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April 03, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-03

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy, rain or snow KE
no decided change in tempera-/
ture. j W

Wilson Cowley .


Name Winners
Of lOAwards
For Graduate
Students Here
16 Predoctorals Awarded;
Reveal Recipiets Of 12
Special Fellowships
Scholarships Given
To 38 By University
Recipients of 110 fellowships and
scholarships in the Graduate School
for 1937-38 were announced yester-
day by Dean Clarence Yoakum. The
amount of the awards was not dis-
P r e d o c t o r a 1 fellowships were
awarded to 10 graduate students, 50
received ;University fellowships, 38
were given University scholarships
and 12 received special fellowships.
Six of the predoctoral fellowships
were given to students with degrees
from the University. They are Victor
C. Goedicke of Riverton, Wyo.,
astronomy; C. Hart Schaaf of Ft.
Wayne, Ind., political science; Ma-
rion C. Siney of Muskegon Heights,
history; Leon S. Waskiewicz of De-
troit, education; David W. Stewart of
Saginaw, chemistry, and Israel A.
Warheit of Detroit, German.
Ten Predoctoral Awards
Others to win this award were
Gardner Ackley of Kalamazoo, econ-
omics; Nelson Fuson of Emporia,
Kan., physics; Ralph S. Phillips of
Los Angeles, mathematics, and Lowel
A. Woodbury of Salt Lake City, zool-
The Dupont Fellowship in chem-
ical engineering was awarded to
Geoi'ge W. Stroebe of Riverside, Cal.
Catherine S. Stillman of Brookfield,
N.Y., was given the Lawton Fellow-
ship in astronomy and - Mary E.
Wharton of Lexington; Kan., was
awarded the Angeline Bradford
Whittier Fellowship in botany.
Four F. C. and Susan Eastman
Newcombe fellowships in plant physi-
oJggy,.ent to Lowell F. Bailey of
Carbondale, Ill., Beatrice A. Scheer of
Rochelle. Park, N. J., Marjorie A.
Darken of Ridgewooc, N.J., and Jo-
sephine L. BUrkette of Chicago.
Win Sociology Fellowships
Winners of five Sociology fellow-
ships were William B. Dick, of Ann
Arbor, geography; Amos H. Hawley
of' Cincinnati, sociology; Louis F.
Mikulich of Traunik,.economics; Pet-
er A. Ostafin of Easthampton, Mass.,
sociology, and Faye I. Seid of Jack-
son, economics.
University fellowships were award-
ed to:
Wallace A. Bacon, Joseph R. Bail-
ey, Alfred V. Boerner, Miriam R.
Bonner, Donald F. Boucher, Sarah F.
Castle, Halvor N. Christensen, Carl
Q. Christol, Jr., John Thomas Daling,
George B. Dahtzig, James Koblitz
Davis, Florence E. Day, Willis F.
Dunbar, Robert S. Eikenberry, Clar-
isse Fineman, Winston A. Flint, Hel-
en E. Flynn.
John Henry Gray, Jr., Louise F.
Klein, James S. Koehler, Clyde F.
(Continued on Page 6)
Victories Made
By Government
In South Spain

Report Loyalist Successes
Along Front In Provinces
Northwest Of Cordoba
MADRID, April 2.-(P)-Continued
smashing government successes along
a wide' and strategically important
front in Cordoba province were de-
scribed tonight in dispatches from
the southern battlefield.
Three vital points along the front
north and northwest of Cordoba City
fell before the slashing government
drive. They were Ovejo, 16 nfiles
north of Cordoba; Villaharta, ten
miles west of Ovejo, and heights
dominating the extremely valuable
coal mining region of Penarroya,
about 25 miles northwest of Villa-
Earlier dispatches indicated that
a government advance of as little
as five miles southwest from Ovejo
would cut the main highway running
northwest from Cordoba and isolate
that city, provincial capital and main
supply base of the southern insurgent
army, from the bulk of its forces in
the field.

