THlE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sunimer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repubtiation of all news dispatches credited to tr -not othrwise credted !n this newspaper.. .All rights of republication .of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. $Su4bsiptions during regular school year by carrier, ~$4.00; "by mail, $450. REPRSWNT5D FPO NTIONA ADVERTISING Y Nationl Advertising Service, Inc. College Publiskers Reresetatgge 420 MADISoN AVE. NEw Yoa , N.Y. CHICAGO * BSTON - AN FRANC9C .os ANGEIBLES *PORTLAND+AN-FSATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd RLobert Cummins NIGHT.EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, Wilia'i E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spauler, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. SPORTS DtEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred Delano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl Gerstacker WOMEN'S DEPARTM ENTT: Jewel WTuerfel chairman; EizaethM.Aderson, Elibeth Bingham Helen Doauglas,Barbara J. Lovell, KatherIne Moore, Btty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Mrhll Sampson, Rllobert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigeslan, Richard Knowe Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- t$$onal Advertising and Circulation roxager; Don J. Wisher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and. Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SHACKELTON Beyond ~ Legality.... GREAT EMPhASIS has been placed of late on the problem of the ille- gality of the sit-down strike. It is disappointing iot to have seen, in conjunction with the many opinions that the si-t-down °technique is illegal, an analytical effort to determine why workers are striking and why using an apparently illegal method. The major demands in the General Motors strike were for exclusive recognition of the UAW and for cessation of the speed-up, and in the present Chrysler strike exclusive recognition, at present, is the sole point of contention. Wages, working conditions, and union recognition in- variably have been the major issues between sit- down strikers and employers. The New Deal Administration, and state ad- ministrations with ideals sympathetic to the New Deal, have, in the past four years, attempted to insure industrial peace and justice by laying down standards for wages, working conditions, and union recognition. What has happened? The Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional the NRA, which dealt with these matters among others. It has declared unconstitutional speci- fically those provisions of the Guffey Coal Bill which dealt with wages and working conditions. It has declared unconstitutional the New York State Minimum Wage Law. In short, it has stripped both federal and state legislatures of the power to deal with the matter currently in dis- pute between employer and employe. One excep- tion is the power to specify conditions of union organization and recognition, and the Supreme Court may, today or tomorrow, by declaring the Wagner Labor Relations Act unconstitutional, deprive the federal government of authority in the last of the three major disputed areas. Thus it has been left to the employer and the employe, the company and the union, to determine the terms of their industrial relation- ships, with the state possessing only supplemen- tary and usually nominal authority. To take advantage of these conditions, a large number of the major corporations, among them General Motors and Chrysler, called into service the blacklist, private armies of guards armed With gas and guns, and industrial spies. With the government on the sidelines, they prepared to carry on any struggle with their workers in a warlike manner. By these actions they wrote the rules of the "game." With this in mind, one finds it difficult not to give credence to the workers' argument that they have the right by use of the sit-down tech- nique, first, to protect their jobs from strike- breakers and, second, to urge their interests in a, manner comparable to the militant one of the employer. By not recognizing this situation which has brought the sit-down, but at the same time de- nouncing it, a number of press observers are de- stroying reputations for honest criticism. Clover leaf weevil eggs, laid in mid-October, TH E FORUM j Proto-Porcelain To the Editor: s The report in your today's issue on two papers presented at the Michigan Academy concludes, " ... that evidence seems to indicate Chia knew of porcelain before the Christian era." Apparent- ly you have confused porcelain with its prede- cessor: Proto-,Porcelain. It would have been scarcely .less ridiculous to have given a B.C. dating to the motor car on the basis of what we know about the x-cart. -J. M. Plummer. From Another Co-op To the Editor: We should like to add a supporting postscript to the recent informative editorial on coopera- tives. To all those in any way interested in co- operative houses the following should be im- portant: There has been a successful student coopera- tive house on this campus for the past four and one half years. The nineteen members of this house pay $2.00 a week for room and board inclusive. The five extra boarders which the capacity of the dining room allows pay $1.25 a week for board alone. All, members and board- ers, contribute about four hours *of work a week each to the upkeep of the house. As