-The Weather
Rain today and tomorrow;
not much change in tempera-
YI r
Front Populaire
Against Fascism .
Court Plan Would
Anpair Judiciary,
Chief Justice Says
Hughes Says High Judges Students To Rally
Will Function Efficiently o Support Plan
With No Additions Toupor_ Pan
Program Supported
By Retiring Jurist
Van Devanter, Brandeis,
Oppose Court Proposal;
Wallace Backs Plan
WASHINGTON, March 22-UP)_-
Chief Justice Hughes bluntly declared
today that to increase the member-
ship of the Supreme Court would "im-
pair" its efficiency.
His words, read to the Senate Ju-
diciary Committee, had scarcely been
digested by those who heard them
when John H. Clarke, only living re-
tired member of the court, declared in
a radio speech that President Roose-
velt's court reorganization proposal
was "clearly constitutional."
Neither of the two venerable jurists
passed judgment on the policies in-
volved in the plan. Hughes confined
himself to the mechanics of court
procedure, asserting the tribunal was
not behind in its work and could
function more efficiently without ad-
dition of new members.
Clarke, who retired from the court
in 1922, confined himself to the
"naked legal question" of constitu-
tionality and asserted the proposal
"is plainly within the powers granted
to the Congress."
Speaks From San Diego
Clarke spoke from San Diego, Calif.
Fifteen minutes later, Secretary Wal-
lace told a farm bureau audience at
Richmond, Va., that the President's
proposal was a "simple and effective"
method of assuring progress of na-
tional welfare. He said recent deci-
sions of the Supreme Court blocked
-. attemnpts o o te Roosevelt adminis-
tration to erect "necessary safeguards
for agriculture and industry."
Hughes' statement, to which Asso-
ciate Justice Van Devanter and Bran-
deis agreed, was thrown dramatically
into the tense hearings of the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee by Senator
Wheeler (Dem., Mont.), the first wit-
ness to appear in opposition to the
Seeks Justices' Opinions
Opposition senators had long been
seeking to getman expression of opin-
ion from the high bench, believing it
would lend powerful support to their
cause, and they were obviously happy
over the Hughes decl.aration.
Wheeler, asserting that he had
been "shocked and surprised" by the
President's proposal and by charges
that the court's work was hindered
by the age of its members, told the
committee that he had gone "for the
facts to the one source that could be
expected to know them better than
anyone else."
Letter Received From Hughes
From the Chief Justice, he re-
ceived a letter which asserted that
"the court is fully abreast of its
work," that "there is no congestion of
cases upon our calendar," that the
work of reading petitions for review
is "laborious" but adequately handled.
"An increase in the number of jus-
tices, apart from any question of
policy, which I do not discuss, would
not promote the efficiency of ,the
court." the Hughes letter said. "It is
believed that it would impair the effi-
ciency so long as the court acts as a
Student Press
Group To Meet
Here In May
The Michigan Interscholastic Press
Association will hold its annual con-
vention here May 13, 14 and 15, Prof.
John L. Brumm, chairman of the
journalism department, announced
The convention, Professor Brumm
said, will attract about 450 editors
and advisers of high school publica-
tions from 50 different publications'
on the association's list. Professor
Brumm pointed out that a change
this year from previous programs
will be the judging of the high school
papers on their editorial make-up.
A reception and dance for the vis-
ifinn nnupn,,finn an ffanrirln ,,c wnill thp
NEW YORK, March 22.-Y)-Jo-
seph P. Lash, executive secretary of
the American Student Union. said
tonight that organization had de-
cided to call a rally of its members
in 150 American colleges at noon on
April 13 to support President Roose-
velt's move to "enlarge the Supreme
Court to lift the judicial blockade on
human rights."
Lash said the Union's executive
committee voted to call the nation-
wide rally after learning of attempts
of "a handful of students" to cre-
ate the impression that students gen-
erally were opposed to liberal action
of the Supreme Court.
He said the rally would not be a
departure from the union's an-
nounoed non-political stand, but was
based upon a belief that desirable
social and economic legislation which
the Union supports cannot be real-
ized until the court's power is limited.
