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March 10, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-10

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The Weather,



lfilfr igan


Retiemet ...

Partly cloudy today and
morrow, not quite sor cold.





President Requests
Speedy Enactment
Of Court Measure,

UAW Refused
By Chrysler

Nine Detroit Plants
Closed And 55,000
Are Idle


Judges Have Made
Legislature' Of
He Claims


Coming April 23

Disavows Any Intent
To 'Pack' Tribunal
Words Have Been Read
Into The Constitution By
High Judiciary, He Says
WASHINGTON, March 9.-(P?-
President Rooseyelt called for swift
enactment of his court reorganiza-
tion bill tonight to "save the Con-
stitution from the Court and the
court from Itself."
In outspoken fashion, the Chief Ex-
ecutive asserted the high tribunal
had "improperly set itself up" as a
"super legislature," and had read into
the constitution "words and implica-
tions which are not there and which
were never intended to be there."
Disavows Intent to 'Pack'
At the same time, he disavowed any
intent to "pack" the court with
"spineless puppets who would disre-
gard the law" and decide cases as he
might wish them decided, and assert-
ed the processes of constitutional
amendment were too slow for the
pressing problems of the day.
His address, a "fireside chat" de-
livered from the small oval room on
the ground floor of the White House,
was the second devoted to a fighting
appeal for passage of his bill to per-
mit the enlargement of the court un-
less justices over seventy retire.
"We must find a way to take an
appeal from the Supreme Court to
the Constitution itself," he said. "We
want a Supreme Court which will do
Justice under the Constitution-not
- In our courts we want a gov-
ernment of laws not of men.
Wants Constitution Enforced
"I want-as all Americans want-
an independent judiciary as proposed
by the framers of the Constitution.
That means a Supreme Court that
will enforce the Constitution as writ-
ten-that will refuse to amend the
Constitution by the arbitrary exer-
cise of judicial power-amendment
by judicial say-so. It does not mean
a judiciary so independent that it
can deny the existence of facts uni-
versally recognized."
A major section of the address was
devoted to answering the three most-
frequently heard criticisms of his
proposal- that it is an effort to
"pack" the court, that it would create
a precedent which a future President
with dictatorial ambitions could turn
to his advantage and that the solu-
tion of the problem lies rather in a
Constitutional amendment.
Speaks On 'Packing' Charge
Of the "packing" charge, the Pres-
ident said:
"If by that phrase the charge is
made that I would appoint and the
Senate would confirm justices worthy
to sit beside present members of the
court who understand modern condi-
ions-that I will appoint justices who
will not undertake to override the
judgment of the Congress on legisla-
tive policy-that I will appoint jus-
tices who will act as justices and not
as legislators-if the appointment of
such justices can be called "packing
the courts," then I say that I and
with me the vast majority of the
American people favor doing just
that thing - now."
Amendment Process
Of "precedent:"
"Fundamentally, in the future, if
the American people cannot trust the
Congress it elects to refrain from
abuse of our constitutional usages,
democracy will have failed far be-
yond the importance to it of any kind
of precedent concerning the judi-
And of the amendment process:
"It would take months or years to
get substantial agreement upon the
type and language o an amend-
ment. It would take months and
years, thereafter, to get a two-thirds
majority in favor of that amendment
in both Houses of Congress. Then

would come the long course of ratifi-
cation by three-fourths of the states.
No amendment which any powerful
economic interests of the leaders of
any powerful political party have had
reason to oppose has ever been rati-
fled within anything like a reason-

