THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ h Defends Court PlanENING RADIO PROGRAMS CKLW-1030 Kilocycles a $ 6 00-At Close of Day. ~ :1'-News and Sports. 6:30-Enoch Lgts rch. 6:45-Twilight Meodies.j S7:00-French Lessons-Professor Leon Troya. -"7:15-Phil Mare's Orchestra. ffi ~ f 7:30-Trals-Radio News Bulletins. 7:35-Melody Interlude. 7:45-Palmer House Ensemble.- 8:00-Benay Venuta's Program. 9:00-Toronto Maple Leafs vs.E Chicago Blackhawks. "'?10:30-Chicago Symphony Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:30-Freddy iartin's Orch. 1:-Clyde Luca'Orchrch. 1:00-Sterling Young's Orch. :0-TeFo-Rit's Orch. 1 1 :45-Al Lyon's Orch, 2:00-Weather Forecast. WJR-75 Kilocycles 6:00-Stevenson News. 6:15-Melody and Rhythm. 6:45-Moments You Never Forget. 715-Diamond City News. 7:30-The Carborundum Band. #i ii~i:; ; Li ;; '+"8 :00-Professor Quiz. 8:30-Jonnie Presents! with Russ Morgan. 9:00-The Nash Speed Show. ? :9:30-Your Pet Program. :%.: ;: ,:;,:;':'.,$?z' ,: "10:00-"Your it Parade., .:..:. .10:45-Song Stylists. 11:00-Headline News. 11:15-Benny Goodman's Orch. >: 11:20-Benny Goo dman's Orch. 11:3-George Olsen's Orch. - Associated Press Photo Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orc. Assistant Attorney General Rob- 12k:30-enry King's Orch. ert H. Jaokson (above) told the WWJ-920 Kilocyclest Senate Judiciary Committge most 6P:00-Ty Tyson's .M. tee :00-y Tyon'sSports. Supreme Court justices had shown 6:10-Dinner Music.- that the "great objectives" of the 6:30- PressRadio News. Rosevelt administration "offend 6:45-Religion n the News.i their deep convictions." He de- 7:00-Martinez Brothers. 7 :15-Dramatc Moments. fended the president's reorganiza- 7:20-Hampton Institute Singers. tioin hill. 7:45-The ABC of NBC. 8:0-Saturday Night Party. 9:00-Snow-Village. 9:30--Je Cook.E "i t D Sho10:30-Irvin S. Cobb. 1it e :rama hows 1:0-Nortwood Inn Orch. i 11:30DanceMusic. w t dnt Need 12:00-WebsterHa Oh- How Student~s N ed Midnight-Webster Hall Orch. '-1 F te WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles Professorial Father"KyP.M. 6:00-Norman Sherr., 6 :05-Nichelodeon. Why a student should have a pro- 6:45-Rhythm Parade. fessorial parent might well have been 7:00-Town Talk. 7 :15-San dlotters. the title of a little drama recently en- 7:30-The Lutheran Hour. 7:45-Geo. Kavanaugh. acted in the quantitative analysis 8:00-Ed Wynn. laboratory of the chemistry depart- 8:30-Meredith Wilson. 9:00-National Barn Dance. ment with Prof. Kasimir Fajans tak- 9:30--Luigi Romanei's Orch. ing the leading role. 10:00-Morrie Brennan's Orch l 11 :00-Frankie Masters. The determination of the amount 11:15-Phil Levant's Orch., 1 7.11:30-400 Club Dance.1 of chloride in an unknown sample Midnight Gus Arnheim's Orch.' was the source of difficulties which led to the entrance of Professor Fa- Fraternities Asked 1 jans upon the scene. His son, Stefanes Fajans, '39, was having trouble in de- To Offer Facilities tecting the end-point of a methodt which Professor Fajans himself de- veloped. All fraternities were asked in at Then father came to the rescue of letter sent them by the Interfraternityt son. Spending an afternoon in the Council Committee on Housing yes- laboratory, Professor Fajans ex- terday to make their housing facili- plained to a small but interested au- ties available to out-of-town guests dience theoretical aspects of the de- during the Michigan Centennial to beI termination and demonstrated a held here June 14 to 19. method of attaining .the exact end- The committee urged that any point by using two portions of the house which will not be occupied by unknown. The method, as far as its own alumni at that time make1 could be learned, proved very success- its facilities available to other out-of-t ful. town guests as the room shortage in Ann' Arbor is acute. The amount thef VON HUBAY DIES fraternity will charge is a matter for1 the individual houses to decide, al-r VIENNA, March 12.-(IP)-Eugene though University dormitories will von Hubay, noted violinist and com- charge $1.50 per person per night. poser, died today of heart disease. _ PLANE HOOKED TO ZEPPELIN BERLIN, March 12.