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March 31, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-31

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T ODAY'S COLUMN is a contribution from Jesse Garber, number-one
guard on Coach Harry Kipke's Varsity eleven last fall. Little intro-
duction to Jesse as oa scrappy and effective 'lineman need be made, but
the majority of those who saw him perform in the Stadium do not know
that he pulled down four "A's" and one "B" in a tough pre-medical course
last semester and has been accepted to the Tufts Medigal School in Boston.
Take it away, Jesse . ..,j
Dear George:
The editors of the Pitt News are demanding that their Rose Bowl
winners get higher wages. They want higher wages for those young
men who are playing the game for the love of it and with no ulterior
motives such as money and personal glory-according to the optimists who
speak at the various football meetings and rallies.
There is no doubt that in years to come-in the not too distant future-
football will have to take one of two courses. The first is the completely
subsidized or professional team that Pitt is demanding and that some schoolsI
have already, and the second which is the completely "simon-pure" team
that Johns Hopkins is going to put out next year.
As for me, give me the simon-pure. I can't see any excuse for a profes-
sional team in a "seat of learning." Perhaps the teams won't be quite as

Brilliant Ring Talent Features Fight Sho

Siegel, Thalner;
Meet In Main
Bout Of Card'
Root And Downing Battle:
In Lightweight Scrap;
Spector To Box
Tomorrow night at Yost Field
House the cream of Michigan ring
talent, led by Don Siegel, state Gold-
en Gloves heavyweight champion,
will climb through the ropes in the
Michigan Fight Show, and if the
bouts equal the pre-fight ticket sales
campaign, they will be hammer and
_ tong affairs from bell to bell.
Siegel will encounter Bob Thalner.

Returns To

Lead Nine

good if stripped of their professionalism-most likely the won't come any- freshman heavy in the feature battle
where near the caliber of the pro clubs-but they will be more in accord- of the evening. This willbe the
ance with the present ideals of a true college or university.jsquard offethsea.igeriht-
After all what is the difference between these proposed subsidized teams handed his way to a three-round
and the movie version of college football that pictures the celluloid "stu- decision over Thalner in Vern Lar-
dents," who rarely see the school, as spending their time cruising in son's Frosh Fight Show in January.,
big cars, winning the "big game" for "the old man" and having cne grand In what promises to be the most
time. And they always step into $20,000 jobs later on. It won't be as bitterly fought contest of the show,
tomantic under the Pitt plan, but it will be essentially the same. Tom Root of Ann Arbor's "Battling
But why not go a step further? There is no sense really in forcing !Arbor Golden Gloves lightweight
a coach to lose a good ball player after a few years when the boy is just champion.
beginning to know what it is all about, just because of some rules about Battle Is Toss-Up
graduation usually taking four years. Why not keep him until he has It is strictly a toss-up as to the
outlived his usefulness as they do in the big leagues. After all, there outcome. Root, partial to neither of
isn't any restriction on the number of years a good student can attend his hands, can dent a brick with
school. And who brings in more money-a good football player or a good either while Downing depends on
student? whipping right to render opponents
But why stop even there? Why not have a farm for each school-there ligor mortis."
are plenty in existence anyway-so that every school can have experienced nino's fisticbrght spopit pon thefac
players who know the system. By this method any dearth of material Len Spector against the other "Bat-

cr "lean" years, could be prevented. Of course there will also have to be a
football commission, modeled on the baseball and boxing commissions, to
prevent one-school from stealing players from another, or set-up games, etc.
Why, under this system the schools will really make money. They
will have all the glamour of the present day collegiate games plus the

tling Root," Sam. Spector fought
his way to the Ann Arbor Golden
Gloves lightweight championship in
the novice class and was awarded
the trophy for the outstanding nov-


