THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, System Needs Basic Chanuge, Thomas Holds Favors Industrial Unions And Socialist Program As Cure For Unrest The causes of present day social unrest liein the growing awareness that poverty and insecurity are en- tirely unnecessary, Norman Thomas' Presidential nominee of the Socialist Party in the 1936 campaign, told 450 persons Saturday in the Masonic Temple here. Thomas maintained that the cure for this unrest can be realized only by a basic change in the economic sys- tem, which in turn can be brought about only by strong industrial unions, a tefinite socialistic program and a new modern philosophy to fit every day problems and replace the present "conglomeration of conflict- ing remnants of past philosophies." Foresees Class Struggle The present issue before society is America, the Socialist leader de- clared, is whether we shall follow the corporative, ultra-conservative fascist doctrines or -the doctrine of the collectivism for a cooperative commonwealth. He prophesied that the working class struggle will be waged in this country "in the raw to a degree unknown even in Europe." "According to the Brookings Insti- tute," he recited, "in 1929 the United States had the capacity to provide an annual income of $2,000 minimum to families in the lowest brackets with- out reducing the incomes of those at the top. Poverty in the midst of plenty is unnecessary today." Scores American Way Scoring the "American way, which gives a man 30 cents an hour for 72 hours work per week in a Flint cot- ton products plant with bad ventila- tion," Thomas said, "there is 'no vir- tue in patience under such condi- tions." America is entering a temporary period of recovery, but will not attain social stability because the production for, profit system has not been changed, he added. "Nero did a better job of giving bread and circuses to the proletariat than Roosevelt is doing," Thomas continued, "and the present security legislation will prove dreadfully un- satisfactory because workers will have to pay, as consumers, the pay- roll taxes of their employers." Thomas criticized the tendency to compare present standards of living with past standards. "Saying that the average American has more bath- tubs than Henry VIII means nothing, especially considering that thousands of southern sharecroppers have no bathtubs," he said. Praises Cooperatives During the brief question period Mr. Thomas said that most workers are beginning to see the superiority of industrial unionism, but that this alone is no answer to present Amer- ican needs. He praised consumers' cooperatives and in answer to the "usual human nature question that always makes me weary," the speaker said "there will always be trouble and pain in the world, but if men had always approached progress from that angle we would still be living under trees and in caves." Fraternity Permits GIve 49 Freshlnil Forty-nine freshmen have been granted permission to move into fra- ternity houses for the second semes- ter, it was disclosed yesterday by Dean Joseph A. Bursley. The requests were divided among members of 16 houses. The highest number of freshmen permitted to move into one house was seven, grant- ed to Theta Chi Fraternity. Fresh- men to whom permission was grant- ed before their final grades were de- termined and who subsequently failed to attain a C average, will have to move out of their fraternity houses. Special arrangements were made with two fraternities whose scholastic average last year was below the all- men's average of 75.8, allowing fresh-< mnen to move in on the condition that if the houses failed to equal or sur-; pass the all-men's average during the school year 1936-37 they will be put on social probation for a semes- ter Brandt Named Head Chairman Of Centennial Other Appointments Made By President Ruthven; Glenn Frank To Speak (Continued from Page 1) tian Gauss, dean of the college at Princeton; Cornelius Kelley, presi- dent of the Anaconda Copper Com- pany; C. C. Furnas, professor of chemical engineering at Yale and author of the best seller, "The Next Hundred Years"; and Dr. Chauncey S. Boucher, president of the Univer- sity of West Virginia. Shields To Speak Other speakers include Edmund C. Shields, Lansing, former Regent; George Burke, Ann Arbor attorney; Shelby B. Schurtz, Grand Rapids lawyer; Charles R. Morey, professor of art and archeology at Princeton; Justice Marvin B. Rosenberry of the Wisconsin supreme court; James K. Watkins, former police commissioner of Detroit; Chester H. Lang, adver- tising director of the General Elec- tric Corp.; Chester Rowell, editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, Dean Marjorie Hope Nicoson of Smith college; Conrad H. Moehlman, pro- fessor of the history of Christianity at the Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and Dr. Raymond Pearl, di- rector of the Institute for Biological Research, Johns Hopkins University. Gov. Murphy To Preside Presiding at several of the sessions will be Gov. Frank Murphy, President Ruthven and Mrs. Ruth Haller Otta- way, Port Huron, president of the National Council of Women. The program will be opened at 7 p.m. Monday, June 14, at a dinner presided over by President Ruthven. The topic of the address at this ses- sion will be "The Relation of the Uni- versity of Michigan to the State of Michigan and the City of Ann Ar- bor." The 17th session of the cele- bration will cover general topics, and the program will be brought to a close by the commencement exer- cises at 5 p.m. Saturday, June 19. Student