THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, ~ ' NEWS Favors Court Change I Of The DAY (By Te Associated Fre) Diary Of Alleged Murderer Found PARIS, March 18.-(P)-Police to- night announced discovery of an in- timate diary of M ne. Madeline La Ferriere, bruntett beauty held for the shooting of Count Charles de Chambrun, describing relations with a "great Italian statesman." Extracts from the diary, read to newspapermen by Mme. La Ferriere's lawyer in the presence of investigat- jng Magistrate Le Girard, told of se- et meetings with the "great states- man" in the inner recesses of a fa- mius Roman palace. One entry, as read by her lawyer, "Today he said 'Ethiopia no longer aens anything to me; now I only have the sweet memories of this un- fogettable hour of love."' The extracts which were read showed the love affair reached a climax in July, 1936, and after that she was unsuccessful in seeing the "great statesman." Mrs. Love Awakens From 'Horror Coma' LOS ANGELES, March 18.-()-- Weeping bitterly as she awoke, Helen Wills Love aroused today from the tconsciousness-of a week-long "hor- ror coma." The convicted slayer was revived by a psychiatrist more than 158 hours after she lapsed into a subconscious coma brought on, doctors said, be- cause her conscious mind could not "di7gest" the horror of her recent ex- periences. ast Tuesday Mrs. Love, a plump, 31-year-old brunette, was convicted of the second-degree murder of harry Love, well-to-do broker whom she ssi4 had secretly married her. hurs- day night she became unconscious. She thought today was last Friday when she regained consciousness. In explanation, Dr. Samuel Marcus, the psychiatrist, told officials the tragedy was too great for her con- scious mind to bear. Dinosaur Limb, Just Received, Put On Display A ten-foot hind limb of the giant dinosaur Diplodocus, living about 150 million years ago, is on display in the second-floor exhibit hall of the Uni- versity Museums. The leg, which has just been ob- tained by an exchange with the Car- negie Museum of Pittsburgh; is com- plete and in perfect condition, ac- cording to Prof. Ermine C. Case, di- rector of the Museum of Paleontology. Professor Case estimated that the dinosaur from which these bones came weighed in the neighborhood of d0 tons and "was at least 80 feet long." One bone of the leg, the femur, weighs over 200 pounds," he pointed ut, "the specimen coming from a fairly large member of the group to which it belongs." The bones were found by the Car- negie Museum near Jensen, Utah The bones, although placed tem- porarily on a table near the entrance, will be fixed permanently in its na- tural position at the east end of the exhibit hall as soon as possible. - Associated Press Photo Edward S. Corwin, gray-haired Professor of constitutional law at Princeton University, is shown tell- ing the Senate Judiciary Commit- tee most Supreme Court justices had "forgotten their supreme obli- gation" to interpret the constitu- tion as a broad document written for "an undefined future." Departmental Essay Contest Re mains Open German Competition Prize To Be Thirty Dollars; Topic Choice Given It is not too late for anyone to make application for the Bronson- Thomas Prize in German, Prof. Hen- ry A. Nordmeyer, head of the Ger- man department, announced yester- 1day, providing they have already had the prescribed conference with hiin on the required reading. The prize, which totals $30 will bel awarded on the basis of a three-hour; essay competition to be held under departmental supervision at 2 p.m. March 31, in Room 204 University Hall. The winner will be announced before April 7, Professor Nordmeyer said. The contest is open to all under- graduate students of distinctly American training who have satis- fied the department that they have done the necessary reading in Ger- man. Each contestant may choose his own subject from a list of at least 10 offered. The list will cover five chap- ters in the development of German literature from 1750 to 1900, each of which will be represented by at least two subjects, Professor Nordmeyer said. The criteria to be used in judging are knowledge of the subject mat- ter as read in German, and style and; presentation, he said. The judges are Prof. Jonathon A. C. Hildner, Prof. Norman L. Willey, both of the German department and Professor Nordmeyer himself. State °Academy Opens Annual Meeting Here 150 Members Are Greeted At Official Reception;; Anthropology Meets (Continued from Page 1) ly from the Japanese and from some of the few publications dealing with the subject. The "Tokaido Circuit: Past and Present" was the topic chosen by Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geography department to close the first ses- sion. In this paper Professor Hall traced the development of the Jap- anese peoples, showing how their uni- fication was due mostly to a few transportation routes connecting one community with another. "Due to the mountains and other geographical barriers, the unifica- tion and advancement of Japan would have not come until many centuries later had not these connect- ing roads been established," he said. Sections Begin Today Anthropological studies of the Phil- ippines will be taken up at the second meeting of this section, to convene at 9 a.m. today. "These