THE MICHIGAN DAILY T"URSDAY 'APRIL 1, 193 The modern college or university' must assume, to some degree, the responsibility for the success of its students in later life and must meet th1s responsibility by doing more than just offering a series of academic subjects, to be "taken or left" as the student choses, Dr. T. Luther Pur- dom, director of the University Bu- reau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, said yesterday. Every school, in his opinion, shuld have a number of men to study the major, njon-scholastic problems of its students, for "one who is serious- ly bothered with fear, or jealousy, or some other personal problem, is quite ;apt to be a failure in later life, no matter how much he has learned from the scholing. "Unfortunately few educational in- stitutions to date have recognized the contribution such studies make to- ward the success of their students, st i reluctanto lendg whole-hearte support to any such work. "As a matter of fact, a great pro- portion of the number of insane per- sons within this country were at one time normal men and women except for some personal problems. These problems naturally tended to grow and grow in seriousness until they finally became overwhelming and caused insanity. "With proper diagnosis and treat- ment of these problems, any such insanity cases can be reduced to a minimum, benefiting the state both socially and financially," Dr. urdom explained. The University of Michigan, one of the few schools that gives any real attention to the study of the ."ab- normal characteristics of the normal student,", has found that a large per cent of all the students tested have had some sort of peculiarity worthy of attention, according to Dr. Purdom, who directs the study as a part of the work of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Diesels To Help Freight Trucks Cut Rail Hauls 'costs through the use of Diesel en- 1gines, .Prof. Edward T. Vincent of mechanical engineering and former chief engineer of the Continental Mo- to1' Co., predicted yesterday. Door to door delivery, he said, is at least as rapid as the correspond- 'ing train service and the prevailing rates are lower and will continue to drop as existing trucks are replaced with Diesel powered equipment. Professor Vincent characterized the .growing importance of Diesel engines as a significant trend in transportation progress, forseeing teeventual supplanting ofn galine costs have to be considered. In England and on the continent, Professor Vincent continued, where the engine has been more nearly per- fected, surveys covering a number of years of actual operation have shown that, while maintaince costs aver- age about 15 per cent higher, total upkeep is appreciably lower. These figures also show that there have been about 50 per cent less complete failures with Diesel than with gasoline engines in similar use. The common belief that Diesel engines can run on anything is pret- ty well justified, according to~ Pro- fessor Vincent, since recent experi- ments have shown that they work fairly well on palm -oil which is nearly a solid and on various other oils which are not extracted from petroleum. In London the buses are being equipped with Diesel motors and they are being tried out in New York Reeves To Address Honor Convocation (Continued lrom Page 1) the Graduate School, and the recip- kents of special scholarship awards will also be announced. Last year 719 students were hon- ored, 74 receiving two citations and seven receiving three. Senior honors were given to 187 while 247 junior, sophomore and freshmen students received recognition. Fellowships and scholarships were awarded to 108 graduate students an 121 graduates receied oter hoors.. tota o For The Morning After Mayors' Group A Asks Roosevelt For Relief Rise WASHINGTON, March 31.-(A#)- The United States Conference of Mayor s asked Pr esident Roosevelt to- ~ ~;'::.. day to recommend a $2,200,000,000 4 work i ee appr opr iation for the fiscal year beginning July 1. This would be nearly $700,000,000 mor e than the President has said . .. the budget could carry without be- ing out of balance. The mayors expressed hope that the entire sum would be asked of $Congress at one time so that WPA officials could plan a full year ahead. Their request was delivered by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of New .. York. Its presentation recalled that the President has stated the ques- tion of a balanced budget is an open one "for the very good reason that -- Associated Press Photo this government does not propose This isn't a mask, but a custom- next year, any more than during the built hot water bottle for relieving past four years, to allow American those "morning after" headaches, families to starve."' designed for application where it LaGuardia told the President $2,- might do the most good. The inno- 200,000,000 is necessary to give work vation was placed on display at the to 2,800,000 persons who are able to National Inventors Congress in work but cannot find jobs in private Chicago. industry. FactInNwBrumm Advises 'Joe College' Is Picture Taking Not Yet Gone, Fundamentals Faculty Claims Valunable To All By JACK DAVIS That students in the surveying They killed Joe