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February 17, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-17

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The Weather
Generally fair with rising
emperature today; tomorrow
ncreasing cloudiness


A60' A6F




Tribute To Professor Reeves ...
Dealers In Death .. .
Dead End..,.




Y.. VYTT on 4i


,. a~vLA iVvo - _ -

Ruthven Plans
For Religious
Program Here,
Put In Action
Student Christian Trustees
Give Lane Hall Building
To University
Society To Be Part
Of Ruthven Plan
The first step in a program which
may ultimately lead to the establish-
ment of a Hall of Religion on the
campus was achieved yesterday with
the transfer of Student Christian,
Association-owned buildings, Lane
Hall and Newberry Hall, to the Uni-
The Student Christian Association,
it is understood, will become absorbed
by a developing program of religious
activity, such as was referred to by
President Ruthven in his annual re-
port to the Regents last month.
A faculty committee, headed by
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, head of
the mechanical engineering depart-
ment and director of student-faculty
relations, has been appointed by th
President "to study plans of reorgan-
May Have Religious School
This acquisition of the S.C.A. prop-
erty is in accord with President Ruth-
Ven's attitude toward religious activ-
ities, whih was expressed even be-
fore he appointed Dr. Edward W
Blakeman counsellor in religion thre
years ago. At present there is a de-
gree program in religion, under whic
such courses as the philosophy of re-
ligion and psychology of religion ar
correlated, but the President indicat-
ed in his report that this is no
enough. Eventually even a depart-
ment or school of religion may b
established, many close to the Pres-
ident believe.
"As has been frequently pointed
out," he declared in that document.
"the religious phase of education ha
been sadly neglected in the Univer-
sity." Even with churches, the stu-
dent is peculiarly cramped in hi
spiritual development . . . If o'
young men and women are to be free
to develop spiritually, there should b
added to the present agencies a co-
ordinated program in religious edu-
cation in the University.
Originated In 1857
"This program should include not
only courses but also an adequate
counseling service, library facilities
visiting lectureships, and, in fact, in
a general way, all the equipment
which is considered necessary in other
fields of instruction. A campus cen-
ter offering these facilities for relig-
ious growth would go far toward re-
moving the limitations which now
force a one-sided development of the
The SCA was originated in 1857
and Lane Hall was built in 1917 at a
cost of approximately $125,000, $60,-
000 of which was a grant of the
Rockefeller Foundation. Lane Hall
was named in honor of the late Judge
V. H. Lane, formerly a member of
the Law School faculty and presi-
dent of the SCA.
Committee Members Named
Newberry Hall, which was the home
of the SCA from 1891, when it was
constructed, until 1917, was built at
the cost of $40,000, $18,000 of which
was a gift of Mrs. Helen H. Newberry,

Other members of the committee,
which President Ruthven expects to
arrive at a satisfactory method of ad-
ministration before the end of the
semester, are Prof. Lowell J. Carr of
the sociology department, Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service, Emory J. Hyde, pres-
ident of the Alumni Association and
chairman of the SCA board of trus-
tees, Prof. William A. McLaughlin
of the Romance Languages depart-
ment, Prof. Ferdiiiand N. Menefee
of the engineering college, and Prof.
Erich A. Walter of the English de-
Religious Conference
To Hear Dean Mathews

