4 The Weatliet #3*1k i!LU Ilattij Editorials Government Behind The Plow . Fair today and tomorrow, con- tinued cool. VOL. XLVII No. 130 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Auto Workers And Chrysler Consider Plan To Open Plant Seek Way To Send 80,000 Idle Men Back To Work And Reopen Factories Two Sides Are Split By 'Very Few Words' LANSING, March 29.-OP)-Rep- resentatives of the Chrysler Corpor- ation and the United Automobile Workers of America considered new Bowling Alley Boys * Decide Their Work Needs More Money Dissatisfied with the guaranteed wage of 80 cents per day on slack days and an average of 20 cents per hour on busy days, the 10 pin boys at the Ann Arbor Recreation Bowling Alleys, 605 E. Huron street sat down about 9 p.m. Saturday and demanded a raise of from 4 to 5 cents per game. The pin boys had planned the strike several days previously and it was supposed to have been called several days ago, but spokesmen stated that when the time came to stage it, the boys got cold feet. How- ever, while an exhibition match was being held Saturday, the boys sud- denly put forth their demand.- I "We added a stipulation that none of us be fired," the spokesman stated.! The appeased strikers were rather proud of their new agreement and proposals today for an agreement showed that it bore that would reopen the strike closed Cassell's signature. Ch nl n. ,t..c d nin d . ~ i will be allowed to manager Herbert The boys also bowl three free tryser pans an sen approx- mately 80,000 idle workers back to their benches. They were proposals which Gov. Frank Murphy asserted might pro- vide a formula for settling not only the Chrysler dispute "but the whole labor situation in Michigan," and "most of the difficulties in the motor industry." At least half a dozen different forms of agreement already are un- derstood to have been presented to the opposing sides, but all have failed of acceptance. Recognition Claim Relaxed ! Governor Murphy, in whose offices! the conferences have been held, has said that a "very few words" separatet the two sides. These words have to do with the degree of recognitionI that is to be accorded the union ast bargaining agency for Chrysler work- t ers. Claiming to represent 59,000 ofe the Corporation's 67,000 employes,I the union demanded sole bargainingt recognition, but receded slightly from that stipulation during the 'six days in which the conferences here have been in progress. ' An authoritative source disclosed that the union has asked that in lieul of exclusive bargaining recognition for all employes, the corporation agree that any negotiations of agree-E ments made with non-union Chrys-i ler employees be submitted to U.A.W. officials. Representatives Hold Powers ' In some sources here it was inti- mated that a final settlement, ifc reached, might not be formally an-c nounced until Lewis' return from] New York, probably Wednesday or' Thursday. Governor Murphy, how- ever, asserted that "it is possible te matter can be settled without Lewis." Lewis also asserted upon his de-1 parture after an Easter Day session here that the representatives he left behind were empowered to sign a set- tlement contract if one is reached. Before going into today's initial meeting, Homer Martin, Union pres- ident, said a Supreme Court ruling on the Wagner Labor Relations Act "could have no possible bearing on the Union's stand in the Chrysler strike." "This is not an interstate matter We have a majority and the ma- jority will prevail," he asserted. General Strike On BankWork Is Threatened A general strike by all workmen employed at the remodeling of the State Savings Bank was threatened for this morning unless James A. Moyne, general contractor for the construction work, signs a closed shop agreement for the job. This ultimatum came last night from William Lalond, businessagent of the Carpenter's Unin for South- eastern Michigan, after 12 carpenters walked out late yesterday afternoon in protest against the employment of Foreman John Siler, Detroit, a non-union worker. Lalond said last night that unless Siler joined the union or that unless a union man replaced Siler, a gen- eral walkout of all tradesmen, in- cluding plumbers and electricians, would occur this morning. "We want a closed shop in order that non-union labor from Detroit will not be brought in for local jobs," Lalond said. The Carpenters' Union is affiliated with the American Federation of La- bor. Chicago Doctor Takes Tir 11 C _ ±_2 $ ..... ., w; u ,..,., ,.., games per day. Contemporary Presents -New PrizeWritings Three Freshman Hopwood Winners Are Featured By LiteraryMagazine, Contemporary, the campus