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March 12, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-12

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Cloudy and unsettled today
and tororrow, probably light
snow today.



Sir iguu


Mass Production
Of Babies..

U r


Motor Parley
Is Deadlocked
Over Wording
Pickets Control Factory
Gates At Chrysler Plant
As Offices Are Moved
Murphy Says State
Will Not Interfere
DETROIT, March 11.-(P)-Union
demands for revised wording side-
tracked final settlement of General
Motors strike differences tonight just
as conferees were reported on the
verge of signing an agreement.
As stalemates persisted in three
other automotive disputes leaving
75,000 Michigan wage-earners idle,
representatives of General Motors
and the United Automobile Workers
of America delayed approval of a
final pact at least until tomorrow
Both denied the delay had serious
Chrysler Shifts Office
While the delay held up the Gen-
eral Motors negotiations the Chrysler
Corporation shifted its company of-
fices to a downtown building as
Union pickets solidified their control
of factory gates and even took over
traffic direction outside the High-
land Park plant, whose administra-
tion building was the scene of pre-
vious negotiations with the Union.
Automobiles filled with shouting
men and identified by fluttering blue
and white U.A.W.A. flags drove
through the nearby streets as a crowd
gathered near the plant. Union or-
ganizers shouted through amplifiers
to hundreds who milled about outside
the gates, "go home, office workers;
there is no work today."
At least two minor clashes were re-
ported as motorists objected to di-
rections of Union guards. Gates
were blocked by trucks parked on
the inside. Two uniformed police-
men watched the situation. Dan
Patch, Highland Park chief of po-
lice, announced his officers would
not interfere as long as the strikers
were orderly and did not block traf-
Charge Violations
C. E. Wilson, Genera Motors vice-
president ,said "their are still several
things to iron out."
Wyndham Mortimer, U.A.W.A.
vice-president, insisted that changes
had been made by General Motors
in a final draft of creative agree-
ments previously reached, and that
"original phraseology" must be re-
Union and corporation charged vi-
olations of the truce that ended the
nation-wide General Motors strikes
a month ago today.
"We don't like these 18 sit-down
strikes we've had in 20 days," Wilson
asserted. "We already have an agree-
ment of Feb. 11, and if the Union
doesn't live up to that one, will it live
up to another?"
New Institute
On Electronics
To Be Offered
Conference And Lecture
Program Will Be Held
During Summer Session
An Electronics Institute, consisting
of a special lecture and conference
program in eleptronics, will be held as
a new feature of this year's Univer-

sity Summer Session, Prof. William
G. Dow, of the College of Engineering,
director of the Institute, announced
The Institute is being sponsored by
the electrical engineering department
and by joint cooperation of the Gen-
eral Electric Company, the Bell Tel-
ephone laboratories, the Westing-
house Company, and members of the
technical staffs of these companies,
who are sending special lecturers.
Within the University, part of the
program is being held by the physics
and mathematics departments.
The program of the Institute will
consist of two successive lecture se-
quences of four weeks each. These
will deal with the two divisions of
electronic study, High-Vacuum Elec-
tronic Principles, from June 28 to
July 24, and Gaseous-Conduction
Electronic Principles, from July 26
to August 20. During each sequence
there will be a parallel laboratory
course in which the lecture material
will be worked into illustrative prob-
lems, and teaching methods will be
discussed. Along with these series,
courses 'in various branches of elec-
trical engineering, physics, and math-
ematics that are related to electronics

