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March 28, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-28

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Of Slide Rule
Patrons Ma de
President, Mrs. Ruthven
Head List; Deans Colley,
Bursley Included
The list of patrons and patronesses
for the eighth annual Slide Rule
Dance to be held from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m., Friday in the Union ballroom
was announced yesterday by Cedric
Marsh, co-chairman of the invitation
President and Mrs. Ruthven head
the list which includes Dean Emeritus
M. E. Colley, Prof. H. C. Anderson,
Dean and Mrs. J. A. Bursley, Dean
and Mrs. H. C. Sadler, Assistant Dean
and Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean
and Mrs. C. T. Olmstead, and Assist-
ant Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea.
Patrons Invited
Prof. and Mrs. B. F. Bailey, Prof.
and Mrs. O. W. Boston, Prof. and
Mrs. E. M. Bragg, Prof. and Mrs. J.
E. Emswiler.
Prof. and Mrs. E. L. Eriksen, Prof.
and Mrs. L. M. Gram, Prof and Mrs.
C. T. Johnson, and Prof. and Mrs.
H. E. Keeler are also among those
invited as chaperons.
Prof. and Mrs. W. E. Lay, Prof.
and Mrs. V. N. Menefee, Prof. and
Mrs. H. W. Miller, Prof. and Mrs.
A. D. Moore, Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Nel-
son, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. F. C. Rog-
ers, Prof. and Mrs A. H. White and
Prof. and Mrs. J. S. Worley are
amnong those included in the list.
Prof. and Mrs. C. W. Good, Prof.
and Mrs. Alex Marin, Prof. and Mrs.
W. C. Sadler, Prof. and Mrs. R. D.
Brackett, Prof. and Mrs. C. F. Kes-
sler and Prof. and Mrs. M. J. Thomp-
son are others on the list.
Decorations Announced
The dance, which is a traditional
affair held by the College of En-
gineering, will feature as its main
theme in decorations, the instru-
ments used by engineers. A huge
side rule will encase the orchestra
nd other instruments will be hung
at either end of the ballroom. The
traditional slide rule which has been
kept as a symbol of the days of the
rivalry between the engineers and
lawyers will not be used this year,
accordling to Willis M. Hawkins, '37E,
and Max C. Shoetz, '39E, co-chair-
men of decorations.
Robert H. Baldwin, '37E, is acting
s general chairman for the affair.

,Spanish Chinese
I fluences Sl n
On Easter Bonnets
Many years ago it became the
custom to buy a brand new bonnet
to wear to church on Easter morn-
ing. These spring' hdts, along with
the rich full notes of the organ and
the stately white lilies, helped to add
beauty to the service.
Peeking into the new Easter- band-
boxes you will find the most aston-
ishing and marvelous creations im-
aginable. The continental influence
is very prevalent with special em-
phasis on the Spanish. Traces of
sombreros with large rolling brims,
brilliant rich colors, plateau crowns,
and trimmings of dangling mirrors,
shells, or metal stars are to be found
in every hat shop.
All sorts of berets have made their
appearance on the fashion horizon.
There is the new "Manchu" beret
made of a combination of felt and
straw with aChinese tassel spilling
down one side. Another style made
of felt is cut with a square front
Music Groups
To Give Easter
Concert Today
Sigma Apha Iota and Mu Phi Ep-
silon, honorary music sororities, will
present an Easter musicale at 3 p.m.
today in the Congregational Church.
Clarawanda Sisson, Grad, and Ruth
Pardee, '37SM, presidents of Mu
Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota,
respectively, are in charge of the af-
The opening number, "Hosannah,"
by Dubois, will be given by Lou White,
'37SM. This will be followed by a
selection from the *.Concerto in E
minor from Goldmark's "Andante,"
by Betty Leslie, Grad., and Marguer-
ite Creighton, '37SM, will give "East-
er Morn" by Risher.
Betty Leslie, '37SM, Doris Hamill,
'38SM, Eileen Echeldinger, '37SM,
and Ruth Holmes, '38SM, will pre-
sent the "Quartet" by Haydn. Jane
Rogers, '37SM will then give "God
So Loved The World" by Fearis,
which will be followed by a rendi-
tion of Rarel's "Parane pour une en-
fante defunte" by Miss Holmes.
Two numbers, "Nun greut euch"
from Bach's Choral Prelude, and "St.
Anne Fugue" will be offered by Helen
Zbinden '37SM.

