TilE--- MiiCHIGAN DAILY . SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1937 . . ... . . . ................. .. S iiDA.n MAr Ca:.2. n } 3" w Chry-sler zAndLewis TaIlkPeacei Coirntry's Enorineering Colleges ITpigWl pa To ilini On Union Should Be A-pproved, Says' Lovell IT, HawleyTapngerlsc- today for Urbana, Ill., to speak before Bly EAt1IL It. (IlLMAN ta<'e lhis examnination and underta-kealmindsuetofhenirit Th: accrediting of engineering col- work on wrhieh the safety of thei of Illinois, w;ho are lauinching a carhi- leges thi ough out the country as a auilic, depends, he must serve five paign. to build an adequate Un1itn phase of the state licensing of engi- ;yearls in a subordinate position under btiilding neer s was lauded in. an interview yes-; a registered engineer, Dean Lovell tt eiy b Dan lfed1-1 Lvel o }slatcdi. He added that the examina-'Mr Tapping will speak tonight and th~e engieeing college. ttmorrocouldh not possiblythbe termed a tio coldnotposiby b trme atages of a Union as (demonstrated IAn organization with just such a "pipe," since it requires several days here. function. the Engineers' Council for toe complete it. Professional Development, recentlyj "The undergraduate engineering' fcor~inued operations by sen ding a c urricula of 35 schools in New Eng- TYPEWRITERS committee to inspect the Michigan land and Middle Atlantic States were All makes and models, college.,.Dean Lovell pointed out. The first inspected and a list of accredited Bought, Sold, Rented, Ccunceil has in its present membership uricla issued in November, 1936," Exchanged, Repaired. repioentativ es from all the nat~ionail Dean Lovell noted. "Now the Council' engineer societies together with dele- is inspecting some 34 colleges in the ,,D Mr gates froin the Society for the Pro- Middle West." j 0. 0 er il 1 ~314 SOUTH STATE STREET' motion of Engineering Education and The in. pection committee which ___________________ the State Doards of Registration, he visited Michigan on March 12 and added. 13 was under the direction of Dean 'Of the 48 states, 35 now have en- Parker H. Daggett of Rutgers. "The gincers' registration laws whichin results of the inspection will be re- elude a provision of accepting grad- ported sometime this summer after KAY FA C uation from an approved college as the committee completes its inspec- part of the requirement," he added. tion of all the schools," Dean Lovell "This Council, therefore, has under- stated.p taken to inspect these engineering Dean Lovell said that for the in- I colleges which request it and to issue spjection of other colleges in this -ter-E lists of accredited curricula for the ritory, Michigan is furnishing Prof.. various sections of the country." A. H. White, head of chemical en- M The state of Michigan laws re- gineering, and Prof. A. D. Moore, of quire that before an engineer may' the electrical engineering department. I! V TE'1\JTATX~h f" A "UrTtX b717 1u n A IT l lf . _ ....." -Photo 1y Walter A. Crow. Walter P. Chr'yscr(left), chairman of the baard of Chrysler Cor- poration of which eight plants are held by sit-down strikers, is shown as he arrived in Lansing, Mien.., to join Jahn L. Lewis, direct-or. cf the Conmmittee for IndustJal Orga niza.tion, and other labor leaders i- r- -x- - --n nr:r. ea r® !.. ". X. _ r f', r . tir 'R1--yewez xt+ "s I 11 . v En In tr LAIJ1lJ UIIU~liAVV5 i Handbook to Marriage by a Graduate a group of Negro spirituals in addlh- in a peace v iiecuce in the onceII '2 rov. 121 ahk u1Viily. wViLt Gry- in the University of Matrimony" was tion to classical works of Handel, sler are,, K. T. Keller (center), presi dlent of Chrysler, and B. E. Hutchin- . read, when "Directions for Fainting Schubert, Verdi, Sibelius and Kilpin- son, chairman of the fiance comm1Titte;. CKL-W--1030 Kilocycles Elegantly" advised "genteel" women en. ______________-____ ____I_______ P.M. in that often-practiced art, when Miss Anderson, secured late this1 6:00--At Close of Day. gentility at the table decreed "It isML,6peetth atCoa nijR i :0Eoc ilW rh cocet fth sasn wllrelceA~e Coeds T1 lkThey6:45 o-nws ndsors. rude to take the. knife and the fork cnetoth saowilrpa :4-Al red Gus Karger. in hand and commence drumming Nelson Eddy who is again afflictedr :-recLsonPofsr ~ wih athrat almet. he rcenly on'- s T U/' Leon Troya. on the