THE MICHIGAN DAILY D~UAT ,APRFtn Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights'lof republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REHPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. C UTN -SA RNIC change of thought that has characterized the work of serious writers of the new American lit- erature. There are those minor opportunists who have built a short success on a glib response to "infantile leftism" but they again are, in the pungent phrase of Ernest Hemingway, "the lice of Ii erature" who seem to attach themselves to any movement rising to success. But any reader who follows the current of modern writ- ing has seen the rise, as proletarian artists, of Waldo Frank, John Dos Passos, Erskine Cald- well, Archibald MacLeish, Clifford Odets, Jack Conroy, James T. Farrell, Josephine Herbst, and Granville Hicks, to name a random few, and felt within their works a vital and progressive approach to the problems of the disinherited. To deny that they are "dominated by a dynamic revolutionary idea, and inspired by a collective purpose" is absurd in the face of the literature itself. The best answer to Wilson's assertion to the Svengalian influence of "Party line" is, again, the very diversity of approach in the books of the proletarian authors. If the mysti- cism of Waldo Frank and the fictional photog- raphy- of John Dos Passos can be marked with the same stamp, there are no two other writers in America who cannot be likewise paired and pigeon-holed. Calverton makes capital of the Trotskyite vs. "Stalinist" controversy which Wilson raises. With one or two exceptions, there are no Trot- skyite authors of importance and those whom Wilson would tag "Stalinist" are not aware of that distinction. Though he is one of our most eminent literary critics, Wilson, by quibbling over the relative proximity of certain authors to the august body of the Comintern while the enemy storms the gates, allows himself to fall into the opportunist hands of those whom Cal- verton may well represent. That time-honored individualist's attack is one of guerilla warfare, a genral sniping from the Trotskyite cellars at the strength of progressive writers whether they sit in the Central Committee of the Communist Party or do no more than pay dues to the News- paper Guild. The real vitality in current American art work seems to lie in its proletarian literature. It may be that within the mass of radical writers there is a garrulous minority which produces nothing of literary importance and confuses the reading public by arrogating to itself the power to de- clare a noisy literary war. However, there is more promise, along with substantial accom- plishment, in this literature today than has been evident for decades. BENEATH **** IT ALL By Bonth Willams Y TYSON is a great sports commentator because he has a high class sense of humor and because he's natural. People instinctively like him and like to hear him talk. Between bouts of the Michigan Fight Show Thursday night Ty was telling me about his broadcasting. He plans to work all the Tigers' home games in Detroit this yearunder a split sponsorship system. One day Ty will plug the Sign of the Flying Red Horse and the next the intrinsic value of Wheaties. Just why the alternating arrange- rment has been effected is easy to see when you know that the year's broadcasting costs run about $100,000.. Detroit, by the way, gets more for their radio privileges than any other baseball club in either circuit. Ty does an evening sportscast sponsored by Minut-Rub which has increased the sale of that apparently indispensible preparation by leaps and bounds. The Minut-Rub people got a letter the other day, Ty claims, from a near-sighted deer hunter who smeared the stuff on his face thinking it was shaving cream. The only way he could get it off was to shave and he excitedly wrote in that Minut-Rub gave him the best shave he ever had. O~lCOO OSTN -SAN FRANCSCO LOS ANGELES . PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR..............ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Gedrge Andrs Jewel Wueifel Ri chard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spnler, Tuure Tenander, e Robert .Weeks. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Ca Gerstacker WOMEN'MS DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfe, chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elimbeth Binham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER..JEAN KENATH ,..USINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Maal, Phl Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigeman, Richard Knowe, Charles Colema, W. Layne, Russ Cole Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy Stephanie Parfet, Marion Batxer, L. AdaskO,, G. Lehman,Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Mchlinski, Evalyn Tripp Departmental Managers J. Cameron Hall Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wisher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Avetisingr .Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager;.Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER Calverton, Wilson, Cowley .. . ARTICULARLY within the last few years, there has arisen on the Bart of authors and the reading public of the United States an acute division over the prob- lem of what, in the literature that has come to be known as proletarian, is propaganda and what is not. The scale runs from those who accept prole- tarian literature as a legitimate art form, and approve of its particular direction in this coun- try over the last several decades, to those who retreat to the standard of "art for art's sake," maintaining that there has never been a prole- tarian literature. Somewhere between these two extremes are those who, while approving of the aesthetic basis of the new literature, condemn its evident harmony with the direction of the Communist Party. Those who dismiss proletarian literature en- tirely have come to have increasingly little influ- once, but other points of view in the scale were well defined recently in a group of articles by Edmund Wilson and Malcolm Cowley in the New Republic, and in the Saturday Review of Literature by V. F. Calverton. Wilson is one who marks with alarm an ap- parent over-adherence to "Party line" by those whom he names "Stalinist," as opposed to other radical writers (i.e. Trotskyites); he sees them "mesmerized as a chicken to the chalk line" of official Communist authority and traces the de- velopment in American literature of what must be regarded as an intrinsic Russian factionalism. In effect, he states that a writer should hold within the literary province. If he is impelled to activate himself in social conflict he should for an instance in the modern world, join the In- ternational Brigade in Spain rather than proceed to charge his writing with partisan feeling. Per- haps more indicative of Wilson's dilemma is his question: "How can you take part in a civil war and at the same time preserve the cathedral?" But the "cathedral" (i.e. culture in the hands of denocracy), as. it should be evident to Mr. Wiln from the record of contemporary social upheaval, has been the focal point of attack by fascism. As in Spain today, it is only the determined intervention of the lovers of culture and progressive civilization that may yet save it from complete destruction. Malcolm Cowley, in his reply to Wilson's essay, points out the obvious factional bias with which he has pur- sued his intended anti-factionalist attack, and remarks that such an attitude is likely to send the whole controversy in the direction of "an- other Wilson's war to end war." He feels that, in the face of the advance of fascism on democ- racy today, writers must and can "discuss with- out ceasing to work, and work without cutting one another's throats in a quarrel over the exact text of Lenin's will." V. F. Calverton appears to be intensely upset by the gains that the radical (again, Communist) r Mrs. Tyson is typical of most of the the sporting gentry. Ty says every takes her to a ball game, she just leads a magazine. wives of time he sits and THE FORUM As The Nation Goes To the Editor: The request of The Daily for letters on the peace demonstration, or student strike, to be held on April 22, is but one further example of the sincerity and broadness of view which has become consistently characteristic of the edi- torial page. Before attempting to answer particular ob- jections to peace 'strikes,' it is necessary to review the history of these dramatic demonstrations. Joseph Lash and James Wechsler combined to write a book called War Our Heritage. Both being graduated college students, their work contains a great deal of material on the student facing the second world war. The book con- tains a chapter on the history of the student peace strike, and a great deal of what follows is take from it. In April, 1934, the hopes of the masses of people for peace were wearing thin. Japan's invasion and seizure of Manchuria had weakened the support of the friends of the League of Na- tions. Adolf Hitler was shaking his fist in all directions and diverting the national income and all he could borrow to an increased production of "defensive," long-distance bombers. Mus- solini was flexing his black-shirted muscles and preparing to send thousands of Italian soldiers to find their (burial) place in the (Abyssinian) sun. Faced with this situation "25,000 American students left their classrooms at 11 o'clock to participate in a strike against war." A vanguard of students had found a new, potent instrument for the peace movement in 1934. In 1935, 175,000 students responded to the strike call. It penetrated much broader sections of the country; high school students participated in larger numbers; and more administrations joined the movement. The war camp attempted retaliation with certain repressive measures. But as Professor Stephen Duggan said in the Bulletin of the institute of International Rela- tions: "The anti-war strike was nevertheless a success. In addition to the thousands of serious students, a large number of faculty members openly participated, sometime in the face of condemnation and disapproval ... in all probability, by next year the move- ment will be almost universally observed." And it was. On April 22, 1936, when, at the summons of the newly-formed American Student Union, more than 500,000 took part, his observation found confirmation. So powerful was the strike that its opponents either were reduced to silence, or to the alternative of throwing speakers into a lake. The "violence" of the peace strike found a great number of the participants on the receiv- ing side. On the Michigan campus, after a painful silence, the existence of this movement was shyly and coyly acknowledged by the Ad- ministration. A meeting was held and classes were dismissed. The day of the "peaceful" dem- onstration