THE MICHIGAN DAILY ouples W ill Attend Frosh Frolic Tonight In Union Ballroom Committeemen Name Guests For '40 Dance Green And Silver Scheme Is Used In Decorations; Noble Sissle To Play Four hundred couples are expected to attend the annual Frosh Frolic which will be held from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. today in the Union ballroom. The general chairman of the dance, Robert Mix will have as his guest Suzanne Wells, '40. Florence Broth erton, '40, will attend cewith Robert Goodyear, ticket chairman. Janet Ladd, chairman of programs, will attend, with John Gelder, '40. Herbert Sott, who has charge of the. decorations, will be with Ruth Pol- lock, '40. Alberta Wood, patrons chairman, will attend with Paul Park, '40. Guests Announced' Matthew Rea, chairman of pub- licity, will have Mary Anne Young, '40A, as his guest. Betty Jane Johns, '40SM, will be the guest of Kenneth Meyer, finance chairman. Dwight Adams, music chairman, has in- vited Roberta Leete, '40. The members of the floor com- mittee are Almon Conrath, William Elliott, John Schang and Paul Kel- ler. John Coun is a member of the publicity committee. Helping with the patrons are Margaret Neakie and Ruth Chatard. The ticket commit- tee members are Jack B. Rice and Jay W. Johnson. Crest To Be Used The traditional freshman color, green, will be used with silver in the decorations. The Michigan crest will be set on silver drapes behind the orchestra and silver and green streamers will lead from it to the words, "class" and "1940" which will be placed on green. Noble Sissle and his negro orches- tra will play. Sissle is at present making a tour of the cointry and soon will return to Chicago. He has played on many college cam- puses and in London, Paris, Monte Carlo and New York. There will be no grand march this year and Noble Sissle and his troupe will give a 30 minute floor show. Late permission will be granted to all women attending the dance. Only. the members of the central commit- tee and their guests will be permitted to wear corsages. Will Attend Aniual Freshman Ball I1 Chapter Houses Bridge Tournament Faculty-Alumni Choose Officers Is Held In League Dance At Union The winners of the all-campus For New Year l bridge tournament held under the Well Attended joint sponsorship of the League and the Union last night were Max R. Pledgiiigs And Initiations Stout, '38 and Don G. Bronson, '38, The Union ballroom was the scen Are Also Announced By *both of the Alpha Epsilon Phi fra- of the fourth dance in the Faculty . I ternity. Alumni series. The dance, which wa Loca Fraternities Second place honors went to Hugh held from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. yes Hayward, '38, and Frank Steere, '38, terday was exceptionally well at Among the recent activities of the who represented the- Delta Upsilon tended. sororities and fraternities are ln ita- fraterntty. I r, m .,d - 1i I' i , t k 7 1 S r C t{ J I '',,' 1 I f c ticns, elections of officers and pledg-# Milton Sheiman, '39M and Samuel Igs. hSeimari, '40M took third place while Acacia announces the pledging of Baibira Roberts, '37 and Virigina John Feick, '40, Sandusky, O.; and MAu ?holland, '39, came in fourth. Robert Swart, '39, Grand Rapids. Alpha Delta Pi -nounces the pledging of Gwendolyn Palmer '38, M uelle and Helen Soos, '38, Flint. Alpha Gamma Delta recently held 4X an election of next year's officers. They are: Margaret Johnson, '39,O _resident; Margaret Carlson, '38, photoby Walter A. Crow. I first vice-president; Elaine Kohl, '40, SUZANNE WELLS ROBERT MIX 'econd vice-president; Dorothy Bea- xey, '38, treasrer; Mary Engeman, '38, (Continued from Page 1) z ecording secretary; Ruth Laing '40, a ni al o l ecalls To S d ng secretary; Jane Du sembly and led the Assembly Ball. Meit '3, scal chairman; and Marcella She is a member of the finance com- tarklaTndf'39, yrthi-A-ncaim mittee for the Junior Girls Play and ..' fAft C- c a isit Initiation Annoaunced has been on the orientation coin- Alpha Kappa Lambda announces the initiaon of the following: David ttee of the League as an adviser By BARBARA PATERSON the United States and enroll at the A. Black, '38, Robert R. Shirley, '37, and on the finance committee for Usually the word "loyalty" brings Tuskegee Institute for negroes. His H. Richard Stedding, '40E, and Wim- ur dCaiated