The Weather. --dommm- 'i i Food 1 40, LW 43UU BEat Rising temperature and erally fair. gen- 1 VOL. XLVII No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Court Backers' Disclose Plan To Sound-Out Justices' Views McReynolds Cites Absence Of Sportsmanship In Accepting Decisions Striking Testimony Sought InHearing WASHINGTON, March 17.-(P)- Leading opponents of the Roosevelt court reorganization bill disclosed to- day that a movement is under way to persuade several members of the Supreme Court to give their views at Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. At least three justices have been very cautiously and privately sound- ed out on the idea, it was said, and the senators involved are hopeful of obtaining their acquiescence and thereby giving the opposition side of the great dispute some spectacular and striking support. Professor Gives Advice The Senate committee, now hearing proponents of the Roosevelt measure received testimony today from Ed- ward S. Corwin, professor of Consti- tutional Law at Princeton University. He said that the proposed revamping of the judiciary is necessary to "bring about an interpretation of the Con- stitution in the light of the meaning given it by the founders." Anoher development was a radio speech byd Representative Burdick (Rep., N.D.), who said the gist of the court controversy is "that the President has a New Deal scheme which he desires to enact into law and have it sustained, not because it is constitutional but because it is a part of the New Deal." Justice McReynolds Speaks The attempt to bring members of the Court before the committee was given added stimulation by a fra- ternity banquet address with which Associate Justice McReynolds broke the ice of judicial reticence about the tremendous conflict. "The evidence of good sportsman- ship," he said last night, "is that a myn who has had a chance to pre- sent a fair case to a fair tribunal must be a good sport and accept the outcome." State Academy To Open Annual Session Tonight Meeting Is To Bring Many Educators And Research Leaders IntoCity The opening here of the forty-sec- ond meeting of the Michigan Aca- demy of Science, Arts and Letters will be marked by a reception for its members at 8 p.m. tonight in tne University Museums. Educators and scientific investi- gators to the number of more than 400 are expected to attend the Aca- dmy meetings, which will continue through Saturday. Sessions of in- dividual sections on subjects includ- ing the natural sciences, economics political science, mathematics, liter- ature, philosophy and medicine wil be heldptomorrow and Saturday. Anthropology Is Topic Anthropology will form the topic of the first and only section meeting at 2 p.m. today in Room 3024, Univer- sity Museums. Dr. James B. Griffir of the Museum of Anthropology wil act as chairman of the section. Papers to be given at the sectior meeting today include "Zoomorphic Forms in Chinese Culture" by B. A. deV. Bailey of the Museum of An- thropology, "The.Beginnings of Por- celain in China" by Miss Joan Nile, and Mrs. Elizabeth McGilli, "Nev light on the Development of True Porcelain in China" by J. M. Plum- er of the Institute of Fine Arts, "A Study of Japanese Kinship Terms' by Frances S. Hughes of the anthro- pology department and "Tokaid Circuit: Past and Present" by Prof R. B. Hall of the geography depart- ment., Professor Dice To Talk Feature of tomorrow's program wil be the address of the Academy' president, Prof. Lee R. Dice, curator of mammal division, Museum o Zoology, at 7:45 p.m. in the Unior and a talk on, "Isolating Primar Factor of Intelligence" by Prof. L. I Thuston nf the Tniversity of Chi Slosson Says LaGuardia Case Shows Benefits Of Free Speech Claims -Government That Censors Is Responsible For All Statements The American prerogative of free speech and Mayor Fiorelo H. La Guardia's excitable naibure were stressed by Professor Preston W. Slos- son of the history department as fac- tors in the outbursts against Adolf Hitler made by New York's mayor in a speech before 25,000 people in Mad- ison Square Garden Monday night. Professor Slosson denied the con- tention that Mayor La Guardia's pro- posal that Hitler be putina "Cham- ber of Horrors" to be erected at the coming world's fair to be held in New York in 1939, was a vote garnering move to impress the Jewish populace of New York City, which far out- numbers the Aryan populace. Pro- fessor Slosson said "Mayor La Guar- dia is a liberal so his detestation of reactionary dictatorship is particu- larly vigorous, and he has always been undiplomatic and rough of speech." Secretary of State Cordell Hull, in, a recently addressed note to the Ger- man government also stressed the right of free speech when he said, after expressing his regret over the occurrence of the untoward situation, "In this