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March 17, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-17

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The Weather
Fair, slowly rising tempera-
ture today; tomorrow occasion-
al rain or snow; warmer.


Sir ~igau


VOL. XLVII No. 119


Sit - Downers
At Chrysler's
FirmIn Face
Of, Deadline
Strikers To Face Contempt
Charges If They Fail To
Evacuate Plants
Workers Indicate
Refusal To Leave
DETROIT, March 16.-()-Sit-
down strikers facing a choice of evac-
uating eight big Chrysler Corpora-
tion automobile plants by 9 a.m.
(E.S.T.) tomorrow or being held in
contempt of a Circuit Court injunc-
tion, maintained their rigid control
of factory gates tonight.
Gov. Frank Murphy, whose long
conciliation efforts aided in settling
the widespread General Motors
strikes in February, was in Detroit,
his presence giving rise to reports
that he might ask the United Auto-
mobile Workers of America to with-
draw the strikers from the Chrysler
factories. Murphy would not discuss
these reports.
Conference Called
A conference of 20 representatives
of employers, employes and the gen-
eral public has been called here to-
morrow by the Governor, to draft a
program satisfactory to all concerned I
for the handling of pending and'
threatened labor disputes.
The Governor prepared for the
general meeting tomorrow with the
statement that "neither party to any
dispute can afford to take a position
in defiance of the law."
The largest automotive strikes af-
fect 60,000 Chrysler employes, more
than 10,000 workers at the Hudson
Motor Car Co. here, and 2,200 Reo
Motor Car employes at Lansing.
Workers Emphatic
At Cleveland, where he attended an
executive board meeting, Homer
Martir, t.A.W.A presidet, 'said the
workers "were emphatic in their re-
fusal to leave the Chrysler plants."
he added:
"It is quite obvious that the battle
lines are beinrg drawn more tightly
with every day that passes."
Since before the start of the Chrys-
ler strikes, union officials have been
in daily negotiations with Corpora-
tion executives on the question of1
sole bargaining recognition. The
Chrysler refusal to grant the demand
set off the strikes March 8, with about*
5,000 sit-downers remaining in the
Indecision For FutureE
Neither the Governordnor Corpora-
tion executives would discuss future
action in the event the strikers defied
the court's evacuation order. The
Chrysler Company could move fori
arrest of the sit-downers and for im-
position of a $10,000,000 penalty pro-
vided in the Circuit Court injunction
obtained from Judge Allan Camp-
Governor Murphy came to Detroit
announcing he intended to stay "un-
til the situation here has quieted
down." When he first cut short a
Florida vacation to return to Michi-
gan last Thursday after the Chrysler
strikes started, he said the state
would not intervene in the situation
unless "the public interest is ad-
versely affected in some serious man-

27 Countries
Give Blockade"
Task To Board
LONDON, March 16-OP)-The 27-
Nation Neutrality Committee gave to
a Supervisory Board today the task
of directing a blockade of all Spain.
Russia warned the Committee she
would not discuss impounding of
Spanish Government gold deposited
in foreign banks.
Italian and German committee-
members urged joint discussion of the
recall of foreign volunteers and the
shutting off of financial aid to war-
ring factions.
Ivan Maisky, Soviet Ambassador to
Great Britain, declared that though
Russia favors cessation of credits to
the belligerents she will not discuss
imnnidingo f g1d from the Rank