may be guessed this seemingly belt-tight- ening budget was set in the depths of the "de- pression." But it speaks for the economies pos- sible through a simple democratic cooperative organization, that it has not been considered necessary or desirable to raise the charge since. This is stated with no feeling that new houses like the "Cooperative House" on Thompson Street should attempt to start now with such a low rate. The older house has offered some demonstra- tion that students can live cooperatively. Prob- ably no group of similar size living together on the campus has been so varied in race, national- ity, and political bent. In the admission of new members the only bias has been in favor of those who most urgently needed such an organization in order to remain in school. Beyond this the "House" has been and is open to any student who is willing and able (to the extent of this en- terprize at least) to live together with his fellows in the spirit of its title-The Socialist House. -A Member. THIE SCREEN] Stolen Holiday_ AT THE MICHIGAN IF BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES worn beautifully is adequate recommendation to see a film, by all means see Stolen Holiday. But if dialogue, obviously intended to be clever, that does not click is sour to you, this picture should not be recommended. Kay Francis is an ambitious mannequin in 1931, Claude Rains an enterprising swindler. By 1936 the lady is the fashion arbiter of Paris, and the gentleman one of its richest citizens. Their relationship is one of friendship and ig- norance of Rains' financial fraudulence to Miss Francis-to Rains it is something akin to love. But real love enters the life of the lady in the person of Ian Hunter, a young English dip- lomat. When Rains' financial empire is explod- ing, the trusting fashion creator goes to his rescue by marrying him. But true love wins out and there is a happy ending. The characters in the picture may all be fic- tional, but the background and incident are rem- iniscent of the pawn shop swindle, government scandal and riots in Paris not so long ago. The idea itself seems to me to have enough di'ama to produce good story material, but Stolen Holi- day does not use it effectively. Miss Francis does good workmanship in her role, and Claude Rains is convincing. But Ian Hunter and the flat lines he speaks helps very. little. Breezing Home is a second feature being run twice daily on the program. It is about a race horse, its trainer, its night club singer-owner, and another woman. The theme of the piece is the love of thoroughbred horses. In spite of Wil- liam Gargan, Wendy Barrie and Binnie Barnes, the picture seems amateurish. -.M. The hIol Terror AT THE MAJESTIC "The Holy Terror" has one of those obvious plots where you always know what is going to happen. But you never quite guess how it is going to happen, so there are plenty of funny surprises. The story is a rolling jumble of mu- sical numbers, slap-stick comedy, precocious child pranks, and intrigue, that make for light entertainment. Jane Withers is the much-played-up child star, but she is not all the show. Comedienne Joan Davis adds sqme very novel hilarity. Leah Ray provides some good vocalizing but the songs she has to sing are very ordinary. The other enter- tainment numbers are introduced by a lot of "Hollywood sailors." The little girl, "Corky," is the daughter of a naval base officer and favorite playmate of all the gobs. Her hapless caprices turn naval dis- cipline into disorder. A toy airplane belonging to her flies through an open window to turn an officers' meeting into disorder, and her impet- uosity results in a knockout capture of a gov- ernment official mistaken for a spy. Finally all turns for the better when she brings about the BENEATH **** - By Bonth Williams _- NATE MUNRO and Dean Asselin dropped out to he House Sunday for one of those impromp- tu reunions that make you realize the clock is ticking 24 hours every day. Nate lives at the Nu Sig House now as an en- terprising young medic and Asselin is faring far better at Wayne than he did in his scholastic battles with the Michigan faculty. Four years can change things an awful lot. Four years ago the freshman class was the pride of 1,000 Hill Street. There was Asselin, Munro, Herbie Baker, Chuck Penzel, Bucket Watermai, Art Emerson, Elmer Harshbarger, and Phil Haughey. One by one they dropped by the way and out of that whole crew only Penzel and Haughey are still in school. Baker hung on longer than the rest, but the University put the tag on him as he was sliding into third last February. They were all fellows with a lot of color, fellows that, if they gave nothing scholastically, gave a whole lot of atmosphere to the University. Most of them were college men of the old school. They lived and played high wide and handsomely, and the fact that they are not here now is peculiarly significant of the chang- ing trends of not only this, but of colleges and universities in the country, generally. Educational policies are slowly triumphing over the days of "Sweet Adeline," of hard-drinking, of super-sophistication, and of all the things which Jonathan Q. Public think are typically "college." From now on Michigan, and other schools like it, will have less and less color and more and more emphasis on true education. Some herald it as a cultural triumph, some mourn it as the passing of the good old days. Mr. Griggs: