J The Weathei Mostly cloudy today and to- morrow, possibly snow flurries tomorrow. Yi e SirF ~Iatj Editorials Nationalizing Culture .. . VOL. XLVII No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senators Told Tribunal Must Not 'Torture' Constitution Statement Before Judicial Committee By Attorney General Causes Protest Immediate Action Urged In Hearing WASHINGTON, March 1.-)- Attorney General Cummings, with the quietly persuasive manner of one who seeks to convince a friend his course of action is right, urged the Roosevelt Court bill upon the Senate judiciary committee today as a means of preventing the Constitution from being "tortured." No sooner had Cummings spoken than there was a series of swift de- velopments: Gives Counter Proposal From the ranks of his own party, from a Senator still uncommitted on the Court issue, O'Mahoney of Wy- oming, came a counter-proposal that the Constitution be amended to re- quire a two-thirds vote of the Su- preme Court to invalidate an act of Congress.- Senator Borah (Rep.-Ida.), an opponent of the administration pro-E posal to place six new justices on the Supreme Court, quickly asserted that the Roosevelt Bill, taken in tech-1 nical conjunction with statutes now in effect "would come pretty near to abolishing the Court." Senator Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) ex- pressed a view that the membership of the Court might well be manda- torily increased to eleven and pos- sibly fifteen to increase its efficiency. Sharp-Spoken Exchange Senator Austin of Vermont, mem- ber of the regular Republican fac-£ tion of the opposition, descended up- on the Attorney General with a series of belligerent questios that quickly produced a sharp-spoken exchange. And (rom several members of the committee came the contention that - the possibility of 8 to 7 decisions by a Supreme Court of 15 members sug- gestet. that th bill would "leave us where we are now.", "That might happen," Cummings' replied, "if those men who were ap- pointed as liberals turned out to be conservatives, but I wouldn't expect any such result." The atmosphere of conflict-born drama which from the start has sur- rounded the struggle between Presi- dent Roosevelt and the Supreme Court, pervaded the big marble cau- cus room when the Senate through its committee came to grips with the, issue. Spectators Jam Room For an hour and a half before the hearing began the room was jammed with spectators. A score of Senators, in addition to committee members, were present to follow the argument with rapt attention. The commitee entered in a body, serious, solemn. Cummings, his tall figure draped in impeccable blue serge, lolled in the witness chair, chewing gum, while a battery of camera bulbs fired away. Behind him sat a corps of his as- sistants from the Department of Justice. Liberal Senators Meet In Debate On Court CHICAGO, March 10.-(P)-Two men famous as liberals-Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.) and James M. Landis, chairman of the Federal Securities Commission hotly debated President Roosevelt's court legisla- tion before the fourth annual Wom- an's Congress here tonight. Wheeler accused the President of preaching "haste and hate" to hasten the forging of a weapon which, he said, might be used by another Pres- ident to extinguish all liberty. He challenged Mr. Roosevelt to submit instead "any reasonable con- stitutional amendment," pledging that members of Congress would sub- merge their individual views and quickly approve. If the administra- tion wishes, Wheeler added, ratifica- tion by the states could be completed within a matter of months. Landis contended that the present Supreme Court has set itself up as a super-legislature, standing athwart the path of social progress. A .1111 99 PQD-bp- Pl- k Sorority 'Courtesy Week' Just Another 'Hell Week' To Men President Of W.A.A. (F -- Girls Pre-Initiation Period Differs Only In Type Of 'Ordeals,' Survey Shows By ROBERT WEEKS "Courtesy Week" has just ended at the Theta house and the Alpha Phis will soon go into a six day period of "meditation," but to the outspok- en fraternity man it's just plain "Hell Week." Besides cropping up with a euphe- mistic title among the sororities, Hell Week involves different "ordeals" with the girls. An example of this is the dog barking that greets the ear of the already frightened male wha~n he dials the Pi Phi house. Mental torture is apparently the Detroit NeWS Editor To Talk In Union Today W.S. Gilnore To Address Dinner Of Sigma Delta Chi, ThetaSigma Phi W. S. Gilmore, editor in chief of the Detroit News, will speak at a joint dinner of Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, men's and women's pro- fessional journalism fraternities, at 