D. R. Richberg,
NRA Counsel,
To Speak Here
Co-Author Of Recovery
Act To Address Lawyers
On April_23
'Donald R. Richberg, co-author of
the National Recovery Administra-
tion and general counsel of the NRA
from 1933 to 1935, will speak April
23 at the Founder's Day dinner of the
Law School, it was announded yes-
Mr. Richberg, now in private prac-
tice in Washington, will speak on
"The Lawyer of Tomorrow," Prof.
Grover C. Grismore of the Law
School in charge of arrangements,
said yesterday.
Mr. Richberg's address will con-
cern changes in the requirements im-
posed upon the legal profession by
new economic conditions and political
methods, particularly in the develop-
ment of administrative law, accord-
ing to Professor Grismore.
Invitations to the dinner, which is
held annually in the honor of the
late W. W. Cook, donor of the Law
School, will be sent to state supreme
court justices, Michigan judges and
the Regents of the University.
T.A.Boyd Talks
To Conference
On Occupations
General Motors Executive
Urges Scientific View Of
A scientific attitude towards the
"vague misconceptions and falsify-
ing propaganda of modern times"
should be developed by every indi-
vidual, T. A. Boyd, director of fuel re-
search for General Motors Co. told
the Occupational Information Con-
ference last night in the Union.
In all the problems of life, Mr.
Boyd emphasized, the methods of re-
search are applicable. First all the
available facts must be ascertained,
he said, then those facts must be
faced and conclusions drawn only
from such definite knowledge, not
from wishful thinking.
Stressing lack of personality as
a great cause for failure in the busi-
ness world, Earle J. Failor, comp-
troller of the National Bank of De-
troit gave the first talk in the series.
One of the most common faults of
new employes, though not the only
one nor one always present, he said,
is impatience. "They are willing to
start in as vice-president, perhaps,
and work up from there. It is that
which causes them to lose out."
The Conference will hear, at 4
p.m. today a talk on "Government
Service" by J. F. Ballenger, district
manager of the Detroit social se-
curity board. In the evening ses-
sion, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the
Union "What Business and Indus-

Hudson Will Meet
With Union Today
Chrysler officials reiterate refusali
to recognize United Automobile
Workers of America as sole bargain-
ing agency for its 67,000 employes,
in meeting behind striker held gates. I
Agree to meet again tomorrow.
Nine Chrysler plants in Detroit'
area remain closed, with approxi-
mately 55,000 workers idle. Officials
of Hudson Motor Car Co. plan meet-
ing with union Wednesday afternoon
while sit down strike in its plant here
continues with 10,000 workers affect-,
Governor Murphy, who brought
about truce in recent General Motors
strike, plans return to Detroit from
Florida vacation to aid in newest tie
Chrysler Corporation announces,
stop orders to numerous suppliers,
with whom it says it spends approxi-
mately $50,000,000 monthly.,
DETROIT, March 9.-P---Chrys-
ler Corporation executives, in a peace
parley behind picket-held factory
gates, persisted tonight in refusal to
recognize the United Automobile.
Workers of America as sole bargain-1
ing age'icy for 67,000 employes. 1
"The answer is still 'No,' " com-
pany representatives informed the1
union before today's conference ad-
journed. The meetings will be re-
sumed at 10 a.m. Wednesday.
Union representatives described to-I
day's meeting as "peaceful, but no
closer to a decision."
Union Controls Plants
- The union, trying to enforce its
demand by sit-down strikes, was in
control of all of Chrysler'sautomobile'
production plants in the Detroit area,
including the Highland Park unit
where the conference was held. Ap-
proximately 55,000 Chrysler workers
were idle.
B. E. Hutchinson, chairman of the
Chrysler Finance Committee, said,
"The situation has not been changed
because the plants have been struck."
The corporation's refusal to grant
exclusive bargaining rights to the
union led to the strikes yesterday.
Richard T. Frankensteen, UAWA or-
ganizational director, telephoned
shop stewards the code phrase, "My
hand is up," and thousands sat down
at their jobs.
Police Maintain Patrols
Although a sufficient number to
control each unit remained in the
plants tonight, company police main-I
tained their regular patrols, frequent-
ly in company with union guards, and
maintenance men and janitors con-,
tinued their work.,
Outside, union picket groups di-
vided their time between the Chrysler
plants and those of the Hudson Mo-
tor Car Co., not far away on Detroit's
East Side. A "sit-down" throwing
10,000 Hudson workers out of em-
ployment preceded the Chrysler
strikes by a few hours. Conferences
with Hudson officials whom the union
accused of "stalling" in previous ne-
gotiations, will be resumed tomorrow.
No More Quakes
Here After 12:44
No more earth shocks were no-
ticed yesterday in Ann Arbor after
the quake at 12:44 a.m., Miss Mary
E. Lindsay, University seismologist,
reported last night.
The earthquake was described as of
"moderate intensity" by Miss Lind-
Severe shocks in California Mon-
day were declared by Professor-em-
eritus William H. Hobbs to be of an
entirely different nature from those
which have jarred the mid-West re-