literary magazine, is out today with an issue that features three Hopwood Prize winners besides poetry essays, and fic- tion by other local writers, according to Frances Carney, '37, co-editor. H. Gordon Green, '40, is represent- ed in the magazine by his essay, "My Father and the University," judged the best piece of writing in the fresh- man Hopwood entries. "The Grand- mother," which will be in the latest contemporary, is another short story by Harvey B. Swados, '40, whose story, "The Amateurs" will be included in Edward J. O'Brien's "Best Short Stories of 1937." The third in a series of articles on education will be offered in this months Contemporary, Miss Carney said. It is written by Peter Macklin and entitled, "Preface to a Program" and offers some suggestions for 're- vision of the university program. An- other article on the subject of edu- cation is "The Extra Curriculum" by Marshall Shulman, '37. ' It is a dis- cussion and criticism of extra cur- ricular activities at Michigan. Frank M. Conway, 40, Hopwood prize winner, is among the five poets that have contributed to this issue. The issue also includes reviews and editorials. Play Will Feature Peace Celebration The one-act play "Voides in No- vember" written by Norman Rosten, Grad., will be produced in the Unionj on April 22, Peace Day, it was an- nounced yesterday. Rosten, like Arthur Miller, author of "They Too Arise," is here on a scholarship of the New Play Bureau, and wrote this play during his first month of attendance at the Univer- sity, after attending Peace Council discussions. The purpose of the play is to show the original causes that precipitated the modern organized protest against war, according to Carl Nelson, di- rector. Try-outs will be held at 4 p.m. to- day in Room 302 of the Union. Union Invites State Students To Visit Here Michigan's High School Pupils Asked To Watch University In Action School Principals To Receive Letters High school students from every town and city in Michigan will be invited here Saturday, May 1, to par- ticipate in the first annual Univer- sity Day, which was announced yes- terday by the Union. Letters of invitation will be sent to all state high school principals today by officials of the Union, which with the League and University ad- ministration is sponsoring the one- day program to introduce high school students to the University. As expressed by the invitation, released yesterday by Frederick V. Geib, '38, general chairman of the program, the purpose of University Day is "to introduce state high school students to their own University of Michigan; to provide first-hand in- formation regarding entrance re- quirements, scholarships, courses of- fered, facilities, and extra-curricular activities of the University: to pro- vide a constructive and enjoyable day." Although the program has not yet been completely planned, Geib said that interviews with deans of the various colleges and schools have been arranged for the high school students. Negotiations to obtain facilities for campus tours are now underway, he said, and three Big Ten athletic events and the annual spring foot- ball scrimmage are scheduled for that day. The University of In- diana will meet Michigan in track, and Ohio State University will meet the Wolverines in baseball and golf. The Women's Athletic Association has arranged exhibitions in riding, archery clock golf, volley ball, bad- minton, baseball, tennis, horseshoes, bowling and riflery. The association will also sponsor a social hour at 3 p.m. A luncheon will be given in the Union, Geib said. Speakers have not yet been announced. Graduate Gets $2,000 Rome Academy Prize Lester C. Houck, Grad., was award-1 ed the two year fellowship for clas- sical study given annually by the American Academy in Rome follow- ing a nation wide competition, it was announced by Dr. Roscoe Guernsey, secretary of the Academy. The fel- lowship is worth $2,000 a year. Mr. Houck, who expects to complete his doctoral dissertation on Byzantine history in June, has been a Buhl Clas- sical Fellow in the Graduate School for the past two years. As an under- graduate he was awarded the Simon Mandelbaum fellowship. The basis for the Academy fellowship is sub- mitted papers and research work, and corresponds to the Academy's annual awards for work in fine arts. During his studies abroad, Mr. Houck plans to make trips to Greece and Constantinople besides his regu- lar course at Rome. Mr. Houck is afiliated with Phi Beta Kappa and I Phi Kappa Phi fraternities.1 Re-Examination of Adkins I Case Results In Change By Tribunal Chief Justice Hughes Reads Majority Vote Says Labor Exploitation