6:30 p.m. today in Room 116 of the Union. Mr. Gilmore, an associate mem- ber of the Indiana University chap- ter of Sigma Delta Chi, will talk on "What I Expect of a Reporter." The banquet is confined to members of the organization and persons espe- cially invited, although others may come in after the dinner to hear Mr. Gilmore speak, according to Marion Holden, '37, president of Theta Sig- ma Phi. Mr. Gilmore is a native of Indiana and a former Indiana University stu- dent. He worked on Terre Haute pa- pers and the Indianapolis Star be- fore going to Detroit. He has been with the Detroit News for nearly 30 years, progressing through a series of executive posi- i tions. He has been successively as- sistant city editor, city editor, news editor, assistant managing editor and managing editor. He was appointed editor ol the retirement of the late George E. Miller on Dec. 1, 1933. Legislature Refuses Early Adjournment LANSING, March 10.-()-The House roused itself from nearly 10 weeks of doldrums today, refused to consider an early legislative adjourn- ment date and placed two major points of the 1937 program on the calendar. The rules and resolutions commit- tee received a Senate resolution adopted Tuesday, which would pro- vide for adjournment of the legisla- ture May 14. It passed the Senate under suspended rules. There was no attempt to suspend house rules for immediate consideration. A bill which would include delin- quent taxes of 1933, 1934 and 1935 in the 10-year installment payment plan went to the floor for discussion. House members argued over tech- nical points in the bill but appeared favorable to its passage. Immediate action was deferred to permit county treasurers to be heard on a compan- ion bill which would place collection of real estate taxes and preparations of the necessary records directly in their hands. theme of most sorority Hell Weeks, the piece de resistance of the Delta Gamma ordeal being an excruciat- ing skit that is given before the "alums" and the actives the day be- fore initiation. The idea of em- barrassing theatricals is almost univ- ersal among sororities, a questioning of sorority women revealed. In keeping with the skit idea, the Thetas have to give imitations of the active members and also of well known figures on the faculty. Indi- vidual renditions of sorority songs is another feature of "Courtesy Week," and the baffled initiates are, also asked to give a pantomime entitled, "Wrestling With Temptation," or a dissertation on "The Life of a Prune." Another feature common to all so- rority Hell Weeks is the rule against walking with a man, talking to a man, and horrors to the pledge that has a date. Exceptions will be made for the Frosh Frolic tomorrow night, but at the Delta Gamma house only upon receipt of 15 good reasons from the pledge on why she should be permitted to go out. The Pi Phi's boastfully announce that they re- quire 50 good reasons. Ridiculous clothes are another common denominator of the wom- an's idea of what Hell Week should be. Overalls have been found to yield the greatest amount of mor- tification, according to the Tri-Delts, who combine them with a straw hat (Continued on Page 2) Establishmentl Of Cooperative Fish Unit Told Institution Is First Of Kind In Country, Hubbs Says; Lagler To Take Charge The establishment here of the first cooperative fish management unit in the country was announced yesterday by Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of fishes of the Museum of Zoology. The unit, which began operating recently, is engaged in research on piscatorial problems under a coop- erative arrangement between the University, the State Department of Conservation and the American Wild- life Institute. Lagler Appointed Head Karl F. Lagler, a University of Ro- chester graduate, arrived here re- cently to take charge of the unit. A part-time assistant has also been ap- pointed. The salaries will be fur- nished by the institute. "Nine similar units within the United States have been established for game study in general, but no such system has ever been evolved for the special study of fish," Prof. Hubbs said. It was pointed out that this was not due to a failure torecog- nize the necessity of such an organi- zation, but rather to a lack of suf- ficient funds. Made Possible By Gift The present movement is being made possible through a gift by the Tackler Manufacturers' Association to the wildlife institute. The previous animal-study units concerned themselves with wildlife research, with the training of wild- life technicians, and with the dem- onstrations of methods to increase wildlife; and, according to present .plans, the new fish units will follow along the same general line, Prof. Hubbs