and sup- per together after which there will be a panel discussion on "Social Ac- tion in Professional Organizations." Harris Hall, Episcopal Student Fel- lowship, regular student meeting, 7 p.m. today Prof. Harley H. Bartlett vill give a talk on A Journey to the South Seas, with motion pictures. All students are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, services of worship, today are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergarten, 11 a.m. Holy Communion, and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun- day: 10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., Discussion program. Subject, "Facing the Liquor Prob- lem." This is the last program of a series of discussions on the general theme of "Freedom in Personal Con- duct." Unitarian Church, Sunday: 11 a.m., Mr. Marley will speak on "The Re-discovery of the Bible by Ernest Sutherland Bates." 7:30 p.m., Liberal Students' Union, Mrs. Lila Pargment will speak on "The U.S.S.R. in 1936." 9 p.m., Social hour. St. Paul's Lutheran Church: C. A Brauer, minister. Morning worship and sermon at 10:45 a.m. Topic: "Christ's Third Appearance to His Disciples." The Student Club meets at 5:30 p.m. for supper and fellowship hour. Bible study hour and business meet- ing will be held at 6:30 p.m. Welcome, Lutheran students and friends. Trinity Lutheran Church: Services for the first Sunday after Easter will be held in Trinity Lutheran Church at 10:30. The pastor will use as his theme "The Mirror of God's Words" -James 1:21-27. The choir will sing