Inside Of Employer-Applicant
Interview Unfolded At Union

150 Attend Occupational
Information Conference
Session On Jobs
The inside story of what goes on'
behind closed doors during an em-
ployer-applicant interview was un-
folded last night to more than 150
listeners at the Occupational Infor-
mation Conference in the Union.
A salesman's position with oppor-
tunity for promotion to executive
responsibilities was first sought by'
Richard N. Prey, '37BAd., o J. E.
Bloomstrom, Detroit district manager
for Proctor & Gamble do. Within a
half-hour personal interview, entire-
ly impromptu, Prey had secured a vir-
tual promise of employment, contin-
gent upon passage of a modified apti-
tude test.
"What sort of grades have you
made in the University?" was one
of the first questions advanced by
Mr. Bloomstrom. To this query an
answer of "average" was considered
most desirable, he added in comment-
ing on the interview.
The straight 'A' scholar or 'Phi
Bete" is not sought for selling, Mr.
Bloomstrom explained, because it has
been found that such an individual
usually talks over the heads of pros-
pective customers; he fails to speak
their language.
Life insurance was looked for in
any prospective employe who had
earned more than a living wage, and
freedom from self-consciousness was
sought. "Do you ever day-dream?"
was another leading question put by
the employer, as was "Do you have
a capacity for enthusiasm?"
In the other interview Robert B.
Ayres, Mueller
MeConkey Get
Karlson, Purdy, Swartoutt
And Mackenzie Elected
To Judiciary Council
Margaret Ann Ayres, '38, Florence
McConkey, '38, and Mary Jane Muel-1
ler, '38, were elected vice-presidents
of the League representing the liter-
ary, architectural, education colleges
respectively, as a result of the all-
campus vote yesterday.
Janet Karlson, '38, and Helen
Purdy, '38, were given the two senior
positions on Judiciary Council. The
two junior Council positions were
awarded to Mary Alice MacKenzie,
'39, and Sybil Swartout, '39.
In the election, which was held
under the direction of the Council,
345 votes w:e polled, representing
an increase over the voting of last
year, according to Maryanna Chock-
ley, Council chairman.
The new officers are to be inducted
officially at the annual Installation
Banquet, to be held Monday, March
22 in the League ballroom.
Miss Ayres, affiliated with Gamma
Phi Beta, is assistant chairman of
the Junior Girls Play, a member of
Wyvern and of the women's Varsity
debating squad. She is also on the
theatre-arts and house reception
committee of the League and was
an orientation adviser this fall. In
her second year she was a member of
the entertainment committee for
Sophomore Cabaret.
Miss McConkey was chairman of
the decorations committee for Soph-
omore Cabaret last year. She was
decorations chairman for the As-
sembly Ball held last week and in
her freshman year was a member of
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman hon-
orary society.
Miss Mueller, a member of Pi Beta
Phi, was recently appointed secretary
of the Women's Athletic Association
for next year. She is vice-president
of the Physical Education Club and
is a member of the dance club.

Miss Karlson, a resident of Jordan
Hall, is the new vice-president of As-
(Continued on Page 5)
Two Pacific Flights
Planned Next Week
OAKLAND, Calif., March 11.-(R)
-Possibility of two simultaneous
aerial dashes to the South Seas ap-
peared in the making today, with
Amelia Earhart passing her first blind
flying test preparatory to her project-
ed world flight, and Pan American
Airways disclosing plans to fly a
clipper plane to New Zealand.
Miss Earhart, who has flown both
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans alone,
took her $80,000 "flying laboratory"
through an hour of "instrument fly-
ing" accompanied by Commerce De-
partment inspector R. D. Bedinger.
Ch n - n +remnon v fr trnnhiln

