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March 24, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-24

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The Weather

Increasing cloudiness, fol-
lowed by rain in south, and
snow or rain in north portion.


Lit A

E ait

The Fight For Peace...
Repeal The Loyalty Oath...



'Bad Conduct'
By University
Committee Interpretation
Stresses Unchaperoned
Women Regulation
Liquor In Rooms
Is AlsoDeplored
A specific interpretation of the
Board of Regents' regulation regard-
ing the conduct of students was is-
sued yesterday by the Committee on
Student Conduct.
The Committee's interpretation of
the Board's regulations centered par-
ticularly on the presence 'of unchap-
eroned women guests in fraternities
and men's rooming houses, and the
use of or presence of intoxicating
liquors in student quarters, both of
which were "disapproved," but not
specifically forbidden.
The new regulations were prepared
by the Committee because of com-
plaints from students that the rules
as set by the Regents were too vague
and general. A similar set of regu-
lations was issued by the Committee
in 1934, but are superseded by the
present set in order to state more
precisely conduct disapproved by the
Student Obligation
The regulations of the Regents on
general standards of conduct which
the Committee sought to clarify state:
"Enrollment in the University carries
with it obligations in regard to con-
duct, not only inside but also out-
side the classroom, and students are
expected to conduct themselves in
such a manner as to be a credit
both to themselves and to the Univer-
"They are amenable to the laws
governing the community as well as
to the rules and orders of the Uni-
versity and- the University officials,
and they are expected to observe the
standards of conduct approved by
the University.
"Whenever a student, group of stu-
dents, society, fraternity or other stu-
dent organization fails to observe the
standards of conduct as above 'out-
lined, or conducts himself or itself in
sUch a manner as to make it apparent
that he or it is not a desirable mem-
ber or part of the University, he
or it shall1 be liable to disciplinary
action by the proper University au-
Specific Rules
The specific standards of conduct
set forth by the Committee in inter-
pretation of the Regent's general
standards are: "The presence of
women guests in fraternity houses,
men's rooming houses, or other men's
rooming quarters, except when chap-
erons approved by the University au-
thorities are present, is not in ac-
cord with the generally accepted
standards and conventions of society
and is disapproved.
"The use or presence of intoxicating
liquors in student quarters has a ten-
dency to impair student morale and
is contrary to the best interests of the
students and the University, and is
"Student organizations are expect-
ed to take all reasonable measures
to promote among their own mem-
bers conduct consistent with good
(Continued on Page 6)
Belief In God
Called Rational

By Brightman
Says Faith In Immortality
Is Justifiable By Reason
In Loud Lecture
Emphasizing that a belief in God
rests upon a rational basis, Prof. E. S.
Brightman of Boston University de-
clared that faith in the future of God
and immortality could be justified
by reason, in the third of four Martin
Loud lectures delivered last night at
the Methodist Church.
Professor Brightman maintained
that such a belief necessarily
stemmed from an acceptance of God.-
He reasoned that while the accept-
ance of God is not the only conclu-
sion which can be drawn from our
experience, it is one which our ex-
perience proclaims to be rational. And
since it is rational it is the most satis-
factory explanation because it makes
clear not only the physical but the
spiritual in man's existence.

