t Increasing cloudiness followed by showers today, somewhatV warmer in east today. VOL. XLVII No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937 E -ditorials Vho's Looney Now? Vho Wins Tonight... PRICE FIVE CENTS Senators Sayx Court Power Is Wielded By SingleJustice Dorothy Thompson States Judiciary Plan May Lead To Dictatorship Senate Committee Continues Hearing WASHINGTON, March 31.-()- Two administration Senators com- plained today that power over fun- damental economic and social legis- ration now rests "upon the vacillat- ing judgment and human frailty of a single judge" of the Supreme Court. Minton of Indiana, a defender of the Roosevelt court legislation, and Schwellenbach of Washington, friendly but uncommitted, told the Senate that the Court's reversal on the issue of minimum wage laws showed Associate Justice Roberts to hold too much, power. Schwellenbach called it the "pow- er of a Mussolini." In addition, Minton asserted Chief Justice Hughes had "not forgotten the many lessons he learned so well in the arena of politics." The In- dianan said that Hughes had trans- mitted a letter to the Senate Ju- diciary Committee made up of "facts, fiction and dictum." Roberts Deciding Factor Contending that a change in the attitude of Justice Roberts altered the decision of the Court on the constitutionality of minimum wage laws for women within the space of a year, Minton asserted: "Unless the personnel of the Court is enlarged, every new and debateable issue that comes before the Court will find four justices definitely hostile, four will interpret the Constitution in the light of changing conditions, while one justice moves around we know not where." At another point in the Senate de- bate, Senator Wheeler (Dem., Mont.), a foe of the President's bill, said its proponents regretted the latest Su- preme Court decision bcause it de- stroyed some of their arguments for "packing" the Court. Adverse Testimony Heard Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee was receiving testimony against the legislation, which would empower the President to increase the membership of the Court unless justices past 70 retire. Dorothy Thompson, columnist, and Prof. Edwin Borchard of the Yale University Law School were the wit- nesses. Miss Thompson objected to the measure as the possible forerunner of a dictatorship, not by President Roosevelt, but by a successor, and drew an analogy between the legis- lation and events in European coun- tries leading to the abolition of de- mocracy." Professor Borchard contended the bill, while "within the letter of the Constitution," was "in a broader sense unconstitutional" because "in the minds of many, it is calculated to make the Supreme Court subservient to the executive." Norris Still Opposed During the day, Senator Norris (Ind., Neb.) visited the White House and said later that his position on the Court bill was unchanged, that he favored other methods of ap- proaching the problem, but that he would "vote for the plan" if he "can't get anything better." Attorney-General Cummings also entered the unabating struggle once more with a statement saying the minimum wage decision shows the soundness of President Roosevelt's proposal "in vivid fashion." Caucus To Discuss Liberal Union Plans Final preliminaries to the forma- tion of liberal group designed by its sponsors to have a broader appeal than any of its predecessors on the campus will be discussed at a caucus at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Union, the steering committee of the proposed group announced yesterday. Members of campus church groups, the Peace Council, Student Alliance, SCA, Student Workers' Federation, Reaches 55 Today Alexander G. Ruthven will today celebrate his 55th birthday. Born in 1882 in Hull, Ia., he has been Pres- ident of the University since 1929, when he succeeded Dr. Clarence Cook Little. Official Italian Intervention In SpainPossible Opportunity Of Bolshevist Government Results In Change Of Government Fear of the establishment of a Bolshevist government in Spain may cause Italy to officially despatch troops to aid the rebels in the Span- ish revolt, Associated Press reports stated last night. Thus the Italian position on in- tervention in the Spanish civil war was outlined by the press ministry, as usually reliable sources reported that Spanish insurgent Gen. Francisco Franco had imported 1,000 Italian colonials to quell a 'mutiny in Mo- rocco. To Observe Accord The press ministry avowed: That Italy will observe the Euro- pean non-intervention accord to the extent that it is "respected also by other powers which largely intervene in Spain." That if aid is continued. to the Spanish government by interested foreign powers, "the Italian govern- ment would find itself in necessity being forced to reexamine its own situation." That "it is inconceivable that re- strictive measures would be applied only from one side"-with resultant advantagevto "those forces which aim at bolshevization of Spain." Deny Charges Reports that thousands of Italian troops had been killed in fighting in Spain were termed "absolutely un- founded," but the press minister said that several hundred Italian volun- teers were among civil war casualties. The ministry professed ignorance also of the Moroccan revolt reports. Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, insurgent officials denied that any revolt had occurred there but reports persisted that 50 were shot and 1100 arrested to suppress a rising against Franco. The insurgent general, usually re- liable advices stated, imported 1,000 Italian colonial fighters to quell the counter-revolt. Schoolmasters To Meet Here; Speakers Listed Programs for the 72nd annual meeting of the Michigan Schoolmas- ter's club to be held April 29 and 30 and May 1 here were announced yes- terday by Registrar Ira M. Smith. The Rev. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the Central Methodist Epis- copal Church, Detroit, and former pastor of the First Methodist Church here, will be the principal speaker, Friday, April 30 in the Union, speak- ing on the subject "What Is An American?" Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will discuss "Trends of the Times" at a meeting Friday morning. Thursday at a conference on re- lations between secondary schools and institutions of higher learning, Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state super- intendent of public instruction, will be the principal speaker. Samuel W. Brownell, superinten- dent of schools at Grosse Pointe, will be the chief speaker at the Saturday m -nrn,v'n' r mppf'inr off *'hp .nih . Nazis Planning Property Law Modifications Inheritance Rules To Give Labor Preference Over Relatives Of Owners Have Already Tried Some Of Proposals BERLIN, March 31.-(IP)-The Nazi government is preparing to give to the German people a new con- ception of property rights, differing radically from the ideas of orthodox capitalism, a high official disclosed tonight. New civil laws are in process of codification, said this official, and in them "there will be no need and no room" for "abstract rights of prop- erty"-especially with respect to land. Roland Freisler, State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, made these disclosures in an article in a law magazine, "German Common and Economic Law." This legal authority predicted new conceptions would govern inherit- ance. Under new laws such passage of property will be governed by con- siderations of proximity, which may be either of blood relationship or of occupational relationship. Already In Effect Thus a distant relative would have less chance of inheriting industrial property than a worker who had helped the original owner develop it. The changes in prospect, Freisler explained, do not mean that the en- tire civil law is being overhauled with special emphasis on property rights. They merely will be a gradual appli- cation of new conceptions of workers' rights, peasants' rights and rights of other classes. The new laws, wrote Freisler, in many respects already are in full op- eration, as exemplified by the hered- itary farm laws, labor laws and racial laws which place Jews on a different status from other Germans with re- gard to property rights. The German people gradually are being prepared for acceptance of the nazis' principles of property. New Conception Established The writer pointed out that the Nazi system of hereditary farm is establishing a new conception of the relationship of the farmer to the land he tills, just as the Nurnberg racial laws established a new conception of citizenship, excluding Jews from full participation.k In tne same way new laws are es- tablishing a modern relationship be- tween workers and their factories, between workers and their dwellings and also between the whole people and such property as mineral re- sources, rivers and canals. Some of these changes remain to be legislat- ed, the writer said. Perkins Considers Draft Bill For Bread Price Investigation WASHINGTON, March 31.-( )- Rep. Paul W. Shafer of Battle Creek, drafted today a resolution request- ng the Attorney General to investi- gate Michigan bread prices. Shafer said he would introduceit Thursday. He said he had received complaints that chain bakeries were keeping bread prices at a low level to eliminate independent competition. The resolution referred to "cer- tain conditions prvailing in the bak- ing industry in Michigan whereby in- dependent bakers are being forced out of business by chain organiza- tions failing to maintain an adequate price sale." It was drafted after E. L. Schafer of Kalamazoo, owner of the Peter Pan Bakers, Inc., com- plained to the Battle Creek represen- tative. Two Detroiters Die, Two Hurt In Auto Crash Car Fails To Make Turn, Collides With Truck On Road To Clinton Two Detroit men were killed and two were seriously injured at 8 p.m. yesterday when the car in which they were riding failed to make a curve three and one-half miles east of Clin- ton on U.S. 112, hitting a truck and sending the Pontiac coach in which the Detroit people were riding 180 feet into a field. Those dead are Donald Barrett, aged 19 and Frank Martin, aged 23, and the injured ones are William Wilcox, aged 18, and Howard Dolt, aged 23. The driver of the truck, Louis Baker, aged 34 of Adrian, was uninjured. Ypsilanti State Police said that the accident apparently happened when the car in which the Detroit men were riding west tried to straighten out a curve and hit the truck in do- ing so. The driver of the car was thrown but the automobile registration card of Martin was found in the car, the police stated.I Work DiseaseI Bill Is Passed By State Senate LANSING, March 31.