The Weather L2 SirF ~Iaiti Edtorial il'ely Spanish Demoracy .. . John IDrinkwater,.. Generally fair today and to- morrow; continuted cold. VOL. XLVII No. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS wm Michigan Clinches National Swim Title To Sing Tomorrow F.D.R.WillNot UAWA Seeks Injunction Act On Strike, Earning Nearly Double Ohio State' Second Place Squad Yale Swimmers Third Kirar, Kasley Win Over Crack Fiel Swimmers Garner Eigh Firsts; Haynie Chose. Best Competitor MINNEAP'OLIS, March 28.-(P) Michigan stirred up a tidal wave i the University of Minnesota pool to night and rode its crest to the Na tional Intercollegiate Swimmin championship. The Wolverines swept aside all op position in piling up a total of 7 points, almost double that of its near est rival, Ohio State, which had 3 and in addition accounted for tw new national records in the two day of racing. The new records went to the Mich igan relay teams, the 300-yard med ley and 400-yard free style aggre gations. The medley team Frida lowered its own mark of 2:58.2 mad in 1936 t 2:57.8, and the free-styler set up a new time of 3:32.2 in thei MINNEAPOLIS, March 27.- (A")-Tom Haynie of the Univer- sity of Michigan was declared the nation's' outstanding collegiate swimmer at the finish of the Na-, tional Intercollegiate Champion- ships at the University of Min- nesota tonight. In addition to being the West- ern Conference 220 and 440-yard champion, Haynie also 'became the national titlist in both events during the meet at Minnesota, being a large factor in his team's easy conquest leading to the title. specialty in tonight's windup event The old record for the 400-yard fre style relay was 3:34 made by Yal University in 1935. Yale University pulled into thir place, one point behind Ohio State with 38. Other schools figuring i the scoring were: Northwestern 13 University of Iowa 11, University o Chicago 7, University of Pennsylvani 6, Stanford University 5, University o Minnesota. and Princeton, 4 each (Continued on Page 6) Liberalization Schools' Nee d, Says Democral Supreme Court Candidat Favors Judges' Electio On Non-Partisan Basis Promises to train students along th lines of the new social, political an economic thought and to interpre social legislation more liberally cam yesterday from Arthur E. Erickson o Ironwood, Democratic candidate fo superintendent of public instructio and Walter I. McKenzie, Detroi Democratic candidate for the Stat Supreme Court, at a luncheon meet in in the Allenel Hotel. "We need a more progressive ad ministration in the schools of thi state," Mr. Erickson said. 'The school will have to train our young peopl to the new social, political and eco nomic thought." "The Department of Public In struction should be kept out of po itics," he added, "and the superin tendent should be appointed, no elected. If I am elected I shall d my best to reach that objective. Po itics will be kicked out and kep out of that office." Mr. McKenzie, who said he favore non-partisan election of judges, stat ed that the Democratic party "recog nizes that the government does hav a great responsibility for the soci and economic welfare of the peopl of this country. All the recent leg islation that has been declared ur (Continued on Page 2) Fire Destroys Couch In Beta House Cella 75 Points' s Calling All Freaks AndImpersonators For '37 Michigras a Just brush up on your female im- d personation if you want to land a job in the Mimes side-show at the Michigras. Or, if you prefer, polish t up your freak act. 1 Mimes, Men's Honorary Dramatic Society, revived purposely for the big carnival planned for April 23 and 24 at Ferry Field, is looking for talent., - Any students who have talents along in the lines indicated above, or just like to act, should report at 5 p.m. Tues- - day in Room 304 at the Union, Bob g Lodge, '39, announced. Although the primary purpose of I the Mimes renaissance is the Mich- - igras side-show, the society is looking ahead to a renewal of the Union , Opera next year, he said. For this O reasonsecond and third year students s are especially needed. i- Loyalist Spain i KeepsValuable it Mercury Mines Insurgent Planes Scatter Bombs Close To U. S. Medical Unit (By The Associated Press) Eastertide spelled continued war in Spain-civil war raging on in its ninth month. The focus of the bloody conflict .turned to the rich mercury mining country of Cordoba Province, some 150 miles south of