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March 23, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-23

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5530'... -N
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 936-37
Published every morning except Monday during the
Unesity yearand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications .
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rgts of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, inc.
Clege Pablfserr Rerresetait
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfe Rechardu Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cumins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William . Shackleton,
rving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwater, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, RichardKnowe Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, arion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy haxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ited Advertising Manager.
Front Populaire
Against Fascism.
ment of France has been more
puzzling to a greater number of people since it
took office almost a year ago than any other
On Monday it is called communist, on Tues-
day persons say that it is "going to the right,"
on Wednesday it expropriates munitions plants,
and on Thursday it is granting business a
"breathing spell." Rumors of collapse are fol-
lowed by convincing demonstrations of its
Most of the confusion can be cleared up if
one bears in mind the function of the Front
Populaire-to stop fascism. When fascism threat-
ened in February, 1935, when the Stavisky scan-
dal broke a popular democratic demonstration
of great proportions was the germ of what today
is the Front Populaire.
The consideration of next importance in under-
standing contemporary French politics is the
composition, of the Front Populaire-Radical So-
cialists on the right, Communists on the left,
and Premier Blum and the Socialist Party in the
middle. No two can exist, as a government, with-
out the third; the defection of one will bring
the fall from power of the popular front, and
political turmoil in France.
With this in mind, we can look back upon the
policies and decisions of Premier Blum and his
cabinet, and evaluate more intelligibly their
success and failure-by success meaning that
which has strengthened French democracy and
served to defeat fascism.
First, chronologically, among the successes
was the ascent of wages and the improvement
of working conditions, provisions for which be-
came law. Just demands were granted in a
democratic manner to a section of the people
anxious to support a democracy if treated

Next must be noted the effective financial
measures-the currency stabilization agree-
ment with the United States and Great Britain,
the recent provision for free trading in gold,
and Bank of France reforms-which have con-
tributed to French business recovery and internal
stability. Conditions which breed fascism have
been mitigated considerably.
In the field of foreign policy one major suc-
cess may be listed. The Franco-Soviet Alliance
has successfully withstood attacks from at home
and abroad and remains an impressive caution
to militarist Germany.
In other foreign affairs the Blum govenment,
however, has acted in a manner to weaken de-
mocracy. The foreign office, under Yvon Delbos,
has. attached itself too closely to the policy of
England's Conservative government.
France has failed to discriminate between the
popular front government of Spain, a govern-
ment more in sympathy with its own ideals than
any other, and the outright fascist forces of
General Franco. It has blockaded the Spanish

Party, has assumed legality. As it has accepted
without active opposition the intervention of
Germany and Italy in Spain, so has it tolerated
the activities of the Croix de Feu at home.
The Front Populaire has demonstrated that it
has the strength to pursue the decisive policies
at home, and the stature to play a leading part
in international affairs. Doubt as to the firm-
ness of Radical ~Socialist support is plainly
the major factor in Blum's unworthy Spanish
policy, and hesitant dealings with Colonel de La
Rocque. But a lesson can be learned from the
history of the Social-Democratic party in post-
war Germany. Because that party did not
represent German democracy in foreign affairs,
and because it did not defend German democ-
racy with all its strength at home it succumbed
to fascism. It is Premier Blum's task to present
the laggards in the Front Populaire with the
most aggressive leadership to \insure that Ger-
man democracy's collapse shall not be repeated
in France.
To the Editor:
It is most unfortunate that Mr. Neal was forced
to martyr himself that the students and faculty
of the University might be made aware of a
situation which seems to be completely out
of line with the liberal ideas of education at
times expressed by President Ruthven.
In his letter of resignation, Mr. Neal stated
that the position of The Daily in relation to
the University should be made clear. This is
undoubtedly true, but who will do it, and how?
If Mr. Neal is correct in quoting Prof. McLaugh-
lin as saying that a part of a story had to be
deleted because "President Ruthven would not
like it," is there any possibility of The Daily's
editors making clear the relation between Pres-
ident Ruthven, the Board in Control of Student
Publications and The Daily?.
Yet the students who read and support The
Daily have a right to know whether or not the
paper is just an enlarged Daily Official Bulletin.
That the authority of the Board over The
Daily extends to censorship is natural: any pub-
lisher has the right to do as he pleases with the
paper he owns. But that the Board will reg-
ulate its own action by what President Ruth-
ven thinks is neither natural nor just. It is
in direct opposition to all ideals of a free press.
Do the members of the Board hold their personal
integrity, and the integrity of The Daily less than
President Ruthven's personal opinions simply
because he has the power to appoint the mem-
bers of the Board?
It would seem that they do, for even in the
story announcing Mr. Neal's resignation, The
Daily did not print the statement by Represen-
tative Glass which Mr. McLaughlin ordered de-
leted. May I be permitted to quote that state-
ment from the Detroit Free Press:
"Certainly I do not like the arbitrary measures
which Gov. LaFollette was forced -to employ in
order to bring the University of Wisconsin up to
the liberal thinking and progressive ideals of the
people, of Wisconsin. I sincerely trust that
nothing so drastic will be necessary for the State
of Michigan."
As I understand it, the function of The Daily or
any other newspaper is to print "all the news."
Rep. Glass's statement was news, particularly
in view of the fact that he had previously stated
that he would oppose appropriations for the Uni-
It is possible that this frank statement might
have proved offensive to President Ruthven. But
does the power to appoint the members of the
Board in Control, which is, in actual fact, a
corporation independent of the University, give
him the power to inflict upon it his personal
prejudices? If so, why is not The Daily incor-
porated with the University?
As a body particularly interested in the well-
being of the University, The Daily would seem
to have severe and frank criticism as one of its
prime functions. Otherwise it should be frankly
recognized as just another University Publica-
tion, on a part with the monthly bulletins and

