The Weather Rain or snow, colder in west portion today; tomorrow gen- erally fair, ,colder. L B kig untg il Editorials How High Is Too High.. . VOL. XLVII No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1937 '-. r U PRICE FIVE CENTS Pact BlockedI By Portugal, But Eno land Is Confident Sihe Continues Separate Talk With Portuguese And Reports Progress French Neutrality Decrees Tightened Rising Hitler Opposition Born Of TragedyBelow,' Gaiss Says 0, LONDON, Feb. 18.-(P)-Portugal stood out today against the 26 na- $tions who are striving to isolate the1 Spanish civil war with Ln ironcladt ban on men and munitions effective1 at midnight Saturday. Spain's closest neighbor remained adamant in refusing to cooperate fully with members of the non-in- tervention committee, despite the pressure of European powers, and forced the sub-committee designated to deal with the, Portuguese prob- lem to recess without definite ac-1 tion.1 British official sources said tonight,' however, that negotiations between Britain and Portugal, looking towardI changes in the scheme to make it1 acceptable to Portugal, were making progress. The non-intervention group's sub-I committee plans to meet tomorrow to, receive a report on the British-Por- tuguese talks. (Measures to make effective France's part in the 26-power em- bargo were taken in Paris by Presi- dent Albert LeBrun. He signed de- crees forbidding Frenchmen to join either side of the civil war and ban-J ning recruiting for Spanish service. Strict border patrols and restrictions on travel across the Franco-Spanish frontier were provided in the de- crees.) The Portuguese problem was creat- ed first when the Lisbon governmentI declined to accept proposals to block all Spanish frontiers effective March _6. Portugal centered her objections on proposed stationing of neutral observers on the Hispano-Portuguese border to halt the flow of volunteers and war supplies to war-torn Spain. If she stands pat, the other powers may patrol both Portuguese and, Spanish coasts.1 Roosevelt Asks 100 Million Forl Crop Insurance WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-(')-Of- ficials estimated tonight that $100,- 000,000 to $150,000,000 would be re- quired to set up a vast crop insurance system commended to Congress today by President Roosevelt. They figured that amount would establish adequate reserves and meet other necessary costs. Offsetting this was the contention of the President's crop insurance committee that the proposed system would eliminate other expenditures for farmers distressed by crop fail- ures. The committee estimated such outlays had totaled $600,000,000 in the past ten years. In a special message to Congress 'today, Mr. Roosevelt recommended that Federal crop insurance start with wheat next year and be extend- ed later to other producers evidencing a desire for such protection. It was his second recommendation in three days for broadening the Fed- eral farm program. The first sug- gested liberal credit and other Fed- eral aid for tenants and insecure farm owners. As in his message of tenancy, the President emphasized his contention that Federal action upon such mat- ters is constitutional. "May I repeat," he said today "what I have suggested in a former message: that because economic and social reforms of this character are essentially national in scope and ad- ministration, the citizens of our na- tion believe that our form of govern- ment was never intended to prohibit their accomplishment." 'Get In An Activity,' BursleyUrges '40 Heidelberg Delegate Tells Of Surprisingly Bold Hostility To Nazi Regimer By ROBERT FITZHENRY The German people and the Hitler government were described as twot distinct entities with widely diver- gent views, by Prof. Aloysius J. Gaiss1 of the German department in an in- terview yesterday. Professor Gaiss has just returnedI to campus after seven month's so- journ in Germany where he was thet Michigan representative at the 550th anniversary of the University of? Heidelberg. "I was able to contact hundreds ofE people through my different affilia- tions," he said, "and more than 50 per cent of those I talked to openly avowed their opposition to the gov- ernment. I believe the percentage would have reached an even higher figure if there were not so much fear of government apprehension of suchs admissions." A Degraded Existence To the casual observer Germany presents a happy enough appearance Professor Gaiss explained, as on the. surface the whole country appears tolerably prosperious. "It is under- neath, however," he said "that the real tragedies are divulged. Because they are a proud people the Ger- mans are struggling manfully to hide their destitute economic cir- cumstances. But in many cases," the professor continued, "the degraded means to which the peoples have been forced to secure even the com- monest luxuries cannot help but at- tract attention. I often noticed house- wives in respectable