THE MICHIGAN DAILY ML Prof. Hammett Turkish Student To awB Her O WJR Traces Growth e'arI" Murphy, Couzens Talk Over Strike Of Arciteture Discusses Foreign Effects On* American Building Style Devlopment Influence Eropean By ROBERT MITCHELL Americans should not condemn themselves for not having developed an architecture strictly of their own, P'of. Ralph W. Hammett of the Col- lege of Architecture stated yesterday, because American architecture is the natural result of the peculiar influ- ences of American history and de- velopment. "No people," Professor Hammett said, "can entirely set itself apart in developing its arts without being in- Iluenced by, other peoples. Modern European architecture today is not a process of individual national trends. France has had nothing definitely French since the French Gothic ar- chitecture of the 13th century. As for America, it has had its past so definitely and closely tied with Europe, that there is no reason why it should have developed institutions purely its own, uninfluenced from outside." Casses American Architect The first of two architectural styles that may be classed as American, Professor Hammett stated, is the early American, which includes such houses as the House of Seven Gables in Salem and the Paul Re- vere house in Boston. But even these houses were based on English ones with an overhanging second floor. They were built of half tim- ber with the beams and cross-braces that supported them forming a part of the wall. In England, the large square spaces between, were filled with a material of plaster and brick or straw. Early American homes were built in the same manner, but the severe climate cracked this plas-. ter and formed chinks which let in cold air in winter. To correct this, wooden sidings were built over the walls, and resulted in the first Ameri- can architectural. style. Colonial Style Not American "This type of house construction remainhed in use up to the Civil War," Professor Hammett continued, "and is to be found in a few houses in Ann" Arbor, but the style changed to Georgian, or Colonial as it is usually classified, after 1700. The so-called Colonial style is not American, as often believed, but a direct copy of styles in Georgian England. After the Civil War, with the developdent of the Circular saw and improvement in the lumber. business, the light framnekhouse, with structure-work of two-by-four studding replaced the odetebr-structured styles. This may be calld an American construe- taion method, but as for style, there was nothing new added, and it is hard to tell the light frame houses from some of the old ones." As concerns public b~ildings, Pro- fessor d Hammett said, America has developed its most outstanding single contribution to architecture modes, the skyscraper. Skyscraper American "Because. of, land values and the concentration of business," Professor Hammett added, "the skyscraper was developed in America. The sky- scraper is at present the only thing that can be truly called typically American. It is the result of the Big Business ideal in America, but its functional values are slowly estab- lishing it abroad." The modern or functional style of architecture, though it was first pro- mulgated in Chicago in 1890 cannot be called an American architecture, Professor Hammett concluded. It has had much greater use and increase in Europe than in America, and it has become known at present, because of this fact, as the International style. Again American architecture is part of a world trend. Four Turkish students will be in- terviewed at 1:30 p.m. today in a WJR broadcast emanating from the University broadcasting studios, a part of the regular Saturday after- noon programs.NThey are Behidje Sadik, Grad., Neriman M. Alam, Grad. and Malhmut Gultan. Grad. The program, second in the series centered about the home life of for- eign students, was arranged under the direction of J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students, and will be conducted by Prof. Waldo Ab- bot, director of the broadcasting serv- ice. Miss Sadik is studying for her doc- torate in sociology and Alam and Gultan are seeking their master's degree in economis. All received preliminary training at Roberts Col- lege, which is an American insti- tution in Instanbul, Turkey. Rutliven Broke; Utilizes Credit For Rin Ticket Most photographs showing some- body selling tickets to a prominent person are staged merely for publicity purposes, and the prominent person doesn't really but the ticket at all. But with President Ruthven and Marcia Connell, '39, it was different. It is true that the president, who purchased the ticket to the Michigan Boxing Show from Michigan's "most beautiful girl," was "fiat" when he bought the ticket last Friday and that the $1.10 was collected only yes- terday, but he paid hard cash for it, and what's more, he says he'll be there in a ringside seat. "Have I anything scheduled for April 1?" President Ruthven asked his secretary, Miss Ruth A. Rouse, when approached by Miss Connell. "No sir, you are free that evening," was the reply. And then came the embarrassing moment when the Pres- ident discovered he had no money with him. Miss Rouse found she had only 45 cents in her purse, so the President said Miss Connell would have to call back for the money. Yesterday Walter Luszki, '37, di- rector of the 10-bout boxing show to be held April 1, in Yost Field House for the benefit of the Univer- sity. Fresh Air Camp, went around and collected money. It was handed to him by Miss Rouse. On the ma- nila envelope were the words:"Nor Dr. Ruthven's ticket to the boxing show." Miss Connell sold the President the first ticket to the bouts. The sale will be chalked up for Delta Gamma sorority. Sororities and fraternities are in a contest to win silver trophies for the biggest] ticket disposal. Green Deprecates Sit-Downs And CI A threat that recriminatory action may be taken against John L. Lewis Committee of Industrial Organiza- tion Unions was made by William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, in a special in- terview with the Daily Illini, Univer- sity of Illinois student publication. Green said that the rebel unions "need not