TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1937 ENE ~MIC1TIGA DfAILY - 1 dIv -1 1 VG~ f !. aU THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, the Van Nuys-Wagner Anti-Lynching Bill by discouraging mob action will give stern opposition to incipient fascism. I_ Work, How To Like It 131 . -YE... r, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 Membe Published every morning except Monday during the Unversity year and Sumer Session by the Boaid in ontrol of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fo republication of all news dispatches credited to it or a otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4 MOt by mail, $4.50,. REPRE8ENTED FOR {NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. C 1llege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y.' C ICAGO - BOSTON . SAN FRANCISCO LOSANGELES - ORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ..............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR:..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASCATE EDITOR...... .MARSHALL D. SHULAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards eubiQcation Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hiurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. 9ditorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Rbbert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeL&no and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man~, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovely Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER '.................JOHN R. PARK ASOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil. Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newman, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes. Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Fcerries, Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Ada-ko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers ack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsaher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager: Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S. SILVERMAN T GOES WITHOUT SAYING that great emphasis must be placed upon the selection of one's life work. How hap- pily we become adjusted to modern society de- pends considerably on whether we are perform- ing a function agreeable both to our natures and to our social consciences. This week students are offered assistance in the selection of their life work. In two University- sponsored 'programs leaders in various profes- sions and divisions of industry will discuss in practical terms their fields and exactly what they entail. One is the Occupational Information series, beginning at 4 p.m. today in the Union. This program, which will last through Saturday, of- fers the student advice on more than a dozen fields of industry. Other columns in this issue give the program in detail. The other is the vocational guidance series, sponsored by the literary college. Information as regards conditions in professions and bus- inesses are discussed by deans and professors of the various schools and colleges, as well as what professional training entails. Dean James B. Edmonson of the. School of Education and Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical School willspeak on this program this week. During this program, which will last through April, other faculty members will appear. Both programs are well worth any student's time. ITHEF.FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving theright to condense all letters of more than 300, words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Importance and interest to the campus. BENEATH **** ****** IT ALL *a- -ByB orah Williams = BENEATH IT ALL: Phil Newman, brother of the famous Al who wrote "Play and By-Play" while Daily sports editor four years ago, is follow. ing in his footsteps. Al is now scaling the heights in Gotham, working for News Week and Today, which recently combined, and Phil is following the hockey trail as a member of The Daily sports staff.. . Alumni of Sigma Phi were perhaps over- generous at the annual dinner for the active chapter in the sombre halls of the Detroit Club Saturday night. One comrade is known to have tickled a bootblack and another to have acted as the sleeping marvel of a large manufacturing dis- play in the Tuller Hotel . . . Comrade Ed Thomp- son, reports indicate, spent a very quiet Saturday night . . . Alpha Phi Betty Shierson will sail from New York in April to attend the coronation ceremony of the much-discussed monarch of the British Empire . . . Jim Bullard, junior indepen- dent is sponsoring a contest to determine that male student who can drink more beer than anyone else at a single sitting. He invites entries. Funniest shot of the week: Old hens repre- senting the W.C.T.U. snging "Alcohol is just what it used to be" in this month's March of Time ... Jerry Anson says, "Whenever you don't have anything to write about, pan somebody" .. - EVERY SUMMER is studded with certain inci- dents which are peculiar, humorous and long remembered. Here are three from 1936: * ** * August 10- TOPPED AT A HOTEL in London for lunch where the Slugger (age 6 yrs.) tarried long enough in the middle of the dining room to but- ton his pants. Noted a peculiar man with no back teeth chewing a pork chop like a flat-faced Zulu chief. Everytime his fat lips moved his squat, flat nose oscillated north and south caus- ing his glasses to bounce on the bridge of his nose like a coping saw. * * * . August 29- FISHING yesterday afternoon with Joe about two miles off the