Bromage Says Manager Plan
Proved Efficient In Irish Cities

American Spoils System
Unheard Of In Present
Government Set-Up
Excellent results have been ob-
tained through the application of the
city manager plan in the Irish Free
State, Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of
the political science department, who
has just returned from a six-months
visit and study of Ireland, said yester-
"The managers have made real im-
provement in local public works and
have increased considerably the effi-
ciency of administration," Professor
Bromage said. "The spoils system,"
he added, "as we know it in this
country, is unheard of in theIrish
Free State. "The city managers are
unaffected by political changes in the
corporation council and they cannot
23rd Highway
Meeting Hears
Federal Agent
State Highway Department
And Engineering College
Sponsor Conference
Individuals who break the law by
aiding and abetting malefactors con-
titute a grave problem Herold H.
Reinecke, special agent in charge of
the Detroit Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation, last night told the 23rd
annual meeting of the Michigan
Highway Conference in the Union.
The Conference, which is spon-
ored by the College of Engineering
.n cooperation with the Michigan
State Highway Department, the
Michigan Association of Road Com-
missioners and Engineers and the
Michigan Department of Public
safety, opened its three-day session
yesterday. Its meeting last night
uas presided over by Prof. Lewis M.
gram of the civil engineering depart-
Hear FBI Speaker
Approximately 500 engineers, of-
.Icers and safety workers heard Mr.
.einecke outline the work and func-
ions of the Federal Bureau of In-
iestigation. The success of the Bu-
eau in solving cases which involve
iolations of Federal law Mr. Rein-
cke attributed to the care taken in
electing and training the personnel,
mnd the fingerprint identification sys-
em and criminal laboratory of the
3ureau were cited as outstanding
>ases for its work.
Motion pictures of the errection of
;he San Francisco-Oakland Bay
)ridge were exhibited by C. F. Good-
ich, chief engineer of the American
3ridge Co., in the second talk before
he meeting last night.
Highway finance from both the
;tate and motorists' viewpoints was
liscussed in the opening session of
he Conference yesterday afternoon.'
Tentative Program
A tentative program for financing
he maintenance and improvement of
ounty roads was offered by Leroy C.
Smith, engineer-manager of the
Nayne County Road Commission in
an address before the meeting.
The program included the conti-
lance for some time of Federal aid
:or road work arnd the making of
ther appropriations by thenational
,overnment for construction of coun-
ty roads. Another source of road-
building funds proposed was diversion
f the state sales tax on automobiles
and accessories to the highway de-
partmen t.
Although there has been a 23 per
(Continued on Page 6)
AtiiWar Film

be removed without the consent of
the central Minister of Local Gov-
ernment and Public Health."
The corporation council is an elect-
ed body, elected in most boroughs
and county boroughs every three
"The city manager plan was intro-
duced in Ireland in 1929 and made
its first appearance in Cork," Profes-
sor Bromage said. "This introduc-
tion was made under the Cosgrave
administration and after its adoption
in Cork, the system was put into ef-
fect in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin and
The Fianna Fail party, headed by
de Valera has also favored the ex-
tension of the manager plan, despite
the fact that the rural elements,
which have been strong in support
of de Valera, are opposed to the
manager system, Professor Bromage
"The system in Ireland is what
might be termed a 'manager-council'
plan, as compared with the 'council-
manager' plan found in the United
States," Professor Bromage said. "In
other words, the manager is really
the manager," he added. "The cor-
poration council, when it strikes the
tax rate, usually takes the advice of
the manager and when the council
enacts by-laws it takes the recom-
mendations of the manager into ser-
ious consideration."
The corporation councils, which
compare with city councils in the
United States, are elected according
to the principle of proportional rep-
resentation for three year terms,
Professor Bromage explained. The
manager, although niominally ap-
pointed by the council, is in reality
(Continued on Page 6
Danish Explorer
To Talk Friday
In Auditorium
Peter Freutchen, Danish arctic ex-
plorer will speak at 8:15 p.m. Friday
in Hill Auditorium on "Arctic Ad-
venture." The talk will be illustrated
by motion pictures and slides and
since it is a University lecture, admis-
sion will be., free,..according to Pro-
fessor-Emeritus William H. Hobbs of
the geology department.
Freutchen, who lectured here two
years ago, is both an explorer and a
journalist. He was the first man to
live all alone in the polar regions as
Byrd did on his recent expedition,
according to Prof. Hobbs, for Freut-
chen made daily meteorological ob-
servations from an isolated shack in
Greenland in 1906.
As a journalist Freutchen is cor-
respondent for the Politiken, Copen-
hagen's leading newspaper, and Prof.
Hobbs said that he has also had a
movie career, for he was the tech-
nical director and one of the leading
actors in"Eskimo" a Metro-Goldwyn-
Mayer picture based on Freutchen's
books. He was also resident governor
of Thule Colony, Greenland, from
1913 to 1919.
Freutchen's appearance in Ann Ar-
bor will be made in Hill Auditorium
because when he was here in 1935 the
Natural Science Auditorium was not
large enough to hold the audience.

