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March 16, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-16

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Bummer Session by 'the Boaird in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
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for republication of all news dispatches credited to :it or
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second class mail matter.I
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V4 00; by 'mail, $4.5f.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represestative
Board of Editors
Seorge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Hoards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
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Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall "D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
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Departmental Managers
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ified Advertising TManager.

Little Flower
Vs. Brwn shirt

VC0. v V1 311t* *s*"
WHETHER the United States can be
held responsible for Mayor Fio-
rello LaGuardia's remarks against Hitler in the
recently concluded "incident" is a moot question,
but there can be no doubt as to the responsibility
of the German "government for the tirade of
abuse heaped upon this country by the press of
Just how far a state should accept responsi-
bility for the acts of its minor officials acting
in an unofficial capacity has never been clearly
defined by international law. Certainly it must
be admitted. that LaGuardia is in no sense an
official of the national governiment and it must
be further admitted that his remarks concerning
Hitler did not represent the attitude of the
United States government.
To those who might claim that LaGuardia
was within his rights as an American citizen in
referring to the Nazi dictator as he did, it should
be pointed out that no nation can avoid the, re-
sponsibility for an international delinquency
simply because Its own national law permits
such an act. Certainly LaGuardia could have
been more careful even though acting unofficially.
The German government cannot dodge its re-
sponsibility for the attack made upon the United
States and its civilization generally in the Ger-
man press. In a country where a totalitarian
government exists, and where the government
rigorously censors everything that appears in the
press, responsibility can be definflitely placed
upon one point-the government.
Confirmation of the German government's
responsibility came several days ago, when the
United States government entered a protest
against the tactics of the Nazi newspapers. The
government of Germany, apparently with a
guilty conscience, immediately silenced the press
and no word has subsequently been seen regard-
ing LaGuardia and the "chamber of horrors."
Of the nature of the attack made by the lead-
ing German papers, suffice it to say that it was
a Germany prematurely spitting harmless venom,
like a young snake soon to be dangerous.
Secretary Hull's note of regret to Germany was
in good taste and there was an element of re-
buke in his reference to the right of free speech
in this country. Certainly the United States lost
nothing in the exchange of opinions.
To Come*...
had in operation systems of demo-
cratic student government. Through the apathy
or lack of organization of independent men this
campis has not.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief,'the editors reserving the right to condense
a1l letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
wanted:Court Debate
To the Editor:
I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I wrote
to Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School, Uni-
versity of Michigan, on February 22, 1937
As I have received no reply to this letter, I
would like to inform the students through The
Michigan Daily that I would be glad to debate the
President's plan for the reorganization of the
Supreme -Court with any of the Professors of the
University who are opposed to the plan.
I think this is necessary so that the students
and especially the students in the Law Depart-
ment should not get a perverted picture of what
the President is trying to do.
"Dear Mr. Bates:
The President's program to increase the mem-
bership of the Supyeme Court of the United
States is a political issue. I seriously doubt the
propriety of the law faculty of the University
of Michigan taking an apparently positive and
hostile attitude against this proposal regarding
the' federal judiciary. I do not imply that, as
individuals, the members of the faculty should
not have the same right as other citizens of ex-
pressing their opinions on the subject. The point
I make is that the law department should not
commit the University of Michigan to a position
of opposition to the program of the President.
The University of Michigan is a state institu-
tion. It is supported by the taxpayers of this
state, the overwhelming majority of whom have
voted for the New Deal. The supporters of the
President's proposal have not asked the Univer-
sity to go out of its way to support the
measure. Therefore, I do not think that the fac-
ulty as a body shoul take any position at all
upon this subject except to give every side of
this controversy an opportunity for a fair hear-
Instead of adopting this course, I saw a state-
ment of the law faculty apparently giving offi-
cial expression of the disapproval by the Univer-
sity of the President's plan. As a New Dealer, I
am compelled to take issue with the assertions
made in that statement. In fairness to the stu-
dents of the University and to the people of this
state, I feel that ample opportunity should be
given for the students to hear both sides of this
important issue.
As early as 1934, I had foreseen the necessity of
increasing the membership on the Supreme
Bench so that the court would react reasonably
to our social, economic, and industrial evolution.
I am sending you herewith a copy of an address
which I delivered on January 17, 1934 on "The
Constitution and the New Deal." I call your
special attention to page 4 where I predicted
that Congress would be compelled, should the
Supreme Court fail to judicially uphold the val-
idity of the principal measures implemepting the
New Deal, to increase the membership of the
bench so that the court would be made respon-
sive to the will of the people. I think you will be
interested in reading the whole address.
During the meantime, my position on the
present controversy is well expressed in letters
which I have sent to Senators Wheeler and Nor-
ris. I am enclosing a copy of each of these
At the risk of repetition, I would suggest that
the faculty of the University should affo the
amplest opportunity for a complete, thorough,
and unbiased discussion of this whole subject. I
would be glad at any time to appear and present
the views of a New Dealer on the program for
the reorganization of the Supreme Court. In
fact, I would be glad to debate this whole subject
either with a member of the faculty or with any-
one else whom you may select."
-Patrick H. O'Brien.
Bells: A Gentle Reminder
To the Editor:
With the cessation of the West Engineering
Annex bells, some inconvenience has been caused
to the students through late dismissals of classes.