Angell Says Cooperative Aids
BuyerIf It Affects Production

Excess Profits Have Gone
To Investor At Expense
Of Consumer, He States
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth
in a series of articles dealing with the
position of the consumer.
The consumers' cooperative can
provide a real answer to the pur-

the productive system," Professor
Angell said.
"Under our modern economic sys-
tem, with quasi-monopolistic situa-
tions existing in many industries,
centralization has been growing and
the chances for excess profits have
been increasing," he said. "The
Brookings Institute reports show that
a disproporationate amount of re-
turn has been going to the investorst

chaser's problem only if it is thor- at the expense of the consumer. Ex-
ough-going enough to affect produc- cess profits have been hard to conk
tion, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the trol and legal means have not been
sociology department, president of too successful."
the Ann Arbor Cooperative Society, Professor Angell argued that the
Cid t daria

saa yesteraay.
"The consumer will not be greatly
benefited by the cooperative buying
method unless the movement is
strong enough to force changes in
S. C.A. Board
Is Announced
Faculty Members Include
Isaacs, Menefee, Walter,
The reorganization of religious ac-
tivities on campus progressed a step
further with the announcement yes-
terday by President Ruthven of the
new Board of Governors of the Stu-
dent Christian Association.
Five members were named from
the University Senate. They are Dr.
Raphael Isaacs, assistant director of
the Simpson Institute; Prof. Howard
Y. McClusky of the education school;
Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the
romance 'languages depar tmen t;
Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee of the
engineering school, and Prof. Erich
A. Walter of the English department.
Two alumni members of the Board
are Emory J. Hyde and James Ing-
liss, both of Ann Arbor.
The basic faculty-alumni commit-
tee will draw up plans for organiza-
tion and will appoint student repre-
sentatives to the Board of G'1overnos.
In February Lane Hall and New-
berry Hall, Student Christian Asso-
ciation owned buildings were trans-
ferred to the University in accord-
ance with President Ruthven's plans
for religious activity. The eventual
goal, it is believed, will be a school
or department for religious educa-
Mine Workers'
Strike Ended
By Agreement
NEW YORK, April 2.-(P)-A vast
one-day shutdown in the soft coal in-
dustry involving 460,000 miners end-
ed today when a compromise wage
increase agreement was reached be-
tween the United Mine Workers of
America and mine operators.
Hundreds of thousands of workers
in a score of states who remained out
of the shafts because of the failure
of a six-weeks conference to agree
on coitract renewal terms will re-
turn to work Monday.
The miners won their demand for
wage increases, obtaining principally
a pay basis of $6 a day and time and
a half for overtime.
They relinquished their original
demand for two weeks vacation and
a guarantee of 200 days work a year.
The present 35-hour week was main-
The new agreement, reached at a
conference of eight union represen-
tatives headed by John L. Lewis and
eight mine owners, ends April 1, 1939.
It was immediately ratified by the
full Appalachian joint wage confer-

consumer is deprived of the propor-
tional amount of purchasing power by1
excessive returns to the investors in
production, causing under-consump-
tion, a contributing factor to periodic
"Well organized and numerically
strong consumers cooperatives might
mean fundamental changes in the
economic system by their influence on
producers," he said. "A producer,
for example, might deem it good bus-
iness practice to agree to the sale of
his product to the members of a
large consumers' cooperative at a
reduced price," he added.
The local consumers' coo-perative
had its inception several years ago
in the formation of a coal-buying
club, according to Professor Angell.
Many families purchased their coal
collectively, effecting considerable
savings, he said.
A cooperative gas station, the Ann
(Continued on Page 4)
Hitch-Hike Bill
Protests Urged
By Committee