-()-An air- y plane was hooked successfully to the J zeppelin Hindenburg while both were n flight, in tests conducted today by Germany's famous airman, Ernst FOR RENT Udet, technical chief in the aviation BEAUTIFUL furnished room for ministry. women, home-cooked meals. In private home, near campus. Phone -TODAY AT 6481. ' 416 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. FOR RENT: Single student room. MATS. 25c EVES. 35c One block from Intramural Build- STARTING ing. Reasonable. Phone 3810. Two Boys with differenti 418 About the sa WANTED: To exhange my modern cottage oki the St. Clair river, 50 There's ahoI i NR every miles north of Detroit for a home hearthrob6When the or apartment in Ann Arbor during the 8 weeks period of summer Coast G au 4tros ashore! school. Cottage has large screened porch, 2 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, bath, equipped with electric pump, gas stove, electric lights. If interested write Mr. For- rest E. Barr, 940 Alexander St. S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by experi- ' enced operators at moderate prices. O. D. MORRILL 314 South State Street READ TIIE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Now Playing b on the Man She Loved dep n ti ialt roaring rot wit A Paramount Picture -It D O N AML Foreign Stud ToCollege By ROBERT ITIZENRY Fcreign students who come to the Michigan campus in many instances are able to make the initial adjust- ment to American college life quite as easily as the American students themselves, according to Prof. J. Ral- eigh Nelson, counselor to foreign stu- dents. This might not be the case, he ex- , plained, were it not for the fact that they receive such splendid coopera- tion from all quarters. "We attempt to have every foreign student who arrives on campus met by a committee, of his countrymen. Their duty is to see that the newcomer is congenially Senate Passes Plan To Unitej Independents (Continued froi Page 1) nition of t.he plan by the Senate Committee on Monday, and many faculty members have made it known that they would support it. The character of the group has been determined. "We feel it better to have the fellows meet and discuss possible arrangements of governing bodies," Wolf explained. "The Ex- ecutive Council will help them by providing any facility which may be needed. The members of the Coun- cil are willing to push the project and provide publicity, if there is sufficient response from men on cam- puts." A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union to discuss the plan and sound out student opinion. Similar projects have been inaug- urated in the Big Ten schools, Illinois and Wisconsin, and are in nebulous form at Pennsylvania State College. It is understood that these groups receive the full support of their universities. "One of the main objections that independents have," the petition to the Senate Committee states, "is that they do not have a chance in outside activities. An independent organiza- tion would in itself provide an ex- tra-curricular activity in somewhat the same manner as the Assembly does for women. Also, such an or- ganization would encourage and pro- vide an opportunity for participation in other activities." Men will be given a free rein in actually working out the meetings, officers, and projects. Suggestions include zoning students into popula- tion groups, assigning to each zone of+ a given number of students an of- ficers; organization along primary interest lines, for example, depart- mental, sports, extra-curricular work, etc.; and grouping by means of lun- cheon meetings similar to those of the Sphinx and freshmen. STATIONERY 100 SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES Printed with your name and address THE CRAFT PRESS 305 Maynard Street Phone 8805 TODAY - ideas me Girl ! Real Thrills ! PRESTON o d D I ty, mance t ; ; 1 s '.Y f" 1 f WOO .7 ents Here Adjust Selves Life As Easily As Natives housed and quickly inducted into the that time," he said, "that they have' University routines and customs," he flocked to Michigan ever since. Japa- continued. "The organization and nese students were the first to come," mobilization of this work is largely he added, "and they came in substan-d centered in the Counselor's office." tial numbers for fifty years; however, Fourth In Foreign Students their own educational institutions,t "Michigan stands fourth among which have now reached a high stagea American universities rated accord- of development, are modeled more ont ing to the number of foreign students the European plan so that the Japa-b enrolled," Professor Nelson went on. nese have shifted from American tov "Today we have approximately 635 European universities. There are at students born outside the boundaries present only five Japanese students in of the United States. Of this number, the University as compared to 180t however, 347 are from the territories from