The Weathit Ra in or sow toay; tombr- row, siiow flurr''ies. Y Sir 41 ~iai1 Editorials Proposal For The C'amipu.. VOL. XLVII No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Conservatism Of 6 Regents Hit By Shields Seeking Post Regent Candidate Charges Board 'Out Of Harmony1 With Present Times' Van Wagoner, Lynch SpeakersAt Rally By WILLIAM A. SPALLER The Board of Regents is "out of harmony with present times" because of its conservatism, Edmund C. Shields of Lansing, Democratic can-~ didate for Regent, said last night at a Democratic rally in the Whitney Theatre. "By electing us (Shields and John D. Lynch of Detroit, his running mate on the Democratic ticket for the two Regents posts to be filled) you will* have four out of eight on the Board of Regents who at least think in har- mony with our present times," hef said.. dfemocrats Sponsor Rally Mr. Shields spoke at the rally with Mr. Lynch, Murray D. Van Wagoner, Democratic state highway commis- sioner who is seeking reelection in the April 5 election, and Mrs. Lavinia Masselink of Big Rapids, candidate for the State Board of Agriculture the control board of Michigan State College. Mr. Shields, who was appointed Regent by former Governor Comstock in 1933, told the small audience that the regency position was "the only office I want, the only one I'd take. I've had chances to run for governor and other high offices, but I'm nott interested." A member of the governor's Civil Service Study Commission, which is headed by Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department, Mr. Shields said that he was "absolutely in favor" of the civil service bill that is now awaiting approval by thet House of Representatives. 'Platform Is Record' Mr. Lynch earlier on the program had urged the election of Thomas F. McAllister and Water McKenzie to the State Supreme Court. "There is not a bit of sense in us electing a New Deal majority, there is not a bit of sese in us electing Frank Murphy, unless we are going to have a Supreme Court that will interpret these laws right," the can- didate for the Board of Regents de- clared. Mr. Van Wagoner said his platform . is his record.r Speakingof the gap in the new pavement on the Ann Arbor-Jackson' Road, he said "I am not going to promise that this gap will be built because I am not running on prom- ises. But I will say that Murray D. Van Wagoner or any other state highway commissioner would hardly deserve the respect of the people he serves if he were satisfied to leave such a gap in such a fine new high- way. It just isn't good engineering or good business." Sheriff Forms' Special Police To Fight Strikes The "Veterans Military Police," a force of 1,000 special deputies in Washtenaw county, will be reorgan- ized to forestall any violence, sit- down strike or mob rule as the pos- sible result of labor disputes in the; county, Sheriff Jacob B. Andres an- nounced yesterday. The body will be called out to help the regular force of deputies to en- force the law only in case of emer- gency, Sheriff Andres said. It was formed about four years ago after Ypsilanti's "torch murders," but soon became inactive. The recent nationwide outbreak of sit-down strikes prompted him to reorganize the reserve force, the sheriff said. "We are determined that there shall be no violence, no illegal occu- pancy of private property, no disob- edience of court orders and no mob rule here in Washtenaw county," he said. "I will recruit this force of special deputies until I have 3,000, if necessary." Recruiting is to begin at once, the sheriff said. Members will be selected from veterans in the American Le- Military Board Begins Inquiry Into School Explosion Disaster Corpses Of 425 Children Recovered From Wreck Of Building AUSTIN, Tex., March 19.-UP)- The state government moved with determination today to ascertain the cause of the explosion which took hundreds of children's lives at New London and prevent, if possible sim-, ilar catastrophies in the future. While the flag on the granite cap- itol drooped at half staff, the legis- lature ordered an inquiry into the disaster, following action by Governor James V. Allred, who had instituted a military investigation by natural guard officers, and the fire insurance department, which dispatched an en- gineer to the scene. The House of Representatives voted to contribute a portion of salaries for relief purposes. Conflicting accounts of the num- Roosevelt Son Attacks 'Aloof' Supreme Court Bench Sets Itself Apart From Will Of People, President's Aide Says ATHENS, Ga., March 19.