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March 24, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-24

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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other mattersherein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $.0
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentative
Board of Editors
George Andros JewelWuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Eliabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Segesman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women'sBusiness Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jae
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp,
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class.-
ified Advertising Manager.
The Fight
For Peace . .
W E WOULD LIKE to encourage
some correspondence from our
readers on the general subject of the annual
peace demonstration which is planned for April
22. We would like to know whether the ma-
jority of Michigan students and members of
the faculty feel that a demonstration would be
of value in the consolidation of local peace ef-
forts, and if so, what type of demonstration
they would like to have.
For the past several months the University
Peace Council has debated various aspects of the
peace demonstration. Last year, with the assist-
ance of a number of leaders of campus organiza-
tions, they held a meeting on the mall adjacent
to the School of Education, which was addressed
by Professors Slosson and Weaver and three
students. It was estimated that the crowd num-
bered 2,000.
In the colleges of the nation, an estimated
500,000 students met to demonstrate their sup-
port of peace efforts as part of an international
assemblage. In a brief four years, the move-
ment had grown from a group of 25,000, and
from a single city to the entire country.
The trend of support for such demonstrations
is unmistakable. Where it once was opposed as
the efforts of a small group of radicals, it now
has the august support of the respectable and
conservative alike, and the approval of many
university administrations. President Ruthven
has indicated his support, and had an injury
not prevented, would have presided at last year's
meeting. The students of Michigan State Col-
lege, some of whom had thrown in the river Rev-
erend Marley and a student who had come to
Lansing to speak on peace, this year, with the
sanction of the administration and a large num-
ber in the respectable class, have invited Gen.
Smedley Butler to address their peace meeting.
. In the light of this trend, the Peace Council
has drawn up a petition to the President and the
Deans of the University, asking that they dis-

miss classes at 11 o'clock on Thursday, April 22nd,
and that they grant permission for a meeting
to be held on the steps of the library at that
time. They have also drawn up a tentative list
of resolutions expressing such matters. as support
of the Nye-Kvale Bill for the abolition of com-
pulsory military training, the appointment of a
civilian and military committee to determine
what constitutes national defense,, and opposi-
tion to military expenditures inl excess of that
amount, opposition to the Hill-Shepard bill, pro-
test against participation in extra-territorial con-
flicts, and support o. reciprocal trade agreements.
No speaker has yet been selected.
Your opinion on the+ meeting, the resolutions
and possible speakers will be of interest.
Repeal The
Loyalty Oath..
. RmnX'Tmi.ft r , r' to rrn l asii.

chusetts legislature has passed a repeal bill in
its lower house with passage in the upper well
These laws passed in a period of a minor
red scare; their primary intent was to prevent
the teaching of communism; their effect was to
impair the teaching of the social sciences to an
incalculable extent.
Teachers assembled at the recent National
Education Association expressed their unequivo-
cal opposition to such measures. President Con-
ant fought it vigorously before the Massachusetts
legislature. And Professor William Kilpatrick
of Columbia Teachers' College, retiring this year,
has expressed himself on the subject in this
"Educators should learn to discuss dispas-
sionately any and all current questions. In
my own classes I lack time to do it adequately,
but I try to get students to understand the pres-
ent economic situation and form some opinion of
what the country and the schools should do
about it.
"In this I differ from some of my colleagues
who hold that students should be guided toward
a particular point of view. I believe that schools
should make people intelligent about these things
and let intelligence tell them what to do."
This law is still on the Michigan books.
Middle Class Thought And Action
To the Editor:
Your thoughtful editorial for March 18 shows
some appreciation of the significance of con-
temporary events. Next to the last paragraph
states a possible reaction. The last paragraph
offers a solution: "But legislation calculated to
increase the return to labor in terms of real
wages, to do this without the impoverishment
of the middle class is the more intelligent way.
This can be only accomplished, we believe,
through an amendment to the constitution,
which will allow federal regulation of hours,
wages, and prices in industry and agriculture."
The entire- editorial, especially the last three
paragraphs, raises some important questions. To
what extent should hours, wages and prices be
regulated? Why? What effects can be ex-
pected from such regulation? How have major
social adjustments been made in the past? What
is the general prognosis in the present situa-
tion? Does a thorough diagnosis indicate the
remedy you suggest?
It seems perfectly apparent that an increase
in wages without a control of prices will not be
likely to effect a change in the distribution of
the rights to use goods. It seems apparent that
the present distribution is the basic cause of
world wide social unrest. Payment for services
rendered is the only income available to the
great majority of the population. Large num-
bers are dissatisfied with the scale of living and
the security made available by present payments.
Production of goods is regulated by the demands
of the market. 1936 production was roughly 70
per cent of 1929 production. 1929 production
about 65 per cent of that theoretically possible.
In other words, 1936 production was under 50
per cent of the estimated possible production
with present plant and equipment. Nothing
can be consumed before it is produced. If pro-
duction is low consumption must be low. The
twofold effect of maldistribution is that work-
ing people do not get a large enough proportion
of goods produced to satisfy their needs, and
secondly the total production of goods produced
is restricted. The basic cause is that too much
of the total national income goes to those who
cannot use it except for investment. With
extant plant operating at 50 per cent efficiency
the urge to invest in further plant is lacking. The
result is that income is not used and conse-
quently demands are not made on the market.
Because of necessity an inadequate amount is
distributed directly and by making work, but the
owners only loan it for this purpose and for a
fee (interest).
If wages were increased and prices held con-
stant how far should this actual reduction of

