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March 27, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-27

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ATURDAY, MAR 2.17, 3fi3-i

Readers Reply In Defense
Of Andres And 'Jimo-Crow


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Ass)Atanit to thi PreeideM
until 3.30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
1tPblshed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session "
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
ights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
'$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuue Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPOTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMaNhDEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairma
Elizabeth M.' Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Heln
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tray
Btuckwater, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Ell1
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Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
-Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, -G.-Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter.
Jean Rheinfrank, Dole Day. Florence Levy. Florence
Michlnsk, Evlyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
- Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications. and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Foreign Policy r
the past 18 months rightly has
been called indecisive, but it does not follow
necessarily that the Baldwin government has
been devoid of perception and acumen.
Anti-fascists have been given cause for dis-
pleasure with British policy, but they will get a
,more realistic equation if, instead of assaulting
the intelligence of the British foreign office, they
afempt to discover the principles which mark
its course.
During the past year and a half, Europe has
had to deal with two major disturbances. The
first was the Italian invasion of Ehiopia and the
secoad the Spanish civil war and its complica-
The Italian imperialist excursion offered
threats to British imperialist interests in Africa
and the route to India. Those threats remain
and injury was augmented by the loss of prestige
rtain sustained in an unsuccessful effort to
restrain Mussolini. If one can discover a logical
season for Britain's acceptance of this blow, he
jay, quite possibly, have a better understanding
.of the fluctuating British policy in opposition to
talan penetration of Spain, Morocco, and the
Oalearic Islands. This penetration threatens
the British domination of the Mediterranean,
which is probably more essential to the strength
of her empire than the walls which Italy breached
by her Ethiopian conquest.
'British opposition to Italian intervention in
,Spain, up to this week, was only nominal. The
**cent Loyalist victory on the Guadalajara front,
ihwever, has emphasized the lack of success of
the fascist campaign since November, and, be-
cause few seem to doubt that it was an Italian
jarmy upon whom the defeat was inflicted, Mus-
.olini has "lost 'face." There is general appre-
Llsion that Italy, in light of this, may con-
,tinue Eher intervention and, if necessary, carry
It' beyond the point where assistance to the Span-
ih fascists merges into active assumption of
.responsibility for fascist victory. And so Britain

now, in stern tones, has warned that she is
ready, with France, to throw up a naval block-
ade to keep Italian soldiers and guns out of
The tenacity with which Britain will adhere
to this new policy depends wholly upon the fu-
ture course of events. The victory of Loyalist
Spain seemingly would indicate an unequivocal
working class-peasant government. Probably
suIch a victory would bring repercussions in Italy
severely weakening the authority of Mussolini.
Britain could not fail to see a threat to her
imperialist hegemony in those developments.
The British government was willing to suffer
losses as a result of the Ethiopian war to avoid
the possibility of radical political reorientation