-9P)-The Senate passed an occupational dis- ease bill today, thereby advancing the first administration measure to show progress in the Legislature. The Hittle Bill, listing 31 diseases which would be compensable under the Workmen's Compensation Law if they were contracted because of or in employment was adopted unani- mously. It goes to the House, where it will be considered by the labor committee in conjunction with other occupa- tionalfdisease measures,sincluding one drafted by a special study com- mission appointed by former Gover- nor Fitzgerald. Attempts to substi- tute the commission bill for the Hittle measure in the Senate failed. As approved by the Senate the bill did nottmeet with the entire approval of either the Michigan Fed- eration of Labor or Governor Mur- phy, but was viewed by the Governor as a "step in the right direction." The labor organization and the Gov- ernor favored an all-inclusive law, embracing all diseases, instead of the more definite measure specifi- cally naming the compensable dis-, eases. Benefit Fight Show To Be Held Tonight Ten Bouts Feature Event; Ty Tyson And Bonth Williams ToAppear Show For Benefit Of Fresh Air Camp By BONTH WILLIAMS An even score of scrapping, bat- tling, leather throwing fighters will step into the ring in Yost Field House tonight intent upon battering out victory and glory in the 10 action- packed bouts that feature the Michi- gan Fight Show. Five thousand people, including' most of the Michigan celebrities, will be on hand to witness the finest box- ing card the University has ever o, fered, and to pour their contributions into the swelling charity gate. ! Tyson To Anoune ITy Tyson, personable sports au- thority, will announce the first bout The lights are dimmed as the white glare of the arcs over the ring cut in, and those who jam their way into the Field House will be treated to the thrill of thrills. The sight of two well conditined fighters, ghostly white bodies a contrast to their bright trunks, as all alone they dance outt from their corners to do or die. < Lithe muscles, perfect timing, eacht a human machine bent on smashingI and slashing, its opponent into sub-1 mission. 10 Bouts Scheduled Each of the 10 bouts is set to goi three two-minute rounds, unless ab- ruptly punctuated by a right hook earlier in the proceedings. Vernon Larson, freshman boxing coach, and John Johnstone will handle the offi- ciating and alternate on the fights.1 Medals will be awarded the victors in all bouts tonight. Darby Drake,' Ann Arbor High School coach andt Fred De Lano, Chicago Tribune Cor- respondent, will act as judges with the referee. Siegel To Box Late changes in the pairings weret made yesterday afternoon which will send Don Siegel, state Golden Gloves champ in the novice division, up against a hard hitting heavyweight from Flint. Siegel, who outclasses everything in the University, has agreed to take on a former college champion now living in the strike center. Bob Thalner, who had previously been matched with Siegel, will meet up with Don Cash, Elmhurst, Ill., yearling who packs dynamite in both+ hands in the second heavyweight go of the evening. Tom Root, an Ann Arbor fresh- (Continued on-Page 2) Bill Proposess Control Of Gift By University A bill designed to give 'the Univer- sity outright claim to the $4,000,000 gift from the Horace E. and Mary A. Rackham fund will be introduced in the legislature today, according to the Associated Press. Rep. Edward H. Fenlon, St. Ignace Democrat, sponsor of the measure, said the bill would repeal an act which requires the Regents to deposit with the state treasurer funds donated to the University to establish trusts. President Ruthven said last night that the Rackham gift had been accepted by the Regents only pro- visionally, in view of the state law. The act has not been enforced, ac- cording to the Associated Press, be- cause it was believed to conflict with constitutional authority of the Re- gents. Retail Milk Prices To Rise In Michigan DETROIT, March 31.-(AP)-The consumer will begin paying higher prices for milk tomorrow in Michi- gan. In Detroit, the price of home-de- livered milk goes up one cent a quart to 13 cents. The store price will re- main at 12 cents. Retail consumers in Jackson, how-1 ever, will have to nay 14 cents aI Selected As Speaker JESSE S. REEVES Reeves Named To Be SpeakerE At Convocation, Will Be First Faculty Man To Give Annual Address Before Honor Students1 Prof. Jesse S Reeves of the po- litical science department, who re- tired last month as chairman of the1 department, was named yesterday to' deliver the address at the 14th an- nual Honors Convocation which will be held April 30 in Hill Auditorium.t Professor Reeves, an authority on international law, will be the first faculty member to give the lecture.1 The selection was made by the con- vocation committee which is headedc by Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs- ley. Professor Reeves was chairman of the political science department from the time he came here in 1910 until his resignation. He has been the United States member of the Pan- American Conference for Interna- tional Law Codification since 1925I and holds a W.W. Cook professorship of American Institutions. In 1924 he was appointed lecturer, at the Academy of International Law at the Hague and in 1925 was named a member of the Permanent Court of Central American Justice. He is the author of several books, essays and reviews. President Ruthven will preside at the convocation which is held an- nually to honor students selected for outstanding scholastic achievement. Senior honors are awarded to stu- dents who have attained at least a B average and hold rank in the high- est 10 per cent of the senior classes in the various schools and colleges. Junior, sophomore and freshman honors are awarded to students who have attained an average equivalent to at least half A and half B. . Winners of fellowships and schol- arships and other honor students in (Continued on Page 6) Independents Plan For Carnival Booth The newly-formed organization for all independent men on campus, at a meeting last night in the Union, vot- ed to conduct a full-sized booth at, the Michigras carnival which is to be held April 23 and 24 at Yost Field House. The group will also conduct a prize-winning contest in a smaller booth at which several radios are to be awarded. Bruce Telfer, '38, temporary chair- man of the group, also proposed that a dinner-dance be held for all inde- pendents sometime after Spring Va- cation at the Union for a nominal price. He asked that in order to make the Michigras booth and the prospective dinner-dance successes, a large number of independents come out. * Tentative plans have been made for social activities, discussion group and sports committees. The next meeting will be held at 730 p.m. Monday at the Union. Power Authority Bill Coal Industry Strike Looms As Wage Fight Is Deadlocked Reject Miners' Demands Shortly Before End Of Present Agreement Government Seeks Hands-Off Course NEW YORK, March 31.