with Delta to mind pictures of flags and thoughts burn L. Wallace, '40. tomind pites of fls andthy.uHhts lequest was granted and he tearfully Beta Theta Pi announces the in Gamma sorority, is a member of ever, in the case of Frances Ever- left. itiation of Mendel Kitzmiller, '38E; Wyvern and s i the cast of the ard, '38, a wooden cannibal doll calls Mrs. Everard received letters from Ben Wampler, '38A; Andros Gulde Junior Girls Play. Last year she forth the story of a particular form him quite regularly, telling about how '33; Robert Fuller, '39: John Ohrt, was on a Sophomore Cabaret com- '10"' Ferris Rennie, '39; Robert John- inittee and she has also participated of loyalty-that of a slave toward his he was getting along in his work. A ' Fin reshman Proect At present she former owner. son: Lynn Townsend, '40; Henrym. few years later, by means of a letter, Heyl, '40E; Robert Straub. '40; Wil- is a member of The Daily's business More than seventy years ago Miss .ie even asked permission to marry! E-am Conrad; George Lowrey, 40; staff. Everard's grandfather, William Ev- After he had finished school, Wil- Barton Myers, '40E; Perry Tenney, Miss MacKenzie, also a member of erard, an English army officer, was iam became interested in movements '40; Robert Goodyear, '40E; and Wil- Delta Gamma, was on the publicity stationed in Africa. With him at for negro education. He was respon- liam Devereaux, '40. committee of Sophomore Cabaret the post was his bride of a few sible for many such drives in New Delta Gamma recently elected the and a committee for Freshman Proj- weeks.CYork City, besides maintaining a following officers: Helen Purdy, '38, ect. She has been on the editorial Rshome and business practice in Vi- resident; Elizabeth Baxter, '38, vice- staff of The Daily for two years and One day during the course of a ginia. iesident; Roberta Melin, '38, record- was recently appointed publicity trip into the iterior of the conti- Throughout all these years William ing secretary; Mary Alice MacKenzie, manager of W.A.A. nent, they came upon a startling Lawton has not forgotten his in- I'39, tr easurer; Mary Rall, '39, corre- MiswaotailtewthK - scne Two cannibaltribes ad t t gao r.eadHs 1p gsce ;Ca t9 ie Miss Swartout, affiliated with Kap- seeTw canbltiehajutdebtedxiess to Mrs. Everard. He still sponiding secretary; Charlotte Poock, pa Alpha Theta, is a member of the fought a desperate battle, and the finds time to write to her occasion- '39, rushing chairman; Jane Jewitt. Lague socia committee.She victors were feasting (as only can- ally down in Barbados where she still' '40, assistant irushing chairman Leaue social committee. She has nibals can) upon the king and queen Ive.Atog mr hnsvetbIt een a tryout on the Gargoyle staff nibls an)upn te kngand~quenlives. Although more than seventy The sorority announces the pledg- and a member of finance comittees of the conquered tribe. The winners years have passed since a small ing of Anabel Dre 40 Cleve- for Sophomore Cabare an Fres were saving the little three-year-old woman with a bag of rice was all lnd. O., and Enora Ferriss, '40, De- marr Project. prince, madly clutching his doll, for that stood between him and the caul- troit. manPrjec an especially delicious dessert. Just dron, William has remained loyal to o-1cers Elected before the child was to be killed, the that "angel of mercy" who saved him The Kappa Nu fraternity an- veards any h c ou in the nick of time. nounces the election of the following -- - bear to see any such calamity occur, - -- - officers : Robert Harrison, '38, pres- --~ -_ so after much argument, Mrs. Ever- . iet: Loar H an, '39, pie- ard bought the youngster for a bag d.ent; LeonadiResenman.' 9, vice of rice. president; Irving Isaacs, '39, corre- At first he had no real name, but To Sponsor Party ma sponding secretary: Nathaniel Holtz- was called by almost anything thatina, 39, recording secretary; Ste- phan Stone, 38, treasurer; and Mor- octurred to his owners. Then the Members of the Public Health Club ton Jacobs, '38, social chairman. family was sent to Barbados, an will hold their monthly party from 9 The following were initiated re- island in the British West Indies. As p.m. to I a.m. todcay in Lane Hall,{ac- cently into Kappa Nu: Harold Gast, he became older Mrs. Everard felt cording to Florence Bennell, Grad., '39, Allen Middleton, '38, Phillips As- he needed some sort of a me and president of the organization. While tron, '40, Robert Pollack, '40. Jack let him choose one. He selected Wil- admission to members is free, said Weiner, '40, Nathan Seigel, '40, See- ramda Lawtonim fter Mr. Evr- Miss Bernneli, there will be a charge more Weitzman, '38, Herbert Scott, erard and Lawton from Mrs. Ever- of 25 cents to outsiders. '40, and Bernard Rubinier, '39. ard's maiden-namBe. He was definite-.I iufzs. 