Colg hydgcourse in photography represent six grav and Colege.Theydugschools and colleges of the University a gaveandthey played .taps and is ample proof that almost everyone they posted a sign "For Sale," Onecnusa kwedefthfnd- Raccn Cat-ppl neaestfraer-mentals of picture-taking and de- nity house." But he never filled that vlpnPo.Ewr on fte grave for according to a number of veopinPof EndwaurYouno detet university professors he walks abroad said yesterday. today, perhaps not so jauntily as Photgah a napiaini formerly but with considerably more Poorpyhsa plcto n ,strength than a ghost has a right to. nearly tevery professional fiel that Despite the ballyhoo on the new teaches both a primary and advanced serious attitude of college students course in that subject, added. Joe College hasn't changed, Prof.a. . * Robert C. Angell of the sociology de- . To illustrate the diversification of partment, said. He still comes to its uses, het pointed to dentistry stu- loaf for four years. dents in orthodentia, fine arts ma- New Model Housebroken jors, architecture, astronomy and en- "Outwardly perhaps,7 Professor gineering students taking the photog- Angell continued, "he is different, the raphy course. raccoon coat and bath tub gin are '"There are numerous* applications I Heaps Scorn On Green gone, sports coats and cocktails have replaced them. When smoothness replaced the studied disorder of the old playboy the new model became housebroken and a lot more present- able, but underneath is the same spirit." tionniofesocialldy ilterate students has probably declined, but, said Profes- sor^Ange"l,"nt"o anyignificat ex- tent. For now as before 1929, Joe College was a layer in student so- 0f photography to engineering and surveying," Professor Young con- tinued. "It is particularly helpful in map making. Cameras can record a detailed area at a small cost and are especially convenient in mapping the surface of mountainous or hilly coun- I "In construction, photography fur- nishes an accurate record of the methods used and shows the rate of progress ini the work," he pointed out. "This record proves very val-: - Associated Press Photo With his hat pushed toward the back of his head, John L. Lewis, CIO labor leader, is shown as he took time out upon his arrival in New York to call William Green's statement scoring sit-down strikes, "characteristically cowardly and contemptible." A FdLattem~pt On Ford Laor Chief's Life Confirmed Amateurs To Play 'Bar Room Nights' "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," that arnadcare, by Wiliam W. Pratt, Esq., will be presented April 6 and 7 at the Ann Arbor High School Theatre by the Civic Amateur The- atre for the benefit of the Open- Air Municipal Theatre Project. The Master of Ceremonies at the performance of this tale of intem- perance will be Prof. Norman R. SMaler of the psychology department and the musical program will be ar- ranged by Nowell S. Ferris, organist at St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Maj. Peter K. Kelly of the R.O.T.C., SGeorge Meyer of the psychology de- partment and Miss Dorothy E. Shap- land, secretary of the psychology de- partment, are members of the bast. The Civic Amateur Theatre, ali or- ganization built on the principles of the Little Theatre movement whose object is to provide civic recreation for adults, will give its thirty-fifth dramatic presentation with the per- formance of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." Highie Art Citation Awarded To Boltoni Doris Bolton, '39A, was named first recipient of the annual Jane Higbie Award, for outstanding, promise among women students of' the Col- lege of Architecture, it was announced yesterday, by Prof. Wells I. Bennett, chairman of the Award committee. Mary Levan, '39A, received second mention, and I10 Mae Browns, '39A, was given third mention by the com- mittee. The award of $50 will be given each spring to the underclass woman in the decorative design department of the College of Architecture who has done most outstanding work in her first two years and shows most prom- ise for the rest of her studies. Orig- inality and good, workmanship are stressed by the terms of the award. It is not open to students above the sophomore year. Watch Repairing: HA LL E RS 4% Jewelry State and Libet ciety, because of his wealth, a layer1 uable in case of damage to the con- de resion struction eouipment as it facilitates By EARL R. GILMAN Newspaper stories should be thor- oughly analyzed by the readers before definite opinions are formed, Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journalism department, advised in an interview yesterday. . Professor Brumm attested the fact that there are so many widely di- vergent opinions among men of in- telligence and good will is due in many cases to the way words are used in newspapers. "Perhaps the chief of the many sources of our betrayal is the nouns, adjectives and verbs used in the public prints to tell us what is going on in the world beyond our own im- mediate observations," he pointed uIf the words are used consciously to deceive, as is partisan distortions, readers become the victims of un-' ethical practice, he said. If they are used stupidly, in consequence of the