Prints A nd Color Contrast Are Chic
--- t
Bright flowers are almost essential in the pint of any silk after-
roon dress this seascon, while contrasting color coanbinations are just as
important fcr suits. These two models shew thc smiartness that can be
a hieved with the use of tailored lines when the interest of the attire
is concentrated on the colors. The short, collarless jacket of the suit
is trimmed with pleated bands down the front and on the pockets.
The wide band of color running the length of the suit is both slender-
izing and smart.
^ Y
TodiyHidden By Winter Coats
B.W.O.C.'s Choose Variety tinguish~ one of the navy blue dresses
Of Outfits; Suits Prove which Betty Gatward, '38, social
chairman of the League, will wear
Mot opla
Most Ppularat spring s;ocial functions.
By JENNY PETERSEN The new conjunctionr of black with
Paris fashionables will stroll down beige makes up the ensemble which
the Champs Elysees today in all Alberta Wood, chairman of Fresh-
their glory, New York's sophisticates man Project, has chosen. Black ac-
will saunter down Fifth Avenue daz- cessories are worn with her beige
zling the eye, but smart Ann Arbor- dress and beige herringbone swagger
ites will probably have to veil their coat. The collar .of the coat is of
spring finery with winter coats in raccoon. Mary Gage, assistant
the Easter Parade along State Street. chairman of the Project, will wear a
However, even if they cannot wear black and blue combination today.
their light spring ensembles today, The wide belt of the plain black dress
prominent women on campus have is of bright blue and this blue is re-
them ready to wear at the first hint peated in the trim of a black tur-
of mild temperatures, ban.
Hope Hartwig, '38, president of *Worn cocked over one eye, the
the League, has chosen a tailored jaunty Scotch hat which Carrie Wal-
outfit of navy blue and mustard. Her lach, another Freshman Project com-
camel's hair coat is of the short boxy mittee chairman, wears with her navy
type so popular this season, and her ensemble has a ribbon at the back.
simply cut dress is of navy blue with The collars of both her dress and coat
a bright green scarf. Harriet Shack- are of white pique.
leton, '38, president of Panhellenic I__________
Association, will greet warm weather WILL GIVE EASTER SUPPER
in a coral wool suit with a short fitted The Union will feature a special
jacket. Easter buffet supper from 5:30 to 7
Coronation Blue Suit Worn p.m. today in the small dining room,

Will Use Lilies
As Decorations
For Easter Ball
Decorations for the Easter Ball to
be held from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.
Wednesday in the Union Ballroom
have been announced by Mrs. H. Seg-
er Slifer, chairman of decorations.
Yellow calla lilies and other spring
flowers will be arranged at the in-
tersection of the tables which will be
in the form of a Roman cross. Light-
ed square tapers will be placed down
the center of each arm of the cross.
They will be 10 inches high near the
flowers, and will graduate down to
four inches at the ends of the cross.
Those who will preside at the sup-
per table will be Mrs. Henry Lewis,
Mrs. R. Bishop Canfield, Mrs. Allen
S. Whitney and Mrs. George P. Mc-
Callum. The supper for the dance
will be given from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30
Previous to the dance, a subscrip-
tion dinner has been arranged at the
Union for the members of the central
committee and their husbands. The
Union is offering the dinner for $1.
Bob Steinle and his orchestra will
play for the dance of which Mrs.
Theophil Klingman is general chair-
man. '
Union Coffee Hour
Guests Announced
Guests for the Union coffee hours
to be held every afternoon this week
were announced yesterday by Fred-
erick Geib, '38.
Mrs. Avard Fairbanks will attend
Monday afternoon and Mrs. Lan'hua
Yui will be the guest at Tuesday's
social hour. Mrs. Yui is Dean of
Women at Cheeloo University, Tsin-
an, Shantony Province, China.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. L. J.
Young will be present at the coffee
hour and Mrs. Floyd E. Bartell will
officiate Thursday. Friday afternoon
Mrs. Donald M. Matthews will pour.
Katherine Koch
Charles Blunt
To Be Married
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert W. Koch of
Asheville, N.C., recently announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Katherine Dorothy Koch, '34, to
Charles Blunt of Port Huron and
New York City. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Miss Koch, who was affiliated with
Alpha Phi, was president of the
League in her senior year. She also
functioned as assistant director of
Mosher Hall the year following her
The marriage of Viola Wolcott
Gunther, '37, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edmund E. Gunther of Saline,
to Robert Kidder Hall, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert M. Hall of Three
Rivers, took place at 4 p.m. yesterday
in the League Chapel. Rev. Fred
Leech officiated.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held in the Ethel Fountain
Hussey room at the League.
Mrs. Hall formerly attended Hills-
dale College where she was affiliated
with Sigma Alpha Iota sorority. She
graduated from the University in
February. Mr. Hall is a graduate of
the University of Alabama where he
was affiliated with Phi Kappa Sigma
fraternity. .