I regret to state that I have not yet read "The Grammarian's Funeral." Any excuse that I might offer still would not change that fact. Obviously I am unable to give my ideas on the poem. Jeane Gibbs. This note was found discarded in Angell Hall. Smeared in the upper corner was a nicely in- scribed E. Apparently, association with Bill Fleming, has tought Jeane to write 'unprepared' in 36 words, but not to convince anybody. L AST NIGHT the Michigan Glee Club paid to Prof. Dave Mattern one of the finest tributes any University man has ever received. More than eighty past and present members, together with a host of Michigan's most eminent profes- sors gathered to wish the man who has made the University of Michigan's Glee Club famous throughout the nation good luck and God speed on his sabbatical leave. ' The whole thing was a surprise. The good Pro- fessor, preparing for his departure this morning, was asked by his wife to get a parcel for her on the third floor of the Unibn. When he stepped off the elevator he was greeted by a wild out- burst of hurrahs from the throats of almost a hundred admirers. Prof. H. C. Anderson was there, and Dean Bursley, and Carl Brandt. Bill Pratt, genial pounder of the bells, and a real singer as well, rendered a brace of rollicking numbers. There was spontaneity and good will and real love there in that group last night as first one and then another of the speakers and old grads, back for the occasion found new words to express their devotion to Dave.. They presented him with a picture of the club and a handsome portfolio, and likeable Bob Wil- liams, president, put the whole program on with a finesse that left the entire assembly in that frame of mind when they wish they could do the thing all over again. Prof. Mattern, his shoes unshined and his col- lar wilted after a hard day of going away prep- aration, sat through it all with a great joy in his heart to think that every man in the packed banquet hall was showing his love for him. With a tear in his eye Dave got up to speak, but spilled the cream. May I add my own sin- cere best wishes for a most enjoyable trip, Pro- fessor. T HE UNION and the boys who run it put on a swell Open House last night, the best as a matter of fact that I can remember. Tuure Tenander, Jimmy Boozer, Art Bartholomew, Joe Mattes and Rose Bud Gilman pulled off a great publicity gag in the middle of the festivities. Mattes as an Indian brave, conked announcer Shulman over the head and set the stage for three barkers (Tenander, Boozer, and Bartholo- mew) to rush on the scene and shout out the merits of Michigras tonic. Rose Bud, big red cheeked fat boy, attired in his landlady's best, was the woman in the crowd who had been cured. The whole thing was a well-done riot. The rest of the Open House was as good or better than usual. Down in the famous north lounge was one of these contrivances where you throw rings over a post. The demonstrator could do it every time, but nobody else. Sucker after sucker tried his luck only to fail in turn. Finally Union President Herb Wolf took a crack at it-and was successful. The whole thing looked fishy and it was finally discovered that a stooge in the corner was con- trolling a repelling magnet to make the patrons look like boobs, but was afraid to throw the hooks into Czar Wolf himself. T * * * Beneath It All: The J.G.P. was the nuts and one of the best student presentations to grace the campus since Current Notes By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER AN ORGAN-recital of music expres- sive of the spirit of Good Friday will be presented by Prof. Palmer Christian, University Organist, in Hill Auditorium Friday afternoon at 4:15 p.m. The program will open with a Toccata per 1'Elevazione by Girolamo Frescobaldi, noted Italian organist and composer of the seven- teenth century. While the term "toc- cata" usually .indicates a brilliant, highly figurated show-piece, it is used in this case to denote a composition in the nature of a fantasia or im- provisation, to be played during that part of the Mass when the elements of the Eucharist are being blessed. Two Chorale Preludes by Johann Sebastian Bach comprise the second section of the program. These Cho- rale Preludes.are arrangements and elaborations far organ of the two chorales, "O Sacred Head Now Wounded" and "When on the Cross the Saviour Hung," simple but potent melodies embodying the contrite grief and anguish of one beholding the Crucifixiop. The same dark mood is expressed in the following number, the Prologus Tragic us of Sigfrid Karg-Elert, modern German organist and composer. Here, however, there MUSIC THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 193"7 VOL. XLVII No. 126. .Notices Student Conduct: The attention of the student body is called to the fol- lowing regulations of the Board of Regents and also to the specific .in- terpretation of these regulations as set forth by -the Committee on Stu- dent Conduct: (1) General Standards of Conduct -Regulations of the Board of Re- gents. Enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in regard to conduct, not only inside but also outside the classroom, and students are expected to conduct themselves in such manner as to be a credit both to themselves and to the Univer- sity. They are amenable to the laws governing the community as' well as the rules and orders of the University and University officials, and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct approved by the University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity or other stu- dent organization fails to observe the standards of conduct as above out- linzed, or conducts Himself or itself is no connection with Good Friday in such a manner as to make it ap- other than of mood, the Prologus be- parent that he or it is not a desir- ing one of the Ten Characteristic able member or part of the Univer- Pieces, written in the composer's ,im- sity, he or it shall be liable to dis- pressionistic and highly - colored I ciplinary action by the proper style. University authorities. In Wagner's "Good Friday Music,". (2) Specific Standards of Con- from Parsifal, we find the Day pic- duct-- Regulations of the Committee tured in another and different aspect. on Student Conduct. In interpreta- Instead of the darkness and despair tic)n .of the foregoing general stand- of the Crucifixion we are made to ai"ds of conduct the University an- look forward to the brightness and nounces the following specific stan- glory of the Resurrection. It is the dards: third act of Parsifal; the scene is the (a) The presence of women guests land of the Grail, and it is Good in fraternity houses, men's rooming Friday morning. Parsifal returns houses, or other men's rooming quar- from his wanderings and looks forth ters, except when chaperons ap- upon a world bright with flowers and proved by University authorities are the verdure of spring, upon a world present, is not in accord with the redeemed through sorrow and suff- .generally accepted standards and ering, where strife shall cease and conventions of society and is disap- universal brotherhood reign. poved. * * * " (b) The use or presence of intoxi- The three concluding numbers on cating liquors in student quarters the program are by modern German, has a tendency to impair student. Italian and French composer-organ- ,morale, and is contrary to the best ists: Golgotha, by Otto Malling, is interests of the students and the from a set of organ pieces represent- University, and is disapproved. ing the life of Christ, and Enrice (c) Student organizations are ex- Bossi is' represented by his Hour of pected to take all reasonable mea- Consecration. The final number is sures to promote among - their own the "Crucifixion" section of Marcel members conduct consistent with Dupre's Passion Synphony, for or- good morals and good taste, and to gan; after a dissonant section which endeavor by all reasonable means emphasizes the tragedy of Christ's to insure conformity with the fore- death, the composition closes quietly going standards of conduct. with one of the melodies of the early (3) Advisory Functions of Com- church-the "Stabat Mater Dolo- mittee on Student Conduct. Students rosa." and student- organizations may,'" if I* 'they so desire, request the Committee The Philharmonic Symphony So- on Student Conduct to advise with ciety of New York has lately an- them regarding specific problems of nounced the result of its recent com- I conduct and discipline. petition for the best major orches- tral work written by a native Ameri~ Students in the College of Litera- can composer. The winner of the i ture, Science and the Arts: A meet- $1,000 prize, for which some 150 ing will be held on Thursday, March persons competed, is Gardner Read, inig will be held today at 4:15 p.m. 24-year-old graduate student at the in Room 259 W. Engineering Build- Eastman School of Music in Roches- ing for students in the College of ter. Born in Evanston, Ill., Mr. Read Literature, Science, and the Arts and attended the National High Schoo lothers interested in future work in Band and Orchestra Camp at Inter-egieerg.ean A..vel of te locwen, Mich., for three summers College of Engineering will be avail- and it was there, in 1932, that he able for individual conferences. The East awarded a scholarship to the next meeting in the vocational series, Eatmn chol.nTPhechmposition to be held on March 30, will be ad- with which he won thePhinarmomc dressed by Dean S. T. Dana of the prize is his First Symphony in A School of Forestry. minor. The Philharmonic Society has al- Students, College of Engineering: so announced its plans for next year's The final day for droppinga.course orchestral series. The season, which without record will be Saturday, in the days of Toscanini ran for 30 itMarch27. Courses may be dropped weeks, this year was reduced to 24. onlywith the permission of the clas- Next year four of the six weeks will sifier after conference with the in- be restored, with the season opening structor in the course. . on Oct. 21 and closing on May 1. John Barbirolli will serve his first Flight Training, U. S. Naval and season as permanent conductor o Marine Corps Reserve: Attention is the orchestra; he will be relieved foraise o e.o m o four weeks in mid-season by Georges again called to the announcement of Eneso ad anthe gust-cndutorIlight training offered by the U. S. Enesco and another guest-conductor Naval and Marine Corps Reserve. as yet unnamed. Information about this training is available for inspection in the office Or der R etS of the Department of Aeronautical DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the U';niversity. Copy received at the o*ffice* *-t*he ABSIRt to thPre iden nuWtl 3::30..11:010 son aturday. Hall. Other interviews will be sched- uled for next week. T. Luther Purdo, Director University Bureau of Appointments. Important Letter Lost: A very im- portant letter addressed to the Coun- selor to Foreign Students from Dr. Tsang of Canton,China, has been lost somewhere on the.