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March 25, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-25

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Mrs. Rhthven
Honors Faculty
Women At Tea
More than 200 members of the
Faculty Women's Club attended a tea
in their honor given by Mrs. Ruthven
yesterday in her home. Mrs. Ruth-
ven and Mrs. Edward L. Adams, pres-
ident of the club, received.
Mrs. Ruthven chose black with
white lace for the occasion, and Mrs.
Adams wore a crepe suit with match-
ing flowers at the neck and .on ,her
hat. Mrs. Edward Bragg wore an
attractive Eleanor blue silk, with a
navy blue straw hat..
. Dr. Margaret Bell, who with Mrs.
Chalmers Lyons, poured at the table
in the sun- parlor, wore green crepe
with black accessories, and Mrs. Ly-,
ons chose maroon crepe. Mrs. Camp-
beltl Bonner, in a bright blue wool
crepe, and Mrs. Clarence Yoakum in
navy blue, poured at the same time
in the dining room.
The table in the dining room was.
,decorated with Easter lilies in a crys-
tal bowl, and crystal candlesticks.

McClusky Advises P sitions Open
Public Health Club .oday On1Five


'Young Ladies' Admitted Here
Through Loo -lole In Statute

The complicated interrelationships
of the body and the personality must
be considered by .the public health
I worker, and this broad reality, rather
than narrow application to one of
these fields must be treated in order
to promote real public health, stated
Prof. Howard Y. MeClusky, professor,
in the School of Education, at the
regular meeting of the Michigan
Public Health Club, held last night
at the League.
Professor McClusky speaking on
aspects of mental hygiene applicable
to public health workers pointed out
that the group attitude which pro-
motes an unhealthy condition of
community health must be attacked
just as would be a source of disease
infection in order to remedy the con-
dition. He cited also the inadequacy
of state facilities for care of the
feeble-minded, insane and epileptic
as a source of mental infection of
the public. .
In treating the maladjusted in-
dividual, Professor McClusky empha-
sized that the emotional and mental
influences of his environment must be
investigated fully. .

* ______________________________________________ _____

Leagrue Groups
PeitiiOning To CQntinue
Through Saturday, Says
Petitioning for membership on the
five League committees will begin to-
day and will last through Saturday,
according to Angelene Maliszewski,
'38, head of Judiciary Council. Peti-
tion blanks are available at the
League Undergraduate Office.
All women on campus who are not
already working on a committee and
who are scholastically eligible may
apply. Freshmen must have no grade
below a C and one of B or better.
The committees are the social,
merit system, publicity, theatre-arts
and orientation groups. This year
women may petition for freshman ad-
visory positions on the orientation
committee. Last year the offices were
All first-year women who petitioned
for positions on this year's Freshman
Project will be accepted on the vari-
ous committees for the production.
Those who did not apply but who
wish to work on the project may re-
ceive a committee position through
Alberta Wood, general chairman.
Interviewing by Judiciary CouncilI
is not necessary for membership on
the committees, Miss Maliszewski
Members of the orientation com-
mittee serve as advisers and guides to
groups of incoming freshmen ,and
transfers during orientation week
next fall. Orientati n leaders attend
the weekly freshman lectures with.
their groups.
Last year men and women student
advisers ate their lunches together
every day during the first week at the
League and the Union. The women
advisers had dinner with their groups
every night at the League and par-
ticipated in the annual freshman
mixer at- the end of the week.
Kappa Delta announces the pledg-
ing of Susan err, '40, River Forest,

"Anyone who should witness the
difficulty found in moving along the
narrow "gangways" and up and down
the narrow stair cases of this building
(University Hall), a movement which
must take place at almost every hour
of the day, would hesitate to expose


H Os ery ha4Os
Sunny hose to harmonize with
coloful Spring costumnes. Full-
Faishioned, Chiffon, or Service
weight ... with every good quality
you expect in excellent Hosiery.
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Violets, Field Flowers, "Swing Time" colors such as
and Daisies. Rhythm Red, Dancing Green,
sWaltz Blue.
20c 25c



young ladies to all this embarrass-
ment and discomfort."
This statement was given in 1870
by President Erasmus A. Haven in his
annual report, as one of the objec-
ions to the admission of women stiu-
dents to the University. At that
early date a great controversy had
already arisen concerning this ques-
tion. The Boaid of Regents was be-
>eiged with requests from citizens and
pressure from the Legislature at Lan-
ing. Almost every record of the
proceedings of the Board mentions
this question.
First Request In 1858
As early as 1858 a communication
was received by the Board stating
that Miss Sarah E. Burger with a
class of 12 young ladies would pre-
sent themselves for admission as stu-
dents in the University in June. Their
request was denied, but later Miss
Burger, a very determined young
woman, was admitted under the new
ruling and received the degree of
Bachelor of Laws in 1872, 14 years
l ater.
A committee of the Board took up
the question and investigated it thor-
oughly. In 1858 they reported that
"to admit ladies to the University
would be an innovation never con-
temnplated by its founders, or its pa-
trons, destructive to its character and
influence, and ruinous to the ladies
who should avail themselves of it."
The young women of the time, how-
ever, were a courageous and deter-
mined lot. They would not let the
matter rest. Pressure was brought to,
bear on the Regents from all angles.
Because the stature of the state read,
"the University shall be open to all
persons resident of this state," they
claimed, rightfully it was admitted,
S'losson Claims
French Dictator
Is Impossible
speech Given At Graduate
Students' Luncheon Held
At League Yesterday
Only if France were smarting under
defeat in another world war and a
biilliant military leader arose, would
there be any possibility of the re-
public's being overthrown by a dic-
tator, said Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department in a talk
given yesterday before the graduate
students' luncheon in the League.
Professor Slosson's topic was "the Po-
litical Situation in France."
The speaker went on to say that al-
though there is constant change on
the surface of French politics, this
must not be confused with politicl
instability. The average length of
time which a prime minister .stays
in office is ten months, Professor Slos-
son said, but the frequent resigna-
tions of the prime minister and his
cabinet really have little effect on
If the firmly-entrenched bureau-
cracy proceeds on its orderly way,
and the general policies remain prac-
tically the same, there is usually no
general election and even the mem-
bers of the next cabinet are often
drawn from the same political group,
the speaker pointed out.
Referring 'to the possibility of an-
other war, Professor Slosson said
that France, under the leadership of
that radical, Jew and man of letters,
Leon Blum, is pursuing a policy of
"middle-aged conservatism." She has
hesitated to precipitate another war
and so has allowed much that she
did in the Treaty of Versailles to be
undone. ;The fact that Blum is a Jew
has also helped to create a delicate
international situation. Germany is
now armed as she was in 1914, and
France is hesitant and alarmed as in
1914, said Professor Slosson in con-



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