TUE MICHIGAN DAILY FR-TRAY; MARSH JI 26, 1937 _________________ Ui _______________________________________________________________________________________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 Published every morning except Monday during the Udiversity yar and Surmer Session by the Board in Control of Student Pubications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively .entitled to the use for republicationrof all news.dispatches credited to it or not otherwisecredited in.this newspaper.. All rights ofrepublication.of.allother matter herein also r 1eserved. Entered at the most Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail mnatter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NAT1ONA ADVERTISING BY National.Advertising Service, Inc. Cllege Publishers Represenative 420MGtION AE. .NEW YORK, NY. CHICAGO i-= BOSTON - AN FRNCISCO LOS ANGEi.ES - PORThAND . SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; Fred Delano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Gerstacker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Striczkroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ........... .......JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phl Buchen, Tracy Buckwater, Mashall Sampson, Robert odge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croughor , Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S. SILVERMAN A Farmer- Labor Party ... H OT. FARMER-LABORITES, who predicted before the last presiden- tial election that 1940 would see a powerful Farmer-Labor party in the national field, have cooled visibly in the last -few months. Some would accredit this to the landslide of Nov. 3, others to the wide variance of aims and dis- agreement over method that characterizes pro- gressives today.° Regardless, it seems likeJy that some type of labor party will come to the fore by 1940. It is improbable that the CIO will long continue to support one of the major parties. Contrary to the old AF of L ideal of the non-political or- ganization, the CIO advocates an active labor interest in politics. Thus the form such a political move might take assumes added significance with each CIO vic- tory. In an article on "The Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota" in the Nation (March 13 and 20), Charles R. Walker analyzes the possibilities of a l1bor party; with the Minnesota party as a basis for comparison, he draws a picture of "what kind of a labor party America will get." Rather than change the rules of the game, Wialker indicates such a party will "achieve its aims by adapting itself to the traditional rules of a party in power." If the leaders and office- holders of the Minnesota party have been op- timistic, if they have dealt in patronage, "be- trayed" the party principles, and taken part in "dirty politics," that is inevitable, he believes. It is not an avoidable mistake; "it is the inher- ent fate of a party which must submit to com- promise with the system under which it lives." "Its (the Farmer-Labor party's) all important distinction from the two old capitalistic parties is that it looks for major support to the workers and farmers and their organizations." But it must be remembered that these militant organizations are not the sole supporters of the labor party. It has, in addition, the support of a large middle-class following and of the groups interested in various specific reforms. Probably more than. half the party's vote would oppose even as mild a form of socialism as the "cooperative commonwealth" proposal of _ the ideologists, who founded the party in 1918; and numbered Charles Lindbergh, Sr., as a staunch supporter. The reformist party assumes a dual nature, Walker points out: "It is pulled in one direction by its constituency of farmers and workers and forced into an opposite one by the exigencies of practical politics." Thus the important question of "whether a farmer-labor administration is an asset or a liability or worse depends on the strength and the untiring political vigilance of its working class base. "Take the Minneapolis strikes of 1936. Last October there was a city-wide strike against ing. Martial law-under Governor Peterson- was never declared. Both strikes were won . . "Had the Governor-who was also comman- der-in-chief of the state's troops-been a reac- tionary, working-class pressure upon him would doubtless have been futile. Instead of tolerating -up to a point-militant picketing in the face of martial law, he would literally have 'shot the strike to pieces.' Letters published in this column should -not be construed as expressing th editoral opinion cif'The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The namesof communicants will, however, be regarded as cnfidental upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters o more than 300O words ad to accept r reject letters upon the critera of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Dr. Ruthven 's Statement To the Editor: I believe it would be of interest to readers of The Daily to know whether or not President Ruthven made the following statement attributed to him in The Daily of Saturday, March 20, in connection with the resignation of Fred Warner Neal: "No student or no professor has the right to go to Lansing during the sessions of the Legis- lature." I feel that no such statement would be made by any