The Weather
Generaljy fair today and to-
morrow; continued cool.
Y.t e
Back Yard Mussolini
Mystery Story ...
VOL. XLVII No. 123
Fourth Butler Title
To Michigan;
State Academy
Censures Plan
By Roosevelt
Waer, S ler Star Conservation Department
Proposal Hit; Bergquist,
McMurrv Elected
One World's And Six Meet What Ho, Milords! .o.c
Records Broken As 400 Public Land Polcy
Athletes Compete Roosevelt-For-KingIs Labeled Model'
Cinh Pieks Nobilityi
%-4b1 0 i v\1+/4.7 . , vI Iv
Unio jumper Mets.
World Mark, 6, 9%/
Wolverines Take Places In
10 Out Of 11 Events
To Win 41 Points
INDIANAPOLIS, March 20.-(P)-
The University of Michigan won its
fourth consecutive Butler Relays
championship here tonight to add to
four straight Big Ten titles, leading!
Ohio State, its nearest rival, 49 to 31.
The Wolverines, setting meet rec-
ords in two-events, won the mile relay
and four individual crowns, taking
points in all 10 events they entered
to win the team championship.
Mel Walker. Ohio's brilliant high
jumper, was the star of the meet,
smashing the world's indoor high
jump record with a leap of six feet
nine and three quarters inches as
six meet records fell before the on-
slaught of 400 athletes.
Michigan's Sam Stoller, still handi-
capped by illness which spotted his
indoor season to date, turned on the
heat in the 60-yard dash to win over
Bob Grieve of Illinois in :06.2, and
then led Michigan to second, third,
and fourth places in the broad jump.
Michigan's team victory was scored
by a well-balanced outfit which piled
up points in 16 of the 11 events the
Wolverines were eligible to enter.
Indiana was third in the final
standing with 28 points while Pitts-
burg, Kas., State Teachers College
finished on top in the college class
with 27 points.
The mile relay teams of Michigan
and Ohio State also put on a thrilling
show. Ohio led through the first half
of the race but Osgood of Michigan,
running third, took the lead and
Birleson fought off Charlie Beetham's
challenge to win the event in 3:20.4.
It was one of the new meet records
Meet records broken during the
evening were the University two mile
relay by Ohio State; the shot put by
Bill Watson of Michigan; the college
two-mile relay by Pittsburg Kansas
State Teachers College; the Univer-
sity medley relay by Indiana; the
high jump and the University four-
mile relay
Archie San Romani of the Em-
poria, Kas., State TeachersCollege
made another bid tonight to suc-
ceed Glenn Cunningham as Amer-
ica's ace miler by defeating Cunning-
ham in the feature mile run. The
time was a slow 4:21.4.
The summary may be found on
page 3.
Prof. Slosson
Will Give Talk
At Faith Parley
The last session of the Inter-Faith
Symposium will meet from 3 to 5 p.m.
today in the Grand Rapids Room of
the League.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, will give the
main address from the Protestant
viewpoint on the question "Does the
Universe Reveal Intelligence?" Dr.
Yuen Z. Chang, visiting lecturer in
English, will present the Confucian
Taking as its theme the premise
that "the Michigan student body
exists in an intellectual vacuum" the
local Roosevelt for King Club will
attempt to mitigate this condition by
an appeal to the student body's sense
of humor, according to the founders.
The first official meeting of the
club is to be scheduled at 7:45 p.m.
Monday in the Union, according to
Clifford Wells, '39.
A pre-meeting caucus has decided
upon a tentative nobility for the
proposed new regime, which will in-
clude such characters as: Sir John
Roosevelt, the Jack of (Knight)
Clubs, Sir James Farley the Ace of
Spades, Sir James Roosevelt, the
deuce, Sir Alfred Smith, Crown
Prince, Frank II (Murphy) and Sir
Alfred Landon, young pretender to
the throne and over-lord of the re-
volted petty states of Maine and Ver-
E. S. Brightman
Will Give Tales
On Christianity
Series Of Four Lectures
Under Bequest Of Loud
To BeginTomorrow
The first of the Martin Loud Lec-
tures will be given by Prof. Edgar
Sheffield Brightman of Boston
University at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Brightman's first lecture topic
will be "Concerning Knowledge of
the Future." On Tuesday he will
speak "Concerning the Bible and the
Church" at 4:15 p.m. in the Audi-
torium. "Concerning God" will be the
third topic to be given at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the First Methodist
Episcopal Church, and "Concerning
Man" the last subject, will be de-
livered at 8 p.m. in the Methodist
Dr. Brightman received his A.B.
and M.A. degrees at Brown Univer-
sity, his S.T.B. degree at Boston
University, Ph.D. at Boston, and
LL.D. at Nebraska Wesleyan. He
has been professor of philosophy at
Boston University Graduate School
since 1919, having taught previously
Greek, philosophy, psychology, ethics
and religion. He was the Ingersoll
lecturer at Harvard in 1925, lec-
turer at the Lowell Institute in Bos-
ton in 1925 and 1934, and McTyeire
Flowers lecturer at Duke University
in 1927.
