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March 11, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-11

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M"ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Published every morning except Monday during 'the
'i versity year and ummer Session by the Board in
Coitrol of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively enititled to the use
(Or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
Eterd at'the Post Officeat Ann Arbor,Mifchigan as
geodclass mall matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by &r1er,
4 0; by mail, $4.5G.
National Advetising Service,Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
eorge.dros 'Jewel Wuerel Richard Hershey
Departtniental 'Boards
,POliation Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
_Fames Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
enander, Robert Weeks.
tebortorial Department: Fred Warner Neal,'chairman;
- alph Hurd, William E. Shackleton; Irving S. -Silver--
'mn, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
"Viorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairmanl;
Robrt Cummins, Mary ~SageA'Montague.
ot m 'ati n: Geo ge . ndoshairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred uesser, associates, Raym'ondrGood-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
en's Departrment: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairtan: Elifa-
th M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham~, Helen Douglas,
argaret Hamiton, Barbara J. Lovell, Kathe rne
Moore,. Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
ESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy.
Buckinlter, Marshal Samnpson, tobert 'Lodge, Bill
Newman, Leonard Selgelman, Richard Knowe,
Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes.
men's Busness Assistant:M agaret Feries, Jane
Stainer, "NancyCa tssidy, Stepihanie Parfet, Marion
Paxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy C aford, Betty
~avy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey,'Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfraik, 'Ddie Day, Florence 'Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
'Jack Staple, Accounts Manager: Richaid Orou*shore. Nqa-'
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Vilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A.AJones, Local
Advertising Manager: 'Norman Stoiniberg, Service
'Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

Letters published in this column should not be
cpifstrued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
D ly. Anoymous coritributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
1ll letters of more 'than 300 words and to accept or
reject .letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Pacifism Is The Best Patriotisn
To the Editor:
'What is patriotism? It's loving your country,
isn't it? Wanting to keep it as you know it, safe
at any cost? They say it is not patriotic to work
for peace to try to get war outlawed as a means
for settling international disputes. That accu-
t sa~ion, it seems to me, comes 'from a blind emo-
tiodalfsi and not a consideration of the facts.
Emotionalism 'is nice, and so are noble poses;
they feel good inside. But it is as well to con-
sider facts also.
The facts are, simply, that war is no longer a
glorious adventure, nor even a noble defending
of the hearth and' home. While you are away
defending, the said hearth and home are likely
to be bombed. The technique of modern warfare
is to strike at the noncombatants behind the
"lihles, paralyze industry, etc. It works. There's
'no defense 'for a modern city sprawled out under
the sky. And 'if destruction is the consequence
to fighting, why fight?
Our civilization is curiously fragile and vul-
nerdble; it won't stand much tampering without
going to pieces entirely. Things work so well
generally that we don't realize how little it could
take to stop them altogether. eWe had an earth-
'quake here the other night, a little one. I lived
in a city once where there was a big 'quake. The
roads were buckled up and the railroad tracks
disturbed; there was trouble with the food supply.
A 'eservoir back in the hills somewhere was
broken, and there was trouble with the water.
'the sewers,having been badly jolted, didn't work.
The police were busy digging out bodies, and
consequiently there was some looting. A very in-
teresting situation; it gave 'one to think. It
only 'lasted until the Red Cross got through to
us, 'With the resources of the nation behind it,
but suppose the Red Cross had been busy else-
where? And the resources of the nation fighting?
'Sii pler ways of life do not break down as fast
as our elaborate civilization 'might. Our com-
plexity' is based on the assumption that catas-
trophies do' not occur. Another war will supply
the catastrophe, bring about the necessary con-
ditions' for collapse-and then? The past is al-
ways ready to leap upon us again. The more
modern we become, the nearer we are to a neo-
lithic or even a palaeolithic existence. We've
provided ourselves no half-way house; either we'
'go on as we 'are, or "we go to pieces entirely.
And 'that being the consequence of 'war, why
The "horrors of war" have nothing to do with
the' case. If people are enamoured of mud and
cboties and the rest, let them have them by all
means. This is another story, a more serious
one. How can we save our civilization, and our
If we fight 'we lose, inevitably. Everyone
loses in a modern war, for the combatants
pull each other to pieces, and so everything is
destroyed. We must not fight. 'We cannot fight.
if We 'do we l6se'our country, and get in exchange
the tioon-desolation France was. It's hard to
stand out' against propaganda and mob hysteria.
But it's the only way.
'These people who warit to fight are romanti-
cists, and the world is no longer safe for ro-
manticism. All patriotic 'Michigan students
shoutd ignore it. A practical 'love of country in-
volves keeping it safe, and only peace can do that.
-Law 'Student, '39.