stated. Bringing the first cooperative unit of this kind to Michigan was made possible through a special arrange-, mentbetween Prof. Hubbs and the American Wildlife Institute, which held its annual convention at St Louis last week. MARY B. JOHNSON * * * Mary Johnson a a Is Named New Head Of W.A.A. Betty Lyon Elected Vice- President; Mary Jane Mueller Is Secretary Mary B. Johnson, '38, was named president of the Women's Athletic Association for the 1937-38 school year yesterday by Kate Landrum, '37, outgoing president, following the se- lection of the executive officers of the W.A.A. board by the senior mem- bers of the present board and two faculty advisers. Betty Lyon, '39, was named vice- president of the organization and Mary Jane Mueller, '38Ed., was ap- pointed secretary. Betty Whitney, '38, was picked to fill the position of treasurer. To Be Correspondent Sally Kenny, '38Ed., will act as the American Federation of College Women correspondent and Norma Curtis, '39, was named awards chairman. . Ruth Hartman, '39, was appointed Intramural manager and Mary Alice MacKenzie, '39, will be in charge of publicity next year. Because of an amendment in the W.A.A. constitution, the selection of the sports managers will be by elec- tions in the different women's sports clubs instead of by appointment by the board as has formerly been the custom. The newly appointed officers, along with the remainder of the board, will be officially recognized at the Instal- lation Banquet to be held in con- junction with the League, March 22, in the League ballroom. Active On Campus Miss Johnson has been unusually active on campus. She has served as a member of the finance commit- tee in both Freshman Project and Sophomore Cabaret. She was a mem- ber of the finance committee of Penny Carnival her freshman year and act- ed as buyer for it last year. A mem- ber of Wyvern, she also acted as t treasurer of W.A.A. this year. Shel is accounts manager of the 'Ensian and a member of the Orientation and Merit System committees at thej League. She also was a junior of-' ficer of judiciary council this year. She is affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta. Miss Lyon, who is acting as bad- minton manager on the W.A.A. board Says New Deal, Acts May Aid In Depressions Professor Hoover States Permanent Legislation Will HelpIn Future Business Boom Is Imminent, He Says By IRVING SILVERMAN Future depressions may be con- siderably eased, as President Roose- velt contended in his address Tues- day night, if the permanent New Deal programs, such as the social security and bank control legislation, work out as expected, Prof. Edgar M. Hoo- ver, Jr., of the economics department, declared yesterday. President Roosevelt said in his speech that in order to prevent the recurrence of crises such as the coun- try experienced in 1929, the New Deal embarked upon its program to pro- vide government with the power to prevent and cure the abuses and the inequalities which had thrown the economic system out of joint and to make the system "bomb-proof against the causes of 1929." The offering of relief and the in- stituting of "pump-priming" policies to inflate purchasing power may be largely replaced in future depressions by these new measures for the stabili-' zation of incomes, Professor Hoover pointed out, although the responsi- bility of stabilization, he added, is a formidable one. "According to such indicators as. prices and industrial production, the business situation is now close to normal," Professor Hoover explained, "so that we probably are now enter- ing the boom period in the business cycle." The existence of the boom period, however, is not clear cut, Professor Hoover stressed, mentioning that un- employment is still serious and that the construction industry has been lagging behind. He further pointed out that strikes have undoubtedly held up production temporarily, but that the strikes were phenomena characteristic of revival periods. This may be attributed, he explained, to the fact that wages tended to lag behind prices and profits, so that the workers, seeing the producers' in- comes increasing, attempt to enlarge their own incomes through the me- dium of strikes. Government spending or "pump- (Continued on Page 2) Edison Worker Killed By High Tension Wire 24,000 Volt Current Is Fatal To George Eberle At Argo Power Plant George Eberle, 38, 1422 Broadway, was killed instantly at 2:30 p.m. yes- terday when he accidently came into contact with a high tension wire at the Argo power plant of the Detroit Edison Co. Eberle, an electrician for the De- troit Edison Co., was working at a height of eight feet. It is thought that the accident happened when he was handling an insulator, his