He is the author of several books
on philosophy, religion and ethics,
and religious psycology, and is a
(Continued on Page 6)
"Is Intermarriage between People
of Different Religious Advisable?" is
the topic for this week's all-student
symposium at 8 p.m. today at Hillel
Foundation with Aaron Lowenstein,
'37L, Harold Ross, Grad. and Wil-
liam H. Wilsnack, 37, ex-president
of theHStudent Christian Association,
as speakers.
Male Forte In
Vigorous opposition to the Presi-
dent's proposed reorganization of the
cabinet to include a Department of
Conservation was formally expressed
yesterday by a resolution adopted in
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters at its concluding
session in the Natural Science Build-
Prof. S. G. Bergquist, head of the
geology department at Michigan
State College, at the same session,
was elected president of the Academy
for the coming year. Other officers
include: Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry,
chairman of the geography depart-
ment, vice-president; Prof. Leigh J.
Young of the forestry school, secre-
tary; E. C. Prophet of the Michigan
State College geography department,
treasurer; Prof. Alfred Stockard of
the zoology department and Dr. W.
W. Bishop, University librarian, li-
brarian. Professor Young, Mr. Pro-
phet, Professor Stockard and Dr.
Bishop were reelected to their re-
spective positions.
Land Policy Praised
The resolution, which was recom-
mended for adoption by the forestry
section, and passed unanimously by
the Academy declared that the
change advocated by the President
was " . . . one that, under the guise
of promoting the conservation ac-
tivities of the government, actually
threatens to weaken them." The
resolution included along with con-
demnation of the proposed depart-
ment a clause urging strongly the
inclusion in the Department of Ag-
riculture of all activities dealing with
the soil and its products.
Labeling Michigan land policy and
procedure in relation to the state
public domain as a national recog-
nized model, a second resolution said
in part:
Delinquency Changes Deplored
"Be it resolved, that the Academy
deplores the efforts now being made
in the legislature (1 to modify dras-
tically the basic contempt of the tax
delinquency procedure, and (2) to set
up a new agency in the form of a
State Office Board, to carry on vir-
tually the same functions now being
performed with a high degree of
satisfaction by present agencies."
The resolution further urged the
legislature to give serious consider-
ation to making no more than the
minimum and necessary adjustments
on present legislation dealing with
tax delinquency and the administra-
tion of state lands.
Concluding Papers Given
The day of camping sites for tent-
ers has not passed, but today the
landscape architects must plan for
trailers, C. P. Halligan told the land-
scape architecture group in yester-
day's opening lecture.
With camps springing up in every
part of the country, readjustment of
regional thinking to meet new prob-
lems must be made, Herbert H. Twin-
ing, executive director of the Amer-
ican Camping Association told the
A. S. Hazzard of the Institute of
Fisheries Research read a paper be-
fore the wild life management sec-
tion which stated that the lakes of
Michigan could stand more fishing
without endangering the stock of fish.
The session constituted a joint meet-
(Continued on Page 6)
Love, Bock Beer,
Not The Calendar,
Herald Springtime
The city editor received the fol-
lowing inter - office communication
late last night, too late for him
to do anything about it:
I did not write the annual
spring hooey story you assigned
I would like to contribute my
bit toward ending this colossal
farce that newspapers# conduct
every year. This is not an ex-
cuse either for my inability to be
funny or for laziness.
Spring begins, as every stu-
dent knows, either on the 20th
or 21st of March. He also knows
that snow annually falls in
March. If he doesn't know these
things, it will do no good to re-
peat them.
Besides, spring means love and
love means spring. It is the old
story of which came first, the
chicken or the egg. When love
manifests itself, it is spring;
when spring comes, love mani-
fests itself. This is a good enough
indication of spring, I think.
If there are other students
who understand co-eds well
enough to fall in love with them,
they know that spring comes with
bock beer. Bock beer and spring,
a sort of cause and effect ar-
rangement, are just like love and
My suggestior is that we run a
one paragraph story, which will
read something like this:
Spring began yesterday all over
town. It also snowed yesterday.