1-kLuience c; cimarv, wno wor hl A fAT nrn"m tsri+l, n f--l' ^f" -1,4+n Where T. Go i Theatre: Michigan, "Outcast," with Warren William, Karpn Morley and Lewis Stone; Majestic, "John Meade's Woman," with Edward Ar- nold and Francine Larrimo*e; Wuerth, "Can This Be Dixie," with Jane Withers, and "Arizona Ma-1 honey," with Larry Crabb; Orpheum, "Ramona,, with Loretta Young, and "Easy to Take," with Marsha Hunt; Lydia Mendelssohn, "They Too Arise," presented by the Hillel Play- ers. Coffee Hour: From 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., at the Union, for all men stu- dents and faculty. Mrs. S. T. Dana will pour. Dancing: In the League Silver Grill. Lecturers: At 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium, Prof. Max Wertheimer will lecture on the subject, "On the Psychology of Thinking." At 4:15 p.m., in the amphitheatre of the Chemistry-Bldg., Dr. H. N. Wheeler will lecture on "Forestry in the United States." Exhibitions: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Architectural Building, an ex- hibition of Chinese art. Enggement Of Former Student Is Announced i Mr. and Mrs. Max Gerstman of De- troit announce the engagement of their daughter Jane, former student of the University, to George Golanty, also of Detroit. Mr. Golanty is of the class of '36 of the University of Pitts- burgh, The wedding date is set for April 4. ly Mrs. Everard's slave now, and she saw to it that he received an educa- tion. Doll Adorhed With. Jewelry William'no longer wanted his doll, so he gave it to Mrs. Everard. Al- though the doll was wooden and crude looking, it was adorned with tiny precious jewelry. A fine gold nose-ring, perfect in every detail, pierced the doll's blunt nose. Red bracelets shaped like coiling snakes, gold and brilliantly colored strands of beads, wrought-silver ankle brace- lets-all had been made with infinite care and were extremely valuable. These are the objects which Miss Eyerard now owns, and they recall to her mind the story of William Lawton's loyalty to Mrs. Everard. William almost worshipped hia owner. He never did anything even, for himself without her specific per- mission. When he had earned some money he asked if he might go to - - Miss Hazel G. Herringshaw and Dr. Lloyd Gates, advisors of the club, Will act as chaperons. All faculty members of the public health de- partment have been invited. HERMITACEt Hermitage will hold an informal radio party today from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., accorging to Donald G. Davis, '37E, social chairman. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Meacham and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hendley, of Chelsea. ill beba J z J i ren y eiecatied he fo- :owing officers: John P. Berger, '39M, president; 'ank Forsyth, '39M, sec- retary-treasurer; Robert Griffith, '39M, steward; Peter Poulos, '39M, alumnus secretary. Pledging Announced Psi Upsilon elected the following officers recently: Phillip Haughey, '37A, president; Kent Bradford, '37E, vice-president; William Guthrie, '38, secretary. F The fraternity also announces the i ecent pledging of Alfred Williams, '40A, of Battle Creek. .Be Charming . With your new Easter Costumes it is important to choose the correct beauty aids. Visit the RITZ BEAUTY SALON 605 E. William Phone 7066 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS I 1 SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Building -- SPECIAL FULL-FASHIONED SILK MESH HOSE $1.00 SILK MESH KNEE HIGH 79c' I NOO- I'rejii i. Ped the Low .1rle We've disregarded Cost and .Profit in this of RESES This group is of vital interest to the women seeking First Quality Frocks at extreme reductions. Sizes 11 to 17 - 12 to 42 I I TONIGHT at the I I SILVER GRILL Charlie Zwick and His New Band I I "A Parade of Hits" HATS - 1 alls at 79c 1 I ® ' U I