Picker Production
Begun By Soviets
Mass production by the Soviet gov-
ernment in the future of the mechan-
ical cotton picker which John Rust
and his brother Mack invented was
announced yesterday by Mr. Rust,
according to the Associated Press.
Mr. Rust recently returned from
the Soviet Union where tests of his
machine were conducted in the Tash-
kent, Turkestan cotton fields.
A double unit picker will be con-
structed as a result of the experi-
ments in Russia, he was reported to
have said. Mr. Rust withheld per-
mission to put his machine on a
mass production basis in the United
State because he feared that large
numbers of agricultural workers and
tenant farmers would be thrown out
of work.
Miller Explains
Justices' Ages
To Senate Body
Former Professor Tells
Judiciary Committee Of
WASHINGTON, March 16.-(_)-
Justin Miller, a mild mannered form-
er college professor, took a school
room pointer in hand today and gave
the Senate Judiciary Committee a
lesson on the average age of Supreme
Court Justices and its relationship to
the frequency of decisions invalidat-
ing acts of Congress.
Some members of the class unhesi-
tatingly talked back. In fact they
heatedly disputed his principal point,
supported by a huge chart with big
jagged black lines, that a "very di-
rect relationship" exists and that
when the average age is high, as it is
today, such decisions become in-
creasingly numerous.
The committee, conducting hear-
ings on the Roosevelt court reorgan-
ization bill, heard Miller after re-
ceiving from William Green, presi-
dent of the American Federation of
Labor, a vigorous defense of the bill
as making for an "enlightened ju-
to take its chance with the Supreme]
"Labor," he said, "is quite willing
Court in its determination of con-
stitutional questions which vitally af-
fect the lives and happiness of the
workers if the court is constantly re-
made and re-constructed with men
who come from close association with
their fellow-men, as recommended by
the President."
On the other side of the argument.
Senator Holt (Dem., W. Va.> said in
a radio speech tonight that "the
federal administration with its pow -
erful force, patronage and prestige is
working day in and day out to drive
senators and congressmen into line
behind the bill."
Miller, now a member of the Board
of Tax Appeals and president of the
Federal Bar Association, propped up
his chart and demonstrated that the
average age of the court has increased
from 51 in George Washington's day
to 72 tday.
"It is at the highest point it has
ever reached," he said, "higher by
four years than ever before."
Woman Is Managing
Editor Of State News
LANSING, March 16.-')-Ola
Gelzer, of Hillsdale, has been ap-
pointed managing editor of the State
News, organ of Michigan State Col-
lege, it was announced today by the

College Board of Publications.
Miss Gelzer, a junior at the college,
is the first woman to hold the position
since the publication was founded 28
years ago.

Violent Fights
Again Break
Out In Paris
Six Persons Found Dead,
150 Injured In Rightist
Communist Clash
Rioting Threatens
Blum Government
PARIS, March 17.-(Wednes-
day)--(M)-Blcody rioting which
was feared to have cost at least
six lives in a Paris suburb and
sent nearly 300 injured persons
to hospitals early today threat-
cned a break i the government
of Premier Leon Blum.
Communist masses fought
their rightest political foes, gov-
ernment guards and police in the
workers' stronghold of Clichy,
just outside the gates of Paris,
in a deadly battle which began
last night and ended early this
PARIS, March 17.-(Wednesday)
-(M)-Officials of Beaujon Hospital
early today announced six persons
were dead and more than 150 injured
in violent rioting last night between
Communists and Rightists in Clichy,
industrial suburb of Paris.
Ten others were near death, said
officials of the hospital, where 78
wounded had been received in addi-
tion to scores given first aid for
lighter injuries by bulets and mis-
After the rioting had been sup-
pressed in Clichy it broke out again
in Asniers, connected with Clichy by
a bridge across the Seine.
Wounded Increase
The stream of wounded continued
to flow to the hospitals, with the cas-
ualty list steadily mounting.
Shortly after midnight the Com-
munists took possession of the Clichy
Town Hall. They held it against the
the Mobile guards patrolling that dis-
trict, who refrained from rushing the
hall fearing they would provoke a new
battle. The Communists denied en-
trance to all comers.
In a side street paralleling the
town hall the Leftists erected a bar-
ricade of wood and iron bars five feet
The rioting was the most serious
France has seen since the fatal
"bloody Tuesday," Feb. 6, 1934.
Blumel Wounded
Among those suffering from bullet
wounds was Andre Blumel, chief of
the Blum Cabinet's Secretariat. He
was taken to the Beaujon Hospita]
for an operation. He had been hit
in an arm and a leg.
Blumel had gone to Clichy, indus-
trial area in North Paris, with Marx
Dormoy, minister of the interior, to
attempt to appease rioting Commu-
nists and members of the Rightist
French National Party, formerly the
militant organization Croix D Feu.
Thousands belonging to the two ex-
treme political elements had clashed
outside a movie theatre in which the
Rightists had gathered to see a film
called "Battle."
'Spain Today' Topic
Of Alliance Meeting
"Spain Today" will be discussed by
Prof. Jose M. Albaladejo of the Span-
ish department and the Rev. Harold
P. Marley of the Unitarian Church in
a symposium and open forum meet-
ing at 8 p.m. today in Rooms 319-321
at the Union under the auspices of
the Student Alliance.