table While you are waiting," ihtohoa ilet Sereety l ae f0 luite o It 7:15-Nat Brandwynne's Orch. hedcaescored a triumph in a national radio 7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins. broadcast and has just returned from 7:45--Palmd eruEsbe. a European concert tour where she By ROBERT HITZHENRY i assigned a state and answers to his 8:01--Benay Venuta's Program. DIVOCEESTELS ORS alo rceied avoabl noice frm ,9:00-Toronto Maple Leafs v's. DIOCESEASHRE alorcie fvrbenoie rm The Michigan coed, that creatureE state at 'cli-call. Detroit Red wings. critics. She is now making a concert 10:30--Harold Stokes' Orch. CODAEMrh2..I~Atour of the United States. >'uhmlgndfrhr ouct, Debhates Had Many Subjects ! 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 27-year-old divorcee, Mrs. Theodore, ih elrtr olAedrgtr 11:15-Kay Kyser's orch. Jenkins, who police said, stole a horse The program which Miss Anderson nih elrtr otedrgtr In the early days when there was 1 11:30-Freddy Martin's orch. frmanegbr' amwsintewill present includes: remarks directed at her incessant no speech department, nor Union cof- I Midnight-Leon Belasco's or-ch. frmanihor am a i h ogeby pointing to the number of feIor nddsuso gopnr1"-30-DicSte ile'sorch. tonguegusug CiIaiv . e ousad icsso ropno,1:00 ---steriing Young's (orch. branch county jail today to await a Hne:BgusnOi a Imen's and women 's speech s~ocieties ingt"ul:sin"rcrsso :0-e i-io rb preliminary examination Ipossa, Siciliana, Ah Spietato (Arma- on campus Temnhv h'ethat stunt so s freaerdsin-w 1:45--Al edLyonr's Orchr. digi). , ;.Th me haetre. Scuet ibsoshfAeM-while the women have only one. terest in the forensic societies and - WJR-750 Kilocycles ria, Der Tod und das Madchen, Kie And Athena, the women's only for- an intra-campus debate was the oc-. P.M. CLASS FIEDensic society, divides its interests casion for the turn-out of practically 6:00-Stevenson News. CLIX. SIF ED Foelle among, poetry, drama and debating the entire student body. Early alumni 6:45-Mom-ents You Never .Forget;. Verdi: Aria of "0 Don Fatale" (Don' while Sigma Rho Tau, Adelphi and magazines show that these debates 7:15-Diamond City News. D riftECTOR ~~Carlos); Kilpinen: Die Pusswaschung. Alpha Nu, the men's groups, prefer Look for their subjects such profund- 'P:*-roesr3--The arsor unu Band. Sibeius Schlfrhr Sus e, De P:00--Profes -or Quiz. Sibliu: Shilror Sus'e, ieto concentrate more on the oratorical ities as "Resolved: That the Benefits 8:30-Johnnie Pseresents, with Russ Libelle,_____________ War es ein Traum. activities. It has been argued by; of Novel Reading Will Compensate Morgan. Hall Johnson: City Called Heaven; some of the men orators, however, for Its Injuries." "Resolved: That 9:30-Your Pet Program. ...lc avrieenswt Casfe Roland Hayes: Lord, I Can't Stay that the women enjoying cons tant Brutes Reason,' and "Resolved: That 10 :00You~r Hit par-ade." Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. Away; John Payne: Crucifixion; informal practice in the art of oratory Students Should Not Form Matrimo- 11:00--HSaiNest. -h classified columns, close at five Florence Price: My Soul's Been An- find no need to organize to give voice ,nial Engagements While- in College." 11:15-Benny Goodman's orch. o'clock previous to day of Insertion. coe nteLr.It hi ovcin.awy ena-11:30-GeoryGolsen's Orc. Box numbers may be secured at no soThat h Lrd tMichigantins 1:0-eogeOse'asrh extra charge. Kosti Verhanen will accompany 1 Oldest Campus Society Lvlyitretdiitedoesinciv-t-eMrviKn FsrdicsOrh Cash in advance Ilie per reading line 1ieyitrtdinhefesc tI133-erKigsrc. for one or two Insertions. roc per read- Miss Anderson at the piano. Alpha Nu claims the honor of being h ies is undeniably evidenced by the XFVIVJ-920 Kilocycles ing line for three or more insertions. the oldest student organisation now hosts of speech societies that history P.., Ion basis of five average words to line) P.M Minemumnehrae -ines per nsreaintione University ACcepts on campus, having had its genesis says; have existed on campus. The 6 :00-Ty Tyson's Sports. Telehon rae -5c er eadng ineon somedi day in 1843 when the '60's seem to have been a particularly 6:16-Dinner Music. for two or more insertions. Minimum nvrst ubee t -plto 6:30-Press-Radio News. three lines per insertion. t-. ( t s Ofl niesiy1ubeedis5opltinf i-tile per'iod for' such groups as 6:35--Soloist. 