THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY A ; -- . :- 11I Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor.Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4 00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON RASAN FRANCISCO LOSANGELES PORTLAND - EATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR"............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN eorge AndrosDIOJewel Wuerfel RichardHHershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. citor $Departent: M arshaall D. Shulman, Chairman; RobertI C'ins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, cihairman; Fred Delano and redluesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Richard La- Marca Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Andlerson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell. Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...............JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM BARNDT OMEnN'S. BUSINESS MANAGER JEAN KEINATRI BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newman, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes. Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy,' Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie-Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers tack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- if led Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR : ROBERT WEEKS Court Proposal Reader Presents Objections To 4Jhe Editor: Though I cannot answer the astute Mr. Mur- roy's outburst published in this column Wednes- day, March 10 with the same degree of his pomp- ous soap-box style, I will endeavor the attempt to defend those arch-reactionaries who dare op- pose our great democrat in his Machiavelian pro- posal to pack the Federal judiciary. Our honorable President, the friend of "the forgot ' n man" and the stern adversary of the Economic Royalists has been achieving the aims of the Administration under the guise of Liberal- ism and with an adroitness which has never been equalled in the American political scene. It seems at the present time that well oiled Farleysm is an unbeatable political juggernaut. And with one exception it has crushed every foe which has dared to stand in its path. That one exception is the United States Supreme Court which still maintains its insolent insistence to adhere to orthodoxy and established Constitutional proce- dure' upon which lies the very core of this coun- try's existence as a land of Liberalism. But this set-back suffered at the hands of that reaction- ary body which serves as custodian of our lib- erties, has but only dazed Rooseveltian jingoism. They have initiated the ghoulish chant and fu- neral dirge: "The nine old men must go, the nine old men must go." They have endeavored to picture the highest tribunal of the courts of this country as a poisonous serpent ever ready to coil and sink its venemous fangs in the legs of the People at the gain of the great corpora- tions and the "privileged few." They have sus- tained unbelievably vicious attacks upon the stainless integrity of one of the most capable groups of jurists in the world. How can Mr. Roosevelt and his political corps still maintain that they are champions of Liberalism when they are proposing one of the most reactionary measures in American Constitutional History? Constitutional Government Risked You have stated, Mr. Murray, that the issue in this controversy is whether "the efforts of a great President to end a long era of unbearable human misery,be carried through or shall they be nullified by a reactionary Supreme Court." No, No, Mr. Murray, that is not the issue. The issue is whether we shall attain progress through a medium of usurpation or whether we shall at- tain progress through measures more compatible to American ideals and orderly Constitutional government. Now getting down to cases, I think it is gen- erally agreed that judicial review is necessary to our Federal form of government. But I will not argue that judicial review is infallible. For since the Civil War the Supreme Court has in certain cases drawn lines of demarcation nullifying laws under the due-process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In doing this the Court has laid down many interpretations which' seem rather alien to the original spirit and frame- work of the Constitution. Also we find that a great many decisions affecting the powers of Congress have been made by a divided court, thus raising the question whether those judges who rendered the decisions have gone out of their province and placed the meaning of judicial re- view in a questionable legislative light. Granted, Mr. Murray, these things are true. And I heartily concur with you that there is a drastic need for social and progressive economic legislation to make our Federal form of government a vital force and guiding hand in regulating the com- prehensive economic life of this country. And we do wish a more liberal interpretation of the Constitution to make it workable in modern so- cial and economic spheres. So the question arises Mr. Murray how are we going to solve this prob- lem? Will Destroy Courts' Integrity If the friend of "the forgotten man" succeeds in whipping his proposal through Congress, he will not have accomplis.hed any permanent con- structive progress in mending the ills of judicial review, but rather he will have succeeded in -destroying the integrity of the courts. And in doing this the fi'st step will be taken in the breaking down of our structure of fundamental civil rights and the undermining of the