Professor Albaladejo, a native of
Spain and a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Madrid, will discuss the forces
and events that led to the present

No Shamrocks In Dublin
DUBLIN, March 16.-(P)-Dublin
celebrates St. Patrick's Day tomorrow,
but without the benefit of enough
A heavy blizzard left hundreds of
acres of the little green plants bur-
ied under snow, causing a near-fam-
Nevertheless, there'll be enough
greenthingsnat least to confuse the
eye, and plenty of fun, but it will be
a dry, dry day.
There will be a big military parade,
sports, dancing, singing, dinners and
revelry-but no liquor will be sold to-
Radio Hook-Up
For Michigras
Is Negotiated
Chairman Publishes Plans
For National Broadcast
From Carnival
Willis H. Tomlinson, '37, today an-
nounced that negotiations were being
carried on with a view of making a
radio broadcast over a national hook-
up from Yost Field House here dur.-
ing the Michigras, student carnival,
scheduled to be held April 23 and 24
in a drive to raise funds for the pro-
posed women's swimming pool and
men's dormitories.
"There is a very good possibil'y
of completing those negotiations,"
Tomlinson said.
Should the broadcast become a
reality, the University Band will have
a large portion of work cut out for it
in the mass jamboree. In addition to
incidental music during the tw
nights of the carnival, the band is
planning two shows to be put on as
entertainment with the University
gymnastic team.
The band will also be featured in
grand opening ceremonies, and will
probably lead an elaborate parade
through Ann Arbor streets Friday
Several local merchants have al-
ready asked for places in the parade,
planning to enter floats, and others
have donated prizes for various fea-
tures of the carnival. Greene's clean-
ers have provided a trophy cup to be
awarded to the most attractive booth
at the carnival, and the committee
(Continued on Page 2)
Ruthven Names
Committeemen '
For Centennial
Community Dinner, June
14, initiates Celebration
Of 100thAnniversary
Membership of the committees in
'charge of various functions for the
University of Michigan Centennial in
June were released yesterday by Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven.
Sixty-four persons were selected to
serve on committees to arrange the
celebration ceremonies beginning
June 14 and ending with the com-
mencement exercises.
The celebration will be initiated by
a community dinner for faculty mem-
bers and residents of Ann Arbor. At
this dinner, George Burke, local at-
torney, and former Regent Edmund
Shields are scheduled to speak. PresL
ident Ruthven will preside.
The chairman of the community
dinner committee is Arthur W. Stace,
ditor of the Ann Arbor News. The

committee also includes:
Dr. Dean W. Myers, Charles R.
Henderson, Earl H. Cress, Prof. Lay-
in K. James of the Law School, Prof.
iLeigh J. Young of the forestry school,
Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geography
department, and Dr. Karl Litzenberg
of the English department.
Emory J. Hyde, president of the
University Alumni Association, was
selected chairman of the decorations
committee to provide suitable decora-
tions for city streets, stores, the cam-
pus, fraternities and sororities. The
members of the committee are Mrs.
Mabel Areh art, Calvin Wolf, Alfred
W. Goodhew, Charles J. Hutzel,
franklin C. Forsythe, E. C. Pardon,
'superintendent of the University
building and groundsrdepartment,
Malcom C. Taylor, George Sanden-
burgh, W. Hackley Butler, Prof. Ar-
thur D. Moore of the engineering col-
lege, Prof. Harlow O. Whittemore of
the College of Architecture and Mrs.
William Giefel.
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of Uni-

