' THE MIC>HIGAN DAILYPA CIE FITE i I Large Crowd To Be Present At Easter Ball Proceeds Of Dance To Go To Charity; Subscription pi Dinner Is Planned sy More than 200 couples are expected un to attend the annual Easter Ball to be St held in the Union ballroom from 9:30 M ushin g Systems Found Unsatisfactory Independents Will Choose Two Active Members To Assembly Board The Ann Arbor Independent Wom en, a newly-organized group of Uni versity women living in private home and interested in extracurricular ac tivities, was recognized at the As sembly meeting held yesterday in th League. Two representatives, to be activ members of theAssembly board, wer given to the new group in answe to a petition presented by Fnlorec McConkey, '38A, president. The rep- resentatives will be elected by th new organization at a mass meeting to be held in the near future, Miss McConkey said, adding that about 8 women are in the group. Name Other Officers The other oficers of the Ann Ar- bor Independent Women besides Miss McConkey are Elizabeth Notley, '39 secretary, and Dorothy Novy, '38 treasurer. Miss Novy is also chair- man of the membership committee which consists of Mary Katherine Burns, '39, Ellen Cole, '38, Barbara Summers, '40, and Hilda VanTuyl, '40. A new insignia was introduced at the meeting and was accepted by a unanimous vote. Helen Jesperson, '38, president of Assembly, praised the idea and said the emblem would appear on all future Assembly occa- sions in the way of decorations and on the programs, place cards and leaflets of the organization. The in- signia was chosen by the Assembly representatives from a group of five sketches which were designed by Berta Knudson, '38A, and Miss Mc- Conkey. The idea of the insignia was introduced at the recent As- sembly Ball where it furnished the motif of decorations. Executive Committee Planned Joanne Kimmell, '38, was appoint- ed to head a committee which will make plans for an executive group, to become a new part of the As- sembly organization. The positions on the committee will probably be filled by petition, Miss Jesperson said, adding that the petitions will be made in the fall after the Assembly house elections. Dinner For New Athletic Board Members Held Performing their last function of office, the mmbers of the 1936-37 board of the Women's Athletic As- sociation held a dinner for the new members of the board last night in the committee room at the W.A.A. Building. An informal discussion took place before the dinner, which began at 6 p.m. Kate Landrum, '37, president for the past year, gave a short talk fol- lowing the dinner and conducted the candlelight service at which the new executive officers and sports manag- ers took their vows to the organiza- tion. Mary Johnson, '38, new W.A.A. president concluded the evening's ceremonies by a short talk to the members of the new board in which she explained the various objects for the 1937-38 school year and stressed the different methods of sportspar- ticiption. Miss Marie Hartwig, faculty ad- viser of the board read a message to the new board from Dr. Margaret Bell. Easter Dance At Chapel To Be Held By Students The Catholic students will hold an Easter dance at 8 p.m. today in the auditorium of St. Mary's Chapel. All students and their friends are invited to attend. The committee in charge of the affair includes Virginia Kreighoff, '38, Theresa Jaycox, '37, Virginia Rapp, '37, Angeleine Maliszewski, '38, and Elizabeth Durfee, '37. Others are Edmund DeVine, '37, Fred Co- lombo, '38, Richard Goldcamp, '37, and Walter Conlon, '37E. Bill Sawyer's orchestra will play for the dance and women have been granted premission until 11 p.m. to attend. The admission will be 25 cents per person. CHI OMEGA Chi Omega announces the pledging of Mary Mooney, '39, of Olean, N. Y. . The perenially-popular redingote is being made this season with wide, padded shoulders and long, fitted lines. It is particularly fa- vred by fashion because one's new spring dresses are shown to ad- vantage beneath it. For dressy oc- casions, perky turbans with cir- cular veils are worn with it. Universty Librar y Offers Emily Post A La 1781 V ersion Any Michigan woman who wants to brush up on the finer points of etiquette can find valuable aid in the general -library, where there are 16 books on etiquette for ladies and more on related subjects. The "Ladies' Hand-book and Manual of Politeness" is addressed to "any of the fair sex who deem it important to become graceful in deportment and attractive in manner as well as intelligent and accomplished." It offers advice on everything from marriage to preservation and im- provement of beauty. Michigan women might also be interested in the "Ladies' Friend," which claims to be a treatise on the virtues and qualificatrions which are the brightest ornaments of their fair sex and render them most agreeable to the sensible part of mankind. This bdok, published in 1781, treats not only the lighter things of life, such as dress, diversions, love and gal- lantry, but it deals also with studies fit for women, and advises them "not to meddle with abstract sciences and weighty investigations. They may, however, be allowed to improve their intellects by a little study." Graduates To Hear Prof. Riegel Speak Prof. John W. Riegel of the eco- nomics department will be the speaker at the graduate students luncheon to be