French, superintendent of Berkeley
schools, questioned Dorothy J. Bern-
ard, '38Ed., who sought a teaching
Experience in teaching practice
classes and the cultural background
of the applicant were stressed in this
"interview."Whatrecent novel have
you read?" was one of the inquiries
advanced by Mr. French, and what
importance the subject of theap-
plicant's specialization should have
in high school courses was another.
"Highly satisfactory" was the aside
comment of Mr. French in closing the
Successful work as a salesman re-
quires certain peculiar qualities in
addition to the "homely" attributes of
honesty, industry, loyalty, health and
courage, Mr. Bloomstrom asserted in
a talk before the afternoon session
of the Conference.
These special qualities he enumer-
ated as a "bubbling" personality, per-
severance, discipline, enthusiasm, im-
agination and initiative-or a "nose
for business."
In the second address of the meet-
(Continued on Page 2)
Aviation Needs
Public Favor,
Smith Declares
National Air Association
Head Emphasizes Desire
For Adequate Defense
A strong plea for the organization
and stimulation of favorable public
opinion on aviation was made last
night by Major Fred L. Smith, Presi-
dent of the National Aeronautic As-
sociation and Director of the Ohio
State Board of Aeronautics, in his
speech before the members of the
Ann Arbor Aviation Society last
night at the Union.
Seconding Major Smith in his plea
for organization and 'action was
famed Director of The Michigan
State Board of Aeronautics, Colonel
Floyd Evans.
Major Smith stated that although
the general public is interested in
aviation and its progress they are
unorganized. Without organization,
the efforts to push forward the pro-
gress of private aviation through
better facilities will be hopeless. Ma-
jor Srhith also dwelt at some length
on the dangers of an inadequate air
defense, pointed out that the U. S.,
aviation, problems military, com-
mercial, and private were in a "step-
child" position in the affairs before
Commenting of the recent em-
broglio of the national Bureau of
Air Commerce which resulted in the
resignations of Director Eugene Vidal
and assistant directors Rex Martin
and Carroll Cone, Major Smith said
that he wished to commend Secre-
tary of Commerce, Daniel Roper on
the appointment Dr. Fred Fagg as
Director due to the fact that Fagg is
man entirely free of political en-
tanglements and should be able to
run the department as it should be
Major Smith as N.A.A. head is
now devoting his entire time as num-
ber one salesman of that organiza-
tion which seeks to make public
opinion a vital force in the advance-
ment of aviation, open the eyes of
Congress to the needs of an adequate
air force, and obtain the establish-
ment of a permanent committee for
aviation affairs in both houses of
Speaking with Major Smith and
(Continued on Page 4)
Another Student

Is Suspended;
2 On Probation
Two students were placed on pro-
bation and one suspended for the re-
mainder of the present semester by
the subcommittee on discipline of the
University Committee on Student
Conduct, it was disclosed yesterday.
The suspended student is Normar
' iZtreen, '39. Those on probation are
Ralph R. Shelton, '39, and Solwyn
Schwartz, '39. Zitreen of Freeport,
N.Y., was suspended for the remaind-
er of the semester "and until such
further time as he gives assurance
to the Dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts and the
Dean of Students that in the future
'his conduct will conform with
University standards."
Shelton, of Ferndale, Mich., and
Schwartz, of Port Chester, N.Y., were
i nl~ rinnn,rnha-iin-nfinr the enid

Major 'Quake
Is P-edieted
By Dr. Hobbs
Famous Geologist Asserts
Slight Shock Is Cause
For Complanency
Says Lack is More
Reason For Worry
Ann Arbor, and the Great Lakes
region in general, will probably have3
a disastrous earthquake at some timet
in the future, Prof.-Emeritus Wil-I
liam H. Hobbs of the geology depart-t
ment declared yesterday.1
Professor Hobbs, a widely recog-
nized authority on earthquakes, sev-
eral years ago predicted almost to
the hour the tremor of last year.
It was understood that Professor
Hobbs' indication was that the quake
that may spell doom for Ann Arbor
and vicinity will not be immediately,
and yet, it will probably not be in the
really distant future.
Such earthquakest asthe one Tues-
day morning and that a week ago
tend to insure, he explained, against
any severe quake in the immediate
future, easing the strain within the
earth's surface.
Not A Sign For Alarm
Discussing the causes of the recent
earthquake here. Professor Hobbs
said that a slight shock was a cause
for complacency and not alarm. Such'
shocks have occurred in this region'
frequently in uniformly distributed
periods. In fact, he said, there is
greater cause for worry if there is a
long period without one of these
slight tremors for they relieve the
condition of strain within the earth's
surface. If the strain is not relieved
from time to time there is a cumu-
lative stress which, when finally re-
lieved, has serious consequences, Pro-
fessor Hobbs stated.
One of these major shocks occurred
in this region in February, 1663, Pro-
fessor Hobbs said. but was felt only
by the Indians and Jesuit mission-
aries. Further evidence of this earth-
quake is shown, Professor Hobbs said,
by the physiographic changes within
this area-changes which always
characterize great disturbances in the
earth's surface.
Earth Losing Heat
The most widely accepted theory as
to the cause of earthquakes, Profes-
sor Hobbs said, is that the earth is
gradually losing its heat which causes
it to contract producing wrinkles on
the surface. Such a phenomenon
can be more easily seen by a simple
comparison, Professor Hobbs de-
clared; that is, "the earth resembles
an apple, stored until late in the win-
ter, from which the juices have evap-
orated causing a reduction in its vol-
ume and a consequent wrinkling of
the skin."
In the Great Lakes region there is
also further cause for these disturb-
ances, he said.
"The glacier that once covered all
this area pressed the surface of the
earth down, then as the glacier gra-
dually melted it retreated and caused
the earth to recover and tilt up like
a trap-door," he said.
Wisconsin U'
d icks Dykstra
For Presidency
MADISON, Wis. March 11.-(P)-
The Executive Committee of Univer-