country the right of free speech is guaranteed by the Consti- tution to every citizen and cherished as a part of the national heritage." The present situation, he continued, is a fine argument against censorship of the press. When there is govern- ment censorship of the press, he said, the government takes respon- sibility for everything that appears in it, while in the absence of such censorship, the government cannot be held responsible for what appears in the press. "When an American paper attacks Germany, it is the paper speaking, but when a German paper attacks the United States it is the German government speaking, because the press is a part of Hitler's totalitarian state," Professor Slosson said. Woman Cab Driver Defends Location Attracts Customers "Well, why shouldn't a woman drive a cab?" asked Ann Arbor's only woman taxi-cab driver yesterday, when questioned about her job . "Peg" as she wishes to be called, has been driving a 7000 cab aroundI the campus for nearly two weeks,, and she likes it too, she stated. She is treated on a par by the rest of the cab drivers, and she is said to handle her cab as skillfully and efficiently as any of them. Strange as it seems, the majority of her customers are co-eds, she declared. To prove that women are inerested in the job of driving a cab, she tells the following incident. "I was driving three girls to a certain well-known sorority the other night, and after a little whispering among themselves, they approached me on the possibility of their obtaining jobs driving taxis next summer," she said. Bill To stop Commuting By Aliens Passes House WASHINGTON, March 17.-(IP)- The House passed and sent to the Senate today a bill to stop aliens living in Canada and Mexico from l commuting to jobs in the United States. Earlier, a provision which would have forbidden commuting across the international borders by American citizens living in the two countries was stripped from the bill. 'Rough Of Speech' - Associated Press Photo 1 NEW YORK, March 17.-(O)- Mayor F. H. La Guardia, comment- ing tonight on the second apology t made by Secretary of State Hull to t Germany for the mayor's remarks about Hitler, said "the translation by the German government of the term satisfaktionfahig is absolutely correct." "Again I am pleased that t Hitler was so quick to recognize I himself," La Guardia said tonight. 't First Concert ByGlee Clubj .To Be Tonigllt' Club Is Offering Series Of Programs Near - By, And In Other States Eighty members of the Varsity Glee Club, under the direction of Prof. David E. Mattern, conductor, will give a concert at 8:15 p.m.rtoday in Hill Auditorium. This is the Glee Club's first public appearance this semester in Ann Ar- bor, and the first concert that has been given by the club in Hill Audi- torium for several years, according to Professor Mattern. The club has given programs in several Michigan cities during the winter, and is plan- ning a trip into Ohio, Indiana, Illi- nois and Southern Michigan during Spring Vacation. Solos will be given by Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt, Ralph B. Clark, '38SM; and Harold Garner, '40. Leo S. Luskin, Grad., pianist, and Tom H. Kinkead, '37, organist, will accompany the Glee Club. The Glee Club will sing "Laudes Atque Carmina," by Stanley; "In College Days"; "A Toast to Michi- gan" by Elbel; "Song of Suomi" by Pacius; "In the House of the Lord"; "Fight" by Faltin; "Pirate Song" by Gilbert; "I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby"'by Clay, and "Brown Octob- er Ale" from Robin Hood by DeKoven. After the intermission, the Glee Club will sing "God Rest Ye Merrie Gentlemen," "By Babylon's Wave" by Gounod; "How Jovial is Thy Laugh- ter" by Bach; "I Dream of Jeanie" by Foster; "Holy Mountain" by Rhodes;, and "De Camptown Races' by Foster. The program will be closed with "Di- vine Praise' by Bortniansky, and "The Lord's Prayer," music by Forsyth. [ndependents ro Meet Today For First Time CA, Women's Assembly, Interfraternity Council, Promise To Cooperate Meeting In Union To Discuss Plans Independent men on campus will iscuss plans for organization at 7:30 .m. today in Room 116 of the Union, ith the support of the Interfrater- ity Council, Student's Christian As- >ciation and Women's Assembly. The meeting, which will be con- ucted by the Executive Council of he Union, will be informal and will onsist mainly of questions and an- wers from members of the audience, ,ccording to Union officials. Bruce Telfer, '38, member of the' ;xecutive Council of the Union, who 'ill act as chairman, said yesterday, We want all independents who are aiterested in starting the ball rolling, o think over problems of organiza- ion and possible activity plans. We'll ive everyone a chance to speak." Fraternities Aid Fear that fraternities would oppose he move to organize