Throws Direct Burden On Community (By The Associated Press) The change in the Court's position came about through a reexamination of the precedent set in the Adkins Case decision of 1922 in which the tribunal declared a Federal law im- posing minimum wages for women workers in the District of Columbia to be a violation of the due process clause of the Constitution. "The principle which must control our decision is not in doubt," said Chief Justice Hughes reading the majority opinion. "The Constitu- tional provision invoked is the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment governing the states, as the due process clause invoked in the Adkins case governed Congress. Nd Absolute Liberty "In each case, the violation al- leged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is de- privation of freedom of contract. What is this freedom? The Constitu- tion does not speak of freedom of contract. It speaks of liberty and prohibits the deprivation of liberty without due process of law. "In prohibiting that deprivation the Constitution does not recognize an absolute and uncontrollable lib- erty. Liberty in each of its phases' has its history and connotation. But the liberty safeguarded is liberty in a social organization which requires the protection of law against the evils which menace the health, safety, morals and welfare of the people. Community Not Bound "Liberty under the Constitution is thus necessarily subject to the re- straints of due process of law and regulation which is reasonable in re- lation to its subject and is adopted in the interests of the community is due process. "This essential limitation of liberty in general governs freedom of con- tract." Turning to a brief discussion of the economic considerations involved, Justice Hughes noted that the "ex- ploitation of a class of workers," re- ferring to women, casts "a direct bur- den on the community." He added: "What these workers lose in wages the taxpayers are called upon to pay. the community is not bound to provide what is in effect a subsidy for unconscionable employers." Plan Student Rally To Back Court Bill A nation-wide student rally move- ment sponsored by the American Student Union, occuring simultan- eously on 150 campuses of the United States at noon on April 13, will sup- port the President's move to enlarge the Supreme Court, it was disclosed yesterday. In an attempt to disprove the i- pression that campuses through "a handful of students" are opposed to "liberal action of the Supreme Court," Joseph P. Lash, executive secretary of the American Student Union explained, the nation-wide ac- tion was initiated. Committee members of the Ameri- can Student Union, after journeying through all parts of the country, ex- pressed the belief that the over- whelming majority of students fa- vor the President's court proposal and will also support attempts to obtain more far-reaching legislation through an amendment giving Congress the power to pass social legislation. Concert Will Be Given By Lyra Male Chorus Buyer Is Unable To Judge1 Proper Value Of Goodst Closely, Horner Says t EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first ofj a series of articles dealing with thef position of the consumer. By TUURE TENANDER1 Definite action by legislators andr the consumer himself is necessary if the "underdog position in which thet consumer finds himself" is to be bet- tered, in the opinion of Robert R.x Horner of the economics department.r "Thbre exists a great number of reasons for the inability of the con- sumer to get his or her money's worth in buying, whether it is a special pur- chase of something costly or an everyday household article," Mr.' Horner said. "The complexities of marketing as well as the extravagant claims put forth by some advertisers serve to confuse the consumer into purchases that are in many cases al- most wholly misdirected." Consumers Can't Specialize The first factor that makes for dif- ficulty in consumption, Mr. Horner continued, is the inability of the consumer to specialize. The house- wife is not in a position to become thoroughly familiar with any one or two articles but must purchase an in- finite variety of goods, he said, caus- ing a rather sketchy knowledge of the values of the many things she must procure. This is an important consid- eration, for women are responsible for over 80 per cent of all retail sales, he added. "Despite this fact, wives are chosen particularly for their skill in buying," he said. The second reason cited by Mr. Loyalists Open Drive To Save Minin Region MADRID, March 29.