THE MICHIGAN BDATLY SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 137 __ a. _ . s .. _ . _ s s ~ _. meeting was Lorena M. Gary, of] Western State Teacher's College, whose paper dealt with "Byron's Opinion of His Contemporaries." Through Byron's letters to Shelley, Miss Gary found thatrthetwo were on very friendly terms, and that By- ron was frank in acknowledging his fondness for Shelley's work. On the other hand, according to Miss Gary, Byron had no patience with Words- worthzandcColeridge, and this dislike extended to their work. During the course of the meeting, officers for. the language and litera- ture division of , the academy for next year were chosep. They are Prof. W. A. Reichart of the G'erinan department, chairman, and Prof. C. D. Thorpe of the English department, secretary. LaI dscaping The absence of artificiality and tourist development will be features of the development of Isle Royale as a national park, Donald Wolbrink, landscape architect in the National Park Service, stated in the session on landscape architecture. He described the master plan of Isle Royale as a park, preserved as one of the few Wvil- derness sections left in the country. Outstanding features of the Sag- iiaw city-planning project were ex- plained by Rssell Koenig, Superin- tendent. of Parks for the city of saginaw in another talk. These in- cluded zoning, correction of a comp- licated street system, improving rail- road crossings in the city, develop- ment of a city park system along the Saginaw river, study for a port district and the rerouting of high- ways around the city. Sociology The narcotic problem is medical- psychological in nature, Maurice Floch of the Detroit House of Cor- rection said of the sociology group. The narcotic addict uses drugs because of some disease or unem- ployment to relieve the pain or for-] get his troubles, he said. The habit is very expensive, and for this reason most addicts must beg or steal, Mr. Floch declared. Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the so- ciology department, speaking on the "Reorganization of the Penal Sys- tem in Michigan" said that the lack of coordinating bodies was in large measure responsible for the poor rec- ord shown by this state. The three main boards, prison, pa- roe aind probation, lack a centralized system now, but a bill is before the state legislature at present and would iron out many of the difficulties, Pro- fessor Wood stated. Speaking on "Community Aspects of Narcotic Addiction," Edward C. Jandy of Wayne University said yes-a terday that the number of drug ad- dicts at the present time, while not unusually large, was costing the state, private citizens and merchants a startling amount of money. Geography Soil erosion, which has been held responsible for destruction of fer- tility in 100 million acres of Amer- iean land, and threatens to render useless 200 million more, must be checked if the United States is to in- sure a high standard of living, in the opinion of Dr. Helen M.. Strong of the U. S. Department of Agriculture who spoke before the geography sec- tion. Satsuma, famed for its chinaware, has integrated the trinity of man, land and the heavens, which is the central theme of Japanese philoso- phy, according to Erma B. Hodgsonj of Bay City Junior College. "Chinampas," legendary floating gardens in the rivers of Mexico which were reported as actualities by Hum- boldt, German naturalist, and Pres- cott, author of "The Conquest of Mexico," are fictional in the opinion of Norman S. Willey of the German department. "The chinampas we're the result of marsh reclamation," Mr. Willey said. "They never floated, and if they showed any inclination to do so, their owners would probably have stakedc them down."1 Dr. Charles M. Davis of the geog- raphy department, was elected chair-X man for the geography section next1 year, replacing Bert Hudgins, chair-r iman of the current session.