#~###.*IT ALL
BB y BombthWff ittim ---
ENEATH IT ALL: Ugly rumor has the story
that the mad search 'for fame and $00,000
in the present Old Gold contest, is not confinedi
entirely to the student body. Both Prof. H. C,.
Anderson and bean Bursiey have been combing
their beards by candle light of late in an attempt
o dope out the hidden meaning behind the nu-
merous cartoons . . . Delta Gamma chapters all
over the country are considering pooling their
resources and buying up all the copies of the last
College Humor in which the typical day of a
typical D.G. is portrayed in pictures . . . Good
authority has it that'the'present University rul-
ing in re the demon rum is even under serious
consideration with public decision scheduled for
the not too far offing . . . Franklin Delano
Roosevelt's court speech which came over the
Teletype Tuesday night was exactly 18 feet long,
or sufficient to drop a two foot"noose over the
neck of each of the "nine old men" . . . Fred
Schairer, ThetaDelta Chi's consci'entious house
manager has been' forced to cancel all future
plans for out 'of town week-ends. The last time
he left, even the fraternity 'bulletin board 'dis-
appeared ... The alliance of Jewel Wuerfel with
Fos. Campbell, now of Schenectady, was termi-
Inated by mutual consent. -Attention, all males:
Bud Lundahl, Phi Psi junior and 'Ensian pro-
m'oter, regaled the Sphinx assembly with tales
of his exploits as a Boy Scout, pointing out
the especial sigrificance of Scout training and its
E effect in making him the man he is today...
* .* * *
'fHlE IASCULINE beauty poll goes merrily on
with the suggestion now under consideration
that the ten males chosen as most beautiful
among Michigan men be assembled and used as a
booth idea for the Michigras-a booth where
lovelorn co-eds may purchase kisses at five cents
and upwards.
This is the'second and final day that blanks
will be printed upon which you may scrible your'
idea of the pride of Michigan in addition to voic-
ing your opinion on numerous other paramount
Leaders in all fields will be named tomorrow
with their respective rankings in 'the contest.
Scattered first day returns indicate a 'wide di-
versity of opinion and it will be Well to cast some
manner of ballot for purely defensive purposes
if you have ever spoken harshly to a friend.
Official results will not be announced until
early next week, when all tabulations have been
carefully calculated and checked.
' 1


Gulture a

BASING HIS BILL on the belief
that American artists 'will be pro-
tected, as a high tariff protects certain industries,
representative Dickstein of New York City has
set into motion a plan 'which, if approved by
Cngress, will have far reaching effects'on future
inigration legislation anl the cultural and ar-
-tistic life of our nation.
His bill, known as H. R. 30, would allow foreign
.artists to appear here on the condition that for
each visa granted to such artists an equal num-.
ber of American artists with "similar qualifi-
cations" be permitted to appear in their native
The American musical and dramatic arts have
-progressed with long strides to maturer stages
of development with the aid of foreign talent.
'rhe 'shining example is in the operatic sphere.
Such illustrious names as Caruso, Martinielli,
"ons, Flagstad, Melchior immediately come Vo
minid. In addition there are hundreds of operatic
shxd musical artists not so well known who have
enriched our land culturally by their perform-
antes here.
In the dramatic art we have had the food
'fortune in the United States to witness such
performances as John Gielgud's and Leslie How-
arrd's Hamlets. Greta Garbo has graced our
screen for so many Years that she has come
to be -accepted as an American artist. In 'the
dance, instrumental music and orchestra con-
ducting foreign talent has so augmented -the
native that our appreciation for these arts have
piogressively moved but from beyond the inner
circle of intellectuals the mass "of the people.
Upon the passage of this legislation America
may rapidly degenerate into a cultural desert,
bir'en of those artists who should not be
restricted to one nation of one locality. 'In-
ste'ad the whole world of civilized humanity.
should be their audience.
On.the proposed "quota system," as it has been
called by Congressman Cellar of New York, if
'there are six English stage artists appearing in
the country and an equal number of American
,dtors in London and we wished to witness Mau-'
rice Evan's widely praised version"of Richard II
've should simply have to forego our hopes to
see him. In the cases of those nations which
are inherently anti-cultural, Germany and Italy,
an artist denied freedom of expression in his
native land, excluded from America, traditional
land of opportunity, would be stifled.