Health Services Are Mobilized In Eflort To End Tuberculosis Scourge EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles on the tuberculin test which will be given Feb. 23 through 27 for sophomore, junior and senior women by the Health Service. By HAROLD GARN Physicians having charge of stu- dent health in various universities throughout the country have recent- ly become interested in attempting to eliminate tuberculosis from their campuses, Dr. H. Marvin Pollard, sec- retary of the medical school, said yes- terday. "Such universities as Minnesota, Wisconsin, California, Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Yale and Michigan have undertaken extensive surveys to determine the cases of ac- tive tuberculosis among their own students,' 'he said. Michigan will give the Mantou test for tuberculosis Feb. 23 through 27 for Sophomore, junior and senior women who have previously tested negative. In 1933 Dr. R. H. Stiehm of the University of Wisconsin started doing tuberculin tests on all entering stu- dents, and then doing chest X-Rays on those students that gave a posi- tive test, Dr. Pollard said. "By this method, individuals with tuberculosis are discovered before the process has l had time to develop to any great ex- tent," he declared. Many Cases Found "Many cases are round that have neither signs nor symptoms of the disease and with proper care respond very well to treatment," he stated. Dr. Pollard explained that if these same individuals had not been found while the disease was still early,. they would have remained up and around and the disease would have progressed. Physicians at the University of Minnesota performed tuberculin tests on 2,500 students entering there in 1931. Tests were followed by X-rays on those who reacted to teh test, Dr. Pollard said. By this method they found 15 cases of tuberculosis. Dr. H. S. Diehl of that university said in discussing the advantage of this type of examination, "had we depended upon physical examination and his- tories for ordering X-rays of the chest, 10 or 12 of the cases would have been missed." The Committee on Tuberculosis of the American Student Health Asso- ciation recommencts a tuberculin test which would be repeated on negative reactors at least once a year, and a routine chest X-ray on all new stu- dents with subsequent check-up X- rays on all those that change from a negative to a positive tuberculin test, Dr. Pollard stated. He empha- sized the fact that it is an integral part of each student's education to participate in such a program of pre- vention. Testgd At California The University of California re- ported that without any special method of finding cases of tubercu- losis during the period from 1920 to 1933, an average of 10 cases de- veloped yearly among their co-eds, he said. Since 1933 they have used certain routine methods in detecting this disease, he said. "It is their opinion that when routine tubercu- WOMAN 'KILLED BY CAR DETROIT, Feb. 15. - (' - Mrs. Annie Tropolski, 64, was found dead in her home here Monday after she had been struck by an automobile Saturday night. Nick Mandich, driver of the automobile, reported to the police Saturday night Mrs. Tro- polski had insisted on being taken to her home instead of a. hospital after the accident. losis testing and X-raying were omit- ted they missed two-thirds of the cases of active tuberculosis, but with such a routine the cases are detected in a much earlier stage," Dr. Pollard declared. Our Queen Won't Co To Windy City (Continued from Page 1) by chorus from Ziegfeld Follies." Miss Connell, who was among the 10 women chosen as the prettiest on the campus by the Gargoyle, decried the plethora of cherry queens, bean queens, potato queens and even cam- pus quens. "The hazards of this Big Ten contest were mixed with irony, too," she said, "because the student salesman who sold the most tickets to the ball was to be permitted to give the "Queen" a kiss and have the first dance with her." t. Breakfast 7:30 - 9 Luncheon 11.7 11 UNIVERSITY GRILL and TEA ROOM 615 East William Street Dinner 5 - 7 Main Dining Room, Second Floor Real Home Cooking I I I ________I LETSS TALK S ENSE! W fHY PAY for delivery charges alone to express your laun- dry home when it only costs a few cents more on our NEW ROUGH DRY Students' Bundle, called for and delivered free in Ann Arbor. Someone in your family is fpaying 76c (minimum charge for five pounds via Express) for the shipping of your laundry to and from Ann Arbor and then goes through the trouble of sending it to a laundry at home or has that extra amount to wash herself. Why not spare yourself this added rouble and expense by making arrangements with one of the four laundries l isted. below: Price per pound 0 lOc (Minimum Bundle-50c) ii, Shirts, Extra .. 12c . 0. Full Dress Shirts not included in this Service. Michigan Technic On Sale Today! Price 15c Sox, Extra, pair . . ..3c SAMPLE BUNDLE 3 Shirts 2 Suits of Underwear 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels COST 99c Handkerchiefs, Extra . Our Rough Dry (semi-finish) Bundle Service for students Ic is eco- nomically priced. This service gives you finished laundry on shirts, handkerchiefs and socks. Underwear and pajamas are folded ready to wear. You cannot afford to send your laundry out of the city at these low prices. (Write home today and explain these savings to your parents I I or better yet, send this ad home - it explains itself!) VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 2-3123 WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company