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March 30, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-30

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"uESDaY, iiMAirOiIs0, 19s1

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchescrdited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
seconid class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Men ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represetaie
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Rtouglas,Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwater, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane
Steiner, .Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank. Dodie.Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michllnskil, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertisingy Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Behind The Plow.. ..
ONE ARE THOSE halcyon days
when a man merely rode out to
the broad fields of the West and planted his
stakes, exercising a free choice of lands. In-
stead a man and his family now live on a farm
from which moving is an unpredictable risk.
The fear of insecurity faces the agricutural p'tp-
ulation even while it is enjoying prosperity.
Today farmers are confronted with droughts
and dust storms that sear the fields to a state
in which they become miserably unproductive.
It is only lately that the farmer has been able
to climb out of the deep rut of economic failure.
But he has a long way to go before he can ever
realize a high point of economic stability. At
the moment he can begin to move toward that
stability in an economy of abundance.
Plans are now being advanced to aid the
farmer and consequently the whole mass of
Americans. Foremost on the list is a bill prvid-
ing for crop insurance. Second and of equal
importance is the bill for the alleviation of the
plight of the Southern tenant farmer and share-
In addition to these two there have also been
proposed plans for extensive programs of soil
conservation and erosion control to increase the
productivity of the land.
Crop insurance is not a new or radical idea.
This time it is a plan which finds a Kansas
senator making eloquent defenses for it. The
first private attempts at the idea included price
insurance. They failed.
Now it is planned to have the government
administer an organization which will insure
the yield of crops. In a similar manner our
bank deposits have been insured by the gov-
ernment; also loans for repairing and construct-
ing homes.
Combined with insurance will be the ever
normal granary, a plan dependent on the faith-

ful cooperation of large numbers of farmers.
This is a system in which the cooperating farm-
ers will make payments on their insurance with
surpluses of their crops in years when there
are no foreign demands. In a poorly productive
year, when the yield is below a predetermined
normal, indemnification will be made in cash or
in kind..
The administration of the plan will serve as
a new and invaluable aid in price stabilization.
On the other hand the government will also have
to devise means for production control to avert
large crops from piling up in storage. Starting
out with the 1938 wheat crop the plan should
thereafter advance to a place where it will be
an accepted procedure in agriculture.
Dilapidated shacks for homes, life in general
on the barest subsistence level, high percentages
of illiteracy among the other ills of society are
the signs by which tenant farming and share-
croning come to be known. The well-wnedn

ished holdings, tilled by illiterate, often extreme-
ly unhealthy families. The advantages from col-
lective farming should add up to broader com-
munity liVes, less illiteracy, improved health con-
ditions and efficient operation of soil.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors areasked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 'Words and to acept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general :editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
By A Southern NVegro
To the Editor:
I hope you will find space to print my letter,
under the caption: "Negroes: By a Southern
I venture the opinion that W.B.O., who wrote
anent the Northwestern "Jim Crow" case, knows
practically nothing about the "Negro Problem,"
except his own prejudiced and apparently fear-
ridden reactions. Since he is convinced that
"there must be certain restrictions on the Negro,"
it seems clear that he, and others like him, know
themselves well enough to believe that they have
something to fear. In. my humble opinion, a
truly superior person, regardless of his race or
color, does not waste his time, nor sacrifice his
peace of mind in dodging phantoms. The in-
ference here should be clear, even to W.B.O.
Negroes in the South do not go to any great
lengths to let many white people know exactly
what they think about some of the places in
which they live and find their amusement. In
some pedple, Negroes and others, what might be
erroneously interpreted as contentment with
a sad lot is merely the outward expression of
the process of making the best of a bad situa-
tidn until some way out of the dilemma appears.
As for being satisfied to stay in one's place(!!),
at least there are those of us (and we are
many more than "two or three exceptions") who
have enough discretion-a mild word-not to
start tilting at wind-mills; and this is more
than I can say for any person who would raise
this particular issue on the campus of the Uni-
versity of Michigan where, to the best of my
knowledge, we have had no such unfortunate
incident as the one at Northwestern.
A question to W.B.O.: If all concerned are
satisfied with the situation in the South, what
is the raison d' etre of the Southern Inter-
racial Commission, and what about the fine
type of public opinion created by that group of
southern white women who, some months back,
organized to champion, not "Negro Rights," but
the Rights of Man?
Wm. A. Griffey.
Include Religion
To the Editor:
Relating to your very timely editorial upon
things to come in a recent number of The Daily
Rabbi Heller makes a very proper suggestion.
This is- to endorse the suggestion made by
Dr. Heller and to ask that religious phase of life
be included with the others.
With sincere appreciation of The Daily and
also approval of the idea of the independents
being organized through the Union.
-E. W. Blakeman
'Significant,' Says WJ1ltter
(Of the English Department)
Which appears today is the most significant
not only of this year's volume but probably of
the three volumes that have been published.
The issue offers a well balanced variety of poems,
essays, stories and reviews, but its exceptional
value for this campus, for students and faculty
alike, is Peter Macklin's Preface to a Program.
Mr. Macklin enamines the Liberal Arts Col-
lege and decides that reform is imperative. His
review of the philosophy which now motivates