Kappa Phi will serve breakfast at
7 and 9:30 a.m. today at Stalker Hall
for members of the Methodist church
and their friends, according to Har-
riet Breay, '37, president of the group.
The Easter breakfasts are given an-
nually, Miss Greay said.

Relaes ome's ork Kappa Delta Sorority initiated thek
Relates Women's Work
following women yesterday after-
A survey of women's activities is noon: Florence Rogers, '39, Cechy
covered in the March issue of the Forrest, '40A, Florence Lightfoot,
League Lantern, now on sale at'38, Elinore Clark, '38, Ruth Chat-
the League, according to Marjorie
Mackintosh, '37, editor. ard, '40, and Jane Sturtridge, '38.
The issue includes an editorial by Mrs. Alexander MacGregor, president
Hope Hartwig, '38, and articles on of the Detroit Alumnae Association
the women's debating team and the of Kappa Delta, was present at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. initiation.




With slightly boned front panel - Zipper closing.
$3.50 - $4.50 - $7.50




Kellogg Corset Shop

110 EAR




X. 1
v : .


Showing a decided Spanish influ-
ence, the suit Angelene Maliszewski,
'38, head of J*idiciary Council, will
wear this spring has a flared skirt
and padded shoulders. It is of cor-
onation blue with a wide red belt and
a long coat of the same shade of+
red. Miss Maliszewski will top off
this suit with a tiny bell boy's hat.
Navy blue is the choice of Helen
Jesperson, '38, head of Assembly.
Trimmed with white lace, her dress
has a little jacket with three-quar-
ter length sleeves. Crisp white pique
accents her navy blue straw hat. Bet-
ty Anne Beebe, '37, ex-president of
Panhellenic has also decided on navy
as the basic color in her spring ward-
robe. One of her dresses is of swishy
taffeta with pink trimming. With
this she wears a navy off-the-face
Black and Beige Suit Chosen
Mary Johnson, '38, head of the
Women's Athletic Association, will
appear in a severely smart three-
piece suit of sheer black wool. The
collat and lapels are of Persian lamb
and the blouse is black satin. Peasant
embroidery on belt arv pocket dis-
~- _- - - - - --

according to H. Murray Campbell,
'38, who is in charge of the suppers.
The weekly forum. will not be held
today but will be continued next
week. Speakers for the following
week will be announced at a later

rii '
(J ''

Liberty at Ma

L Says

v/ I


A diet of 85c "Mir-
O-Kleer" will reduce,
your hosiery budget
overnight. Sheer,
clear, long-wearing '

35 MM.
Need the Care of a

Splashed all over-
. . . it brings out
the gypsy in you-
Prints draw the eye like a flor-
ist's window this Spring. Life-
sized flowers, and even bigger
ones, flaunt their vivid colors
against rich backgrounds. You


i mm

-- s;







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