Sheriff Andres: A Defense
To the Editor:
By the well-known process of imagination and
multiplication of error, The Daily appears to
have gotten the wrong slant on Sheriff Andres'
Veteran Military Police reserve.
In the first place, the Ann Arbor News, in
making the announcement Friday afternoon, left
out a part of Sheriff Andres' explanationwhich
he feels to be highly iiportant, namely, that
"it is not my desire to take part in any labor
controversy That is no part of my duty, and I
shall not be concerned in any issue other than
protection of property and enforcement of law."
(This is taken from the Ypsilanti Daily Press for
Friday, March 19, part of a relatively complete
The Ann Arbor News indicated in its story
that the reserve force would be available for
emergency duty against dangerous mob violence,
(remember the word violence) or against dis-
obedience of court orders.
The Daily, rewriting the story from the Ann
Arbor paper, bridged the gap in one fell swoop
in the Saturday morning issue, from the possible
inference of the definite assertion, "Vigilantes!"
as implied in the headline, "Sheriff Forms Spe-
cial Police to Fight Strikes."
The veteran's military police, as a matter
of fact, is not being "formed"; it is being called
back into service. A number of years ago, just
after the famous "torch murders," Andres formed
a unit of about 200 veterans to amplify the State
Police net-work system for trapping criminals,
with the intention of having a sufficient reserve
to guard every cross-road on US-112 and every
bridge over the Huron and Raisin Rivers, which
would form an impassable barrier across Wash
tenaw County.
Oakland County followed the local sheriff's
example, and the Michigan Sheriff's-'Association
together with the State Police then decided
to form similar reserve forces in every county of
the state. After a period of a year or two,
however, the other counties failed to follow
suit, and the two original units lapsed from lack
of necessity.
At present the Washtenaw unit is being re-
organized for a number of reasons. One of them
is the recent failure of the state police blockade
on a number of occasions to trap murderers and
bank robbers, possibly because the by-roads could
nct be guarded.
The other, admittedly, is strikes, but not strikes
of themselves, as The Daily inferred. Sheriff
Andres expresses the sentiment of the majority
of local workmen when he opposes the sit-down
method, but even so, his reserve force will boi
used against sit-downs in only two instances:
first, illegal occupation of private property, de-
termined by court order and not by the sher-
iff, and second, actual, physical, mob violence.
That is my reason for stressing, above, the word
The only connection of the reserve force with
labor troubles arises from the fact that in the
current fad for the sit-down which has been
sweeping the country, court orders have as a rul
gone unenforced because the sheriff's forces have
been too small to effect removal of the strikers.
Knowing the writer of the particularly ob-
jectionable editorial last Sunday, I can only be-
lieve that either he is not very well acquainted
with Sheriff Andres, or else 'did not mean his
"Back Yard Mussolini" and other epithets he
applied to be- construed as a personal attack
on Andres, for example, when he classed "Andres'
Vigilantes" with the Black Legion.
Jake Andres is on the opposite side of the
fence from "the rights of owners to their six per
cent," except insofar as the courts will order him
to defend that private property, to the extent,
for example, of preventing the destruction, dam-
age, or theft of linotype machines or typewriters,
or any other kind of private property.
His concern is not so much about what local
workers and labor leaders, of whom he is one,
may do on their own initiative, but rather about
the possible results of what he calls the "radical
political-gangster type" of labor organizers. After
all Washtenaw County is neither Socialistic nor
Communistic in their varying degrees, but still
Republican, according to the latest election re-
turns. --C.B.C.

More About Sheriff Andres
To the Editor:
I have before me an editorial which appeared
in the Sunday issue of the Michigan Daily. This
editorial under the title of "Back Yard Mus-
solini" fills me with the deepest disgust.
Rather than criticize Sheriff Andres for his
attempts to forestall any possibility of violence
in a strike, I feel that his action deserves the
greatest commendation. Even the so-called
"Liberalists" if they think at all, will not admit
that it is fitting and proper that any body
of citizens should take possession of property
that can in no way be conceived as belonging
to them. That is precisely what the men and
women who participate in "sit-down" strikes are
The courts of the state so far have been found
helpless in the face of the present emergency,
yet these courts are the only place that a citizen
can appeal for protection for his home; his pro-
perty, or his family.
Yet when some person, with the courage to see
that these property rights are respected, or-
ganizes so that the affair will not be entirely
one-sided, you meet his plan with destructive
criticism. Perhaps you would rather see the

