THE MICHIGAN DAILY HIGAN DAILY I ....,. .. -_ Edited and managed by students of the University of ichigan under the authority of the Board in Coxitrol of tudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the niversity year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the se for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All ghts of republication of all other matter herein also served. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan-as cond class mnail matter. Subscriptions during regular school'year by carrier, .00; by mail, $4.50. dember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED WOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGOEEBOSTON - SAN FRANCtSCO LOO ANGELES - ORTLAtio -SEATTLE Board of Editors fANAGING EDITOR. ........ELSIE A. PIERCE DITORIAL DIRECTOR ......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN eorge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins' IGrT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shacke'ton, Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tlure Tenander, Robert Weeks. PORT'S DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Gerstacker. 'O7 EN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Mdore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department USINESS MANAGER ...................YOHN R. PARK SSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH USINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil 'Bwhen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, romen's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferriesi Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey,, Betsy. Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dode Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers aek Staple, Accounts Manager; Iichard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation 'Manager; Don J. Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH S. MATTES Yugoslavian esman . pact between the "enemies across the Adriatic" is, at least on the Yugoslav side, but a continua- tion of this opportunistic policy and not intend- ed as a definite choice between the two opposing camps. ITHE FORUM1V Sheriff Andres: A Rebuttal To the Editor: Mr. "CB.C." in yesterday's Daily, in his de- fense of the Andres battalion, is quite unrea- sonable and unless the linotyper was drunk the other evening, I think his logic rears up and kicks him in the face. If, as he states, "Jake Andres' concern is not so much what local workers and labor leaders, of whom he is one, may do on their own in- itiative, but rather about the possible resultsI of what he calls the "radical political-gangster type" of labor organizers," it is all what is gen- erally called,'huiky dory. But when he con- tinues, "After all Washtenaw County is neither Socialistic nor Communistic in their varying degrees, but still Republican, according to the latest election returns," we must tell him that either the election returns are wrong or he is a Fascist. For after all, if most of the people are Republican and they sit down as Repub- licans, surely our democratic, American C.B.C. would not sanction a punitive force to stand them up and knock them down again. In short, either C.B.C. and Andres are going to function as strike-breakers against sitting Washtenaw Republicans who don't want to sit- down, or they are going to break up Washtenaw Republicans who are born sitters in which case Mr. C..C. is a liar._ But unlike C.B.C.'s epistle, Edwin F. Snyder's makes no claim to a formidable logic and is therefore easier to read, it being possible to start in the middle and read up. If this is done one begins with the notion that sit-downers are tak- ing away people's homes and families, and ends with the affirmation that the letter was born of "the deepest disgust;" which ought to make it impartial enough. Starting from the middle and reading down, however, one ends with the reassuring pleasantry that Mr. Snyder, Jr. is four square behind the suckers behind Andres. My sole contribution to this gentleman's un- dubtedly vast and crystal store of knowledge, is that, contrary to his statement, the "Liberal- ists "'if they think at all," (which is a good point), might very well "admit that it is fitting and proper that any body of citizens should take possession of property that can in no way be conceived as belonging to them." But we agree that this is "precisely what the men and women who participate in "sit-down" strikes are doing." For after all both ourselves and Mr. Snyder, Jr. are good Americans, and good Americans, like good elephants, never forget tea parties,j especially the Boston kind. But all with one res- ervation under the belt. The Boston Indians never even built the tea. -Arthur A. Miller. White Elephant To the Editor: I wish to go on