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March 17, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-17

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Ruthven Names
For Centennial
Community Dinner, June
14, Initiates Celebration
Of 100thAnniversary
(Continued from Page 1)

Taxicab Crowded Into Lake Michigan In Strike Disorder



Berman Plans Fight And Sex Most Popular
For Summer Newspaper Topics, Brumm Says

nession tjivenj


Papers To Be
For Not Foil
Crininal Stor

activities in all department, consti-
tuting an "open house" throughout
the instiution. A descriptive folder
of the various exhibits will also be
Members 'of Dr. Guthe's commit-
tee are Samuel W. McAllister, associ-
ate librarian of the General Library,
Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson of the fine
arts department, Prof. Kenneth C.
McMurray, chairman of the geogra-
phy department, Prof. Axel Martin
of the engineering college, Dr. C. V.
Weller of the medical school and Prof.
Raleigh Schorling of the education
Arrangement Committee
Arrangements for meeting places
for the lectures, dinners-and other
scheduled events will be made by a
committee headed by Prof. D. L.
Rich of the physics department.
Others on this committee are Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
University women; Franklin C. Kuen-
zel, assistant manager of the Michi-
gan Union; Dr. Margaret Elliott of.
the economics department, Prof. G.
E. Densmore of the speech depart-
ment, Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the
engineering college and Prof Grover
C. Grismore of the Law School.
Available housing facilities in Ann
Arbor and vicinity will be catalogued
by another group so. that prospec-
tive visitors may obtain rooms before
the centennial week opens.
Bursley In Charge
Prof. Phillip E. Bursiey of the
French department, will be in charge
of this work, assisted by Prof. Harold
M. Dorr of the political science de-
partment, Dr. Charles M. Davis of the
geography department, Stanley G.
Waltz, manager of the Union, Mrs.
Allen S. Whitney, and Mrs. Laurence
C. Stuart.
In order that automobiles may be
placed at the disposal of many guests
who. will wish to see the city and
various points of interest, a commit-
tee on transportation will be in charge
of obtaining cars. Herbert P. Wag-
ner, chief accountant of the Univer-
sity will be its chairman.
Secretaries of four service clubs are

-Photo by Walter A. Crow.
The ice in Lake Michigan saved this Chicago taxi ab'from a thorough drenching when it careened over
an embankment and finally came to a halt ra few feet out from shore. The driver, William Bret, 60, said
four men in another machine forced him off the Outer Drive on the north side. It was one of several acts
of violence reported to police as the. city's taxi strike went into its 10th day3.

included in the transportation group.
They are James V. Bush, V. O. Nel-
son, George E. Lewis of the engineer-
ing college, and Prof. Frank A. Mick-
le of the engineering college. Also on
the committee is William C. Walz.
The entertainment committee,
which has already announced some
of its plans, has Prof. Herbert A. Ken-
yon of the Romance language depart-
ment, as chairman and includes Mrs.
Isabel Haight, assistant curator in
the division of fline art, Prof. J. Ra-
leigh Nelson, counselor of foreign
students, Valentine P. Windt, director
,of Play Produuction, Prof. Earl V.
Moore of the music school, David E.
Mattern of the music school, Prof.
William D. Revelli, conductor of the
rUniversity band and Mrs. Charles A.
Members of the publicity committee
pre T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of
the Alumni Association, Chairman R.
W. Morrisey of the University news
dissemination bureau, Elsie Pierce,
Michigan Daily, Theodore T. Peck,
Associated Press, Ralph N. Byers,
Ann Arbor News, Fred Warner Neal,
'Michigan Daily, Miss Charlotte Reu-
ger, former president of the Michi-
gan League, Clinton B. Conger, United
Press, and W. A. John, Detroit ad-
vertising counsel.

Morrison Says City Relatively
Free From Serious Accidents
In spite of the numerous complaints "Of the ten killed in the city, seven
[about "Ann Arbor drivers" the city is died in July accidents and three in
on the average comparatively free an accident just barely inside the
from serious traffic accidents, Prof.I.t.i,,o
Roger L. Morrison of the highway city hmits, Professor Morrison said.
engineering department declared yes- On the other hand the safety bouncil
terday. did not consider the 10,000 students
"Although 1936 was one of our here but based the rating on Ann
worst years there are several factors Arbor's 1930 population of approxi-
that, when considered, will show that mately 28,000, he explained.
conditions were not as bad as figures "In connection with national acci-
seem to indicate," Professor Mornr- dents, it might be noted that there
son said. The city, according to Ann was an increase of 7,000 fatalities in
Arbor police statistics, had eight fatal 1935 over 1930 in spite of the fact
accidents with ten persons being that there were 300,000 less auto-
killed while there were 117 non-fatal mobile registrations that year," Pro-
accidents in which 145 people were fessor Morrison said. "Liquor and
injured. These along with 526 acci- speed" were in his opinion probably
dents resulting in property damage 'he reasons for this increase.
only made up a total of 651 accidents The south end of Broadway Bridge'
in Ann Arbor during 1936, police de- was listed by Professor Morrison as
partment records show. the leading "death intersection" or
The basis on which Ann Arbor traffic hazard in Ann Arbor. Other
ranked 71st in 73 cities in its popu- locations which he labeled "danger-
lation class in the National Safety ous" were: the intersection of the
Council rating was on fatalities per Cut-off with Main Street; the inter-
hundred thousand population, Profes- section of Catherine, Fourth and De-
sor Morrison said. Ann Arbor's rating troit s;treets, and Division and Wash-
was 35.5, he said. ington streets' crossing.