---P)A-A soft coal strike Friday became more probable tonight with wage and hour negotiations between miners and op- Several large groups of operators rejected the United Mine Workers latest demand a few hours before the midnight expiration of the pres- ent working agreement. Tomorrow is John L. Lewis day, a miners' holiday, but 400,000 miners will stay away from work Friday unless a new contract is signed or the present one extended. No, Agreement Seen The miners and operators were slated to hold a conference late to- night, but many operators expressed the opinion, privately, that no agree- ment would result. Lewis' latest demand, in brief, called for an increase of 50 cents in the present basic daily wage of $5.50 and a raise of nine cents in the combined cutting and loading rate with time and a half for overtime. Duncan Kennedy, chairman, called the full joint wage conference of about 300 miners and operators to meet at 9:30 p.m. to decide the issue. Six Men Negotiate The six-man joint negotiating committee reported to a larger com- mittee late this afternoon. This lar- ger committee, in turn, was to re- port to the full conference after hear- ing from the operators' caucuses. Edward F. McGrady, assistant sec- retary of labor, sent word to the committee he stood ready to help arrange an agreement if his services were asked. Through the labor de- partment, McGrady kept President. Roosevelt informed on developments, In usually well-informed quarters, the Administration was represented as wishing to avoid a strike but equal- ly desirous of keeping hands off the situation as long as possible. Mr. Roosevelt stepped, into the 1935 negotiations five times to obtain ex- tensions of an old contract and thus avert a strike. S'Hara Assails Model Wage Iaw WASHINGTON, March 31.--'P)- A well-informed labor authority said today that Secretary Perkins was considering calling a national con- ference to draft atmodel minimum wage law for the states. Some state labor commissions ap- parently have been sounded out the informant said, on whether they would welcome such a conference. There were indications invitations might go out almost immediately to state labor and legal experts. New York officials already have in- dicated a desire to enact a law, now that Washington's has been upheld, and a movement is under way to re- vive the District of Columbia mini- mum wage law. ' Court Proposal As Dictatorial Contrary To Separatibn Of Powers, Detroit Lawyer Tells AlphaKappa Psi The Supreme Court issue which is now facing Congress is plainly a question of whether the people of the United States prefer to be citizens in a free democratic government or to be slaves to some dictatorial power similar to those in Europe, Chester O'Hara, 'lOL, Detroit lawyer and de- feated candidate for prosecutor for Wayne County, told the members of the Alpha Kappa Psi business ad- ministration. fraternity last night. "The framers of the Constitution provided for three definite depart- ments in our Federal government: the executive, to be headed by the President; the legislative, by Con- gress; and the judicial, by the Su- preme Court. These departments were, of course, meant to function absolutely independent of each other; for without such independence the entire purpose of such a three-part division is lost," Mr. O'Hara pointed out. "Already part of that purpose has automatically been defeated by vir- tue of the majority of "pro-Roose- velt" representatives in the House and Senate; and now, with the leg- islative body well under his thumb, the head-executive is trying to grasp complete control- of the country by subrdinating the Supreme Court to his wishes." If Mr. Roosevelt's program is ap- proved, the President's position in resnect to the nation will be exactly Four Bands Are Expected To Lead Michigras 'Grand Processional' A grand parade with a processional of three or four local bands, probably headed by Michigan's own "Fight- ing Hundred" will open the 1937 Michigras on April 23, according to H. Murray Campbell, '38, of the Michigras Conmittee. The procession, which will begin at 4:00 p.m., will be well heralded by martial music for not only is the Varsity Band expected but also the Ann Arbor High School Band, the Elk's Band, and the American Legion Drum and Bugle Corp, Campbell said. Union to discuss the parade if they are interested in being represented. Also included in the procession will be 30 to 40 horses representing the several riding academies of Ann Ar- bor. The march will begin at the Yost Field House, puss through the downtown section and then procede up to the campus and encircle it completely. The parade will last ap- proximately an hour and a half. The Michigras itself-a real car- nival with booths, side shows,. and the customary carnival features- will begin shortly after the parade at the Yost Field House. Plans have Is Wisconsin Possibility MADISON, Wis., March 31.-UP- A power bill sposored by the LaFol- lette administration and designed to