Madrid. Mercury .is important in the man- . ufacture of munitions. The govern- e ment holds the mines which are cen- e tered around the town of Almaden, north of Pozoblanco. d Insurgents launched a drive around Pozoblanco and government comman- n ders asserted last night their troops , were standing firm. f Reports reaching Madrid told of a an American war hospital at Alba- ,f cete narrowly escaping harm as in- , surgent planes dropped 15 bombs in a field nearby. ~The raid occurred Wednesday night. Some patients of the hospital, in which Dr. Edward Barsky and a group of American surgeons and nurses were working, were shaken up but the hospital was not hit. A new government column moved t toward Avila, some 50 miles west of. h Madrid, reaching a point near Naval- peral de Pinares, 15 miles east of Avila from where it shelled the Insurgent-', e held town throughout yesterday 1 morning. Insurgent bombers struck at Alcala de Henares, 20 miles east of Madrid, while others bombed the harbor of e Musel, on the Bay of Biscay, damag- ing two ships and wounding several: d dockworkers. e Socialists Debate )r CIO Indorsement n,, t' CHICAGO, March 27.-(AP)-So e cialist leaders debated behind closed doors tonight their party's attitude toward the organized labor schism and a possible new Farmers' and s Workers' party alignment. Test votes were scheduled but formal ac- le tion on all resolutions was deferred - until Sunday's sessions of their spe- cial national convention. l- Daniel W. Hoan, Milwaukee Social- - ist mayor, arrived unexpectedly at the t convention today following reports o the Wisconsin delegation would pro- ,- test an attempt by an- eastern bloc t to have the convention indorse John L. Lewis' Committee for Industrial d Organization. t- -' Michiganensian Sales al Greater Than Year Ago le Four hundred more copies of the 1937 Michiganensian have been sold - than last year at this time, Irving A. Mathews, '38, Sales Manager of the 'Ensian announced yesterday. "This is 20 sales more than last year's r total," he stated. The deadline for the $4.50 price, Situation Yet Need For Federal Entry In Crisis Unwarranted Says Sen. Robinson ! ' Makes Statement To Win Sole Bargaining Powers From Chrysler I 7 After Conference McClusk Urges WASHINGTON, March 27.-(P)-- To Advance I Senator Robinson of Arkansas, the Democratic leader, said after a con-: ference with President Roosevelt to- He Says Labor Affiliation night that no condition "has so far n arisen" which would warrant Federal N n glandFrance Has Organi Za lions reacher Interests v MARIAN ANDERSON Miss Anderson To Give Recital In Last Concert Famed Contralto To Sing In Nelson Eddy's Place At 8:15 P.M. Tomorrow Marian Anderson, famed Negro contralto, will conclude the current Choral Union concert series with her recital at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Replacing Nelson Eddy, who was forced to cancel his engagement here because of a throat affliction, Miss Anderson was procured last Friday in answer to requests for her appear- ance. Miss Anderson has recently re- turned from a successful concert, tour of Europe in which she ap- peared in the leading capitals and music centers. The program arranged is composed of "Begrussung," "Chio mai vi possa," "Siciliana" and "Ah Spietato" by Handel; and "Liebesbotschaft," "Ave Maria," "Der Tod und das Madchen," "Die Forelle" and "Allmacht," by Schubert. Aria, "0 Don Fatale"' from "Don Carlos," by Verdi; "Silfrohr, Sau- s'le," "Die Libelle," and "War es ein Traum," by Sibelius;,and "Die Fuss- waschung," by Kilpinin. The Negro spirituals include Hall Johnson's "City Called Heaven," Ro- land Hayes' "Lord, I Can't Stay Away," "Crucifixion" by John Payne and "My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord," by Florence Price. New England's Labor Attacks Lowell's Faith BOSTON, Mass., March 27. - Charging Harvard University with de- fiance of the Massachusetts minimum wage law for eight years the state Federation of Labor joined the New England CIO to question the faith of Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell who demand- ed government suppression of sit-I down strikes. In two telegrams sent by the labor groups the six Bostonians and Pres- ident-Emeritus Lowell of Harvard who denounced sit-down strikes were labeled as "financial Bourbons" and "Brahmin mouthpieces." The specific instance in which Dr. Lowell's faith was questioned was in regard to payment of Harvard Uni- versity's scrubwomen at a wage of 35 cents an hour, less than the state law's designation. JAPAN FEELS QUAKE TOKYO, March 28.