Nazis Did Not
Keep Pledges, t
Pope Declares
Germans Forbid Comment
About Message; Retract
Beobachter Editorial
BERLIN, March 22.-(AP)-Startled
German officialdom tonight forbade
comment on Pope Pius' surprise en-
cyclical message accusing the Nazi
regime of breaking pledges to the
Catholic Church and fostering pa-
ganism. until the government has
had full time to consider all conse-
Editorial reaction appeared in only
one newspaper, Chancellor Hitler's
Voelkischer Beobachter, but officials
described it as unauthorized arid or-
dered it withdrawn from later edi-
Foreign Office Irritated
The Foreign Office was particularly
irritated by implied suggestions in
the editorial that treaties and agree-
ments can be changed at will.
The newspaper avowed that at con-
clusion of the 1933 Concordat with
the Vatican, "the State could not
know how the Church would later
interpret its provisions," and added
that "even an agreement with the
Holy See has not sacrosanct, un-
touchable and eternal value."
This interpretation aroused fears,
one informant said, lest Germany's
signature be discounted on other in-
terstate documents. For this reason,
the editorial was withdrawn.
German authorities admitted that
they were taken by surprise by the
encyclical letter.
Police Watch Suspects
Germany's secret police were re-
ported watching persons whom they
suspected of delivering excerpts of
the papal letter to foreign correspon-
So far as official opinion was ap-
parent, there seemed an inclination
tonight to seek by mutual agreement
an amendment to the Vatican con-
cordat-which pledged the right to
instruct on religion to the Church
and delegated economic education to
the state.
The Reich Government, according
to Foreign Office circles, does not
want the odium of outright can-
Read in German Catholic churches
yesterday"the complete message was
released at Rome today. In even
stronger terms than the Berlin for-
eign correspondents had been allowed
to report, the Pope declared that in
Germany existed "a state of spiritual
oppression such as never before has
been witnessed."
Declares Blast Caused
By Gas Beneath Floor
NEW LONDON, Texas, March 22.
-(AP)-A military inquiry into the
London school explosion which killed
455 children and teachers ended dra-
matically late today with the formal
opinion of Dr. E. P. Schoch, explo-
UAW Defers
Plan To Call
General Strike
Workers Warn Employers
They 'Are Not Bluffing
In This Matter'
Union Heads Plan
Huge Mass Meeting
United Automobile Workers deferred
a decision on a general automotive
strike in Detroit tonight, but at the
same time asserted "we are not bluff-
ing in this matter.":
The union this afternoon charged
that the Chrysler Corp. whose eight
plants here are held by sit down1
strikers, had "deliberately withheld"
evidence in "contemptuous disregard
of a Senate committee subpoena.
The evidence, the Union claimed,
concerned blacklisting of employes
for union activities and espionage,
matters that Senator Robert M. La-
Follette's special Committee on Civil
Liberties is investigating.
Hutchinson Denies Charges
B. E. Hutchinson, chairmanof the!
Chrysler Finance Committee, denied
the charge and countered with an al-
legation that "the UAW appears to
have added the crimes of breaking
and entering and burglary to their
already illegal seizure of our plants."
Police, continuing their raids on
sit-down strikers in the face of a
UAW threat of a general automotive
strike ejected 25 men from a print-
ing plant and 19 persons from a city
welfare office today.
Homer Martin, UAW president
who issued the ultimatum of a gen-
eral strike, to be called today unless
police desisted in their campaign
against smaller struck plants, said a
decision "probably would not be
reached tonght."
To suggestions that the Union'
was "bluffing," he replied that "Gen-
eral Motors thought we were bluff-
ing and Chrysler thought we were
bluffing. We are not bluffing in
this matter, either."
Plan Huge Mass Meeting
Outwardly; the UAW officials were
concentrating on plans for a huge
cmass meeting to be held tomorrow
evening at Cadillac Square despite
the city council's refusal of a per-
Ed. Hall, second vice-president of
the Union, said: "We don't give a
whoop about the permit; we'll be
there anyway." Martin said between
100,000 and 200,000 would participate,
to "show labor's strength" and to
demand that the police "Stop strike-
breaking brutality."
Martin's commenting on the pos-
sibility of a general automotive strike!
said: "if we declare a general strike,
it will be a general strike."
DETROIT, March 22.- () - A
"general strike" in the automotive in-
dustry in Detroit, if made effectual by
the United Automobile Workers of
America, would immediately add ap-
proximately 200,000 persons to the
90,000 already idle here as a result of!
the Chrysler and other strikes that
have been in progress more than a
Extended to the Ford plants and
General Motors' Detroit units, the
total easily could reach 400,000.