skill of the professional. The term "novice" should ,not be
Now that the schools are making so much money, why stop here with taken too literally however for Mr.
football? Just think of all the money some baseball teams could make. Just Spector is by no means a beginner
think of what the University could rake in if it had Joe Louis under con- at the noble art of self-defense. He
tract. Why the school would be on easy street. is. given to shuffling listlessly about
I have exaggerated a bit--but it isn't as far-fetched as it seems. The the ring until opportunity offers then
trend is definitely in this direction cutting loose a right or left as the
ten Idefinatelyinthisitrctmioncase demands which has been known
I know I'll hear the bitter complaints of some football enthusiasts ask- to cause opponents to lose interest in
ing about the present situation here. They will ask me how I can turn proceedings.
against my former teammates when I know how hard they work and how Root Is Aggressive
little they get out of it. It is honestly true that after all my years with Root relies more on swarming hisI
the Michigan football team I have never heard of a case of subsidization. opponent and like his brother Tom.I
The fellows have jobs, but they are damn hard jobs. It isn't any fun t can punch with either hand to good
waiting on table, peeling spuds, washing dishes, etc. But other students, not advantage. All of which should give
'Phi Betes, have these sort of jobs. the howling sorority ticket hawkers
Phi ete, hae tese ortof Jbs.and the fans their money's worth of
But I agree with these potential complainers fully. Under the present fad'he

Kim Williams, the man who trouble. It was hims nnal match in
came back, will lead Michigan's the tourney.
baseball forces this year from his Morrison Wins
position behind the bat. Rapidly In other play in the division Mor-
recovering from a prolonged i i- rison defeated John Kidwell 3-6, 6-1, l
ness, Kim will add a lot of power to 6-4, and Kidwell stopped Percival 6-3,
the Wolverines' batting attack if 3-6, 6-1 to aid in tangling up the C
he is able to play, besides provid- competition a bit.
ing some first class receivership to Bill Smith came out on the long J
the diamond squad. end of the score against Thackwell, 1'
winning 6-3, 5-7, 6-4.
Eight more matches are left to be
Iipke Drives played in the division but tentative1
rankings based on games won and
Gridders H ard lost place Morrison first with four C
wins and one loss, Thackwell. second C
with two and one, Smith third withk
In Scrim m age three and two, Kidwell fourth with
one in each column, Bill Woolsey r
fifth, and Percival sixth, each having
Hook, Ritchie And Renda one victory to their credit and two
SSP e nand three losses respectively.
OWetPFiedptLevenson Loses Twice
Of Wet Field In the first flight of the tourney
--Miller Sherwood and Jarvis Dean
Yesterday afternoon Coach Harry both profited at the expense of Neil
G. Kipke sent his charges through a Levenson. Sherwood beat him in
scrimmage that lasted more-than an straight sets 7-5, 6-2, and Dean added
hour working the boys hard in the to his troubles with a 6-4, 2-6, 6-4
heavy mud as they put them through victory.
their paces from one end of the soggy, The squad will begin to concentrate
field to the other. Kip. directed the
backfield play for both teams while on doubles play at the conclusion of
Hunk Anderson bellowed orders to the ranking matches this week in
the linemen, preparation for the opening meet
The blue-jerseyed outfit held the with the Badgers on April 17.
upper hand through the scrimmage Saturday afternoon Coach John-
both offensively and defensively. stone plans to use a good portion of I
Stark Ritchie playing the tailback the squad in exhibition contests for
position showed up well and got away the benefit of the spectators attend-
for several long sprints off tackle ing the annual Sports Clinic, which
and around end. will be held throughout the day April
Wally Hook who entered the scrim-__3.
mage -late warmed up quickly and
showed some of the speed that he
exhibited in the Columbia last fall.
He spun off tackle on one occasion
and left the whole White team strung BALLROOM
out behind him as he galloped for DANCING
the goal. Twice it looked as thoughDANCuerNG
he was stopped, but he wriggled free
of would-be tacklers. Learn correctly and quickly
Sol Sobsey playing left end for the Private and Public Classes
blue team was in on every play and
the White linemen had a great deal Class Lesson
of trouble keeping him from breaking Wednesday Evening 7-8
up their plays. Time and time again
he crashed in to spill the White ball-
Forthe Whites, "Hero" Renda
showed plenty of speed and drive and R OY H OY E R
got away on several nice runs. Once
he broke around end behind nice ST U D I 0
blocking for a gain of 30 yards. John 3 NICKELS ARCADE
Jordan for the Whites also showed
up well at the center post.