sity of Wisconsin Regents, the Asso-
ciated Press learned authoritatively
today, will offer the University presi-
dency to Clarence A. Dykstra, Cin-
cinnati City Manager.
3 Dean George Sellery has been act-
ing president since Dr. Glenn Frank
was ousted in January, climaxing a
bitter fight within the Board of
Regents over charges of administra-
tive incompetence.
*A member of the Executive Com-
mittee who would not allow his name
to be used said the group has selected
Dykstra from a long list of pros-.
pects, but that the deal had not been
. closed.
Dykstra, at Cincinnati, would not
comment beyond saying no offer had
been received from the Regents.
The executive committeeman said
his group would meet probably Sat-
urday or Sunday at a city between'
here and Cincinnati to discuss terms
with the 54-year-old public official
and former professor.
When the committee's choice is
i presented to the Board of Regents
as a whole at a meeting March 18
1 and 19, the committee member said,
it is "practically certain" it will be
- annroenod

Court Abuses'
Senate's Fault,
Jackson Says
Tribunal Has Made Super'
Government Of Itself
Cummings Aide Says
Attache Says Plan
Is No New Method
WASHINGTON, March I1.-(1)-
Robert Jackson, young assistant At-
torney General sat comfortably be-
fore the Senate Judiciary Committee
today and backed the Roosevelt Court
Reorganization bill with a courteous
but pointed suggestion that the Sen-
ators and their colleagues are re-
sponsible for "abuses" in the Supreme
Upon Congress, he argued, lies full
responsibility for the proper function-
ing of that tribunal; the court by a
"constant extension" of its power has
constituted itself a "super-govern-
ment"; its activities have been en-
couraged open defiance of the law;
with Congress lies the burden of
correcting that situation.
Congress Responsible
"Congress, by its inactivity, may be
assuming responsibilities for the Su-
preme Court's acts as great as any
responsibility it may assume by ex-
erting its power," he said.
Correction, he said, could come by
amendment of the Constitution. But
citing past events, he reachedthe
conclusion that "when immediate
and effective action has been neces-
sary, the method which the President
now proposes has been used through-
>ut our constitutional history."
His premise of congressional re-
sponsibility was an argument new to
a controversy which has produced
innumerable lines of reasoning. The
committee followed his discourse with
Questioned By Senators
But when he had concluded, op-
position senators bore down upon him
with a bombardment of questions
which generally came back to one
principal point: that unless, under
the President's bill, additional Su-
preme Court justices prove to be in
general philosophic agreement with
the chief executive, the plan will
"Doesn't the whole working of this
plan depend on the judicial com-
plexion of the men appointed?" asked
Senator Connally (Dem., Tex.).
"I would say that is very largely
"Well, isn't it absolutely true!"
"Yes, I think I may say, sir, that
it is absolutely true."
S.W.F., Kruger
Agree On Plan
For Bargaining
Student Workers Granted
Written Work Schedule
And Minimum Wage
The first agreement between the
Student Workers Federation and an
employer was reached at 9:30 p.m.
yesterday when Kruger's Delicatessen
and Restaurant signed a 0-point
collectivesbargaining agreement with
federation representatives.
After aoneand one-half hour con-
ference with employees, Tom Downs,
'38, president of the Federation, T.
Dean Crist, Grad., both representing
the federation and Lew Kruger, owner