students and faculty in their choice of subjects
and their methods of study is no merely super-
ficial one. It is a thorough-going review. It
digs deep, to the roots of the problem. Mr.
Macklin believes that the kind of education we
get depends upon our philosophy of life. As
long as we kowtow merely to the philosophy of
"getting on" in the world and call such activity
"progress," we shall continue to be bound by
the narrowness of the pragmatic view. In con-
tradistinction to this prevailing pragmatism is
posited the humanistic view. "The primacy of
humanistic training cannot be intelligently dis-
puted, for the kind of teachers, statesmen, doc-
tors, engineers we have, the uses they make
of their specialized knowledge, depends on the
kind of men and women they are, which, in
turn, is determined by the values they have.
In the hands of these men and women rests the
future of our society and the values which it
will embody." In our literary colleges the cards
are stacked against the student because "we
reverse the process of all real education." The
student is spoon-fed, the teachers- supply him
with all the answers instead of presenting him
with the materials and forcing him to work
out the problems and to arrive at independent
conclusions. The student ever negates his own
personality. "A good education should help him
to acquire a good philosophy and a good per-
sonality." Mr. Macklin arfives at these conclu-
sions by carefully examining the elective system,
the "unanalytical comprehensive historical sur-
vey" courses, "the genetic and historical ap-
proach" to the study of literature and the fine,

mt --°-By lBonth Wiliamns-
JUDGING by the number of recalcitrants who
made the 11 o'clock Easter service Sunday,
coupled with the tales of what happened Satur-
day night, I predict a busy time for the Dis-
ciplinary Committee this week ...
Also over the week-end occured a marriage of
note when Fred Stiles, Deke and track star, up
and married Marya Hoffman in a surprise elope-
ment. Both are plenty swell and deserve the
The morning mail brought a half dozen let-
ters in regards to the plea of K.C.M. that he be
enabled to meet a comely lass who haunts him in
Angell Hall. Despite the fact that I believe the
whole thing to be an atrocious publicity stunt,
I submit excerpts from two of them.
Dear Bonth:
Up to now I have been, sadly, I confess,
an egotist, a cad, a bounder, and a self-
seeker. Now by the grace of K.C.M.'s letter
published in your column, I have discoveved
a means to enter into the service of my fel-
low men ...
To b-e specific, my extra-curricular pro-
clivities have been devoted thus far to in-
troducing myself to winsome, chic, and cute
young lasses who went their blithe and in-
nocent way to Angell Hall Study Hall-..
Why not let K.C.M. get in touch with me?
If the lady is not an acquaintance of mine
already, I will strike up a fast friendship
and arrange to have K.C.M. meet her. Of
the 34 girls on campus with whom I have a
bowing acquaintance, 33 I have met by in-
troducing myself in the library .. .
My success may be easily explained,
though not with injury to my sense of
modesty. If the facts must be known I am:
(1) strikingly handsome, (2) of superior in-
telligene, (3) possessed of a magnetic per-
sonality, and (4) exceedingly wise to the
ways of a maid with a man ...
Yours sincerely,
I like you because you're so frank about your-
self, Martin. You should go a long way.
I want to pass along a bit of advice to the
desperate fellow who, in Friday's column, signed
himself "K.C.M."-the boy who solicited youi
help on the problem of how to meet a girl.
Every day, K.C.M. sees this unknown young
lady-dark hair and dark eyes . . . so slight,
so delicate . . . in Angell Hall study hall, and
wants to find out her name.
I could help K.C.M. His situation brings out
my deepestusympathies. After all. Spring has
moved in. But I hesitate. For I had just such
an experience myself last week.
Several times before I had noticed her about
the campus-she's the sort you can't help notice.
She had dark eyes, dark hair, and I'll swear it
-the most beautiful lips in all Christendom.
And she, too, was all life.
And then, for three consecutive days I found
her sitting near me in the Main Library study
room. She smiled the second time, and the
third time she borrowed some note paper.
The fourth day I wore my newest cravat and
hoped she would be there again. She was. When
she got up to leave, I accompanied her, opened
the door for her, I walked downstairs with her,
making small talk.
After a few remarks she brought forth some
small white pasteboards, and when the front
doors of the Library were reached, she was
pocketing my 40 cents, and I was holding a
ticket to the Michigan Boxing Show.
Her sorority was in a race for some sort of
cup, she said, and then she said, "Good-bye
and thanks a lot-" very brightly, and turned
to meet a big bruiser of a fellow lounging against
the doors.
I could suggest several ways for K.C.M. to
meet his young lady, who is "superb," but as I
said, I hesitate.