topics will be of special interest to men asso- ciated with the University due to many outstanding studies of the islands by members of the faculty," Dr. Griffin said. The vast majority of Academy sec- tions will hold their first meetings today. The schedule is as follows: Geology and mineralogy at 8:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. in Room 3056, Natural Science Building; anthro- pology at 9 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. in Room 3024, University Museums; bot- any at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Room 2003, Natural Science Building; for- estry at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Room 2054, Natural Science Building. Luncheons Scheduled Geography at 9 a.m, and 1 p.m. in Room 18, Angell Hall; language and literature at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in Room 209, Angell Hall; sanitary and medical science at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Roois 1514 and 1520, East Medical Building;, zoology at 9 a.m. and 1:15p.m. in Room 2116, Natural Science Building; psychology at 9:15 a.m. and 2 p.m. insRoom 1121, Na- tural Science Building; economics and sociology at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Room 101, Economics Building, and Room B, Haven Hall, respec- tively; and landscape architecture at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in Room 401, South Wing. A luncheon for biologists and for- esters will be held in the League at 12:15 p.m., and the members of the sanitary and medical science section will also convene at 12:30 p.m. for a luncheon in the Union. A talk on "Isolating Primary Fac- tors of Intelligence" will be presented by Prof. L. L. Thurstone of the Uni- versity of Chicago at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Dice To Give Address After the annual dinner for Acad- emy members at 6:30 p.m. in the Union, Prof. Lee R. Dice, curator of mammal division, Museum of Zo- ology, who is acting as president of the society for the current session, will deliver an address on "Some In- herited Variations of North American Mice." This talk is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. in the Union. A joint session of the Society of Michigan Bacteriologists and the sanitary and medical science section will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 1528 East Medical Biulding, to hear Dr. George W. McCoy, director of the National Institute of Health, give a Univer- sity lecture on epidemics. The sec- tion will also hear, at its luncheon meeting, Prof. Charles W. Edmunds, director of the materia medica de- partment, speak on "The Patenting of Medicinal Agents." "Social Trends Involved in Chang- ing Support of Local Government" will be the subject of an address by, Lent D. Upson of the Detroit Bureau of Governmental Research at 12:15 p.m. in the Union. Luncheons will also be held by the landscape archi- tecture and psychology sections'. Defiant Auto Strikers Take To Roofs Aid In Facing Business Problems, School's Aim, Dean Griffin Says The purpose of the School of Busi- comparable to the normal six-year ness Administration is not to teach program," he pointed out. students how to make handsome "One should not try to specialize sums Hof money in the business world, for a business training within his but rather how to meet the business first few years at the University," he problems of the day and how to make warned. "A business man, just as better use of the world's productive one in any other profession, is better powers, Dean Clare E. Griffin of off with a broad foundation of the School of Business Administira- knowledge." tion declared yesterday afternoon in Training Needed the sixth meeting of the vocational However, he also emphasized the guidance series. importance of specialized training Dean Griffin advised students not after a liberal education has been to enter the School of Business Ad- acquired. ministration on a combined curricu- The seventh talk in this series will lum unless it is absolutely necessary. be given at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, when Time Saver Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the "An excellent student can save one School of Music will discuss the pos- year's time through a combined cur- sibilities of music as a profession. riculum, but his resulting five-year The talk will be given in Room 1025 study can not offer him a foundation A.H. i a 3 r 1 1 a It, l oral Choir Bach Festival$ Excerpts from B Minor Mass 300 Singers -Normal Choir and Guest High School Choir FREDERICK ALEXANDER, Conductor Pease Auditorium Friday March 19, 8 p.m. Exactly Ypsilanti No reservations. Seats 25 cents. - Associated Press Photo These Chrysler automobile strikers armed themselves with home made weapons and took to the roof of the Dodge plant in Detroit after defying a court order to evacuate. In the street below thousands of sympathizers demonstrated and waved shouted words of encourage- ment to the strikers who defied authorities to oust them. I I -= DRUGS C4 DAICS Sugar Export .Island Worry, Hayden States Filipinos Want Knowledge Of Trade Status; Quezon To Arrange Conference (Continued from Page 1) ippines cannot produce sugar as cheaply as can Cuba, at least not at the present time," he