< Forestry Selective cutting will aid not onlyt the owner of the timber in the long run, but will add to the economic sta-t bility of nearby communities which would otherwise depend on recrea- tion for their major industry, J. F. " Franson of the Huron National For- est told the forestry section yesterday in its morning session in Room 2054,_ Natural Science Building. CCC boys did splendid work dur- ing the Isle Royale fire last summer, I and what they lacked in experience they made up in enthusiasm, D. G. Cooper told the forestry section yes- terday afternoon. The fire showed, he continued, the need for modern fire trails, patrols and equipment, a situation which is now being rem- edied. Less than one per cent of Mich-j igan's timber area is marketable, J. A. Mitchell of the Lakes States Forest' Experiment Station stated. There are 43 times as many chances of a fire in non-timber regions and 13, times as many in a second growth district as in marketable timber, he said. STrees on Michigan State highways contribute greatly to the comfort and safety of the tourist, R. E. Palmer of the State Highway Department declared in another talk before the afternoon session. Forests and other cover types on highway rightaways. are major factors in the durability of the roads because they prevent ero- sion, which is the highway engineer's deadly enemy, he said. Prof. Donald M. Matthews of the forestry school was elected chairman of the 1938 forestry section of the Academy. Botany Dr. J. H. Ehlers of the botany de- partment of the University of Mich- igan addressed the botany division of the Academy in Room 2003 of the Natural Science Building on "Addi- tions to the Flora of Michigan." According to Dr. Ehlers the most important of the, additions to the known flora of Michigan is. the Ca- bomba Caroliniana, a water plant which was originally found in South Carolina. This plant was discovered in Michigan by Mr. Fred Rapp of Vicksburg. A. H. Smith pointed out marked similarity between European fungi and fungi found on the west coast of the United States. In a discussion of host specializa-I (Continues on Page 4) Copeland Recounts Humorous Tales Of Trip Through Europe By ROBERT PERLMANI Social unrest, war fears and con- cern for the future, gripped Europe, though to a lesser degree, Russia France and EngianG, during the1 period of his tour ending last Aug- ust, Prof. Arthur H. Copeland of the mathematics department said yester-2 day. Professor Copeland, who held at Guggenheim fellowship in mathema- tics during sabbatical leave abroad, said Germany, one of the 15 coun- tries he and his wife and son visited, is faced with a decrease in its univer- sity enrollment, despite the con-1 Religious eets to Be E Ianed " 1 At Sypovsium Confucianists, Catholics, Jews and Protestants will hear the viewpoints on God of their respective religions explained from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday in the Grand Rauids Room of the League. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- tory department will give the main address on "Does the Universe Reveal Intelligence?" a topic which will be approached from different aspects by Dr. Bernard Heller, director of Hillel Foundation who will give the Jewish view of God, Prof. William A. Mc- Laughlin, of the French department who will give the Catholic answer to this question and Dr. Yuen Z. Chang, visiting lecturer in English, who will explain the Confucian atti- tude. This session of the Symposium is the last in a series of inter-faith conferences. The Symposium, sponsored by the Council of Religious Education, is under the charge of Robert Friedman, '37, chairman of the publicity com- mittee, Jack Luther, Grad., chairman of the program committee, and Cath- erine Peck, '387, chairman of the re- ception committee. struction of new university buildings. "Military training, which begins soon after matriculation, causes many students to leave the universities," Professor Copeland said. When their group was viewing the scenery from the Schloss Hohen- zollern, Mrs. Copeland raised her arm to point to something in the dis- tance, whereupon a man immediately gave the Nazi salute in return shout- ing "Heil Hitler." "There is a story circulating in Germany," Professor Copeland said, "of a man who was tired of reading the official press, so he asked the owner of a newstand for some true reading matter. The owner of the stand offered him a time-table. "In Austria, where some influen- tial people said the government feared a vote because of a Nazi vic- tory, "they actually