income on investment go? How far need it
go. to stimulate capacity production? If it
were to proceed to the point of giving workers
the right to consume all products except those
produced for maintenance and expansion of
plant, what would happen to the values of
securities? What would property rights mean?
Would the gradual abolition of the right to in-
come through ownership leave the middle class
untouched? What would happen to small in-
vestors, savings bank patrons, and insurance
policy holders?
Who is going to sponsor regulatory legisla-
tion after an amendment is passed? How' will
the power for amendment be asserted? If it
takes years to pass -a child labor amendment,
how long will it take for one making it proper
to confiscate property rights? Who would op-
pose such an amendment and legislation under
it? How would they oppose it? In the past
when existing traditional rights have been chal-
lenged has it been by intelligent action or just
action? What kind did we use when the inter-
ests of employes of "free" labor and slave labor
came into serious conflict?
From whence does the stimulus to rational
understanding and intelligent action come?
From our educational system? From the press?
What proportion of the middle cass will look
beyond the actions of dissatisfied workers for the
causes of their own difficulties? How many
can now be persuaded that there are causes for
current mass reactions, other than the activities
of power seeking agitators? Is there any ex-
planation for the fact that similar social phe-
nomena are occurrihg under widely different
political and cultural settings throughout the

****,IT ALL
'an=$y Bonth Williams
FRIDAY NIGHT Ed Thompson took Jane Wil-
loughby out to see the bright lights and the
bill at the Whitney Theatre. Jane's aesthetic
sense was offended, apparently, for early Monday
Ed received this telegram, purported to come
from the Whitney Theatre management:
SMt. Ed. Thompson, Theta Delta Chi
House, Ann Arbor
Advise you see next week's sensational
double bill at our theatre (1) Fumes of the
Proletariat (2) The Torture of Fanny.
BENEATH IT ALL: Rival publications will sus-
tain a change of style or worse next week.
Jerry Anson, one of the perpetrators of Parrot
Squawks, is reported out of school and Dick
Lorch is turning his Joe College over to Liz Allen,
Kappa . . . Liz, by the way is one of those tem-
peraments who calls students "esthetes" and
says "people are queerer than anybody" . . . Ru-
mor has it that the Alpha Delts and Dekes are
cooperating on a Michigras booth which will fea-
ture a take-off on the Gargoyle's Ten Most
Beautiful Women . . . I see that the dog racing
bill is up before the legislature once again and
fervently hope that body will squash it once more
as they repeatedly have in the past. Probably
nothing is crookeder than dog racing. . . Charges
of censorship leveled at The Daily as a result
of Fred Warner Neal's resignation are sheer
nonsense. As thinking people must know, there
is more to the whole business than meets the
eye. Suffice it to say that the University has
been placed in an unfair light, and The Daily
has lost an industrious reporter ...
* * * *
To the Editor:
Bonth Williams and the Literary Digest
-ha! ha!
--Frank M. Davis, '38.
Ha, ha, yourself, the Literary Digest was 366
electoral votes wrong. There weren't that many
ballots cast in my poll.
BETTER LISTEN IN to Harry Wismer's sports-
cast over WJR at 11:45 tonight; you're likely
to hear a three-ring circus and some off the rec-
od stuff.
Wismer plans to interview George Andros, ro-
tund Daily sports editor, Paul Sanderson who
holds the same job at U. of D.,. and Al Theiler,
Michigan State Grantland Rice.
On the surface it sounds harmless, but when
you understand the relationship of the principles
beneath it all, you'll want to listen in too.
It was Wismer who as sports editor of the
Michigan State News last year, got his oar into
Fred DeLano's "Play Notre Dame" campaign
when he came out with a long story explaining
how the Spartans and not the Wolverines were
the logical Michigan opponent for the fighting
Irish. The verbal lashing he gave Michigan pro-
voked Andros and Bill Reed to point out the .
past records of the two teams and the fact
that if it were not for the annual Michigan grid
game, the Spartans would be running their ath-
letic plant on a very short shoe string.
Feeling ran high along both the Winding Cedar
and the Drooling Huron and a good many un-
complementary and ill-advised remarks were
passed out by both sides.
Then this fall Theiler became sports
editor at State and the feud blossomed out
again. He wrote Andros a rather bitter
letter in which he said, "the worm has
turned." Andy whipped right back with, "the
worm may turns but it's still a worm."
Sanderson first gained fame when irate
U. of D. studeints seized him and shaved off
his hair as a result of a headline he ran in
the Varsity News.. It said: "DORAIS' WIN-
or words to that effect.
Then one bright afternoon came a letter to
Andrps, signed by Paul Sanderson, which said
in effect that U. of D. did buy their teams and