J.G.P. Today;
Will Be Feted
Musical Comedy Includes
Cast, Crew Of Over 250;
Sarah Pierce Directing
Play Was Adapted
By Dorothy Gies
The raising of the curtain at 8:30
p.m. today on the 1937 Junior Girls
Play, "Feather In His Cap" will mark
the culmination of several months of
work on the part of the junior women
on campus.
In addition it will be the climax
of the senior women's activities for
they will don their caps and gowns
for the first time to be guests of
honor at the play.
Before the play the senior women
will carry out the 33 year old cus-
tom of attending Senior Supper. This
affair is under the direction of the
central committee of the preceding
year's J.G.P. This year Edith Zerbe,
'37, general chairman of the 1936
play "S'prize," will be in charge of
the affair. The seniors will march
in caps and gowns from the supper
to tloe theatre.
Dorothy Gies Is Author
The play, which was adapted for
the stage by Dorothy Gies, '36, is a
new musical comedy with a Tyrolean
background. The cast is made up of
more than 150 women and an addi-
tional 100 are working on commit-
Sarah Pierce, Grad., is directing
the production. Miss Pierce has been
very active on campus in Play Pro-
duction and Children's Theatre. She
has directed Children's Theatre this
Cast Members Listed
The cast will include the toy-
maker, Gottlieb Budel, played by
Helen Jane Barr; his wife, Emma,
played by Virginia Eaglesfield, and
Fritz, their son, played by Shirl
(Continued on Page 5)
Kuhn Is Called
On Charges Of
Penal Violation
NEW YORK, March 16.-(AP)-
Fritz Kuhn, of Detroit, national
leader of the Amerika-Deutscher
Volksbund, popularly known as the
American Nazis, was summoned to-
day to appear in a New York Magis-
trate's Court March 29 to answer
charges of violating the state penal
Major Julius Hochfelder, a United
States reserve officer who is counsel
for the German-American League for
Culture, an anti-Nazi organiation,
obtained the summons aftef charging
Kuhn's organization with being an
"alien military body" engaged in "in-
timidating citizens and collecting
money for Hitler."
Severin Winterscheidt, editor of
The Weekly, the Deutscher Weckruf
und Beobachter, said Kuhn either
would be at the office at 2:30 p.m.
Friday or would issue a statement at
that time replying to Major Hoch-
felder's charges. (In Detroit Kuhn
said he would come here Friday or
Winterscheidt said his association
was not anti-Semitic, but was active-
ly engaged in fighting the boycott
against German-made goods by
American Jewish leaders.
Magistrate Adolph Stern, who is
Jewish, showed reluctance in han-

dling the. case when he issued the
summons for Kuhn by refusing to
consider several proposed dates for a
hearing during his term.

Detroit Hotel Strike
Settled ; Committee

British Leader
Dies In London
Of Heart Attaek
LONDON, March 16. - W) -Sir
Austen Chamberlain, famous states-
man, son of atfamous statesman and
"father" of the now torn Locarno
Treaty, died tonight unexpectedly of
a heart attack in his West End Lon-
don home. He was 73 years old.
Dean of the conservative elder
statesmen in the House of Comifions,
he was Chancellor of the Exchequer
twice, Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs, and Secretary of State for
India as well as a member of the
War Cabinet.
He was the elder son of Joseph
Chamberlain, himself a distinguished
British statesman, and a half brother
of Neville Chamberlain, present chan-
cellor of the exchequer.
His death occurred shortly after 6
p.m. (1 p.m. E.S.T.) as he apparently
was recovering from a slight attack
of lumbago.
There will be a general meeting of
the tryouts for the Michigan Technic
at 5 p.m. today in Room 3046 in the
East Engineering Building.

