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March 17, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-17

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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Published every morning except Monday during the
01niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
frrepubication of all news dispatches credited to It or
not otherwise credited in this newspaperl A rights of
republication of all oter matter herein also reserved.
lEntered at the Psost OMie at Annl Arbor, Michigan as
econd class mail matter. A,
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$40;by mail, $4.50i.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pblises Representative
Board of Editors
george Andros Jewel Wuerel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Hobert Weeks.
ortorialDepartment: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaler, Richard G. Hershey.
Edtoral Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cumpnins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
De.ano an rGe Buesser associates, aymon Good
Ddoadman, arl Gerstackessr, r.Clayton Hpler. Rodchard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
4th M Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
. Business Department
BUSINESS MANAGER ...................JOHN R. PARK
Bu BITEw ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newman, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe,
Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes.
'Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Ada ko; G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Dav , Helen Purdy Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Mlichlinski, Evalyn Tripp
Departmental Managers
lack Staple Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising .Manager; Norman Steinberg Service
Manager; Herbert Falender Publications and Class-
tied Advertising Manager.
Rule By
1F THE FAITH of ordinary Amer-
icans in our judiciary has been
impaired, and it is plain that many lack faith,
"rule by injunction" has contributed to the dis-
illusionment as much as any other factor.
Reeent sit-down strikes have demonstrated
how large a force is the injunction. Sit-down
strikes, too, have altered the conditions in which
the injunction must be viewed.
Nevertheless, the statement of Prof. Felix
Frankfurter is applicable, in a greater or lesser
degree, to all injunctions. He says: "The de-
cree places the powers of the state upon one
side of a complicated social struggle in advance
of and frequently altogether without that care-
ful ascertainment of fact which is the traditional
'protection of the innocent. The injunction in-
vades by indirection constitutional safeguards
that speech, press, and assembly shall be free
from previous restraints; vague and all inclusive
terminology customarily employed results in
sweeping decrees which subject all. activity-
legitimate no less than illegitimate-to the peril
of prosecution for contempt; and therefore the
injunction becomes in effect a penal code en-
acted, interpreted and enforced by a single judge
without the constitutional securities available to
persons accused of crime."
This is particularly applicable to those in-
junctions, some of which are being issued today,
which deny the right to strike, or to picket,
or to assemble.
One of. the more recent and important in-
junctions, however, issued by Judge Allan -Camp-
bell of Wayne County Circuit Court upon com-
plaint of Chrysler Corporation, is directed against
strikers who, allegedly, are causing "irreparable"
damage to the corporation's property by their
possession of plants. The hue and cry and dis-
may of the press at the sit-down strike technique

and the repeated epithet "trespassers!" has
brought a dangerous acceptance of these injunc-
tions as just.
(,(TE WHO COMES into equity must
j come with clean hands."
"He who seeks equity must do equity."
These are two legal principles that not even
General Motors, Chrysler, Judge Gadola or
Judge Campbell have challenged openly.
Did Chrysler "come into equity" with clean
hands? Did they who sought equity do equity?
An affidavit presented by union attorneys
charged that, on the contrary, Chrysler has vio-
lated the National Labor Relations Act (a) by
employing spies, (b) by organizing company
unions,.(c) by discharging men for union activ-
ities, and (d) by refusal to consent to grant to
the union exclusive bargaining rights.
Judge Campbell answered these charges simply
by stating that "it can hardly be contended that .
failure to abide by its (the National Labor Rela-

Elections of a few weeks ago gave the UAW a
decisive majority. The UAW within the past
week has offered to participate in another elec-
tion to determine whether or not it has ma-
jority support of Chrysler workers. The com-
pany declined.
Confronted, therefore, by the indisputable in-
dication that the dispute and sit-down is occa-
sioned by Chrysler's disregard of the law, by its
"unclean hands," Judge Campbell dismisses both
a fundamental principle of equity and also the
major cause of the strike and injunction proceed-
ing from his mind in considering Chrysler's peti-
It is interesting to note, also, his reference to
"fifty million dollars worth of property." If
the property were worth one million or one thou-
sand dollars would Judge Campbell disregard
the "clean hands" principle? Or is the wealth
of the complainant a determining factor in his
dispensation of justice?
Mr. Justice Brandeis once wrote that the in-
junction is not ordinarily sought "to protect
property from being injured nor to protect the
owner in its use, but to endow property with'
active militant power which would make it
dominant over men." Obedience to the law
would give Chrysler the relief which it has sought
in an injunction-freedom to proceed with pro-
duction. We are inclined to believe, therefore,
that what the corporation really seeks is "dom-
inance over men"-the destruction of the union
and a return to conditions against whjch the
whole of auto labor is revolting.