Roosevelt Hits Senate Forced
Durable Goods IntoArgument'
Price Increase' On Sit-Downs'
President Admits Reversal Southern Democrats And
Of Former WPA Policy Republicans Ask Quick
Pursued By Government Decision On Question
Stock Prices Break House Committee
After Statement Votes For Inquiry
WASHINGTON, April 2.-(W)- WASHINGTON, April .2.-(,P)-A
President Roosevelt struck at mount- relentless, militant group of senators
ing prices of durable goods, such as blocked all avenues of retreat to-
steel and copper, by announcing to- day and forced an unwilling Senate
day that public works expenditures into open battle over approval or
will be aimed hereafter at providing disapproval of the sit-down strike.
more purchasing power for consum- After hours of strenuous debate,
er goods. administration leaders abandoned an
He readily acknowledged that this attempt to sidetrack the question.
constitutes a reversal of the pubhc temporarily by referring it to com-
works policy pursued at the outset mittee. A group of southern Demo-
of his administration. Steel bridges crats and Republicans demanded that'
and other heavy projects were fa- the question be decided quickly.
vored then to "prime the pump" of "So help me God,' shouted Senator
the durable goods industries. Johnson (Rep., Calif.), "I want to
Now, Mr. Roosevelt said at a vote today and I want to vote against
crowded press conference, prices in the sit-down strike."
those industries are far too high and Senate Recessed
durable goodsaproduction is increas- Finally, the Senate recessed for
ing faster than the output of con- the week-end with a proposal still'
sumer goods. He contended this is pending to write into the Guffey-
a danger signal and that public works Vinson Coal bill a declaration thatj
money should be spent hereafter on public policy is opposed to the sit-
channel dredging, earthen dams and down strike technique in the coal in-
the like to spread purchasing power. dustry. While the Senate was de-
Includes Food And Clothing bating the issue before jammed gal-
Consumer goods, according to Fed- leries the House Rules Committee
eral Reserve Board classifications, in- voted for an investigation of the
lude such articles as food products, sit-downs.
wearing apparel, tobacco and gaso- Shortly before the committee act-
line. ed, its chairman, O'Connor (Dem.-
The President's announcement was N.Y.), had conferred with President
followed quickly by a sharp break in Roosevelt. The New Yorker said
prices of stocks and some commodi- that while he had mentioned the,
ties. Steel and copper led the de- proposed inquiry he did not go to thej
cmine. White House for that purpose. {
Mr. Roosevelt gave no intimation The House probably will vote on
that he has in mind any action, be- the inquiry resolution next week, leg-
yond the direction of public works islators indicated.
expenditures, to control the prices The condemnation of the sit-downs
he criticized. was proposed in the Senate by Sen-
In this connection, Speaker Bank- ator Byrnes (Dem., S.C.) as an
head of the House of Representatives amendment to the Guffey Coal bill's
commented that he did not see how declaration of policy favoring collec-
Congress "could do anything" about tive bargaining rights. The result-
the price situation unless 'it enacts ing row pushed the coal bill itself
some price-fixing bill. into the background.
"Which it won't do, I imagine," May Pass Bill Monday
he added. But Senator Robinson of Arkansas,
Harry L. Hopkins, the WPA ad- Democratic leader, forecast that an
ministrator, conferred with the Pre- arrangement would be reached to
sident later in the day about work pass the bill Monday. There were
relief outlays for'the fiscal year be- indications that the agreement would
ginning July 1. provide for separate consideration ofI
Spent $25,000,000 For Steel the Byrnes proposal.
He said upon departing that WPA Contending an expression on the
already was carrying out largely what sit-down strikes should not be tied

Students Asked To
Legislators F o r
Until Petitions Are


Staged By UAWA
-At Plant In Kansas

First Ford


In an effort to prevent the anti-
hitch-hiking bill recently introduced
in the state legislature from coming
up for vote before protest petitionsI
from Michigan colleges can be pre-
pared, George Vitas, '37F&C, and
Clifford Wells, '39, president and
secretary of the. Michigan Student
Hitch-Hikers' Committee respective-
ly, are urging all students interested
in defeating the proposal to write
their legislators expressing their op-
Letters Protest Bill
"We ,have sent letters to 17 col-
leges in the state concerning the
their protest petitions," Vitas said
"but unfortunately the proposal was
introduced at a time when these
colleges were in the midst of, spring
vacations, and consequently little ac-
tion can be expected from these
schools until they convene again
next Monday."
Pointing out that there was "grave
danger that the bill will come up for
consideration of the legislature be-
fore the students are able to present
their protest petitions," iVtas saidl
that the committee "strongly urges
all persons opposed to the bill to write
their state senators and representa-
tives." A post card would be suf-
ficient, he said.
Nagel Sends Letter
Yesterday the'committee received
a letter from Ernest G. Nagel, state
representative from Detroit who in-
troduced the bill in the legislature,
replying to a previous communica-
tion asking when the statute would
come up for consideration.
Nagel's letter, however, did not give
the information requested, according
to Vitas.
In the opinion of Vitas and Wells
the Nagel bill, at present before the
House Judiciary Committee, would,
if enforced, completely eradicate
hitch-hiking in Michigan.

