Name Patrons
For Lawyers'
Annual Dance
Ruthvens Head Long List;
Prof. And Mrs. Durfee,
Dr. Brace,_Chaperons
The patrons and patronesses for
Crease Dance, the annual lawyer's
closed formal which will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the, lounge of
the Law Club, have been announced
by Robert Hogueland, '37L, chairman
of this committee for the affair.
President and Mrs. Ruthven head
the list of patrons and patronesses
which includes Dean and Mrs. Henry
M. Bates, Dean and Mrs. J. A. Bursley
and Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea.
Others on the list are Prof. and
Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, Prof. and Mrs.
Edwin C. Goddard, Prof. and Mrs.
Edson R. Sunderland, Prof and Mrs.
Ralph W. Aigler, Prof. and Mrs.
John B. Waite, Prof. and Mrs. Edgar
N. Durfee, Prof. and Mrs. Grover C.
Orimore, Prof. and Mrs. Burke Shar-
tel, Prof. and Mrs. E. Blythe Stason,
Prof. and Mrs. John P. Dawson, Prof.
and Mrs. William W. Blume, and Prof.
and Mrs. Laylin K. James.
Patron List Continued
The list will further include Prof.
and Mrs. John E. Tracy, Prof. and
Mrs. Lewis M. Simes, Prof. and Mrs.
Hessel E. Yntema, Prof. and Mrs.
Marvin L. Neihuss, Prof. and Mrs.
Paul G. Kauper, Prof. Hobart R. Cof-.
fey, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey M. For-
shee, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryant,
Mr. and Mrs. George Burke, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank DeVine, Miss Katherine C.1
Murray, Mrs. Clarence L. Jamison and
Miss Inez V. Bozorth.
Acting as chaperons will be Pro-
fesgor and Mrs. Durfee and ,Dr. Wil-
liaih M. Brace of the Health Service.a
Forshee, Co-Chairman
LaMar Forshee, '37L, has been'
named as the co-chairman in charge
of the dance, and Craig Spangen-
berg, '37L, the co-chairman at the
head of the "Raw Review." Heading1
the various committees are: Lewis1
Keatns, '37L, music; Harvey Scho-
ton, '37L, tickets; Philip Hart, '37L,
finance; Bernard Konopka, '37L,
decdtions; and Rowe Balmer, '37L,
and Lloyd Parr, '37IL, refreshments
and invitations, respectively.
Assisting with the "Raw Review"
and with the dance preparations are:
Henry Halliday, Jack L. White, Rb-
ert Johnson, Louis Coffman, Wilfred
Bassett, and Howard Malloy, all '37L.
Dentists Dance
At Odonto Ball,
Reld Last Night
Three hundred and fifty couplest
attended the third annual Odonto
Ball which took place from 9 p.m.I
to 1a.m. yesterday in the Union ball-I
Vivian Kalf of Detroit, the guest
of Allen Ruttle, '38D, general chair-
man of the dance, wore a white dress
trimmed with sequins and silver ac-
cessories. Barnard Black, '38D,l
chairman of publicity, had as his
guest, Jean Field, '37. Miss Field chose
a turquoise chiffon formal. Evelyn
Robins of Detroit attended witht
Samuel Stulberg, '38D, chairman of
the patrons committee.C
Corinne Fries, was the guest of J
Edward Marceau, '38D, who was in
charge of decorations for the dance.C
Delos Kervin, '37D, and Dorothy
Rae Triplett who led the grand march
of last year's ball were present. Miss
Triplett wore a pink net dress with
d rker velvet bows. Ruith Knecht
of Grand Rapids attended with Ed-
ward Benjamin, '37D. Marion Dailey,
'38, wearing hyacinth blue slipper
satin was seen with Jack Davis, '38.
Harry Kittell, '38D, had as his
guest, Aulene Gravelle, '39, who wore
a black mouselline de soie with al
white collar. Ruth Donahue was seen
with Paul Ridinger, '38D, and Ellen
Redner, '40,, attended with R. Charles
Valluzzo, '39D.
Ann Keller, '37, was with Charlesl
Zwick, '39S.M. Miss Keller wore aa
green chiffon dress made on greciant
lines with silver accessories.-
"Science and the New World," a
treatise describing the scientific con-
tributions of the New World and the
spread of scientific ideas in America,
has just been prepared and published
by Prof. Theodore A. Hornberger of
the English department, at present a
research fellow at Huntington Li-
brary, San Marino, Calif.
ROTC Ball Tickets
GoOn Sale Monday
Tickets for the nineteenth annual
Military Ball to be given Friday,
April 30, at the Union will go on sale
Monday at R. O. T. C. headquarters,
according to John R. Gustafson, '38,
general chairman. They will be priced
at $3 each.