neighborhoods picking up cigar stubs from the streets to wash and clean them for their husband's pipes" "The strength of the government," Professor Gaiss continued, "seems to lie in the army, in the divergent views of the secret opposition, in the Operators And Miners Begin Contraet Talks NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-(P)-Soft coal operators and miners settled down tonight for a long fight over terms for their next wage and hour agreement. Their agreement extends through March 31. They were so far apart in their demands for the new con- tract that observers felt any agree- ment before the deadline was ex- tremely improbable. As the first big step toward this agreement, the operators and United Mine Workers turned over negotia- tions to a committee of eight operat- ors and 15 miners. Each side has equal voting strength. This committee held morning and afternoon sessions. Demands of each side were canvassed thoroughly, with no conclusions. After tomorrow's sessions, the com- mittee may reess for several weeks to allow both operators and miners to gather statistical data in support of their respective positions. UNION TRYOUTS MEET TODAY Tryouts for positions in the Mich- igan Union will be at 4 p.m. today in the student committee rooms of the Union, Herbert B. Wolf, '37, pres- ident of the Board of Directors an- nounced yesterday. Freshmen who meet the general eligibility require- ments are invited to apply for posi- tions. support of most of the German busi- ness men in the fear of communism entertained by the general public. The business men are in favor of the present regime," the professor said, "because of its suppression of the Jew to the consequent advantageof the Christians engaged in commerce." The government is permitting the present generation of worshippers to go unmolested, Professor Gaiss said. The churches are filled and, for. the most part,hservices are conducted in a normal fashion, he said. "It is, however, with the future generations that the government hopes to exert( religious regimentation," he added. "By gradually educating the young( people, Hitler evidently hopes to7 establish a state religion in thesnot- too-distant future." Propaganda In Shools The universities were branded by Professor Gaiss as centers of govern- ment propaganda, in many cases. He referred specifically to such courses as geography where the instruction seems devoted to impressing the stu- dents with the fatherland's need for colonies. Apropos of this he stated emphatically that the German people (Continued on Page 2) Prof. Hines Sees No Great Peril In Depopulation Colgate Sociologist Attacks High Abortion, Divorce Rates Of Nation Today There is no more danger of de- population in the world today than there was danger of over-population in the time of Malthus, Dr. Norman E.' Himes, professor of sociology at Colgate University and director of the American Population Asscoiation told an audience of 300 yesterday in the Natural Science Auditorium.1 Dr. Himes believes that we have be- come so adjusted psychologically to the rapid rate of population growth during the last century that we have come to look upon it as normal. Con- trary to our beliefs, stationary or very slowly expanding populations are the normal conditions in history, he pointed out. Declarations to the effect that the populations of the United States and of northern and western Europe are "doomed to die out" are based on statistical fallacy and are madeswith- out proper allowance for probable fu- ture changes, Dr. Himes maintains. "In the long run," he said, "popula- tion phenomena are self-equilibrat- ing and self-adjusting." As causes for the decliiiing birth rate, Dr. Himes cited the increasing use of contraceptive measures, rapid urbanization, the decline in religious orthodoxy and the rising standard of living. Dr. Himes assailed the high abor- tion rate in this country which he believes might almost be as high as the birth rate itself. To remedy the Read each day in The Daily "Campus Life - By J. A. B.," short, humorous sketches of life in the University. F.D.R.Seeking More Support On Court Plan Consults With 3 Senators And Asks Federal Action On National Problems Auto Uion Stands Behind Judicial Bill WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-Presi- dent Roosevelt renewed today his ef- fort to swBing senators to the support of his proposal to name six new Su- preme Court justices. To the White House for an inti- mate conference he called Senators Michigan Six' Battles Tech Here Tonight Heyliger To Start Game At Center; Bill Chase Is New Net-Minder Mythical State Title At Stake In Series tt H wI IC hI An interview with Prof. Edgar N. Durfee of the Law School, who supports President Roose- velt's court proposal, will be re- ported in tomorrow's Daily as the third of a series of five ar- ticles on the proposed judicial reorganization. Brown of Michigan, Maloney of