Engineers Battle
Lawyers To Draw
Over Slide Rule
As the lawyer said, "A Crease
Dance without a slide rule jest ain't
So the traditional rivalry between
the engineers and the lawyers got
under way again last night for the
first time since . . . and the final
score was pronounced a deadlock by
a Daily reporter who vainly en-
deavored to arouse further hostili-
ties by appealing to the evidently--1
over-estimated virility of the en-;
The play by play description of
the entire proceedings goes some-
thing like this:
Yesterday noon the engineers had
two slide rules; the lawyers had nary
a one. At game time, however, the
Crease dancers were found to be in
possession of one of the coveted,
trophies while the Engineer's dance,
was likewise adorned.
According to the facts of the case;
two legal troublemakers entered the
Union yesterday afternoon, claimed.
to be engineers, and made away
with their prize in a taxi via the
secret State Street route. They then
stowed it away in an apartment
where a Daily reporter, tipped off by
an anonymous telephone call, un-
earthed it and induced them to let
him take it to the Crease dance.
Returning to the Union he at-
tempted to stir the righteous wrath
of the engineers by alluding to days
of yore when the bridge builders, thus
insulted, had turned off the lawyers
lights and tossed a few "stink bombs"
in for good measure, but to no avail.
This year's crop of Slide Rule
Committeemen maintained solemn
countenances and pronounced the
whole affair a "hollow victory."
Strike Ended
After One Day
DETROIT, April 2.-(P)--Singing
songs and hurling taunts at lines of
police guards, striking employes of
the 27-story Book-Cadillac hotel re-
turned to work this afternoon, end-
ing a strike that lasted less than
24 hours.
As a three-man arbitration board
continued its negotiations over a con-
ference table, more than 300 em-
ployes agreed to resume their jobs
and not to call another strike until
the board completes its task.
The action of employes, whose sit-
down strike Thursday afternoon in
the city's largest hotel led to their
eviction by police, was made on the
recommendation of Frank X. Martel,
president of the Wayne County Fed-
eration of Labor and other union
It forestalled a mass meeting that
had been called for this afternoon
and ended picketing at the hotel
where, for the second time in as many
weeks, guests had been inconven-
ienced by an interruption in service.
Martel told the strikers a return
to their jobs would place them in "a
more advantageous position for a
new sit-down if the negotiations fail."
The hotel's normal services were
restored gradually. Bell-hops began
carrying in luggage that had been
piled on the sidewalks and elevators
were again in dperation.

'the President had in mind, having'
purchased only $14,000,000 of the
$250,000,000 of steel bought by the
government last year.
Mr. Roosevelt said at his press
conference that he would send a
message to Congress, recommending
the next fiscal year's work relief ap-
propriation, about April 14.
The United States Conference of
Mayors is urging that he recommend
$2,200,000,000, but he expressed hope
early this year that $1,500,000,000
would be sufficient.
Mrs. A., Morris
Dies Of Burns
Suffered Dec. 1
Mrs. Amos R. Morris, 53 years old,
wife of Prof. A. R. Morris of the Eng-
lish department, died suddenly early
yesterday afternoon in University
Hospital of burns suffered in a clean-
ing fluid explosion which occurred
Dec. 1.
The Rev. H. P. Marley will deliver
the eulogy at the funeral, which will
be held at 4 p.m. Sunday. Arrange-
ments have not yet been completed,
but it is planned that Mrs. Morris
will be taken to her home at Litho-'
polis, 0., for burial.
Mrs. Morris is survived by her hus-
band and three sons, one of whom
is a junior in the literary college.

Workers In Assembly Unit
Sit Down As A Protest
GM Charges Union
Violated Agreement
Clain Stoppages Of Work
Outlawed By Pact; Flint
Strikers Leave Premises
. DETROIT, April 2.-(4)--The first
United Automobile 'Workers' strike
affecting the Ford Motor Company
broke out today as Union officials
were negotiating disputes with the
other members of the motor car in-
dustry's "Big Three"--General Mo-
tors Corporation and the Chrysler

up with the coal legislation, admin-
istration leaders sought to obtain#
uanimous consent to have the amend-
ment referred to a committee only to
encounter angry objections by Sen-
ator Bailey, (Dem., N.C.).
Senator Neely (Dem., W. Va.) who
handled the coal measure urged that
the bill be defeated in its entirety
rather than be "encumbered" with
"this obnoxious amendment."
Party lines were badly shattered.
Senator Borah protested the Senate
should not express its opinion on
matters over which it had no juris-
diction. Senator Davis (Rep., Pa.)
asserted the only sit-down ever held
in the coal industry had been de-
clared illegal by the Miners' Union.
The debate touched briefly on the
judiciary issue when Senator George
(Dem., Ga.), an opponent of the
President's plan to name six new
justices to the Supreme Court, said
statements had been made "in high
places" calculated to "undermine the
confidence of the people."
Fred Fuller Shedd, 66, editor of the
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, died,
of heart disease today at Southernl
Pines, N.C., where he had gone for
surgical treatment.

