1 The Weatiet Rain today and probably to- morrow; no decided change in temperature. 42 t t cZYY :4iaA6it Editorials Students And The CIO .. . VOL. XLVII No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Charge Shady Pre-Election Manipulations In Sixth Ward Peirsol Is Charged With Intimidation Of Smith, Forcing Withdrawal 7,000 Are Expected To Vote Tomorrow Charges that T. Reardon Peirsol, chairman of the Sixth Ward Republi- can committee, intimidated George Smith into withdrawing his petition as Republican candidate for super- visor from that ward last night threw pre-election predictions to the winds. Earlier in the day, the Young Re- publicans' Club of Ann Arbor an- nounced that Henry T. Winchester, Jr., would run for supervisor from the Sixth Ward as a Republican sticker- candidate. Mr. Smith stated that on the day after the petitioning deadline, Mr. Peirsol visited his home and "yelled and shouted" and refused to leave the house until Mr. Smith promised to withdraw. Sick With Fever "I had just returned from work, sick with a high fever. I was waiting for the doctor when Peirsol arrived and insisted that I withdraw my pe- tition. At first I refused, but after I had been led to believe that the ward committee was back of the move, I promised to withdraw in order to get rid of Peirsol." Had he known;that the ward com- mittee had not sanctioned the with- drawal, Mr. Smith said last night, he would not have given his word to withdraw.' Mr. Peirsol was in Detroit last night and could not be reached. "It appears that an agreement by one political boss, selling out his party in a strongly Republican whrd resulted in the party leaving the po- sition open to the Democrats," Alec Jaffee, chairman of the Young Re- publicans' Club said yesterday. "It is a most unprecedented act to say the least." Sadler Is Candidate Upon learning of this fact, Mr. Jaffee said, the Young Republicans decided to oppose the candidacy of Prof. George C. S. Benson, Democrat, with Mr. Winchester as a sticker- candidate. Mr. Winchester is a form- er student of the University and is a local dealer in antiques. Both Arthur C. Lehman and Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the engineering college, candidates for mayor on the Democratic and Republican tickets respectively, refused to comment. A normal vote in the neighbor- hood of 7,000 in the city is expected tomorrow. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the Col- lege of Engineering, Republican can- didate for mayor, will be opposed by Arthur C. Lehman, attorney, the Democratic nominee. Professor Sad-. ler is at present president of the city council. The incumbent mayor, Rob- ert A. Campbell, is retiring from of- fice. Young To Run Prof. Leigh J. Y oung of the for- estry school, former alderman, is the Republican candidate for president of the city council. He is unopposed. Fred C. Perry, Republican, incum- bent city clerk, is opposed in the race for the office by Harry H. Atwell, Democrat, f o r m e r 1 y Washtenaw County clerk. Jay H. Payne, seeking reelection on the Republican ticket for justice of the peace, is opposed by Hubert Thompson, Democrat. William C. Gerstner, Democrat, and Herbert W." Crippen, Republican, are the candi- dates of assessor. Candidates for supervisor in the Seventh Ward, are James N. Gal- braith, Republican and Frank J. Sullivan, Democrat. Alderman can- didates in the ward are Henry C. Stovel, Democrat, and Glenn L. Art, Republican. The state ticket is expected to arouse unusual interest in Ann Ar- (Continued on Page 2) Court Plan Will Be Union Forum 'opic Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School and Richard C. Fuller of the sociology department will conduct the Union Forum on the Court Plan . at 4:30 p.m. today in the main ball-I room of the Union. Columbia Professor Here DR. GUY INMAN Dr. Inman Will Give Methodist }Sermon Today 'Christ In Latin America' To Be Subject Of South American Authority Dr. Guy Inman of Columbia Uni- versity will be the guest speaker at 10:30 a.m. today at the regular serv- ice of worship of the Methodist Epis- copol Church. Dr. Inman, an authority on South American life will speak on "Christ in Latin America." At 6:00 p.m. he will speak at the Wesleyan Guild meeting on "Christianity and Peace in Latin America." He has lived ten years in Mexico and was director of the People's In- stitute there. He has spent half of the last 22 years in South America studying Pan-American problems numbering among his contacts many of the political and educational lead- ers of South America. Dr. Inman was decorated by gov- ernment of Ecuador for his inter- pretations of Hispanic-American cul- ture. He is on the Committee of Co- operation with Latin America and was a member of the Peace Confer- ence at Buenos Aires. y-Columbia Professor He has been on the faculty of Columbia University since 1919. His latest book is "Latin America's Place in World Life.' Dr. C. E. Tompkins, 'OOM, of Sui- Fu, China, will speak on "The Su- premacy of Christ" at 7 p.m. before the Roger Williams Guild of the First Baptist Church. "The Supreme Need of Our Times" will be the topic of the Rev. Frank J. Day at the 10:45 service of the First Congregational Church. Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, chairman of the botany department, will give a talk on "A Journey to the South Seas" which will be illustrated with motion pictures at 7 p.m. before the Episcopal Student Fellowship at Har- ris Hall. "The Romance of Religion" is the topic upon which the Rev. Dr. Lemon will speak at 10:45 a.m. in the First Presbyterian Church. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history depart- ment will speak on current events at 6:30 p.m. at the Westminster Guild. others To Speak "The Rediscovery of the Bible by Ernest Sutherland Bates" will be the Rev. H. P. Marley's topic at the 11 a.m. service of the Unitarian Church. Mrs. Lila Pargment will speak on the "U.S.S.R. in 1936" at 7:30 p.m. at the meeting of the Liberal Students' Union. The Rev. R. Edward Sayles will speak on "Abiding Satisfaction" at 10:45 in the First Baptist Church. "Christ's Third Appearance to His Disciples" is the sermon topic of the Rev. C. A. Brauer at St. Paul's Lu- theran Church. The Rev. Henry 0. Yoder will have for his theme "The Mirror of God's Words" at 10:30 a.m. at the Trinity Lutheran Church. Progressive Group Adopts 5-Point Plan Adopting as their objectives edu- cation and action for the further- ance of peace, economic security, ra- cial equality, academic freedom and a broader social life for students, a caucus of 40 representatives of cam- pus organizations, temporarily named the Student Union, elected a consti- tutional committee and set Tuesday, April 27, for a general membership meeting, yesterday in the Union. The committee, which was in- Copper Price Not Too High, Wheeler Says Reduction Of Government Buying Called Threat To IMiner's Wages African Competition Menace, He Claims WASHINGTON, April 3.-()- Sen. Burton K. Wheeler (Dem., Mont.), takingeissue with President Roosevelt's conention that the price of copper is too high, said today the proposed curtailment of government purchases would throw miners out of work. The President contended that prices of durable goods, including steel and copper, were too high. He enunciated a new policy intended to boost purchasing power for consum- ers' goods and discourage govern- ment buying of durable products. Hits Price Reduction Wheeler, whose state is one of the country's principal producers of cop- per, contended it would be impossible for American miners "to have a half- way decent standard of living" if the price were reduced "by any appre- ciable extent." (The market price recently has been about 17 cents). Already at odds with the White House on the court reorganization issue, Wheeler said: "I am sure the President is wrong when he states that mines in Mon- tana can produce copper at eight or nine cents and make a profit and that mines in other parts of the country can make money on five or six cent copper. 'Can Not Make Money' "I am sure the mines in Montana can not make any money and pay present wages on eight or nine cent copper. They have a wage scale in Butte now, I am told, of $6 a day for ordinary miners. "The wages go up or down auto- matically withethe price of copper pursuant to the contract the com- panies have with the miners. "Whentcopper sold around eight or nine cents a pound, companies in Butte had to curtail production. No copper mines in the United States can procduce copper for anything like five or six cents a pound now.dVery few of them can produce and pay the present wages on 9 or 10 cent copper. Africa Competing "Independent mining companies in Butte tell me they have to get at least 14 cents in order to pay the present wage scale."l Senator Wheeler said "Africa with its slave labor is today the big com- petitor of American copper," and added, "I know of no one in America who wants to see American miners placed in a position where they have got to compete with either slave la- bor of Africa or peons of Mexico." Varsity Nanes IFour Debaters To Conference The four debaters to represent the University at the Western Confer- ence Debate Tournament on April 9 and 10 were announced yesterday. by Raymond V. Shoberg of the speech department, coach of, Varsity de- bating. The subject for debate is "Re- solved: That Congress Should Be Empowered To Grant Minimum Wage and Maximum Hours for In- dustry." Robert Rosa, '39, and Harry Shniderman, '38, will