hand slipping and com- ing into contact with a wire, Dr. Ed- win C. Ganzhorn, coroner, said last night. The wires carried 24,000 volts each. The Argo plant is located on the corner of Broadway and Pontiac, a few blocks north of the bridge across the Michigan Central tracks. Young To Resign As City Alderman Prof. Leigh J. Young of 'the for- estry school, will resign as alderman from the Seventh Ward at the Mon- day night city council meeting, he announced yesterday. He is unop- posed for election in April to the] presidency of the council. Professor Young's present term does not expire until April, 1938. A special election will be necessary to fill the vacancy which will be caused by his resignation. He is serving his third two-year term as a council member. A Repub- lican, he has been a member of the forestry school faculty since 1911. League Labor ; Organization' Intact, Is Claim Employes Face Speed-Up,' Says Student Workers Federation Bulletin There is still an employe organi- zation in the League, according to Robert Fox, '38E, chairman of the group that was successful in a re- quest for pay increases on Jan. 20. The Student Workers Federation declared in a bulletin circulated yes- terday that the workers in the League were faced with a "speed-up" because they had disorganized. Fox admitted that the student or- ganization had not met since their demands were met by the manage- ment. It is expected, he said, that a meeting will be called in the near future. Mrs. Ellen Stanley, business manager of the League, submitted to the request for employe meetings to discuss problems and complaints of the group, at the time the wage in- creases were announced. Tom Downs, '39, president of the S.W.F. denied yesterday that the bul- letin statement was intended as com- ing from the employe organization, but "simply the gist of several reports turned in to the federation." He said the S.W.F. is not connected with the League group except in an advisory capacity. Miss Phyllis Brand, supervisor of the League dining rooms, said Tues- day night that no speed-up is in ef- fect. Although no additional students have been hired, the employes work no harder than before, she said. Veteran Troops Hold Insurgents MADRID, March 10.-(IP)-Veter- an troops, hurled into the breach to smother an insurgent advance through Guadalajara Province, stood their ground today, the government reported, against repeated charges oy mechanized forces. After two days of admitted re- verses, war office communiques de- clared the defense line now was hold- ing and vulnerable gaps in it had been closed. Tanks, armored cars and a few ar- tillery units, rushed to the newly de- veloped battlefront northeast of Ma- drid last night by Gen. Jose Miaja, commander of all government troops in central Spain Seek To Oust Sit-Down Workers From 9 Plants Held SinceMonday Reach Tentative G. MA*Settlement Hudson Motor Co., Union Begin Conference With 10,000 Out Of Work DETROIT, March 10 --(P)- Th Chrysler Corporation instiu ted i-' unct ion proceedings tnight to eject it-down strikers from the nine auto- notive plants they have held since Mlonday. The court move brought from Ho- ner Martin, United Automobile Norkers President, the comment: "These methods do not settle any abor dispute and will not settle this trike." More than 55,000 Chrysler em- ployes are idle here because of the trikes by which the U.A.W.A. is at- tempting to enforce a demand for exclusive bargaining rights. Petition Is Sudden The injunction petition, directed against the U.A.W.A., the Committee for Industrial Organization, and the strikers who it said are "no longer employes," came suddenly today dur- ing a recess in conferences of officials of corporation and union. Circuit Judge Allan Campbell is- sued an order for strike leaders to "show cause" at 9:30 a.m. Saturday why a temporary injunction should not be issued. The company's petition described the strikers as "wilful, malicious and continuous trespassers who are with- out pecuniary responsibility to re- spond in damages for their unlawful acts." Martin, one of those named as de- fendants in the action, said: "Again we see the Chrysler Corpor- ation making the same mistake that other corporations have made-that of endeavoring to institute, law by injunction." Martin In Conference Martin, who arrived f-rom Wash- ington this morning and left for Chi- cago tonight, participated 'in union conferences with officials of General Motors, reported to be near a final agreement on issues remaining from the strikes that paralyzed plants of the world's largest automobile pro- ducer in January. After the meeting adjourned this evening, Wyndham Mortimer, first vice-president of the union, an- nounced