record as disgusted with the high-pressure salesmanship methods used by the staff of the Michiganensian, and especially, I want to register my disgust with the actions of the aforementioned staff, in notifying the par- ents of seniors that their sons and daughters had not purchased their copies of the year book. The letter which they send to the homes of the parents carries in it the implication that the student might not have the "financial where- withall" to purchase their beautifully-bound brain child. Have the editors of the "worthy white ele- phant" ever considered that such a letter is an encroachment in the personal life of the stu- dent? There are many of us who are earning our entire expenses at school, and such a letter brings on unwelcome inquiries into our financial status. Personally, I wouldn't take a copy of it if it were presented to me on a silver platter. I'm not interested in what "Joe College" or "J-Hop Maine" did while they took pipe courses here. I believe that there are many who live on the other side of the fence which divides campus life, and the socially conscious are not concerned with the silly antics of the others, except to pity them. And beside, I need no album over which to sing "Among My Souvenirs" in plaintive notes. The Michiganensian would make a fine ornamental door-stop, but I've plenty of those, as well as other dust collectors Again, I say that if a Fuller Brush man sent home telling my parents that I hadn't bought his particular brand of toothbrush, I wouldn't think he had any less common manners than the editors of the "5 pound, beautifully bound, super- colossal, Sears Roebuck Catalog-The Mich- iganensian. Disgustedly, -R.S., '37. Stop The Anti-Hitch-Hike Bill To the Editor : The bill "designed to curb hitch-hikers and the mute appeal of the uplifted thumb," (Asso- ciated Press dispatch, dated Lansing, March 25) recently introduced in the State Legislature, would not only impose a hardship on college students, but would prove a detriment to the entire state. Last summer, due to excessive heat in late June and early July, Michigan's cherry crop ripened about two weeks earlier than usual. The domestic labor supply being occupied in routine farming at this time, there was a serious lack of unskilled labor.. From Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Chicago, and other industrial cities marginal laborers hitch-hiked into the fruit belt and saved the cherry industry. BENEATH **** ++ IT ALL BBy Bonth Wllam FOR YEARS Guy Whipple was a character who stood out on the Michigan Campus as different. He was a character because he turned a brilliant mind to everything from Karl Marx to bookmaking, and excelled at every- thing. First on' the Free Press and now with the Detroit Times, Whip is striding along the- path of Hearstonian success and spending his week- ends in Ann Arbor. I asked Guy to be guest col- umnist today because he really can write when he wants to. Guy's present aim is to marry a girl who can make the payments on a LaSalle convertible coupe out of her own salary. Here he is: OLD GUY is taking over Dr. Bonth Williams' column today . . . because that worthy reports that he's otherwise occupied (with more im- portant things) . . . and so this will be nothing more than a heartfelt, and perhaps futile, at- tempt to set down a few things of interest as seen by a gent who was requested by the Admin- istration to bid good-bye to the campus . . . be- cause he wasn't a "serious student" ... booted 100 hours and 227 honor points . . . and that's the last morsel of braggadocio, honest. A preliminary word or two about what some ex-campus biggies are doing . . . you may be interested (these lads are mostly journalists-I never did know many respectable people) . . Tho- mas Herman (Blimp) Kleene is toiling midnights to 8 a.m.'s for the News in Detroit, and is doing fine . . . likewise Thomas Emil Groehn, 'tho he's covering strikes of late, and in the daytime . . both are ex-Daily men . .. Jack (One Eye) Healey and his comrade-at-the-Bell, Jake Flaherty, are doing their bit for the Fourth Estate on the Battle Creek Enquirer-News . . . Ruthie Sauer, who is one oofly (excuse me, Mr. Winchell) swell little girl, is the Whole Thing on the Huron County Tribune . . . that's in her home four- -corners of Bad Axe ... she ran afoul the author- ities here last summer in a scholastic way 'and got a ticket out . . . Pete Bowles, ex-Gargoyle, is All Set in radio advertising (N.Y.) . . . Frank Gil- breth, Alpha Delt and Daily editor of yore (was it 1932) is an Associated Press newsgatherer daown Saouth . . . Jo MacLean, society editor last year, tells me she's writing short stories eight hours per day . . . at her home in Detroit . : . and hoping . . .Russ Read is General Electricing in their training