compose the affirmative team, William Centner, '38, and Ronald Freedman, '38, will take the negative. The tournament, the annual meet- ing of Big Ten debating teams, will be held this year at the University of Chicago. The' four men chosen to make the trip from Michigan are all seasoned debaters who have distinguished themselves already this season in in- tercollegiate debates, Mr. Shoberg stated. Driver Arraigned For Traffic Death Formal charges of negligent homi- cide were made against Lawrence Wilkinson, 29, Detroit truck driver for the accidental death of James Doyle of St. Louis, Mo., who died two hours after he was brushed be- tween his own truck which he _a Spanish Insurgents Retreat Undler Fire MADRID, April 3.--(P)-Insur- gents tonight set fire to forests and blew up bridges to cover a perilous retreat in Cordoba province on the Southern Spanish front. Apparently they were trying to escape a trap in the rich coal lands of the province. Annihilation of their force, reported in government quarters to number 15,000 and to be made up mostly of Italians, was be- lieved probable if a government maneuver succeeded. The Cordoba reports indicated government troops had reached the outskirts of Villaharta, Penarroya and Ovejo-strategic towns between' Pozoblanco in Northern Cordoba and the Insurgent base of Cordoba City to the South. Capture of Villaharta would give the government army control of the Cordoba Highway and cut off the In- surgent avenue of retreat. Seventh Annual Senate Continues Fight Spring Par e Starts May y 7 Three-Day Discussion Will Formulate 'A Program For Our Times' Spring Parley will convene the week-end of May 7, this year, to map "A Program For Our Times" in three days of heated debate, according to Ralph Danhof of the sociology de- partment, chairman of the Parley's executive committee. The topic was chosen, Danhof ex- plained, in an attempt to make the Parley this year more constructive than it has been previously. This is the seventh to be held. Subtopics, under the general theme named above, will be chosen today by the executive committee of 36 students meeting at the home of Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religion and faculty advisor to the Parley. As in the past, the subtopics for the Parley will probably deal with university education, politics, eco- nomics, international affairs, art, the family, and related subjects, Danhof said. After selection, the general topic together with the subheadings will be submitted to President Ruthven for approval, which Danhof hopes to have obtained by Monday afternoon. meetings. Symphony Will Present Third Concert Today The University Symphony Orches- tra under the leadership of Prof. Earle V. Moore of the School of Music will appear in its third concert of theT season at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Assisting the Orchestra are three members of the music school faculty, Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Prof. Hanns Pik, violincellist; and Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist; while two advanced students in the School of Music, John Krell, '375M, flautist, and Karl Farr, '39SM, clar- inestist, will also give special -ac- companiments. Included in the program are con- certos by Bach and Beethhoven, a rhapsody by Debussy, and a fantasie by Moussorgsky. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend. .-. Drive For Jewish Aid Fund Started Hillel Foundation will set the wheels in motion for its drive to raise $2,000 to aid in the preparation of a homeland in Palestine for the Jews in Germany, Poland and Roumania at a meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 6, at the Foundation, Dr. Ber- nard Heller director, announced yes- terday. Last year more than $1,300 was collected in Ann Arbor by Hillel foundation and sent to the Joint Dis- tribution Committee and the United Palestine Appeal, national organiza- tions located in New York. Dr. A. J. Sachar, national director of Hillel groups, will address the ---^ ^ ^^- n4 "x.S - - nn -:}4-.-1 Ford Plant Strike Settled As Flint Truce Is Made; Union Tactics Will Face Certain Disapproval In Senate Hearing Sen. Byrd Would Outlaw Sit-Downs1 Byrnes Attempts Change By Coal Bill Addition; Attacks Lawlessness WASHINGTON, April 3.-(P)-Ad- ministration leaders predicted today that there would be "many hours" of savage debate before the Senate reaches a vote next week on the ques- tion of condemning sit-down strikes. They conceded there was little doubt that the Senate finally would adopt a blunt "declaration of policy" against sit-down tactics, but both1 Democratic and Republican ranks were badly split over what form the statement should take. Sen. Harry Byrd (Dem., Va.), in a statement today, urged Congress to declare "without delay or equivoca- tion" that "sit-down strikes and law- lessness in organized or mass form' should not be tolerated." "Civilized government depends up- on obedience to constituted authori- ty," he asserted. 