First Michigras Drew $4,000;
'Sultan's Retreat' Was Big Hit

Prototype Held Ini 1905
Called Union Fair, Daily
Files Reveal
Exotic fantasy characterized the
1905 Union Fair, the original of to-
day's Michigras, for though it was
held in the now outmoded Waterman
Gymnasium such booths as "The Sul-,
tan's Retreat,"- the contribution of
Chi Psi Fraternity, lent an air of
glamor, according to The Daily files
of that year.
The total receipts of the forerun-
ner of the Michigras were $4,000, the
earnings coming from more than 40
sideshows sponsored by fraternities,
honor societies and other campus
organizations. The prize booth was
under the auspices of the Rocky
Mountain Club, which had fitted up
one corner of Barbour Gymnasium
in the manner of a typical western
saloon. They dispensed soft drinks
in Rock Mountain style, according to
roulette wheels to add to the sinister
the files, and had faro games and
Another booth was, the Phi Psi's
shoot the chutes, which proved a
knock-out in terms of 1905 con-
viviality. A large parade was held
the first day of the Fair, with many
floats and a steam caliope, which
was constructed by a senior engineer
and operated by steam from a thresh-
ing machine.
"A bare back rider galloped up and
down during the parade and the
Union To Open
Building Today
To All Students
Water Polo Match, Exhibit
To Feature Second Open
House; Rates Reduced
The second Union Open House of
this year will be held from 7 until
10 p.m. today.
The varied program offers -exhibi-
tions by four University departments
and one 'school, the Women's Glee
Club, a water polo match and Bob
Steinle's music, according to Burton
W. Wellman, Jr., '38, chairman of
the committee in charge.
The finals in the Interfraternity
bowling tournament, although not
sponsored by the open house commit-
tee, will be held during the three-
hour period.
A group of pictures from the Ath-
letic Administration collection will be
on display, Wellman said. Reduced
prices will prevail in the Tap Room.
The chemistry department's exhib-
ition will include an x-ray demon-
stration, in which welding will be ex-
amined for expertness and golf balls
for alignment of their centers, ac-
cording to Frederick A. Collins, '38,
member of the Union executive coun-
cil who is assisting in the manage-
ment of the open house.
A microscopic examination of pol-
ished metals and a device for testing
their hardness will also be featured
in this exhibition.
An oscillograph, which is used
for testing voices, will be included
in the electrical engineering depart-
ment exhibition. A miniature model
research room will also be included,
as well as a ring tossing game.
The geology department will ex-
hibit minerals, and the forestry
school will display pictures and car-
toons on conservation, The land-
scape design department exhibition
will feature miniatures of model
homes and gardens.

'beautiful girl' who had lived all
her life on a ranch, performed feats
of horsemanship that caused the
crowd to gasp," according to the ar-
ticle about the parade in The Daily,
The most recent Union Fair was
held in 1924 and its goal was enough
money to pay for a swimming pool in
the Union. It was held in Yost
Field House, which had just been
completed, and although it did not'
make enough money to pay for the
pool it took in $6,500, of which $3,-
000 was profit.
In general thihs fair was similar to
the Michigras, except that the lat-
ter is expected to pursue the circusE
idea more by having a ferris wheel
and a merry-go-round, according to
Willis H. Tomlinson, general chair-
man. The Michigras is being con-
ducted to raise money for a women'st
swimming pool and dormitories for
men, Tomlinson said.
e i e
Pick Connittee
At First Dinner
Temporary Board Chosen
To Organize Group;
Plan Meeting Mondayf
A temporary executive organizationt
committee was elected at the first
dinner meeting of the Independents
last night at the Union over which.
Bruce Telfer, '38, member of the
Executive Council of the Union, pre-l
It was decided by the 40 indepen-
dent men who attended to hold the
next meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday.
The group determined to have the
next gathering in the form of a
general and not dinner meeting in
order to include men who would be
unable to attend because of workt
during meal times.
The three junior members of the
temporary executive board are Mar-t
vin Sanderson, Irving Silverman and
Tuure Tenander; the two sophomores,
Marvin Reider and Edward Magdol;
the two"freshmen, Phil Westbrook'
and Jay Rockwell. Telfer was re-
tained as temporary chairman with
William Barndt, associate business.
manager of The Daily, and Richard
S. Clark, president of the Student
Christian Association, added to the
committee as senior advisers.
Songs were led by Barndt, a ques-'
tionaire to determine the interests ofa
the group was issued and a meeting
Friday was decided upon for the
executive committee.'
Many Persons
Los e Religion,
Brigitman Says
The impatient rejection of his-
torical Christianity characterizes a
great many people today, stated Prof.
Edgar Sheffield Brightman, of Boston
University, Martin Loud lecturer, yes-
terday at Natural Science Auditorium.
Although the Bible and the Church
have often beenneglected and re-
pudiated, Professor Brightman con-
tinued, they both have taken on new
life and have manifested new vigor
after periods of neglect and decay.
The Bible is the soul and the
Church is the body of Christianity,
he told his listeners. Christianity can-
not exist without either. Christianity
is unthinkable without a living re-
lation to the Bible and it is so social
in its essential spirit that it must ex-
press itself through a community of
believers, that is, a church.