McLaughlin Is1
Dr. Strauss, Retiring Head
Of Board In Control, Off
For California, Europe
New Orleans First
Stop In His Journey
Prof. William A. McLaughlin of
the Romance Languages department
was appointed successor to Prof.
Louis A. Strauss of the English de-
partment as chairman of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
yesterday by President Ruthven.
Professor McLaughlin, who has
been a member of the board for 21/2
years, since he succeeded Prof. Rob-
ert Angell, will assume his new duties
Professor Strauss, chairman of the
board since 1932, will go from New
Orleans to California, and thence
to New York City. Later he will
meet Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
English department in London, Eng-
land. He will return to Ann Arbor
before the beginning of the next
Associated with the University and
the English department for 42 years,
Professor Strauss was head of the
English department for 18 years un-
til he tendered his resignation a year
Professor McLaughlin came to the
University in 1905 as a member of
the romance languages. He was
given the rank of associate professor
in 1921. Previously he received his
bachelor's degree at Harvard in 1903
and his master's in 1921 at Harvard
in classics and romance languages.
Prof. Arthur Poister
To Play Here Today
Prof. Arthur Poister of .the Univer-
sity of Redlands, Calif., will be heard
as guest- performer on the Twilight
Organ Recital at 4:15 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Professor Poister, an eminent
American organist and composer, will
play works of Handel, Bach, Mozart,
Dupre, Franck, Forster, and Widor.
Playing on the Frieze Memorial
Organ, Professor Poister will offer:
Handel: Overture to the "Occa-
sional Oratorio"; Bach: Two Chor-
ales: "My Heart is Filled with Long-
ing" and "Rejoice Now, All Ye Chris-
tian Men"; Mozart: Andante in F
Major; Bach: Passacaglia and Fugue
in C minor; Dupre: Fragments from
"The Stations of th Cross"; Franck:
Fantasie in C major-Quasi-lento
adagio; Froster: Scherzo; Widor:
Finale from the Seventh Symphony.
LANSING, Feb. 16.-()-The Re-
publican State Central Committee ar-
ranged today for a meeting here Feb-
ruary 27.

Senators Take
Court Battle
To Air Waves
Three Democrats Attempt
To Win Public Support
For Different Views
McAdoo, Van Nuys
And Thomas Speak
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-(iP)-
Three Democratic Senators, divided
on President Roosevelt's proposal to
force- new blood into the Supreme
Court, took to the radio tonight in
a continuing effort to win public sup-
port for their respective sides of
the question.
At the same time, Senator George
(Dem., Ga.) aligned himself with the
opposition, increasing the number of
Senators who have expressed them-
selves as against the proposal to 30.
Those who have spoken for it num-
bered 29.
Still another development was an
announcement that labor's Non-Par-
tisan League, formed to support Pres-
ident Roosevelt in the past campaign,
would throw "all its resources" into
the fight to empower Mr. Roosevelt to
name six new justices to the Supreme
League Joins Fight
Major George L. Berry, president
of the League, told reporters in the
presence of John L. Lewis, another
League leader, that the League would
bring every possible influence to bear.
It will hold a national convention in
Washington soon, a series of sec-
tional mass meetings and in the 1938
congressional campaigns "will not
look kindly" on those who have dis-
regarded the "importance of the is-
sue," Berry said.
Tonight's speakers were:
Senator McAdoo (Dem., Caif.)
who called for enactment of the
President's program to speed up the
work of the courts and "dismissed
as unw or thy of consideration"
charges that the President was at-
tempting to "pack" the Supreme
Court in favor of New Deal legisla-
Van Nye Objects
Senator Van Nuys (Dem., Ind.),
who opposed the proposed enlarge-
ment of the Supreme Court, when its
members serve beyond the age of 70
and said if "the checks and balance
of our present form of government
need readjustment, let the people say
so but let it not be attempted by
Congress through tampering with the
courts or tinkering with the Consti-
Senator Thomas (Dem., Utah),
who said that "if the courts take
unto themselves the power of using
judicial review to such an extent that
the court becomes a legislative body,
contrary to the Constitution, and
strikes down laws so commonly as it
has been done in the last few months,
then the will of the people of the
country is overcome by a smaller
group still, and we have an oli-
Michigan's hockey team last night
defeated Western Ontario 4 to 2.