Summer will be the next season.
Palm Services
In City Today
Baptist, Church Of Christ
Choirs To Sing Cantata
By Theodore Dubois
The spirit of Palm Sunday will
find voice literally in cantatas and
dramatic interpretation today in Ann
Arbor churches.
"The Seven Last Words of Christ"
by Theodore Dubois will be presented
by the choir of the Church of Christ
at 7:30 p.m. The soloists will be
Wallace B. Tyrrell, '38, tenor, Keith
Tustison, '37, baritone, Hope Bauer
Eddy and Iva Howard, sopranos. The
program: The Introduction, "All
Ye People"; the First Word, "Father
Forgive Them"; the Second Word
"Today Shalt Thou Be With Me";
the Third Word, "Woman, Behold
Thy Son"; the Fourth Word, "My
God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me";
the Fifth Word, "I Thirst"; the Sixth
Word, "Father, Into Thy Hands"; the
Seventh Word, "It Is Finished"; the
Prayer, "Thee We Adore, O. Christ,"
The First Baptist Church will pre-
sent th "Seven Last Words of Christ"
by Dubois at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs.
H. B. Allen, soprano soloist, Charles
B. Ruegnitz, tenor soloist, Prof. Wil-
mot F. Pratt, University carillonneur,
bass soloist, Miss Lou C. White, or-
ganist, and Robert Campbell, pianist.
"Jesus Converses with the Sit-
Downers," a dramatic interpretation,
which will attempt to show the rela-
tionship between religion and the
labor movement, according to the
Rev. H. P. Marley, will be given at the
11 a.m. service of the Unitarian
"The Man of Nazareth," a cantata,
will be given at 4 p.m. in St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Dr. William P. Lemon,
minister of the Presbyterian Church,
will give a sermon on "Victorious
Living," the final talk in a Lenten
series on "Letters on Life" at 10:45
a.m. Music for the service will in-
clude a trumpet solo, a baritone solo,
"The Palms" by Faure, and an an-
them "Praise ye the Lord" by Cesar
"Michigan Night" will be observed
at the 5:30 p.m. Westminster Guild
meeting at which all Presbyterian
students on the campus from the
state will be entertained.
The Rev. Dr. C. W. Brashares will
have for his subject at the 10:40 a.m.
service of the First Methodist Epis-
copal Church "Palm Sunday." This
service will be preceded by organ
music played by Achilles Taliaferro.
"The Meal in the Upper Room" will
be celebrated at the 6 p.m. Wesleyar
Guild Service at Stalker Hall.
Palm Sunday services will be held
at both Trinity Lutheran and Zion
Lutheran Churches at 10:30 a.m.
Bert Ostenson, Grad., will speak at
the Lutheran Student Club at 6:3(
6 Are Injured In Eviction
Of Women From Factory
Of CigarCompany
Plan More Raids
On 'Captive' Plants
Strikers Are Rounded Up'
Without Use Of Weapons
Or Tear Gas Bombs
DETROIT, March 20.-(A)-Six
persons were injured tonight when
police, who had ejected 60 strikers
from the Newton Packing Co. plant
without disorder during the after-
noon, evicted 75 women from the
striker-held Bernard Schwartz Cigar
Co. plant.
The women pelted the police with
wooden blocks, snow balls and other
weapons until they were propelled,
screaming and kicking, to patrol wag-
Other raids on captive cigar plants
were planned tonight, police indi-
cated, although they held their plans
Only one of the injured in the
Schwartz Cigar factory disturbance
was a woman. She was Mrs. Sophie
Marczchuk, 60, who was knocked
down and bruised. Mounted Patrol-
man Russell Wellman was given first
aid for head lacerations and bruises.
Police Superintendent Fred W.
Frahm and Policewoman Eleanor L.
Hutzel led the raiding party on the
Schwartz factory, which had been
occupied since February 18 in defi-
ance of a court injunction.
They kicked in the door when the
strikers refused to open it. The
riding party was pelted with missiles
as it ascended a stairway. Some of
the women surrendered peaceably.
Others fled to the far corners of the
factory, the police rounded them up
without using gas or weapons.
The earlier raid on the Newton
Packing Co. plant lasted only 10
minutes as 50 sheriff's deputies and
90 policemen broke into the plant
and arrested more than 60 men and
women strikers who had defied a
court injunction.