- (Sunday) - (P)-Violent earthshocks were felt here today at 6:11 a.m. (4:11 p.m. Saturday E.S.T.). No casualties were reported. i i intervention in sit-down strikes. The only strike situation in which Federal action might be invoked, heI said, are the following: 1. Where Federal laws are vio- lated and where Federal property is interfered with. 2. Where state authorities under, the Federal law ask the services of Federal agencies to preserve law and order and to prevent violence. Robinson said that except in in- stances where one of these conditions exists the Federal government can- not act under the Constitution or under a decree of courts. "It is felt," he said, "that the sit- down strike situation in a general sense is improving." STalks To President Standing on the portico of the White House. Robinson made the statement after he and Vice-Presi- dent Garner had talked for more than two hours with Mr. Roosevelt. Speaker Bankhead and Represen- tative Rayburn (Dem., Tex.), House majority leader, had conferred earlier with the President for an hour. Garner had nothing to say about the conference except that he was "deaf, dumb and blind." Earlier Bankhead said only that the general legislation situation was discussed. He declined to say whe- ther the conversation touched on sit- down strikes. This afternoon Secretary Perkins told the President she believed the sit-down movement soon would be "on the wane." Holt Attacks Lewis On Capitol hill, meantime, legis- lators continued to issue clashing statements. Senator Holt (Dem.- W. Va.) charged that John L. Lewis, generalissimo of the unionization drive which has been marked by sit- downs, had enlisted the "united sup- port of the Communist party." Holt, the Senate's youngest mem- ber, contended that "the American form of government is being threat- ened by the CIO, a 'Communist in- spired order.'" Senator Pope called the sit-down strike an "effective" labor weapon "which to some extent can be sup- ported as a protective device for the property rights of the laboring man in his job and his desire to bargain collectively." 'Contemporary Sale1 Will BeginiTuesday Freshman Hopwood winners will be featured in the third issue of Contem- porary, campus literary magazine which will appear for sale on Tues- day. Harvey B. Swados' prize story "The Grandmother," is one of the group entered in the Hopwood contests. His "The Amateurs," published in the December issue, has since been ac- cepted by Edward J. O'Brien. Other features will be poetry by Frank M. Conway, freshman winner, essays on education by Marshall D.' Shulman, associate editor of The Daily, and Peter Macklin. io Oronl 1P!~II Teachers should desert their com- paratively passive stand in regard to their own position as employes and adopt a more vigorous attitude in- volving some type of vital organiza- definitely favored by Professor Mc- Clusky. "The chance that the youth of this country would be regimented under the powers given Congress by this amendment is negligible," he said. "After all, Congress has now many powers which are not utilized." There would be for the present an inadequacy of educational facilities with which to take care of those Action Is Initial Attempt To Obtain Enforcement Of WagnerLabor Act Move Will Depend On Lansing Parley Charge Corporation Spent $275,000 For 'Labor Spies' To Break Union DETROIT, March 27.-(P)-The tion, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of children who are graduated at the age United Automobile Workers unex- the education school said yesterday. age of 16 or 17, Professor McClusky pectedly reversed its accustomed role "People in the educational field said. "If the amendment is ratified, 'of defendant today by seeking a have not been particularly active in it would force the issue, compelling mandatory injunction to compel the participating in issues which are of increased opportunities for the pro- primary concern to them, both as vision of vocationance and training.Cg citizens and as teachers," he said. Already much is being done in this nition under the National Labor Re- As far as allying the teacher deft- field than was the case 10 years ago,"' lations Act. nitely with the labor movement, Pro- he added. Maurice Sugar, the attorney who fessor McClusky said that