- campus. If anyone finds this letter it will be greatly appreciated if he will return it at once to Room 9, University Hall. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to -Foreign Students. Students who 're Interested in preparation for teaching: Harvard University is now offering the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching in nine fields of study. Descriptive leaf- lets about the new program of train- ing for teachers may be;obtained in 1210 Angell Hall. A cademic Notces Playwriting (English 150) : Read Behrman's "The End of Summer" in addition to "Idiot's Delight' for Mon- day, March 29. Write a paper only on "Idiots Delight. Kenneth Roie. Preliminary Examinations for Ph.D. Degree in Economics will be held on .May 3, 4 -and 5. Please leave your name in the Department Office if you plan to write the examinations at this time. History 12, Lee. II, Midsemester today, 10 a.m. Mr. Slosson's and Mr. Reichenbach's in 101 Economics. All others in Natural Science Auditorium. Concerts Nelson Eddy Concert Postponed: On account of recurrence of laryn- gitis, Mr. Eddy has been compelled to postpone his March concerts, includ- ing that announced for Ann Arbor. The new date will be made public as soon as arrangements are -made. Carillon Reeital: Wilmot F, Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will play a spe- cial program of music on the Hill Auditorium organ Good Friday af- ternoon, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. The general public, with the exception of small children, is specially invited to come and listen to this hour of organ music by the following cormpos- ers: Fredobaldi, Bach, Kag-Elert, Wagner, Malling, Bossi and Dupre. lectures University Lecture: Prof. C. U. Ar- iens Kappers, Director of the Central Institute of Brain Research, Am- sterdam, and Professor of Compara- tive Neurology in the 'University of Amsterdam, will lecture oni"Vegeta- tive Centers in the Brain" on Mon- day, March 29 at 4:15 p.m., in Na- tural Science Auditorium. The lec- ture will be illustrated with lantern slides. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in- cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and peasant paintings, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and March. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions, College of Architec- tizre: An exhibition of the architec- tural competition drawings for the New York World's Fair of 1939 and a collection of photographs of work from the Alumni Association of the American Academy in Rome are now being shown in the third floor exhibi- tion room of the Architectural Bldg. Open daily 9 to 5 through March 27. The public is cordially invited. Events Today W44eekly Reading Hoaur: This after- noon at 4 p.m. in Room 205 M.H. Professor Hollister will read from the newer poetry. The public is core dially invited. A.S.M.E. Members: On account of the Union Open House, the elimina- tion reading of the Chicago Confer- ence papers will not be held until this evening, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. A good attendance is urged to help judge these papers. Mechanical Engineering magazines for March and past months are avail- able in the Mechanical office, Room 221, W. Eng. Bldg. Engineering Council: There will be an Engineering Council Meeting to- night at 7:15 p.m. in the computing room. f t a l 1 E 3 s 1 4 Fnrm t'' r *.!1 ""' 'Engineering, B-47 East Engineering Pido- Students interested in obtain- Assert Bits further information should leave their names and addresses. Im- FVmediate attention to this notice is r a rf imperative, inasmuch as the list will be sent to the Naval authorities on By ROY SIZEMORE 'Wednesday, March 31. Pictures of Michigan CCC canipsE ranging from that of moral corrup- Teacher's Certificate Candidates tion to a maker of men were painted for June 1937 are requested to call at yesterday by three University stu- the office of the Recorder of the densts and former Civilian Conserva- School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to tion Corps enrollees. tl in final application cards for the That the CCC "makes men out of Certificate. Candidatesshould also mud" was the opinion advanced by note the list posted on the bulletin Raymond Stevenson, '39, who entered board, 1431 U.E.S. the Corps last summer as a special- forestry school enlistment. It was his belief that although the morals of the camps in general are not too good, they tend to improve from the first enrollment until discharge. "It would be better for the men," Stevenson said, "if discipiline could be enforced without the aid of the army, for the army- is often unsympa- thetic with conservationand the of- ficers are not real leaders but merely disciplinarians." The chief need of the CCC now is . The University Bureau of Appoint- mnents and Occupational Information has received announcements of Unit- ed States Civil Service Examinations for Senior, Associate, Assistant and Radio Engineer, salaries, $2,600 to $4,600, for junior veteranarian, Bu- reau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, salary, $2,000; for Junior Supervisor of Grain Inspec- tion, (not requiring degree), Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Depart- ment of Arimituira.