president of any educational institution in the United States comparable to the University of Michigan, and that Dr. Ruthven must have been misquoted. -W.W.L. EDITOR'S NOTE: According to President Ruthven, the statement attributed to him is a misquotation. Regret To the Editor: It was indeed with a deep feeling of regret that I read of the resignation of Fred Warner Neal from the staff of The Daily. He is a person whose newspaper work I have always admired, not only because of his characteristic ability of penetrating analysis but because I know his material was presented in complete fairness to all concerned. I consider his work on the recent election a singular achievement. I regret that this incident has occurred. Mr. Neal's loss will be deeply felt. However, I am sure that his resigning rather than disobey the rules of his profession as he saw them will per- manently justify the high regard in which his readers have held him. -William A. Center. Co"fuse To the Editor: As a result of the vague and peculiar editor's note in Tuesday morning's Daily and Bonth Wil- liams' remark Wednesday, I am decidedly con- fused about the resignation of Fred Warner Neal from his position as an editor of the Michigan Daily. Mr. Neal has charged that The Daily's news columns were censored. Contrary to Mr. Wil- liams' curt dismissal of the subject as "non- sense," even the editor's note admits the censor- ship; the less harsh word :"supervise" is used; they both mean the same thing. Then the editor's note goes on to say that if Mr. Neal had not resigned, he would have been fired anyway. It says that "confidence in this particular editor had been lost ... " Bearing in mind that none of this answers the charge of censorship, I would like some information on the statement that "confidence had been lost" in .Mr. Neal and that he would have been fired had he not resigned. Censorship of The Daily is a serious matter and one of .public concern, and as these rather vague state- ments seem to bear directly on it, without an- swering it, I think it should be made crystal- clear with no hedging-both out of fairness to The Daily and to Mr. Neal, who was not, in my opinion, treated at all fairly either by the "editor" or by Bonth Williams. What are, for example, the reasns for which Mr. Neal would have been dismissed? I am given to understand that recently, during a period in which his health was not too good, Neal was guilty of two errors, neither of which were en- tirely his fault and neither of which were of a tremendously serious nature. I am further given to understand that such errors-worse errors, in fact-are almost common on The Daily, and by persons who do much, much less writing than Mr. Neal at that. Are they, too, subject to dismissal and loss of confidence. I personally have confidence in Mr. Neal. I know him and have not found him given to stat- ing untruths or beclouding issues. If Mr. Wil- liams is correct, Mr. Neal's statement of resig- nation was certainly an untruth. And if the editor's note was correct, Neal is certainly guilty of beclouding the issue. The Daily has beclouded the issue at any rate. I hope, along with "An Interested Student," that it will be clarified soon. Perhaps the Board in Control of Student Pub- lications will not allow a clarification to appear in The Daily. Perhaps the remaining editors do not wish to give one. Perhaps they can't and save their faces. Unless an answer is given, I and many others shall be forced to believe one or the other-or both. t--R.S. To the Editor: Since I am not cognizant of the workings of BENEATH **** ~AteBy Bonth Williams- s B ENEATH IT ALL: When Bill Forcey, Chi Phi senior was conducted into the mysteries of the brotherhood in this, his fourth year last week, he received flowers and congratulations from most of the sororities on campus . . . Elsie Pierce crashed the Union Coffee Hour Tuesday afternoon-which makes the second time her feet have trod where only men have walked be- fore . . . Rumor whispers with authority that a B.M.O.C. Blue Book, similar to the one sponsored by Peko Bursley four years ago, is in the very immediate offing ... Walt Woodward is up to his old tricks again. This time it's a duck and two chickens that he's sent to the Theta House . . Major Frederick McLaughlin 'wrote another chapter into his hockey comedy the other day when, through Black Hawk Manager Clem Loughlin, he announced the outright release of the- five rookie pucksters who were to form the nucleus of his all Yankee team . . . Bruce Telfer, Union promoter is never so hap'py as when he is attending a committee meeting of some kind. An enthusiastic Theta Delta, Telf's passion fr meetings has even led him to serve on an "Inde- pendents, Organize" committee . . . Bob Brouse, barrister, likes Michigan because they never have any of those dances where girls do the cutting. "It's embarrassing to be bothered so often," Bob explained, "and you get awfully sick of handing out the same line" . . . Well, the sit-downers have to date, sat, demanded, got and then got out of both General Motors and Chrysler. The next logical step would be the subjugation of Henry Ford, but somehow, I don't think they'll try it ... All the girls who had counted on heart throbs as they listened to Nelson Eddy in Hill Audi- torium will be put to the test next Monday. If they're real music lovers they'll