Con- necticut and Moore of New Jersey, all Democrats, who have yet to take a, final stand on his court idea but have indicated opposition. At the same time, he reminded Congress for the second time this week of his view that the Constitu- tion permits Federal action on prob- lems of nation-wide scope. Sending to the Capitol a message urging Federal crop insurance, he said that "because economic and so- cial reforms of this character are es- sentially national in scope and in ad- ministration, the citizens of our na- tion believe that our form of govern- ment was never intended to prohibit their accomplishment." This followed a message on the farm tenancy problem which con- cluded with an assertion that "most! Americans believe that our form of' government does not prohibit action on those who need help." Coupling these incidents, many in Congress were quick to conclude that by attaching such statements to messages on specific legislation, Mr. Roosevelt was quietly appealing for and counting on the support of those desiring the legislation. AUTO UNION BACKS PLAN DETROIT, Feb. 18.-(P)-Homer Martin, president of the United Au- tomobile Workers of America, said tonight he had telegraphed President Roosevelt an assurance "of the sup- port of our organization in your pro- gram for the reform of the United States Supreme Court." 6 Die In West Coastj WarshipExplosion SAN PEDRO, Calif., Feb. 18.-()P)- -An exploding five-inch gun manned by marines killed six men and injured 10 aboard the demilitarized battle- ship Wyoming today-injecting star- tling reality of war into peace-time fleet maneuvers. The explosion occurred during the culminating phase of the four-day sky, sea and land fighting in which 3,700 marines, 750 army troops and a dozen naval vessels engaged at San Clemente Island, 60 miles offshore. 9,600 Registered For New Semester The second semester was opened Monday with 9,181 students en- rolled in classes. After yesterday's late registration, the total was ap- By BONTH WILLIAMS . T Captain Vic Heyliger, out of theC line-up since January 23 with a bad leg infection, will be back at center ice tonight when Michigan and Mich- igan Tech clash in the Coliseum in t the third tilt of a four-game seriesA with the mythical hockey champion- ship of Michigan at stake. The open-a ing face-off is scheduled for 8 p.m.u The Wolverines, fresh from a 4-2 triumph over Western Ontario and with Bill Chase looking like he didn two years ago when he helped Mich-A igan to their first Western Confer- n ence championship in a long time, ap- pear to be back in the best of form. And they will have to be. The! galloping Tech Miners bring to Ann Arbor one of the greatest puck teams ever to-represent Michigan College of Mines. The miners split with the Wolver- ines upon the latters' first semester invasion of the copper country, and reinforced with a great goalie boast triumphs over Sault Ste. Marie, the Alaska Polar Bears and Minnesota.1 At Houghton the Wolverines were shut out in the initial encounter,. 1-0, but came back in the second game to eke out a 3-2 win and square the series. In order to add the mythical Mich- igan crown to their 1936-37 hockeye laurels, Coach Eddie Lowrey's clubr will have to get better than an event split on Coliseum ice. Two wins, or at tie and win will give the crown to1 (Continued on Page 3)r Lansing Hears t New Teachers'f Security Plan State Fund Of 2 Millions' Would Give Maximum Benefits Of $1,200 LANSING, Feb. 18.-(P)-A bill to provide a state-wide teachers' retire- ment fund carrying a maximum ben- efit of $1,200 a year appeared today1 in the Legislature. It was introduced by Rep. Isadore] A. Weza, Democrat, Ontonagon, a1 former Upper Peninsula school1 teacher. He explained the measure would continue the retirement fund already operating in Detroit and out- state, but would increase the fund and establish a new schedule of an- nuities. Teachers would contribute up to, three per cent of their salaries, but not in excess of $90 a year as their share of the retirement fund. A state board would control the fund. Weza wishes the Legislature to appropriate $325,000 a year to the fund until it has reached a total of $2,000,000. The legislative contributions would cease at that time. The bill would fix the voluntary retirement age at 60 years. Under the schedule of benefits any teacher having 30 years of service, 15 of those years in Michigan schools, would be entitled to a $1,200 annuity. Those with shorter records of service would benefit proportionately. The contributions of any teacher retiring after less than five years of service would be returned. Freuchen 20th' Polar Explorer To Speak Here Ann Arbor might well be called the necca of polar explorers, according to Professor-emeritus William H. Iobbs, of the geology department, vho has been responsible for the ap- pearance of 15 of the 20 explorers who have visited Ann Arbor in the past 50 years. Most recent