tentative agreement on all points at issue had bee reached, and that a final settlement might be concluded tomorrow. Mortimer did not disclose details of any agree- ment made, but said the last point settled was the union's demand for a national minimum hourly wage. The conferees will reconvene at 10 a.m. (E.S.T.) tomorrow. Mortimer said they hoped to be able to make a joint announcement shortly after noon. Calls Detroit Conference Martin called a conference of 200 delegates of U.A.W.A. locals to as- semble at Detroit Saturday to give its approval to the final agreement. Such a conference at Flint, Mich., early in January set up the union "board of strategy" and gave it unauthority to act in the General Motors strikes. Also in progress late today was a conference of officials of the Hudson Motor Car Co., whose three plants were closed by sit-down strikes Mon- day a few hours before the Chrysler workers ceased work, with A. N. Doll, president of the Hudson U.A.W.A local, and other union local leaders. More than 10,000 Hudson employes are out of work because of the strike. Complicating the General Motors conversations was a new sit-down by U.A.W.A. members in the Corpora- tion's Chevrolet and Fisher Body plants at St. Louis, Mo., in protest against the "Chevrolet Workers Guild," which they termed a "com- pany union." Electronic Institute To BringSpeakers To enable teachers, engineers and physicists to "broaden and unify their grasp of fundamental electronic prin- ciples," the University Electronics In- stitute, first of its kind, will bring a Chrysler Institutes Injunction Action Tr Eject Strikers (Continued on Page 5) Heavy Buying Sends Market o New Peak NEW YORK, March 10.-(P)- Worldwide buying on an intensive scale lifted a broad range of com- modity prices to new post-depression peaks today in one of the widest ad- vances in recent years. In unison, shares of companies ex- Parker Asserts First Job Places College Graduate In 'Cold Water' a 1 Atom's Nucleus Is Made Subject Of Physics Department's Study When the college graduate first a obtains a job in a big organization, he is comparable to a man who is dropped in cold water, P. W. Parker, vice-president of the Detroit Edison Co., told members of the Occupation- al Information Conference meeting last night in the Union. It is up to the new employe to ac- climate himself to the conditions of his job, Mr. Parker said, by showing initiative, resourcefulness, tolerance and cooperation. Referring to what the employer rizpirps in tIhg.rn1 crAxcv .r op c,-., ,,_ - IE I f A 1 er added, don't care about getting pecte to benefit from price ad- EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second vances shot up from $1to $p or more of a series of three articles dealing men with specialized training, since with the work of the cyclotron and the employer wants to train men in forward othe duyinirush tha tcakr d hat may be accomplished with its forwrd the diisins f te sock aid. The third, which will follow his own fashion. shortly, will consider the work that has Taiga definite objective in the market as well. already been done in the study of Takingoemntenterpiesinah Cotton, with a net advance in some nuclear structure. field of government enterprises was futures of as much as 95 cents a bale, By SAUL R. KLEIMAN advanced as the best course for a led the upward surge, with grains, Mysteries of matter may be mys- student expecting to enter those oc- nonferrous metals, rubber, coffee, silk, teries no more when the physics de- cupations by J. F. Ballenger, district hides and cottonseed-oil futures fol- partment's research into nuclear manager of the Detroit.social security lowing sharply. Silk sales set a new structure by means of the atom- board, in a talk yesterday afternoon record on the New York Commodity smashing cyclotron is completed. before the conference. Exchange, 9,370 bales changing Although the physicist already Not all welfare work is directly hands, against the previous best fig- knows a great deal about the exterior concerned with cases, he emphasized ure of 6,850. make-up of the atom, little is known in describing the types of social se- While prices have pointed upward of the configuration of its nucleus. makeup of the interior of the atom, but since they lack factual back- ground they are but "stabs in the dark." The cyclotron may provide that background. With the cyclotron, palladium has been bombarded with deuterons-the nuclei of heavyrhydrogen atoms-and converted to radioactive palladium, the emanations of which are much the same as those of radium, and then to silver. By studying the paths of the rays emanating from the bombarded sub- stance and the new substance pro- ,,a crt mn v fn.*c ,en hP Him-