Siegal, Thalner
Head Fresh Air
Camp Fight Bill
Donald Siegal, '39, state golden
gloves heavyweight boxing champion,
will be matched against Robert Thal-
ner, '40, in the main bout of the
Michigan Boxing Show Thursday,
April 1, it was announced yesterday
by Walter Luszki, '37, director.
The 10-bout show to be staged in
Yost Field House is being given to
raise funds for the Fresh Air Camp
for underprivileged boys.
Others participating in the bouts
are Miles I. Lihn, '40, who will fight
Robert H. Snyder, '40; Andrew V.
French, '40, and Daniel J. Tenen-
berg, '40; and James Scott, '40
against James E. Brown, '40.
Robert Trowell, '39, Will fight John
E. Veneklasen, '38. Arthur H. Cut-
ler, '37, is matched with Theodore
Schaible, '40; and Robert Smith, '40,
will box James H. Flynn, '40.
All Rendezvous men will meet Mon-
day, March 22 at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall
to organize the ticket sale drive.
General Sit-Down Threat
Is Made As Police Force
Evacuation From Plants
r.? - ----- ---v
Symposium To Hear
Strike Discussion
Sit-down strikes, interpreted from
their legal and industrial aspects, will
be the topic of the symposium con-
ducted by the Union at 4:30 p.m.
today in the small ballroom.
Prof. Edgar N.aDurfee of the Law
School will evaluate the position
which the court holds in strike cases
brought before it, the legal force
which may be used to combat sit-
downers, and the part property rights
Prof. John W. Riegel of the bus-
iness administration school will treat
the strikes from an industrial view-
point. He will explain the relation of
employe to employer, the relative
values to employes of company and
industrial unions, and the efficacy of
collective bargaining.
Amelia's Hopes
Dashed As She
Escapes Death
Partly Filled Gas Tanks
Blamed For 'Laboratory
Plane' Crack-Up
HONOLULU, March 20. - (P) -
Amelia Earhart cracked up her "lab-
oratory plane" and her world flight
hopes today in a split-second brush
with death. Her quick thinking saved
her life and the " lives of two male
- Rolling down the Luke Field run-
way at 50 miles an hour, bound for
tiny Howland Island, the $80,00
plane began swaying crazily as nearly
three tons of gasoline sloshed about
in the partly-filled fuel tanks.
Under the strain the right tire
burst and the plane jumped out of
"A tire blew out . . . no one was
hurt . . . only our spirits are bruised
... I cut the switches."
That was the story in Miss Ear-
hart's own words.
The ship then spun to the right,
crashed down on its right wing, and
the right motor snapped offi the right
A single spurt of flame came from
the twisted derelict-but only one,
for audacious Amelia had snapped
off the vital ignition switches.
Aviation experts expressed the be-
lief that the heavy load of gasoline
washing back and forth in the tanks
set the plane to swaying and forced
it beyond control. The tanks have a
capacity of 1,151 gallons but con-
tained only between 800 and 900.
Miss Earhart's lightning-like ma-
neuver of the throttles and ignition
switches alpparently prevented an
explosion and a fire which would
have trapped her and her navigators
in an inferno. Even the ground about
the plane was drenched with gasoline.
Miss Earhart announced the plane
would be-sent back to its factory in
Los Angeles and that she would con-
tinue her projected 27,000 mile world
flight later. A technician said fac-
tory repairing would take two weeks.
WASHINGTON, March 20.-()-
Diplomats heard today that Dr.
Hans Luther soon will be replaced
as Germany's ambassador to the
1 United States.
Martin, UAWA President,
Issues Statement After 6
Are Hurt In Riot
GM Is Exception
In Tie-Up Warning
Mass Meeting Of All Auto
Workers Will Be Held
Tuesday As Protest
DETROIT, March 20.-{]P)-The
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica threatened tonight to call a gen-
eral strike in Detroit automotive
plants unless "the brutal eviction of
sit-down strikers and the ruthless
clubbing of workers by Detroit police
is stopped immediately."
The threat was contained in a
statement issued by Homer Martin,
president of the U.A.W.A., after po-
lice had ejected strikers from the
Newton Packing, Co. plant and the
Bernard Schwartz Cigar Co. factory.
Six persons were injured during riot-
ing which accompanied the ejection
of 75 women from the cigar factory.
Subsequently, Wyndham Mortimer,
first vice-president of the U.A.W.A.,
said the strike threat did not apply
to plants of General Motors Corp.,
with which the union signed an
agreement last Sunday.