European Powers
Reach Agreement
To Isolate Spanish

NYA Checks Should
Be Called For Soon
NYA checks for the month ending
Jan. 24 should be called for as soon
as possible, it was announced yester-
day by Harold S. Anderson, cost ac-
countant of the Building and
Grounds Committee.
Mr. Anderson stressed the fact that
work for each month must be com-
pleted by the 24th of that month.
He pointed out that many students
have not been completing their work
for each month and that some have
done no work at all.
Mr. Anderson also said that an in-
vestigation may be made of students
who. are neglecting their NYA work.
The checks for the past month
total $19,206.62, which is being paid
out to 1,336 students.
Auto Workers
Prep are Draft
Union Suggests Tribunals
To Settle All Grievances
Of Company Employes
DETROIT, Feb. 17.- (P) - The
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica prepared tonight for submission
to General Motors officials the draft
of a plan for arbitration boards to
settle grievances of union employes
in the Corporation's automotive
Homer Martin, U.A.W.A. President,
after four hours of discussions mark-
ing the first day of conferences to
negotiate questions of wages, hours
DETROIT, Feb. 16.-(IP)-The
unsettled demands of the United
Automobile Workers of America
now being negotiated with Gen-
eral Motors Corporation officials
in conferences here, are:
Abolition of all piece-work sys-
tems of pay, and the adoption
of a straight hourly rate in its
30-hour work week and six-
hour work day; time and one-
half for all overtime. (General
Motors plants now operate on a
40-hour, five-day week).
]Establishment of minimum
pay rates "commensurate with
an American standard of living."
Reinstatement of employes un-
justly discharged.
Seniority based on length of
Agreement on speed of pro-
duction, between the manage-
ment and Union committees in
all General Motors Plants.

3i-Partisan Sympathizers
Rush Volunteers To War
Before Ban On Feb. 20
To Ratify Pact
3lockade Of Portuguese
And Spanish Harbors
Set For March 6
LONDON, Feb. 16.-G'P)-Twenty-
ix European nations cemented a far-
lung plan to wall Spain in from the
world tonight while foreign volun-
eers, most of them apparently from
trance and Italy, raced to beat a
aturday midnight deadline to the
one of war.
Sympathizers with both factions in
he civil conflict hurried against time
chile the international non-interven-
ion committee in London approved a
olunteer ban effective at midnight
eb. 20 and a plan to blockade com-
letely the Iberian Peninsula by
Vlarch 6.
Portugal Declines
Only Portugal, ardent Ipsurgent
upporter, declined to ratify the
French and Italian sympathizers,
vith the Germans significantly miss-
ng, either hurried toward Spain or
nade plans to join the combat before
.he ban becomes effective.
Germany gave no sign of sending
further reinforcements, apparently
elieving Gen. Francisco Franco's in-
urgent troops will win without more
French border reports said 1,400
French volunteers had crossed the
frontier in February, 65 departing
from Perpignan for Barcelona, 300
rossing at Perthus and 450 passing
hrough Cerbere.
Catalans Assemble
Informed sources in Rome inter-
preted the indirect Italian admission
that their troops were largely respon-
ible for the capture of Malaga to
sean there would be no cessation of
talian volunteers until the deadline.
At Toulouse, 500 Catalan Fascists
gathered to join the Insurgent troops
at Irun, near the French border, and
prepared for eventual service on the
Madrid front.
What to do with recalcitrant Por-
tugal, Spain's next-door neighbor, re-
mained a thorny problem for the
"hands-off" Spain committee, which
relegated the question to the sub-
committee that worked out plans
banning recruits and war supplies in
the first place.
Naval Blockade
A tight naval blockade of both
Spanish and Portuguese ports, en-
forced by the major European pow-
ers effective March 6 might induce
Portugal to participate in the inter-
national action, the committee hoped,
and permit the establishpment of neu-
tral observers on the Hispano-Portu-
guese frontier.
The Soviet committee representa-
tive, Ivan Maisky, sounded a note of
warning that failure of Portugal to
cooperate "will jeopardize the whole
structure of the scheme." He said
Russia might have to reconsider her
approval of the program if full co-
operation was not achieved.
Sociologist's Topic
To Be Birth Control
hI a lecture entitled "The Vital
Revolution" Norman E. Nimes, asso-
ciate professor of sociology at Col-
gate University and director of the
Population Association of America,
will discuss birth control and its
effect on population trends at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Science
Auditorium. The talk is being spon-
sored jointly by the departments of
sociology and economics.
Professor Himes, a graduate of

Harvard nvriy a agta
Simmons College and. Clalck Univer-
sity and is at present editor of the
magazine "Marriage Hygiene." He
has contributed to leading economic,
sociology, and medical journals here
and abroad and is the American cor-
respondent of the Eugenics Review.
Professor Himes will follow his lec-
ture here with a talk Friday at the
Women's City Club in Detroit under
the auspices of the Maternal Health