-(/P)- James 'Roosevelt, administrative as- sistant to the President, his father, charged tonight that the federal ju- diciary "has been able to take ad- vantages of circumstances to set it- self aloof and apart from the will of the people." Defending the chief executive's federal court reorganization plan at a belated Democratic victory dinner, young Roosevelt added that the ju- dicial branch of the government "has failed in its obligation to remain within its own sphere of action. It thus has failed to cooperate in a democratic form of government." The speaker drew an analogy be- tween the nation and a -watch. "The watch is running today, but it may stop," he said. "Why? Be- cause there are still abroad in for- eign lands, uncontrollable, unpre- dictable forces; because we will have several million unemployed in our own country; because there are signs of the reappearance of false speculative values; because forces are at work which tend to throw the farmer and the working man again out of balance." Illness Forces Eddy To Delay Concert Nelson Eddy has again postponed his engagement to sing in the Choral Union .concert series because of the renewal of his laryngitis ailment, it was announced last night. Eddy was scheduled to appear March 25 in Hill Auditorium but he will be forced to postpone his concert here for an indefinite period, Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music explained. It was not known yesterday when Eddy would be able to keep his engagement. He was forced for the same rea- son to postpone his concert once be- fore, PLAN DEMONSTRATION Permission for the use of the li- brary steps as the site of the April 22 peace demonstration will be asked of the University by the Peace Coun- cil, Julian Orr., '37, president, an- nounced last night. ber of dead ranging from 396 to 495 -were received through state agen- cies. Evidence that the emergency situa- tionhad eased came in an announce- ment by Governor Allred that he probably would raise martial law to- morrow since the necessity for it 'seems to be practically over at this time" and "the regular authorities now have the situation in hand." Meanwhile, telegrams of sympathy and offers of aid poured in from gov- ernors and other states, presidential cabinet members and prominent per- sons throughout the nation. INVESTIGATION BEGUN I NEW LONDON, Texas, March 19.- (P)-The tragic task of wresting the twisted bodies of 425 children and teachers from explosion shattered wreckage of the London Consolidated School was finished today and a military board rapidly began to trace the cause of the nation's worst school disaster. Dripping wet from a pouring rain and the perspiration of their her- culean exertions, an army of oil field workers-many of them seeking their own children or already knowing them dead-filed out of the tangled debris. Fatalities in hospitals and in am- bulances en route to emergency sta- tions were expected to push the total number of dead past 450. Definite indication that seepage gas caused the explosion-a theory first advanced by Superintendent W. C. Shaw who lost a son in the tragedy -came when Major Gaston Howard said Dr. E. P. Schoch, University of Texas chemistry professor, would tes- tify. Court Assembles At Austin, state capital, legislators passed resolutions in both houses calling for a legislative investigation even as Governor James V. Allred's military courtof national guardsmen assembled here. Hard, driving rain in the early morning hours made the final few hours of work of digging for bodies a difficult matter. Workers, stripped to the waist, passed bricks and debris along a hand-to-hand chain, using peach baskets. Mot or Trouble Fails To Halt Amelia's Dash Unoiled Bearings Threaten Potential Disaster; New Starting Date Set HONOLULU, March 19.-(AP)-En- gineers found "a potential disaster" threat in Amelia Earhart's $80,000 flying laboratory today but failed to deter her in preparing for one of the most dangerous phases of her projected aerial dash around the world. - To assure a daytime landing at unlighted Howland Island, Miss Ear- hart decided late today to begin her hop about 1 a.m. Wilbur Thomas, motor expert, said an examination disclosed the pro- peller bearings were almost dry when she sped into Honolulu yesterday at the finish of a record flight from Oakland. He asserted the condition might have forced Miss Earhart down at sea had she taken off yesterday as originally planned on the lap to tiny Howland Island, 1532 miles to the southwest. The expert, who came here espe- cially to check the plane's motors, said improper lubriants at Oakland, starting point of the world flight, caused the dangerous situation. Neal Resigns With Charges Of Censorsip Accuses Board Chairman Of Direct, And Ruthven Of Indirect Suppression Cause Is Article On Appropriations Charging University censorship of the news columns of The Daily, Fred Warner Neal, '37, associate editor, re- signed from his position yesterday. Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the Romance Language department, chairman of the Board in Control of Student Publications, was charged in Neal's statement with direct censor- ship and President Ruthven was ac- cused of indirect censorship. President Ruthven was quoted by Neal as saying that no student or no professor has the right to go to Lansing during the sessions of the Legislature." Order For Deletion Neal's action came, he said, as a result of Professor McLaughlin's "or- der for deletion" of a portion of an interview secured in Lansing that day concerning a statement from a mem- ber of the Legislature, Rep. Harry Glass, Democrat from Grand Rapids, in which Mr. Glass changed his fhor- mer position of opposition to the University appropriation bill, by pledging support of any appropriation for the University agreed on by the ways and means committee of the House. a Neal's statement reads as follows: "I am resigning from my position as associate editor of The Michigan Daily because The Daily was cen- sored by University authorities. "The censorship and order of sup- pression came the night of March 17 from Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the Romance Language depart- ment, chairman of the board in con- trol of student publications. He or- dered that a portion of a story con- cerning a statement from a member of the Legislature be deleted. Pres- ident Ruthven said in a telephone conversation later that evening that he would not directly order the story out and 'that the Board in Control runs The Daily, and you will have to take your orders from it.' 'Misunderstood The Rules' "The President further said that 'no student or no professor has the right to go to Lansing during the sessions of the Legislature.' "The censorship of Professor Mc- Laughlin was direct; that of President Ruthven indirect. "I simply do not choose to work on The Daily under those conditions. I have misunderstood the rules of the game. I had labored under the mis- apprehension that The Daily was a newspaper, its news columns open to all news. I find that that is not so; that The Daily may not print ma- terial to which the University admin- istration objects; that, although it does not speak for the University, it Is a University organ. Urges Clarification "I regret to leave The Daily. There is absolutely no animosity between Professor McLaughlin and myself. He is acting according to what he be- lieves to be the best interests of the University. I respect him, but his concept of The Daily simply differs from mine. "As an employe of the Board in Control, after the order not to run the story from Lansing, I had no alternative but to obey. I do not choose, however, to remain subject to such orders in the future. "I will be glad to be of any assis- tance to The Daily in the future, in an unofficial capacity. "The status of The Daily with re- gard to the University was, to me, apparently, in doubt. I think it should be made clear. "Fred Warner Neal." Leaves The Daily Arrest Order Fails To Delay Chrysler Peace Negotiations FRED WARNER NEAL I McCoy Details Medical Battle With Diseases' Section Meetings Occupy; Second Day Of Michigan Academy Session Here How medicine has combated death-dealing epidemics of leprosy, influenza, plague and other conta- gious diseases was reviewed last night; by Dr. George W. McCoy, former di-1 retor of the National Institute of Health, speaking before a joint ses- sion of the medical science section of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and the Society of Michigan Bacteriologists. Epidemics Puzzling Influenza and leprosy remain, he admitted, two of the most puzzling of epidemics, although many facts have been gathered on them. Ap- pearance of leprosyhis much more frequent in males than in females, and in certain geographical regions (of which Michigan is not one), he declared. Long proximity to infect- ed individuals does not seem to be an important cause, in itself, of the disease, however, he stated. Amoebic dysentery was considered, until 1933, to be transmitted only by carriers who worked with food, he said, but in that year medical history was made by spread of the disease through an infected water supply in two Chicago hotels. Other medical history-making cit- ed by Dr. McCoy was the prevention of scurvy by use of citrus fruit juices, diagnosis of pellagra as a nutrition and deficiency. Meetings Continue Today Mice and men have much in com- mon, Prof. Lee R. Dice, president of the Academy last night told a meet- ing of all the sections of the academy, gathered in the Union to hear the annual presidential address. The address marked the close of a busy day. for the 400 educators and students attending the Academy meeting, 42nd in its history. Continu- ation of the programs of most sec- tions will occur today .in the same locations, and election of the officers for next year's Academy will con- clude the proceedings this afternoon. A reversal of precedence rather than a new constitutional amend- ment was cited as the measure need- ed to get the Supreme Court "out of its present jam" by Dr. Raymond C. (Continued on Page 21 House, Senate Stage Heated Strike--Debate WASHINGTON, March 19.