'Lawlessness Rampant' "With lawlessness r a m p a n t throughout the land, the influence of every official who has taken an oath to support and defend the Con- stitution and uphold the law should be used in condemnation of such ad- mitted lawlessness. Sen. James Byrnes (Dem., S.C.), who touched off the controversy by trying to write a denunciation of sit- downs into the Guffey-Vinson dcoal bill, said he would fight every effort to side-track his amendment. Administration chiefs remained hopeful, however, that the coal regu- la'tion and sit-down issues could be considered separately. They indicated that they would try to persuade Byrnes to withdraw his amendment and offer it as a sep- arate resolution, with the under- standing that it would come up for a vote as soon as the Guffey-Vinson bill is disposed of. Bailey Still Firm Sen. Joseph Bailey (Dem., N.C.), who blocked a similar maneuver Fri- day, declared: "I have not changed my position in the slightest." Some Senate leaders contended, however, that they had enough votes to over-ride his opposition, if Byrnes would agree to side with them. The South Carolinian argued that even a slight delay in acting on the sit-down question would have "an ex- tremely regrettable effect on public opinion," since it might be construed as hesitation to "condemn lawless- ness." He hinted, however, that he would agree to changes to make the con- demnation apply to sit-down strikes in all fields instead of in the coal in- dustry alone. Many Oppose Measure Many Senators, including Wheeler (Dem., Mont.) and Norris (Ind., Neb.), opposed Byrnes' measure be- cause it struck only at the miners, who they said had never condoned sit-down tactics. Sen. Rush Holt (Dem., W. Va.) urged that provisions outlawing sit- down strikes be inserted in all fu- ture labor legislation. Holt declared that John L. Lewis, head of the Committee for Industrial Organization, has taken exception to the coal bill amendment as "slander- ing the coal miners." "It will be recalled,"he continued, "that this is the same Mr. Lewis who had developed the sit-down srtike technique as leader of the CIO move- ment in the United States." Schottenfeld To Speak In Oratorical Contest Pact Designed Officials Agree To Lay Off No Union Men In Force To Stop Hotel Reduction In Factories Strike Blocked Lansing Meeting To Resume Today DETROIT, April 3.-(M)-A peace pact designed to end labor disputes in Detroit's leading hotels apparently had encountered a stumbling block today. . New objections and new demands cropped up to prevent signing of the agreement by a three-man board of arbitration and halted negotiations until Tuesday. Mayor Frank Couzens, chairman of the mediation board, said that addi- tional proposals submitted to the board shortly before the truce was to have been signed necessitated the ad- journament to permit a study of the demands. They were presented to the board by the Waiters' and Waitresses' As- sociation, the union that called the 24-hour strike Thursday at the 27- story Book-Cadillac Hotel, the Inter- national Typographical Union and The Laundry Workers' Union. The hotels whose managements agreed March 16 to abide by the final decision of the mediation board are the Book-Cadillac, Fort Shelby, Stat- ler, Webster Hall, Detroit-Leland, Abbington, Belcrest, Clifford, Imper- ial, Norton, Palmetto, Seward, War- dell and Wolverine. The status of six other hotels, also members of the association, remained in doubt. They were prevented, be- cause of being in receivership, from signing the March 16 agreement. William Walker, president of the Detroit Hotel Association, said that la pact outlawing hotel strikes would affect approximately 7,500 employes. Meanwhile, service at the Book- Cadillac, which was interruptedc for the second time in as many weeks by striking employes, had been restored, but' police nevertheless maintained a vigil against any further outbreaks. Soviets Order Larger Output From Workers MOSCOW, April 3.