have a fascist regime," Professor Copeland declared. Professor Copeland saw Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times" and a Mickey Mouse short in a theatre which excluded "children under 16 from the performance." Professor Copeland spent 12 days in Russia, where, he said, "there seemed to be more time, but less aca- demic freedom, than exists in America, for the mathematicians to do research work without teaching classes." "Although the Russians are making mistakes, and although when I was there the big cities were over- crowded, they are moving in the direction of a fuller material life, more free education and greater de- mocracy," he declared. Although guided by the Intourist service, Pro- fessor Copeland said he had complete freedom to go where he wanted. The Metro, Moscow's subway, he said, is the finest he has seen "and far su- perior to the New York subs." TYPEWRITERS Ail makes and mnodels, Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Repaired. 314 SOUTH STATE STREET EVENING RADIO PROGRAMSI Prof. Charles W. Edmunds of the CKLW-103 Kilocycles P.M. pharmacology department told the 6:00-At Close of Day. section at luncheon that Harvard 6:15-News and Sports.: University's method of patenting 6:30-Enoch Light's Orch. i:45-Alfred Gus Karger. medicinal agents "is the most en- 7:00-French Lessons-Professor lightened." Leon Troya. 7:15-Nat Brandwynne's Orch. Harvard, according to Professor 7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins. Eddmunds, takes no patents unless it 7:5-ale Hue Ensemble. is for the best interests of the public. 8:00-Benay Venuta's Program. He pointed out that patenting of- TrotoRdap nafsvs. ten-times discourages research work 10 :30-Harold Stokes' Orch. if the patent on a medicinal agent is y1:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Kay Kyser's Orch. too inclusive. 11:30-Freddy; Martin's Orch. Midnight-Leon Belasco's Orch. erature12:30-Dick Stabile's Orh. Literaure 1:00-Sterling Young's Orch. Prof. John W. Eaton of the Ger- 11:3045-ATed Lyon's QOrch. man department was the first speaker 1:45-A 50yKn'ocOrlh. at the language and literature con- P.750 Kilocycles ference yesterday afternoon in An- 6:00-stevenson New. gell Hall. He traced the political his- 6:15-ielody and Rhythm. tory of Germany, telling of the phi- 6:45-Moments You Never Forget. 7:15-Diamnond City News. losophic conditions of former days. 7:30-The Carborundum Band. Professor Eaton then pointed out a:00-Professor Quiz. 8:30-Johnnie Presents! with Russ some of the reasons for the present Morgan, condition of Germany, saying that 9:00-The Nash Speed Show. the German people are happier when 9:30-Your P t Program. 10:0-"Your, Hit Parade." joined and compelled in some mass 10:45-Song Stylists. movement. 11:00-Headline News. 11:15-Benny Goodman's Orch. Another speaker of the afternoon 11:20-Benny Goodman's Orch. 11:30-George Olsen's Orch. Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch. 12:30-Henry King's Orch. WWJ-920 Kiocycles P.M. 6:00-Ty Tyson's Sports. 6:10-Dinner Music. 6:30-Press-Radio News. 6 :35--Soloist. 6:45-Religion in the News. 7:00-Martinez Brothers. 7:15-Dramatic Moments. .7 :20-Hampton Institute Singers. 7:45-The ABC of NBC. 8 :00-saturday Night Party. 9:00-Snow-village. 9:30--Joe Cook. 10:30-Irvin S. Cobb. 11:00-Northwood Inn Orch. 11:30-Dance Music. Midnight-Webster Hall Orch. WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-Norman Sherr. 6 :05-Nichelodeon. 6:30-Day in Review. 6:45-Rhythm Parade. 7:00-Town Talk. 7 :15-Sandlotters. 7:30-The Lutheran Hour. 7 :45-Geo. Kavanaugh. 8:00-Ed Wynn. 8:30-Meredith Wilson. 9:00-National Barn Dance. 9:30-Luigi Romanelli's Orch. 10:00-Morrie Brennan's Orch. 10:30-To Be Announced. 11:00-Frankie Masters. 11:15-Phil Levant's Orch. 11:30-400 Club Dance. Midnight Gus Arnheim's Orch. 1, i -- - - I! Bck Ber IsHere! DIAL 3205 for FREE DELIVERY All leading brands of Keg and Bottled Beer Ty's9 Service Market Wier 'Avenue Phone OPEN 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. DAILY 420 M 3205 l flw'' -'' I "MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN" -I 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. MATS. 25c - EVES. 35c Toddy ! For 4 Days Only! A Fun-Fest Of Rhythm