TWOTHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1937 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1937 VOL. XLVH No. 129 Notices Liberalization Schools' Need, Say Democrats SContinued from Page 1) EVENING RADI CKLW-1030 KilocycIcs P.M. 12:00-Messenger of Light. 12:30-Ted Weems' Orchestra. 1:00-The Lutheran Hour. 1:30-Mario Morelli's Ensemble. 2:00-The Lamplighter. 10 PROGRAMS College of Architecture, Midsemes- constitutional was to improve the 2:15-Detroit Flower Show. ter Reports: Instructors are request- conditions and benefit the people of 30-Men of Destiny. te eprs:Istutosar eqet-I3:00-Organ Recital.f ed to report any student whose work America. This shows the fundamen- 3:15-Choral Echoes. is unsatisfactory. Cards for this pur- tal difference between the Republican 3:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins. 3:45--Grattan Ler., pose may be obtained from the Of- and Democratic parties." 4-Harold Stokes' Orch. fice of the College of Architecture, "Older men and women have found 4:3 aeartyne - Buckley's Mixture. Room 207 Arch., or from the Regis- it difficult to obtain employment," Mr, 5:00-"Pronounce It"-Prof. E. A. McFaul. trar's Office, Room 4, U.H. These 'VMcKenzie said. "They gave their best 530--Elder Morton's Tabernacle Choir. 600-Anl Johnson's Orch. cards should be filled in and returned to build up industry and now they are 6:30-The Human Side of Music. to the Office of the College of Archi- only the waste product of industry. 7:00-The ForumHour. 7:30-Music for Today. tecture not later than April 7. If industry is compelled to take care 8:00-Father Charles E. Coughlin. School of Music, Midsemester Re- of its material waste products, why 8:30-Jewels of the Madonna. Sotihoolmn aof pMusicTha 9:0-Red NorvoOrch. ports: Instructors are requested to not its human waste products? That 9:30-Gabriel Heatter. report any student whose work is un- jis the spirit of the new legislation. 9:45-Rick Roberts' Orch. 10:00-First Baptist Church of Pontiac. satisfactory. Cards for this purpose "Do you want these laws inter- 10:30-Melodies from the Skies. may be obtained from the Office of preted by persons whose social philos- 1045-Modern String Ensemble. 11:00-Canadian. Club 'Reporter. the School of Music, 108 S.M., or ophy is different from that of the 11:15-Freddy Martin's Orch. from the Registrar's Office, Room 4 Demcratic party?" he asked, "or do 1 n30-Kay Kyser's Orch. Mdiht-Vincent Lopez' Orch. U.H. These cards should be filled you want men on the bench who have 12:30-George Hamlton's Orch. in and returned to the Office of the been trained in the same school as 1 00-Bernie Cummin'sOrch. latr hanApilthe persons who drew up this legis- 1:15-Larry Funk's arch. School of Music not later than April rh1:30-Weather Forecast. 7. 1laeion? School of Forestry and Conserva- l "I don't mean that we should elect WJR-750 Kilocycles tion, Midsemester Reports: Instruc- judges just to approve this legisla- 20MNoon-Major Bowe's Capitol Family. tors are requested to report any stu- tion. But the people are entitled 12:45-Parent Education-U. of M. to kow he plitcal ackroun of1 :15-Mothers Album. dent whose work is unsatisfactory. to kno the political background of 1 :30-Musical. Cards for this purpose may be ob- their judges." 1d45gMusical. taedfrm h Ofie fth Sholground of their judges are." 1:55-American Pop Corn Company. tained from the Office of the School 2:00-Music of the Theatre. of Forestry and Conservation, 2048 Mr. Erickson said he believed the 2:45 Vocal varieties. saaresof teachers should be i- 3:00-Father Chas. E. Coughlin. N.S., or from the Registrar's Office, salaries 4:00-Professor Faxon Figures. Room 4 U.H. These cards should be creased, that they should be given 4:15-Democrat State Central Comm. the rotctio ofsocil scuriy adi4:30-Smilin' Ed McConnell. filled in and returned to the Office of the pr'otection of social security and 45 Jeannette Pringle. the School of Forestry and Conser- that they should not be discharged - 00-Your Unseen Friend. vation not later than April 7. ' for political or social reasons. "We 5: 30- Guy Lombardo. 