school . . . Too Too Devine is out in Utah, or is it Montana, doing I-don't-known what ... Jerry Pettit is looking gorgeously pros- perous in immaculate detachable collars and what goes with it . . . he's in advertising-public relations bizz . . . I couldn't gather just what. Robert Stuyvesant Ward, red-haired ex-Theta Delt and super-speaker, is on the Det. Times bus- iness staff . . . Karl Seiffert, former city-ed of The Daily, is going up on The News, same city .that's 'bout enough of us marvelously suc- cessful journalists, I reckon ... and enough plugs for how red-hot you get in this building. you know, the Student Publications structure. SEEMS TO ME CONTEMPORARY MAG, is giving this business of what's wrong with the LS and A college a super build-up . . . and rightly so . . . there's a-plenty wrong with it .. . some questions this non-intellectual mind thinks the power-that-be must ansywer: (1) why do "the boys" get a thrill of pride out of cutting a class, or a week of classes . . . (2) why do studes have to apologize if they confess an interest in poetry ... (3) why are lit college courses easier than those in a Grade A high school? . . . (4) when is this silly business of giving grades going to be rubbed out of the system . . . (5) why am I not going to send MY sons and daughters to a state university? (they're going 'round the world and soak up a real education) . . . I except the pro- fessional schools from these ramblings, they're quite O.K. for my dough . . . where'm I going to get the money to educate the kids? . . . 's a secret!/ The most precious quality a girl, college or otherwise, can have: Spontaneity. Second most precious to above: Comehithery- ness. BRRRFFFFSKK! Thoughts from a mumble- jumble brain: Mr. Lewis' Committee for In- dustrial Organization is going to go all kinds of places. . . bigger 'n better . . . just where's it going, this high spokesman declines to indicate . .. the sit-down is on the wane ... the A. F. of L. is in its grave . . . Sceneshifter, Maxwell How- ard's speedy hide, is my Dark One to cop this year's Derby May 8 . . . he wheeled one and an eighth in a fifth of a second off Brevity's Hialeah record recently, I remindja . . . by 12 lengths "only" ... 30-1 in the book, if you hurry. . . Ros3t won't seek a thoid term . . . there'll be a "real" (sounds like a Red talking) Farmer-Labor party in the field in '40 . . . Winchell is the world's greatest columnist, don't see how he does it (don't see how I do it either) . . . I'm not vain, just conceited . . . my Ann Arbor back-bills for 1935 and 1936 will soon be paid off . . . who cares?? .... PLENTY of people! . .'. To the One Person who is reading this, I know . .,. I still love you, and always will . . . think the Michigans will have a better f'ball team this year . . . the way to slash the auto death toll all to -(oop) !s is to have driving schools in grade school . so the urchins NEVER learn the wrong way,. . it's my 45-year plan . . . please note, Professor Worley . . . glad to see Mr. Kipke upturned Gloom-Guy Rockwell's prediction's he be oust- ed . . . the Free Press' Charley Ward of Tiger" coverage fame is just about "In" as sports ed ... I love Ann Arbor, and the U. of M., and all of you . . . come around to the Parkstone in De- Raymond Clapper Advocates AdoptionOf Court Proposal EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of two articles representing the affirmative and negative positions of the court proposal as presented in! the columns of The Quill. Mr. Clapper is the Washington correspondent of the Scripps-Howard newspapers. At the first opportunity we will reprint the neative arguments of David Law- rence, editor of The United States News. By RAYMOND CLAPPER THE hysterical attack upon Presi- dent Roosevelt's Supreme Court proposal obscures its essential mild- ness. We are being treated to a bedlam of frantic shrieks not unlike those which split our ears in the presiden- tial campaign when we were warned that the Administration, under the guise of social security, was preparing to hang a dog tag identification badge arounddthe neck of every free- born American workman. What has Roosevelt proposed? Changing the Constitution? No. Curbing the powers of the Supreme Court? No. Requiring it to reach its decisions by a two-thirds or unani- mous vote? No. Stripping it of its appellate jurisdiction? No. Tamper- ing in any way with the power of the court? No. Chief Jus- tice Hughes said the Constitution is what the judges say it is. RESIDENT ROOSEVLET, twice elected with a popular mandate to deal with social and economic con- ditions that need correcting to make our system work more equitably, is simply fed up with a situation which leaves his whole program to be thwarted by a hangover court, ap- pointed by predecessors going back a