Negroes: By A Southerner
To the Editor:
The Daily Northwestern takes exceptions to
discrimination against the Negro at Northwest-
ern University, saying that the fight for Negro
rights is the fight of every person who believes
in democracy and freedom.
There are alway certain people who are
trying to start trouble. The Negro question is
usually a very good opening. When a "trouble
maker" like William Bell, former Northwestern
student, brings suit against the University for
eviction from the campus beach last summer,
there is an immediate opening for these people
to start idealizing.
At Northwestern University there are cer-
tain restrictions in regard to the Negro. This is
somewhat new in the North, but it only proves
that certain parts of the North are beginning
to come face to face with the great Negro prob-
lem. The South has faced this for years, and,
as a result, has laid down certain restrictions on
the Negro which are absolutely necessary in
order that the two races may live amicably to-
gether. The "Jim Crow" laws are a very good
example of these restrictions. The Negro pop-
ulation in Chicago has grown into a problem
that is becoming more and more apparent. The
Negro in the South knows that he has to "know
his place," and is satisfied to stay there. He
doesn't try to get in places where he isn't wanted.
If he does, the white people take action. The
Negro in the South has his own "quarters" and
places of amusement-and is by far happier
than the Negro in the North who is always try-
ing unsuccessfully to surmount the social bar-
riers instinctively imposed-despite the moraliz-
irng on Negro Rights.
I do not blame the University in question in
the least. I have lived in the South long enough
to know what the people in Chicago and at
Northwestern University are up against. They
have to do something. With two or three ex-
ceptions the Negroes are more than satisfied
to live by themselves and to have their own
places of amusement. The system used i,
the South has turned out very satisfactorily,
and the system used in the North has been
very successful also up till a few years ago
when the North started to have a Negro popula-
tion. Lately there has been a great change in
the conditions, and with it, there vwill have to
be a change in the system. There must be cer-
tain restrictions on the Negro. -W.B.O.
Raise Mii init inWage
To the Editor:
We Michigan students are not alone in realiz-
ing that the cost of living has risen, but most
of us are doing nothing about it. What are
others accomplishing:
"A five cent an hour wage increase to several
hundred students employed on the Michigan
State College campus was announced today by
the State Board of Agriculture. The Board said
the increase was granted to enable students to
meet higher living costs."
We do not know how much the cost of living
at Lansing has risen, but judging from the 20%
increase here, it is reasonable to suspect that the
board was justified.
Are we going to let the Farmers get ahead of
us like that? It would look as if we were the
farmers. Let's see what can be done about rais-
ing the University minimum wage.
-Just Woke Up. j
Saving The League~:k
Spain Holds The Answer
(From the New York Herald-Tribune)
IN THE LAST FEW DAYS the intricate inter-
national situation has been moving with a
swiftness only equaled by the utter obscurity sur -
rounding it. It is reasonably evident that Mu.s_
solini, already himself a prisoner perhaps of that
policy of force upon which he has deliberately
founded his state, is prepared to shoot his way
out of the Spanish entanglement, as he bombed
his way through the Ethiopian crisis. It is clear
that the French have been alarmed into at least
a first gesture toward meeting the challenge with
a real naval blockade of the Spanish coasts. But
as to Great Britain, it is clear only that as yet

nothing is clear in, the confused and divided
counsels at Whitehall. Apparently afraid either
to yield for a second time to Italian arrogance
or accept the war risk involved in any direct issue
with Italy, the British seem still to hope that by
diplomacy and conciliation the Italians can be
brought within the limitations of a real non-
intervention agreement.
But there is nothing in Mussolini's method to
suggest that either diplomacy or conciliation
is likely to be of much effect. If the British fail,
what then? It may be argued that the more
deeply Mussolini involves himself in Spain, the
more vulnerable will he become and the more
easily can he be halted later. But something of
the kind used to be said about the Ethiopian
crisis, and the results of that episode speak poorly
for the validity of the reasoning. It is hard to
escape the conclusion that the issue is forcing
-itself here and now. Either the democratic
powers will have to assert themselves, at the risk
of a general war and in collaboration with Com-
munist Russia, or else the dictatorial techniqi .
will have to be accorded another sensational suc-
From that hard dilemma there seems only one
possibility of escape-through the blood of the

No Brown-Shirt Armies V OL. XLVII No.128
(From The Nation) Notices
It was no accident tiat news of
the formation of a uniformed army Smoking in University Buildings.
of Nazi Americans came immediately Attention is called to the general rule
after the attack of the Hitler press that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
upon the American Jews. There is a versity buildings except in private of-
connection between the two. Hitler's fices and assigned smoking rooms
program in, every country has been where precautions can be taken and
to stir up anti-Semitic feeling at control exercised. This is neither a
every opportunity, and meanwhile to 'mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
use a private army of storm troops as tempt .to meddle with anyone's per-
a nucleus around which terrorist ac- sonal habits. It is established and
tivities can be organized. Fritz Kuhn, enforced solely with the purpose of
the leader of the American storm preventing fires. In the last five years,
troops, has had himself photographed 15 of the total of 50 fires reported, or
with his aides in their shiny new uni- 30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes
forms, and an order has gone out that or lighted matches. To be ef-
every member of the organization fective, the rule must necessarily ap-
must outfit himself in the same uni- ply to bringing lighted tobacco into
form, equipped in every detail down or through University buildings and
to a Sam Browne belt and a swastika to the lighting of cigars, cigarettes,
emblem. Although he has chosen as and pipes within buildings-Includ-
uniform something other than the ing such lighting just previous to go-
German brown shirt, the fact re- ing outdoors. Within the last few
mains that this is a brown-shirt years a serious fire was started at
army, with the same purposes as the the exit from 'the Pharmacology
German Brown Shirts, subservient building by the throwing of a still
tA the same Fuhrer, aiming at the lighted match into refuse waiting
same totalitarian state. removal at the doorway. If the rule
There is of course the danger of is to be enforced at all its enforce-
overestimating the strength of the ment must begin at the building en-
organization. It claims 200,000 mem- trance. Further, it is impossible that
bers, whereas one-half of that num- the rule should be enforced with one
ber would probably be a better ap- class of persons if another class of
proximation. It is, moreover, torn by persons disregards it. It is a dis-
internal strife, as is pointed out by agreeable and thankless task to "en-
the excellent new American-German force" almost any rule. This rule
weekly, the Deutsches Volksecho, against the use of tobacco within the
which is rallying all Germans in buildings is perhaps the most thankc-
SAmerica who feel that there is a dif- le:s and difficult of all, unless it ;has
ference between the Hitler regime the winning support of everyone con-
and the best traditions of Grman cerned. An appeal is made to all per-
culture. There have been internal sons using the University buildings-
party purges in the new Nazi organ- staff members, students and others-
ization, and charges and counter- to contribute individual cooperation
charges of treason and misappropr- to this effort to protect University
ation of funds. We agree also with building.9 against fires.
the fine editorial in the New York Tlis statement is inserted at the
Herald Tribune, which points out request of the Conference of Deans
how thoroughly ridiculous the whole I Shirley W. Smith.