DETROIT, March 16.-(OP)-Gov.
Frank Murphy announced at 7 p.m.
ihat strikes which closed four large
downtown Detroit hotels have been
settled and the hostelries would re-
open tonight.
The Governor said that the Detroit
Hotel Association and the unions in-
volved in the disputes agreed, after a
4%/2 hour conference, to submit their
differences^ for arbitration by a
three-man commission.
Labor will name one member, the
Hotel Association another and the
third will be Mayor Frank Couzens,
serving as chairman.
Anticipate No More Trouble
Governor Murphy said he antici-
pated no further labor trouble in the
hotels. He commended eoh side for
its "conciliatory attitude."
William M. Walker, president of
the Hotel Association, said the em-
ployes would be back on duty by 8:30
Governor Murphy himself named
Mayor Couzens to be the neutral
member of the arbitration board.
The agreement stated that "the
wage scale, hours and wrking con-
ditions determined upon by the boad
of arbitration for each craft in each
hotel classification shall not apply to
a particular hotel until a minimum
of 51 per cent of the employes in that
craft in such hotel are members of
the union.
"This agreement," it concluded,
"signed by and on behalf of the De-
troit Hotel Association by representa-
tives of the Book-Cadillac Hotel, the
Detroit-Leland Hotel, the Fort Shel-
by Hotel and the Statler Hotel, is not
binding on other members of the
Detroit Hotel Association unless they
designate their intention of becoming
a party to the agreement prior to
the time arbritration begins."
Cite Conditions
The Detroit and Wayne County
Federation of Labor, acting for af-
filiated unions with members em-
ployed in the hotels, and the hotel
association "mutually agreed:"
"1. That the present labor disputes
are terminated and the hotels re-
opened for business immediately and
that arbirtation on all points in con-
troversy will begin within a period
of 48 hours after the signing of this
"2. That the parties to the agree-
ment bind themselves without reser-
vation to the final judgment of the
board of arbitration for the term of
the agreement made.
"3. That there shall be no discrim-
ination against any members of the
union for having participated in the
strike or for membership or activities
in the union.
No Discrimination
"4. That the agent of the union,
on reporting to the management,
shall have access to the various de-
partments of the hotels where its
members are employed for business
purposes only.
"5. That there shall be no solici-
tation for members on the premises
of the hotels by any agent or repre-
sentative of the union."
When the agreement was reached,
police were guarding the four closed
hotels after a shot was fired as 30
men "crashed" the Book-Cadillac to
organize a sit-down strike.
It was the first outbreak since the
29-story Book-Cadillac, the Detroit-
Leland and the Fort 'Shelby were
closed to new patrons this morning
by managers because of a strike at
the 15-story Statler.

Mrs. Martin Johnson Undaunted;
Will Continue Her Expeditions

Fraternities Need Have No Fear
Of Dormitories, Hackett Asserts

Undaunted by a tragic airplane
crash which ended her 26-year part-
nership with her explore husband,
Mrs. Martin Johnson, who concluded
the season's Oratorical Association
lectures last night in Hill Auditorium,
said yesterday that she will "carry
on" her husband's work with anoth-
er expedition to Africa within the
next two years. -
"My plans for the future are in-
definite," she said, "but I .intend to
visit Africa again in about one and
a half or two years." Mrs. Johnson

most of her 26 years of marriage in
the wild places of the world, she
looks today only helf her age.
She arrived here late yesterday
afternoon from Detroit where she
had her first experience with sit-
down strikes in Detroit hotels. "I
think they're terrible," she said with
a laugh.
Housekeeping on three of the hot-
test and wettest continents in six
languages, with 40 and 50 people in
the "family," is part of the vivid and
variegated experiences of Mrs. John-

Fraternities have no reason to fear
the erection of dormitories in Ann
Arbor, for if they affect fraternities
substantially it will be to their ad-
vantage, Norman Hackett, vice-chair-
man of the National Fraternity Con-
ference and graduate secretary of
Theta Delta Chi fraternity, said in
an interview.
Hackett, who has been visiting here
for the past three days, was surprised
at the apprehension expressed by
some local 'fraternity men when the
Dorm Project was introduced last fall.
He pointed to the numerous schools

ternities; they must serve a purpose
or they would not have endured for
over 100, years."
"Fraternity men must not allow
themselves to be thrown in paroxysms
of fear because they read that fra-
ternities are on the wane at Harvard
and Yale "club-colleges" where fra-
ternities never have functioned as
real fraternities. Nor should frater-
nity men take too seriously the re-
sults of the survey of all undergrad-
uate life At Dartmouth. The minority
report, which was more complimen-
tary to fraternities than the majority
report, won the support of the grad-



Hero Of War
Spain, Succumbs

NEW YORK, March 16.--1)-
Rear-Admiral Richmond P. Hobson,
the Spanish-American 'war hero
famed for his dramatic attempt to
bottle up the enemy's fleet in San-

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