expect" to remain in the AF of L unless they stop breaking federation rules, and scorned the "sit-down" strike weapon which the CIO has resorted to, stating his union had never used such methods. "When economic conditions are on the upgrade, a spirit of unrest pre- vails among industrial workers, and they begin a fight for higher wages and better working conditions," Green said in explaining the recent epidemic of labor trouble. CHELSEA FLOWER SHOP 203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973 Flowers for All Occasions S.C.A. To Give Fifth Of Dance Series To1iihr The fifth in a series of dances being sponsored, by the Student Christian Association will be held at 9 p.m. to- day in Lane Hall. The dance will be planned in the same manner as previous dances through the semester. Jacobs Wolver- ines, an eight-piece orchestra, will furnish music, while entertainment and refreshments are being organized by special committees working on ar- rangements. Chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickerill and Wallace1 Watt. Admission will be 25 cents, with special rates for N.Y.A. stu- I dents. William Barndt, '37, is general chairman for the series. He is being assisted in preparations for tonight's dance by Mildred Hayes, '39SM, in charge of refreshments; John Mul- key, '39E, decorations; Frank Mc- Donald, '39, reception; Ralph Dan- forth, '40, publicity; Jeffries Pace, '40, checkroom and Joseph Pintek, '40, door. Dates have been temporarily set for the rest of the dances in the series These are: March 20, April 3, May 1, and May 22. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLEUN (Continued from Page 4) -An studenits, o I i-ht-::-airap ro the STati of Michigan. At .1e meeii i at 6:30 p.m. which follows the sup- per and fellowship hour, "The Life of Christ" will be presented through picture, music, and story. The Fourth Inter-Faith Sympo- sium will be held Sunday, March 21,1 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Grand Rap- ids Room at the Michigan League. The subject will be "Does the Uni- verse Reveal Intelligence?" Prof. P. W. Slosson will present the Protes- tant view, Prof. W. A. McLaughlin the Catholic view, Dr. Yuen Z. Chang, the Confucian view, and Rabbi Ber- nard Heller, the Jewish view. Harris Hall, Sunday, March 21: There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion in the Chapel at 9:30 a.m. There will be, a student meeting at 7 p.m. The Rev. William Kinder of Detroit will be the speaker. All stu- dents and their friends are invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Services of worship for Sunday, March 21, 1937. 8 a.m., Holy Communion, Corporate for Confirmation Class. 9:30 a.m., Church School. 11 a.m., Kindergarten. 11 a.m., Morning prayer and ser- mon. 4 p.m., Cantata-"The Man of Nazareth.1 Lord" At CluIild by Cesar Franck. 5:30, the Westminster is entetaiinGI:Ill 111,01., tfr Stalker Ball, Sunday, March 21: 9.: alke , Ltident lass led by Prol. George Carrothers on the t-i --e "Sme:hit in Rel-iou Fijjphasi5." 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. "Supper in the Upper Room." This is a program which commemorates the last supper of Jesus and His Dis- ciples. Because of the devotional nature of this service, we should like to have everyone who wishes to be there make reservation by calling Stalker Hall, 6881, on Saturday. First Methodist Church, Sunday, March 21: 10:30 a.m., Morning Worship Serv- ice. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Palm Sunday." First Baptist Church, Sunday, March 21: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak on "The Mind of Christ." 7:30 p.m., Church auditorium, a Sacred Cantata, "The Seven Last Words of Christ," by Theodore Du- bois, will be given by the Church Cchoir, with quartet, Mrs. H. B. Al- len, soprano soloist, Charles B. Rueg- nitz, tenor soloist, Wilmot F. Pratt, bass-baritone soloist. Miss Lou White will be at the organ and Robert Campbell at the piano. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, March 21: Noon, Student Class. 6 p.m. brief service in charge of Miss Helen Or- vis. Attend sacred cantata at church, 17:30 p.m. -Associated Press Photo Gov. Frank Murphy (left) and Mayor Frank Couzens (right) of Detroit, are shown in earnest conversation as they sought ways and means to end the numerous strikes that have partially paralyzed business in the motor city. Forum To Feature StrikeSymposium A symposium on strikes between Prof. Edgar N. Durfee of the Law School and Prof. John W. Riegel of the business administration school will feature tomorrow's Union Forum at 4:30 p.m. in the small ballroom of the Union. The forum is the third in Series B of the Sunday afternoon discussion groups which are conducted by mem- bers of the faculty. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School led the first, hour and was followed by Prof. Wil- liam Haber of the economics depart- ment. The Union Buffet Dinner will fol- low immediately after the forum in the main dining room of the Union, H. Murray Campbell, '38, its director, announced yesterday. The small ball- room will be used for radio dancing and all game rooms will be open to women. Presbyterian Church, S u n d a y, March 21: At 10:45 a.m., Palm Sunday morn- ing, church service. Dr. Lemon will preach upon the subject "For Vic- torious Living." Special music will be given including a trumpet solo; a baritone solo, "The Palms" by Faure; and an anthem "Praise ye the DOWNTOWN SHOPPER Patronize These Merchants Today. They have Real Values to offer you. ....... i TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING 1 IPromptly and neatly done by experi-l enced operatorseatymoderate prices. Eye Glass-Frames , 0. D. MOR R I L Lr Repaired. 314 South State Street Lenses Ground. HALLER'S Jewelry READ THlE WANT ADSState Street at Liberty 4 .....:~... 1X IM TESE ELECTRIC ft! RANE USERS* ABOUT '0'0 * S r'? x3 { -c X :Y::nf al 9out es . : ":., ;t..'D 4 f at r eta. ,. ;o.1;. <. .;:> r .. :ti... , Better Developing and Printing of your Films One-Day Service TIES 55c -$1.00 Also SEE OUR LINE OF STYLISH, COMFORTABLE SPRING AND SUMMER ci ArVc ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO BE SATISFACTORY