turn out and listen to Marian Anderson, contralto. If they just like wavy blond hair, they'll go to the movies. * * * *; March 19, 1937 Dear Bonth: I am a desperate man, Bonth. If anyone can help me, you can. It's like this. Every day in Angell Hall study hal I see her. Dark eyes and dark hair she,has; she's so slight, so delicate, and yet-she's all life. She wears a brown fur coat with a cloth belt around her slender waist . . . oh, the futility of words. Bonth, she's superb! For weeks I have been watching her like that. I'm flunking all my courses. Doc Mc- , Garvey says I am a physical wreck. And my God, Bonth, spring is coming! I don't know her name, I can't find anyone who knows her. Being the contemplative type rather than the man of action, I can't bring myself to go up and declare myself just like that ... Gee, you know..w So please Bonth, print this, and maybe she will know. If there is any justice in heaven and earth, she must know! And maybe if she reads this and she knows, the next time I look she will smile. And that sign, be it ever so faint, will be enough. Gratefully, -K.C.M. most of your readers by events that had passed before, in spite of the excellent work he has done sometimes. I refer to his equivocal answer to Professor Shartel's charge that he had vio- lated a confidence, a sin which I should think would be unheard of in a person who professes to have such high journalistic ideals. Certainly, if I were a professor on whom The Daily relied for interviews, I shoud be very loath to give such a person any information, and I should also have lost all confidence in The Daily for per- mitting him to write at all. A few days later I read Professor Hobbs' state- ment that information which he had given had been distorted and sensationalized by one of the editors, and though perhaps I may be wrong, it sounded like Mr. Neal's work again. No doubt there were other incidents of a sim- ilar nature which led to the loss of confidence in Mr. Neal, and therefore I believe supervision of his story was entirely justifiable. In fact if it had been printed with Mr. Neal's name at- tached, I would have looked the next day for a retraction. Certainly, if it is censorship to supervise the work of a person who has shown himself incapable of exercising any judgment, then let us make the most of it. As to the censorship charge which came at such an opportune time; I believe that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Anyone who has followed the news stories and editorials of The Daily must surely realize that no censorship was exercised over them. The Daily has been courageous and intelligent all year, but I thinkl many of your liberal ideas would have been squashed if they had been subject to censorship. Would The Daily have been permitted to at- tack a University institution-the League, for the low wages which it paid its student help, if a censor had stood over your shoulder? I doubt it. Though I have seen only a few other college papers, The Daily stands head and shoulders above the ones with which I am familiar, and I have no doubt that The Daily is practically the New York Times of college papers. If Mr. Neal., had been editor, I would judge that your present policy of "all the news that's fit to print" would have been superseded by a Hearstian sensation- alism, and ve would have been treated to some juicy scandals. Therefore I think you did not need to vindi- cate yourself-you have been doing so all year. Personally I am glad that one who has under- mined the high position in, which The Daily is AS OT HE RS SEE IT The Lat P From The Nation PAUL ELMER MORE died , on March 9 at the age of 72. For the five years betweeen 1909 and 1914 he was editor of The Nation (then a weekly supplement tothe New York Evening Post) . It is not certain- that he would have accepted any tribute from The Nation of today. But we cannot let the occasion pass without some comment upon one of our pre- decessors, and one of the most dis- tinguished critics and scholars Amer- ica has produced. When. More left 'his peaceful aca- demic career to enter the lists of journalism he might, like others who have made the same transition, have plunged with excitement into the world of social reality. Finding him- self increasingly out of sympathy with the age in which he lived, how- ever, he retired deeper and deeper in- to a private universe, where he pon- dered the reconciliation of-Plato with FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1937 VOL. XLV1I No. 127 Notices Student Conduct: The attention of the student body is called to the fol- lowing regulations of the Board of Regents and also to the specific in- terpretation of these regulations as set forth by the Committee on Stu- dent Conduct: ( )General Standards of Conduct -Regulations of the Board of Re- gents. Enrollment in the Unlversity carries with -it obligations in regard to conduct, not only inside but' also outside the classroom, and students are expected to conduct themselves in such manner as to be a credit both to themselves and to the Univer- sity. They are amenable to the laws governing the community as well as the rules and orders of the University and University officials, and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct approved by the University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity or other stu- dent organization fails to observe the standards of conduct as above out- Jesus. But the begun in 1904 they filled 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to ll menbers of the Uulversity. Copy received at the office of the Assirtant to the President Kit1i 3:30; 11:0 a.m. on Saturday. " hriL. ,, ,'.