be read by every student who takes his univer-
sity education seriously. I hope that CON-
TEMPORARY may publish a series of reactions
to it in its next issue.
gr. Shulman's brief essay on The Extra Cur-
riculum may be considered a corollary to Mr.
Macklin's long discussion. Both writers recog-
nize the same educational values.
The prize-winning material from the Fresh-
man Hopwood Contest adds its typical variety
to CONTEMPORARY. This material brings a
balance to the pages of the magazine which
is markedly absent when only seniors and
graduate students contribute. Mr. Green's pic-
tures of his father and of his father's Canadian
farm show a remarkable power to select the
telling details and to present them naturally. Mr.
Swados has the ability to pack much into a
small compass. Of the two poems by Mr. Con-
way the first is an exercise in verse, the second
is a significant experience, poetically expressed.
Of the other poems in this issue, Mr. Bacon's
has a clarity and a finish which the others lack.
The Penny tries to say less than the other three
but it says it completely.
In the humorous short story, Almost the End
of the World, Mr. McKelvey manages two dif-
ficult things with success, he writes about chil-
dren and develops his. story through conversa-
tion. The book reviews in this issue are par-
ticularly thorough-going. Mr. Greenberg charges
John Strachey with verbosity; Mr. Britton pre-
sents G. K. Chesterton's ideas without bias; Mr.

Marimr niders~oni
A TRULY great artist sang in Hill
Auditorium last evening. Marian
Anderson, contralto, brought this
year's Choral Union series to a glor-
ious conclusion before an overflow-
ing and enthusiastic audience. Her
program, excellently chosen and con-
structed, consisted of a Handel group
of three songs and an aria, five Schu-
bert songs, a Verdi aria, four Finnish
songs, and four Negro spirituals. Six
encores, in all, were accorded, and
the accompanist was Kosti Vehanen.
Miss Anderson's artistry is amaz-!
ing in its completeness and simplicity.
First of all, she possesses a gorgeous
vocal instrument, rich and vibrant in
quality, capable of great variety in
color, and nuance, full of emotional
intensity. Of remarkable consistency
of quality and coloring, her compass
last night reached for two ocataves
and a fifth, and seemingly could have
extended easily higher had the need
presented itself. . It is a voice of great?
power, yet completely and graceuilly
controlled, equal at once to the
breadth and sostenuto of the Handel
songs and to the coloratura passages
of Sibeluis' Die Libelle. The artists'
intonation was as impeccable as could
be expected of a human singer, her

VOL. XLVII No. 130
College of Architecture, Midsemes-
ter Reports: Instructors are request-
ed to report any' student whose work
is unsatisfactory. Cards for this pur-
pose may be obtained from the Of-
fice of the College of Architecture,
Room 207 Aich., or from the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U.H. These
cards should be filled in and returned
to the Office of the College of Archi-
tecture not later than April 7.
School of Music, Midsemester Re-
ports: Instructors are requested to
report any student whose work is un-
satisfactory. Cards for this purpose
may be obtained from the Office of
the School of Music, 108 S.M., or
from the Registrar's Office, Room 4
U.H. These cards should be filled
in and returned to the Office of the
School of Music not later than April
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion, Midsemester Reports: Instruc-
tors are requested to report any stu-
dent whose work is unsatisfactory.
Cards for this purpose may be ob-
tained from the Office of the School