Publication"In the Bulletin is constructive notice td all iembers of the
University. Copy received at the offIce of the AsWijtant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Safe Fa6n 'htas on
To the'Editor:
Mr.,D. Stevenson, in a letter appearing recently
in this column, mnade a number 'of state'ments
which seem'to me to require clearing up. He also
descended to the level of personal abuse, which
helped his argument not at all, and was in
rather bad taste.
He said in the first place that the United
States was the richest land area in the world.
Granted, and he might have added that the
United States is the richest nation in the 'world,
having over half of the money wealth. Now it
takes money to wage a 'war. 'What nation or
probable 'alliance of 'nations is rich enough to
dare to come in conflict'with this country?
He smakes a point that had we been in the
position of France at the outbreak of the World
War We would need to have been able to mob-
ilize a great army at practically a month's no-
tice. But we are not in the 'position of France,
or anything even approximating it, so it seems
to me pointless to speculate on an if.
Fur-ther, it is extremely unlikely that any na-
tion would attempt to land a military force here.
They would be handicapped from the start frbm
lack of harbor facilities. Yes, I know, they might
bomb New York City from the air, and put it out
of commission, and then land a force- there, but
it requires workmen, cranes, and any amount of
material to land even a moderate force, and to
land any such force that our standing army
would not ;be able to take care of would be
impossible. Consideration of actual invasion is
ridiculous. And we do have a rather powerful
navy on the Atlantic seaboard. What would it
be doing in the meantime? Carrying on maneu-
vers in the Caribbean?
Stevenson says of the peace council "If they
had their way we would be a nation unarmed,
and would be attacked within five years." My
question is, what country would attack the United
States? Germany could not. She would have all
she could handle with Great Britain and France,

1. Rank, in order of your preference, the
ten most beautiful men on the Michigan j
1 .- -.. . . . . .-. .-.. . .- - -
3. . . . . .
43 .............................
-6 - -. - -.-. . -. - -.-. . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . ,.. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 . .................................
2. I cut on the average of classes
every week,
3. When not loafing, I spend most of my
titme in (1) The Parrot, (2) the 'Bell, (3)
Bull Sessions, (4) 'Playing pin games, (5) The
4. When the waiter says, "Miller, Pabst,
or Schlitz?" 'I reply (1) "Vanilla Coke," (2)
"A Small lamburger," (3) "White 'Horse and
Soda," (4) "Where 'Is the Wash 'Rooim?" (5)
"'Three Beers."
5. In my opinion the best dressed man on
the campus Is ............................
6. Of all the 'pipe courses I have taken,
.was by far the easiest.
7. When Dad is sober, he usually sends
'ie $ ................. per month.
8. In ny opinion ............ . is the
iast interesting lecturer in 'the University.
9. 1 think that drinking Is (1) A Heinous
crhne, (2) Undesirable, (3) Conducive to a
good timhe, (4) 6:K. confined to 'beer and
wine, (5) The Zest of Living.
to. Before I take unto myself a wife (or
aceept a husband) I should insist upon an
income of S .... . .......... .
11. The biggest Big Prithoter in this year's;
crop of Big Promoters is undoubtedly.
112. From my experience with the college
.girls of America, I (do, or do not) believe that:
women should be allowed 'to vote.
with both Russia and-China aching for a chance
at her.
1"personally do not agree with the radical paci-
fists myself. I am definitely against .war, but
I do believe that we should not at once abolish
all of our armament. At the same time, I am
against arty radical increase in military strength,
particularly in the land force. I do believe that
we should have a much more powerful air force,
and that our navy ought to be modernized in
some respects. Icannot, htwever. agree that any