quarter of a century. He is fed up with having five or six judges whose political philosophy was repudiated in 1932, again with more emphasis in 1934, and finally by all except two states in 1936, veto efforts to deal with conditions that public opinion seems to feel should be dealt with. He is fed up with having groups and interests use the reactionary wing of this court to thwart what they could riot defeat at the polls. He is fed up with the same thing that a minority of the court itself is fed up on-and which caused As- sociate Justice Harlan Stone, in his indignant dissent from the AAA de- cision, to rebuke the reactionary ma- jority of the court and say: "For the removal of unwise laws from the statute books appeal lies, not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the processes of democratic government." Roosevelt is fed up and impatient. And understandably so. lNSTEAD of waiting for vacancies to occur in the natural course of events, he is trying to force them, or failing that, to cancel out the votes of these reactionary judges by appoint- ing additional ones who, he hopes, would be more in sympathy with the interpretations rendered by Justices Brandeis, Stone and Cardoza. It is an unprecedented proceeding intended to deal with an exceptional situation in which the court, by rea- son of the unusually long tenure of some present members, lags far be- hind the viewpoint of the country, which has undergone a vast change within the last few years. The Philadelphia Record calls it a move"'to "unpack the court." Roosevelt suggests no fundamental change in the form of government, only a superficial one aimed at a glut of justices who have shown them.. selves completely out of. sympathy with the times, and who happens, to be in a strategic position to impose a final veto upon the effort of the Fed- eral Government to respond to the demands upon it. WHY, the principal objections to President Roosevelt's Supreme Court proposal do not seem to me to in this world or weakly resign him- self to futility. Squeamish pedants will say Roose-! velt should sit with folded hands. Practical persons prefer results to vain theorizing about hypothetical perfection. 3. Roosevelt's method would open the way for dictatorship or fascism. Dictators are born when a nation's people are desperate, when self-gov- ernment breaks down. They are avoided when government meets its responsibilities efficiently. When the Government was paralyzed under Hoover, Republicans were crying for a Mussolini. The Supreme Court is doing its utmost to prevent the Gov- ernment from responding to the needs of the time. Dictatorship is more apt to result from such paralys- is as the Supreme Court is in dan- ger of imposing than from a respon- sive functioning of the Government which Roosevelt is trying to bring about. . 4. This plan seeks to avoid a con- stitutiOnal amendment by a legisla- tive short cut- Why delay to tamper with the Con- stitution if a change in the balance of the court, achieved through means clearly within the authority of Con- gress, will serve? Why take the longest way around? 5. But this method denies the peo- ple a chance to pass on an amend- ment. Do the people pass on an amend- ment? Thirteen states can block any amendment. Barely one-third of the membership in one house of each of the 13 legislatures can block ratification, although the country might, if it could vote directly, be overwelmingly for it. 6. It would upset the balance of the three branches. The court's powers are unaffected in any respect by this proposal. 7. Roosevelt is trying to get a Su- preme Court which will amend the Constitution by judicial interpreta- tion. We have a court which is constant- ly amending the Constitution now by majority interpretation, usually by five or six justices. Roosevelt v ants to make the minority interpre- tation prevail. It is a battle between two schools of interpretation. Roose- velt naturally wants his to predom- inate. 8. Age is no criterion of capacity. True. Any line is arbitrary. Roose- velt would fix it at 70. Chief Justice Hughes has suggested 75. Most cor- portations fix it in that vicinity for their top executives. 