paid their athletes, so what; that Michigan was
a hell of a place anSI that Andy was no lilac
himself. Andy ran the letter, just as he got it.
Two days later a very irate Mr. Sanderson
appeared at the sports department and demanded
to know what it was all about. He denied writing
the letter and all knowledge of it as well. Andy
apologized and ran another letter from the
real Paul Sanderson to appease the closely-
cropped Titan and University of Detroit officials.
To top off the complicated inter-relationship
of the speakers tonight, there is the bitterness
which U. of D. has felt at being dropped from
Michigan State's football schedule - a move
many U. of D. supporters feel entirely unjustifi-
able and a kick in the face to their alma mater.
So tonight when Wismer, tops as far as I'm
concerned among the young radio announcers,
gathers Theiler, Andros and Sanderson together
foi a friendly sports chat about stuff in general,
you'll know things are smouldering underneath,
and who knows . . . maybe there'll be a small
obtain higher real wages, what? If they do
obtain- higher real wages, what?
Is it not true that the present troubles are
caused by the attempt to raise real wages? 'Can
this be done without altering property rights?
Are there at present rights to a job? Are there
rights to an adequate living? Are there rights to
decent working conditions? If not how can
they be secured? Who will lose if such rights
should become established? What will they
lose? Will such losses be resisted? Is the
threat of them being resisted? Does the middle

Merry Yet Honest Too
The Hampstead Community Players
present William Shakespeare's comedy
WINDSOR, acting arrangement by Har-
old Whitehall, directed by Truman
Smith, scenery and costumes designed1
by Thelma Teschendorf. Last per-
formance tonight at 8:30, Mendelssohn
AFTER you see the production of
this comedy at the Mendelssohn
it will be pretty much an academic
question with you-and not a very
important one-whether the charac-
ter of Sir John Falstaff is less en-
tertaining here than in the history
plays. Because the play comes
through as an extremely effective
comedy-with witty lines to carry the
farcical plot along.
The main climaxes of the play-
the scene where Sir John is carried
out in the basket of smelly linens,
and where he flees undignifiedly dis-
guised as the old woman of Bedford
-were completely realized by the
director. The whole play, indeed,
went along briskly with the accents
in the right places. In this produc-
tion the actors showed a response to
idea of technical means to bring out
their understanding of character.
This was especially true of Wal-
ter Badger's performance of Fal-
staff. He was able to make the quiet
comedy scenes, the descriptions of
his own discomfortures and his flesh-
ly burdens, accumuldtively funny.
Mabel Clair Gold and Barbara Van
Der Vort worked together with
charm and humorous by-play to
convince the audience as well as
their husbands that "Wives may be
merry, and yet honest too." Har-
old Whitehall gave an unusual qual-
ity of delicacy to Sir Hugh Evans.
Carl Nelson by the way he held his
strongest scene showed what he
might have done with the part with
more application. Nan Withrow had
a grasp of the characteristic rich-
ness of Shakespearean low comedy
parts. And, too, the minor charac-
ters got the idea of ensemble play-
ing. More attention should have
been given to the possibilities, both
comic and picturesque, of the masque.
The scenery was well adapted to
the swift movement of the play.
The faculty were there last night
in great numbers. Perhaps the stu-
dents don't realize that sometimes4
Shakespeare wrote a rousing low-i
brow comedy.
CAT, by Jolan Foldes. Farrar andy
Rinehart, New York.
The best thing to do before read-7
ing The Street of The Fishing Cat is
is to forget the most conspicuousi
thing about it-that it is the winneri
of the $19,000 prize of the Eleven Na-i
tions' Novel Contest. This pretentiousi
designation may arouse undue expec-I
tations and as a consequence case]
us to be unfair to its real virtues.
For while this story of a group of,
expatriates living in post-war Paris
is certainly not a "great" novel, it has
an indefinable charm which holds our
attention while we read it and makes
us remember it, although in a hazy
sort of way, after we have finished.
Miss Foldes tells the story of the
Hungarian Barabas family and their
fellow exiles, all of whom live in a
small Parisian hotel ,on the Street1
of the Fishing Cat. There is Un'cleh
Liiv, a Lithuanian socialist who has l
been a professor of mathematics. I
Uncle Bardichinov, a former Russian