Dean Bates Calls Roosevelt Court Plan
Au tocratic, Destructive To Democracy,

Is ri Launh
Leuter Deluge
To encourage a flood of letter from
students on this campus to their Con-
gressmen asking for peace lgislation
the Peace Council will bring to Na-.
tural Science auditorium at 4:15 p.m.
today a four-real talkie, "Dealers in
Death," a motion picture that "dares
tell the inside story of the munitions
racket," in the first of a series of anti-
war programs.
The Peace Council will thus launch
its campaign asking "15 minutes a
month for peace," the time to be de-
voted by 1tudents to writing letters to
their represcntatives in both houses
of Congres demanding definite
stands on neutrality. According to
Julian Orr. '37 the nlan is to make

EDIrOR'S NOTE: This is the first of '
a series of interviews concerning Pres-
ident Roosevelt's proposal to increase
the membership of the Supreme Court.
Another, by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of
the political science department, will
appear tomorrow.
Dean Henry M. Bate of the Law
School last night branded President
Roosevelt's proposal to enlarge the
Supreme Court as "reactionary, au-
tocratic and destructive to true de-
Dean Bates was a signer of a letter
sent by 16 members of the Law School
faculty to Michigai's United Rtates
Senaitors urging their 'vigorous op -
position" to the Preident'spl a '
The dean charged the President's
proposal is a "scheme for changing
the court in order to secure decisions
in accordance with his own views,"
and held that the "facts concerning
the business of the Supreme Court
effectually refute the claim made by'
some that new blood is needed to dis=
pose of court business promptly."
Hitler 1mpatationi Regrettable
Terming "violent denunciations of
the Court and imputations that the
President desires to become another

the personnel of the court, under
present conditions, would be most
Dean Bittes cited the President's{
attempt to remove the late William
E!. Humphrey from the Federal Trade
Commission, a move that was blocked
Sixteen of the 20 members of the
faculty signed the following letter
to Senators Vandenberg and Brown:
"The undersigned urge your vig-
orous opposition to the President's
proposal to increase the membership
of the Supreme Court. No one even
slightly acquainted with the history|
can, be ignorant of the large partJ
played by the judiciary in the de-
velopment and protection of human
rights and liberty. That freedom, at-
tained only through centuries of
struggle, cannot last under a govern-
ment that is not itself subservient
to law, The administration of jus-
tice according to the law is possible
only with a judiciary that is not sub-
m~ssive to any branch of the govern-
inent, and any move, therefore, that
has the slightest tendency to destroy
the independence of the courts must
be received as a blow to the very

by a Supreme Court decision, as
evidence that Roosevelt "sincerely be-
lieves he should have had a greater
degree of influence and control over
government than the Constitution
An Indenendent Judiciary
"The Court," he said, "is created
not by Congress but by the Constitu-
tion, and the purpose to make it an'
independent and coordinate body,
with the executive and legislative de-
partments, cannot be doubled. If,
therefore, the membership of the
Court can be changed by increasing
the number of judges in order to ac-
complish certain executive or legis-
lative purposes, it seems indubitable
that the purpose of the Constitution
to have the judiciary an independent
body, though with strictly limited-
functions, would be defeated.
"If the bill is passed, more than
any earlier change that has been
made in the Supreme Court, it will
effect a definite modeling of that ju-
dicial body. If this plan of having
the mind of the court go along with
the executive and legislative depart-
ments on constitutional matters suc-
ceeds. there can be little doubt that

and working conditions left unsettled
in the General Motors strike peace
agreement last week, said the Union
proposal will be presented tomorrow'
"We have been laying plans to set"
up Tribunals for the handling of
past, present and future grievances,"
the Union head announced as the
conferees left a smoke-filled fifth-
floor office in the General Motors
Building late today.
In morning and afternoon confer-
ences representatives of the Corpora-
tion and the Union, whose strikes
threw G.M. production far behind
schedule, engaged in what William
S. Knudsen, executive vice-president,
described as "A general discussion
of seniority rights and discrimina-
tion cases."
The conferences will be resumed at
10 a.m. (EST) tomorrow.
Pope Pius Walks But
- Doctor Is Pessimistic
VATICAN CITY, Feb. 16.-()-
Pope Pius walked with faltering steps
today the half dozen paces from his
bed to his private chapel while
watchful prelates beamed.
But Dr. Aminta Milani, the Holy
Father's personal physician, and
Father Agostino Gemelli, Dean of
the new Pontifical Academy, warned
him to curb his optimism and not
overtax his weakened physical forces.

Dean Shailer Mathews of the
University of Chicago will give the
opening speech before a one-day con-
ference of leaders in religious educa-
tion and university professors to be
held today in the Union.
Dean Mathews will speak on "Re-
ligion of Our Time-it Community
Responsibility" at 12:15 p.m. at a

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