the catalogue.
If the situation cannot be improved, it should
be clarified, so that the students of the Univer-
sity may know, how to interpret and under-
stand the stories which they read in the columns
of The Daily, and so that they may know whether
or not The Daily is worthy of their support.
-AAh Interested Student.
To the Editor:
With appropriate apologies to the author of the
words of "Duna," I submit the following:
When I was a grade-school lad,
With a shy smile on my lips,
Fain was I for taking
One, two fingered trips;
But now that I'm a college man,
I laugh o'er all the land,
For you and I can't go, Professor,
Though we raise our whole hand,
We cannot go to Lansing;
Here we stand!
-D. K. Arhar.
To the Editor:
Does Mr. Neal, by any chance, imagine that
he has made a noble gesture in resigning from
The Daily?
The reaction of many to all his publicity this
morning (and trust him to get it!) was: "Well,
spoiled little boy won't play any more because
he can't make all the rules.'
When Mr. Neal has about ten more years ex-
perience in newspaper work, he may come to

++#+# IT ALL
-- y Bonth Williams--- --
COLONEL BOB HENOCH was called from the
depthsof a comfortable arm chair one eve-j
ning last week by a bellowing from the library,
"Hey, Colonel, on the phone.".
The Colonel picked up the receiver leisurely
with his suavest "Hello."
"Hello, hello Bob, I'm just so glad to hear your
voice," trilled the other end of the wide. I'll bet
you don't remember me. What? You do, Oh Bob
.. Oh, no this is Betty Guggin from Bad Axe,
you know, me and Emaline . .."
Henoch caught his breath in quick gasps and
stammered, "Well, how are you, Betty old kid,
I'm glad you called, it certainly is good to hear
from you, how are things, how are you.."
"Bob, you know you told me if I ever was going
through to stop off, so I did. I'm down at the
Restaurant, oh, I guess it's the Parrot. Do you
want me to come over, or could you get down?"
Visions of a fat farm girl with city airs stomp-
ing into the House filled the Colonel's mind as he
almost shouted,
"No, you stay there, I'll be right down, this is
certainly a big surprise. See you soon, bye, bye."
The poor old Colonel threw on a tie, squinted
at himself in the mirror and then rushed out of
the house. Half way down the street, he had
an idea and stopped at the Lawyer's Club.
Y: 1 t4 3
"You remember her, Sharpy, a little fat girl
in Bad Axe, I took to a dance. Maybe I did
kid her a little, but now she's come, she's here
in town, will you go with me and try to get rid
of her, old man."
Graf started to laugh, "Sure, I remember. Bo-
dor had a date with Emaline and you took them
to a dance and had a few beers and promised
to show 'em Ann Arbor. Now you're really in it."
"Old man, you won't let me down, you'll go
with me, I can't do it alone, I don't even remem-
ber what she looks like," the Colonel pleaded.
"Good lord, all right wait till I get a clean
shirt, she isn't so bad, just a little bumpkinish.
She probably wants to marry you, you're the type,
All the way over, Sharpe and the Colonel dis-
cussed ways and means of getting the belle of
Bad Axe back on a train to someplace in a
hurry, "without anybody seeing her," as the
Colonel put it.
"How long's she staying?" Sharpe queried.
"Lord, I don't know, you don't suppose she's
planning to stay overnight?"
"Probably, these farm people usually make long
visits. You can have her up to the House for
Sunday dinner."
"For Lord's sake, Sharpe, it isn't funny. Here
we are, look, you stand near the door and I'll
look through the booths. What the hell does she
look like?"
Sharpe took his stand by a baffleboard in the
front of the place and watched two fellows and a
girl intently studying the progress of the bounc-
ing balls.
Henoch, hat in hand, made the circuit of the
booths, peering into each one cautiously and
finally gave it up. She wasn't there. As he re-
turned to the door he saw Sharpe in animated
conversation with a girl. The Colonel looked at
Sharpe, the girl looked at him, and then Sharpy
broke out, "Here's Betty, Bob,. you walked right
by her."..
Henoch was visibly embarrassed at his own
stupidity and apologized, "Gee, it's so dark in
here I walked right by, how've you been any-
way, Betty, you're certainly looking swell. How's
"She's just fine, Bob, and Uncle Henry . . .
ha, ha, oh Lord, ha, ha, ha .. "
The Colonel looked at Betty in bewilderment
as she broke out into great gulps of laughter;
behind him he heard snorts and turning saw
Sharpe in convulsions, supported by the two
baffleboard enthusiasts-none other than Freddy
George and Pete Boder.
The whole place rocked with roaring guffaws
and suddenly the whole thing downed on the Col-
one.He had been royally hoaxed.