of the restaurant, put their signa-
tures on the following provisions:
"1. A definite written schedule of
working hours.
"2. The right of employees to se-
lect their own representatives with
the management in regard to any
changes in this agreement.
"3. No dismissal of workers for
activities or membership in any or-
ganized group.
"4. Minimum wage of thirty-five
cents per hour in trade with a min-
imum of two hours per day and a
maximum of three hours per day.
"5. Overtime pay at the rate of
thirty-five cents per hour.
"6. One week's notice for dismis-
".7. In slack times, last man hired
to be the first man to be laid off. On
rehiring, last man laid off to be
the first man rehired.
"8. Before being fired, employee
has the right to a hearing before em-
Sployer and Grievance Committee of

Gilmore Says Guil
Not For Journalists
American Newspaper Guild aims
are not consistent with traditional
reporting, W. S. Gilmore, editor-in-
chief of the Detroit News, told mem-
bers of the Sigma Delta Chi and
Theta Sigma Phi, men's and women's
professional journalism fraternities,
at a joint dinner meeting last night
in the Union.
"There are some features of the
Guild that just won't work," he said.
"You can't standardize brains and
ability, and of course that is what
all unions try to do."
Mr. Gilmore said that regular
working hours, one of the Guild's de-
mands, are also inconsistent with
present-day reporting. However, he
made it clear that he was not mak-
ing a general denunciation of the or-
Big Ten Crown
Wrestling Meet
Begins Tonioht
Indiana's Hopes Destroyed
By Injuries; Semi-Finals
Set For Tomorrow
Wrestling representatives of nine
Conference schools will swing into
action at 7:30 tonight in the Yost
Field House in the opening bouts
of the annual Big Ten wrestling
Events took a decided turn Yester-
day when Indiana, one of the pre-
meet favorites, telegraphed to Mich-
igan Coach Cliff Keen that they were
sending only five entries to the meet.
The Michigan Band will play
in the Field House tonight during
the Conference wrestling meet.
The meet will be broadcast over
Radio Station WJBK and the
Michigan radio network, it was
announced yesterday.

Dodd Ordered
To Give Reich
US Objections
To Nazi Slurs
Rep. Dickstein Tells House
100 German Spies Here
Plan U. S. Fascism
Kuhn Of Ford Co.
Called Local Head


Injuries incurred in their last dual
meet with Michigan and in recent
practices have virtually removed the
Hoosiers from title consideration.
They are the defending champions.
The bouts scheduled} for tonight
will carry the participants into the
semi-finals which will take place to-
morrow afternoon. Action will take
place on two mats at all times.
At present the meet looks like a
three-cornered affair with Michigan,
Illinois and Minnesota ranking as fa-
vorites. The Gophers, with most of
their strength segregated in the four
top-weight divisions, are the dark
horses of the meet. Illinois and
Michigan are the heavily favored
squads, and the two will be fighting
it out in evvry division for highly
prized points.'
Illinois boasts of a powerful, well-
balanced squad with capable entries
in every division. Their only Big Ten
defeat of the season was at the hands
of an Indiana team wrestling at
full strength.
Michigan is today the only unde-
feated team in the Conference. Start-
ing the season wih four-seasoned vet-
erans in Capt. Frank Bissell, Earl
Thomas, Johnny Speicher, and Paul
Cameron, Keen found plenty of cap-
(Continued on Page 3)
Es S. Brightman
Will Give Loud,
Lecture Series
Boston University Man Is
To Speak On Philosophy
And Religion
Prof. Edgar S. Brightman of the
philosophy department of Boston
University will deliver the four 1937
Martin Loud lectures upon the gen-
eral theme "A Philosophy of Reli-
gion" on March 22, 23, and 24, the
trustees of the lectureship announced
The first two lectures will be given
in the Natural Science Auditorium
at 4:15 p.m., Monday and Tuesday,
March 22, and 23, and will deal re-
spectively with "Our Knowledge of
the Future" and "The Bible and
The remaining two talks will be
delivered at 8 p.m., Tuesday and
Wednesday at the First Methodist
Church. The first is entitled "Con-
cerning God" while the second is
called "Concerning Man."
All the lectures will be free, Prof.
Heber Curtis, chairman of the lec-
tureship's trustees, said.
Professor Brightman, who presides
over the Atlantic division of the
American Philosophical Association,
-m . -_r-< f .- --v _ _