I have been in several where the "Pearls of
Wisdom" have overflowed the hour glass due to
the inaudibility of the Burton Bells.
Why could not these Annex sounding time
keepers be placed once more in operation so
the classes would be more promptly dismissed
and that an old tradition might be continued?
I understand it was Secretary Shirley Smith
who gave this order.
-Frederick Reinheimer, '37.
More Bels: A Rhythmic Monster
To the Editor:
An open letter to Vice-President Shirley Smith:
"The chimes in the clock tower of the West En-
gineering Annex will continue to ring until notice
is received to stop them." Michigan Daily, Friday,

# ###* IT ALL
ft-y Bonth Williams
TAKE THREE MILLION people who are going
somewhere in a hell of a hurry and a collec-
tion of the finest hot spots east of Hyde Park,
add a peculiar feeling of alertness and tension
plus a host of crooning bartenders, season to
taste with The Follies, cover with a net work of
screeching 'L's' and dump down on the windswept
tip of Lake Michigan.
There, my constituents, you have Chicago, the
city which makes Dynamic Detroit look just like
Toonerville Junction.
Until you've seen the corps of scrubwomen who
scrape the gum off the engraved inscriptions on
the floor of Tribune Tower while the cabs flash
past in the wee hours, until you've talked with
the gracious gentleman who is Arch Ward, and
seen a really big paper go to town, until you've
barrelled down Outer Drive at 50 miles an hour
and been almost knocked off the road by pe6ple
who must be about their business-until then,
you haven't really seen Chicago.
City of small bars and big bars, sweeping winds
and the best traffic system in the world, America's
second metropolis is in'every sense a big town.
Everywhere the emphasis is on speed, speed,
FRED DeLANO and I hied ourselves, among
other places, to the offices of the United
Press in the Chicago Daily News Building where
we talked to Boyd Lewis, the manager of the
Chicago Bureau, and to Tribune Tower where
Arch Ward, perhaps the greatest sports writer-
promoter of all time sat back and chatted with us
about sports in general.
Ward it was who put across the All-Star base-
ball game, the All-Star football games and inno-
vated the idea of nationwide golden gloves tour-
nies sponsored by newspapers, yet his unassum-
ing manner and affable personality belie the fact
that he is one of the great sports authorities of
the world.
Friday night the track clan met in Charlie
Hoyt's room. Charlie was there, and Ken Doherty,
and old Michigan stars of other days when Steve
Farrell's track teams were as famous as Hoyt's
are today. Just sitting there, the past greats,
hashing and rehashing the meet until midnight,
reliving other days when they ran for Michigan.
Remember the name Tom Moore? Tom cap-
tained the Iowa football team that almost beat
Michigan out of a Conference championship back
in the good old days. The Wolverines finally
sneaked out of a snow-blanketed stadium with a
10-6 win that day, but Tom who is now a sports
writer in Chicago, explained how bitter the
Hawks felt after the game as he sat in a little
spot around the corner and sipped McNair's.
*, * * *
of Chicago, which means about 20 minutes
driving time, is also quite sdmething if you're
looking for contrasts.
Fraternity houses there are are built in a
quad with the University owning 51 per cent of
the stock and the fraternities paying rent on
the other 49. Evanston itself is dry, the home
of safe driving and the Anti-Saloon League, but
cars are rife and the Border, like Wilmette Har-
bor, the Northwestern Arboretum, is only two
miles distant.
According to the consensus of typical North-
wesern students it takes from $1,500 to $2,000
to do the school year up in brown shape. And
if the party the Delts threw in the Stevens
Saturday night was any indication, I'd say the
estimate was on the conservative side. Together
with their alumni they took over the two top
floors of that swanky establishment and staged
a real set-to.
For tops in entertainment, Fanny Brice and
Bob Clark, together with the rest of that great
Ziegfeld production, turn on a shop that is tops
for music, beauty, and humor with a capital H.
Fanny Brice, the old campaigner, is funnier
than ever, as her hits and Gypsy Rose Lee's new
rendition of an old routine top a show that
is worth twenty screen reviews.