was changed from April 22 when the rest of the students throughout the nation were striking; the R.O.T.C. band played "On- ward Christian Soldiers" for weak voices; and BENEATH IT ALL: When Don Siegel laced Flint's Felix Shelton with a long overhand right less than a minute after the start of their' heavyweight bout Thursday, the big Negro boy must have realized he had made an awful mis- take riding a bus 50 miles just to fight Kip's Varsity tackle. That first punch really ended the fight and 20 seconds later they were carrying Felix back to his corner . . . Jackie Friedman, a little nine-year old kid with a pug nose and a dirty face came all the way out from Detroit just to fight in the show but was about twenty min- utes late. He was a Fresh Air camper last sum- mer and came out to do his share for the show . . . Prof. Haines of Journalism fame, Ty, and Dobby Drake, one of the judges, thought Don Cash got a bad deal in his heavyweight bout with Bob Thalner. A ,draw was the worst Casi should have got . . . And it looked to me like Stan Cox held a big margin over Karl Sjolander. Stan, a raring-tearing S.A.E. junior was carrying a lot of excess poundage about the tummy and looked a little awkward, but there was no doubt in my mind as to his superiority over his slighter opponent . . . Verne Larson and his boys deserve a lot of credit for the show they put on and I hope they can get the wres- tling medals they were given exchanged for something a little more apropos . . . Chubby George Andros and Henry Hatch took over the time-keeper's job when the appointed dignitaries failed to show up on time. George's forte is sounding the bell ... Looking out Aver the 2,000 spectators who were watching the fights, Ty got off his old crack, "It looks like a Sunday double- header crowd in St. Louis. .. POTSHOTS: "Trotzky, Roosevelt, and Aigler" is a caption on the cover of the Michigan Raw Review, a 28-page take-off on the law school and faculty which goes the limit, and inci- dentally was given away at the Annual Crease dance last night .... Sitting up until after one a.m. yesterday listening to the fifth game of the hockey play-offs I couldn't help thinking that the announcers were just a little biased. ...The names of Herb Wolf and Joe Rin- aldi are the worst omissions in the current Cam- pus Social Register that I can see. The closest thin' to blood on this campus flows out of Pabst cans . . . Carrol Ross who writes the gossip for Parrot Squawks says she could make a high class ball, club out of the boys who are sup- posed to be in love with her .-- DEAR BONTH: I wish. to serve notice to all those in- terested that the letter published under my name in your column on Tuesday was not my handiwork. I am not attempting to af- firm or deny the assertions made therein, but I do demand the privilege of publicizing myself at my own discretion and in my own manner. Although the incident ii question is ob- viously due to the work of a practical joker, I believe that in this instance, the miscreant let his misguided sense of humor carry him a bit too fas. I do not wish to lower myself to his level by attempting a serious reply, because I believe the utter senselessness of his undesirable "flattery" does not merit re- taliation. As for you, Bonth, in all respect to your Ircsition, I do believe a little more caution could be exerted in printing signed letters of a defamatory nature such as the one in question. Yours truly, MARTIN KALISH. Sorry, Martin old fellow, but we must take the chaff with the grain you know. You might pros- ecute the perpetrator through the federal courts as using the mails to defraud and defame char- acter, but if you can't as you say, deny the as- sertions, I'm afraid you don't have much of a case. coming more arrogant; every third body in Spain is being plowed under in order to establish an orderly state for Franco; Britain is gearing her music Faculty Concert (Sunday, April 4, 4:15 p.m.) Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Prof. Hanns Pich, cellist; Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist; John Krell, flautist; Karl Farr, clarinetist; University Sym- phony Orchestra, Prof. Earl v. Moore. Conductor. PROGRAM NOTES BRANDENBURG Concerto No. 5 in D-Bach. The fifth of the six concertos which Bach dedicated, in 1721, to the Margraf of Brandenburg as "the most humble expressions of my profound respect and obedience," is written for a solo group of flute, violin, and clavier, with the usual string orchestra accompaniment. In the terms of Bach's day "clavier" might indicate any keyboard instru- ment except the organ; in this in- stance the part was originally played upon the harpsichord, which had a less brilliant and more delicate tone than the modern piano, upon which the part is heard today. Judging by the extreme virtuoso proportions of the clavier part, which assumes a lion's share of importance among the solo parts, it is doubtful if any- one other than Bach at that time had the digital dexterity demanded by its performance. The Concerto comprises the cus- tomary three movements, the first of which is an Allegro distinctive especially for the long and brilliant clavier cadenza which precedes its final cadences. The second, or slow, movement is written for the three solo instruments alone, The finale is a lively Allegro with all the ear- marks of an Irish jig. First Rhapsody for Clarinet and Ochestra- Claude Debussy. This piece forms an