John Meade's Woman is a long
picture which introduces another
Broadway star to movies. Miss
Francine Larrimore is the star. Her
acting talents are unmistakable, but
the vehicle for their display has a
strange story with a brown ending.11
John Meade's woman is fresh from j
the country. (Her freshness is doubt-'
ful). John Meade, millionaire lum-
ber' man, picks her up because she f
calls him'a "rich pig"-a very suit-.E
able 'definition for him. To revenge i
socialite Gail Patrick for planning to i
marry him for his money, he leaves'a
her waiting at 'the altar and marries
the country girl. But the country girl R
really loves him, and when she learns
that her marriage has been one of rs
spite, she packs off back to her farm,
Meade, in the meantime, transfers I
his interest from lumber to wheat- t
his scheme is to close out mortgaged i
farms. But his wife, back in her S
natural habitat, rouses the farmers d
against her wheat racketeering hus- S
band. He arrives on the scene to be i
gleeted by his wife leading a mob of I
violent farming men, and at the d
dramatic moment, comes the dust t
Storm. i
Edward Arnold gets everything to t
be gotten out of his character 'of n
John Meade. Francine Larrimore is v,
his woman in a very dramatic way,
but I felt she was miscast in her role.
I would come nearer believing her aL
product of Chicago's State Street n
than of an Iowa farm. If Miss Larri-
more has a future in motion pictures,
I believe it will be' in character 'work n
-I doubt her becoming a stellar h
personality. Gail Patrick is again an e
icy' beauty, and she is convincing as f
being both icy and beautiful. a
This picture is different. It is not d
a run of the mill production. It is g
basically gloomy. If it doesn't en- r
tertain you. it may interest you. P
M. tb
One Poet About Another 9
"Whitman," by Edgar Lee Mas- $
ters; (Scribners: $3.50). c
S man"is a far better and more
balanced account of that 'poet's life
than Masters' autobiography, "Across
Spoon River," was of his own. Hev
has done the memory of Whitman f
a very great service by his frankness i
and his care in selection of material. ,
For, of course, Walt Whitman is ae
series of contradictions, and hitherto
most biographers have (for prudish
or other reasons) either played down
or played up the determining factor
in Whitman's life-his homosexual-
ity. Mr. Masters takes exactly theI
right course by stating facts and re-
fraining from the ancient sport of1
moralizing. The matter was, in the
opinion of the younger poet, not one
of morals but simply of fact. Whit-
man was the sum of many divergentt
strains. Combined, these produced
the man, and, of course, the poetry as
The facts of Whitman's career are .
in the book, and the facts of char-
acter as well. Whitman developed
slowly. As a young man he was a
fumbler, never so sure as he thought
he was. He also was lazy. Because
recognition as a poet came slowly
and against great odds, for many of
which Whitman himself was re-
sponsible, there was built up in the
mind of the man a curious defense
mechanism. It was Whitman against
the world, and in justifying this po-
sition he often traded truth for un-
truths. He greatly exaggerated the
hostile attitude of certain magazines,
and he insisted often that he was

poorer financially than he really was.
In later life his egotism occasionally
made him almost funny.
But through most of his life he held
to his thesis, to the brotherhood of
man he imagined. This, it appears
from Mr. Masters' evidence, was di-
rectly an outgrowth of his sexual
psychology; he had a differ'ent con-
cept of love because it was not in him
to love woman, but his truly great
soul led him to transmute 'what might
have been merely a carnal passion for
his fellow man into an ideal love al-
most unique upon the earth. The
ridiculous side of it all came in his
strange boasts of non-existent ex-
ploits with women, particularlyin
his pretense that he was 'the father
of six children. Mr. Masters ac-
cepts Whitman's feeling for Peter
Doyle, 'the young street car conductor,
'at its face value; he does not believe
that Whitman cared for Anne Gil-
christ, and doubts that he ever had
much to do with any other woman.
Which matters little; there is the
poetry left.
Goudsmit To Speak
To Hi.& .r i