Chicago is a big town in every respect but its
bars. On Michigan Avenue the Spa is tops, a
little corner job with a circular dispensary where
they call everybody by his or .her first name
and the bartender leads the assembled multitude
in song. Also they have certain specified 15-
minute periods 'r hen drinks are two for one plus
a penny.
Around the corner is the celebrated Kitty Da-
vis' where another bartender attired in old-
fashioned collar sits astride a jackass on a merry-
go-round and encourages the patrons who are
always three deep to shriek and pound on the
BECAUSE a last-minute flood of ballots which
have sorely tried the patience and facilities
of the contest department, the complete compila-
tion of William's None-Such Questionnaire will
not be published until tomorrow.
To date 180 names have been submitted in
the competition for Michigan's Fairest males,
together with an imposing array of pipe courses,
interesting professors and well dressed men.
Wednesday morning's Daily will carry a com-
plete list of the winners and runners up in all
departments, with significant awards listed.
ye sing. Oh, bells, ring forth again. Even though
your 5:30 bell strikes tuneless, that is you. We
accept you, oh bells.

When You'relit Love
If Grace Moore's cinema popularity
jhas been on the wane since her smash
hit four pictures ago, When You're In
Love should restore it. Miss Moore
sings popular melodies beautifully, is
photographed exceptionally well, and
has been given a story which is a suc-
cess on its own score.
In this one Miss Moore is a fa-
mous Australian opera star detained
in Mexico because of immigration dif-
ficulties. Also at the same hotel is
individualistic artist, Cary Grant. As
a last resort to get back into the
States to fulfill a festival engage-
ment, the diva marries the United
States artist-citizen. It is a commer-
cial-convenience idea until love en-
ters the plot. But love does not enter
without complications. All in all, a
cleverly constructed entertaining
Miss Moore's songs include Jerome
Kern, Schubert, "Minnie the Mooch-
er," and a few semi-popular num-
bers. The music has a wide general
appeal which should not offend even
the most cultivated taste, because
Miss Moore's voice is singing it with
all of its glory. Despite the criticism
of her rendition of "Minnie the
I Moocher," it is one of the high spots
of the picture. It is done with a zest-
ful burlesque, and fits into the story
continuity so naturally that I can't
understand the objection.
When You're In Love is entertain-
ment with a capital "E"-the kind
that anyone from anyplace should
Savoyards Ahoy!
To those myriad mortals whose
musical bible has Trial by Jury for a
Genesis and The Gondoliers for a
! Revelations, these next two weeks;
will be sacred and Detroit the Holy
City. D'Oyly Carte came to town
yesterday and will reign supreme at
the Cass from now until Easter. To
some benighted souls Gilbert-and-
Sullivan means nothing more than
a lot of "particularly rapid, unin-
telligible patter, which isn't gener-
ally heard, and if it is, it doesn't mat-
ter." To other, more fortunate, more
enlightened beings, G and S is an in-
stitution incapable of destruction by1
time, familiarity, or Ann Arbor earth-
quakes. And the only true and *of-
ficial custodian of that institution is
the Rupert D'Oyly Carte Company,1
full-blooded offspring of the original
Richard D'Oyly Carte group which1
started things back in the 'eighties.
Of the entire series of 14 operas
(counting the unsuccessful Thespis,
Utopia, 'Limited, and The Grand
Duke), Detroit will hear eight, plus
'the one-act Cox and Box which Sul-
livan wrote before his collaborations7
with Gilbert. Mikado, Gondoliers,]
and Iolanthe lead with three perfor-
mances each; Yeoman of the Guard,
'Pinafore, and Cox and Box are next
with two, and Pirates of Penzance,
Trial by Jury, and Patience 'will each
show once. The last named is apt
to be the'ieast familiar to most peo-
pie; because it points its satire at a
temporary fad such as the Wilde
esthetic movement instead of at an
indestructible institution like the
House of Peers, Patience has for
some people lost the keen edge of itsi
wit. But "there's a fascination fran-
tic in a ruin that's romantic"; per-
haps Patience, like 'Katisha, is now
"sufficiently decayed."
In memoriam