banker, Pia Monica, the daughter oft
an Italian ex-cabinet minister, Pap-)
adakis, a Greek refugee from thel
Turkish war, and many more. We
never feel really acqainted with any 1
of these characters, not even with
Papa and Mamma Barabas and theirt
three children, not even with Anna,c
the eldest child and the story's hero-t
ine. Miss Foldes has a habit of tell-
ing us that one of her people pos-
sesses a certain quality and then
never showing us that trait in action.
Anna, she tells us, is a dreamer. Yet1
Anna seems to dream no more thane
most people. We must simlply acceptt
many of the author's state nents as
true without really being pe'suaded.
But this lack of depth in character-
ization is not as great a drawback as
one might suppose. The book is less
a story of individuals than the stoiy
of the thoughts and emotions of aC
class of people, the exiles from many
lands who came to Paris after the1
war and its subsequent dislocations.
The individual exile has hit little per-
sonality; the group of exiles has a
strong personality. We feel their.
restlessness, their homesickness, their
cpurage and resignation. When Anna
and her father return to Paris after
a futile effort to establish themseives
once again in their native Hungary.
we do not so much pity them for
their disappointment as we pity the
whole band of homesick men and
women who must find themselves
strangers now in their altered hom^-
lands as' well as in Paris. This in-I
tangible feeling of wistful nostalgiaj
is probably the one impression the t

(Continued from Page 2)
endeavor by all reasonable means
to insure conformity with the fore-
going standards of conduct.
(3) Advisory Functions of Com-
mittee on Student Conduct. Students
and student organizations may, if
they so desire, request the Committee
on Student Conduct to advise with
them regarding specific problems of
conduct and discipline.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for dropping a course
without record will be Saturday,
March 27. Courses may be dropped
only with the permission of the clas-
sifier after conference with the in-
structor in the course.
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Thursday, March
25, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 259 W. En-
gineering Building for students in
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and others interested
in future work in engineering. Dean
A. H. Lovell of the College of En-
gineering will be available for in-
dividual conferences. The next meet-
ing in the vocational series, to be
held on March 30, will be addressed
by Dean S. T. Dana of the School
of Forestry.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ients and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for Senior, Associate, Assistant and
Radio Engineer, salaries, $2,600 to

$4,600, for junior veteranarian, Bu-
reau of Animal Industry, Department
of Agriculture, salary, $2,00'0; for
Junior Supervisor of Grain Inspec-
tion, (not requiring degree), Bureau
of Agricultural Economics, Depart-
ment of Agricultural, salary, $2,000.;
For further .information concerning
these examinations, call at 201 M-
son Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2
to 4 p.m.
Summer Registration: Students
registered for summer positions may
report for Personal Interviews as
follows: A-F, inclusive, 4-6 Wednes-
day, March 24; G-M, inclusive, 4-6
Thursday, March 25. Dates for oth-
ers will be announced next week. In-
torviews at Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.
T. Luther Purdom, Director
University Bureau of Appoint
Bronson-Thomas Prize il (lmermal
(value about $30.)- open to all Lin-
dergraduate students in German of
distinctly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision
March 31 at 2 p.m. in 204 University
Contestants must satisfy the de-
partment that they have done the
necessary reading in German. The
essay may be written in Enlish or
German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from a
list of at least ten offered. The- list
will cover five chapters in the de-
velopment of German literature from
1750 to 1900, each of which will be
represented by at least two subjects.
Students .who wish to compete and
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediately
and obtain final directions.
Students who are interested in
preparation for teaching: Harvard
University is now offering the degree
of Master of Arts in Teaching in
nine fields of study. Descriptive leaf-'
lets about the new program of train-
ing for teachers may be obtained in
1210 Angell Hall.
Seniors of the School of Education:
Avoid that inferiority complex which
you will have if your name is not on
the class announcement. Pay your
class dues now to Dean Rea's secre-
tary, Room 4, University Hall.
Academic Notices
Playwriting (English 150): Read
Behrman's "The End of Summer" in
addition to "Idiot's Delight" for Mon-
day, arch 29. Writea paper only on
"Idiot's Delight."
Kenneth Rowe.
Nelson Eddy Concert Postponed:
On account of recurrence of laryn-
gitis, Mr. Eddy has been compelled to
postpone his March concerts, includ-
ing that announced for Ann Arbor.
The new date will be made public
as soon as arrangements are made.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower,
Thursday afternoon, March 25 at
4:15 p.m. .
'Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will play a spe-
cial program of music on the Hill
Auditorium organ Good Friday af-
ternoon, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. The