hand islands. We had pulled in a couple of pike and a nice bass and were deliberating about going home when I heard a punter in another boat maybe a quarter of a mile off, curse violently. We idled over to see what it was all about and were rewarded with, "Damn if we didn't come out to get a mess o perch for supper, bringin' no landin' net or nothin' and George has gone and hooked a big musky. Must weigh 20 pounds." The fellow referred to as George was holding a casting pole which was doing gymnastics all by itself. I looked down over the side of their boat and thought for a minute it was all a joke. Then I saw the big fan shaped tail, and then the fish turned. Good Lord, it looked like a cow there in the water-a good 50 inches if I've ever seen one. The water was only about 8 feet deep and the musky wasn't excited in the least. There wasn't much reason for him to be with just a snell holding him. He would loll up near the surface for a minute like a pike and then with a determined swish, return to the bottom a the reel sang madly and George would gasp "Oh, my Gawd" and tighten his grip on the pole. "Careful, George, don't beef him none, easy now, coax him. Don't beef him, George, at a boy, closer, now umps, whomps, grab him, splasho, kerplunk." The musky went right through the net and tossing the hook with a disdainful flip of his head, splashed back into the lake. A Social Viewpoint For All A American Atavism. . . N FRANCE there is the guillotine, in Germany the Aryan axe, and in the United States the drunken mob, the hot tar, the rope slung over a limb, squeezing the life out of some limp human in a black skin. Not a very pleasant picture, not one to warrant sing- ing about the brotherhood that is supposed to crown our nation "from sea to shining sea." Yet it is within our means to eradicate the phe-- nomenon of lynching from our nation by the pas- sage of the Wagner-Van Nuys anti-lynching bill. - Some vestige of brotherhood may be restored if this piece of vital legislation be passed and properly administered. It attacks the problem at its core-local and state government em- ployees responsible for the protection of persons from lynching. For the crime of neglecting, refusing, or wilfully failing "to make all diligent efforts to protect the victim" from lynching, offi-. cers of state and subsidiary governmental divi- sions are liable to a fine not exceeding $5,000, or maximum imprisonment of five years, or both. For failing in the same manner to apprehend, keep in custody or prosecute members of the mob there is the same penalty. Lynchings in the nation have shown a high degree of consistency for being performed and accompanied by some mysterious inability on the part of peace officers to apprehend the lead- ers or any part of the mob which perpetrate the awful crime. The state of Maryland has had particular difficulty in securing convictions of, members of mobs. By making lynching a fed- eral offense for which even the negligent police officials are liable the number of lynchings should fall substantially. Under the Lindbergh law individuals are pun- ishable for kidnaping. With the proposed amend- ment of this law by the Wagner-Van Nuys Bill it becomes a federal offense to "transport in inter- state commerce a person 'unlawfully abducted and held for the purposes of punishment, correc- tion or intimidation.' " Thus lynching looms as a serious matter which lax police officials will have to consider judiciously. Admitting as few flaws as can dot a legal document the bill makes it an offense for the state and every governmental subdivision to allow lynching in its territorial jurisdiction. More encouraging as a definite check on the quaint American madness is the provision in the bill rendering those local and state officers liable to between $2,000 and $10,000 as compensation .for injury or death to a person abducted from that officer's territorial jurisdiction. If, however, the officers can prove by a "pre- .ponderance of evidence" that its peace officers and citizens used "all diligence" to defend the lynch victim, they will not be required to pay the required sum. Satisfaction of judgment To the Editor: A college education, we are told, isedirected to-I ward teaching one to think for one's self. By this, I presume, a college education aims to de- velop one's power of analysis to where one can think clearly and intelligently along any line. In addition to, being a "slip-stick" artist, the Engineer, who eventually will deal with labor, should be informed on the C.I.O., its origin, de- velopment, future, and significance. How else can the future leader of industry, deal intel- ligently and fairly with the labor problem? The Forester, should be able to visualize, not only trees and acres of land, but he must understand the problems of the humans who depend upon those sterile acres for sustenance. In a like fashion, the Geologist must emerge from beneath. "dips and synclines," the Chemist should occa- sionally peer beyond the narrow confines of the test tube, and the Zoologist might profitably acquaint himself with social problems.in addition to tinkering with physical problems of animals. If this is what we mean by a college education, then the question of whether or not this aim is being achieved becomes pertinent. Are graduates of professional schools exposed to the "social viewpoint?" Have they learned to depend upon the "New York Times," "St. Louis Post-Dispatch," and "Christian Science Monitor" or do they read the "Chicago Tribune," "New York Herald Tribune," "Detroit Free Press," and "Detroit Times?" Are they