non-affiliated nen was dispelled yesterday when eorge W. Cosper, '37, president of he Interfraternity Council expressed ,pproval of the project and pledged upport., "I think the plan is excellent, in- ependents should be organized. As or representation in the Men's Coun- il, I, for one, will be glad to welcome hem." The Students' Christian Associa- ion, as well as the Executive Council ;xtended its facilities to the proposed roup. "Lane Hall will be open to the in- lependents whenever they need meet- ng space, and the members of the ssociation will be only too glad to elp the fellows with any problems ;hey may have," Richard S. Clark, 37, president of the Association, said resterday. Provisions Given Provisipns of the plan which was pproved by the Senate Committee n Student Affairs include participa- ion in extra-curricular and intra- nural activities, fair and equitable representation in campus politics, ocial events, forums and possible epresentation in the Men's Council. Mary Andrew, '37, president of the Women's Assembly explained that ier organization would cooperate ac- ively with the men. "I can remember when we first >rganized two years ago. We've had many troubles since then, which I believe the men may have to face. They can depend on us for any help they need. Spain Will Oust Foreign Troops, Alliance Is Told Prof. Albaladejo Declares Spain Will Never Allow Invaders To Remain The Spanish people will never allow foreign invaders, brought in by the "traitor," Gen. Francisco Franco leader of the fascist forces to remain in their country, Prof. Jose M. Albal- adejo of the romance language de- partment told more than 50 peopl at the Student Alliance meeting at the Union last night. Flaying Congressional neutrality legislation and Hearst's opposition "aimed at the established govern- ment of Spain," the Rev. Harold P Marley condemned Americans' "in. difference to the struggle of our sis- ter democracy, Spain," in the Alliance forum on "Spain Today." Pointing out the "urgent need foi aid to the Loyalist cause," Fred Bran- deis, Grad., appealed to the audienc( to "build up membership in the loca chapter of the Friends of Spanisl Democracy." Mr. Marley urged "supporters o democracy to give tangible aid t Spain in her fight with fascist power whose bombs are helping the Spanis propertied class to crush the masses. Regent Candidates To Be Heard Her( Two Democratic nominees for Re Workers Ordered To Quit 1 Jobs In Half-Day Strike Against Fascism Premier Blum Tries To Retain Position Labor Confederation Lists DeIands For Purging Army And Police PARIS, March 17.--(P)-A million Paris workers were ordered tonight to leave their jobs tomorrow morning in a half-day strike against Fascist organizations and there was talk of a nation-wide walkout as Socialist Premier Leon Blum fought to pre- serve his government, threatened by a wave of public reaction after last night's street rioting. The Paris division of the General Confederation of Labor ordered the strike in the capital area in a state- ment which said the strike would "be a warning" to the government to ar- rest Col. Francois De La Rocque and dissolve completely his French Social Party and "other Fascist leagues." Recent Fascist Leader De La Rocque formerly headed the J now disbanded Croix .De Feu, with Fascist leanings. The Confederation also listed de- mands for "purging the army, police ana the public aministration," and blamed "Fascist provocation" for last night's outbreak at Clichy. The strike, if effective, would bring Paris to a complete standstill. Only newspapers would be published under the labor confederation order. Warn Further Trouble It contained a warning of further action if the labor demands were not met by the government. The nature of the action was not revealed. "Resolved to finish with. the en- emies of the people, with creators of civil war, and with men in the pay of foreign powers," the confed- eration declared it would call a meet: ing of councils of its member unions within a few days "to examine the situation." Esquire Magazine Buys Student Story Harry Purdy, '39, yesterday re- ceived a check for $100 from Esquire' magazine in way of remuneration for a story which the magazine has ac- cepted for .publication. The story, "True Life, Real Life," is about the electrocution of a New York City boy brought up in the slums who was convicted of murder. Purdy disclosed that he had originally written the story in two and' one- half hours. Student Workers Group Has New Headquarters Headquarters for the Student Workers Federation were established yesterday at 308-310 S. State St., it was announced yesterday by Tom Downs, '39, president. "It will be possible now," Downs said, "for student workers to drop in from 2 to 5 p.m. at Room 37, any day to discuss their problems and have their queries on working