upon his keeping his job, he will probably learn
to take the bitter with the sweet and make the
best of it. When that time comes, he will cease
being a spoiled little boy and become a man.
Darlington, Mich.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The letters printed
above constitute the sum total of the corre-
spondence on the subject. In reply to the
request stated in the first letter, may we
clarify the situation with the following facts:
(1) The Board in Control of Student
Publications, as agents for the President of
the University and the Board of Regents, is
the publisher of The Daily.
(2) The Board rests implicit confidence
in the judgment of the senior editors, whom
it selects, td determine the content of the
news and editorial columns of The Daily,
and will not interfere in the exercise of
their judgment so long as that confidence
continues unbroken.
(3) The news columns of The Daily serve
no special interest, and are edited with the
sole consideration of what constitutes legit-
imate news, and the editorial columns ex-
press the opinion of only the students re-
Until the incident referred to, at no time
this year (the only period about which we
can speak from personal experience) has a
member of the Board supervised an article
before its appearance. In this instance,
however, confidence in the particular editor
involved had been lost and it had previously
'r..ardy, Ar.d toA r, ~liPVry himv, of t+1-, acnnn -

THEATRE Somerset Maugham
Doubleday Doran $2.50.
The not-beautiful, but sophisticated
and glamorous Julia Lambert pur-
sues her well-defined course of ar-
tistic wiles through some 292 pages
*of Mr. Maugham's latest novel. It is
purpotedly a story of "a woman's in-
nermost life," the lovers, the domestic
problems, the triumphs and defeats
of a highly sensitized and very famous
London actress. Julia was born of
humble parents, and once her fame
was assured, she took rather acid
delight in telling respectable dinner
parties that her father was a veter-
inary; but she climbed far from her
humble beginnings, and under the
keen dramatic eye of first her man-
ager and later her husband, she
learned the art of knowing "when to
pause and how long to hold it." On
the stage Julia is a success. We know
it; we are told repeatedly of the en-
cores which follow her performances,
of the queues that wait all day out-
side the theatre, of the critics, plau-
dits, of the autograph hunters. She
could outact any member of the cast
whom she did not like or was jealous
of; she could reduce her manager,
her husband, and her infant son to
tears by her stirring performances.
But once off the stage, Julia, as a
character, ceases to live; and he feels
that Mr. Maugham has suddenly
come into the foreground. At times
he seems to act the part of a catalytic
agent speeding up the action, and
again he is like a sieve through which
all emotions must be strained before
appearing on the printed page. And
let Julia but get in bed with her
lover, and.he is in the middle.
After years of passionate adoration
of her husband, who is apparently
incapable of returning anything in
like measure, Julia becomes enamored
of a young accountant in her hus-
bands theatrical office who has little
to recommend him save physical
charm, and a penchant for actresses.
The affair develops inevitibly and pro-
gresses to its bitter end, Julia being
some 20-odd years older than he.
One of the high points of the book is
the description of a week-end spent
in the country when Julia invites
him down with the announced intent
of having a companion for her son,
and that is exactly what he turns out
to be.
The book comes to no definite end,
nor is it intended to. Julia the Great
lives and learns and, finally comes
to the conclusion which the reader
has reached long before, that her
everyday life is not the real one, and
that true reality can exist only on the
stage. Her only aim and mission in
life being the enactment of that
reality befire a shadowy and sub-
stanceless group known as the au-
dience. Her son hits the nail on the
head when he says "You don't exist,
you're only the innumerable parts
you've played. I've often wondered if
there was ever a you, or if you were
never anything more than a vehicle
for all these other people that you've
pretended to be. When I've seen you
go into an empty room I've some-
times wanted to open the door sud-
denly, but I've been afraid to in ease
I found nobody there."
The writing is precise and clever.
And if Julia, her husband, and her
lover seem at times a little empty-
minded, we can all agree that it is a
fine thing Mr. Maugham is so handy
with his tongue. These people have
been endowed with sophistication,
poise, wit, and glamour; and although
realism may have been slighted a
little, all the attributes are here which
make for pleasant reading between
the cocktail hour and din1mr.