guided by what appears in the "Forum," ."Atlantic Monthly," "Harpers," "Nation" and "New Re- public," or* do they depend upon the "Literary Digest," "Time Magazine," "American Mercury," "Liberty," "Saturday Evening Post," and "Col- liers?" Do they know the difference between a reactionary, a conservative, and a liberal? What is a Communist? When reading the "think pieces" of a well known publisher who delights in branding those who oppose the "American Way" as Communists-The President of the United States enjoyed this. honor-do profes- sional school graduates discount his stupid utterances. How are they to decide intelligently whether or not the President's Supreme Court plan is socially desirable when those upon whom they depend-faculty in Engineering, Chemistry, Forestry, Geology and Zoology-clamber all over each other in their eagerness to be among the "select 79," while the departments of Bus- iness Adminisration, Sociology, Economics, His- tory, and Philosophy boast a grand total of only four signatures. Who then is better qualified to interpret the social significance of the President's Court Plan, the technical and scientific research men who, dissolved in their narrow field, are "too busy" to bother about social problems, or men who have given life-times to a study of the problems of so- ciety? If it is the former, then I, after four years of professional training, have nothing but sym- pathy for the professional school freshman who comes to get a college education-that is, an education which will enable him to think not only in terms of foot pounds, board feet, grams, and parthenogenesis, but in human values as well! -Thirty Seven, 'Betraying' Their Country To the Editor: I am glad to see, by W.B.O.'s letter in The Daily of March 6 that there is at least one other person in this university who is willing to fight Lippmann And The Court (Max Lerner inThe Nation) FOR TWO WEEKS I have followed anxiously the serialized account of Walter Lippmann's hopes and fears for the Constitution. I had two motives for my religious pursuit. Here, I felt, in these flowers plucked from Mr. Lippmann's corner of the Herald Tribune crannied wall, I should get at the secret of his whole universe. And here too I should find summed up the mature thinking of conservatives on the constitutional issue. In the first I was not disappointed. I found everything in Mr. Lippmann's career rolled up in these six articles as in a single ball. Something in his subject had clicked with him as never before. I found spread out before me the entire anatomy of his mind-his easy expository tone, his dialectical skill, his genius for clarity to the point of bareness, his rhetoric which is always just on the point of becoming eloquence, his magisterial air, his talent for opening his mind to no more of his subject than for the moment he cares to admit, his tone of fairness, his capacity for concealing the impulsions of his thinking while laying bare its frame- work, the smugness about his own motives and the attribution of dis- honesty to others which I can only describe as a moral megalomania. And I found in addition what one finds when the usually cold Mr. Lipp- mann gets really excited-a sort of glacial hysteria that fascinated me by its union of opposites. The second part of my quest was disheartening. Clearly Mr. Lippmann is heir to the whole tradition of American political thought. What use does he make of it? Confronted by President Roosevelt's plan for re- organizing the Supreme Court he calls it dastardly, dishonest, reaction- ary, "audacious, ingenious and at bottom stupid"-an act of usurpa- tion," a "bloodless coup d'etat" which strikes at "the moral foundations of the republic." This leaves one a bit breathless and stunned. It is possible to discuss the President's proposal on three planes -the plane of legality, the plane of morality, and the plane of the me- chanics and dynamics of government. On the score of legality, Mr. Lipp- mann can have no quarrel with the President, except to say that the legality is only a cloak for dark mo- tives and something morally sinister. On the score of morality I can have no quarrel with Mr. Lippmann: he is welcome to his own moral canons, provided he will let others have theirs. Mr. Lippmann should remember that "moral foundations of the republic" is one of those stereotypes which he so admirably analyzed years ago in his book, "Public Opinion," and which is chiefly used as an emotional sub- stitute for thought. Let us stay on the plane of political analysis. Mr..Lippmann's chief fear is that the measure will destroy the independence of the judiciary. He sees the court as being "packed" with "young henchmen" of the President, political hacks responsible to his de- sires. And then, by a parade of imaginary horribles, he converts a statute for~ retiring justices at seventy into a coup d'etat. What is not fantasy in this an- alysis is based upon faulty histor and naive political theory. The in- dependence of the judiciary does not go beyond the constitutional safe. guards. It does not extend to non- partisanship. Every President "packs' the court when he appoints a justice Presidents have always wanted men of their own persuasion on the bench Our greatest judges-Marshall and Taney, outstandingly - have been men of political and economic con- victions, deeply embroiled in politic before their appointment. Surely Mr Lippmann has read the letters be- tween an earlier Roosevelt and Sen ator Lodge on the question of whe ther one O. W. Holmes, Jr., had the right sort of economic views. By ac cepting the myth of