- " Shelburne Essays l and continued until lined, 'or conducts himself or voumes Llntibtd in such a manner as to make itself it ap- , iI~c o r li~iFU e!- much to the education of a whole generation of critics. Though he be-; came, with Professor Babbitt, the .acknowledged leader of the briefly active New Humanist movement, it is probable that his most enduring in- fluence has been exerted, through those who rejected his conclusions and had ceased to remember how much they profited from his learned if somewhat chilly analyses of liter- ature. Only Stuart Sherman was a professed disciple, but there was hardly a cultured critic who did not owe him something.t Believed Human Bad Nature In\ the days when More was editor, someone said that the function of The Nation was to combat the influ- ence of .Rousseau. That remark was only half a pleasantry, for the fun- damental premise of his attitude was the belief that human nature was bad rather than good, that self-im- posed restraint was the beginning of all virtue, that "God, not Satan, is the spirit which denies." To him the human was the antithesis of the natural, and for that reason liberal- ism in politics and romanticism in literature seemed parts of the same great evil-respect for the natural im- pulses. He liked to think of him-, self as a catholic Christian, but he' was really a puritan, as his desire to reconcile Christianity with Plato, rather than with Aristotle is itself isufficient evidence. Possibly, indeed, he was the last puritan in that he has left no one who can defend the puritan temperament with anything' like his intellectual force. It is probable that More world have considered no method of analys- is more completely inadmissable than, that of the "new psychology." But it is difficult not to feel that he used the full resources of both his learning and his intellect to justify and ra- tionalize an attitude which he had inherited from a puritan civilization, that he was busy all his life finding reasons for those self-denials which he had himself always made. Either all indulgence of the natural may. was evil, or the modern man was] enjoying a fuller life than he had ever permitted himself: and More could not bear to believe that he hadi surrendered anything he might le- gitimately have had. Almost every modern writer was an affront be- cause almost every modern writer hinted somewhere at the possibility of some sort of freedom or joy un- known in his austere world. In his later years he wrote book after book to prove-principally to himself per- haps-that God was on his side. Yet for all that we regret his passing. More was aware that the world listened less eagerly than it parent that he or it is not a desir- able member or part of the Univer-] sity, he or it shall be liable to dis- ciplinary action by the proper University authorities.E U r(2) Specific Standards of Con- duct-Regulations of the Committee on Student Conduct. In interpreta- tion of the foregoing general stand- ards of conduct the University an- nounces the following specific stan-l dards: (a) The presence of women guests1 in fraternity houses, men's rooming houses, or other men's rooming quar-1 ters, except when cnaperons ap- proved by University authorities are] present, is not in accord with the1 generally accepted standards and conventions of society and is disap-] proved.+ (b) The use or presence of intoxi- cating liquors in student quarters has a tendency to impair student morale, and is contrary to the best interests of the students and the° University, and is disapproved., (c) Student organizations are ex- pected to take all reasonable mea-" sures to promote among their own' membersrconduct consistent with good morals and good: taste, and to" endeavor by all reasonable means to insure conformity with the fore-1 going standards of conduct. (3) Advisory Functions of Com- mittee on Student Conduct. Students and student organizations may, ifj they so desire, request the Committee on Student Conduct to advise with them regarding specific problems of1 conduct and discipline'. Teacher's Certificate Candidates. for June 1937 are requested to call at the office of the Recorder of the school of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to fill in final application cards for the Certificate. Candidates should also note the list posted on the bulletin board, 1431 U.E.S. Flight Training, U. S. Naval and1 Marine Corps Reserve: Attention is again called to the annpuncement of flight training offered by the U. S. Naval and Marine Corps Reserve.; Information about this training is available for inspection in the office' of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, B-47 East Engineering. Bldg. Students interested in obtain- ing further information should leave their names and addresses. Im- mediate attention to this notice is imperative, inasmuch as the list will be sent to the Naval authorities on Wednesday, March 31. Lingnan Scholarship Blanks: All applications for the Lingnan Ex- change Scholarships must be in the office of the Counselor to Foreign Students by Monday noon, March 29. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. to this hour of organ music by the following composers: Frescobaldi, Bach, Kag-Elert, Wagner, Malling, Bossi and Dupre. Choral Union Concert: Marian An- derson, sensational Negro contralto, will give a concert in the Choral Union Series, Monday evening, March 29, in Hill Auditorium, taking the place of Nelson Eddy, who was obliged to cancel his concert on ac- count of illness. Concert, goers are requested to present their "Eddy" ticket coupons, number 10, for admission. Lectures University Lecture: Prof. C. U. Ar- iens Kappers, Director of theCentral Institute of Brain Research, Am- sterdam, and Professor of Compara- tive Neurology in the University of Amsterdam, will lecture on "Vegeta- tive Centers in the Brain" on Mon- day, March 29 at 4:15 p.m., in Na- tural Science Auditorium. The lec- ture will be illustrated with lantern slides. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, will lecture on "The Utility of Art," Tuesday, March 30, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. The public is cor- dially invited. Theosophical Lectures: Dr. B. Jimenez, sponsored by the Student, Theosophical Club and the local branch of the Theosophical Society in America, will give two public lec- tures. His first talk today is on "Heredity in the Light of Reincarna- tion." The title of his lecture for next month is "Reincarnation in the Light of Heredity." Both talks will be illustrated with reel slides. Place and time: Michigan League, Friday, March 26, at 8 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions An Exhibjijon of Chinese Art, in- cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and peasant paintings, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and Marh. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions, College of Architec- ture: An exhibition of the architec- tural competition drawings for the New York World's Fair of 1939 and a collection of photographs of work from the Alumni Association of the American Academy in Rome are now being shown in the third floor exhibi- tion room of the Architectural Bldg. Open daily 9 to 5 through March 27. The public is cordially invited. Events Today English Journal Club meets this afternoon at the Union, with important business preliminaries be- ginning at 4 p.m. The program, open to the public at 4:20, will be devoted to .a colloquium on recent 19th Cen- tury scholarship. Mr. Webster E. Britton will discuss F. L. Lucas' "The Decline and Fall of the Romantic Ideal." Mr. Clifton Einger will dis- cuss Joseph Warren Beach's "The Concept of Nature in Nineteenth Century Poetry." Esperanto: The Esperanto Class will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today. Candlelight Communion Service: The Presbyterian Church will hold its annual Holy Week Communion Service at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue, tonight at 8 p.m.. It will be a service of music and scriptural readings. Students are cordially invited to join in this serv- ice. 4 once had. His writings, however, will have an element of enduring Choral Union Members: Pass tick- value as long as our swift processes ets for the concert by Marian An- of national growth need to be tem - derson, who is appearing instead of pered by appeal to tradition. He Nelson Eddy, Monday evening, March will be remembered more than h 29, will be given out to all members was recently read. who call in person, and whose records are clear, Monday, between 9 and 12, 1 and land 4 p.m. After this hour no Noted Enghsh tickets will be given out. A tASeniors of the School of Education: I Aut or, Ac or Class dues can be paid to Dean Rea's *~ secretary in Room 4, University Hall. ies Sudde i " Dues must be paid for inclusion in the class announcement. LONDON, March 25.-IPij-John tacademic Notices Drinkwater, British actor, poet and( author who won world fame for his Playwriting (English 150): Read dramatizations of great historical Behrman's "The End of Summer" in characters, died in his sleep today of addition to "Idiot's Delight' for Mon- a heart attack. He was 54 years old, day, March 29. Write a paper only Drinkwater, a tall, robust figure, on "Idiots Delight." apparently was in good health yes -n____- terday when he attended the Oxford- Preliminary Examinations for Cambridge crew race and later spent Ph.D. Degree in Economics will be the evening with friends at the held on May 3, 4 and 5. Please leave Three-Hour - Devotion Service, 3 p.m., St. Andrew's Church. dresses by the Rev. Henry Lewis music by St. Andrew's Choir. 12- Ad? and Comng Events Economics Club: Graduate stu- dents and members of the staffs in Economics and Business Administra- tion are invited to hear Miss Flor- ence Till (Yale, Consumers Council, Washington, Michigan Graduate School) speak on the subject, "Waste Paper: Research Methods and Re- sults" before a meeting of the Club on Monday, March 29, at 7 :45 p.m. in Room 304 of the Union. King Henry The Eighth: Play Pro- duction will present this Shakespear- ean play next Wednesday through Saturday evenings with a matinee on Saturday at the Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office open today and Saturday from two to five. Phone 6300. The U. of M. Outdoor Club will have a hike Saturday afternoon, March 27. leaving Lane Hall at 2 p.m. r r ;