conditions and unionism explained." Chr sler Strikers Double Guard, Defy Court Order; Mi iono Strike In Paris Whereas: Franklin Delano Roose- velt now holds the high office of President of the United States by vir- tue of the will of the majority of the People, and Whereas: this same Franklin De- lano Roosevelt now controls the ex- ecutive, the legislative, and is soon to control the judiciary all so-called branches of the government of these United States, and Whereas: this same Franklin De- lano Roosevelt has proved himself to be a man of the Century, the Great- est Statesman, Humanist, Economist, Politician, and Magician this fair land has ever had to guide it, and Whereas, this same Franklin De- lano Roosevelt has already provided a succession of heirs unto the third generation, right in mind, health, and Right Royal Dignity, and Whereas, the American people have long exhibited a burning desire for a less simple form of government through undying devotion to . the pomp and pageantry of minor of- ficialdom,_ and Whereas: the intense interest of (Continued on Page 2) y R y I 1 y3 1 1 Physicists Split Atom Nucleus To Discover 'What Makes It Go' EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of] a series of articles explaining the 1 work of the cyclotron and what may be accomplished through its aid. By SAUL R. KLEIMAN Like the proverbial alarm clock, the nucleus of the atom, long con- sidered the irreducible particle of matter, is now being taken apart by University physicists with the hope of finding "what makes it go." The onlyndifference is that the physicists need not worry about putting the atom's nucelus together again. It has long been known that the atom resembles the solar system in that it consists ofaa nucleus com- parable to the sun about which elec- trons rotate much as do the planets, but it was not known that the atomic hydrogen atoms-are separated from their "planets" and speeded up to a velocity of more than 360 million miles per hour then directed at the material to be studied. When these energetic particles strike the nuclei of the atoms bom- barded, they often serve as triggers to release more energy than they themselves possess. The deuteron is made up of a proton, a particle of matter with a positive electric charge, and a neu- tron, a particle of matter the mass of which is the same as that of the proton, but has no electric charge. When the deuteron strikes the nu- cleus of the atom one of two things I may occur, depending on whether the dpi n,,crrn divip into its twn nm- An ell States Labor Amendment PutsImpici Trust In Cong'ress The American family, considered South would not be objectionable in- as an institution that is subjected to terference, he said. He mentioned parental guidance, has nothing to the lack of education among many children in the South that prevailed fear if the Child Labor Amendment because they were working and had becomes law, according to Prof. Rop- no time to attend school, and he also ert Angell of the sociology depart- pointed out the deleterious effect that ment. some child labor had upon the health Basing his belief on an implicit of its ictimsthat children have been trust in what the legislature would regarded as 'old age security' may do with the power granted it by the have something to do with the op- amendment, Professor Angell said position to the amendments in those that it was particularly difficult to states, but the antagonism of em-, reconcile the opposition to the ployers is more important," Professor amendment in the North with the Angell said, "but if it is to pass, it laws in most northern states making must be ratified by two-thirds of the school attendance compulsory until states and the attitude especially Social Securit Reform Asked Bvandenberg WASHINGT7N, Mah a7.)--rte Senator Vandenbe:g ep, Mich) began a new drive ir the Senate today for a "pay-as-you-go" Social security system. Le charged that under the present system the govern- meni "ing aax orI bo, raised in thBius name oSoi a .l -q, -S curty ro cushion the General Trcasury. Vandenberg, leader ola Republican effort to amend the old-age benefit set-up, attackeed the present law when the Senate oegan considieration of the Treasury appropriaton bill, with uas $500,000,000 inial allotment for the. ol-fage reserve accourit. Declaring that continuation of these annual appropriations would increase the old age reser to $47,- 000,000,000 by 1980, Va1de-berg told the Senate the reserve pan ls"te ' nos fantastic ojecive ma . Quandry! Student Needs Money And Hates Work Evidence of honesty and accurate evaluation of one's characteristics on the Michigan campus can easily be found in the classified advertising section of yesterday's Ann Arbor News: "Student-Indolent, doesn't want work but needs money. Short hours. high compensation only re-