Politics And Law
To the Editor:
Enclosed is a copy of a letter mailed by myself
in answer to Mr. O'Brien's letter. The facts, in
my opinion, Iequire that the campus body know
the truth.
"My dear Mr. O'Brien:
Your letter in The Michigan Daily of Tuesday
last seems to myself, and others, to be uncalled
for on at least two grounds. (1) Neither Dean
Bates nor any other member of the faculty has
left myself, and I believe others, with any "per-
verted ideas" about the President's proposed
changes in the United States Supreme Court.
If (and I emphasize that word) he had expressed
his views, I'm sure that the- seniors who all take
his course in Constitutional law have developed
an independence of mind and thinking, processes
to be left with unchanged view points on this
subject. (2) The proposed changes have not been
expressly discussed in any class to my belief ex-
cept in Constitutional law. Such discussion, little
as it was, arose incidentally in the discussion
of some analogy sought to be drawn from de-
cided cases on the topic under discussion. Cer-
tainly a class in Constitutional law is a legitimate
place for such discussion.
It is a rule of policy, whose soundness is im-
material here, that personal view points on
political questions are not "aired" in class by
the faculty.
Though I also am a Democrat and agree
with the President's proposed changes, I would
not be as quick to condemn those who disagree
with me merely because they give expre'ssion to
their views. After all, need it be said that other
state officials of the present and past, have
spoken on current topics, and it is needless to
say that they were not vilified therefor. A sense
of fairness, a liberal attitude, call it what you
will-would seem to require that expression out-
side the class-room, be it by professor or stu-
dent, should be restricted in no way. A policy
of applying pressure to faculty men in schools
and colleges, especially, in a law school, by argu-
ing that they are "state employees" and there-
for must POLITICALLY support the present na-
tional administration's every idea, reeks of Tam-
many and leads not unlikely to a distorted pres-
entation of the law.
After all, talking politics and discussing law
aren't strange bed-fellows. Or are they?"
-Milton C. Howard, '37L.
Two Bits At 'A Cheese Box'
To the Editor:
I do not know how many students have ever
had the urge to write to you Rnd see if we
couldn't do something about this movie situation
in Ann Arbor. Those of us who have been here
a long time know that each season, when the reg-
ular session ends, the theatre prices go down.
And each season, with the beginning of school,
the prices go up. Not only that, but each time
a movie production of note comes- to town, the
prices go up a little more. In most other col-
lege towns, a fellow can go to a show for 15 or
20 cents. But here, since one person has a
monopoly, the "suckers" (and I don't mean those
born and bred in Illinois) are taken for a ride.
The Whitney Theatre was the last theatre to
join the Butterfield Chain. Previously, the
Whitney had a two-feature show which you could
get in to see for 15 cents even up to 6:00 p.m. on
Stnday. So Mr. Butterfield saw to it that the
billing companies gave third-rate pictures to
the Whitney. Even last year, the Michigan The-
atre balcony seats were for rent at 25 cents per
person. But this year the management became
bolder and charged 35 cents for any seat in the
house. To add insult to injury, they see to it that
you get about 2 hours worth of film, and then
you are either sore or bored and so you leave
disgustedly. Even in a cheese-box like the Or-
pheum, you must pay 25 cents after 6:00 p.m.
In Detroit, you can see a three-hour show and
for a price that an .average student can af-
ford. My opponents will come back with the
remark, "Why don't you go into Detroit then";
or "Why go to the show if you can't afford it?"
To this I say that the theatres can make their
prices more reasonable so that you and I can