The former are ascribed to moun-
tain-building disturbances, but the
Great Lakes upheavals are believed
to be caused by relief of the earth's
crust from the weight of glacial ice.

New Institute
ToAid Speech
And Hearing
New Organization To Aid
Human Adjustment; To
Be In Rackhami School
Ruthven Outlines
Organization Plans
A new organization to be known as
the Institute of Human Adjustment,
and which will deal principally with
cases of readjustment of children and
adults with defects in speech and
hearing to their social surroundings
will be established as a part of the
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies, President Ruthven an-
nounced yesterday.
The institute, which will be in
operation by the beginning of the
Summer Session, will be housed in
the former Psi Omega house, 1017
Huron St., and will train a body of
specialists who will be equipped to
supervise and practice "human re-
adjustment" in Michigan and to'
establish similar centers throughout'
the United States.
Hope To Broaden Scope
Although the new organization will
deal principally with cases of de-
fects in speech and hearing at first,
the scope of the institute will be
broadened by developing research in
other fields of human adjustment
when conditions permit.
According to President Ruthven
the problems in adjustment to be
taken up at the present time are:
1. Those involving the various
handicaps of fractional speech, in-
cluding those known as aphemia, dis-
arthia, spasticity and those due to
cleft palates.
Problems Listed
2. Those connected with congen-
ital deafness.
3. Those resulting from deafnessi
ensuing after birth.
4. Those concerned with the pre-]
vention of fractional speech and as
the results of early deafness.
Extensive "foeld wroiM f6 the dis-
covery and early prevention of "dam-
(Continued on Page 6) _
Offer Former
Law Professor
N14ew Judgeship
Governor Of Pennsylvania
Extends Dr. Goodrich
Common Pleas Job
Word was received here yesterday
that Dr. Herbert F. Goodrich, former-
ly of the University Law School, has
been offered the newly-created presi-
dent-judgeship of the Sixth Court of
Common Pleas of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Goodrich is at present dean of
the University of Pennsylvania law
school. He was offered his new po-
sition last week by Governor Earle,
reportedly as the result of his ex-
cellent work as chairman of the
Pennsylvania Committee on Public
Assistance. Friends have said he may
not accept the $14,000 a year job be-
cause of the importance of the posi-
tion he is holding at present.
He went to the University of Penn-
sylvania from Michigan in 1929. At
that time he was a member of the

faculty of the University Law School
and adviser on professional and pub-
lic relations of the American Law
Institute. His wife is the former Na-
talie Murphy, whom he married while
he was secretary to the late President
In an editorial on Saturday, the
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin stat-
ed, concerning the offer made to Dr.
Goodrich, ". . . Dean Goodrich's
knowledge of law, recognized by his
selection as dean of ;the Law School
of Pennsylvania and previously at
the University of Michigan, his tem-
perament, and mental qualities in
general, do constitute a commanding
warrant for his selection ...''
2 Student Debaters
To Go To Detroit
The Economics Club of Detroit will
hear two University students, as yet
unannounced debate a Wayne Uni-
versity team on March 22.