6:00-Joe Penner with Jimmie Grier's need this for two reasons," he said. Orch. "We must remove their fear concern- 6:30-Rubinoff-Jan Pearce-Virginia Rea Students in the College of Litera- I ing their jobs, and we must remove 7:00--asiOrch. ture, Science and the Arts: A meet- their fear of old age poverty." 7:30-Phil Baker--Oscar Bradley's Orch. ing will be held on Tuesday, March He praised the work of junior col- 800 Vick's Open House-with Nelson 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 An- leges and said that they should be 8:30-Texaco Fire Chief Program with gell Hall for students in the College spread throughout the state. He add- d Cantor and Jacques Renard's of Literature, Science and the Arts ed that one of the real problems of 9:00--Ford Sunday Evening Hour. and others interested in future work education is to provide real vocational 10:00-Original Gillette Community Sing. 10:45-1H. V. Kaltenborn. in forestry. The meeting will be training for those who don't intend 11:00-In the Hermit's Cave. addressed by Dean S. T. Dana of to go to college. 11:30-Wismer Sports. ____________ ____ 11:35-Leon Belasco's Orch. the School of Forestry. The next -- ~- Midnight-Vincent Lopez's Music. meeting in the vocational series, to terested in being interviewed by the 12:30-Isham Jones orch. be held on April 1, will be addressed Academy representatives should be- WWJ-920 Kilocycles by Prof. H. B. Lewis of the College come acquainted with this material P.M. of Pharmacv. in advance. The date for interviews1:1-heHoe Counsellor. 3:00-Metropolitan Opera Auditions. 3:30-Grand Hotel. 4:00-Penthouse Serenade. 4:30-Musical Camera. 5:00-Marion Talley. 5:30-Smilin' Ed McConnell. 6:00-Catholic Hour. 6:30-Mischa Kottler. 7:00-Jack Benny. 7:30-Fireside Recital. 7:45-Sunset Dr'eams. 8:00-Do You Want to Be an Actor. 9:00-Manhattan Merry-Go-Round. 9:30--American Album of Familiar 6:45-Sports Review. Music. 10:00-General Motors Concert. 11:00-Harvey Hays. 11:15-Dance Music. 11:30--Press Radio News. 11:35--El Chico Revue. Midnight-Weather. WXYZ--140 Kilocycles 2:30-Quiet Hour. 3:00-Adventures of Capt. Diamond. 3:30- -Alistair Cooke. 3:45-Detroit Conservatory of Music. 4:00-The Children's Hour. 5:00-We, The People. 5:30-Stoopnagle and Budd. 6:00-Reminiscing. 6:30-Golden 'Gate Park Band. 7:00-Evening Melodies. 7:30-Robert L. Ripley. 8:00--To Be Announced. 8:30-Dreams of Long Ago. 9:00-Wal ter Winchell. 9:15-Rippling Rhythm Review. 9:45-Edwin C. Hill. 10:00-Lowry Clark-Arcadia. 10:30-Sammy Dibert-Grd. Terrace. 11:00s-Judy and the Bunch. 11 :10-Press Bulletins. 11:15--Kings Jesters Orch. 11t:30-Frankie Mister's Orch. Midnight-Morrie Brennan's Orch. I II I ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Streets REV. HENRY LEWIS, Rector Easter Sunday Services 7:00 a.m. -HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. - Festival Sermon and Holy Communion. 4:00 p.m. - Church School Festival Service and Pageant. MUSIC AT ALL SERVICES By ST. ANDREW'S CHOIR 11 i ;1. I. - - I I t 1; W!I w E Vl .~Crll .4 i. i Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Fac- ulty of this College on Monday, March 29, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 311, West Engineering Building. The top- ics for consideration are: Absences Near Vacations; Report from Execu- tive Committee; Report from Council Representative; Plans for Summer Session. has not yet been announced. University Bureau of Apponit- ments and Occupational In- formation. Choral Union Members: Pass tick- ets for the concert by Marian An- derson, who is appearing instead of Nelson Eddy, Monday evening, March 29, will be given out to all members who call in person, and whose records arnrltr ArAer iarrin0Q r 1 12:30-Univ. of ChicagoRound Table Discussion. 