Thousands of workers in other
cities woud be affeceted almost at the
same time, for "stop" orders would
go out immediately to parts and ac-
cessories manufacturers the instant
the motorcar industry's assembly!
lines ceased moving.
In Detroit, there are more than ,-2
000 plants with operations dependent
almost exclusively upon the automo-
bile industry.
As Big Motive
Of Unionists
Chrysler Strikers Desire
'Potent And Invincible'
Labor Organization
Striker Describes
'Jail-Like' Work'
Why is the United Automobile
Workers Union risking its life in the
Chrysler Corporation to achievea a
sole bargaining contract?
An answer to this question was
sought yesterday from men in the
picket line at the Chrysler Highland
Park plant and from an official at the
union headquarters. The answer
may be summarized in one word:
To the men in the picket line power
means security on the job, ability to!
find satisfaction for felt grievances,
ability to achieve maximum possible1
wages at minimum possible discom-
fort or effort. To leaders of the
union power means an established.
potent and invincible organization.
"You can't be sure about things-
about your seniority rights, about the
things you'd like improved on the
job," a fender department worker
DETROIT, March 22.-' - s
..Other developments _oday
included the rejection by Chrysler
Corp. conferees of a union pro-
posal to settle the Chrysler strike
on the basis of the UAW-GM
agreement, which provides Or-
tually exclusive bargaining rights
for six months.
in the picket line said. "You don't
know what it's like inside, just read-
ing the papers. It's like a jail, you
can't speak to anyone, can't even get
a drink of water. (Referring to coi-
ditions of work while the plant is in
"What would happen to us if we
lose the strike?" another picket re-
plied. "It would be just plain hell
for us and for the bosses too. We'd
be having little sit-downs all the
time, union men protesting against
anti-union men. We'd fear our or-
ganization was being undermined by
the bosses. There'd be lots of trouble,
all the time.
"With a sole bargaining contract
we wouldn't have to fear these things.
We'd be sure of our union, sure of
our job, sure we'd be respecte: as
human beings with rights like anyone
Down at the union headquarters
Henry Kraus, editor of the United
Automobile Workers, official newspa-
per of the organization, put it this
way: The UAW wants a sole bargain-
ment heads.
(Continued on Page 2)
Daily Columnist
To Feature Show!
Bonth Williams, Daily columnist,
will be featured between bouts at
the Michigan Boxing Show to be
held Thursday, April 1, in Yost Field
House, it was announced yesterday
by Walter Luszki, '37, director of the
event to raise funds for the Fresh
Air Camp.
Williams said last night that he had
accepted an invitation to give brief
talks between bouts. Through an
amplifying system, he will present
snatches of campus talk, and hu-
morous incidents.
He will also point out students in
the audience, well-known or other-
wise, he said. Among those who have
signified intentions of being present
are President Ruthven and Prof. Wil-
bur R. Humphries, assistant dean of
the literary college.
Janet Allington, Barbara New Hospital Union
Lovell, Berta Knudson Denies Strike Plans
Given Scholarships DskP s
Triple Basis Used Rumors that employes of the
T~pe UI University Hospital were planning a
F r Pstrike were denied last night by
or Presentations members of a union of hosnital em- I
Senior Honor Societies
Tap 35 Junior Women;
3 Given League Awards
Activity Cup Presented To
Delta Gamma; Name
Undergraduate Council
List W.A.A. Board
Members For 1937
Installation Dinner Theme
Is University Centennial;
Anderson, Lloyd Speak
Sixteen junior women were tapped
for membership by Mortarboard and
Three Recipients Are All
Prominent In Activities
And Honor Societies
Berta Knudson, '38, Janet Alling-
ton, '38, and Barbara Lovell, '38, were'
awarded the three Ethel McCormick
Scholarship Awards of $100 each at
the Installation Banquet held last
night at the League.
The awards are given for participa-
ticn in activities, good scholarship
and need. This is the second year
they have been offered to members
of the junior and sophomore classes
and are incorporated in the League
undergraduate fund. .
Prominent In Activities E
Miss Knudson, a member of the As-
sembly board, worked on the decora-
tions committee for the Freshman
Project in her first year on campus.
She was chairman of the costume
committee for the 1935 Sophomore
Cabaret and was a member of the
costume committee for the Junior
Girls Play. She was chairman of
decorations for Assembly Ball and
was on the decorations committee
for the League Fair. Last year she
was vice-president of Alpha Alpha
Gamma, honorary architectural sor-
ority and this year she is the pres-
ident-elect. Miss Knudson was tapped
by both Mortarboard and Senior So-
ciety last night.