demo- cratic character of our government. We find that a certain number of liberals in Congress have been offering compromise pro- posals. One of the leading exponents of com- promise is Senator Wheeler-a native Montana son like Mr. Murray. He has proposed a consti- tutional amendment in collaboration with Sen- ator Bone which will make it easier to amend the Constitution and to leave civil liberties alone. I will leave the technical phases of this pro- .osal for Mr. Murray to peruse in his sp.are time. The statesmanlike Senator Norris of Ne- braska has offered a very concrete proposal to limit the Supreme Court's power to declare laws unconstitutional. The main sinews of his plan require more than a simple majority of the Supreme Court to hold a law unconstitutional. That is, the court could not render illegal acts of Congress by less than a seven to two de- cision. As Mr. Walter Lippmann, an impartial observer despite Max Lerner's indictment, has stated: "The proposals are still in the work- shop and before we are through they will have been modified again and again." But after all, isn't that the best method of scientific progress, the theory of test and prove? Mr. Murray in his letter, so aptly quoted Chief Justice John Marshall. May I have the honor of quoting an excerpt in George Washington's fare- Nyell address? "If in the opinion of the people, the distribu- tion or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usur- BENEATH **** ***** IT ALL ";~By Bonth Wiiams BENEATH IT ALL: More than sixty per cent of Michigan students, as a result of their contact with co-eds, feel that women should be denied the right to vote, this column's recent survey indicates . . . Dorie Holt took lessons for three weeks and still has to have help when she carries the huge tuba upon which she toots in the current J.G.P... . Pete Boder is entirely in the dark in regard to the identity of his philan- thropically inclined godmother. The Law Club's dance master is in receipt of a letter from a prominent Detroit brokerage informing him that $303 has been deposited to his account . . . "To prevent all from drinking in moderation because some cannot drink in moderation is sheer ty- ranny"--Prof. Dwight L. Dumond . . . Jack Ja- coby, a high-ranking scholar in the medical. school, was once so discouraged that he deserted the Boy Scouts after he had repeatedly failed to pass the first aid test ... Comes the word from reputable channels that The League Council al- most didn't name Hope Hartwig president be- cause she already had so many merit points --. That same body will be sorely perplexed over the question of how many counters to give Elsie Pierce . .. Fred De Lano is the new Ann Arbor correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. He takes the place of George Stauter, former Daily News man who has gone with the () . . . A sailor who saw Marcia Connell's picture in a New York paper has written to her in hopes that she wi' become his pen pal. 'D LIKE to take this opportunity to say some- thing about Coach Eddie Lowrey and the ! Michigan hockey team. I've watched Michigan play hockey for four years. I've covered it for The Daily in one ca- pacity or another for three of those four years and I've come to know and like and admire every- one connected with the old Coliseum from Nate and Cyci who work there to Bill who keeps track of time and penalties. There's a finer spirit on the Michigan hockey club, I think, than on any other Wolverine ath- letic team-and that's saying a whole lot. That spirit is due to Eddie Lowrey and the way he coaches, and to the attitude of the boys that play for him. Lowrey is a fiery little Cana- dian with both a shrewd knowledge and a great love of hockey, but to him hockey is just a game. "Battle 'em and keep battling 'em. is Eddie's for- mula, but he never forgets that the main idea is to get a lot of fun out of playing. Out on the ice from 6 to 8 every night, Lowrey can still give and take it with the best of his Varsity, and he does. Out of the friendly rivalry of nightly scrimmage is built a deep loyalty and a love of the game which always characterizes Michigan hockey teams It's because of that strong friendship among the players, most of whom eat and sleep hockey together, their intense love of playing, and their desire to win for Eddie that you see Michigan puck squads of seven, eight, and nine men outfighting more experi- enced and more powerful clubs who carry from 12 to 15 players. That's why hockey is so popular here in Ann Arbor, why so many rabid fans never miss the opportunity to come down and root for the Wolverines, to stand and shriek when Vie and Gib break down the ice. Jack Tompkins, Emmy Reid, Keith Crossman, George David, ,Johnny Jewell, Johnny Sherf, and now Vic Heyliger are a few of the Lowrey- coached skaters who have gone on to continue their hockey careers in either Class A amateur or professional circuits. In a ten-year period here Lowrey has started from scratch and built hockey up until it now ranks as one of the most popular major sports on the campus. If a suitable arena were pro- vided I think it would become the second larg- est drawing card of all Michigan teams. At the hockey banquet Tuesday night I heard Captain Heyliger and Manager Bill Olson mum- ble a few words of congratulations and luck to their successors, Bob Simpson and Sam Palinski, and I fervently add my own. There are two things I will always remember about the Michigan hockey team. One is their traditional series with Minnesota and the other is how lucky they are to have Eddie Lowrey as coach. THE FORUM