of these is Peter Freu- chen, author of "Artic Adventure," actor and technical director of the movie, "Eskimo" and former resi- dent governor of Thule' Colony, Greenland. He will deliver a Univer- sity Lecture at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated by slides and motion pic- tures, according to Professor Hobbs. Admission is free. Among the world-famous explorers who have visited Ann Arbor, are Sir' Hubert Wilkins, Capt. Bob Bartlett, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Ad- miral Robert E. Peary, Sir Douglas Mawson, Dr. Larry Gould, Roy Chap- man Andrews, Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, William Beebe, Commander D. H. MacMillan, and Dr. Knud Rasmussen. Higfhway Group Maps Campaign For New Roads. Legislature Asked To Use Sales Tax Revenue For Highway Construction An active campaign to obtain larg- er appropriations for county and state roads was promulgated yesterday by the Michigan Association of Road Commissioners and Engineers in the final session of the 23rd annual Michigan Highway Conference here. As a preliminary step in this dir-- ection the legislative committee of the Association reported that the state highway department had agreed to, support use of revenue from the sales tax on automobiles and allied products for road main- tenance and improvement purposes. At present gasoline and weight taxes are the sole source of state highway revenue.. Legislature Petitioned A resolution petitioning the legis- lature to appropriate more money for state and county roads was adopted by the Association, with the introductory statement that former retrenchment had placed the state's finances in "excellent" condition. Discussion on the allocation of highway funds to municipalities brought out declarations that the ur- ban districts are already receiving far more money from the state per mile of road than do the counties. In- corporation of county reports on road finances into a sustained program for a desirable allocation of state funds was urged by Dr. Louis Webber, form- er deputy Secretary of State. Van Wagoner Praised Other resolutions passed .by the Association included a recommenda- tion' to the counties to specify con- tract work for all roads, a statement of appreciation for the work of Mur- ray D. Van Wagoner as state high- way commissioner and Louis Nims as W.P.A. director, and a second state- ment commending the University for its sponsorship of the Conference aid moving that the series be continued. of directors of the Association. Officers of the Association named at the meeting are Samuel Yockey, Harrisville, president; Carl T. Bowen, Grand Haven, vice-president and George Tramp, Iron Mountain, secre- I tary-treasurer. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 18.-()-On the ourth day after reopening, following ettlement of a nation-wide strike af- ecting General Motors; the Chevro- et-Fisher Body plant of the Corpora- ion here was closed today because f another strike. But the closing was of short dura- ion. Delmond Garst, executive sec- 7etary of the St. Louis union of the 7nited Automobile Workers of Amer ca, announced late today after a onference with plant managers, that an agreement has been reached and ll workers will be back on the job t 730 a.m. tomorrow. DETROIT, Feb. 18.-R)-Negotial ors for General Motors Corporation nd the United Automobile Workers wiftly reached an understanding which they expected would settle a ew strike at the Fisher Body-Chev- 'olet plants in St. Louis, Mo., tonight, ind prepared to continue tomorrow their discussion of remaining issues n the widespread strikes which end- d last week. Tentative Agreement Although the St. Louis dispute in- terrupted the sixth session of the conferees, Wyndham Mortimer, first vice-president of the union, said to- night a tentative agreement on ma- hinery for the handling of griev- ances of union employes of General Motors had been reached. The union has asked for the estab- lishment of a national tribunal, but whether this was agreed upon, or if so, what form it would take, was not disclosed. Details of agreements on individual points at issue will be withheld, it was said, until a complete composition of all differences is reached. The conferees tomorrow will begin definite discussions of the union de. mands for seniority rights based on length of service. This question, it was learned, has been touched on only incidentally up to this point. Other issues awaiting determination include hours, wages and speed of production. Union representatives expressed the belief the negotiations might be con- cluded in a week or two. The confer- ences started Tuesday. Many Complaints Received Among complaints reaching the conference room today were reports received by Ed Hall, union official, from locals at Flint, Anderson, Ind., St. Louis, Cleveland, and Janesville, Wis., that union members were being shifted from the jobs they held be- fore the strikes. In addition, Mortimer charged that at Flint, "under the guise of plant protection, non-union workers (in a Chevrolet plant) are being armed with clubs and paid a premium of an hour's wages each day to intimidate union members." He said the union would insist that such practices be stopped. Lansing UAW Heads Labeled GM Spies WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.