held at noon today in the Russian Tea Room of the League. "Public Policy Toward Strikes," will be the subject of Dr. Riegel, who is associate professor of industrial relations and director of the Bureau of Industrial Relations. Special em- phasis will be given to recent events in the talk. All graduate students are welcome at these meetings which are held weekly. Members Of Music Committee Announced The music committee for the 1937 Freshman Project was announced re- cently by Barbara Telling, chairman. Members of the music committee in- clude Helen Brady, Ruth Chatard, Katharine Cross, Gwendolyn Dunlop, Elizabeth Emswiler, Marian Fergu- son, Jane Jewett, Jane Nussbaum, Louisa Penny, Mary Alice Quick, and Betty stadelman. KAPPA DELTA Kappa Delta announces the pledg- ing of Wanda Jennings, '40, of Peoria, Ill., and Roberta Meyers, '40, of De- troit. p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today, according to Mrs. Theophil Klingman, general chairman of the dance.j The formal ball, which is given an- nually by the League of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, will be held to raise money for charity. Bob Steinle and his band will play for the dance. A subscription dinner has been planned for the members of the central com- mittee to be served at the Union pre- vious to the dance for $1. In addition to the dancing in the ballroom, there will be a supper served from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. in the small ballroom. Those who will preside at the supper are Mrs. Henry Lewis, Mrs. R. Bishop Canfield, Mrs. Allen S. Whitney and Mrs. Geoige P. McCallum. Decorations for the ball will con- sist of yellow calla lilies grouped in the center of the supper tables, which will be arranged to form a Roman cross. Square candles will complete the decorations. Mrs. Klingman will be assisted by Mrs. Ralph Aigler, chairman of the music, Mrs. William Giefel, publicity chairman, Mrs. C. T. Olmstead, sup- per chaiiman, Mrs. Mack Stuart, ticket chairman and Mrs. A. C. Fur-' stenberg, chairman of the patrons and patronesses. Mosher Tea Dance To Be Held Today Mosher Hall will hold a tea dance for residents in Mosher and Jordan Halls from 4:30 to 5 p.m., today, ac- cording to Marion Cannon, '37, who is in charge. Mrs. Martha L. Ray and Miss Jean Keller will act as hostesses. Miss Kathleen Hamm, Miss Maxine Boone, and Miss Ruth Barret will asist ;hem. Mrs. Harry B. Phelps, Mrs. U. R. Loranger, and Mrs. Warren L. Wallace will pour. Dancing will be in the drawing room and tea will be served in the radio room. The tea table will be decorated with pink roses and ivory candles. Colorful Hats Top New Spring Suits In Giddy Manner Cap the climax this spring with a new bonnet. Suits were made espe- cially' for the hats it seems, because this spring's campus toppers are in- dividual. The predominant style is called a "roller," meaning that the small, soft brim is rolled and then bounded with a ribbon of matching or contrasting shade. The crown is shallow, so that the hat may rest lightly on the top of the head. Instead of the usual feather there are stitchings on the side, which are called feather stitch- ings. Don't worry about matching you're outfit because this particular style comes in 38 different shades. There are also other equally at- tractive styles with descriptive names, such as the "up 'n up,' a small off-the-face hat tied with a contrast- ing ribbon which runs along the base of the crown and along the peak of the brim. Just a word as to shades: the new- est ones are as devastating as they sound. Some are the new thistle, a dull rose, which goes with anything, a shade called red-earth, which is a shade darker than british-tan, or "sailor's aqua" a lovely pastel blue green. So with all these intriguing new styles and shades hold your head high. ALPHA CHI OMEGA Members of Alpha Chi Omega elected the following officers for the new year: president, Margaret Cur- ry, '38; vice-president, Laura Spen- cer, '37; rushing chairman, Phyllis Bauer, '38; house manager, Jean Steere, '38; treasurer, Nancy Hul- wick, '39. .sit usf pl jT va tr Icla pr so on al if f o be ru sa lap so wit sa no 1o cor in WO] jud ha sit ,rr* s« . enter the uniiv ersity for merely so- iG tA n't ic a niver a tes cial reasons an1d by puitting the fir(. ;t y orty f mer an n ersities emphasis othecaei By hARRIET POMEROY have not tried it in the last 10 years. nothing better has been found. They Secondly, to aignify the indivdduel General dissatisfaction with their At the University of Texas they have never tried deferred rushing be- Acquaint Pledges esent rushing systems was the out- have three full days of rushing be- cause it would be too detrimental to fraternity by giving them- anding result of a survey conducted fore registration with the bids given the houses which count on pledges tunity to base invitation to member- andinghesult of asrveyhnrued fore dy ter registration.witht s gn to complete filling them in the fall. j ship on real acquaintance and friend- y The Daily of rushing rules of out the day after registration. Mrs. Although they anticipate no change shpahrta is perne niversities throughout the United Kathleen Bland, assistant dean of the ushin te onge ship, rather than first appearance. Cates which can be compared to women, went on to say that the sys- ppriod of from four to five days [This