Publication in the -ulietin is construct ive notice to all memnbers of th
University. Copy received at the oflict f the A n-tant to the PresidoaM
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


Institute of Brain Research, Am-
sterdam, and Professor of Compara-
tive Neurology in the University of
Amsterdam, will lecture on "Vegeta-
tive Centers in the Brain"' on Mon-
day, March 29 at 4:15 p.m., in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. The lec-
ture .will be illustrafied with lantern
slides. The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Prof. C. P. Merlino
will give the last lecture on the Cercle
Francais program: "Du Francais a
l'Anglais: une petite promenade lin-
guistique," today at 4:'15 p.m., Room
103, University Language Bldg.
Dr. E. S. Brightman of Boston
University will give a lecture at the
First Methodist Church, today at 8
p.m. The subject is "Concerning
An Exhibiion of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. Th
public is pordially invited.
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture: An exhibition of the architec-
tural competition drawings for the
New York World's Fair of 1939 and a
collection of photographs of work
from the Alumni Association of the
American Academy in Rome are now
being shown in the third floor exhibi-
tion room of the Architectural Bldg.
Open daily 9 to 5 through March 27.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Luncheon for Graduate. Students
today at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea
Room of the Michigan League Bldg.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the His-
tory Department will speak inform-
ally on "The Political Situation in
Alpha Nu will hold its initiation for
new members this afternoon at 5 p.m.
in the chapter room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall. This will be
followed by a banquet at the Michi-
gan Union at 6 p.m. : All members
are expected to attend the initiation
and the banquet.
At 7:30 p.m. the same evening Al-
pha Nu will hold a joint meeting with
Athena. The program will consist of
a play, the cast of which is composed
of members of the two societies. All
friends are cordially invited to at-
tend this meeting.
Michigan Technic 'Tryouts: In-
stead of the usual tryout period
meeting on Wednesday afternoon at
5 p.m., all tryouts are cordially in-
vited to attend the annual staff ban-
quet to be held at the Michigan
League the same night at 6 p.m.
This banquet, March 24, will substi-
tute for a meeting. Please notify
office of your intention to attend by
Wednesday noon.
The University of Michigan Pub-
lic Health Club: There will be a meet-
ing today at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
Professor McClusky of the School of
Education will be the speaker. Prdfes-
sor McClusky is a man of wide ex-
perience in the field of mental hy-
giene and will speak on a subject of
his own choosing that will be of in-
terest to public health workers.
All students of public health and
their friends are cordially invited to
attend this meeting' and enjoy the
program with us.
Hunk Anderson, Michigan's newly
appointed football coach, will make
his first appearance to the students
of Michigan when he greets the Ren-
dezvous Men, today at 7:30 p.m. at

Lane Hall. All Rendezvous Men out!
Phi Tau Alpha: There will be a
meeting at 7:30 p.m. this evening
in the Michigan League Building. Ex-
cerpts from Plautus' "Menaechmi"
will be given. All members are urged
to be present. Faculty members are
cordially invited.
University Girls' Glee Club: Meet-
ing tonight at 7:30 p.m. Only those
who were present Sunday need come.
Songs should be memorized. We will
go over to the Union from the prac-
Contemporary: Brief but import-
ant meeting of assisting staff and
tryouts at 4 p.m. today in the Student
Publications Building.
The Suomi Club will meet today at
8 p.m. at Lane Hall. A very interest-
ing program will be presented.
Scabbard and Blade: Regular
meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m., Michi-
gan Union. Room posted. Uniform
Officers of the Junior Class, School
of Education will meet today at 4:30
n.m. in Room 2431 of the Vniversity



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