By Neymeyer
Declares Undergraduates
Must Improve College
Sigma Phi Receives
Scholarship Award

Detroit's Labor Gathers
In Show Of C.I.O. Power;
Lewis, Chrysler To Meet


The college fraternity is one of the
nost misunderstood institutions in
America and the task of improving
its reputation lies heavily upon to-
Jay's undergraduates, Frederick H.
Neymeyer, former member of the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference and
authority on fraternity affairs, told
150 initiates at the Interfraternity
Council Initiation Banquet last night
in the Union ballroom.
Blaming "the demoralizing minor-
ity that gets all of the publicity," Mr.
Neymeyer declared that fraternities
offer to the country some of its great-
st leaders, but that despite the ad-
vantages of the fraternity the pub-
licity given this minority has given
the fraternity a bad name in the
public mind.
Bursley Awards Cup
"The improvement of scholarship
is one of the duties that Michigan
freshmen have to perform in order
to fulfill their obligation to the fra-
ternity as an institution," he said,
and exhorted the freshmen to do this
for their own good and the good of
their fraternities.
Previous to Mr. Neymeyer's speech
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley,
presented the Interfraternity Scho-
larship Cup to the freshman class of
Sigma Phi fraternity whose 1.92 aver-
age was the highest for last semester
of the 41 fraternities in the council.
Dean Bursley said that of the 700
freshmen pledged last fall only 62
fer cent of them were eligible for
Commends Winners
"This is not a large enough per
cent, nor does it represent all that
the fraternities can do," he said.
Commending the Sigma Phi's
standing, he pointed to the variability
of grades among fraternities, the low-
est pledge class scholastically having
made a .7 average.
Fraternity finances are better this
year than they have been since the
University began supervising them
two years ago, according to Prof. Ro-
bert P. Briggs of the economics de-
partment, fraternity financial ad-
visor. Professor Briggs told the fresh-
man that fraternity finances weren't
so sound as they had been told last
fall, but that he hoped by June only
one tenth of the fraternities on cam-
pus would be losing on their current
operating expenses. Last year about
one third lost money, he said.
George Cosper, '37, president of the
council expressed the hope that the
initiation banquet would become an
annual event for the presentation
Af the scholarship cup.
'Hunk' To Talk
With SCA Men;
May Tell Plans
Rendezvous Men To Start
Boxing Ticket Sale Drive
For Fresh Air Camp
Heartly (Hunk) Anderson, Michi-
gan head line coach, will make his
first public appearance here at 7:30
p.m. today in Lane Hall.
Anderson's appearance is not to be
a formal affair. He is the main
speaker in a program being planned
in connection with the Student Chris-
tian Association Rendezvous Men's
rally, which is the initial move in a
drive for ticket sales to the Michigan
Boxing Show April 1 in Yost Field
House. He will tell some of his
coaching experiences and may de-
scribe plans for Michigan's footbal]
team next year.
Following the speech Rendezvou
men will organize into teams for
ticket sales to the show. About 1
teams will compete in the Rendezvous
contest, with the winning team prom-
ised a venison dinner at -the, Michi-
gan Union by George G. Alder, di-
rector of the camp.

The contest between fraternity ant
sorority houses for silver loving cup:
that will go to. the houses selling
the most tickets to the show wa
well under way late yesterday. Delt
Gamma was leading the sororities
and Phi Kappa Sigma the fraterni-

Murphy Calls Principles
Of Strike At Chrysler's;
To LansingToday
Industrialist Keeps{
Stand On Eviction

Dewey Will Again Assist
Governor In Negotiating
For Peace With Labor
DETROIT, March 23.-(R)-Mich-
igan's automotive, peacemaker, Gov.
Frank Murphy, drew the pattern to-
night for a new "Lansing agreement,"
by which he hoped to induce 6,000 sit-
down strikers peacefully to end their
16-day occupancy of eight Chrysler
Corp. automobile plants here.
Walter P. Chrysler and John L.
Lewis, of the Committee for Indus-
trial Organization, accepted invita-
tions to meet with the governor in
Lansing tomorrow, but Chrysler add-
"We will not enter any 'trade to'
get the men out of the plants."
Dewey Helps
Lewis earlier had informed the
Governor he would be present, but
said. the invitation suggested "that I
confer under duress."~
The conference was scheduled for
11 a.m.
An injunction calling for the evic-
tion of the sit-down strikers was is-
sued in circuit court last week, but
no steps have been taken thus far
to enforce it.
James F. Dewey, federal Depart-
ment of Labor conciliator who aided
the governor in bringing about a set-
tlement of recent General Motors
strikes, hastened to Lansing tonight
to discuss Murphy's proposals to end
the Chrysler dispute. Details of the
solution considered by the Governor
were not disclosed.
While the labor titan and the in-
dustrial tycoon headed west from
Washington and New York respec-
tively, the deadlock in the strike af-
ecting. 10,000 Hudson Motor Car Co.
workers persisted. "Definite progress"
was reported in conferences attending
a strike involving 2,200 employes of
the Reo Motor Car Co. at Lansing.
More Legal Action
New legal action against "sit-
downers" was instituted in the courts
as a survey showed more than 2,100
sitters had been forced out of 24
stores, factories and a shipyard in
[llinois, Michigan, New York, Ken-
tucky and Connecticut since officials
first elected to use police against
them a month ago.
Judges issued injunctions directing
the evacuation of sitters encamped
in the Champion Shoe Co. in New
York and the Butler Steel Tank plant
in Kansas City.
Removal .of strikers from three
buildings and a subsequent police
check showing no such demonstration
was in effect in Chicago, prompted
hief John Prendergast of the uni-
formed force to comment:
"It looks like the day of the 'sit-
down' strike here is at an end."
Bud several other Chicago strikes
continued, among them the 19-day
valkout of cab drivers.
Daily celebrations of Holy Com-
munion will be held in St. Andrew's
Church at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday of Holy Week.