The sale will be open only to mem-
bers of the advanced corps until Mon-
day, March 29. After that date tick-
ets may be purchased by basics until
spring vacation. The tickets will go
on general sale after vacation.
Advanced corps members may sign
for tickets at R.O.T.C. headquarters
and reserve officers of former years
can get tickets there. Beginning
Monday, March 29, tickets can be ob-
tained from committee members.
The announcement of the orchestra
to play at the ball has not yet been
made. The traditional march of sa-
bers will be one of the events of the
More Houses
Will Sponsor
Dances Today
9 Fraternities, Sororities
To Entertain; Lane Hall
Also Included In List
Today will take a close second to
yesterday as far as dances are con-
cerned. There will be ten dances
given on campus, including the Stu-
dent Christian Association dance at
Lane Hall. Whereas there were five
initiation formals yesterday, today
there will be only one; yet the night
will be an eventful one with eight
cther houses holding dances.
Alpha Phi will hold a closed for-
mal dance from 9:30. p.m. to mid-
night today. The chaperons will be
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley B. Patten and
Judge and Mrs. J. W. Sweeney, of De-
Delta Sigma Delta
A closed radio-party will be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight today at
the Delta Sigma Delta house, accord-
ing to Ivan Wilcox, '37D, social chair-
man. The chaperons Will be Dr. and
Mrs. Louis Schultz and Dr. and Mrs.
Louis P. Leigh.
Kappa Delta Rho will ,honor its
new members with a formal initiation
dance today. Chaperons for the af-
fair will be Dr. and Mrs. Franklin L.
Everett and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
A. DeGraff. Kappa Nu fraternity
will hold an open informal dance
from 9 p.m. to midnight today, ac-
cording to Morton Jacobs, '38, social
chairman. Dr. and Mrs. Bernard
Heller and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Botham
-are to be chaperons.
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity will
give a closed informal dance from
9:30 p.m. to midnight today. The
chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. W.
W. Gilbert and.Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
Tryce. Phi Alpha Kappa will enter-
tain at a dinner party at 7 p.m. today,
and will have as chaperons Mr. and
Mrs. Richrd Boelkins and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Waalkes.
Phi Sigma Sigma
An open informal dance will be
held by Phi Sigma Sigma today, ac-
cording to Sherry Durston, '40, social
chairman. Dr. and Mrs. Hirsch
Hootkins and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rose
will be chaperons.
Sigma Nu will hold an informal
closed dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
today, it was announced by Richard
Donaldson, '39, social chairman. The
chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Nelson and Mrs. Helen B. Phelps. A
pledge formal will be held at Triangle
fraternity from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
day. Prof. and Mrs. Frank A. Mickle
and Prof. and Mrs. Harry Bouchard
will act as chaperons.
Fieldng Yost, Jr.
To Mai-ry At Erie
Mrs. Mary Lou Bishop, -daughter
of Samuel Gray of Erie, and Field-
ing Yost, Jr., son of Prof. and Mrs.
Fielding Yost of Ann Arbor, will be
united inmarriage, March 27 at Erie,
Mrs. Bishop attended the Univer-
sity where she was affiliated with
Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Yost
attended Manlius Military Academy,
University of North Carolina, and the
University of Michigan. He was a
member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. The
couple will make their home in Ann
Printed with your name and address
305 Maynard Street Phone 8805
W.A.A Building
Will Be Used
For Play Day
One hundred and twenty-five high
school girls will gather today at the
W.A.A. Building to take part in the
district play day, organized by Miss
Laurie Campbell, Michigan represen-
tative for the National Section on
Women's Athletics of the American
Physical Education Association.
The Section had its beginnings
over 30 years ago when the first
women's basketball committee was
organized in response to the demands
for statements of the rules. .Miss
Campbell said it includes all the mem-
bers of the American Physical Edu-
cation Association interested in
teaching and organizing women's
The aim of the Section is to pro-
mote wide participation by women in
suitable sports activities and high
standards in the conduct of the ac-
tivities, Miss Campbell stated. ^The
Section therefore states standards
and principles, publishes guides and
rule books and gives specific help to
Today there are sports committees
for basketball, baseball, field hockey,
athletic games, archery, tennis, golf,
speedball, soccer, fieldball, lacrosse,
outing activities, water sports, win-
ter activities, track and field and
In order to reach those needing this
help the most, every state has a rep-
resentative from the Section, Miss
Campbel said. These women organ-
ize the state into districts and dis-
trict representatives organize play
days. The aim of the play days will
give students a day of fun and an
opportunity to play under ideal con-
ditions where the spirit of the game
rather than the winning of it is em-
During the day basketball games
will take place and play day activities
such as volleyball, deck tennis and
ping pong will be played. University
women will put on a badminton and
basketball matches. A student meet-
ing will be held at which basketball
rules and their interpretation will be
discussed. The faculty of the high
schools will meet and be given a pic-
ture of the state organization and
learn where they can obtain the rules
and publications of the Section.