Martin declared that "every or-
ganized automobile plant in the city
will be closed down Monday" unless
the raids cease, and that "the 175,000
organized automobile workers of De-
troit will mass Tuesday night in Cad-
illac Square to protest these ac-
Martin said that the U.A.W.A. was
"determinednthat ,strikers in these
smaller plants shall not be the vic-
tims of police brutality."
The statement contained no ref-
ernce to the eightChrysler plants,
which 6,000 strikers are holding in
defiance of a court injunction. Since
Friday, Sheriff Thomas C. Wilcox
has held court writs for the arrest of
the strikers.
The strikers told Gov. Frank
Murphy in an Qpen letter today that
forcible moves to arrest them would
lead to "bloodshed and violence,"
and appealed to the Governor to "see
that our grievances are adjusted."
Neither Mayor Frank Couzens nor
Governor Murphy could be found
for a statement on the general aut-
motive strike threat.
The Chrysler strikers told the Gov-
ernor in their communication today
that "we elected you . . . and we
don't intend to leave these plants
without a satisfactory statement."
New -Testament
Play, 'Barter,'
Will Be Given
"Barter," a play by the Rev. Fr.
Nagle of the Dominican Order at
Washington, D. C., will be presented
at 2 pm. today in the Ann Arbor
High School Auditorium, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, counselor in religious edu-
The play portraying a New Testa-
ment theme treats Judas according
to the modern reading of his char-
acter and treats of the influence and
reactions of the betrayal.
"There are many unusual features
in the handling of the material of
Judas and his friends, his tempta-
tion, struggle and remorse together
with their suffering are made human
and very forceful. Father Nagle is a
member of the Dominican Order of
Washington, D. C., and shows his
deep insight into church history in
the intimate details of the play," ac-
cording to the Adrian Daily Telegram.
Union Open House
To Be Wednesday
The Union will hold open house
Wednesday evening, Burton Well-
man, Jr., member of the Union ex-
ecutive council who is in charge of
the affair, announced yesterday.
Four departments and one school,
view, Rabbi Bernard Heller, director
of Hillel Foundation, the Jewish, and By ROBERT WEEKS
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, of the
Romance Languages department, the When the Michigras is an honor
Catholic view, society, Prof. Henry C. Anderson is
"Students are invited to come with head line coach, and the CIO stands
their questions relating to the idea for "Cats' International Opera," then
of God, evidence of purpose, relation women will know more about current
of naturalism to religion, and other events than they do now.
subjects bearing upon this general This conclusion might be reached
question of revealed intelligence," Dr. fromthe results of a test given the
Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in men and women tryouts for the edi-
religious education, said yesterday. torial staff of The Daily, in which the
The Interfaith Symposium is an men scored higher on all but one of
effort to understand the problems of the 13 questions asked.
religion by means of inquiry rather The male forte was national and
than promotion, Dr. Blakeman said. international affairs; for example, 81
It is designed to "announce freedom per cent of the men knew about
of belief, freedom of worship, freedom 3reat Britain's $7,500,000,000 rearm-
ts Test Shows
National Affairs
C. Anderson, and Miller Sherwood,
the women picked two correctly, the
men knew 2.4. Besides calling Pro-
fessor Anderson who is head of the
mechanical engineering department,
i football coach, two freshmen said
that Miller Sherwood, president of
the Men's Council, is a playwright;
and Hope Hartwig, president-elect of
the League, is a gym teacher.
CIO, SWF and DOB are initials for
the Committee for Industrial Organ-
ization, the Student Workers' Fed-
eration and The Daily Official Bul-
letin, but the men knew only 2.3 of
these and the women 1.4.'
The only catch question on the test
was the tenth, which asked for identi-
Saturday Siren Call's Function
Found To Be Testing Of Alarm
The screeching siren which sounds
over Ann Arbor and the neighboring
county every Saturday noon is not
the toy of some playful noise-maker,
nor a work whistle, but a required
fire safeguard that has been sounded
every week for the last 15 years.
"If the siren is sounded any time
other than Saturday noon, all em-
ployes of the University know that a
building is on fire, and maintenance
men and our own little fire depart-
ment get on the job," said Thomas
Hopwood, chief enginer at the
of the town know the purpose of the
siren call, but very few students do.
They really should know its purpose,
as it would warn them of danger, and
preclude the possibility of their being
trapped like the school children in
New London, Texas," he added.
Ten students on the campus were
asked if they knew what the siren call
meant, and while all professed to
have wondered about it, not one knew
its purpose.
Three students answered that they
supposed it was a lunch whistle, but
couldn't understand why a lunch