system of athletic administration all over the country the football player ther bouts that promise plenty
is exploited, if I may be facetious, far beyond the children who are working of action of the type characterizing
in the cotton mills of the South. I good amateur bouts will be: Miles
They receive no recompense under the alibi, "You should be glad to die Lihn vs. Dave Tenenberg, Jim French
for your alma mater. It's an honor." Yet in case of injury or even death vs. Bob Snyder, Jim Scott vs. Jim
I never heard of any compensation. The truth of the matter is that in those Br'own, Bob Trowell vs. John Venek-
schools that do have football scholarships an injury that forces the player lasen, Art Cutler vs. Theodore Scha-
out of football also loses him his scholarship. Why even in war they have ible.
insurance or pensions. What does an ex-football player get? An imcom-
plete education that prepares him for nothing and little else. If anything, Lookin 'Eme
football fame actually harms him. The associations that he forms give
him standards that will make him unhappy until attained. And attainment C.A.G.
is highly improbable with his unfitness standing out under the keen com- Johnny Gee extended himself for

petition 'of the present day.
Here at Michigan the average football player works on a minimum of
four hours a day. He goes to school at least five hours-he~has to keep
eligible-and practices three. To say the least that is a full day's work.
With these chores done he can study. Oh no. There is also a matter of
football meeting twice, sometimes, three, times a week in the evenings.
All this doesn't count time off for trips out of town. Very educational ones
too. The team is allowed a quick sight-seeing trip the day before the
game and a few hours after the game.
What will be the status of the athlete under the simon-pure system.
Here one will find the athlete who is interested in athletics for its own sake.
He will have a recreation. He will be a student playing football, and not a
football player going to school. It's a lot better that way.
At any rate this semi-professionalism must come to an end. Either turn
professio'nal or amateur. In all fairness to the boys playing, the middle path'
can't be followed. The wholesale exploitation is outrageous.
What will happen to the coaches? Under the pro system they will get
more and there will be no excuse for a losing team. Under the other system
he will be retained as an athletic teacher whose value will lie in what he can
give to the boys under him. The value of athletics to produce a healthy body
has definitely been proven.
Don't misunderstand me. This isn't an appeal to remove any of the
present coaching staff in any sport. Far from that, all those that I have
come in contact with--and I know all but one or two very well-are a credit
to their profession. I could go straight down the line from Kipke to Wally
Wally Weber, Cliff Keen to Ken Doherty and show that they are men
with whom_ boys should be entrusted. They are a grand bunch of men.
My whole appeal is against this exploitation to which this athletic admin-
istration, inadvertently, and every athletic administration in the United
States adheres. JESSE GARBER.

the first time this season yesterday
and had the batters fanning the
breezes in an effort to get at his
sizzlihg fast ball . . . Gee was pitching
to some of the squad's heaviest slug-
gers in Uricek, Kremer, Patanelli and
Peckinpaugh but didn't give up a
solid hit in all the time he was hur-
ing ... John was pretty wild but had
plenty of the stuff on the ball . .
The tall portsider ended his exhibi-
tion with a fast ball that was in the
catcher's mitt before Uricek started
his swing.
Danny Smick and Bill Lane put
on a game of "stretch" the other
day. Each, of them stood on a first
base bag as they threw the ball back
and forth with the object being to try
to make the other' fellow stretch as
far as he could for the throw and still
keep his foot on the bag. It takes a
lot of practice to keep your feet from
getting tangled up when you reach
for a wide one.







Our Store has
The Smart Answers -
All of them - in

The forty-third renewal of the an-
nual University of Pennsylvania relay
carnival on April 23 and 24 at Phil-
adelphia will be marked by the re-'
turn of the old linear system in all
events but the 400-meter hurdles
and the 3,000 meter steeplechase.

I dropped my pen and bent the
point. What does a new one cost?
Take it to Rider's. They may be
able to straighten the old point.




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