--()-A "reformed" under-cover man told Senate investigators today that "all the officers of the United Automobile Workers' union in Lansing, were once on the payroll of the Pinkerton De- tective Agency"-then operating a far-flung espionage system for Gen- eral Motors Corporation. Lawrence Barker, one-time opera- tive, said ageny officials had in- structed him to vote against Presi- dent Roosevelt and to fight the Com- mittee for Industrial Organization, sponsor of the recent General Motors strike. Testifying before the La Follette Civil Liberties Committee, the swar- thy, curly-haired youth asserted that: He served as vice president of the Lansing union. Spying "Effective" His fellow officers-President Car- roll Trotter, corresponding secretary Clyde Cook, financial secretary Tho- mas Regan, and Treasurer Clyde Mulligan-also were Pinkerton 'in- formants. ' Spying was "very effective in kill in'g the union. Once, numbering nearly 100 per cent" of the Lansing workers, the membership dwindled until only the five nfficers were left. Brief Strike In St. Louis Slows Peace Negotiations Plan Reached For Hearing Grievances; Discussion Of SeniorityIs Next Union Says Armed Intimidation Grows situation he suggested an improved income for the lower classes and democratized contraception. He also condemned the nation's high divorce rate which he blamed partly on the lack of sex education and dissemination of information on birth control. "Schools must institute courses to prepare the youth of the nation for marital adjustment just as they have instituted courses to prepare for eco- nomic adjustment," he declared. Professional Societies Learn How Lie Detector Exposes Thieve i r # } J, How the lie detector which science has provided criminology confounds the falsifier was explained last night by Lieut. Harold Mulbar of the Mich- igan State Police before a joint meet- ing in the Union of the Washtenaw County Bar Association, the Ann Ar- bor Lawyers Association and the Washtenaw County Medical Society. Lie detectors-otherwise known as Keeler polygraphs-are in regular use by the state police, Lieutenant Mul- bar stated. Although no one is forced to take a lie detection test against his will, suspects are asked if they wish to clear themselves by means of the similarily to the usual medical meth- j od except that the right instead of the left arm is used, while changes in the respiratory rate are transmitted to the graph by another device placed over the chest. After a suspected criminal or wit- ness has agreed to the lie detection test, a definite procedure is followedI in the testing, Lieutenant Mulbarl continued. First it is essential to pro- duce a calm and cooperative attitude in the suspect as delineated on the graph. An interval of about 15 sec- onds is allowed between successive, questions, and marks are placed on proximately 9,600 students, according to Miss Marian Williams, statistician in the registrar's office, as compared with 8,964 registered at this time last year. More than 400 students registered yesterday, according to Miss Smith. The 9,600 mark reached yesterday afternoon has already topped last year's final count of 9,445. Indica- tions are that the final registration to be completed before the end of the week will be more than 10,000 stu- dents. First semester registration was 10,- 646. Prof. Winter Ready To Sail.For Europe Tnf Inhn0- Nminar nnirmn o 250 Law Students Sign Petition Protesting Roosevelt's Proposal More than 250 students in the Law School have already signed a protestt against "enlargement of the Supreme Court . . . as proposed in the recent bill" which will be sent to Senator( Ashurst, chairman of the Senate Ju- diciary Committee, and Senators, Vandenburg and Brown of Michigan.. The petition, which includes an1 endorsement of the proposals for Federal District and Circuit Court re- organization and a suggestion for acting on these two objectives sep- arately, was signed predominantly by members of the Lawyers Club. Onposition Vehement zation of the judiciary before the Congress of the United States, and (2) Indorsing the reorganization of the Federal District and Circuit Courts, and (3) Suggesting the consideration of these two objectives in separate bills to be acted upon according to the sentiments herein expressed." 'Necessary Check On Court' Among student comments on the plan were these: "Some one has said that the Su- preme Court should not be able to veto what the people's representa- tives, Congress, have deemed wise for Two hundred freshmen. athered