9. The plan was not advanced dur- ing the campaign. Is a President to be stopped from suggesting anything that he did not propose during a political campaign? Anyone who advances such an argu- ment seriously is too innocent about practical politics to be discussing such matters. It is always thus in a period of great change and crisis. It is part of the natural process of readjusting our democracy to new demands aris- ing out of the times. The strong man meets his crisis with the most practical tools at hand. They may not be the best tools, but they are available, which is all-important. He would rather use them, such as they are, than do nothing. THERE is no point to the present discussion about the Supreme Court unless it is kept in mind that the court exercises what amount to legislative functions. Justices Holmes said the courts "do and must legis- late." The Constitution consists of only 89 sentences. The framers felt it was wise to leave the details of gov- ernment to be filled in by those who would operate it. Particularly on ec- onomic questions the Constitution DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1937 VOL. XLVH No. 131 Notices Students in the College of Litera- ure, Science and the Arts: A meet- ng will be lield today at 4:15 p.m. in Zoom 1025 Angell Hall for students n the College of Literature, Science nd the Arts and others interested in uture work in forestry. The meeting ill be addressed by Dean S. T. Gana of the School of Forestry. A.S.C.E. Applicants: All engineers n these departments: Civil, Trans- >ortation, or Geodesy and Surveying 'ho desire to be considered for mem- lership into the. Student Chapter of ;he American Society of Civil En- ;ineers please put their applications it the box just outside of the Struc- kual Office, 301 West Engineering 3uilding. Application blanks may e obtained in the office. The University Bureau of Appoint- rnents and Occupational Informa- tion has received notice of two schol- irships, paying tuition only, offered by the Gloucester School of the rheatre, Boston, Mass. The schol- arships are open to either men or women and are for the Summr Ses- ion. Application should be made by April 1 to the Gloucester Schol of the Theatre, 112 Charles St., Boston, Mass. Women registered for Camp Posi- tions, and interested in the camp of the Detroit Girl Scouts: Miss Cutler, Director, will be at the Bureau today, Wednesday, for interviews. Kindly call at the office between 11 and 12 o'clock to make appointments for the of ternoon. T. Luther Purdom, University Bureau of Appoint- ments. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will play an all request program on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Mem- orial Tower, Thursday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. Organ Recital: Helen Zbinden, or- ganist, a pupil of Palmer Christian, University organist, will give a re- cital on the Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill Auditorium, Thursday, April 1, at 4:45 p.m., to which the general public is invited. Lectures Mr. M. G. Meriam will present a demonstrational lecture on the man- ufacture, selection and care of clin- ical thermometers, hypodermic sy- ringes and needles in Room 165, Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. to- day. . This lecture should be of unusual interest to students in tIe College of Pharmacy and Medicine. All who are interested are invited to attend. Exhibitions An Exhibhion of Chinese Art, in- cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and peasant paintings, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and March. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Luncheon for Graduate Students today at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Dr. John W. Riegel, As sociate Professor of Industrial Rela- tions and Director of the 'Bureau of Industrial Relations, will speak in- formally on "Public Policy toward Strikes." Cerele Francais: There will be a meeting of the Cercle Francais this evening, at 7:45 p.m. in 408 Romance Languages Building. All members are urged to be present. Botanical Seminar meets today at 4:0 p.m., 1139- N.S. Bldg. Paper by R. Uhvitz "Experiments with some unicellular green algae in pure cul- ture." Alpha Nu: There will be a-meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. At that time Adelphi will be our guests and the program will consist of a debate between the pledges of the two or- ganizations. The subject will deal with sit-down strikes. All new mem- bers and old members and also friends are invited to be present. Michigan Technic Staff and Try- outs: There will be. an important meeting of the -entire Technic staff, tryouts included this afternoon at 5 p.m. in Room 3046 East Engineering Building. Please be there. University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a rehearsal tonight. Every- one must be present. Those who are unable to attend the rehearsals from now to the concert nextweek will not be able to sing in the perfor- mance. t F OREIGN OBSERVERS hav placed three different interpreta- tions upon the political arid economic pact signed last Thursday by Italy and Yugoslavia. One view is that the move signifies the departure of Yugoslavia from the ties of the Little Entente and the weakening of the Yugoslav alliance with France; in other quarters it is held that Il Duce's intention is to deliver a slap in the face to Germany, which