in g ana uicuion amra e of Forestry and Conservation, 2048
But equally as suberb as Miss An- N.S., or from the Registrar's Office,
derson's technical powers are the l Room 4 U.H. These cards should be
richness and sincerity of emotional filled in and returned to the Office of
feeling which pervade her singing. the School of Forestry and Conser-
The simple and genuine charm of! vation not later than April 7.
her personality is wholly in keeping
with the greatness of her voice and Students in the College of Litera-
the ease which which she sings. Her Itudencs inthe C rts:eAomet-
versatility of style was apparent in ing wienheld tda ts:1Apm. in
the distinctions made between the ing will be held today at 4:15 p.m. in
various numbers of the program. In in te ColleAngelLi Helor students
the Handel songs her approach was '
broad and direct, with emphasis on and the Arts and others interested in
the vocal line; the Schubert Ave future work in forestry. The meeting
Maria was eloquent in its simple yet will be addressed by Dean S. T.
emotional lyricism; in the more dra- Dana of the School of Forestry.
matic Tod und das Maedchen and
Die Allmacht the distinctions in A.S.C.E. Applicants: All engineers
mood and the transitions between in these departments: Civil, Trans-
them were skillfully achieved, and in portation, or Geodesy and Surveying
the former the sepulchral tones of who desire to be considered for mem-
the artist's lower register as Death bership into the Student Chapter of
speaking to the Maiden were unbe- the American Society of Civil En-
lievably impressive. gineers please put their applications
But there was also the lightness in the box just outside of the Struc-
and humor of the "Danish Waltz tual Office, 301 West Engineering
Song" and the "Cuckoo" among the Building. Application blanks may
encores. And the thrilling fervor of' be obtained in the office.
the Negro spirituals, wherein the
climax of the program was reached
inJohn Pan' rcfxosn Students in the College of Litera-
i n Payne's i sbebeautyioandi- tuie, Science and the Arts: A meeting
wit inxprssale eauy ad i- wllbe held on Thursday, April 1,
tensity of feeling. It is rare that at 4:15 p.m. in Room 313 W. Medical
suc muitcis su so essiv Building for students in the College
andyetwith no hint of the sensaeo Literature, Science, and the Arts
tional or striving after effect. Miss of tersteresed in the Ark
Anderson's seadmuinhpand others interested in future work
Anersongs taste and musicianship in pharmacy. Prof. H. B. Lewis,
are in keeping with her great voiceDirector of the College of Pharmacy,
and personality. will address the meeting. The next
Willia3. J.Lichtenwanger. meeting in the vocational series, to be
held on April 6, will be addressed by
Miss Marian Durell of the School of
TIH E CR E i N Nursing.

Publication in the luiletin Is constructive notice to all members of the
Iniversity. Copy received at the omce at the AJisitaut to the Presida
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

T 'I'his lecture should be of unusual
interest to students in the College of
Pharmacy and Medicine. All who
are interested are invited to attend.
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Junior Mkthematics Club will meet
this evening at 8 p.m. in Room 3201
Angell Hall. Mr. Theodore Heilperin
will speak on "Mathematics and Log-
Physics Colloquqium will meet in
Room 1041 Physics Building today at
4:15 p.m. Prof. H. M. Randall will
talk on "Absorption of Water Vapor
in the Far Infrared: Experimental."
Swimiming Test, Women Students:
Students who wish to take the re-
quired physical education swimming
test are asked to report at the Union
Pool this evening between 7:30 and
and 8:30 p.m.
Scabbard and Blade: Meeting to-
night at 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Room posted. Uniform required.
All members urged to attend.
The Bibliophiles of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet today at
2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Hirsch Hootkins,
715 Forest Ave.
Adelphi House of Representatives
and the Alpha Nu Debating Society
meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Adelphi room to debate on the
proposition: Resolved, that the sit-
down strike is a justifiable instru-
ment of labor. Everyone is cordially
invited to attend the debate which
marks a continuation of many years
of friendly rivalry between the two
Christian S c i e n c e Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Alla Kappa Delta: Meeting to-
day at 7:30 p.m., at the home of Mr.
Richard C. Fuller, 901 Granger Ave.
Discussion. Limited transpdrtation
from Haven Hall at 7:20.
Men Actors, Women Impersonators,
Male Freaks: and other acts wanted
to tryout for Mimes, Men's Honorary
Dramatic Society for their side-show
at the Michigras. Tryouts please
come to the Union, Room 304, 5 p.m.
Luieichen for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, March 31, at 12
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Dr.
John W. Riegel, Associate Professor
of Industrial Relations and Director
of the Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, will speak informally on "Pub-
lic Policy toward Strikes."
Crele Francais:, There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais Wed-
nesday evening, March 31, at 7:45
p.m. in 408 Romance Languages
Building. All members are urged to
be present.
Alpha Nu: There will be a meeting
on Wednesday evening, March 31, at
7:30 p.m. At that time Adelphi will
be our guests and the program will
consist of a debate between the
pledfges of the two organizations. The