interesting and mod- ern addition to the solo literature of an instrument which is only infre- quently heard in a full-length solo with orchestral accompaniment. The Rhapsody waswritten in 1911 as a solo piece for the competition at the Paris Conservatory Concerto for Violin, Cello, and Piano, Op. 56-Beethoven. In Bach's time a favorite manifestation of the concerto formhiwas the "concerto grosso," in which a group of solo instruments was pitted against the remainder of the orchestral forces. With the advent of the Romantic pe- riod this type of concerto came into disuse, and the Beethoven "Triple Concerto" is one of the rare nine- teenth century examples of its treat- ment, in a somewhat altered form. This Concerto was written in 1803, about the same time as the "Eroica" Symphony, and the Waldstein and Appassionata Sonatas. Its three movements are the Allegro, with its double exposition of thematic ma- terial, first by the orchestra and then by the solo instruments; a Largo, and the final Rondo alsa Polacca. A Night on Bald Mountain-Mod- este Moussorgsky. The basis of this fantasia by the musical realist of the nationalistic Russian "Five" is the legend that on the night of the Witches' Sabbath the arch-witch, Baba-Yaga, and a host of other sor- cerers and sorceresses gather for dancing and diabolic revelry upon Bald Mountain near Kiev, in south- ern Russia. The musical score was several times revamped, with a view to its being incorporated in certain; projected stage works, but these failed to materialize and the music stands in its present form simply as a tone picture or symphonic poem. The composer's explanation of the program and the music was at first elaborately definitive, but was later condensed into the following more general description: "Subterranean din f supernatural voices. Appearance of Spirits of Darkness, followed by that of the Black God, Tchernobog. Black Mass. Witches' Sabbath. At the height of the Sabbath there sounds afar off the bell of a village church, scatter- ing the Spirits of Darkness. Day- break." -William J. Lichtenwanger. Says Cooperatives May Aid Consumer (Continued from Page 1)i Arbor Cooperative Society, Inc., was{ SATURDAY, APIL3,92 VOL. XLVII No. 134 ANotces To The Members of the Faculty of the Colge of Literature, Science and the Arts: The sixth regular meeting ing of the faculty of College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts for the academic session of 1936-37 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, April Hall, April 5, 1937, at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of March 1, 1937, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 325-330). 2.Reports: a. Executive Committee by Prof. Arthur A. Aiton. b. University Council, by Prof. Louis I. Bredvold. c. Executive Board of the Grad- uate School, by Prof. F. E. Bartell. d. Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs, by Prof. Preston Slosson. e. Dean's Conference, by Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Announcements and new busi- ness. A full attendance at this meeting is desired. Edward HI. Kraus. Students in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, April 6, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell; Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and others interested in future work in nursing. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Miss Marian Durell, Di-; rector of Nursing. The next meeting, in the vocational series, to be held on April 22, will be addressed by Prof. W I. Bennett ofthe College of Archi- tecture. Faculty, School of Education: The regular meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday noon, April. 5, at 12 oclock, at the Michigan Union. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science aMd the Arts who have1 not received their five-week progress reports may obtain them in Roomt 102, Mason Hall, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. according to the following schedule: - Surnames beginning R through Z, Monday, April 5. Surnames beginning G through Q, Tuesday, April 6. Surnames beginning A through F, Wednesday, April 7. June Graduates in L. S. & A.: Architecture, Education, Forestry andj Music should fill out grade report cards in 4 U.H. April 5-6-7. TheseI grade report cards will insure an1 early report from your instructors in June. June seniors failing to fill in7 these cards will run the risk of hav- ing their grades reported too late for graduation. Combined curriculum students do not fill in 'these cards.' To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, April 5, before the impending Spring Vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regula- tion: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more than a week must first return all borrowed books." 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 5 and the beginning of the vacation may retain such books by applying at the Charging Desk on April 5. 