has been cultivating commer- cial relations with the Balkan nations and. at- tempting to persuade them to embark upon a policy of bi-lateral pacts; the third field of thought, and to this the New York Times' sub- scribed editorially last Sunday, holds that it is "idle to speculate about the ulterior purposes, if any, of the signatories" and would accept the treaty as merely "a statesman-like effort to eliminate those elements 'of friction which more than once have threatened war between twos 'traditional enemies.'" The treaty is more than a commercial pact. In addition to an agreement to cooperate eco- nomically for the improvement of mutual trade relations, the contract contains four political provisions of utmost importance in a moment when Italy seems to be suffering reverses in Spain. 'The two powers agreed for a period of five years to respect their present land and sea boundaries and pledged themselves to refrain from any act in support of an aggressor should either be attacked by a third power. In a reiteration of the Kellogg-Briand Pact they, agreed to reach peaceful settlement of any grievances between themselves and renounced war as an instrument of national policy (at least in so far as that national policy affected the other signatory.) Common action is to be taken in the future when political developments in a third state affects the interests of both. And finally neither country is to allow on its own territory propa- ganda directed against the present regime of the other. There is no doubt that this treaty does pro- vide a safeguard for Italy's Adriatic flank, al- though the strength 'of that safeguard cannot be determined now. Moreover, when Yugoslavia allowed the treaty's preamble to contain a de- scription of Victor Emanuel as "King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia," Italy achieved de facto recognition of its African conquest. What the pact means to the alignment of powers in Europe is uncertain at pres.ent. It must be remembered that Italy's future is tied securely to that of Austria and Hungary by the Rome protocols, while Yugoslavia as a mem- ber of the Little Entente is distinctly hostile to Hungary and her allies. Moreover, Hungary and Germany both advance territorial claims against the Little Entente. Nevertheless, Yugoslavia has shown no visible hesitancy to jeopardizing her future security be controlling: was left vague and skechy. There is 1. It is too clever, it is not forth- no mention of banks or banking or right.j paper money. Congress was given Whether President Roosevelt was control of "coinage." candid or not, his proposition is defi- Power was given to regulate "com- nite. The question is not whether merce" with foreign nations and the proposal was phrased too clever- among the several states. Some years ly but whether, in itself, it is desir- later the Supreme _Court ruled that able. If bad, all of the bluntness in commerce covered not only the mer- the world should not commend it. chandise but the carriers, opening. the If good, what does it matter whether way for Federal control of navigation, it was presented in honeyed words and later, as new inventions came or tart? along, control of the transmission of 2. It packs the court. electricity and of the telegraph and True. For four years the court telephone, and now of radio, and of has been stackeduagainst Roosevelt, migratory birds. thanks to four aged justices appoint- Marshall did his monumental work ed 15 to 25 years ago, responsible largely by drawing on the implied only to themselves, who have under- powers, by interpreting the Constitu- taken to block practically every ma- tion. And to give a clause a' new in- jor New Deal measure passed by terpretation is to give it a new mean- Congress. In four years Roosevelt ing. To give it a new meaning is to has had no opportunity to appoint a alter it. Thus the court adds to the single member of the court. He must written Constitution. deal with a hangover court -which isj ipped against him by onerorhtwos NE of its most monumental addi- votes. tions has been built upon a vague He is trying to speed up the ap- phrase, "due process of law." It came pointments which in all probability over from the Magna Charta and in he otherwise would have opportunity English common law it simply meant to make before his second term is that a person was entitled to a fair J over, and thus eventually reverse the ballance of the court. But then it would be too late for him to deal with matters that need attention now. It happens that Congress has clear constitutional authority to do this. trial. Chie justicei Hugnes once sai i that the phrase probably was vague to the framers but that it was "all the better for that." The Supreme Court,the explained, has provided 'a content for this clause.'