New President Has Takei
Active Part In Assembly
Miriam Sanders Is
Janet Karlson Is Elected
To Vice-Presidency; Led
Assembly Ball
Helen Jesperson, '38, was elected
president of Assembly yesterday at
a meeting of the representatives from
the dormitories and league houses on
Janet Karlson. '38, is the new vice-
president of the non-affiliated women
and Miriam Sanders, '38, was elected
A resident of Mosher Hall, Miss
Jesperson has taken an active part
in the Assembly organization, being
secretary-treasurer last year. She
was a committee member of Soph-
omore Cabaret and is now on a com-
mittee for the Junior Girls Play to
be given next week. Miss Jesperson
is a member of both the orientation
and social committees of the League.
On J.G.P. Committee
Miss Karlson was general chairman
of the third annual Assembly Ball
held last Friday. Previously she had
been assistant chairman for the ball,
a member of the Freshman Girls
Glee Club, on a Freshman Project
committee and also took part in
Sophomore Cabaret. Miss Karlson
is a member of the League merit sys-
tem and orientation committees. She
is on a J.G.P. committee and helped
with the League Fair last year. Miss
Karlson was an 'Ensian tryout in her
freshman year and lives at Jordan
A member of Athena, Cercle Fran-
cais, and Alpha Lambda Delta, Miss
Sanders has been prominent in cam-
pus activities. She was assistant
chairman of this year's Assembly
Ball, on the ticket committee for
the dance last year and also for the
recent annual Assembly Banquet.
On Finance Committee
Miss Sanders is a member of the fi-
nance committee for "Feather in His
Cap," this year's J.G.P., was on
the ticket committee for the fresh-
man project and was finance chair-
man of the Sophomore Cabaret two
years ago. A member of the theatre-
arts committee of the League, Miss
Sanders is a resident of Alumnae
Mary Andrew, '37, out-going pres-
ident of Assembly, conducted the
Miss Flagstad
To Come Here
In May Festival
Philadelphia Orchestra Is
Included On Programs
Released By Sink
Complete programs for the six May
Festival concerts to be given here
May 12-15 were released yesterday by
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music.
The Philadelphia Symphony Or-
chestra has again been secured to
play throughout the Festival with its
new director, Eugene Ormandy, and
Jose Iturbi as guest conductor.
Featured as soloists will be Kirsten
Flagstad, who opened the current
Choral Union concert series, and
Elizabeth Rethberg, sopranos; Mar-
ion Telva, contralto; Arthur Carron
and Lauritz Melchior, tenors; Carlos

Morelli, baritone; Ezio Pinza, bass;
Eugene List, pianist; and Joseph
Knitzer, violinist.
Miss Flagstad, on the opening
night of the Festival, Wednesday,
will offer several selections from
Bach, Debussy, Weber and Mous-
sorgsky-Caillet, ending with Brunn-
hilde's immolation and closing scene
from "Gotterdammerung" by Wag-
ner. She will be assisted by the Phil-
adelphia Symphony led by Mr. Or-

New League President

Hope Hartwig Appointed
League Head; Assembly
Chooses Helen Jesperson

Student Labor
Pushes Group
Bargain Plan-
S.W.F. Bulletin Points To
Employe 'Speed-Up'; Is
Denied By League
The Student Workers Federation,
charged a "speed-up" in the League
yesterday in a campaign for collec-
tive bargaining for students employed
in campus eating establishments.
"After receiving a nickle an hour'
raise, the employes of the League de-
cided their victory was complete, and
disorganized, only to find their work
was so increased that they really
worked much harder for their money'
than before," stated a mimeographed
bulletin prepared for distribution to-.
day, citing the League as one place
where "organized labor has won."
Students employed received wage'
increases from a standard 30 cents
an hour to 35, 40, and 45 cents an
hour after a united request on Jan.
The management of the League
denied last night that there had been
any speed-up, even though no extra
employes have been taken on. Stu-
dents simply work fewer hours for
about the same amount of money as
before the wage increase, according
to Miss Phyllis Brand, supervisor of
the League dining rooms.
According to Robert Fox, 38E,
chairman of the employe organiza-
tion, the group has held no meeting
since the new rates have been in ef-
The second point in the S.W.F.
bulletin is that "student labor has
won at the Michig-Inn, where tlp
first contract of history was signe.
between employer and student la-
bor." The bulletin advocated patron-
izipg such union shops.
Consider Bill
To Solve Tax
LANSING, March 9.-(P)-The
House prepared today to discuss for
the first time a major point in the
legislative program-a solution to
the delinquent tax problem.
The General Taxation Committee
reported to the floor a bill which
would provide installment payment
over a 10-year period of al ltaxes de-
linquent for the years 1933, 1934 and
1935. The payment plan is material-
ly alike that adopted by a previous
legislature for delinquent taxes of
1932 and prior years.
To participate in the plan, the tax-
payer must have paid his 1936 taxes
in full and either have paid his taxes
for 1932 and prior years or be in the
process of paying them under the in-
stallment plan.
The bill would cancel the 4 per cent
a month penalties due on the delin-
quent taxes and provide that taxna-