A year ago yesterday at the Mich-
igan League was heard the last con-
cert of the season by a campus musi-
cal organization which this year has
been dormant-the U. of M. Little
Symphony. This group of 13 ad-
vanced players was organized and
conducted by Thor Johnson, grad-
uate student from North Carolina
and faculty member of the School of
Music. It first made its appearance
during the 1934-1935 season, when its
chief feat was a two-weeks Southern
tour made during spring vacation.
Last year, in addition to campus con-
certs and out-of-town performances
in this section of the state, the group
made a five-weeks tour through the
South and Southwest. Through thej
individual abilities of the players andI
their rigorous training together the
group achieved a degree of perfec-'
tion in orchestral playing seldom.
hear here except in the larger pro-
fessional symphonies.
It has not been generally known
that the reason for the organiza-
tion's inactivity this season is the
fact that the director, Thor Johnson,
is enjoying a year's study in Central
Europe. Last May Mr. Johnson won,
through a competition conducted by
a committee from the New England
Conservatory in Boston, the Frank
Huntington Beebe Award, providing
for approximately a year's European
residence and study, in any location
chosen by the recipient. Spending
the summer at the Mozarteum Aca-1

' (Continued from Page 2)
nouncements of Detroit Civil Service
examinations for junior and senior
mechanical engineering aids (senior
-inflammables and refrigeration in-
spection); senior construction inspec-
tor (heavy construction-for dura-
tion of sewage disposal project), min-
imum induction salaries, $1,680 to
$2,520. For further information con-
cerning these examinations, call at
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12
and 2 to 4 p.m.
Graduating Seniors and others
from Detroit and Vicinity: A repre-
sentative of the Connecticut Mutual
Life Insurance Co., Detroit, will be
here on Thursday, March 18, to in-
terview men for sales. This company
has inaugurated a training plan for
new men, with arrangements for fi-
nancial assistance. Please call at
201 Mson Hall or University Exten-
sion 371, for appointments, office
hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
A representative of Montgomery
Ward & Company will be at the Bu-
reauiWednesday to interview mentfor
retailing. Kindly make appoint-
ments at the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall, or call Extension 371.
University Bureau
Of Appointments.
Summer Work: There will be a
registration meeting today at 4:15
p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium,
for all students interested ii summer
educational and recrational camp
work. Many calls have been received
already, and it is important that all
interested be present.
T. Luther Purdom.
Applied Music -Students: All in-
completes or absent from examina-
tion reports in applied music now
outstanding, must be made up by a
special examination which will be
held this evening, -8:15 p.m., at the
School of Music. Reports of X or I
which are not changed to a final
grad eat this time will lapse into an
Contemporary: Important meeting
of tryouts and assisting staff Wed-
resday at 4 p.m. in the Student Pub-
lications Building. All tryouts and
members of the assisting staff must
be present.
Tickets for the Slide Rule Dance:
Tickets will go on sale Wednesday
morning at 8 a.m. to members of the
College of Engineering. Because of
the large pre-sale demand, it is pre-
ferred that each man buy his own
Academic Not ices
Economics 54: Seating arrange-
ments for examination Wednesday,
March 17, at 8 o'clock., A-K, 348 West
Engineering; L-Z, 1025 Angell Hall.
Shorey Peterson.
The exanination in VFdeign Lan-
guages for the New York State
teacher's license will be held Friday,
March 19, at 1:15 p.m., in Room 100
I Concerts
Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
Christian, University organist, will
give a recital of compositions by Vi-
valdi-Bach, Hanff, Arkadelt, and
Reubke, on the Frieze Mmorial Or-
gan in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday
afternoon, March 17, at 4:15 p.m., to
which th general public, with the ex-
ception of small children is invited.
Men's Glee Club Concert: The Var-
sity Glee Club will give a concert in
the School of Music Series Thursday
evening, March 18, at 8:15 p.m., in
Hill Auditorium, to which the general
public is invited. The chorus 'will,

be directed by Prof. David Mattern.
A program of college songs, folk
songs, and other numbers, will be
provided. Soloists will include Ralph
Clark and Wilmot Pratt, baritones;
and Harold Garner, bass; with Leo
Luskin, pianist and Tom H. Kinkead,
organist, as accompanists. The gen-
eral public, with the exception of
small children, is invited to 'attend
without admission charge.-
University Lecture: Dr. George W.
McCoy, formerly Director of the Na-
tural Institute of Health, will lec-
ture on "Epidemiological Reflec-
tions" on Friday, March 19, at 8 p.m.
in Room 1528 East Medical Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
Oratorical Association L e c t u r e
Course: Mrs. Martin Johnson, famous
woman explorer, will conclude the
current lecture series when she will
speak in Hill Auditorium tonight at
8:15 p.m. Her lecture is entitled1
"Jungle Depths of Borneo" and will
be illustrated with her outstanding
motion pictures. Tickets will be
available at Wahr's Book Store un-
til 4'30 Dnm The Hill Auditorium