. _ .r

'IT-- --- . *~~ fhdkflA

'Union stmates u,VU
Detroit Labors
tbs Attend Gigantic Meeting
.Demonstration In CadillacSquare
Well-Ordered Martin Tells Ford
You Can't Stop Us
DETROIT, March 23.-(Special to Peacefulness Is Key Note
The Daily)-Organized labor demon-: Of CIO; Murphy Praised
strated as this nation has neveread Of
known before its strength and its ByHUAW
"solidarity" last night in Cadillac IT March 23.-()-r-
Square, the center of the "open shop" ganized labor broadcast a warning
city, Detroit. tonight-backed by a tremendous
Easily more than 200,000 men and outpouring of union members and
women, mostly dressed in the clothes sympathizers--that it was "going to
of working people cr'ammed the two get everything that is ours."
blocks of square between the court Thousands of men and women
house and the city hall. surged into Cadillac Square, heart of
The remarkable thing about this Detroit's downtown area, at the call
demonstration was not the boos of Homer Martin, president of the
that greeted each mention of the United Automobile Workers of Amer-
mayor and police commissioner who ica.
have been evicting sit-downers in Police estimated the crowd at 60,-
small Detroit concerns. They were 009 while -Union headquarters said
I t was- not the denunciations of their were 250,000 persons in the
"dastardly, scandalous, disgracefuldemonstration.
inhuman" working conditions. Shout- Bearing banners, singing, cheering
ing united automobile workers lead- and sometimes booing, but without
ers were expected to do this this. disorder, the mass of people tangled
It was not the threats of Homer traffic within a half mile radius of
Martin, president of the union, the square.
against Henry Ford and other in- 'Going To Get Ours'
dustrialists nor his pleas for united Martin, who ordered the demon-
political as well as industrial labor stration in protest against police
action. These too were expected. evicition of sit-down strikers in two
The remarkable thing about the small labor disputes Saturday, told
demonstration was that so many men the crowd:
and women, all of whom possess such "Reason and justice shall be in-
intense feelings and such bitter ani- stituted in this city, this state and
mosities, gathered peacefully, cheered f this nation.
and booed peacefully, paraded peace- "We as workers are going to get
fully, and dispersed peacefully. everything that is our, even if we
have to move every pDublic official


II Duce Assails
English Church
For Hyprocrisy
ROME, March 23.-(P)-Premier
Mussolini, acclaimed by his black-
shirted followers on the 18th anniver-
sary of the Fascist Party's founding,
hurled a charge of "hypocrisy" at
English church leaders today.
Standing on a balcony of the Palaz-
zo Venezia, Il Duce told a Fascist
throng that criticism by Anglican
churchmen of the Italian suppression
of an "Ethiopian outbreak was "hys-
terical, hypocritical oratory."
(The English Archbishops of Can-
terbury and York recently attacked
what they called the "general mas-
sacre" in Ethiopia after Ethiopians
had tried unsuccessfully to kill Mar-
shal Rodolfo Graziani, Italian vice-
"To the bad faith of others," Mus-
solini shouted, "We shall oppose our
indestructible will; to the castle of
lies of others, the gusts of our impetu-
ous and tempestuous truth; to the
blind hatred of others, our conscious
Press attacks on Italy in both Great
Britain and France, the Premier de-
clared, were "a tempest of printed
paper and an inundation of turbid
BAY CITY, March 23.--P)-The
funeral of Wendell Hartz, 7, who diedt
after a peanut lodged in his lung,
was held Tuesday.