mumbo-jumbo of uniforms and swa-
stikas must seem to a rational mind.
No Ininediate Danger
But this is exactly the rub. The
building of terrorist private armies
takes its sustenance from every ir-
rational growth in a society, and1
seeks always to add to the sum ofi
the irrational. We do not foresee
any immediate danger in this coun-;
try. But everything we have learned
from the recent history of Europe
shows that unless these cancerous
growths within a society are excised,
at the very start they can eventually,
destroy the organism. Today these
American Nazis, in a spirit of broth-
erly love, are decorating Jewish
places of worship with warning swa-
stikas. Tomorrow, as in London's
Whitechapel a few months ago, they!
will be marching in formation
through the East Side, seeking to stir I
up a riot. The day after tomorrow]
there will be bloody clashes and race
The thing we are in danger of for-
getting is that such a sequence is an
integral part of the logic of the Nazi
movement through the world. The
Hitler regime in Germany maintains
a brave front, but a silent process of
disintegration is eating away at it
internally. Its only chance for pur-1
suing its mad career successfully is
to neutralize and paralyze those dem-
ocratic countries that stand in its
path. Hence the Nazi moyements in
France, England, America, aimed to
split each country by labeling every
democratic force either radical or,
We feel that the common man .in
America has too canny a sense of so-
cial reality to be deluded thus. But we'
cannot afford to take any risks. Con-
gress must not let this session end
without taking measures to ban uni-
formed organizations of any sort
aiming to foment social hatred.

Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the concert by Marian An-
derson, who is appearing instead of
Nelson Eddy, Monday evening, March
29, will be given out to all members
who call in person, and whose records
are clear; Monday, between 9 and 12,
and 1 and 4 p.m. After this hour no
tickets will be given out.
Seniors of the School of Education:
Class dues can be paid to Dean Rea's
secretary in Room 4, University Hall.
Dues must be paid for inclusion in
the class announcement,
Choral Union Concert: Marian An-
derson, sensational Negro contralto,
will give a concert in the Choral
Union Series, Monday evening, March
29, in Hill Auditorium, taking the
place' of Nelson Eddy, who was
obliged to cancel his concert on ac-
count of illness.
Concert goers are requested to
present their "Eddy" ticket coupons,
number 10, for admission.
Harp Recital: A recital by mem-
bers of the Harp Department of the
School of Music under the direction
of Mary Jane Clark, will be given in
the School of Music Auditorium on
Maynard St., Tuesday, March 30, at
8:15 p.m., to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited.
Uiversity Lecture: Prof. C. U. Ar-
iens Kappers, Director of the Central
Institute of Brain Research, Am-
sterdam, and Professor of Compara-
tive Neurology in the University of
Amsterdam, will lecture on "Vegeta-
Iive Centers in the Brain" on Mon-
day. March 29 at 4:15 p.m., in Na-
tural Science Audit ium. The lec-
ture wil be illustrated with lantern
slides. The public is -codially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Ananda K.
Coomaraswamy of the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston, will lecture on
"The Utility of Art," Tuesday, March
30, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.' The public is cor-
dially invited.
Idxh ibi ion4
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture: An exhibition of the architec-
tural competition drawings for the
New York World's Fair of 1939 and a
collection of photographs of work
from the Alumni Association of the
American Academy in Rome are now
being shown in the third floor exhibi-
tion room of the Architectural Bldg.
Open daily 9 to 5 through March 27.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The U. of M. Outdoor Club will
have a hike this afternoon, March 27,
leaving Lane Hall at 2 p.m. and re-
turning at 5 p.m. All interested
students are invited to attend.
Coining Events
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, March 31, at 12
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Dr.
John W. Riegel, Associate Professor
of Industrial Relations and Director
of the 'Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, will speak informally on "Pub-
lic Policy toward Strikes."