added, "and if the Filipinos have to pay, after 1946, the full tariff rate on exports to the United States, it may mean economic disaster for the islands. Quezon Seeks Agreement "This makes it probable that Que- zon may ask for some type of agree- ment which would allow the Philip- pines to export sugar and other pro- ducts into the United States for a lower duty rate," Professor Hayden said. "This would be contrary to the fa- vored-nation clause found in many of the treaties the United States has with other countries. This would not be too great an obstacle to overcome in Professor Hayden's opinion, how- ever, since the treaties that contain the favored-nation clause will come up for renewal before 1945 and he believes that it might be possible at the time of renewal to secure the permission of other countries to make an exception in the case of the Philippines. Hayden Praises McNutt Another possible objective of the Filipinos in the coming trade con- ferences, Professor Hayden said, is the sanction of the United States of Philippine trade treaties with other countries. Under the Tydings-Mc- Duffie Act the Commonwealth is not allowed to make any treaties with other nations without the approval of the United States. Professor Hayden had nothing but praise for the appointment of In- diana's former governor Paul V. Mc- Nutt to the post of high commissioner to the Philippines. "McNutt is a vig- orous, personable man," he said. "He has political prestige and weight of his own that will enable him to act in what he deems to be the best way," he said. High commissioner McNutt is an excellent man to represent the United States in the Far East, in Professor Hayden's opinion. "He has had prac- tical experience as governor of In- diana, and what specific knowledge he lacks regarding the islands them- selves can be supplied quickly by the excellent permanent staff of the United States at Manila," he said. McNutt's experience as national commander of the American Legion will also stand him in good stead in the Philippines, Professor Hayden said. "The question of national de- fense is an important one in Ameri- can-Filipino relations," he said, and McNutt's experience has given him an understanding of American de- fense problems." INCOME TAX RECEIPTS RISE DETROIT, March 18.-(iP)-Fed- eral income tax collections in Mich- igan from Jan. 1 to March 15 were estimated Wednesday at $40,000,000 C I ins-Fletcher's WE EK. ED SPECIAL Try this Smooth, Rich PECAN HOT FUDGE SUNDAE #4 A deliciously1 C different delicacy I Ca kins -Fletcher Drug Co. 324 South State 818 South State CAN DY SODAS jj Pipe Smokers. PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE that all Smoking Tobacco Bites the Tongue! Classified Directory PMa '. Place advertisements with Classified Advertisng' Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box gnumbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance lic per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line) Minimum three lines per .Insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. WANTED WANTED: Young woman with ready to wear selling experience for part- time. C. J. Hutzel Shop. Main and Liberty. 429 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and musical instruments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low price. 6x NOTICES PLAIN and household sewing. Mrs. A. R. Henry. RFD 1. Box 123. 425 FOR RENT NICELY furnished room single or double. Steam heat, shower bath, garage. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash- ington. 427 yUWANT: i t~i l TYPEWRITERS All makes and models, Bought. Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Repaired.4 0. D. Mori 314 SOUTH STATE STREET READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS a I I ELIZABETH BERGNER LAST TIMES TODAY in SHAKESPEARE'S "AS YOU LIKE IT" I 1 er,ber her n07ovelY face' Reri forget het ..--H Iod $Suster dietdbyRoer S Kn } Fcduce8 bX F.,bRelease A2011 Ceniry' re Edgeworth guarantees that Process -Aging Prevents Tongue Bite To N G U E B I T E is the bane of pipe smokers. We guarantee that Edgeworth will not bite the tongue. The use of the finest Burley tobaccos will not prevent tongue bite. It's the processing that does it. As every tobacco expert knows, pipe tobacco can be rushed through the plant and save big sums of money. It is pipe tobacco, but it is not Edgeworth. Our method is Process-Aging-a process as vital as the aging of old wines. There are twelve required steps, each under laboratory control. It takes 4 to 7 times as long as might seem neces- sary. But in no other way can we guarantee that Edgeworth will not bite the tongue. We ask you to try it under our money-back guarantee. If Edgeworth bites your tongue, return it and get your money back. You can't lose. NOTE: There are three kinds of Edgeworth for yoq to choose from: 1-Edgeworth Ready Rubbed -a cool, long-burning to- bacco preferred by seasoned smokers. 2- Edgeworth Plug Slice -for the smoker who likes to crumble the tobacco in his hands until it's just right for him. 3-Edgeworth Jr.-the same tobacco also Process-Aged, but cut for a milder, more free-burning smoke. i Breakfast, Lunch, Supper - 24-hr. Service Our meals are excellent and reasonably priced. I 5E,5a~ - -- .IUU~.'E~2UAl~I~ ~ I W7~ ~ U I I II I ?