VOL. XLVII No. 114
College of Literature, Science and
he Ats, Shliool of Music, and"S hool
f Education: Students who receive
'arks of I or X at the close of the
irst semester will receive a grade of
in the course unless this work' is
trade up by March 15. Students wish-
ng an extension of time should file
petition addressed to the appro-
niate official in their school with
toom 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Students of the College of Litera-
ire, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
ng will be held today at 4:15 p.m.'in,
R)om 1025 Angell Hall for stu-
ents in the College of Literature,
cience and the Arts and others
nterested in future work 'in
medicine. The me'eting will be ad-
ressed by Dean A. C. Furstenberg of
he Medical School. The next meet-,
ng in the vocational series designed
o give information concerning the
iature of and preparation for the
'arious professions, to be held on
March 16, will be addressed by Dr.
W. W. Bishop, Librarian of the
University and Head of the Depart-
nent of Library Science.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
uents anid Occupational Infomation
ias received announcements of Unit-
3d States Civil Service Examinations
or mechanical engineer, associate
nd assistant, (Diesel design), Navy
department, salaries, $2;600 to $3,-
00; for junior forester and Junior
'ange examiner, salaries, $2,000; for
ublic health nurse, graduate nurse
(general staff duty), nurse techni-
ian (bacteriology and roentgenology
ombined), Indian field service (in-
luding Alaska), ;salaries, $100 to
;000; for graduate nurse (optional
)ranches - anaesthesia, psychiatry,
uberculosis, trachoma, pediatrics,
general staff nursing), salary, $1,800;
and junior graduate nurse, salary,
$1,620. For further information con-
cerning these examinations, call at
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to
12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Occupational Information Series
will be herd this week, March 9-13,
for all students. Faculty and others
nterested aie invited to attend the
meetings. -The programs for Thurs-
day and Friday will be as follows:
Thursday, March 11, 4 p.m.: Sales.
J. E.'Bloomstram, Dist. Mgr. Proctor
& Gamble Co., Detroit.
5 p.m., Department Store, Herman
G. Petzoid, Ass't Divisional Mdse.
Mgr., J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit.
7:30 p.m., Applicant Interview
Demonstration, P.'W. Boynton, Sup-
ervisor, College Employment, Socony
Vacuum Co., New York City.
Friday, March 12, 4 p.m., Adver-
t'sing, G. W. Kingsbury, 'Educ. Di-
rector of Adcraft Club, Detroit.
5 p.m., Personnel, Miss L. E. Ebel-
ing, Personnel Director, Sherwin
Williams Co., Cleveland.
6:15 p.m., Dinner, Michigan Union
7:30 p.m., Principles and Practic
in Guidance, E. G. Williamson, Di-
rector U. of Minn. Testing Bureau.
H. S. Placement, Miss M. Hick-
man, Supervisor of Guidance and
Placement, Cleveland Public Schools
Miss Doris Cline, Counselor on
Guidance and Placement, Detroi
Public Schools.
College Placement, T. L. Purdom
Dir. Bureau App'ts and Occup. In-
formation, U. of M.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational 'Information.
Seniors in the School of Educatio

are hereby informed of the collection
of the class dues and notified that
only those who pay the dues will bi
permitted to have their names in th(
class announcement of the School o:
Education. Robert Murray, clas.
treasurer, and Albert Ammerman ant
the finance committee will receiv(
payment of dues at a table just out.
side of the School of Education of
fices between 2 and 4 p.m. for the res
of this week.
Lingnan Scholarships for Ameri
can Students: Th'e Board of Trustee
of Lingnan University, Canton, Chini
again announce their scholarships fc
'American students who desire t
spend a year, -preferably their sec
ond year, at Lingnan University. ]
is understood that the arrangemen
shall be made by agreement with or
own University so that the studer
will presumably not lose credit t
such an exchange. The details c
,he scholarship may be learned b
conferring with the Counselor toFoi
eign Students, Room 9, Universi
'Hall. Applications must be mac
formally within the next two weeks.