Workers estimated at from 600
to 1,400 in number staged a sit-
down strike in the Ford assembly
plant at Kansas City, Mo., after they
said the company laid off 350 em-
ployes without regrd to seniority.
Ford officials at Detroit professed
no knowledge of the strike. Henry
Ford, who in an interview at Ways,
Ga., recently advised workers not to
join any union, could not be located.
Fell On Deaf Ears
Homer Martin, U.A.W.A. president,
declining to .say whether the strike
was called by the international union,
said Ford's admonition "evidently fell
on deaf ears," and added that "the
eventuality will be an agreement with
the Ford Motor Company."
Within a few hours after General
Motors demanded of Union officers
that they "see that its obligations are
observed by the members," sit-down
strikers who occupied the huge Chev-
rolet Motor Co. plant employing 14,-
649 workers at Flint, Mich., evacuat-
ed the premises.
General Motors claimed that this
and nearly 30 other stoppages of
work by Union members since the
March 12 agreement that ended a
nation-wide labor dispute violated
a U.A.W.A. pledge in that pact.
Provided For Agreemest
Robert C. Travis, Union organizer
in the Flint area, said he and a com-
mittee of nine shop stewards pro-
vided for under the agreement would
meet tomorrow morning with Arnold
Lenz, manager of Chevrolet opera-
tions in Flint.
John L. Lewis, head of the Com-
mittee for Industrial Organization,
supporting the automobile strikes,
and Walter P. Chrysler, chairman
of the Chrysler Corporation whose
Detroit plants have been closed by
a strike that started March 8, head-
ed for Lansing, Mich., to resume their
negotiations for a settlement of that
More than 60,000 Chrysler work-
ers are idle as the union seeks recog-
nition as the bargaining agency for
all employes. Governor Frank Mur-
phy of Michigan, at whose invitation
Lewis and Chrysler began the nego-
tiations more than a week ago, was
hopeful of a settlement soon after
the conferences are resumed.
Strike Unauthorized
The strike at the Ford plant in
Kansas City was reported to be un-
authorized by local union officials.
The strikers prepared to hold their
positions, hauling food for their din-
ners .into the plant on strings.
H. A. Kelley, identifying himself as
a U.A.W.A. committeeman, declined
to say how many of the more than
2,000 employes of the factory were
union members, but said that non-
union sit-downers were signing mem-
bership cards "as fast as they can be
made out.
Martin, international union head,
who rushed to Flint after the Gen-
oral Motors demand for observance
of peace terms, said of the Ford
"Henry Ford has been quoted as
(Continued on Page 2)


Union Opera Was A Gold Mine
In Days Of 'Cotton Stockings'

NYA Board Jobs Aid Students
In Battle To Stay In College

To U.

Accepts Bid
Of Athens Fete

Memories of the days when the
Union Opera was an institution that
made as high as $6,000 a perform-
ance and went on the road as far
as New York City were stirred by the
announcement that Mimes, honorary
dramatic society, will present a va-
riety revue at the Michigras.
The Mimes show will not approach
the pretentiousness of some of its
predecessors, according to Louis

mer manager of the Union and one
of the founders of Mimes in 1912
when that organization was created
to provide continuity for the Operas
from year to year.
. In its early years the Opera was
related to the fairs and minstrel
shows that were produced in the first
years of the present century as a
means of promoting the construction
of a Union building. It is a coin-
cidence that the Michigras should be

The acceptance by the University
of an invitation to attend the cen-
tennial celebration of the University
of Athens, April 18, was announced
yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the President.
The representative for the Univer-
sity will be Dr. Homer A. Thompson,
who received his Doctor of Philosophy
degree from the University and now

Approximately 60 per cent of the
men students and 25 per cent of
the women students in the university
are working for all or part of their
expenses, according to Miss Elizabeth
Smith, assistant in charge of the Stu-
dent Employment Bureau.
The NYA takes care of a good por-
tion of these students, Miss Smith
said, employing in a wide variety of
jobs 1,300 men and 268 women. The
chief occupation is waiting on table

tician, that 15.5 per cent indicated
that they were wholly self-support-
ing, 36 per cent were partially self-
supporting and 48.5 per cent were
not self-supporting. This excluded
graduate students and those students
who refused to answer, Miss Williams
said, which would have put the per-
cent working to a higher figure.
However, a recent survey of Mich-
igan's four teachers colleges shows
that their students are even more
independent. The study shows that


London Council Wants
A Peek At Strip Act
LONDON, April 2.-(IP)--The Lon-
don County Council is going to find
out for itself whether Diane Rayes
strip tease act is "too hot for Eng-
She is to perform at the Music Hall
Monday night. The Council's offi

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