WASHINGTON, March 11.-(P)-
The United States government gave
notice today that it did not like re-
cent attacks in the German press
against American citizens and insti-
Secretary Hull instructed William
E. Dodd, American Ambassador to
Berlin, to express to the German
foreign office this government's
amazement and concern over the
violence of the denunciations.
It was the second diplomatic inci-
dent between the two countries with-
in a week. Germany previously had
protested against a speech in which
Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia of New
York called Adolf Hitler a "brown-
shirted fanatic," and Hull had apolo-
gized formally for La Guardia's re-
Hear Dickstein
Coincident with the American gov-
ernment's action today, the House
rules committee(heardNRepresenta-
tive Dickstein (Dem., N.Y.) charge
that there are 100 spies in this coun-
try seeking to establish a fascist gov-
He added he had proof that Fritz
Kuhn, who he said was a chemist for
the Ford Motor Company, was -the
designated leader for the Hitler gov-
ernment in the United States.
He declared 200,000 Nazis were or-
ganized in 14 states, including New
York, Michigan, Pennsylvania and
Ohio, and were training men in uni-
Officials said that the German
press attacks to which Secretary Hull
too exception had continued after he
apologized for Mayor La Guardia's
reference to Hitler.
Some Berlin journals printed such
bitter articles about La Guardia,
Jewish women who composed his au-
dience, and American municipal gov-
ernments in general, that portions of
them were described here as unprint-
able in this country.
Arouses Resetment
"Der Angriff," said here to be the
official organ of the German labor
front, aroused particular resentment
in official Washington quarters by its
references to women who attended
the meeting at which La Guardia
Hull acted after he had received a
complaint from Mrxs. Stephen S.
Wise, chairman of the women's sec-
tion of the American Jewish Con-
gress, calling attention to an article
published by "Der Angriff" on March
Officials said the "emphatic com-
ment" which Hull instructed Am-
bassador Dodd to make to the Ger-
man government would not consti-
tute a diplomatic "protest." They de-
clined to express any opinion as to
whether it would call for a reply.
(In Berlin, Ambassador Dodd was
reported to have been unable to make
an appointment today with Foreign
Minister von Neurath. It was pre-
sumed he would be received tomor-
BERLIN, March 11.-(P)-United
States Ambassador William E. Dodd
gatl ered tonight the most striking
excerpts from recent anti-American
attacks in the German press in the
expectation of delivering a strong
protect to the Reich's foreign office
Acting on instructions from Secre-
tary of State Cordell Hull. Dodd at-
tempted to make representations to
Foreign Minister Baron Konstantin
von Neurath today, but did not con-
tact him.
Lutheran Students
Plan Anniversary
The 20th anniversary of the Luth-
eran Students Club will be observed
by a banquet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, the Rev.

Henry O. Yoder, pastor for studenth
announced yesterday.
Prof. Paul Kauper of the Law
School will be the guest speaker at
the dinner which will pay special
tribute to the Rev. and Mrs. Ernest
C. Stellhorn, Reverend Yoder de-
Reverend Stellhorn initiated ac-

f f
> Y .'.


the Student Workers Federation.
"9. Should either party desire to
(Continued on Page 4)
Social Security To Be
Sunday Forum Subject
Prof. William Haber of the eco-

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