New Officer Is Chairman
'Of Juniors' Play An
Wyvern Member
'b'liss Maliszewski
To Head Judiciary
Janet Allington Is Selected
As Secretary-Treasurer
By Board
Hope Hartwig, '38, of Ann Arbor,
was appointed president of the
League for next year by the League
electoral board yesterday. Janet Al-
lington, '38, of Detroit, was selected
to act as League secretary-treasurer
by this body and Angelene Maliszew-
ski, '38, of Grosse Pointe, was named
head of Judiciary Council by the out-
going chairman, Maryanna Chockley,
Miss Hartwig, a member of Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority, has participat-
ed in both League and Women's Ath-
letic Association activities. She is
general chairman of the Junior Girls
Play and president of Wyvern and
was on the orientation committee as
a freshman adviser this year.
Formerly On The Daily
She has been a member of the
League social committee, of the Wom-
en's Athletic Association board and
of committees for Penny Carnival
for three years. During her soph-
omore year she was assistant chair-
man of Sophomore Cabaret and was
a member of The Daily editorial
staff. She participated in Freshman
Project during her first year on cam-
Miss Allington, who is affiliated
with Collegiate 'Sorosis, is tick -
chairman for the -Junior Girls P1%K
and has a lead in the production.
Secretary of Wyvern, she has been
in Stanley Chorus for three years
and is in Choral Union at present.
She is a member of the theatre-arts
committee and has been on the
Women's Athletic Association board
for two years. She was music chair-
man for Sophomore Cabaret and
during her first year, was a member
of the Freshman Girls Glee Club.
A Member Of Wyvern
Miss Maliszewski, a resident of
Mosher Hall, has been on the Judi-
ciary Council for two years. She is
a member of Wyvern, is in the cast
of the Junior Girls Play and was an
orientation adviser this year. Miss
Maliszewski was voted one of the 10
most beautiful Michigan women by
(Continued on Page 5)
Prison terms
Given To Black
Legion Killers
DETROIT, March 9.-(P)-A for-
mer mayor of Highland Park and
eight other men without previous
criminal records were ordered to
prison today by a municipal judge
who convicted them of a Black Le-
gion murder plot.
Recorder's Judge John V. Brennan,
who heard the case without a jury,
sentenced the men to terms of one
to five years each. He found them
guilty a week ago of conspiring in
1933 to shoot Arthur L. Kingsley,
newspaper publisher of the suburb.
The sentences increased to more
than a score the list of men con-
victed of Black Legion terrorism since
the murder of Charles A. Poole, a
WPA worker, exposed the hooded
band last May.
New Black Legion convicts include
N. Ray Markland, the former mayor
and Arthur S. Lupp, Sr., a former De-
troit city milk inspector identified
by court witnesses as Michigan com-

mander of the hooded band.
The state's principal witness, Day-
ton Dean, confessed Black Legion
"executioner," testified the men
plotted to kill Kingsley because he
led political opposition to Markland,
who then was mayor.
Call For Women's
Business Tryouts


Troops Resist
Italian Divisions

MADRID, March 9.-( ')-Official
sources late tonight reported govern-

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