Opportunity for contacts with the
German language and literature will
be available for students of several
types of particular needs in a pro-
gram being offered by the Germanf
department during this year's Sum-
mer Session, according to the bulle-
tins being released by the office of the
Summer Session.
The curriculum in German is beingi
designed to meet the needs of three
types of students in general. For;
those who have had no previous in-
struction, 'it is offering courses that
give a foundation in the language.
Literature, composition, an$ conver-
sation courses are offered for students,
who already have this foundation,
and for advanced students there are
courses in Germanic literary and lin-
guistic theory. Aside from this work,
there will be offered a program for
teachers and students working toward,
advanced degrees.
Arrangements have been made to'
create, a "German Table" where dur-
ing meals only German will be spoken.
A German Club is also to be organ-
ized, to provide practice in planning
programs to supplement classroomj
instruction for teachers. _Hikes, pic-
nics and similar excursions will be
undertaken by this group.
Bulletins are obtainable through
the office of the Summer Session.
Student Case Clubs
To Hear Finalists
Freshman members of the student
case clubs at the Law School will con-
clude their activities for the 1936-37
year with the holding of final argu-
ments today and Friday.
In the final argument of the Mar-
shall Club, to be held at 4 p.m. today
in Room 116, Hutchins Hall, Law
School, Harold V. Hartger and Jack
F.-Smith will oppose Richard J. Blan-
chard and John C. Oberhausen. Prof.
Paul G. Kauper, Clifford L. Ashton,
'37L, and William C. Hartman, '37L
will be judges in this case.
Finalists in the Holmes club fresh-
man final argument will be Laddy
Gross and John Ulman, against OR. G.
Eubank and Abraham Zwerdling.
Prof. William W. Blume, Elbert R.
Gilliom, '37L and William A. Mc-
Clain, '37L, will be the judges in
this case.

Newspapers are not to be censoredz
so much for their portrayals of crimes,t
as they are for their failures to give
equal prominence to the trials and
subsequent punishment to the crim-
inals, Prof. John L. Brumm, chair-
man of the journalism department,
stated yesterday. .
"The real sensations lie outside of
the police beats and blotters," Profes-
sor Brumm declared, "and the report-
ers must be trained independently to
follow up the law-breaker after he
is arrested."
The main points of public interest,
as far as the papers are concerned
at present, Professor Brumm pointed
out, are the factors of sex and fight.
The people signify what they want by
laying down their two or three cents
for the paper containing the greatest
interest for them, he added, and they
thus force the newspaper to give
them more of these factors.
As to the oft-cried statement that
crime stories splashed in big scare-
heads suggest another crime to per-
verted minds, Professor Brumm pro-
tested that it would be hard to know
just what the influence of the sug-
gestibility of the papers playing up
khe original committment of a crime
'it. He added that there is no avail-
able research on the subject.
"If people were not already dis-
posed to a criminal act before they
read of a certain crime in a news-
paper," he continued, "there is no
indication that they would carry out,
a follow-up crime.'
One thing that the newspapers
could be blamed for, however, Pro-
fessor Brumm said, is the fact that
the reiteration of similar crimes and
just-plain crimes gives us the idea-


Censored that crime is more prevalent than it
)Will U p.is. He stated that this factor tends
g P to dull our sensitivity to crime and
s toward retarding criminal actions.


The moral standards in any com-
munity depend to a great extent on
the standard of the prevailing news-
paper in that neighborhood," Pro-
fessor Brumm said, "and therefore
the newspapers set a pattern for the
people to follow."
For the above reason, Professor
!3rumm concluded that it is up to the
papers not to devote all of their time
to playing up the committed crimes,
'as it is for them to favor setting up
of crime commissions to prevent the
original breaking of the law. He said
that the papers could do much by
fostering state parole boards and re-
forming jails and prisons so as to
segregate different types of criminals
and to make use of the present en-
lightened criminology.
Varsity Team Opens
With Four Debates
The University Varsity debating
squad drew up the curtain on its 1937
activities here recently when it en-
gaged Albion College and Muskegon
Junior College in four practice de-
bates on the subject "Resolved: That
Congress Should Be Empowered To
Fix Minimum Wages and Maximum
Hours for Industry." No decisions
were given.
No selections have been made for
the four man varsity team which will
represent Michigan at the Western
Conference Debate Tournament to be
held this year in Chicago on April 9
and 10, according to Raymond V.
Shoberg, director of Varsity debating.
Upholding the affirmative for
Michigan in the Albion debate were
Robert Rosa, '39, and Harry chnid-
erman, '38. William Centner, '38 and
Robert Soloman, '38 met the Albion
affirmative team.

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