Extension Division
Enrollment Jumnps
6 EXtension P 2 Red 12:15-12:30.
Figures released yesterday by
Charles A. Fisher, director of th'
Extension Division of the University,
showed an increase of over 500 en-
rollments as contrasted with last
year's figures.
Mr. Fisher estimated that the rec-
ords, as yet incompletely tabulated,
would show more than 5,000 students
enrolled in the 177 classes that are
being conducted throughout the
state. Last year 4,531 were regis-
tered for both semesters.
Many of the classes that are being
conducted in the 26 cities through-
out the state can be taken either for
credit or without credit, Mr. Fisher
said. He also announced the open
ing of an eight-weeks' non-credit
course in interior home decoration
which will begin soon in Detroit.
Michigan Places Last
In Women's Rifle Meet
In the intercollegiate meet for
women's rifle teams of the week of
March 13, Michigan again placed
last. The scores for the various col-
leges were: University of Kentucky,
492; University of Kansas, 484;
George Washington University, 485;
Pennsylvania State, 481; Louisiana
State, 481; and University of Michi-
gan, 480.
The highest scorers for Michigan
who will represent the team for this
week's meet are Eileen Lay, '37,
Mary Richardson, '40Ed., Florence
Dyer, '40, Pauline Vihtelic, '40, and
Olive Reed, '39.
leadership Group
Carves Many Odd
Forms From Soap
The clean soapy odor that per-
meated the W.A.B. yesterday after-
noon was merely the outward evi-
dence of the class in recreational
leadership attempting some handi-
craft work.
After a discussion of all types of
handicraft used in playground and
camp activities, the class began the
serious task of soap carving. Miss
Marie Hartwig and Miss Virginia
Peaseley have sponsored this con-
test, the prizes for which will be
awarded next week.
Among the entries we find various
and sundry types of figures, ranging
from the ordinary bathub to a cow-
boy with a 10 gallon hat. One am-
bitious student has carved what she
contends is a carillon tower.
Scotties seemed to be the most
popular of the animal figurines, de=
spite the fact that most of them
would not have won blue ribbons in
a dog show. Two elephants, which
differed widely in shape and form,
were said to be of African and Asi-
atic species, respectively.
Then we also found a chicken that
started out to be a duck and a lov-
ing cup that lost its handles. Bun-
nies, with eggs, were rather common.
Many figures could not be identi-
fied, and their authors refused to
commit themselves. One which
puzzled some of the spectators ap-
peared to be merely a carrot that was
in the process of being peeled.
Winning Basketball
Team To Play Gam e
The basketball team captained by
Sally Connery, '40Ed., which won the
recent women's round robin basket-
ball tournament, and a team made
up of players chosen 'from the other
teams which competed in the tour-
nament will play an exhibition game
at Barbour Gymnasium this after-
noon, it was announced by Norma
Curtis, '39, women's basketball man-
Mary Mae Scoville, '4Ed., Cath-
leen Schurr, '37, Martha Tillman, '39,
and Donna Miles, '40, Will be guards
on the team opposing Miss Connery's
team. The forwards will be Miss
Curtis, Dortha.Garrison, '39, Alberta
Royal, '40, Jean McKay, '40, and
Dorothy Gardiner, '38.
Phi Beta Delta announces the
pledging of ,Leon Dicker, of Brooklyn,
N. Y.; Jerome Keywell, of Detroit;'
and Milton Friesleben of Chicago.
Zwerdling's for FURS
Oakland and East University.
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director.
Sunday School - 10 :00 am.
2:30 p.m.-Pop Concert.
8:00 p.m.-Open House.
Student Symposium
Masonic Temple, at 327 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant.
10:45 a.m. - "For Victorious Living" Sermon
by the Minister.
Trumpet solo, Baritone solo, and anthem.
5:30 p.m. - "Michigan Night" at the West-
minster Guild. Supper and Fellowship hour
followed-by the meeting at 6:30. "The Life
of Jesus" will be portrayed through pic-
tures, music, and stories.
South Fourth Avenue, near, Packard
Rev. T. R. Schmale, Pastor
10:30 a.m. -Morning Worship.
God's Will in the Life of a Christian.
5:30 p.m. - Youth League Supper and Re-
ception for the Confirmation Class.
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. -Lenten Service.
The Choir will sing the Crucifixion, by
Easter Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in German.
409 South Division
Reading Room, 206 East Liberty
Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
,. _ V91
Mrs. Hampton's Famous
Served Every Sunday from 12:30 - 2:30
605 Forest Phone 2-3836
INTERDENOMINATIONAL SERVICES every morning during Holy Week in the League Chapel at
7:30. Easter Sunrise Service on the Mall (between Architectural School and University High) 7 a.m.
Suit Hats . . . Dress Hats
Sports Hats
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