Faculty, College of Engineering: i
There will be a meeting of the Fac-{
ulty of this College on Monday,
March 29, at 4:15 p.m., in Roon 311,
West Engineering Building. The top-
ics for consideration are: Absences
Near Vacations; Report from Execu-
tive Committee; Report from Council
Representative; Plans for Summer
1lronson-Thomas Prize in Germaw:
Value about $30)--open to all Un-
dergraduate students in German of
distinctly American training. Will
be awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision on
March 31, at 2 p.m., 204 University
H Fail. Contestants must satisfy. the
department that they have done the
necessary reading in German. The
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from
a list of at least 10 offered. The
list will cover five chapters in the
development of German literature
from 1750 to 1900, each of which will
be represented by at least two sub-
jects. Students who wish to compete
and who have not yet handed in
their applications should do so im-
mediately and obtain final directions..
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Tuesday, March
30, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall for students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
and others interested in future work
in forestry. The meeting will be
addressed by Dean S. T. Dana of
the School of Forestry. The next
meeting in the vocational series, to
be held on April 1, will be addresser.
by Prof. H. B. Lewis of the College
of Pharmacy.

America is capable of taking care of Biological Station: Application for
itself without the unsolicited aid of admission for the coming Summer
private armies. Session should be in my hands before
April 15 when all applications will be
considered. An announcement de-
u re Court i scribing courses offered can be ob-
tained at the office of the Summer
Idea Advanced Session or from the director. Appli-
cations should be made on forms
In Amendment twhich can be secured at Room 1119
Na.Sci. from 10:30-11:30 or at Room
3089 Nat. Sci. from 8-4 daily.
WASHINGTON, March 26.-(P)- George R. LaRue, Director.
Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex.), an Fellowships: The Bureau has re-]
opponent of the Roosevelt court leg- ceived announcement of Research
islation, produced a new constitu- Fellowships in Coal and Non-Metal-
tional amendment idea tonight with lies at the College of Mines, Univer-
the explanation that it "just so hap- sity of Washington, and the North-
pens" it would carry out the wishes west Experiment Station, U. S. Bu-
of the president. reau of Mines, Seattle, for 1937-1938.
His suggestion was that the size of Open to graduates. For further in-
the supreme court be fixed at nine, format: on, kindly call at the Bureau
with retirement of justices made vol 201 Mason Hall.
untarily at 70 years of age and com- University Bureau of Appoint-
pulsory at 75. The amendment would ments and Occupational In-
remove five present members of the formation.-
court immediately upon ratification.
"The only thing I am hesitant; Cadetships: The United States

Economics Club: The meeting an-
nounced for Monday, March 29, has
been postponed to Monday, April 5,
at 7:45 p.m. in the Union. Miss Flor-
ence Till will speak on the subject,
"Waste Paper: Research Methods
and Results." Graduate students and
staff members in Economics" and
Business Administration are cordial-
ly invited.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be an informal
10-minute talk by Prof. M. Aga-Oglu
on the San Francisco Exhibition of
Islamic Art.

I kng t enry e"x-n gj,,,u : ay: .-y ro
duction will present this Shakespear-
can play next Wednesday through
Saturday evenings with a matinee
on Saturday at the Mendelssohn
Theatre. Box office open today and
Saturday from two to five. Phone

about," he told reporters clustered
about him, "Is that someone would
say I am weakening in my opposition'
Ito the President's bill. I am not. at

Coast Guard Academy, New London,
Conn., announces that an officer will
be on the campus during the spring
to interview students who may be

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