VOL. XLVII No. 124
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-,
ing will be held today at 4:15 p.m. in
Rooh 1025 Angell Hall for students
in the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts and others interested
in future work in music. The meeting
will be addressed by Prof. E. V. Moore
of the School of Music.
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Thursday, March
25, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 259 W. En-
gineering Building for students in
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and others interested
in future work in engineering. Dean
A. H. Lovell of the College of En-
gineering will be available for in-
dividual conferences. The next meet-
ing in the vocational series, to be
held on March 30, will be addressed
by Dean S. T. Dana of the School
of Forestry.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for dropping a course
without record will , be Saturday,
March 27. Courses may be dropped
only with the permission of the clas-
sifier after conference with the in-
structor in the course.
Summer Work: Additional regis-
tration will be held this evening, at
7 p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall, for
all students interested in summer ed-
ucational and recreational camp po-
sitions. This will be the last regis-
tration period for this year, and is
intended for those students who were
unable to be present last Tuesday. -
T. Luther Purdom, University
Bureau of Appointments.
Summer Registration: Students
registered for summer positions may
report for Personal Interviews as
follows: A-F, inclusive, 4-6 Wednes-
day, March 24; G-M, inclusive, 4-6
Thursday, March 25. Dates for oth-
ers will be announced next week. In-
t:rviews at Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.
T. Luther Purdom, Director
University Bureau of Appoint-
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
(value about $30.)-open to all un-
dergraduate students in German of
distinctly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision
about April 1, 1937 (exact date to
be announced two weeks in advance).
Contestants must satisfy the de-
partment that they have done the
necessary reading in German. The
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from a
list of at least ten offered. The list
will cover five chapters in thede-
velopment of German literature from
1750 to 1900, each of which will be
represented by at least two subjects.
Students who wish to compete and
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediately
and obtain final directions.
Students who are interested in
vreparation for teaching: Harvard
University is now offering the degree
of Master of Arts in Teaching in
nine fields of study. Descriptive leaf-
lets about the new program of train-
ing for teachers may be obtained in
11210 Angell Hall.

peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. Thti
public is cordially invited,
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture: An exhibition of the architec-
tural competition drawings for the
New York World's Fair of 1939 and a
collection of photographs of work
from the Alumni Association of the
American Academy in Rome are now
being shown in the third floor exhibi-
tion room of the Architectural Bldg.
Open daily 9 to 5 through March 27.
The public is cordially invited.
;vents Today
Physics Colloquium: Dr. R. L.
Thornton will speak on "Some Re-
cent Experiments with the Cyclotron"
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1041 E. Physics Building.
Botanical Journal Club: Today at
7:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. The pro-
gram will be in charge of Dr. C. A.
Arnold and will consist of reports
by Mr. Roy Chatters, Mr. James
Merry, Miss Lois Lillick, and Mr.
W. E. Atkinson.
Adelphi meets this evening at 7:30
p.m. in the Adelphi room. The top-
ic for the freshman debate will be
discussed. It'is: "Resolved, that the
use of the sit-down strike is a justi-
fiable instrument of labor." The
meeting is open to all who wish to
take part in the discussion. Those in-
terested in the work of Adelphi are
especially invited.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to-
night at 7:30 \p.m. followed by re-
freshments and smoker. Please bring
all words to songs.
The Freshman Luncheon Clubs will
meet as usual at 12 noon in the Union.
Girl's Swimming Club: Will all the
girls who are signed up to swim in
the meet tonight please be at the
Union by 7:30 p.m.
The Deutscher Verein will meet to-
day at 8 p.m. at th Michigan League.
The committee has planned a "ge-
muetlicher Abend:" Members of the
organization are urged to be present
and to bring a friend. The meeting
is open to all who are intersted.
Polonia Circle: There will be a get-
together party on this evening at 7:30
p.m. at Lane Hall. Games and danc-
ing. All Polish students are invited.
Sigma Rho Tau: Prof. C. W. Good,
Asst. Director of the Engineering Re-
search Department, will speak at the
meeting today at the Union at 7:30
All students in public health nurs-
ing: There will be a meeting at 3 p.m.
today in Room 20, Waterman Gym-
nasium, to hear Miss Virginia Jones
speak on "The Function and the
Silver Jubilee of the National Or-
ganization of Public Health Nurs-
Bartered Bride: There will be try-
outs for all parts in this operetta to-
day at 2 p.m. at the Laboratory
Theatre. Everyone interested please
be sure to be present at this time
if possible.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Section
will meet this afternoon at 2:15 p.m.
in the Alumnae Room of the Michi-
gan League.
Christian S e i en c e Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.

Cnting IEvents
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, March 24, at 12
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Pro-
fessor Preston W. Slosson of the His-
tory Department will speak informal-
ly. on "The Political Situation in
A.S.M.E. Members: On account of
the Union Open House, the eliIina-
tion reading of the Chicago Confer-
ence papers will not be held until
Thursday evening, March 25, at 7:30
p.m. in the Michigan Union. A good
attendance is urged to help judge
these papers.
Mechanical Engineering magazines
for March and past months are avail-
able in the Mechanical office, Room
221, W. Eng. Bldg.
Contemporary: Brief but import-
ant meeting of assisting staff and
tryouts at 4 p.m., Wednesday in the
Student Publications Building.
Phi Tau Alpha: There will be a
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdayeve-
Ling, March 24, in the Michigan
League Building. Excerpts from

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vnversity. Copy received at.the o1fe of the AsslitAnt to the Preaideaz
unil 3:M3; 11:00 am. on Saturday.

Academic Notices,
90 Providence History 12, Lee. 11, Midsemest
Thursday, 10 a.m., March 25: M
Stores Closed Slosson's and Mr. Reichenbach's
101 Economics. All others in N
Byl tural Science Auditorium.
General Strike Hits All But Nelson Eddy Concert Postpone
On account of 'recurrence of lary
Food And Drug Stores; gitis, Mr. Eddy has been compelled



postpone his March concerts, includ-
ing that announced for Ann Arbor.
(By The Associated Press) The new date will be made public
Major department stores and scores as soon as arrangements are made.
of apparel shops in Providence, R.L.,
were closed Monday night to pre- Lectures
Easter business as officials strove to U
end a day-old city-wide store strike., University Lecture: Prof C. U. Ar-
Withonl foo an dru esab-iens Kappers, Director of the Central
With only food and drug estab- Institute of Brain Research, Am-
lishments exempted by John L. Lewis' sterdam and Professor of Compara-
Committee for Industrial Organiza- tive Neurology in the Universisryf
tion in its announced dive to enroll Amsterdam, will lecture on "Vegeta-
the 12,000 Providence store workers, tive Centers in the Brain" on Mon-
approximately 90 of the city's 1,400 day, March 29 at 4:15 p.m.,' in Na-

stores already were under lock andl
The shopping district presented
something of a holiday atmosphere
with smiling pickets, including many
women parading in front of all open
shops until one after another closed
their doors.
Gov. Robert E. Quinn, in efforts
to effect an early settlement, called
the disputants together and told
them the public must be considered
After several hours deliberation the
store owners agreed to grant pay for
hnliravc and A anln,.4-.,-mnrrl-.fnr *n.

tural Science Auditorium. The lec-
ture will be illustrated with lantern
slides. The public is cordially invited.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. R. C. Wil-
liams, of The Ironsides Company,
Columbus, Ohio, will lecture on the
topic "The Physical Properties of
Lubricant Films" at 4:15 p.m. today
in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The
lecture is under the auspices of the
University and the American Chemi-
cal Society. It is open to the public.
French Lecture: Prof. C. P. Merlino

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