-(P)-Gov- ernment troops forged ahead tonight far south of the capital in a sharp drive to relieve insurgent pressure on the gateway to the mercury and coal mines of Ciudad Real Province. Semi-official reports from the Cordoba front, southwest of Ciudad Real, said government forces fought their way into outlying districts of Alcaracejos during a fierce battle which raged all day. Capture of Alcaracejos, west of Pozoblanco, would force the insur- gents to retire southward and relieve insurgent pressure on Pozoblanco, key to Ciudad Real's rich mining re- gion. Meanwhile, northeast of the capital on the Guadalajara front, govern- ment forces were reported officially to have stormed and captured a strategic hill on the banks of the Henares River. The hill dominates the road to Cogulludo, important insurgent-held town north fo Guadalajara and west of the Madrid-Aragon highway. Consumer Is Called 'Underdog' Who Requires Protective Action Horner is the great complexity of the goods available in the market. "There are so many brands of all ar- ticles that it has become increasing- ly difficult for the purchaser to know just which brand is the most satis- factory," he said. "Besides, it is dif- ficult for the consumer to measure his wants. A business man can measure his activities by the amount of profit he can make on an opera- tion, but it is a more difficult story when one has to decide in what man- ner the wants of a family can best be met." Unwise Consumption Cited Unwise consumption is another relevant reason for the consumer's "Insufficient return," according to (Continued on Page 2) Socialist Party Attacks AF L, Endorses C10 Convention Urges Lewis Be Unanimously Backed By Its Members CHICAGO, March 29.-(R)~-The National Socialist Party, in special convention here, late today indorsed the Committee for Industrial Or- ganization and urged its members to support unanimously the new la- bor movement headed by John L. Lewis. Terming the CIO "one of the most significant developments in the American labor movement," a reso- lution adopted by the convention charged that the executive council of the American Federation of Labor, "jealous of their interests, . . . took organizational steps in order to de- stroy this progressive tendency." Suspension of CIO unions, the res- olution stated, "created the danger of a split in the American labor movement." The resolution was adopted behind closed doors and the vote was not announced. A letter of William Green, pres- ident of the A. F. of L., to the central labor bodies, recommending suspen- sion of CIO locals, increased this danger, the resolution set forth. The party voted its opposition to national, state and local suspensions. In the automobile and steel strikes, the Socialists charged, the A. F. of L. "played a disruptive role by fight- ing recognition of unions as the sole bargaining agencies for the workers." WEDDING DATE SET WILMINGTON, Del., March 29.- IOP)-Miss Ethel du Pont will be the June bride of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the President and Mrs. Roosevelt, in picturesque Christ Church founded by the du Ponts a century ago. The wedding date, June 30, was announced today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene du Pont. Washington's Law Setting Lowest Rate For Pay Of WomenApproved Reversal Is Made By Justice Roberts Court's Five To Four Vote Expected To Alter View On President's Plan WASHINGTON, March 29.-()- The Supreme Court changed its po- sition on a fundamental issue today and, by a five to four decision, upheld the right of the states to prescribe minimum wages for women. Its verdict, long awaited, injected a new element into the turbulent de- bate over the President's plan to in- crease the size of the tribunal unless the older justices retire, the poten- tialities of which could not be meas- ured tonight. Coming at a time when the Sen* ate was engaged in a heated debate over that very issue, the Court's de- cision served only to enhance the tension and apparently stiffen the determination of both sides of the controversy. Former Decisions Changed Fourteen years ago the Supreme Court invalidated a DistrictofCo- lumbia minimum wage law for women. Less than a year ago, the Court, by a five to four decision, declared New York's law unconsti- tutional. Today, it sustained a sim- ilar statute from the State of Wash- ington. Associate Justice Roberts, long recognized as a balance of power on the Court, voted against the New York law last year and for the Wa h- ington statute today. In his latter action, he left the Court's "conservative" bloc of Mc- Reynolds, Sutherland, Van Devanter, and Butler. For them Associate Jus- tice Sutherland read an indignant