Secretary- Treasurer Named
Miss Allington, affiliated with Col-
legiate Sorosis, is the newly-installed
secretary treasurer of the League.
She was ticket chairman for the
Junior Girls Play and had a lead
in the production. She has been in
the Stanley Chorus for three years
and is a member of the Choral Union
at present. In her second year she
was music chairman for the sopho-
more Cabaret and has been on the
Women's Athletic Association board
for two years. She is secretary of
Wyvern and a new member of Mor-
Miss Lovell, a member of Wyvern,
has been on the women's staff of The
Daily for three years. She worked
on the orientation committee as an
adviser last fall, was on the publicity
committee for the Junior Girls Play
and is a member of Theta Sigma Phi,
honorary journalism sorority. She is
a new member both of Senior Society
and Mortarboard.
Future Of Race
Lecturer Says
Prof. Edgar S. Brightman
Says Scientists Can Not
Scientific 'knowledge of the future,
exact and reliable as it is, gives no '
light of the future of humanity and
Christianity, Prof. Edgar Sheffield
Brightman of Boston University,
IMartin Loud Lecturer, told his au-
dience yesterday in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
Science shows us a vast framework
of possible choices, Professor Bright-
man said, but it does not point out
what the choices will be; it abstains
from revealing what the human spirit
will do within the framework.
"Christian faith rests on facts, but
the facts on which it rests are the
facts of moral and religious exper-
ience, not the facts of physics and
chemistry," he said. "Not that God
and religion have nothing to do with
matter; but rather that matter is a
revelation of God and an instru-
ment of religion only in so far as it
expresses and realizes values."
Murphy Urges Passage
The union was formed last night
in Union Hall, and is a branch of
the American Federation of Labor.
Frank C. Snyder, national vice-pres-
ident of the American Federation of
State, County and Municipal em-
ployes, was the representative of the
American Federation of Labor at the
meeting, a member of the union
Sixty-three members of the hos-'
pital staff were enrolled in the or-
To Dine Today;
Discuss Plans1
Unorganized Men Invited,
To Attend Dinner; Will'
Plan Organizationa
Continuing in the campaign to pro-1
vide a vital and permanent organi-
zation for independent men, the In-1
dependents will hold their first dinner
meeting at 6:15 p.m. today in Room
116 at the Union.
Plans for permanent organization
of the independent men on the.cam-
pus, suggestions for primary inter-E
ests of the men and a program forI
immediate fupctional activities will
be discussed at the dinner.
Committee Named
The student committee in charge1
of the arrangements of the dinner,1
selected at the first meeting of the
group last week, are William Barndt,
'37, associate business manager of The'
Daily; Bruce Telfer, '38, member of
the Executive Council of the Union
which sponsored the organization of
independent men, and Richard S.
Clark, president of the Student Chris-
tian Association.
All independent men interested in
participating in formulating the
foundation of the organizations have
been invited to attend this dinner
meeting. Through special arrange-
ments with the Union, the price of
the dinner will be 35 cents.
Organized By Council
The Independents were first
brought together at the initiative
of the Executive Council of the Union
last Thursday for the purpose of
organizing the men into a vital body
and interesting the men in social!
and campus activities
In a petition to the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, requesting'
permission to allow the executive
council of the Union to offer its serv-
ices in organizing the independent
men, the advantages of an indepen-
dent organization of men cited were:
"To participate in campus activities,
to enter student politics, to hold
luncheons and social affairs, to en-
gage in sports, to secure representa-
tion in student government and to1
foster student-faculty relations, to
keep in constant and intimate com-
munication with the University."
450 Initiates
Attend Banquet
In Union Today
More than 450 recently initiated
fraternity men will attend the Inter-
fraternity Council's Initiation Ban-
quet at 6:15 p.m. today in the Union
Ballroom, according to John Mann,
'37, secretary-treasurer.
Frederick H. Neymeyer, former
member of the National Interfrater-
nity Conference and an authority on
fraternity affairs, will be the guest
A feature of the program will be
the presentation of a gold cup to the
freshman pledge class that had the
highest grades last semester, Mann
said. Dean of Students Joseph A.
4.,ni r~x x...1 rx . cx 1nn..Ts.,
19 women were tapped by Senior So-
ciety at the Installation Banquet held
last night at the League.