judicial neutral- ity Mr. Lippmann misreads history By charging the President with seek ing to change the Constitution h misreads judicial theory. The fact i that every important decision of th court changes the Constitution. I was a realistic tory lawyer who de scribed the Supreme Court as an "ad" journed session of the Constitutiona Convention." Under the new pla: the "independent judiciary," whic L has never been independent of Bi Enterprise, would merely continue it work within new limits on age an numbers legally' set by Congress. So much for thescritical portion c Mr. Lippmann's articles. There re mains the constructive part. Mi Lippmann admits that some of th Supreme Court devisions have dis tressed him. But he fears to limit th court's power to render such deci sions, and he fears also too extensiv a grant of power to Congress. Afte teasing our appetite, Mr. Lippman: finally advances his own proposa He favors a specific amendment eac time a new specific power is neede by Congress and refused by the cour But the amending process, he know; is fearfully difficult. The answer to amend the power to amend, wit respect to the commerce clause on] (with a six months' limit for ratifico tion), and to leave the rest alone. It was here that I really gasper C TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 112 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on Wednesday, March 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. ro Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin: The attention of users of The Daily Official Bulletin is respectfully called to the following: (1) Notice submitted for publica- tion must be Typewritten and must be signed. (2) Ordinarily notices are pub- lished but once. Repetition is at the Editor's discretion. (3) Notices must be handed to the Assistant to the President, as Editor of the Daily Official Bulletin, Room 1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m. (11:00, Saturdays). Notice to all Faculty Members and Officers: Arrangements have been made with the purpose of having in the General Library both for present purposes and for future historical value, a file of the portraits of mem- bers of the faculty and University of- ficials. It is highly desirable from the Library's point of view that this file be of portraits in uniform size. Port- raits will be made without cost to any faculty member or officer by Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son. Members of the faculty are cordially invited to make appointments with Rentschler and Son for the purpose., Any special questions arising with re- spect to the matter may be asked either of the secretary of the Uni- versity, Mr. Shirley W. Smith, or the Librarian, Mr. William W. Bishop. Students in the College of Liter- ature, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in education. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education. Students of the College of Litera- Lure, Science, and the Arts; A meet- ing will be held on Thursday, March 11, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1025 An- gell Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and others interested in future work in medicine. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical School. The next meet- ing in the vocational series designed to give information concerning the nature of and preparation for the various professions, to be held on March 16, will be addressed by Dr W. W. Bishop, Librarian of the University and Head of the Depart- rnent of Library Science. Contemporary: Manuscripts for the third issue should be left in the Eng lish Office, 321 A.H., as soon as possi- ble. Contemporary: Important meetin t f assisting staff and tryouts Wed- nesday at 4 p.m. in the Student Pub lications Building. Occupational Information Series will be held this week, March 9-13 for all students. Faculty and other nterested are invited to attend the meetings., The programs for Tues s day and Wednesday will be as fol lows: Tuesday, March 9: 4 p.m., Offic - positions: secretarial and account _ ing, Earle J. Failor, Comptroller e National Bank of Detroit. :30 p.m., Research Fields. J. H - bunt, Director of New Devices, Gen . Motors Co., Detroit. T. A: Boyd - 1Director of Fuel Research, Genera e Motors Co. s Questions. :e Wednesday, March 10: 4 p.m., Gov t ernment Service. J. F. Ballenger - Dist. Mgr., Social Security Boar [- Detroit. ul 7:30 p.m., What Business and In n justry Expects of College Graduate h J. W. Parker. vice-president and chi g ngineer, Detroit Edison Co., Detroi s 5 p.m., Public Administration,I d D. Upson, Director Detroit Burea f Government Research. Questions. r. All meetings will be at the Mich to gan Union. Bureau of Appointments and e Occupational Information. English 212f (English Literature of the 19th Century) will not meet today. E. L. Griggs. Concerts Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give a program of organ composi- tions by Elgar, Franck, Honegger, Debussy, Jongen and Mulet, Wednes- day, March 10, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. No admission charge, Lectures University Lecture: Prof. Max Wertheimer, of the University in Exile, will lecture on the subject, "On the Psychology of Thinking,' on Friday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Mr. F. W. Gra- vit will give the sixth lecture on the Cercle Francais program, "Henri IV," Wednesday, March 10, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 103, Romance Language Build- ing. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured at the door. Lectures on Forest Service Activ- ities: Mr. A. R. Standing, in charge of Personnel Management in Region 4, and recently Supervisor of the Dixie National Forest in Utah, will deliver the following lectures on For- est Service activities at the times and places indicated below: "Highlights of the current National Forest Program to contribute to the economic and social needs of the na- tion." Monday March 8, 9 a.m., in Room 103Romance Language Build- ing. "Type of work, career potentiali- ties, and personnel management in the Forest Service." Monday, March 8, 11 am., Room 103 Romance Lan- guage Building. "Problems of grazing administra- tion and range management on the National Forests." Tuesday, March 9, 9 a.m., Room 103 Romance Lan- guage Building. "Wildlife management on the Na- tional Forests, with special reference to big game ip the West." Tuesday, March 9, 11 a.m,, Room 103 Romance Language Building. "Recreation planning and manage- ment on the National Forests." Wed- nesday, March 10, 9, a.m., Room 103 Romance Language Building. "Forest values and how the ranger protects them from their enemies." Wednesday, March 10, 10 a.m., Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Between lectures and on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons Mr. Standing will be glad to talk with individual students concerning For- est Service work and employment. Those desiring to talk with him in this way should make definite ap- pointments ahead of time through Professor Craig. Dr. H. M. Wheeler, of the Division of Information and Education in the - Washington Office of the Forest Ser- vice, will deliver a popular illustrated lecture on forestry at 4:15 p.m. Fri- day, March 12, in Room 165 Chem- g istry Building. All students in the School of For- -estry and Conservation are expected to attend these lectures, and classes in the School will be dismissed at the hours indicated for this purpose. Pre- forestry students are also urged to attend, if practicablb. s Members of the faculty and the e students in other units will also be - welcome to attend, and will probably - be particularly interested in Mr. Wheeler's lecture which will be of e general interest and less technical - in character than those of Mr. V, Standing. G. T. DANA, Dean. Forestry Lecture, March 12: Dr. H. d, M. Wheeler, of the Division of In- l formation and Education in the Washington Office of the Federal Forest Service, will deliver an il- lustrated lecture on forestry, which r will be non-technical and of general Snterest at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, March 12, in Room 165, Chemistry -_ 'Building. ,s, of Exhibitions it L. An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in- u cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and j peasant paintings, sponsored by the I Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and March. The public is cordially invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. E I TUESDAY MARCH9, 193 George sat down limply The other man handed me and said, "Damn." in the boat, silent. back my busted net , September 29- L AST FOUR BUCKS on a horse named Al- mac running in a two mile marathon at the Fair Grounds. Twilight has fallen as the horses loped around the track, each jockey trying to save his mount for the second lap. Round again with Almac running a nice third. In the back stretch he looks good, right up there. At the top of the stretch he makes his move; he's being taken to the front. An outsider passes him; Al- mac hangs for just a second and then comes again again as they cross the finish line. We curse, finger two thin dimes, and wonder why in the name of all blank he couldn't have gotten up just a yard sooner. Then through the loud speaker came the judges decision. "Almac by a nose. It was so dark that it was impossible to take a picture." So we went down and collected for $22 and went off with our hearts filled with good will towards all men. funds, the War Department could make our Na- tion safe, except for such yellow shirkers like the "peace" council. This peace council is really one of the most potent threats to our peace. If they had their way we would be a nation unarmed and would be attacked within five years. They are so frightened of the "horrors" of war that they are unable to think intelligently about how it is best to prevent it. If the United States had had a reasonably large army in 1916, England and Germany would not have dared step on our toes as they did. We would have never been forced into the war. In the past our defense policy has been ex- pressed in our national motto-"IN GOD WE TRUST." But then it took years to fight a war, and we were not in any immediate danger from invasion. (Even then we were invaded twice). Now there are three fanatical dictators runping loose. We can look and see what hap- Extension Division: An eight-week Exhibition, Architectural Building; noncredit course entitled "Psycho- The Annual Big Ten Exhibit, estab- logical Approach to Adjustment" will lished to foster student interest in be held in Room 300 West Medical art in the Big Ten Universities and Building, 7:30 p.m., beginning Wed- to provide an opportunity for student nesday, March 10. Permission to artists to exhibit their work, is now join may be had by consulting the being shown in the third floor Exhi- instructor, Edward B. Greene. This bition Room of the Architectural course will be run on the plan of a Building. Open daily from 9 to 5 seminar with informal discussions p.m. excepting Sunday, until March and reports. 10. The public is cordially invited. A cademic Notices Eents Today