system also helps -to safeguard ichigan as to enrollment, housing tem is satisfactory to the majority; would be welcomed. a fraternity from having pledges tuation and number of sororities. bf "havmg it all over" over- The Universities, although there who cannot be initiated because of .balancig the snap judgments and low grades, and it also relieves the However, the two schools which mistakes on the part of both rushees are only two, using deferred rushing fraternity of a number of freshmen e deferred rushing expressed com- and groups. are contented with their system and unoriented to university life in gen- ete satisfaction with their system. Five years ago deferred rushing was give concrete reasons for their ap- eral, saving the upperclass women the he other schools employed systems used on the University of Texas cam- parent satisfaction. problem of this orientation. This prying from three days before regis- us, Miss Bland said,tbut they turnedi Sophomore Rushing Suggested system raises the ideals of fraternity ation to two weeks of rushing after to their present system because of At the University of Pittsburgh, de- membership higher by making it asses began. These schools all ex- numerous violations of rushing rules ferred rushing has been found so far something to be achieved through a essed their dissatisfaction with and the decided advantage such a to excel any other system they have test of intellectual ability and me phase of their system. Opinions system was for the more powerful ever used. Helen P. Rush, assistant through observation of one's social the shortcomings and merits of groups. Miss Bland suggests the ideal dean of women, stated that their be- worth over a period of time. 1 forms of rushing were revealed, rushing system consisting of an early lief in this form of rushing has been In the third place this rushing sys- :ysfomfshirgyweatrsaledrypledge date, following a brief rush founded on the idea that if the fra- tem is found to protect the individual SythemIs airity Saisfoury Cperiod; a loose quota, limiting the ternity system, in order to live, has freshman by proving that she is cap- At the University of Southern Cal- chapters. She however admits that to take in freshmen before they know able of doing her academic work ornia they find their system of this would not eliminate all the evils anything about fraternities or have which the university requires before irmal rush week shortly after the of rushing. been on campus long enough to judge assuming the responsibility of a fra- ginning of school and informal Deferred Rushing Is Impossible them fairly, the system is admitting ternity. It also gives the freshman tskiing the rest of the year fairly At Northwestern deferred rushing fundamental weakness. . woman an opportunity to know the tisfactory, according to Helen Dun- would not be possible because of the Miss Rush believes that sophomore university as a whole and become p, president of the Panhellenic As- financial obligations of all the sor- rushing would be an improvement somewhat orientated to it before fo- ciation. Miss Dunlop continues orities. The general reaction of -both I over their system of second semester cusing her attention upon a smaller th the fact that the system is un- alumni and undergraduates to this rushing by allowing the freshmen a group. tisfactory to the extent that it does system is that it would simply ag- whole year in which to become orient-__ allow the rushees enough time to gravate the anxieties of pre-pledging ed. Again at the University of Pitts- k over the different sororities and days. burgh they find that deferred rush- Jewelry and nsequently some girls are unhappy Rushing for two weeks early in ing has no effect whatsoever on the Watch Repairing their choice of sororities. It also September is used at the University size of the women's fraternities. rks the same way with sororities in of Nevada. It has not been found o , dging rushees. Deferred rushing satisfactory because it interferes with In their "Catechism on Women s L LE S Jewelry s never been tried at the univer- the adjustment of the freshman to Fraternities an explanation for their State at Liberty y. college life.use of deferred rushing is offered. - No results of their rushing system, either favorable or not, are given in the letter received from Ohio State University. Regarding deferred rushing Esther Allen Gaw, dean of women, says they have no indication of the success of this system as they TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPH 1 NG Promptly and neatly done by experi- enced operatbrs at noderate prices. 04D. MORRILL 314 South State Street According to Helen Reich, adviser of Panhellenic, three days intensive rushing just prior to the opening of classes is used at the University of Iowa. Miss Reich says that they have used this system for many years, and while not completely satisfactory, ORIENTAL RUGS SALE IS ON Repairing by native expert N. L. MANCOUNI 207 Fritz Bldg. Ph. 7270 Ill m 7 Announcin'g -- - V Th o An innovation for the ganensian. On the cover book, we will emboss your at no extra cost to you. This week our salesmen will be located on the campus to take orders for your book. The price is now $4.50. Buy it Today! ... W The Wonder Permanent Consider the advantages of becoming a PRIVATE or w-- f r 1Q0V7 I 11 I 1 - I 'ML. - ' m A-a I 1Nk.