-(,.)- Angry debate over sit-down strikes i rang through both Houses of Con- gress today. It produced rival contentions that the President "gets his orders" from John L. Lewis and that the Supreme Court is responsible for industrial warfare. Senators from Michigan-center of strike tension-wrangled over the at- titude of their state government. Sen. William A. Borah (Rep.-Ida.) asserted that sit-downers are "fight- ing for what they deem to be their rights in an economic system domin- ated in large measure by lawless- ness." A Michigan Republican, Rep. Clare E. Hoffman, declared that "we have a state of armed rebellion." He told the House: "The President is the boss of Con- gress, all right. But who does he get his orders on labor from? He gets them from Lewis." Contending Supreme Court deci- sions had stripped the states of their power to preserve industrial peace, Sen. Hugo L. Black (Dem., Ala.) argued that Congress' authority also had been "whittled down" until it was "impossible to pass legislation to alleviate these conditions." Senator Ellender (Dem., La.)- Huey Long's successor-touched off the controversy by denouncing sit- down tactics as un-American and "nothing short of a holdup." Borah quickly replied. He .ack- nowledged such strikes "find no jus- tification in law," but attributed them "largely to the fact that vast economic forges, vast corporate in- terests, are living in violation of the law." Speaking with measured emphasis, Borah declared monopolies and in- dustrial combinations are "crushing out of existence hundreds of thou- sands of small business men" and "destroying the purchasing power of the great mass of people." Justices Will Not Testify In Dickering For Settlement Centers About Murphy In 12th Day Of Strike Rumor New Plan To End Sit-Down Workers Offer Evacuation In Return For Promise Not To Open Operations Senate DETROIT, March 19.-(P)-Inten- sive efforts toward peaceful evacua- tion of 6,000 Chrysler sit-down strik- ers whose arrest was oraered today, were in progress tonight, centering about Governor Murphy. One " report, without confirmation in official circles, was that the basis for negotiations was this: Evacuation of eight Chrysler au- tomobile plants here tomorrow in re- turn for a written pledge from Wal- ter P. Chrysler, chairman of the cor- poration's board, thatno attempt would be made to operate them pend- ing negotiations; that no dies or ma- chinery would be removed, and that Chrysler executives conferring with union leaders- would get down to "bed-rock" negotiating, on the un- ion's demand for exclusive bargaining rights for 67,000 employes. Refuses Sole Bargaining Throughout more than two weeks of conferences, representatives of the Chrysler Corp. have flatly rejected all proposals advanced by the union representatives, asserting that each, in different form, demanded exclu- sive bargaining recognition, which they were not willing to extend. James F. Dewey, United States De- partment of Labor Conciliator who aided Governor Murphy in the long conferences that ended the General Motors strikes a mnonth ago, again headed for Detroit tonight. Murphy, in frequent telephone communication with Washington, pushed his efforts for peaceful settle- ment in a series of conferences through the afternoon and evening with leaders of the union and the Chrysler Corporation. Keller, Campbell Confer K. T. Keller, Chrysler president, and corporation attorneys, conferred late today with Circuit Judge Allan Campbell, whose injunction against the sit-down strikers, issued last Monday, was ineffective in clearing the plants. Defiant union members, 'solidifying positions behind barricaded factory gates, expressed little concern at the possibility that a sheriff's force of 120 deputies might try to serve writs for their arrest. Detroit Police Will Not Touch True Sit-Downs 'Bonafide Employes' Will Not Be Interfered With, Says Supt. Frahm "Bonafide employes conducting a legitimate sit-down" will not be dis- turbed by Detroit police forces, Supt. Fred W. Frahm declared yesterday, according to the Associated Press. Frahm's statement, amounting to a denial of strikebreaking intentions, followed a day during which police broke into seven strike-closed stores and a food products plant in a drive against "non-employe sit-downers." The paralyzing inter-city truck drivers strike ended with a 60-day truce which released freight estimat- ed at 200 million pounds, and pro- vided for negotiations on wage and hour demands the Associated Press reported. Kicking out glass at two places, 210 policemen raided the seven down- town Detroit shoe stores, while sev- eral hundred other officers entered the Dossin Food Products Company factory. Workers Federation Will Meet In Union The Student Workers Federation WASHINGTON, March 19.