there is - filed the action in Wayne county cir- among certain influential groups in cuit court as an answer and cross bill the United States a feeling of pre- Conduct fCasesto Chrysler's recent injunction peti- judice against labor organizations in tion, said it was the first attempt to general. "Although this feeling is enforce the debated Wagner act by being lessened at the present time, my injunction. there nevertheless remains a certain Await Chrysler Action unwarranted stigma attached to the From 15 To 20 He said the counter-move would be cooperation of various groups of em- held in abeyance pending the out- ployes in this country," he said, come of strike settlement conferences This feeling is absent in France Board Metes Out Penalties between Walter P. Chrysler and John and England, Professor McClusky L. Lewis mnLansmg. pointed out. In these countries Ranging From Warning "If Chrysler does not agree to rec- teachers are well organized and there To Expulsion ognize the UAW, we are prepared is no strong opopsition in their group to call the cross bill up for court affiliations. By WILLIAM SPALLER hearing," he said. "We think we Members of the actual teaching are right and we* believe we are en- departments of schools should take a Between 15 and 20 incidents of titled to the relief under the law." greater part in the formation of edu- "conduct unbecoming to a Univer- The UAW cross bill charges that cational policy. "Teachers do not at sity student" are investigated 'each the corporation spent $275,000 in the present time have sufficient voice year by the subcommittee on dis- four years for "labor spies"; that it in the administration of the school cipline of the Committee on Student fostered "company unions in op- system," Professor McClusky said. Conduct, Prof. E. Blythe Stason of position to the UAW; that it dis- The Child Labor' Amendment is the Law School, chairman of the charged thousands of employes for Th _Ci __Lo n ssubcommittee, said yesterday. hunion activities, and that it has re- The cases which are brought be- fused to comply with the National Fire Destroys fore the subcommittee are those in- Labor Relations Act by recognizing volving violations of the standards of the UAW as sole bargaining agency conduct set by the Board of Regents. although a majority of the employee Jewish TeTple These standards provide - that "stu- are union members. dents are to conduct themselves in Would Prohibit Spies u T York such a manner as to be a credit to The injunction requested would en- In New YorK themselves and to the University." join the Chrysler Corp. from: "While this provision covers every Violating any of th terms an kind of misconduct," Professor Sta- provisions of the National Labor Re- Damage Set At $200,000; son said, "the Committee on Student lations Act in relation to the UAW Scroll Of Torah, Valued Conductdhas interpreted it specificallymembership. to include the presence of unchap- ebrhp Historically, Burns eroned women in fraternities and Employing "any person, corpora- men's rooming houses, and the use tion, firm or agency . . . to spy upor NEW YORK, March 27.-(P)-The of or presence of intoxicating liquors any employes." West End Synagogue was destroyed in student quarters." Both of these Interfermg with any employcs ir are disapproved and the persons in- the exercise of their rights under today by the third fire discovered volved liable to disciplinary action. the National Labor Relations Act within it in less than 12 hours. A considerable proportion of the particularly in their right to join the Rabbi Nathan Stern estimated the cases of misconduct occurriing off the UAW and engage in its activities loss a$200,000 and added that the campus are brought before the sub- including collective bargaining. n - _ -_ -I ,committee which' acts as the judicial Interfering with the formation or e a .1 D Y e s ;x t e t .t r I 9 Y s d u ti n ;r .e s, ir Scroll of Torah, also burned, "had an historical value that made it priceless." Deputy Chief Inspector Francis J. Kear at once ordered 50 detectives into the neighborhood to search for possible clues to the mysterious series, of fires. The synagogue was one block away from Rodeph Sholom Synagogue which was marked with swastikas two weeks ago. Caretaker Albert Kinderman, who lives in the synagogue ,told police officers he was awakened by smoke at 1:45 a.m. and discovered a pile of chairs in the basement, under