Gambling On Invasion To the Editor: A few days ago I tried to point out, through a letter appearing in this column that radical pacifism is a sure way to get into a war. Since then several letters have ap- peared in the Forum accusing me of assorted crimes, from being weal- thy to working for the Standard Oil Company. First, I would like to take this op- portunity to deny the accusations. I am not rich. I do not work for the Rockefellers. I am not a Fascist. I do not believe that war is good. And I did not mean to descend to the level of personal abuse, although I will ad- mit that the proposals of the Peace Council did make me see red. The wealth of America is not in the possession of the DuPonts or the Rockefellers. The majority of the population of this country is in pos- session of the majority of its wealth. Millionaires and paupers are just iso- lated examples that do not represent the true conditions. But the would- be reformers always seem to seize one of these unusual cases, and pretend that it represents the country as a whole. Besides that, it should not be considered a crime to be successful in business. The people who criticize the wealthy are usually not righteous, just ignorant, or perhaps jealous. j This morning there was a letter in the Forum by a person signing him- self "Law Student." The letter said, in brief, that it is no use to arm, be- cause, if there is to be a war, itw ill be impossible to fight defensive war- fare; that the offense will have the advantage. I think that this is all nonsense, created by a person who is letting his imagination run away with him. In modern warfare it is still necessary that the area in dispute be c:cupied by troops in order to be conquered. Bombing and gassing are only minor details that may, in some cases, make occupation more simple. The truth of this is demonstrated in the two most modern wars; the Span- ish and the Ethiopian. The Italian army only bombed and gassed where there were very large concentrations of the enemy. Their main weapon was the infantryman. And they con- quered Ethiopia in a short time. How- ever, in Spain a different situation exists. For five months now Madrid has been systematically bombed and shelled. And it is still in the posses- sion of the same army A letter by Mr. Frederick, directed at me was also published today. It is a reasonable letter, and I might say that it is almost in agreement with my ideas. But it is based on the assumption tlat I meant to say that the United States wouldbe de- feated in a war if we are attacked. I do not think that any nation in the world could defeat us onour own soil now. Nor do I think that any one would try. But what I maintain is this: If the radicals of the country succeed in getting the army and navy cut down we will be open to attack. Even with a microscopic army and small navy I think that the United States would be able to hold its own against any but the largest armies in the world. But that is not the point. If the army is much smaller the na- tion will be virtually unarmed. And some hard-pressed dictatorship might be willing to ignote the odds (as pointed out by Mr. Frederick) and gamble everything on a war with a weaker power. Itis possible. It has happened in the past. There is no reason why the United States gov- ernment would gamble on an inva- sion and a long drawn-out war, when it could be prevented so easily. -Dan Stevenson THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1937 VOL. XLVII o. 120 I Notices Intructions for Reporting Indus-1 trial Accidents: Report All Industrial Accidents. All accidents occurring in line of duty involving any person onl the University payroll in whatevert capacity, whether medical care is re-C quired or not, should be reported in writing or by telephone to the Busi-c ness office of the University Hospital (Hospital extension 307). A supply of University of Michigan accident i report forms (No. 3011) will, be1 furnished on request by the Hospital Business Office. Medical Care. Injuries requiring medical care will be treated only at the University Hospital. Employees receiving care elsewhere will be re- sponsible for the expense of such . treatment. Whenever possible a writ-; ten report of any accident should ac- company the employee to the Infor- mation Desk on the Main Floor of the University Hospital. This report will be authority for the Hospital to ren- der necessary medical care. Emergency Cases: Emergency medical care will be given at the Hos- 1 pital without a written accident re- port. Ambulance cases should be taken directly to the Ambulance En- ti ance, at the rear of the Main Build- ing of the University Hospital. In all such cases the written accident report should be forwarded as promptly as possible to the Business Office of the Hospital. The so-called Workmen's Compen- sation law is for the mutual protec- tion of employer and employee. In order to enjoy the privileges provided by the law all industrial accidents must be reported promptly to the correct authorities. These reports en- title each employee to compensation for loss of time and free medical care as outlined in the law. The Compensation Law covers any industrial accident occurring while an employee is engaged in the activi- ties of his employment which re- sults in either a permanent or tem- porary disability, or which might conceivably develop into a permanent or temporary disability. Further Information. If at any time an employe wishes further informa- tion regarding any compensation case, he is urged to consult either the Business Office or the Office of the Chief Resident Physician at the Hospital or the Business Office of the University, on the Campus. Shirley W. .Smith. Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: Tne nve- week freshman reports will be due March 20, Room 4, University J-all. E. A. Walter, Chairman, Academic Counselors. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: A meeting will be held this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in business administration. The meet- ing will be addressed by Dean C. E. Griffin of the School of Business Ad- ministration. The next meeting in the vocational series designed to give information concerning the nature of and preparation for the various pro- fessions, to be held on March 23, will be addressed by Prof. E. V. Moore of the School of Music. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday Autcmobile Regulation: Those stu- dents possessing driving permits is- sued during the first semester and who have failed to renew them are hereby requested to do so immed- iately. This request applies to those who will use their 1936 State license plates until August 1, as well as to those who have purchased 1937 li- censes. All old permits aredvoidas of March 15, and their continued use will constitute grounds for disciplin- ary action. Applications for renew- als must be made at Room 2, Univer- sity Hall, and new sets of permit tags will be issued at no additional cost. Dean of Students. 9 Blum, Front And Center .. . ALARMISTS in this y country with liberal inclinations, have recently been decrying the French political and financial moves of the past two weeks, pointing out, some- what hastily, that the Blum government is turn- ing to the right. Immediate failure of the cabinet is predicted now as it has been since the first day Leon Blum, leading the tri-partite Front Populaire, assumed office. Blum, however, need not fear for his govern- ment, for it has had extended to it an enthusias- tic expression of confidence. The speed and interest with which the national defense loans received subscriptions represents not only con- fidence in the government and its financial pol- icies, but also confirmation of them. In the first days of the Front Populaire gov- ernment a wave of sit-down strikes spread through the nation, resulting in higher wages and shorter hours for the depression-burdened workers. These results were then incorporated into law. There now prevails a forty hour week law in addition to a collective bargaining law and a large public works program. Nationalization of the munitions industry has been effected while the control of the Bank of France passed out of the hands of the notorious '200 families.' Enemies of the government were quick to see revolution in the entire Front Populaire govern- ment at the time. Friends, on the other hand, were expressing joy that they had no high court to hinder their plans for social legislation. In reality Blum and the left wing parties were en- acting a series of measures comparable to Pres- ident Roosevelt's New Deal legislation. As such they were neither revolutionary nor destructive) to the state. That state which was in the hands of a group of socialists was a democratic republic, consisting of several social classes and various large groups with particular interests. Naturally, if such a state is to survive long, the various classes and groups must be recognized on a par, giving each treatment beneficial to it while not tread- ing too heavily on the toes of others. Compro- mise is the universal principle in a democratic state, vhether it be the United Sates, England or France. In accordance with that principle, after having extended to the working class certain advantages, Blum promised a balanced -budget and a breath- ing spell for business. Then, after announcing the 10,500,000,000 franc national defense loan, he was greeted by immediate subscriptions, indi- cating that capital was willing to cooperate with the,.government it had believed to be too par- tisan to labor. When, before that cheering support, the gov- ernment announced free trading in gold the U.S. Naval and Marine Corps Re- serves Flight Training: Information is available -in the office of the De- partment of. Aeronautical Engineer- ing, B-47 East Engineering Bldg., in regard to the course of flight train- ing offered by the Reserve Corps of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. This course is available to all quali- fied students who have completed two years of their work at the University and have fulfilled other necessary requirements. Students i Aeronautical Engineering are given preference but in general all Univer- sity students are eligible. All those interested in this work may examine the statement of requirements at the Aeronautical Engineerng office. l Those wishing to obtain applications should leave their names and ad- dresses. The first class will begin training on May 15, 1937, and will be followed by five other classes at the rate of one per month. It is im- portant that those students who are interested indicate their intentions at the earliest possible date. Academic Notices The examination in Foreign Lan- guages for the New York State teacher's license will be held Friday, March 19, at 1:15 p.m., in Room 100 R.L. English 48, Section 1, will meet at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. today in Room 3231 A.H. F. W. Peterson. Psychology 108 will not meet Fri- day, March 19, because of the Michi- gan Academy occupying the room. Concerts Men's Glee Club Concert: The Var- sity Glee Club will give a concert in the School of Music Series this evening, at 