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March 09, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-09

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Full Program
[n Education
To Be Offered
Summer Session Courses
To Give Comprehensive
Graduate Training
A comprehensive program, includ-
ing courses and features of special
interest to graduate students, will
be offered this summer by the School
of Education, according to bulletins
released yesterday by the office of
the Summer Session.
Both six and eight week courses
will be offered. In the eight week
session 90 courses, covering special
fields as well as basic ones, will be
held. The six week course includes
about 40 of these, selected to meet
the needs of students whose time for
summer study is limited. Branches
offered include work in the history
of education, education psychology
and administration, the teaching of
special subjects and vocational edu-
cation and guidance. Several courses
in physical education and health
work will be offered.
Special features will be available
to students it was explained. -A Cur-
riculum Laboratory will present a
collection of significant studies in
curriculum construction, books re-
lating to education philospphy and
procedure and courses of study from
all over the country.
The University Elementary School
will operate six units for children
from three to 14 years of age, de-
signedforestudents interested in as-
pects of child development and in
school influences on children. The
children's library provides material
for students , organizing children's
libraries. A clinic of secondary edu-
cation for pupils with difficulties in
reading and in mathematics will be
open for participation of graduate
students interested in clinical pro-
cedures. This clinic is a new feature*
of the School of Education summer
20 Men Chosen
For he Varsity,
The varsity debate squad has been
chosen and consists of 20 men, Ray-
mond V. Shoberg of the speech de-
partment announced yesterday.
From this squad four men will be
picked to represent Michigan in the
spring Western Conference Debate
Tournament to be held April 9-10 in
Chicago. Each team will debate
three times on the subject, "Re-
solved: That Congress Should Be
Empowered to Fix Minimum Wages
and Maximum Hours for Industry."
The first debate of the semester
will be held with Muskegon Junior
College at 3:30 p.m. on March 12 in
the speech rooms of Angell Hall on
the tournament debate subject, Sho-
berg announced.
The squad as picked by Shoberg in-
cludes no seniors and eight freshmen.
Those men on the squad are Ronald
Freedman, '38, William Centner, '38,
Nathaniel Holtzman, '39, Marvin
Reider, '39, Robert Rosa, '38, Harry
Shniderman, '38, John Baumann, '40,
Sidney Davidson, '40, Oscar Fefer-
man, '40, Reid Hatfield, '39, Robert
Johnson, '40, James Rawley, '38, Jack
Shuler, '40, Donald Smith, '39, Robert
Soloman, '38, Herbert Scott, '40, Ted
Spangler, '40, and Morris Steere, '40.
Weighing Lippmann's

Court Reform Views
(Continued from Page 4)
clause but on the due process clause.
The briefs in the Wagner Labor Act
cases are built not only on the com-
merce power but on the First Amend-
ment and the Fifth Amendment as
well. In killing legislation the judges
have been equipped with a whole qui-
ver of arrows, any of which they could
draw as the occasion demanded.
With his proposal Mr. Lippmann
lets the cat out of the bag. He does
not want to achieve real legislative
flexibility. He 'thoroughly distrusts
Congress, as he distrusts every organ
of the people. He wants to intrench
minority rule. He wants to consider
the Constitution as a grant of specific
powers, and he wants each additional
specific power (that is, every impor-
tant piece of new social legislation) to
run the gauntlet of a two-thirds vote
of Congress and a three-quarters vote
of the states. This would be minority
rule with a vengeance. And it is a
tribute to Mr. Lippmann's intellec-
tual athleticism that he can glorify
minority rule in the name of democ-
racy. Max Lerner.
Annual Game Contests
Start At Union Today
The Union will conduct its annual
tournaments in bridge, chess, check-
ers, and ping pong, beginning today,
John C. Thoem, '38, director of the
events, announced yesterday.


(Continued from Page 4)


ing of the film "Max und Moritz"
and the singing of German songs.
Members of the Verein are urged to
be present. The meeting is open to
all who are interested.
The Mathematics Club will hold its
regular meeting today at 8 p.m.,
in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Prof.
R. V. Churchill will speak on "The
solution of linear boundary value
problems by means of the Laplace
Prof. Arthur W. Smith will talk on
"The New International Units in
Physics and Electrical Measure-
ments" at the Physics Colloquium
which will be today at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 1041 of the East Physics Bldg.
The Freshman Luncheon Clubs will
meet at 12 o'clock noon in the Union.
Football captain, Joe Rinaldi, will be
the guest speaker. All members are
are urged to invite guests.
Metallurgical Group Meeting: Dr.
H. B. Vincent, Research Chemist of
the Department of Engineering Re-
search, will be the speaker at the
Metallurgical Group meeting this
evening at 7:15 p.m. in Room 4215 E.
Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "Rou-
tine Control Analysis by the Specto-
Varsity Glee Club: Sectional re-
hearsal for second basses today at
4:30 p.m. Full rehearsal tonight at
8 p.m.
The Scandinavian Student Club:
A meeting will be held today at 8
p.m. at the Union, Room 325, to re-
organize the Club, and if possible, to
elect new officers for the year. All
students of Scandinavian descent and
interested in the organization of the
club are urged to attend.
Polonia Circle: There will be a
meet-ing at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Sigma Delta Chi will hold a brief
business meeting at 10 p.m. today
in the Glee Club room of the Union.
Committee reports are to be prepared
before that time.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Section
will meet this afternoon at 2:15 p.m.
in the Alumnae Room of the Michi-
gan League.
The Michigan Dames Bridge Group
will hold its regular bridge party
this evening, 8 p.m. at the Michigan
League. This will be a Grocery Store
Party. Mrs. Ford Graham will have
charge. All Dames are invited to at-
Harris Hall: Student classes every
Tuesday evening during Lent at 7:30
p.m. on the subject "Modern Apolo-
Christian S c i e n c e Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
A Religious Symposium will be
held at Lane Hall tonight at 8 p.m.
in the upper room. Everyone is in-
Coming Events
Luncheon for Graduate1Students
on Wednesday, March 10, at 12
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Prof.
Laylin K. James of the Law School
will continue the iiscussion of the
Supreme Court.
Geological Journal Club meeting:
The Club will meet in Room 3065