subject will deal with sit-down
strikes. All new members and old
members and also friends are invited
to be present.
PhigBeta Kappa: The Annual
Meeting of Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha
Chapter in Michigan, will be held on
Tuesday, April *6, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 2203 Angell Hall. At this meet-
ing the business of the year will be
transacted. It is hoped that as many
members as possible will be in atten-
Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha, will hold
its regular monthly meeting on Wed-
nesday night, March 31, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Seminar Room, 3205 E. En-
gineering Bldg. Prof. John H. Muy-
skins," Associate Prof. of Phonetics
and Director of the Laboratoryof
Speech and General Linguistics, will
be the speaker.
Please note the change of night
from the usual Thursday night to
Wednesday night.
It is urged that every member be
Students Interested in Ballroom
DAncing come to the Michigan

Swing High, Swing Low

Academic Notices
Playwriting (English 150): Because
of the Choral Union concert the

This isn't the usual Lombard-Mac- class will meet Tuesday night, March
Murray bright hilarity, but a sur- 30, instead of Monday night.
prisingly real piece of motion pie- Kenneth Rowe.. .
ture drama. It has plenty of light-
and funny moments, but its basici Education ]WOO: There will be a
thesis is the marital ceremony line, special demonstration of the teach-
"For better or for worse, til death ing of penmanship for all students in
do us part." And these lines are not D100 and others on the campus who
treated as comedy in Swing High, may be interested on Thursday, April
Swing Low. 1, at 4 p.m. in the Assembly Room
MacMurray is an irresponsible of the University High School. The
chap who doesn't like work, but his sections of D100 will meet as usual
love for his wife, Carole Lombard,I on Tuesday, March 30.
and her proding, keep him diligently nTsyMah -
and originally playing his trumpet
in a Panama night spot. His trum- Concerts
pet talent is discovered, takes him
to New- Ybrk, and eventually to Harp Recital: A recital by mem-
Broadway fame. New York life is so bers of 'the Harp Department of the
much fun for the trumpeteer that he School of Music under the direction
puts off sending for his wife. But of Mary Jane Clark, will be given in
when she' finally sees the situation the School of Music Auditorium on
she gets a divorce. Without her, the Maynard St., today at 8 :15 p.m., to
trumpeteer degenerates in a few reels which the general public, with the
of film, until his former wife steps exception of small children, is invited.
in again to reclaim him.
Comedy? Original? Neither oneLetu
but Swing High, Swing Low has dia- +
logue tossed off excellently by Loin University Lecture: Dr. Ananda K.
bard, MacMurray, and Charles But- Coomaraswamy of the Museum of
terworth, which should give any Fine Arts, Boston, will lecture on
audience plenty to chuckle about.. "The Utility of Art," today at 4:15
The distinguishing thing about the
film is the naturalness in which it p.m. in the Natural Science Audi-
has been produced. The sets and torium. The public is cordially in-
backgrounds are surprisingly au- 'vited.
thentic, the situations human, and
the acting of Carole Lombard is a Mr. M. G. Meriam will present a
joy to watch for its naturalness and demonstrational lecture on the man-
good humor. That sense of humor ufacture, selection and care of clin-
of hers is a great asset, particularly ical thermometers, hypodermic sy-
when she sings. 1ringes and needles in Rnntn 16

Although Swing High; Swing Low
is a departure from the routined
type of thing that has brought suc-
cess to the Lombard-MacMurray
team, for picture purposes it should
make their union even more secure.
Glass Opposes
FDII Court Billt

111sv allu t iuct ul Ill Xw1 11 107,U t
Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. on
March 31.
mocracy since the foundation of the
Republic has exceeded in its evil por-
tents this attempt to pack the Su-
preme Court of the United States
and thus destroy the purity and
independence of this tribunal of last
The 79-year-o1d Democrat, who
was Secretary of Treasury under
Woodrow Wilson, contended no ques-

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