-(P)-The Rus- sian piece worker will have to in- crease his output this year by about 20 per cent or take a salary cut. That was the substance of a gov- ernment order today, announcing an increase in production norms-the amount required of each worker- with a decrease in the reward for the individual article he produces. It placed on the shoulders of the piece-worker part of the responsibili- ty for stimulating lagging industrial production. Tuesday the government called on industry throughout the U.S.S.R. to boost production by 20 per cent over 1936, lest the Second Five-Year Plan fall short. The decision to increase norms, announced by the Commissariat of Heavy Industry, was the second such move within eight months. Last September the government raised piece-work norms 15 per cent, as the first fruit of the Stakhanoff movement-the system of applying better methods in Soviet industry to increase production. The norm has been fixed on the average daily output of the average worker. Piece-workers who were able to exceed that mark greatly were re- warded handsomely with bonuses. Black Legion Imitated By Tucson Boys Gang TUCSON, Ariz., April 3.-(IP)-Po- lice Chief C. A. Wollard said today a gang of boys here "patterned after the Black Legion" have been brand- ing their members with red hot ice picks and hiding stolen goods in their storm sewer headquarters. Wollard said the boys-9 to 14 years old--called themselves the "Black Legion," the "Red Devils," and the "Dynamiters." He said 12 General Motors Agreement Opens Way For Return To Work Tomorrow KANSAS CITY. April 3.-(A)-Ed Hall, second vice president of the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica, announced settlement tonight of the strike which closed the Ford Mo- tor Company's assembly plant here. Hall said the strikers will return to work Monday "without any dis- crimination, whatsoever." Following a conference with Ford officials tonight, Hall said recogni- tion of the UAWA was not dis- cussed because "recognition was not an issue." The men, who evacuated the plant late today after sitting down in it more than 24 hours, struck yester- day in protest against what they called discrimination against union men and men of long service in se- lection of workers to be laid off. Discrimination Felt "The main grievance," Hall said to- day, "is that these men had felt dis- criminatign for union membership. "The men were told by me, and I have the word of reliable men in the Ford Motor Company, that they could be assured that in this layoff there will be no layoff of union men. "I told the men that when they evacuated the plant, and we intend to see that this is lived up to." Asked whether his statement meant definitely "no union men" would be among those laid off, or that seniority would be followed, Hall reiterated that organization members would be exempt. Previously Hall had expressed hope that "all differences will be ironed out before Monday" in the first sit- down labor dispute ever to occurin a Ford unit. The strikers, however, termed evac- uation of the plant merely a change in tactics and began 24 hour picket- ing until agreement is reached on the dispute ascribed by the union to the manner in which the plant laid off about 300 men. Ford men refused to make public their names and positions. SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT DETROIT, April 3.-() - Gov. Frank Murphy announced tonight that the Chrysler strike conference was "advancing toward settlement" after Walter P. Chrysler and John L. Lewis renewed their search for a col- lective bargaining agreement accept- able to both. An agreement of striking automo- bile workers at Flint, opened the way for 15,000 General Motors employes to return to work Monday, while at Kansas City sit-down strikers evacu- ated the assembly plant of the Ford Motor Company they had held for 24 hours. Homer ; Martin, president of the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica, asserted that strike sentiment among the union's members was sub- siding. Governor Murphy made his state- ment as the conference in his Lan- sing office recessed until 10 a.m. to- morrow. The recess was the Gover- nor's suggestion. No explanation was given, but it was assumed each side was studying a bargaining formula. Agree On Wages Robert C. Travis, UAWA organ- izer whose coiference at Flint with Robert Lenz, Chevrolet operations manager, resulted in the decision to reopen the plant, said a general wage adjustment effective Monday was agreed upon and that Lenz would discuss a union complaint that cer- tain parts of the assembly line were undermanned. Difficulties attendant upon insti- tution of a shop steward system under the March 12 agreement that ended the long General Motors strikes will be discussed by Martin and com- pany officials in a conference tomor- row morning. SThework interruptions at Flint I meetig, at which a committee Wil li rn~ofli'' xinro be appointed to canvass fraternities{ and independents for contributions. Independent's Meeting To Be Held Tomorrow { tiivinicnouuent~Liimi, 0, winnier oz the University Oratorical Contest held this week will represent Mich- igan at the Northern Oratorical Speech Contest to be held at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin on May 7, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Louis