#*## * IT ALL
-By Bonth Williams -
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, presenting to you
Michigan's Ten Most Beautiful Men, chosen
by popular vote from the Campus at large by
more than 150 admiring supporters who entered
for beauty honors the names of 187 candidates.
Dick Goldcamp 69
Bert Reedy 57.
Bob Campbell 48t
Art Renner 48.
Donn Chown 35.
Morlye Baer 34.
Fraser Giller 27.
Bob Mellencamp 25
Fletcher Platt 25.
John Getz 24.
Ralph Bell 11, Fred Jones 12, Lou Kearns
12, Russ Cole 10, Bud Boncherle 10, Chuck
Bowen 10, Julian Killman 10, Lee Shinar 10,
Bill Griffiths 8, Judd Spray 7, Russ Runquist
7, Bob Weeks 6, Doug Farmer 6, Harry
Bethke 6, Ted Grace 6, Wally Meyers 6,
Chris Everhardus 5, Lee Moore 5, Bill Forcey
5, San Ladd 5.
That's the way they ran. Dick Goldcamp,
taken to the front early under light urging, was
dropped back at the far turn, but Jockey Pi Phi
took to the whip at the head of the stretch and
had Goldcamp going away at the finish to cap-
ture the first running of the Wolverine Handi-
cap, Charm added.
Bert Reedy, from the Jane Hardy stables, broke
on top, but yielded to Goldcamp in the race to
the first turn, was well up in the going at the
half, and got the place with little difficulty.
Bob Campbell came from nowhere °in the
stretch to run a dead heat for the show with Art
John "Spigget" Getz, big Phi Psi entry, fin-
ished tenth after a poor start.
Form players got nothing but headaches from
the race. Bill Griffiths, Lee Shinar, and Chris
Everhardus all quoted at less than 4-1 at post
time, failed miserably. Fred Cody balked at the
barrier and jogged around the track for tho
N A MANNER of speaking that's how the bal-
loting went. To each of the ten winners will go
official recognition of their status in the form of
membership in the Order of the Garter.
Each of he first ten named as Michigan's
"Fairest" will receive a badge of the organization
taken from a brand new Kresge panty-waist.
Inscribed on each garter will be the year, and
position of the winner. The Garters are of best
quality and are suitable for use as watch fobs.
Freddie Colombo won the title of best dressed
man on the Campus and as such may, through
the kind cooperation of Bill Cooper, walk into
Van Boven's and pick out a shirt gratis. The
1937 grid manager triumphed in the poll by a
margin of seven votes over Frank A. Wurtsmith,
who was leading in the early balloting. Co-
lombo's margin of victory came in the form of
a block of 22 votes postmarked 11 p.m. Saturday.
Another Deke, galloping Joe Hinshaw, was
voted the biggest promoter of the year by an
overwhelming majority. Hinshaw, as party boss
of the '37 State Street political machine, rode
rough shod over all opposition in railroading
his cohorts into office every election, and had
little difficulty outdistancing his rivals, Tom
Ayres, Washtenaw party boss, and Willy Tom-
linson. Flannigan wins one of his own cigars for
his showing.
voted the most interesting lecturer in the
University by a scant two-vote margin over
Professor Arthur S. Aiton. Both of the top-'
ranking professors, one famed for "the trouble
with the Old South was . . ." and the other "Jose
de Galvez acted . . ." are widely known historical
Mr. Joe L. Davis, pedagogue of the modern
novel, was a few votes back in third place with
Prof. Bruce Donaldson of Fine Arts renown