8:15 p.m., in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public is invited. The chorus will be directed by Prof. David Mattern. A program of college songs, folk songs, and other numbers, will be provided. Soloists will include Ralph Clark and Wilmot Pratt, baritones; and Harold Garner, bass; with Leo Luskin, pianist and Tom H. Kinkead, organist, as accompanists. The gen eral public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend without admission charge. CarillonRecital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, this afternoon, at 4:15 p.m. lectures University Lecture: Dr. George W- McCoy, formerly Director of the Na- tural Institute of Health, will lec- tune on "Epidemiological Ref lec- tions" on Friday, March 19, at 8 p.m, in Room 1528 East Medical Build- ing. The public is cordially invited. The Deutscher Verein presents the fourth of a series of lectures this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2003 Angell Hall . Prof. Mehmet Oga-Oglu will give an illustrated lecture on "Islamische Architektur. Tickets for the lecture may be pro- cured at the door at the time of the lecture. r_ Lecture of Special Interest to Stu- dents: "The Plays of Eugene O'Neill" is the subject of a lecture to be given a tonight by Dr. W. P. Lemon at the . Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave., at 7 p.m. The lecture will end - promptly at 8 p.m. xhibit ions e s An Exhibiion of Chinese Art, in- f eluding ancient bronzes, pottery and t peasant paintings, sponsored by the - Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- r tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and March. The public is cordially invited. n Botanical Photographic Exhibit: g An exhibit of photographs of botan- -s ical subjects by the staffs and stu- dents of the botanical organizations e of the University will be held from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Room 3004, Natural Science Building. The use of Bibliofilms in the acquisition of -i T O~ I 6 _ , .e As You Like It AT THE MAJESTIC This screen version of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" offers a great performance by a great actress. Elizabeth Bergner is cast in the role of Rosalind, and she gives the truly magnificent portrayal which you would expect from her. She carries the part with all liveliness and spon- taneity. It is her acting which puts across this Shakespearean comedy which otherwise might suffer from difficulty of adaptation to the cinema screen. The parts of Jaques, the contributor of "All the world's a stage," and Touchstone, he court jester, are not brought out to fullest advantage in the speeded-up version of the play. The char- acter of Orlando, the love-sick hero, is played by Laurince Oliver who really brings out the sick- ness. Most appealing is Sophie Stewart in the role of Celia. Orlando mopes grievously for his love, spend- ing his time carving her name on trees and penning verses to her. All the while Rosalind in disguise watches the antics of Orlando and 'Rollicking' And 'Feminine' Say Critics About The J.G.P. Feathers In Their Caps Old Campus Tradition By JAMES DOLL By JEWEL W. WUERFEL The Junior Girls present "FEATHER After years of wavering, the junior IN HIS CAP." Diected by Sarah Pierce, women with "Feather in His Cap' book by Dciothy Gies, settings by Oren have put the J.G.P. back in the old Parker, music by Charlie Zwick. Hope Hartwig, general chairman; Marie Saw- campus tradition of being one of the yer, dance chairman; Virginia Hunt, outstanding performances. music chairman; Ruth Bertsch, costume chairman. Through a script saturated with 1JNLIKE most of the musicals the rcllicking lines, a cast bubbling over junior women of past years have with pep, scores of catching songs don, tis nehasa tuc ofsprng dances with every kick full of Tyro- done, this one has a touch of spring, lean spirit, the junior women fro- It is naive in its idea, and was ca-t licked their way through a prize- rmed out in a way that was carrie winning play last night in the Lydi out in a way that was most charm- Mendelssohn Theatre. ing. Feather in His Cap is more an operetta than a musical comedy or The central committee is to be con- revue and for that reason is just so gratulated on selecting a play where reu efrThtirewais justrsoAlpine shorts save women from look- mig ridiculous dressed as men. Dor- suitable to an all-woman cast that othy Gies, the author, may well be was not afraid, for once, to be fem- proud of a script which transforms inine. For this reason, everything a timeworn plot into an evening o they attempted to do was within the catching gaiety, with some of the bes abilities of the cast and in the next laughs of the year. Sarah Pierce de few days everyone who will have seen serves the crowning feather for her the play will be praising the director inspiring direction. for bringing these possibilities out/so Shirl Crosman as lovestruck Fritz well. stole the second scene by calmly eat It isn't necessary to relate the plot. ing the cookie the senior women It all takes place in a toy shop in threw at her feet on the stage alon the Tyrol and this gives a chance for with pennies, cough drops and lump colorful and varied song and dance of sugar. The apple of his eye, love numbers. The music and dance ar- ly Katinka, played by Harriet Shack rangements, however, did not always leton, was "Schweet, and Schy" as sh suit the lyrics and general spirit of should be. the play. When everything coincid- Barbara Bradfield, as Kurt, ver ed as in Ein, Zwei, Drei the audience ably put across some of the best line