A AtAlsic 'Nites
Psychology 33, 35, 37: A make-up
for the fihal examination' dill be
given Saturday, March 13, from 2 to
5 p.m. in Room 31 6 'N.S.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
A supplementary Oxamintion for
those who missed the final will be
held in Room 4116 'N.S., today fom
3 to'6 p.m.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
UniversitS Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird carillon
in the Burton Memorial 'Tower,
today'at 4:15 p.m.
'Sbihool of 'Music Conert: The
Untiiversity Symphony Or iestra,
Earl V. Moore,-, Conductor, 'ith the
following bontest inning music tu-
dents, will appear in recital 'inhll
Auditbrium Sunday' afternoon, March
14, at 4:15 p.m.: "Ellen 141son, pi-
anist; Marguerite Creighton, mezzo-
soprano; Gratia k-tarrngton, violon-
cellist; Enilie Paris, 'pianist; Jane
Rogers, contralto; and Kathleen
Rinck, pianist. The general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited to attend without admis-
sion charge.
Univer'sity Lecture: Prof. Max
Wert'eimer, of the Univesity in
-Exile, will lecture on the sutiject,
"On the Psychology of Thinking,' on.
Friday, March 12, at 4:15 pni, in
Natural Sgience Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Forestry Lecture: Dr. . N. Wheel-
er, of the Washington office of the
United States Forest Service, will de-
liver an illustrated lecture on "For-
estry in the United States" at '4:15
p.m. Friday, March 12, in the amphi-
theatre of the Chemistry 'Building.
The public is cordially 'invited.
Oratoribal Assoclation Le6ture
Course: Mrs. Martin Jhblison, 'fa-
mous jungle explorer, will conclude
the cni'ent 'lecture 'seies when he
will speak in "Hill Auditorium, Ties-
day, March 16, at 8:15 p.m. Her
lecture is entitled "Jungle Dedths of
Borneo" and will be "illustrated tWith
her outstanding motion pictures.
Tickets 'are 'now avalable at Wahr's
State Street book store.
An Exhbiiin of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
I peasant paintings, sponsored the
institute of Fine Arts, .at the Aci-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
iEvents Todiay
Weekly "Reading Hour: This' after-
noon at 4 p.m. in Room 205 Mason
Hall Professor Eih will reaid fr'om
James Hilton's ,,"Goodbye, Mr.
Chips." The public is cordially 'in
Phi 'Lambda Upsilon: mTnportant
meeting today at 7:30 p.m. in 303
Chem. Bldg. "Election' of new mem-
. Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma
Phi, professional journalism associa-
t tions, will hold a joint dinner meet-
ing for members and guests at 6:15
, p.m. today at the Union. S1eaker will
be Mr. W. S. Gilmore, editor in chief
of the Detroit News.
Varsity Glee Club: First tenors re-
port at 4:30 p m. Full rehearsal at
j7:30 p.m.





Suomi Club: A meeting will
held this evening at '8:30 p.m.
the Michigan Union, Room 323.


Girls' Swimming Club: There will
be an important meeting at the Union
pool tonight at 9 p.m. Tryouts for
new members will be held, and -prac-
tice for the Intramural meet will be
Intramural Riding Class for Men:
The Intramural riding class for men
will meet at the Engineering Arch
at 7:50 p.n. today. For furt'her in-
formation, call the Intramural De-
Freil 'L. Smith, Director of Aero-
nautics of the State of Ohio and
N.A.A. representative of this dis-
trict, will speak on aviation activi-
ties in general at 8:30 p.m. tonight in
Room 304 of' the Michigan Union.
Religion in Great Literature: John
Masef eld, Poet Laureate of England,
and his works is to be the subject of
the fifth lecture of a series given by
D. W. P. Lemon, minister of the first
Presbyterian Church, the Thursday
niente iforfi nta~t t'nt rasnnic

More serious is the precedent this bill will
set. If actors, dancers, opera singers, orchestra
conductors be excluded from the nation on the
principle that they displi~ce American talent,

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