fourth and Professor Preston W. Slosson fifth.
Student ideas of pipe courses vary from Micro-
Technique to Sociology of the Pigmy. Here arej
five courses that were mentioned most frequently'
as pipes. English 1, Music 41, Geography, French
Conversation and Hygiene.
Five out of every six students on the Mich-
igan campus consider that drinking is conducive
to a good time, while only one in ten consider
it absolutely wrong, if the survey can be con-
sidered as an indication of general student opin-
ion. Of-more than a hundred ballots which
voiced an opinion on the desirability of intoxi-
cating -beverages not one chose to answer that
drinking was permissible if confined to beer and
Apparently student opinion is in favor of whole
hog or none, and the majority like pork.
The run-of-the-mine Michigan student cuts
on the average of 2.5 classes per week, the sur-
vey also showed. This figure is particularly in-
teresting because it indicates that the University
ruling which allows as many cuts as hours car-
ried is not very religiously observed.
Spare time among those who filled in the Wil-
liams None-Such Questionnaire, is about evenly
divided between the Parrot, the Pretzel Bell, and
just plain bull sessions, with library study a good
fourth. Baffle boards are not popular, the sur-
vey shows.
For some astounding figures, the results of
this same survey are hard to beat. The average
University student receives $90 a month, the re-
sults show; while before the run-of-the-mine
Michigander enters into matrimony, he or she
expects to have a family income of $125 per

-Organ Recital-
Turning from the contemporary
music of last week's organ recital
Prof. Palmer Christian goes back
several centuries for three of the
four works on this afternoon's pro-
gram, to be given in Hill Auditorium
at 4:15 p.m. Antonio Vivaldi, a fa-
mous violinist and composer of the
ties of J. S. Bach, is represented b
a Concerto in D Major. Vivaldi wrote
this work for solo violin with string
orchestra accompaniment, but it was
transcribed by Bach for organ, and
it is only through his transcription
that it is heard today.
Numbers by little-known compos-
rs of a still earlier period form the
next section of the program. Two
Thoral preludes (elaborations of
%horal melodies) are the work of Jo-
hann Nicholaus Hanff, a seventeenth
:entury German church musician.
Xn Ave Maria, transcribed for or-
Ian from the choral original by
Franz Liszt, is by Arkadelt, an early
sixteenth century Dutch composer.
The final number is one of the
pore significant works in modern or-
ran literatufe. It is the Sonata on
'he Ninety-fourth Psalm of Julius
.eubke, a German musician and pu-
Al of Liszt whose life only covered
he short space of 24 years, from
.834 to 1858. The Sonata is note-
vorthy not only because of its in-
rinsic worth, but also because it is
me of the earlier examples of "pro-
,ram" music as applied to the organ.
[he work comprises three movements
md a lengthy introduction; the con-
iection between the text and the
nusic is easily traceable.
-Glee Club-
After serenading a number of the
icighboring metropolises at differ-
;nt times this winter, the Varsityf
slee Club, directed by Prof. David
vlattern, has come home to Hill Au-
itorium to present a concert tomor-
.ow evening at 8:15 p.m. Three
nembers of the club will be featured
Ls soloists: Wilmot Pratt, our versa-
Ile carilloneur; Ralph Clark, who
ang "Sergeant Meryll" in Yeomen
A the Guard; and Harold Garner,i
The Glee Club will inaugurate the
vening auspiciously by singing a
jroup of Michigan songs, one of
vhich-"In College Days"-is, for no
ood reason at all, our personal fa-
rorite among the songs of sentimenk
;al mood. Three other groups sung
)y the club during the evening will
onsist of Finnish folksongs and ofj
3ach, Gounod, Bortniansky, and For-
yth. The men will also assist Ralph
lark in a group of three baritone
Robert Schumann's stirring "The
rwo Grenadiers," as well as one oth-
r song, will be heard from Wilmot,
?ratt's baritone voice. Harold Gar-,
ier, bass, will sing three of Stephen
poster's southern Negro songs and
'Holy Mountain," an original spiri-
tual by Rhodes.
Library Found
Successful In
Placing Grads
Bishop Says Department
Finds Jobs For Students
In Vocational Talk
In the face of increasingly strong
competition in the profession of li-
brarian work, the department of li-1