The new members of Mortarboard
are Betty Gatward, Florence Mc-
Conkey, Janet Allington, Barbara
Bradfield, Berta Knudson, Betty
Whitney, Miriam Sanders, Mary
Jane Mueller, Margaret Curry, Bar-
bara Lovell, Marie Sawyer, Mary
Johnson, Sally Kenny, Elizabeth Bax-
ter, Roberta Melin and Hope Hart-
Those tapped by Senior Society are
Ruth Bertsch, ' Margaret Ferries,
Joanne Kimmell, Helen Douglas,
Helen Jane Barr, Dorothy Novy,
Janet Groft, Janet Karlson, Margaret
Myers, Mary Redden. Elizabeth Ay-
res, Nancy Kover, Angelene Maliszew-
ski, Miss Lovell, Miss Sawyer, Miss
Knudson, Miss McConkey, Miss Ken-
ney and Miss Sanders.
Delta Gamma Given Cup
Delta Gamma was awarded the
activity cup, given to the sorority,
dormitory or zone earning the lar-
gest number of merit points during
the past year. The sorority had an
average of 4.83 points per member.
Alpha Chi Omega was second-with Ia
3:89 average and other houses which
has an average of more than three
points per member were Gamma Phi
Beta, Kappa Kappa, Gamma, Pi Beta
Phi, Collegiate Sorosis, Kappa Alpha
Theta and Alpha Omicron Pi.
The new League Undergraduate
Council for 1937-38 was announced
by Miss Hartwig, '38, president. The
heads of the five League committees
are Miss Ferries, orientation chair-
man; Miss Gatward, social chairman;
Miss Bradfield, merit system chair-
man; Miss Kimmell, head of the
theatre-arts group and Roberta Me-
lin, in charge of publicity.
Other Members Announced
Other Council members who have
been announced during the past
month are Miss Mueller, Miss Mc-
Conkey and Margaret Ann Ayers,
vice-presidents from the education
school, architecture school and lit-
erary college respectively; Miss Ma-
liszewski, head of Judiciary Council;
Miss Allington, secretary-treasurer;
Miss Johnson, president of the Wom-
en's Athletic Association; Helen Jes-
person, president of Assembly, and
Harriet Shackleton, president of Pan-
hellenic Association. All Council
members are juniors.
Members of the new W.A.A. board
under the direction of Miss Johnson
are Betty Lyon, '39, vice-president;
Miss Mueller, secretary; Miss Whit-
ney, treasurer; Miss Kenny, the
American Federation of College
Women delegate; Mary Alice Mac-
Kenzie, '39, publicity chairman; Ruth
Hartman, '39, intramural manager
and Norma Curtis, '39, awards chair-
Sports Managers Named
Sports managers for next year are
Marjorie Merker, '39, golf; Beatrice
Lovejoy, '38, dance; Ruth Carr, '38Ed,
archery; Dorothy Gardner, '38Ed,
badminton; Alberta Royal, '40; bas-
ketball; Martha Tillman, '39, base-
(Continued on Page 5)
Lutherans Give Second
Of Holy Week Services
"He is not the God of the
dead but of the living-Jesus."
The second in the series of
morning watches being held dur-
ing Holy Week in the League
Chapel under the auspices of a
general committee representing six
church guilds is to be held from
7:30 to 7:55 a.m. today.
Today's worship service, center-
ipg about "The Scene In The
Tn~r Rnyt," is in rharL~a f th
Justices' Opinions On Issuesj
Not Unusual' Says Cuncannon
Political statements by members of
the Supreme Court, such as made
yesterday by Chief Justice Hughes
and last week by Justice James C.
McReynolds, are not completely un-
precedented, although extremely rare,
Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of the po-
litical science department said yes-
Justice McReynolds made a plea
for sportsmanship in accepting the
decisions of a "fair tribunal" at a
fraternity dinner in Washington.
"Although it is indeed a rare oc-
the Presidency. During an address at
the commencement exercises of the
National Cathedral School in Wash-
ington before his daughter's grad-
uating class, Justice Hughes, speak-
ing on the flag, permitted the public
to know he favored preparedness.
This convinced the Republican lead-
ers that Hughes was the man they
wanted to run against Woodrow Wil-
"This speech by Justice Hughes,"
Professor Cuncannon said, "was the
concluding factor in the Republi-
cans' choice of Hughes as their man.