China."s and island possessions of the United Not Only Colorful States or have applied for American The annual International Dinnert citizenship so that they cannot tech- given by the University on Thanks-P nically be regarded as foreign Stu- -giving Eve are potent forces in theo dents, although they have quite as establishing of social contacts amongn many problems of adjustment as these students, Professor Nelson said.V those who come on the student immi- "These representatives of so many gration quota." racial and national groups (56 coun-t Basis of Selection tries in all), although they presentu "Some of the foreign students have some problems requiring careful con- been chosen on the basis of competi- sideration - problems of language, tive examinations; Professor Nelson housing, health, finances and sociala said, "some have been sent on schol- contacts - are not merely a colorful,r arships as a reward for government exotic feature on the Michigan cam- service, and some, of course, are sons pus," Professor Nelson said in con- and daughters of wealthy families of clusion, "they have much to contrib-t high cultural ideals who have taken ute to its life as students and asr advantage of all that their own educa- alumni." They have for years donea tional systems offer." much to give the student body an Because 6f the large number of international outlook and an interest oriental students on. its campus - in foreign affairs. There is no more more than at any other American sincere opportunity for strengthening university - the University of 1Michi- the bonds of good will between their gan has a good opportunity of be. countries and ours than by encourag- ccming the most important center for ing mutual acquaintance between the study of Eastern cultures in this these international gests and the country, Professor Nelson explained. best of their American hosts." Reasons For Large Enrollmnt Commenting on the reasons for the large enrollment of oriental students at Michigan, Professor Nelsqn said that "undoubtedly the initial impulse to the movement was given by the appointment of President Angell as 'Special Commissioner to the Chinese Empire in 1880. President Angell suc-HILLE ceeded in establishing such amicable relations with the Oriental peoples at P) Merchlant Delivery "T E T "T HEYT CelebratesBirthday By ARTHU The Ann Arbor Merchant's Deliv- ery, one of the city's first co-opera- tives, completes 30 years of existence TLasPerformance this year, and by vote of the stock- TONIGHT at holders Wednesday night will be re- incorporated for another 30 years8:15 The Merchant's Delivery Co. began operation Sept. 30, 1907, when 22 Reserved Seats 3 5c - 5 merchants turned in their 20 horse and wagons for its use. Stock was sold, and the present building, 510 . Lydie MEN DE Washington St., was erected imme- diately. "MODERN IZE YOUR K1( OF MODERN GAS RA ROPER * MAGIC CHEF * DT ALLC YOUF New 19 (Ma. 2001 $5$' (Sul $1.75 pawn MODERNIZE YOUR KITCH I Plan to Modernize your Kitchen this Spring - and start Range. You'll enjoy the automatic oven control-- tfje new burners -and the easy-t-clein pom-cela a finish. An all - you'll learn the Economy, Speed, Cleanliness, and with GAS. EASY TERM$ TOO! Motors Strike Issues setled By Agreement iContinued from Page 1) ly discharged-"all cases of alleged discriminatory discharge raised by the union.. . have been reviewed and such cases as have been mutually agreed upon have been referred to the plant in which they occurred, to be handled thereafter in accordance with the grievance procedure." Seniority rights based on length of service-"after six montls' con- tinuopus employment, the names shall be placed on the seniority list. . . . Seniority shall start from the time of hiring and shall be by de- partments, or non-interchangeable occupational groups within depart- ments by plant agreement, except where changes in methods, products, or policies would otherwise require the permanent laying off of employes, in which case seniority shall become plant-wide for the employes involved and they shall be transferred to other departments on work they are cap- able of doing and at the standard rate for such work." Another provision of the agree- ment was that "for temporary reduc- tions in production, the work week inay be reduced before any employes are laid off." Eye Glass Frames Repaired. Lenses Ground., HALLER'S Jewelry State Street at Liberty i P " .iW.f' L PLAYERS resen7 w A RISE R A. MrIER, '3 8 0 Matinee TODAY 2:15 5c0 Phone 630 ELSSOH N Theatre