which newspapers were burning. He extinguished the fire and then found another on a classroom platform where drapes, a rug and two chairs piled together were blazing. This too, was extinguished. Campus Co-Eds Baffled By Care Shortly after noon, he said, he went into the main auditorium and Of Easter Chicks And Duckling s found it in flames. The fire had gained such headway that, despite three fire alarms, there was no By ROBERT P. WEEKS tation of cerise chicks, yellow chicks, chance of saving the building. Two turquoise ducks paddling con- khaki ducklings and natural colored Rabbi Stern said he thought the, tentedly in a bathtub is a spectacle ducklings. The opportunity for ma- fire was incendiary. that has amused many a sorority girl ternal care was not overlooked as and the( denizens of several of the hot water bottles, eye droppers, and girls' dormitories in the past few days. the aforementioned castor oil were all Prof. Pratt To Give French blue chicks hopping down called into service. .i carpeted corridors is another phe- At night comes the climax to the , Course in Carllon nomenon that has titillated a good more ordinary maternal obligations number of Ann Arbor's co-eds since of day time care, for, the. girls com- The first courses on the carillon' the beginning of the week. In ex- plain, the chicks and ducks refuse ever given in the United States will planation, the idea of sending dyed to go to sleep by themselves, and be offered by Professor Wilmot F. chicks and ducklings as Easter pres- whoever heard of rocking a duck to be off erebyys Wmot F. ents took hold after one campus wag sleep? Night brings with it other dif- Pratt at the University's Summer Ses- sent two chicks and a duckling to the ficulties, too, because the peeping that sion this year. Theta house after the J.G.P. was tolerable during the day, now be- Professor Pratt plans to begin work IP1, n a,,,,1, hem n n p 1 C I rn f niitP ,mirah1p b and in order on an elementary manual for the car- branch of the larger Committee on Student Conduct. Its members, be- sides Professor Stason, are Prof. Ar- thur Boak of the history department and Prof. Alex Marin of the School of Engineering. The disciplinary committee is given jurisdiction over four classes of cases. These are cases involving students from more than one school or college, students in combined courses, stu- dents in organized groups (such as fraternities), and those cases referred to the committee by other disciplinary authorities. Minor cases occurring on the campus and involving students within one school or college are han- dled by the executive committee of the faculty of the college in which, the students are enrolled. The procedure of the committee when trying a case is to hold a hear- (Continued on Page 3) Anti.-Hitching Bill Arouses Students' Ire George Vitas, '37F&C and Clifford Wells, '39 are attempting to organize a state wide student movement in opposition to the anti-hitch-hiking bill recently introduced in the Michi- gan legislature by Rep. Ernest G. Nagel, Democrat, Detroit. Appeals, in the form of letters urg- ing opposition to the bill, have b'4tn c, n 1 ir 1' n11g in t he tatP a,'_rr1. administration of the UAW and from "dominating or contributing financial or other support to any labor organi- zation" of its employes. Discriminating against any em- ployes "in order to encourage mem- bership in any labor orgapization, or to discourage membership in the United Automobile Workers of America." Make Deadline "Refusing to bargain with the United Automobile Workers of America as the exclusive represen- tative of all employes for the pur- pose of collective bargaining in re- spect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment or other conditions of employment." The 18-page document was filed on the last day that any answer might be entered to the Chrysler pe- tition for an injunction. Circuit Judge Allan Campbell granted that injunction on March 15, ordering sit-down strikers to leave eight Chrysler plants. If the cross bill should be called for hearing, it would come before Judge Campbell. He heard some of the same charges contained in to- day's cross-bill during the argument on the original injunction, then over- ruled the Union's contention that the Chrysler Corp., was not before the court with "clean hands." Jonah Pulled Sit-Down Without Help Of CIO "But it displeased Jonah exceeding- ly, and he was angry." (Jonah 4:1).