dissent, obviously aimed directly at the proponents of the President's bill. Railroad Labor Act Upheld "If the Constitution, intelligently and reasonably construed ... stands in the way of desirable legislation, he blame must rest upon that in- strument, and not upon the Court for enforcing it according to its terms," said Sutherland. "The rem- edy in that situation-and the only true remedy-is to amend the Con- stitution." In addition to the minimum wage decision, the Court upheld, unani- mously, the new Frazier-Lemke farm mortgage moratorium act-reenact- ed to accord with a prior decision de- claring its forerunner unconstitu- tional-and, also unanimously, sus- tained the Railroad Labor Act, in- tended to bulwark collective bargain- ing on the railroads. With the Senate already engaged in a spirited debate on the Court is- sue, Senator Robinson, the Dero- cratic leader, announced the decision on the Washington law to his col- leagues with a shouted assertion that: To Pass On Social Security "The Court has completely re- versed itself." Besides its decisions today, and a forthcoming opinion on the Wagner Labor Relations Act, the Supreme Court agreed today to pass judgment this term on another major enact- met-the social security program. Sutherland's dissent noted a phrase of Hughes to the effect that the Ad- kins case should be reexamined be- cause of "the economic conditions which have supervened," and said: "The meaning of the Constitution does not change with the ebb and flow of economic events." Texas Blast Caused SBy Electric Switch Sup reme Court Reverses Stand On State Minimum Wage Right, e Epicurus And Lucretius Kniew About Atoms 2,000 Years Ago, State Bill To Fight Delinquency Among Children Hailed By Carr By ROBERT PERLMAN; The atomic theory is not new. The idea that matter is composed of "pri- mary particles" was advanced more; than 2,000 years ago by Epicurus, the Greek philosopher, and Lucretius, the Latin poet, according to Dr. Frank 0. Copley of the Latin department and Prof. Ernest F. Barker of the physics department. "Nothing from nothing ever yet was born," a quotation from Lucre- tius, appears at the entrance to the main exhibition hall of the Museum Building. But the real statement of the atomic theory appears in "De Rerum Natura," Lucretius poetic pre- sentation of the Epicurean philo- snnhv in the nassage "There are as they did to the theories accepted today," Professor Barker declared. Epicurus, who lived about 300 B.C., adopted the ideas of Democritus, his predecessor in Greek philopsophy, and maintained that only that is reality which can either be verified by human perception or which does not contradict human observation, Dr. Copley said. The atomic theory, which even allowed for chance as a law of nature, released man from the terrors of supernatural religion, Dr. Copley continued. According to Ep- icurus even the soul is a corporeal aggregate of atoms and at death the soul is dissolved like the body and therefore man need have no fear for the future, he explained. By ROBERT WEEKS A plan to reduce crime and in- sanity in Michigan by statewide treatment of behavior maladjust- ments in children before the abena- tions become chronic, is now pend- ing in the State Senate, according to Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology department. Entitled the Orr Plan, it is being proposed in the Palmer Flynn Bill, Professor Carr said. If this bill is enacted, it would provide Michigan with an organization for crime-pre- vention work that would be superior to that of any state in the union, Professor Carr said. The Palmer Flynn Bill offers a program of prevention aimed at (1) the purpose of inquiring into the causes of child delinquency, of im- proving methods of treatment in cases of delinquent, dependent, ne- glected and defective children and/or coordinating the work of public and private agencies in examining and caring for such children." Two reasons for the Orr plan were cited by Professor Carr. The first of these is that if problem children are untreated (and it is estimated that from 27,000 to 100,000 children in Michigan, from the ages of 5 to 17, need expert help if they are to have 'any chance to live happy and suc- cessful lives) they will grow up to fill insane asylums, correctional schools and prisons. a 1 1 ,T e a ,z WASHINGTON, March 29.-GP)- An Agriculture Department investi- gator reported today the New Lon- don, Texas, school explosion resulted from ignition of accumulated gas by a spark from an electric sanding ma- chine switch. Dr. David J. Price, explosion ex- pert of the Bureau of Chemistry and. Soils, disclosed this finding in a pre