1 :00-E. H. Williams.E 1 :15-Your Government. 1:30--Melody Matinee. 2:00-Beneath the Surface. 2:30-ThatchertColt Mysteries. number 10, for admission. Harp Recital: A recital by mem- bers of the Harp Department of the School of Music under the direction of Mary Jane Clark, will be given in 4 0 4 are clear, ionaay , etween v and 12, the School of Music Auditorium on Biological Station: Application for and 1 and 4 p.m. After this hour no Maynard St., Tuesday, March 30, at ad ission for the coming Summer tickets will be given out. 8:15 p.m., to which the general Session should be in my hands before ' public, with the exception of small April 15 when all applications will be Seniors of the School of Education: children, is invited. considered. An announcement de- Class dues can be paid to Dean Rea's scribing courses offered can be ob- secretary in Room 4, University Hall. tained at the office of the Summer Dues must be paid for inclusion in L ct s Session or from the director. Appli- the class announcement. cations should be made on forms iUnversity Lecture: Prof. C. U. Ar- which can be secured at Room 1119, iens Kappers, Director of the Central Nat. Sci. from 10:30-11:30 or at Room cademic Notices Institute of Brain Research, Am- 3089 Nat. Sci. from 8-4 daily. Playwriting (English 150): Because sterdam, and Professor of Compara- George R. LaRue, Director. of the Choral Union concert the tive Neurology in the University of class will meet Tuesday night, March Amsterdam, will lecture on "Vegeta- Fellowships: The Bureau has re- 30,,instead of Monday night. tive Centers m the Brain" on Mon- ceived announcement of Research Kenneth Rowe... ___nt----d--n ___g Fellowships in Coal and Non-Metal-- lics at the College of Mines, Univer- , f School of Social sity of Washington, and the North- ConcertsDancing west Experiment Station, U. S. Bu- C raofMnsSetlfr13-98 Choral Union Concert: Marian An-; Taught daily, 10 to 10. reau of Mines, Seattle, for 1937-1938. derson, sensational Negro contralto, erra ard Studi Open to graduates. For further i- will give a concert in the Choral 2d Floor, wuerth The- format on, kindly call at the Bureau Union Series, Monday evening, March ater Bldg. Phone 9695. 201 Mason Hall. 29, in Hill Auditorium, taking the University Bureau of Appoint- place of Nelson Eddy, who was ments and Occupational In- obliged to cancel his concert on ac- formation. count of illness. NO W! CUConcert goers are requested to Cadetships: The United States present their "Eddy" ticket coupons, Coast Guard Academy, New Lolidon,I I A' ri~m t\ IC Conn., announces that an officer will be on the campus during the spring to interview students who may be interested in applying for cadetships to the Academy. Appointment is based on examinations given in June. A copy of "Regulations Governing Appointments" is available at the office, 201 Mason Hall. All those in- GUILTY SECRET.. COULD REVEAL! CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clocl previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance Ilc per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line) Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15 per reading line for two. or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. WANTED WANTED: Ride to Ford River Rouge plant on midnight shift. Will pay. Call 4785. Ask for C. M. Shaw. 439 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $5,$8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and1 musical instruments. Phone Sara. 6304. 78x LAUNDRY --I- LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low price. Ox FOR RENT FOR RENT: Room, singe or double with board in private home. Excel- lent meals reasonable. Mrs. Black, 520 Forest. Phone 2-3308. 436 Beautiful furnished room for women. pl1 s to, k 111A 0,Vs% 01 s Aa°+ pr P E gbgpf3 OARD RRAY acjwv I 4 Sep the screen's newest romantic idols in Lloyd C. Douglas' great best-seller and serial sensationi 1~~