brary science of the University has
been highly successful in placing its
graduates, Dr. William W. Bishop, di-
rector of the department and Univer-
sity librarian, said yesterday.
Addressing a group of literary col-
lege students in the fifth of the series
of vocational guidance talks spon-
sored by the dean's office, Dr. Bishop
said that the hard times through
which school and public libraries
have passed in the last five years ap-
pear to be over, and in most parts of
the country libraries are entering
once more upon a period of pros-
perity. Institutions which were forced
to close their doors part of the time
and cut down their staffs are back1
on normal routine once more, he E
Of the 30,000 men and women
whom Dr. Bishop said were engaged
in library work in the United States,
thf majority are in public or city li-
braries. High school librarians, ac-
cording to Dr. Bishop, are likely to
receive higher beginning salaries than
those engaged in university work, but
the latter have a better opportunity
for later advancement. A new field
of library work is being opened up
at the present time, he pointed out,'
by the introduction of employes' li-
braries in large factories, of which he
cited a number of examples.
"Most librarians," Dr. Bishop de-
clared, "can look forward to a rea-
sonable beginningfsalary, usually
comparable to that of a teacher, a
comfortable living in later life, and

(Continued on Page 2)
, be followed by five other classes at
the rate of one per month. It is im-
portant that those students who are
interested indicate their intentions at
the earliest possible date.
Contemporary: Important meeting'
of tryouts and assisting staff today
at 4 p.m. in the Student Publications
Building. All tryouts and members
of the assisting stag must be present.
Tickets for the Slide Rule Dance:
Tickets will go on sale this
morning at 8 a.m. to members of the
College of Engineering. Because of
the large pre-sale demand, it is pre-
ferred that each man buy his own
Seniors of the School of Education:
Class dues will be collected Wednes-
day, Thursday, and Friday of this
week, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the lower
corridor of University High School.
It is urgent that dues be paid for
inclusion in the class announcements.
Academic Notices
Students Concentrating in Mathe-
matics: The comprehensive 'examina-
tion in mathematics for students who
are this semester entering upon con-
centration in this subject will be held
in Room 3011 A.H. on Thursday,1
March 18, at 4 p.m.
English 48, Section 1, will meet at
7 p.m. instead of 7:30 ism. Thursday
in Room 3231 A.H.
F. W. Peterson.
Fine Arts 119: The bluebook an-
nounced Thursday, March 18, willc
be postponed to Thursday, March t
25. S
Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
Christian, University organist, will
give a recital of compositions by Vi-
valdi-Bach, Hanff, Arkadelt, andy
Reubke, on the Frieze Memorial Or-
gan in Hill Auditorium this afternoon
at 4:15 p.m., to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children is invited.t
Men's Glee Club Concert: The Var-f
sity Glee Club will give a concert in e
the School of Music Series Thursday
evening, March 18, at 8:15 p.m., in
Hill Auditorium, to which. the generalv
public is invited. The chorus willg
be directed by Prof. David. Mattern.C
A program of college songs, folk
songs, and other numbers, will be
provided. Soloists will include Ralphw
Clark and Wilmot Pratt, baritones;U
and Harold Garner, bass; with Leoa
Luskin, pianist and Tom H. Kinkead,
organist, as accompanists. The gen- i
eral public, with the exception of i
small children, is invited to attend
without admission charge.
University Lecture: Dr. George W..
McCoy, formerly Director of the Na-
tural Institute of Health, will lec-
ture on "Epidemioloical Ref lec-a
tions" on Friday, March 19, at 8 p.m.
in Room 1528 East Medical Build-o
ing. The public is cordially invited.
The Deutscher Verein presents the
fourth of a series of lectures Thurs-
day, March 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Roomt
2003 Angell Hall . Prof. Mehmet
Oga-Oglu will give an illustrated
lecture on "Islamische Architektur."o
Tickets for the lecture may be pro-c
cured at the door at the time of the
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in.
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery andu
peasant paintings, sponsored by the F