emotional bias of the writer, as is often the case, subscribers are with- out adequate defenses against them. "Measurably as these stupidly used words ft inwith --oupreconceptions, our wishes and desires, the betrayal becomes complete. But mostly the by our predilections. No word in a thinking transaction is free of the peculiar connotations that grow out of individual experiences," Professor Brumm stated. Argument is never free from emo- tional betrayal, Professor Brumm said, except as it may relate to mat- ters for which one feels no personal concern. The sad aspect about many disagreements is that many persons make their little worlds of ideas the only world, he said. Readers are also easily duped by symbols and labels, Professor Brumm added. "Some one, for instance, denounces an act as 'un-American' or 'illegal' or 'unconstitutional' and we quiver with indignation simply because we have been emotionally conditioned to quiver at these appelitions. "Intelligent persons should resent being compelled to misconceive mat- ters of public concern. We should ask ourselves everytime what facts 'we base the opnion on and where a"We should always remember that our individual world of ideas can take account of only a fraction of the facts involved in any real contro- versy," Professor Brumm concluded. Henderson To Be Honored At Debate Plans for the state high school of the University extension division, according to the registrar's office. Dr. Henderson will preside at the debate, which has been sponsored by the extension division annually since the contest's origin in 1918, and Pres- ident Ruthven will speak briefly. No Place To Loaf insurance adjustment." DETROIT, March 31.-(/P)-Harry "A rather sharply defined layer "It is interesting to note," Profes-i H. Bennett, personnel director of the since college can not be a place to sor Young said, "that in 1892 an in- Ford Motor Co., confirmed today a loaf for students who do not receive ternational boundary commission report that five men forced his auto- outside aid." Working three hours was appointed to examine the coun- mobile to a curb on March 23 and aday so that you can study five, ryangheoudybewnCn-fled when he jumped out and drew a causes you to realize fairly soon that ada and Alaska. The Canadian com- if you cannot take college seriously mission decided to use photography Bennett said he had not reported there are better places to spend four and in the two years that followed the matter to police, but believed the years. about 14,000 square miles were sur- information "leaked out" when he A new kind of a student seeking veyed by use of ground camera meth- placed a claim for automobile dam- a good time entered the university ods." age with an insurance company. during the depression, commented The photography course has been' He said the automobile containing Prof. J. F. Shepard of the psychology Itaught here continuously for 22 years' five men crowded his car to the side department. Satisfied that the world1 having been started in 1913 of a street in Dearborn as he was had no place for him he resolved to going to work shortly before noon. enjoy himself while he was here1 tion~ of suddenly having a great deal'-"" Such students showed an alarming of lesuetieadncorsnd TYER ER trend since their outward cynicism in inerests. Whilen phrrsiondgiEWRTERl cloaked an inner conflict. changes render college students sus- FUTINPN All students do not, said Professor ceptible those who come with pre- Student Supplies Shepard, contrary to general belief, determined interest may, if they lose I II pass through a "Joe College" stage themselves in it, and do omit it en- We . Mvu ruuu m When it occurs it is usually a ques tirely. 314 SOUTH STATE STREET FOR A R TH UR C. A life-long resident of Ann Arbor and member of a pioneer Washtenaw County family long active in the political, legal, and civic life of the community. Graduate of the Literary Department of the University with distinction and from Law School with a degree of Juris Doctor. says Luckies are the answer for '1 am not sure which is more critical -a Broadway audience or the movie A microphones. At any rate, whether in s: Hollywood or New York, an actress -- has to be certain that her performances men engcrfl ftevoc n P throat. That's why, though I enjoy smoking thoroughly, I try to use judgment in the cigarette 1 choose. When I first began smoking, Luckics ... were my choice, because I found this light smoke advisable for my throat. - 9 & -And that's as true today as ever. a'Luckies are still mystandby." /17 ~ ~Yf - Ikn idependent survey was mhade reCently among professional men and women-lawyers, doctors, leCturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they personally prefer a light smoke. Miss Sullavan verifies the wisdom of this pref- erenCe, and so do other leading artists of the radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are their fortunes. That' w Ihy so many of them smoke LuCkies. You, too, can have the throat pro' teCtioh of Luckies-a light smoke, free of certain harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process t's, Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat. THE FINEST TOBACCOS- "tTHE CREAM OF THE CROP"