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
u -niversity.-Copyreceived at the office of the AssiRtant to the Presidnt
until 3:'30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Events Today
Physics Colloquium: Prof. R. A.
Sawyer will talk on "The Spectro-
graph in Iron Foundry Control" at
the Physics Colloquium, which will
meet this afternoon, Room 1041, East
Physics Building, at 4:15 p.m.
Women's Skating Class: The skat-
ing .:class is asked to report to the
Women's Athletic Building on Tues-
day, March 16, at 3:20 p.m. Warm
clothing is advised.
Women Students' Field Hockey
Club: A meeting to elect officers for
next year will be held in Barbour
Gymnasium today at 4:45 'p.m. All
members are asked to be present.
Harris Hall: Student Class 7:30
p.m. this evening. Subject, "Modern
Hariis Hiall: 7:30 a.m., Wednesday,
Holy Communion.
Christian S c i-e n c e Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
-Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
The Michigan Dames will hold
their second semester initiation to-
night at 8:15 p.m. at the Michigan
League. The wives of all students
and internes are eligible for member-
The Pauline Beauty Shop will give
an illustrated talk on the art of in-
dividual hair arrangements. Dues
for the second semester will be col
Coiing Events
Research Club: March meeting will
be held on Wednesday, March 17, at
8 p.m. in the Histological Laboratory
of the East Medical Building. The
program will consist of the following
two papers: Prof. F. G. Gustafson,
Inducement of fruit development by
growth-promoting chemicals. Prof.
Edson R. Sunderland, Preparation of
the new rules of civil prcoedure for
the Federal Courts.
Luncheon for Graduate Students on
Wednesday, March 17, at 12 oclock
in the Russian Tea Room of the
Michigan League Building. Dr. Henry
M. Kendall of the Geography Depart-
ment, recently returned from a sab-
batical spent in Belgium, will speak
informally on "Impressions of the
Belgian Political -Scene."
Cercle Francais: There will, be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais on
Thursday evening at 7:45 p.n. in 408
Romance Language Building. The
program will be furnished by the
Committee of Comedy and the music
committee. Professor Talamon will
also speak to the club.
A.I.Ch.E.: All chemical and metal-
lurgical engineers are invited to the
meeting to be held Wednesday eve-
ning, March 17, at 7:30p.m., in Room
1042 East Engineering Bldg. Mr. R.
H. McCarroll of 'the Ford Motor Com-
pany will speak on the subject: "The
Relation of Chemical and Metallur-
gical Engineering to the Automotive
Scandanavian Student Club: There
will be a meeting of the club at the
Union, second floor terrace, on Wed-
-nesday, 'March 17, at 8 p.m. All
members are urgently requested to at-
tend, and any student interested in
Scandanavian activities is welcome.
Alpha Nu: There will be a meeting
on Wednesday evening, March 17, at
7:30 p.m. At this time there will be a
discussidn o 'the subject of political
freedom and all members and friends
are invited to attend.
The 'following men Have 'been ac-

cepted -as pledges in this organiza-
tion as a result of their tryout
speeches last Wednesday evening.
Mr. Vander Velde
Mr. Viehe
Mr. Ellison
Mr. Bowman
Mrs. Schultz
Mr. Smith
Mr. -Vandenberg
Mr. Thornhill
Mr. Fitzhenry
Mr. Munn
Pending more formal notification
these men may consider this as noti-
fication of their pledgeship and are
expected to attend all meetings.
Attention New York State students:
The New York State club will meet
Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 304, Michigan Union. All form-
er members and all New York Staters
interested in joining the organization
are urged to .attend this meeting, at
which time there will be an election
of officers and discussion concerning
reduced railroad rates for spring
"Spain-Today" will be the subject
of a symposium and open forum dis-
cussion to be led by Prof. Jose Al-

Oh, bells, fill the air together with
bronze-cast sisters on high. Fill the air
tuneful sounds. You seem so silent now.
are not complete. A tradition was severed
you ceased. Oh, ring forth again, oh

b ells.

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