-()- Justices of the Supreme Court de- clined today an invitation to give the Senate judiciary committee their opinion of the Roosevelt court re- organization proposal. Leading members of the opposition group in the Senate, eager to obtain testimony from the justices, had ex- tended the informal invitation. They reported with disappointment that the justices prefer to keep aloof from the current controversy. A possibility remained, the Sen- ators said, that some members of the Court might testify later on the pure- ly procedural aspects of the Pres- ident's bill, although they thought this prospect a doubtful one. This disclosure was made at the end of a day, in which the commit- tee went ahead with a list of wit- nesses from the law schools and uni- versities favoring the bill. McClusky Is Conducting Branch County Youth Guidance Project Laudes Atque Carmina' To Mix With New 'Pennies From Heaven' By HORACE W. GILMORE A demonstration project in youth guidance, of which the purpose is to improve opportunities for young people, and which is under the direc- tion of Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the education school, is now beingI carried on in Branch County, workingI with every agency in the county that has anything to do with young people. The project, the first of its typeI in the country, is a part of the W. K. Kellogg foundation of Battle Creek and the Extension Division of the University. The Kellogg foundation isi financing the project, and it is work-< ing through the Extension Division. Professor McClusky and his assis- tant Alvin :ner rrad. an into the as another part of the project, he said. To hide the identity of the students, each participant in the survey is asked to give a fictitious name. In explaining that this is the only project of its kind in the country,' Professor McClusky told of the sur- vey being taken by the American Youth Commission, which is backed by the Rockefeller Foundation of New York. This project, which is on a nation wide basis, consists of only a survey, while the local project is go- ing in and correcting defects as well as taking a survey, he said. To aid the project, adult education consisting of a question and answer bureau which Professor McClusky Case Club To Give Freshman Honors Freshman members of the Law School case clubs conc:ud.ed their ac- tivities for the 1936-37 competition, with the hearing of four final cases on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The eight winning freshman counsel will be presented with case club awards Founders Day, April 23. Winners inthe fouraclubswere Harold V. Hartger and Jack F. Smith, Marshall club; R. G. Eubank and Abraham Zwerdling, Holmes club; B. G. Cox and S. R. Stroud, Story club; and Bernard Weissman and James H. Wiles, Kent club. By EARL R. GILMAN "Laudes atque Carmina" does mix, with "Pennies From Heaven," Prof.' Wilmot F. Pratt, University Caril-; lonneur, recently found and there-, fore starting April 1 he will conduct request programs of old and popular, songs once every other week on the Baird Bells. Recently, Professor Pratt broad-, casted from the carillon tower over radio station WJR during one of the regular University programs. To in- sert a little variety, he said, he de- cided to try a popular sdng and chose "Pennies From Heaven " He re- ceived so many letters recommending the selection ahd asking for more of +h enV- A 1,n Annro a lra - I Professor Pratt has received many comments on his playing. An uni- dentified person wrote him a letter a short time ago telling him that he or she and another party had heard the bells while they were walking in the arboretum. Professor Pratt be- lieves that the carillon will thus be a welcome addition to parties in the arboretum this spring and summer. By far the quaintest communica- tion Professor Pratt has so far re- ceived came in the form of a poem from a self-styled graduate, fifth grade, third ward school, asking for popular tunes: A sound upon the air Picked un the ears most everywher_-