out of office to get it. We are going
to get our just due."
Martin directed his remarks to
officials of the city and state, to
manufacturers and at one point to
Henry Ford.
Addressing himself to Ford, Martin
said: "You can't stop the union.
You can't keep your workers from
joining the union. The automobile
workers of this city and nation are
going to organize, and we are telling
you that it is going to happen. You
might as well get ready to do business
with your organized workers.
Addresses Couzens
Richard T. Frankensteen, organ-
izational director of the UAW called
the meeting the largest labor gather-
ing ever held in the United States,
and claimed that the Union had won
wage increases totaling more than
$150,000,000 in recent weeks.
Addressing Mayor Frank Couzens,
Martin said:
"Mr. Mayor, you join us in helping
eliminate the dastardly working con-
ditions of our people, and we'll quit
sitting down. Even a jackass has
enough sense to sit down when he is
Martin praised Gov. Frank Murphy,
who, he said, "has stood generally on
the principle of human rights above
property rights."
The gathering was entirely orderly..
Curtis Cancels Trip
Because Of Illness
Because of illness that two weeks
ago' sent him to the University hos-
pital, Dr. Heber D. Curtis, director
of University observatories, has been
forced to call off the trip he had
planned to make in June to the Pa-
cific to view a solar eclipse, it was
ymade known yesterday.
Prof. S. A. Mitchell of the Leander
McCormick observatory, University of
Virginia, who is heading the expedi-
tion, has been notified by Dr. Curtis
that he will be unable to make the

Play Production Is Worrying;
Pageantry And Dancing Needed

Permanent CCC Needs Broader
Employment Range, Allen Says

Calling for ballroom dancing, elab-
orate pageantry, and even a chris-
tening ceremony, the production of
"ftenry the Eighth" is causing no
little concern to the directors of the
music and dancing in the production,
which will be presented by Play Pro-
duction March 31, April 1-3.
Achilles Taliaferro, Grad., of the
School of Music, directing the music
in the play, has been finding it dif-
ficult to find authentic music of the
16th century. Finally he struck upon
the music of the ancient composers
Orlando Gibbons, William Bull, Arne
and John Bull who will supply all of

trumpet call before each curtain and
the roll of the snare drums through-
out the play-for the entrance of cer-
tain characters and to herald in im-
portant events.
A double quartet will sing the
choral part in the coronation and
christening scenes. Included in the
quartet are Mildred Olson, '37Ed.,
who will also do a solo, "Orpheus
with His Lute," and Lois Grieg, '38SM,
sopranos; Marguerite Creighton, '37-
SM and Norine La Barge, '38, con-
traltos; Thomas Williams and Mau-
rice Gerow, '38SM, tenors; and Donn
Chown, '38SM and Alexander Miller,

If the CCC is to be made a perma-
nent branch of the government, it
should have a better reason for exist-
ence than supplying employment for
sons of families on relief, Prof. Shir-
ley W. Allen of the School of Forestry
and Conservation, who has been con-
nected with camps operated by the
State Department of Conservation
and the National Park Service.
"Its establishment as a permanent
agency would, to me, seem advisable
only in case it would provide general
employment and would include all
classes of work. However, there is
still enough of an emergency existing
-_, _ -4'---;-- 4a c i f nnrlc

that the army would have a much
harder time taking over the technical
duties of the forest service and other
bureaus than these agencies would
have taking over the administrative
of the army," Professor Allen said. Ir
his opinion, the quartermaster and
accounting duties of the army woulk
be the most difficult to duplicate.
"Discipline in the camps," Professor
Allen said, "would probably not suf-
fer and on the other hand there would
be no criticism for militaristic ten-
A change in the name of the or-
ganization might be highly desirable,
Professor Allen suggested. "That is,
it would probably be more honest anc


Methodists To Sponsor
Third Morning Watch
The third in the series of morning
watches being held during Holy Week
in the League Chapel under the aus-
pices of a general committee repre-
senting the Congregational, the Dis-
ciples, Presbyterian, Methodist, Bap-
tist and Lutheran guilds is to be held
from 7:30 to 7:55 p.m. today.

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