10%a discount if paid within ten days ~ PIL at 23 stalwart students, 23 knowledge- number's of such groups flourished 6:45-Religion in the News. from the date of last insertion, seekers who arose as a man at 6 a .m. during ,.that time. However, perhaps 7:00--Martinez Brothers. - WANTED (Continued from Page 1) to the clanging of a reveille bell that weighted clown by their own cumr- Ride to Ford River Rouge poiia cecedprmnP of. d be heard the length of the soow- some titles such as "Homotrapezoi, WANTED:cecedpatenPrf pasture campus and retired without "Philozetian," and "Panarmonian," plant on midnight shift. Will pay. Otto Laporte of the physics depart- exception promptly at 9 p.m. Among1 their lives proved of short duration. Call4785 As forC. . Shw. ent and Prof. Horace W. King of its prominent graduates Alpha Nu ___ 43 the civil engineering department. lists Governor Frank L. Murphy, Shir- '(%00 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any Those who were given leave for the ley W. Smith, vice-president of the! DUNDEE: HAS EPIDEMIC old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, first semester of the next school year University, former Governor Wilbur LANSING, March 26.-'(A') -A $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS are Prof. Samuel A. Graham of the Brucker, Regent Junius Beal, Prof."1smiallpox epidenlic in Dundee, Mon- TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and forestry school, Prof. Z. C. Dickin - Carl G. Brandt of the speech (10- roe county, with 20 knowvn cases and musical instruments. Phone Sam. son of the economics department, par'tment, Pi-of. Gail Densmore of theI eight persons isolated and under ob- 6304. 78x Prof. Paul B. Mueschke of the Eng- speech department, Prof. James K.. ervation was i'cported today by Dr. lish department, Prof. A. R. Morris o1' Pollock of the politicalI science de- C. C. Sleon rs, state health commis- LAUNDRY the English department, Prof. E. C.I par'tmrent and Prof. CarletoGn F. Wells s nr Case of the geology department, Prof. of the English department. I --~- LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. D. L. Dummond of the history de- Adelphi was founded about 1862 Careful work at a low price. 6x partment, Prof. B. C. Thuma of the after a rift in the ranks of the two T T ION E IR Y FOR RENT psychology department, Prof. R. D. speech societies existent at the time.E(O Hollister of the speech department, Adelphi is modeled ont the l i'iia- 10SET $ AN APARTM'ENT for couple near Prof. L. F. Wehmeyer of the botany mentary plan, its meetings being con-r 100 ENVELOPES. campus. Phone or write F. W. Teas- department, and Prof. Steven S. Att- ducted as nearly as possible after the PitHe ihCoRAmeT nddRESS 1ey,'1443 Washtenaw. Phone 9017. wood of the electrical engineering de- fashion of the national House of r H RF RS ROPER 438 partment. i Representatives. Each member-is 30' Maynard Street Phone 8805 TODAY! 2 :00O-4:00- 7:00- 9:OOP?.M. oys a* nly! atn __ LLOYD DOUGLAS' BEST-SELLER- - , S qF 7:1 5-Dramatic Moments. 7 :20-Hampton Institute Singers. 7:45-The ABC of NBC. 8:00-Saturday Night Party. .9:00-Snow-Village'. .9:30--Joe Cook. 1 10:30--Irvin S. Cobb. 1]]:00-N orthwood Inn Orch. 1 11:30-Dance Music. Midnight--Webster Hall Orch. WXYZ-1-240 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00--Norman Sherr. 6 :05-Nichelodeon. 6:30-Day in Review. 6:45-Rhythm Parade. 7 :00--Town Talk. 'L:15-Sand lotters. 7 :30--'i'he Lutheran Hour, °s fLtS ON UiPWW [l, _____Also - --Coming Easter Sunday CAROLE LOMBARD "Swing High, Swing, Low" Fred MacMurray s 8:00--lEd Wynn. v 8:30-Meredith Wilson. 9:00-National Barn Dance. 9:30-Luigi Romanelli's Orch. 10 :00-Morrie Brennan's Orch. 10 :30--To Be Announced. 11 :00-Frankie Masters. 11:15--Phil Levant's Orch. 11:30-400 Club Dance. Midnight Gus Arnheim's Orch. L. READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS .. PLAY PRODUCTION --- THIS WEEK tii at the Mendelssohn Theatre SHAKESPEARE'S enry The Eigth Wednesday th rough Saturday -- Saturday Matinee Wed. Turs Evs. Friday -Saturday BOX OFFICE Sat. Mat. Evenings NOW OPEN 35c - 50c- 75c Sa5c- 75c- $1.00 Phone 6300 : I 7/ ilr To this girl it meant daring to love the f man the world called r/ / her mother's murderer r/