4. Students who have urgent need for certain books during the vacation,' will be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in gen- eral demand, on application at the Charging Desk after April 5. William W. Bishop, Librarian., this morning. Saturday quizz sec- tions will not meet. Playwriting (English 150) Read "Tobacco Road" by Jack Kirkland and Erskine Caldwell and write a paper on it for Monday, April 5. Kenneth Rowe. Concerts School of Music Concert: The University Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore, conductor; assisted by was- sily Besekirsky, violinist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist; a n d Joseph Brinkman, pianist, of the School of Music faculty; and John Krell, flu- tist and Karl Farr, clarinetist, both students; will give a concert in Hill Auditorium Sunday afternoon, April 4, at 4:15 p.m., to which the general public, with the exception of small. children, is invited. Lectures Mathematics Lecture: Prof. J. D. Tamarkin of Brown University will lecture on "Extension of the Mark- off Theorem" Saturday, April 3, in Room 3011 Angell Hall at 11 a.m. Events Today Fencing-Women Students: The fencing demonstration which was to be given by Mrs. De Tuscan this afternoon has been postponed. The U. of M. Outdoor Club will hold a hike this afternoon, leaving Lane Hall at 2 p.m. and returning at about 5 p.m. All interested stu- dents are cordially invited to attend. Coming Events Junior Research Club: The April meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, April 6, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083 Nat. Sci. Bldg. Program: Use of Protein in the Treatment of Some Disturbances of Carboyhdrate Metabolism, by Dr. Jerome W. Conn, Dept. of Internal Medicine. Recent Experiments With the Cy- clotron, by Dr. R. L. Thornton, Phys- ics Dept. Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, April 6, 7:30 p.m. 1139 N.S. The program will be in the charge of Prof. .H. H. Bartlett, and will consist of reviews by Mrs. A. H. Smith, Miss Mary E. Wharton, Mr. Carl O Grassl, and Mr. Herman W. Dunham. Varsity Glee Club: The following fellows are to report for rehearsal Sunday afternoon, April 4, at 4:30 p.m. in the Glee Club Rooms in the Michigan Union. Please be prompt and bring your words. The men to make the spring trip will be selected from this list.. Burstein Sherwin Fennell Hirshberg Heininger Deike Harwood Hendrick Ossewarde Rankin Ed. Vandenberg Morris, H.M. Win. Burroughs Clark Miller Kent Epstein Yergens Brooks Jensen Nelson Dunks Pinney Pratt Ruegnitz Lodge Mason Caldwell Koljonen Brown Draper Montgomery- R. C. Williams Viehe Moore Garner Roberts Lusk Haapa Hunerjager Tustison Gardner Yaman Fromm Twyman Luskin Gillis Sinclair Delta Epsilon Pi: There will be an important meeting this Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Michigan Union. There will be an election of officers, and discussion on the convention re- port. All members and pledges are re- quested to be present and on time. Graduate Outing Club: Trip to Camp Newkirk in Dexter is planned for Sunday afternoon. Group leaves Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. There will be baseball, soccer, and hiking followed by a campfire program ,in the eve- ning. Refreshments will be served. All graduate students are cordially invited. Soccer-Football: All students, for- eign and American, who are interest- ed in playing soccer-footballkare re- quested to leave their names in the office of the Counselor to Foreign Students or at the Intramural build- ing within the next few days. Chorus Men, Dangers and Singers: Still an opportunity to try-out for Mimes, Mens Honorary Dramatic So- ciety, and their side-show at the Michigras. Wanted also, a magician, a mandolin player, and a juggler. Please report at the Union April 5 or 6. Monday or Tuesday, at 4 p.m. Room 318. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th Vjiversity. Copy received at the office of th. Aessiazat to. th. Pr.s d.a wnti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I started in August last year, followed by the establishment of a grocery Junior Mechanical Engineers: Due store in October, Professor Angell to the fact that there may be several said. summer jobs open, you are requested "Our local cooepratives does con- to fill, out a personnel record card siderable research work, since it is at your earliest convenience. Room an important duty of any consumers' 221 West Engineering Bldg. cooperative to furnish its members H with information," he said. "It checks Hopwood Contestants: The at- up on reports of various consumers' tendon of students planning to com- organizations in addition to perform- pete in the Hopwood Contests is ing research work on its wn initia- called to the fifth paragraph on page tive. To be successful, a consumers' 7 of the Hopwood bulletin: agency must have a reliable research "The contestant may obtain a department," he added. transcript of his first semester record' Clerrs in cooperative organizations:rom the Recorder's Office and a perform a unique function, he said, statement of his standing in second in that they will inform a customer semester courses from his instructors. who wants to buy something deemed It is essential that such a statement unfit for conAumption that such a be obtained in April before the spring product is not recommended. "If re- vacation to avoid embarassment to search shows any article to be of lit- the student. Grades for both semes- ! ,. P Vni,..i i zi bdters should be included. Lie vaCluein1 i iuenue. u pU. j , they advise the consumer of their findings. A consumers' cooperative, must do this in order to grow," he said. Transfer Of Business Property Is Announced R. W. Cowden. Summer Camp Counsellors: Appli- cation blanks have been received by the Bureau from Chippewa Valley Camp, Brecksville, Ohio, and are available for those interested. Posi- tions are open to both Negro and