Institute of Fine Arts, at the Arch:-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.f
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through thes
months of February and March. TheP
public is cordially invited.
Botanical Photographic Exhibit:
An exhibit of photographs of botan-
ical subjects by the staffs and stu-p
dents of the botanical organizationsv
of the University will be held fromo
9 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.g
Friday and Saturday in Room 3004,1
Natural Science Building. The use
of Bibliofilms in the acquisition ofn
rare or locally unobtainable litera-q
ture will be demonstrated.F
Events Today
Research Club: March meeting willa
be held today at 8 p.m. in the His-
tological Laboratory of the East Med-
ical Building. The program will con-
sist of the following two papers:f
Prof. F. G. Gustafson, Inducementr
of fruit development by growth-pro-I
moting chemicals. Prof. Edson R.I
Sunderland, Preparation of the new
rules of civil procedure for the Fed-
eral Courts.I
Luncheon for Graduate Studentsi
today at 12 o'clock in the Russian'
Tea Room of the Michigan League i

gineering Bldg. Mr. R. H. McCarroll
of the Ford Motor Company will
speak on the subject: "The Relation
of Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering to the Automotive Indus-
A -Dental School Assembly will be
held this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in
the Upper Amphitheatre of the Den-'
tal Building. Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, Counselor in Religious Educa-
tion, will speak on "A College Man's
Adelphi and Athena meet in joint
session this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Adelphi -Room. Previous joint
meetings have been such as to pro-
vide all comers an enjoyable evening.
This session of the two societies
should prove interesting. The meet-
ing is open to all who wish to attend.
University Girls' Glee Club: There
will be a rehearsal tonight at 7:15
p.m. Please be prompt as we must
finish before the JGP begins.
Pre-Legal Students: Final argu-
ments in the freshman case clubs at
the Law School will be held today
and Friday afternoons, at 4 p.m. Pre-
legal students are especially invited
to attend. Finals of the Marshall
Club will be held in Room 116, and
finals of the Holmes Club, in Room
138, of Hutchins Hall, Law School.
Alpha Nu: There will be a meeting
this evening at 7:30 p.m.
At this time there will be a
discussion on the subject of political
freedom and all members and friends
are invited to attend.
The following men have been ac-
cepted as pledges in this organiza-
tion as a result of their tryout
speeches last Wednesday evening.
Mr. Vander Velde
Mr. Viehe
Mr. Ellison
Mr. Bowman
Mrs. Schultz
Mr. Smith
Mr. Vandenberg
Mr. Thornhill
Mr. Fitzhepry
Mr. Munn
Pending more formal notification
these men may consider this as noti-
fication of their pledgeship and are
expected to attend all meetings.
Polish Engineers Society: There
will be a meeting of all Polish En-
gineers at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the
Scandanavian Student Club: 'here
will be a meeting of the club at the
Union, second floor terrace, today
at 8 p.m. All members are urgently
requested to attend, and any student
interested in Scandanavian activities
is welcome.
Attention New York State students:
The New York State club will meet
today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304,
Michigan Union. All former mem-
bers and all New York Staters in-
terested in joining the organization
are urged to attend this meeting, at
which time there will be an election
of officers and discussion concerning
reduced railroad rates for spring va-
The Peace Council will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union.
"Spain Today" will be the subject
of a symposium and open forum dis-
cussion to be led by Prof. Jose Al-
baladejo and Rev. H. P. Marley Wed
nesday, March 17, at 8 p.m. The
meeting will be held in the Michigan
Union, and is being sponsored by the
Student Alliance. Professor Albala-
dejo is a native of Spain and a grad-
uate of the University of Madrid.
Rev. Marley is a well-known Ann
Arbor churchman and lecturer The

meeting is open to the public and all
students are warmly invited to be
Coring Events
The English Journal Club meeting
previously announced for March 19
will be postponed until March 26 in
order not to conflict with the Michi-
gan Academy.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais on
Thursday evening at 7:45 p.m. in 408
Romance Language Building. The
program will be furnished by the
Committee of Comedy and the music
committee. Professor Talamon will
also speak to the club.
The English...... ffit-. . .ffi.. .
Weekly Reading Hour: Selections
from ancient oriental poetry will be
read by Professor Hollister Thursday,
March 18, at 4 p.m. in 205 Mason
Hall. The public is cordially invited.
The Fourth Inter-Faith Sympo-
sium will be held Sunday, March 21
from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Grand 'Rap-
ids Room at the Michigan League.
The subject will be "Does the Uni-
verse Reveal Intelligence?" PHof. P.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office ot the Assitant to the president
until 3:30. 21:00 a.m. on Saturday.


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