Pittman Bill Based On
False War Entry Idea
Wondnued from pag' 1)
ticipation in collective action agreed
upon with like-minded states.
"The cooperation of the United
States with other states, attempting
by collective action to prevent war,
would be possible under a so-called
neutrality bill drawn along the lines
of the Pittman Bill but which left
more discretion to the President."
The American people are not as
aloof in regard to matters outside
the United States as is often as-
sumed, Professor Calderwood be-
lieves. "We have a direct interest in
preventing war, no matter where it
may take place or who may be in-
volved," he added.
Natural Science Building at 7 p.m.
on Wednesday, March 10. Topic:
"The Origin of Salt Domes and Their
Gypsum and Anhydrite Caps," by
R. Northup and N. Rockwood.
The Graduate Education Club will
meet in the library of the University
Elementary School on Wednesday,
March 10, at 4 p.m. At this time
various aspects of the recent meeting
of the Department of Superinten-
dence of the N.E.A. held in New Or-
leans willbe presented by Professors
Edmonson, Woody and Fraser of the
School of Education and Mr. Kin-
dred of the University High School.
All graduate Education students are
invited to attend.
Mechanical Engineers: The stu-
dent branch of the ASME is to hold
a meeting Wednesday evening, March
10. at 7:30 in the Michigan Union.
Mr. A. I. Butler of the Transportation
Dept. of the General Electric Com-
pany will speak on "Diesel Electric
Transportation." His talk will be
illustrated with motion pictures and
Mechanical Engineering students
are reminded that March 10 is the
last day for turning in application
blanks for student membership for
the year 1937. Those students in-
terested should come to the meeting
or see one of the officers.
Alpha Nu: There will be a meeting
on Wednesday evening, March 10, at
7:30 p.m. This meeting will be de-
voted, in part, to the giving of try-
out speeches by men interested in
the organization. All new men wish-
ing to give a tryout speech should
prepare a speech on any subject.
Theseshould be about three minutes
in length and the individual will be
judged upon his potential possibili-
ties instead of the subject matter of
the speech or the fine points of de-
All members must attend this
meeting as they will be asked to
make suggestions to the speakers. A
discussion will also be held at the
conclusion of the tryout speeches.
They Too Arise by Arthur A. Miller
is to be presented at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre Friday and Sat-
urday, March 12 and 13 by the
Hillel Players. Tickets are now on
sale at the box office. Phone 6300.
rumor A.A.U.W. Dinner Meeting:
Dr. Carl F. Guthe Director of Mu-
seum of Anthropology, will speak on
the American Indian in World His-
tory at the monthly dinner meeting
of the Junior A.A.U.W. on Wednes-
day, March 10, at 6:15 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Reservations may
be made at the League, (Dial 23251)
until Tuesday evening, March 9.
Child Study Group: The Michigan
Dames Child Study Group will meet
on Wednesday evening, March 10,
in the Children's Library of the
University Elementary School, at 8
p.m. Dr.tGeorge W. Oglestone, den-
tist at the Elementary School, will

speak on "Orthodontia and the Care
of Children's Teeth." There will be
an opportunity after the talk to ask
questions. All Michigan Dames are
cordially invited, to attend.
r y invi

Thousands of Satisfied
Customers Will Substantiate

! f

These Facts!

have advertised facts concerning
the savings that can be made by send-
ing your wash to the laundry instead
of shipping it home. As a result,
thousands have taken this advice.
Compliments have poured in from
all our new customers and of course,
this is better advertising than we could
ever do in any other way Why not
join in with this happy group and
stop paying for delivery charges alone
when you can have your laundry
washed and delivered for only a few
cents more !


Price per lb.

00 0* *i lOc

Minimum Bundle 50c
Extra . .1 2c'


(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)

Sox, Extra, per pair .
Handkerchiefs, Extr.



"Have you seen the steel card
files down at Rider's? The 3x5
size is only $1.50 and holds 1000


atch Repairing
HAE a Laer
tate and Liberty





Yes, I Said
10 Cents
For That NEW
A A ft Iv%/IFc

luding the weight of the laundry box) SA M PLE
shipped to your home, costs Seventy-six
Cents for Express Charges alone! On the B U N D L
other hand, the laundries listed below offer
you on their new Rough Dry Students' 3 Shirts
Bundle free delivery and charge you only2of Underwear
Ten Cents per pound with excess charges
accordingly. This gives you finished serv- 6 Handkerchiefs
ice on Shirts, Handkerchiefs, and Socks. 3 Pairs of Socks
Underwear and Pajamas are washed and
folded, ready for wear. Why not enjoy 2 Bath Towels
the convenience of this new service and
at the same time, pay only for the.washing
of your clothes and not for just their COST 99c
Phn.9 1 A r n00

B .

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